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Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Like the android that she was, Micra stay completely emotionless thinking on how to make Cammy accept, as the shy maid end of give her answer. Micra then frown and then smile, like if all was a missunderstand Degrading me? I dunno what are you thinking Miss Cammy, but my plan is this one.

First we will go together and you will act normally, showing your happines and acting as you are to distract them, Meanwhile i will whisper to Demonic about what is happening, so as when i show this outfit, he will also be performing with us to pleasure our Mistress and in that way all will be happy. The ears and leash are only part of this disguise, to make this show even more realistic, please accept.

Micra waited for Cammy answer and then looks for a towel to hide all except her dog hears and cover the headband with her pink hair, the tail was more harder, but at the end it was enough just using some of the bottom swimwear to cover it. Of course that the leash was the more easy, so all was ready for their turn. Only the ashamed Cammy could take all this down and make that Micra could need other plan.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

For a few brief moments Rin was the happiest girl in the world. One might even blink in disbelief as the area around her started to fill with flowers that were blooming as brightly as her smile, but it wouldn't last. A few seconds later she found herself suddenly swept up be a pair of arms, and before she knew it she found herself being pressed against on all sides as she was suddenly thrust into the center of a group hug. The short little maid would have noticed Domonic stiffening in response had she not become a board herself, and her tail and ears immediately stood on end and bristled at the sudden closeness she was being forced to share.

When the hug was finally finished Rin was finally able to pull herself back a bit, and as she stood and tried to recollect herself one of her ears fell flat to match the glasses that were now pressed up against her forehead. She blushed a bit, she really hadn't ever gotten THAT close to Mister Domonic before, and after readjusting herself she spoke in a low voice meant for her mentor to hear. "Sorry..."

A slight stickiness caught her attention as she fixed herself, and after giving it a quick swipe with her fingers she noticed something red had found its way to her face. It obviously wasn't blood, it wasn't that sticky, and a quick taste immediately reminded her of a popsicle. So who got her dirty? A glance was thrown to everyone nearby, and that's when she found Mae nursing her little treat. And then she noticed where it had dripped. You could almost see the gears slowly turning in Rin's head as she took it all in. Eventually one question formed in her head. When we all hugged... Did she...with my face...and her...

And once again she turned a bright red. Rudolph would be proud.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

"Uh... no, it's..." Domonic said weakly, but before he could finish, Harriet had dragged her away.



Outside, nothing happened. Harriet was posed with her hand extended far out to the door that separated the mansion from the hotspring. She awkwardly held her pose, until it was clear that the two inside weren't late on their cue, but had instead missed it entirely.

"Well then," she said, trying to recover. "Uh... I wasn't told about you being here, Rosie. Did dad scout you, or somethin'?"

Shortly after her asking her question, though, she noticed the lovely shade Rin had turned, matching the bit of stickiness on her face. "Ahahahawww!" she laughed and cooed at the same time, slinging an arm around Mae's neck and turning her attention to the short girl, pointing with her free hand. "How about me, can I have a lick too? Maybe from your popsicle?"


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

Mae saw the young Rin put a hand to the stickiness on her face, register what had happened, and then look at the angel with shock. Mae did her best to look apologetically as she took another suckle from her popsicle.

Harriet put her arm around Mae, which the angel appreciated and snuggled up against her mistress with relish.

"Of course you can have a lick. Whatever you wish, mistress." Mae smiled and placed the melting, red, sweet, sticky rod up to Harriet's lips, her eyes meeting Harriet's with hidden meaning.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

"Well....... I don't really have anything that I would Mistress to do for me neccesarily, not at the moment; so that "Have Mistress Do Anything" card, isn't really important...... And I can do without air conditioning for a while...... However...... I think it would be nice to play along with her..... it's not like she's asking us to do anything dirty....... Oooooh....... Okay...... I guess I'll play along........." she finally relented. "Just how exactly would like me to do this Miss Micra?" she asked.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

Harriet met Mae's eyes with a little grin, and she kissed the tip before diving to the base. Mae felt the tip of the Mistress' tongue on her fingers before she dragged it up the rest of the frozen pop, flicking it as she reached the tip.

"Mm! These are really good!" She said, brightly, and looked back into Mae's eyes, the same veiled look reflecting back at the angel.

"Maybe a little more?" she asked quietly, tilting her head back, mouth open, tongue out. "Aaaaahh..."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

Rosa paid no mind to the young mistress' grumbles about her performance as she assumed a spot near the others. "Silly mistress, being a flaily child or somesuch isn't my style nor pace. I do this how I do this, even if it doesn't go with your vision..." she thought, looking at Harriet from behind the shelter of her glasses without turning her head. Maybe she should think something for the young lady to change that dull vision about herself.

Once inquired about her apparently sudden assignment into this gargantuan household, Rosa was quick to answer. "Hmm... not father, mistress. Grandfather. A rather polite man, very charming even in his current age. It was a pleasure to meet and talk with him. I still can't express enough thanks for him to make up for this opportunity." the glasses maid offered her reply, letting Harriet and Mae enjoy their popsicle-ing. She was quite content to wait and see if something came of the extremely belated entry of the remaining two maids.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu


This is not just a game, Miss Cammy. Mistress Harriet made this event in an attempt to create a bond between all of us, in that way our team work will get improved significantly. She maybe was also bored, but is not also our work as a maid to make our Mistress day better?

Do you saw Miss Rin performance? She was just herself, just do that. Illuminate the stage with your personal charm. Then, as you do that, i will take care to say Demonic what is happening, so he can act as funny as he can.

Said Micra, as she put a housecoat instead a towel, to hide her outfit. She had saw how Demonic acted between all the performance of the maids and his reaction against the bag full of sex toys and bondage stuff. Maybe he had a particular hidden fetish between all of these things, something that Micra expect after her whole time working as a sex slave for her creator. Also, he was very kind and maybe he could help them to get a better impression from him. But this were just hypothesis from her point of view, but she have to try this gamble to get a better chance to make her Mistress more happy.

If Cammy accept, Micra will get out at her side hidden in the housecoat, she will try to walk toward the butler, as if only Cammy was the one performing, but then when all were busy looking to the Doujin Drawer, she will whisper to the butler ear " Our Mistress order us to make you squirm, I beg you, please help us Mister Dominic..." The android made a pause to get close his knees, as she take out the housecoat and reveal her lewd outfit. ...I dont want to be punished End to say in a seducing tone as get more close to him making little dog whimpers

Here i want to add my Luck roll to Cammy Affection roll in the attempt to try to hit a weak point in Demonic likes and get his help, as also dont spoil Cammy performance

[Cammy Affection] + [Micra Luck] vs Demonic

If Luck cant be used then add change to Cunning. Also, this started to happen between Guen act, so it only had happened around 5-10 minutes between Rosa and the start of last performance
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Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

"Micra you are nice and sweet, but I am afraid you take everything Oneesan all too seriously..... This is just a game to her.... I'm pretty sure there's nothing so noble as bonding attempts to this..... But I already told you I would help...... I will head out now......" she said rather tired and plainly to Micra before heading out to area where the rest of the maids awaited them. She would slowly walk up to Domonic with her head bowed and her face covered by the large sunhat, until she got very close to him and pulled her hat down and away from her face and flashed Domonic her cutest face she could muster, beaming a cheerful and beautiful smile and her large breasts bouncing in the tight one piece with every movement. She then twirled around and presented herself to the rest of the crowd, "Hello! I am Cammy Hart! I enjoy long baths, drawing, manga, anime, eating and cleaning! There's really not much more to say about myself. I hope to become fast friends with every maid here and the other people of the mansion! And........ And I guess that's it! Teehee!" she finished with a cute and cheerful giggle before bouncing off to the other side of the stage after Micra finished her part of the plan, her feminine curves bouncing along the way.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

Mae parted her lips and inhaled sharply as Harriet took the whole popsicle inside her mouth, letting her cold tongue lick against the angel's sticky finger before slowly retreating her lips back up to the head of the red icy stick, finishing the act off with the swirl of her tongue. Perhaps more intense was the look that the two shared between them after this. Staring into Harriet's eyes, Mae felt a tug of emotion, desire, that put her on-edge. To steady herself, she could only continue to play along with the public displays of obvious innuendo.

"As you wish," she said throatily, bringing the melting popsicle up against Harriet's upper lip, circling it with the red juice before letting the popsicle land on Harriet's tongue. She then inserted it slowly into Harriet's mouth, until it was about halfway in, then she withdrew it to have the redness rub off onto her mistress' tongue before pushing the ice stick back inside.

"It's very delicious, isn't it Mistress Harriet? You certainly look like you're enjoying it as much as I do."


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

Harriet ignored Rosa's reply she played with Mae, the angel drawing a red ring around her open lips before deigning to give her another taste. The Mistress's lips closed down on the cold treat as it went in, and dragged on it as it was pulled out.

"It's very delicious, isn't it Mistress Harriet? You certainly look like you're enjoying it as much as I do."

But as the angel slowly pushed it in the second time, the mistress suddenly bit down, snapping off about an inch's worth of ice! "Yes, it's really good, Mae. Thank you for sharing," The young woman replied, looking up at the beauty with an unblinking and blank stare of faux-innocence. "Ah! How refreshing."

Domonic, meanwhile, merely watched the two from his where he had been standing the whole time - one hand run through his hair, and a small, embarrassed blush coloring his cheeks.

"So! You were hired by grandpa, then? Good, good, he always knows what he's doing. At least you didn't take as long as those two," she said, pointing at the manor with her chin. "...Oh hey!"

Almost as if on cue, Cammy paraded out, her ample chest jiggling noticeably, even though they were significantly more enclosed in Cammy's modest one-piece than Rin's had been in her revealing leopard affair. Then she reached the butler, and spun on her heel, whipping off her wide hat in the same motion, her hair twirling around her like a cape. When she stopped, she have them a bright smile, and introduced herself to everyone present.

It was very graceful... but Domonic stood there simply bewildered, as seemed to be his usual reaction. Until it looked like he remembered something, and he started clapping. "Hahahaha! That was great, Cammy! Like a real beauty contest and everything! Hahaha!"

As she'd announced her intention not to try anything, Harriet was not all surprised when she - gasp - didn't. "Aaand miss number four is our very own Cammy Hart - a lady who doesn't need an introduction, mostly because she gave one herself! It's a shame she's not interested either - that rack is top of the line! But now, we're down to our final - ooh!!"

Harriet was the first to notice Micra, who had somehow managed to avoid detection by hiding behind Cammy, and had slipped right up to Domonic without him even noticing. He was the second to notice her, and he jumped when he noticed did - and when she leaned up against him to whisper into his ear about "making him squirm", he looked noticeably uncomfortable. The final straw was when she slipped off her coat, revealing her leather bikini, collar, and cuffs, that looked more like something for S&M than for the water. "Wha-wh-wha-what-wha-what-wha- what are you wearing, Micra?!" he stuttered.

"Ah!! A one-two punch by innocent Cammy and our fifth and final contestant!! This red lady in leather simply goes by the name of Micra, and she's plays to win!"


"Man. I didn't expect them many of them to be so against giving you a little attention, Dom. Not a single hug or anything."

After finding out just exactly what was happening, Domonic only slumps dejectedly. It seems he's resigned to his fate of being a plaything for Harriet. At the very least, he doesn't take it personally.

"Anyway, Micra wins - and Cammy, since they were partnered up. Didn't see that one coming... But, since I can't really split him between the two of you or anything, you'll just have to stay close together while you're finishing the cleaning."

The mistress sends Domonic and his keepers to finish scooping out the leaves from the water, while the rest are tasked with scrubbing the stone and wooden deck clean. Though Cammy and Micra get a little wet, they fare much better than the others - the heat sun beating down on them from above, while the steamy water and humidity magnify the heat immensely. Harriet at least provides sun block.


Sometime during the cleaning, Rin finds herself beset yet again by the Mistress. "Aw, Rin. I'm sorry for taking your mentor away," she said - though as always, she was wearing a mischievous little smile. "I don't suppose you'd like me to supervise you for now, instead, hm?" She giggled. To anyone else, it probably would have sounded harmless.

Regardless of her answer, the work would continue on into the afternoon.


"Well. That was fun, wasn't it?"

The mistress flopped down on one of the sofas in the TV room - which was right across from the dining room, one wall paned in glass and looking out on the front of the house - once again dressed in her regular clothing. The others have similarly all changed back into their maid uniforms. The air conditioning feels unbelievably good on your skin after the sauna-like atmosphere of the hotspring, and the mistress lets you take a little breather - Domonic coming it with cold drinks for everyone.

"Well, now that that's all good to go, we can look forward to a nice dip outside later on tonight! But for now... hmm... well, it's two o'clock now. I think Nick's gonna be coming in with the chef, so we shouldn't worry about that... I dunno, how's a break sound?"

"Oh, speak of the devil."

Out the big window in front, the limo could be clearly seen driving up the long road from the outside.


"Hahahahaha... so then..."

Sammy shared the trip to the Jones' new mansion with a curvy and very well endowed Black woman wearing a chef's outfit, who'd introduced herself as Alivia Beauchamp. A simple hello from the alien seemed to be the figurative key to the floodgate; she did -not- stop talking. Still, she was lively and friendly, and there were worse people to be stuck in a car with. Probably. At any rate, whether she was enjoying the woman's company or not, she'd be relieved of her soon.

"Anyway... it's such an honor to be cookin' for the... Joneses. Jones? Jones Family. I hear it's just one of the daughters here, but that's just as good, right? Oh, say, anythin' you might wanna eat tonight?"


"Oh, you're here too, Sammy? Cool, just come on down to the sitting room, we're figuring out what to do next right now. It's by the main entrance, on the left - just go down the hall and it's right at the end." Harriet hung up, and Sammy put her cellphone away. She stood in the garage, the driver Nick unloading her bags. Alivia had already gone off, to start preparing dinner.

Micra rolls a 5. With her cunning of 2, it comes out a 10! Combined with her more than suggestive approach and her sudden appearance, she gets a good spook out of Dom.
Harriet finds this hilarious.

Cammy rolls a 2. Her Affection of 4 brings that up to a respectable 8 - not very good in comparison with the other scores, but Dom was suitably not flipping out to remember what Mae told him.
No giggles from Harriet.

I'll be honest, this one was mostly roleplay-based. ._. The dice affected your overall impact with your chosen action - Rosa's 18 meaning "great first impression", etc - but more important winning-wise was Harriet's reaction, which was based on, well, whether or not you actually played her game or not.

Y'all are back in your maid costumes, also.

Everyone without their own yeti like Micra and Cammy do takes 6 Stress.

(I may or may not have tried to fudge this lower twice, and it may or may not have kept coming up 6. Number of the beast, game's got it out for you, may or may not, etc.)
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Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

"After all the hard work we did cleaning out the hot springs in the blazing sun, everyone would probably agree that some kind of cool refreshing dish would be good, Mistress. Maybe some lemon ice box pie for desert or some ice cream or frozen treats. Maybe some sandwiches of some kind? I'd think we'd need something to replace the salt, minerals and nutrients that we sweated out during the cleaning. Of course these are just my ramblings~ The other girls are free to suggest what they think would be tasty..." She finished up awaiting the others input.

"Hrm. I think maybe a good shower would be in order first, to get us freshened up after all the sweating we did cleaning the baths. Then maybe we could play games or something till we're ready to hit the hotsprings...... Or....... M-maybe if Mistress would allow we could have a costume contest with her cosplay clothes in the closet...... Miss Rin really seemed to like the "Beauty Pageant" and I think it would be fun to try..... What do you guys think?" She asked uncertainly and nervously, as she fidgeted in her seat having spoken her mind.
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

Mae frowned at the sudden biting of her popsicle. For all of her innuendo with the thing, it was tasty. She quickly ate the rest of it as Harriet went about declaring a winner to the contest.

Soon they were back in their maid uniforms and officially cleaning again, now under the sweltering sun and the high steamy humidity around the pools. Even with her angelic background, Mae was glistening with perspiration and feeling very uncomfortable by the time all the tasks were done. At last she came inside the manor and found a place to plop down and fan herself with her wings.

"Ah, yes... I could do with a break. Perhaps I can freshen up or something. Have you no more immediate need of me, Mistress?"

If not, the angel would go to her room and flop down for a quick nap. But not before introducing herself to the new arrivals, doing her best to ignore her weariness and put on a sunny disposition for Alivia and Sammy.

Alone in her room at last, the angel stripped herself of all clothes and alighted herself upon the bed in a lotus position, her wings fully spread.

"Hello? Archangel Saphine? It's me, Maelendiel... I'm reporting in. I fear you may have been right. My mortal charge asked me about demons today..."


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

"Hm? Oh, had enough of me already, Mae? Well alright, my maiden's heart will be crying for you until you get back," the mistress replied, dismissing her with a smile and a flutter of her fingers before turning her attention back to a very tiny green netbook, that she'd pulled out of her purse.


Mar did not have to wait long to hear a reply - in just a few seconds, a confident woman's voice sounded in her head, a faint note of a fanfare of brass trumpets just barely perceptible in the back of her mind as it did.

"Is that so?"

The light in the room seemed to grow just a little brighter, and took on the slightest tint of gold. Mae felt a pair of eyes on her, looking from an impossible distance with perfect clarity.

"Myriad mortals speak of the devil day in and day out, Messenger. ...But, it is tenfold more troubling when those who speak have had congress with the infernal before. Prithee make me privy to thy worrisome circumstance."
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Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

"Wow, this woman can talk A LOT," Sammy thinks to herself during the car drive, though that doesn't stop the alien girl from listening intently and nodding or agreeing with Alivia when her input seems to be needed.

Bidding the woman fare well Sammy steps out of the car and pockets her phone. Once her bags had been taken out of the car Sammy thanks the driver, picks them up and slowly makes her way to the sitting room, admiring the home of her families savior.

"H-hi," is all Sammy can muster as a greeting as she enters the sitting room, her face turning slightly red at the large collection of humans. While she was used to dealing with them Sammy had not spent company with more than 1-2 humans at a time.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

Rin was bright enough as it was just thinking that she may have inadvertently touched an angel in an inappropriate manner, and the little show Mae put on didn't help in the least! Even if the short maid wanted to ignore the display she couldn't quite tear her eyes away, Harriet teasing the icy rod at its tip before diving down and sucking the entire thing to its base, then Mae swirling it around the Mistress's lips before pumping it into that waiting mouth, its moist red length disappearing bit by bit until it was pulled back out... Thankfully Rin's imagination was cut off just as Harriet bit the popsicle, and though the girl was grateful that their little show had stopped a part of her was cringing at how it came to an end.

Soon after Cammy came into view, and though she was the most conservatively dressed of the bunch Rin could quite clearly see that she had them all beat. Even covered as she was the generous bouncing from her chest demanded attention, and Rin nearly found herself gawking at the sight. She could tell earlier that Cammy was especially gifted in that sense, but now that they were revealed to the world the little maid couldn't even fathom how anyone could even walk with those puppies weighing them down! It was too much of a distraction, enough that she didn't notice Micra until she whipped off her coat, and at that point the innocent little girl's mind just went blank. She simply stared at the robot, her ears unable to figure out what to do and simply pointing in random directions while her tail simply laid limp.
"Rin thinks she may like it here!"
Maybe she spoke too soon...


When it was time to get back to cleaning Rin welcomed the work wholeheartedly. It would be a welcome distraction to everything else that had happened, and after some liberal use of sunscreen she was ready to get down to business. In fact she was more than ready. While everyone else took a more calm and measured approach the maid with the cat ears actually chose to rush around, a hard brush in hand scrubbing furiously as she passed to loosen the dirt before she blew by again and swept it all away. It was an interesting technique, effective enough in its own right, but one had to wonder how the girl found the energy to keep up at this pace.

But whatever moment of peace she had was interrupted when she heard a voice, and she came to a quick stop as she turned to face whoever called out to her. "Nya? Oh! I mean, uh... Yes, Mistress? Oh, it's okay. Rin can't rely on Mister Domonic for everything. She has to learn to stand on her own!" With that she struck a rather triumphant pose, her brush planted firmly on the ground while her ears and tail stood straight and proud. But then she noticed the rather mischievous grin, and that brush started to lean a little closer as if it were going to hide the girl at any second. "Supervise? If..." Though she tried to hide her discomfort the animatronic ears and tail would have none of that. The ears themselves laid flat to show her hidden fear, and the tail swished behind her nervously to show her anxiety. But this was the Mistress. "If you really want to then Rin will accept."


Once work was done and everyone was finally back inside Rin was ready to throw herself at the couch and simply lay herself out, but Harriet beat her to the punch. At first Rin looked a little disappointed, but then she could hear Domonic's voice in the back of her head scolding her for simply lazing about like that. So when the man entered with the drinks for everyone he would find her looking at him with a cute but slightly guilty smile that meant she had thought of doing something none too proper. Of course she didn't actually do anything, so she accepted the drink without reservation and welcomed the refreshment with genuine joy.

The drink made her feel instantly better, and as Mae excused herself to get some rest Rin thought that was a good idea. But Cammy spoke up and suggested a little costume contest. The girl had to admit that the thought was intriguing, and she REALLY liked those ears and the tail she got to try. She was even kind of missing them right now, but when Cammy said Rin had enjoyed the pageant it made the short girl stop. "No no, Rin didn't even think it was a pageant. She was just excited to have the kitty ears, that's all! But Rin wouldn't mind trying other things..." Even if the idea appealed to her it was obvious Rin had something else on her mind as well. But she was leaving the choice up to Harriet.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

Mae put her hands together as though in prayer as she communed with her heavenly superior.

"Divine Saphine, the mortal possesses a Grimoire of unknown origin, pertaining to the discussion of specific types of demons and fallen. It is an old and rare volume, and therefore has the possibility of holding some actual truths. I did not have an opportunity to examine its veracity. Harriet also asked me directly about Ice Demons, prying for information. I gave her a brief overview without adding anything specific. I am worried for her, Saphine. I would prefer to guide her away from such subjects without challenging her directly. What would you have me do?"


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

A little grind appear in Micra's expressionless face, her plan had increased her Mistress s Happiness and even they win some prizes. Understand, Micra should also hug Mister Demonic? It must be a passionate one? Said the android as she start to try some different kinds of hugs into the ashamed butler, some of them very passionated and lewd. Of course that at the end she apologize to Mister Demonic and the others.

The next work was really easy for the android skills, it was like a little game for her and even she was able to think in many things and even talk with Cammy. Thanks for our team work we succed in our mission and we even win. Thank you very much Miss Cammy! We must continue joining forces to serve our Mistress, so if you need any kind of help have in count my full support. After that she started to decide what she should order to Mistress Harriet, maybe she would love to be able to rest at her side every night or maybe be her most personal maid.

After a time all the work was done, thanks the work of all. Micra was ready for more and she just clean a little as the other rest or take mister Demonic. For her part, she will love to drink a little of blood, but this was not the time, as more persons join their laboral group.

Nice to meet both of you, please call me Micra. About what to eat, i dont need too much, maybe a lunch and a cake, maybe also a salad.

About what to do, i will love to continue working or do anything that our Mistress order
Said Micra a little shy at the end. Wondering if she would had to dress other outfit to pleasure her Mistress.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

"This is... suitably hot. Too wet for my tastes though." the new glasses maid thought as she fussed over the cleanliness of the pool's surroundings with her scrub brush. It was far more taxing than her older office job had been, not made any easier by the sun blazing at them from high up. Stress builded up rather fast, but it didn't stop Rosa from doing her work, at her own steady pace. "Such a nasty first task..."

Once the laboring time was over, there was a period of changing back into clothes and sitting down with a drink at an air-conditioned room with a drink. Along the drinking, the first break was offered to the cadre of girls. Rosa was more than willing to accept this, and left the room to see her own after the drink. The mostly transparent uniform raised a few eyebrows, but this was of no concern to the fire-happy girl.

Once she had reached the room, Rosa took up the task of making herself familiar with it. Leaving her case of scary, burning or explosion-prone materials untouched for now, she slid it to a corner while looking over the room.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

"Ehh, no, that's really not necess-ah-h!" Domonic squeaked, unsuccessfully warding off Micra's advances, while Harriet watched, giggling.


"...Oh. Well... if you think you don't need me, I suppose I'll just go back over there, then. I don't want to get in your way."

The mistress hung around Rin for a short moment, as if waiting for something, before going back to the rock she'd been perching on. Her sudden, unusually morose attitude was a little worrying to Rin, who glanced back at her every so often... but the little Maid swore she heard a tiny burst of giggling when she turned away to continue her duties, after turning to look at the mistress a few times.


Saphine was silent for a time, but Mae could nevertheless feel her presence still on her.

"Thou art threatened by a most insidious force; it would be imprudent to act at present, lest it escape our reach," the Archangel said at last.

This information is not enough for me to act - if we don't find out exactly what that presence I sensed was before acting, it flee from our grasp permanently.

"I bid thee only to resume thy watch - on that Harriet, especially. Yet pawns and pawns only they may be - but if they cavort with the devil and bring him into their chest, they must be stopped, lest they lead others out of our Father's light, as well. Would it not be a shame if the one you call Rin was made broken at his heel?

Enshrine that you were laid low once by his servants, as well, Maelendiel. Act with caution.

May His Light shine on you, and illuminate your path through this dark hour."


"Hi Sams," the Mistress said as she walked in, waving from her seat across the room while Domonic echoed her cheerfully. "Hmm... oh, why don't you have a seat next to the short one over there? Her name's Rin, she's very friendly."

It sounded perfectly reasonable. From both their experiences with the trouble-making mistress, that was of course a red flag.

"Feel free to introduce yourself if you want. The girl that, uh, just walked past you is Rosa. She just got here, too. Mae's up in her room, you know Cammy and Dom, of course, and that's Micra - cousin Lucas sent her."

"So, as I was saying, we've got a lot of time to kill before dinner, and I don't think anyone really wants to go and sit in the spring when we just spent a couple hours running around cleaning it. A cosplay contest sounds fun... but do we REALLY want to shuffle clothes around all day? I mean... ah, well, it's no skin off my nose. You guys are the ones that have to wash them later. Heck, you guys could even just look around the place - it's not like that tour was very in-depth, after all." Then, the mistress sat up, straightening. "Now..."

"As much as I like the attention, you girls really oughta get closer with each other! I was gonna pair you off and let you get to know each other better, but I suppose, with two of you already gone..."

She sighed. Huff. "Anyway, just keep that in mind from now on."


Rosarita's room was wallpapered much like the outside had been - though unlike the darker, richer designs outside, in here the color was a very light lilac, traced with silver. Underneath her the floor was covered in dark blue carpeting. It was rather narrow size of the room - if measured, she'd find it right about nine by fifteen feet.

It was furnished with a bed, a desk, drawers and an armoir, with a light on the ceiling. It was all heavy and sturdy, like the furniture elsewhere around the house. Rather bare, but all in all not bad - and they'd mentioned that they would provide things to personalize the room, on request.

While she had been deciding, she'd found that practically every other room on this floor was a room just like this, too - excepting a few bathrooms, the smaller rooms (which were just as cookie cutter), and the master's suite and the library, of course. There were a great deal of rooms, empty but for the other maids.

Despite the Mistress' (bullshit) display of sadness, Rin avoids prolonged or intense harassment! Good for her.

Micra gains 1 favor because hugs for Harriet's amusement.

The room description applies to errbody, also. Err, Oni and Kakka need to pick rooms all official like, so I can note it on the map thing.

So yeah. Cosplay, various idle silliness, timeskip (with simulated various idle silliness) to foods n' naked time, exploring the mansion and/or grounds, bothering the NPCs...