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A Place to Rest (lurker) GMed by ranger

Re: A Place to Rest (lurker) GMed by ranger

"Okay Mithral some of the boys will make sure you stay safe. Remember once you attack you need to keep moving but if you outpace the creatures they would just return and the assault party would be wiped out." It was a large satyr who had spoke. "Ill have a troll and a few of my boys with you to make sure you stay safe Sadly the rest of us will be needed to attack the building. Meet your group at the edge of the city it will be clear of enemies. Make any preparations you want or need we will attack withing the hour."
Re: A Place to Rest (lurker) GMed by ranger

Mithral nodded, quietly going to her post and mulling over the spells and abilities available to her. She wound't be able to summon anything, at least not at the start, as they'd need to keep moving. Perhaps she'd be able to toss some spells over the course of her retreat, but otherwise she couldn't think of much...

Still, she had to try, she reasoned, and hopefully the added assistance would keep her from getting attacked like she did earlier...
Re: A Place to Rest (lurker) GMed by ranger

Mithral was lost in her world when she ran into something big and green with knobby skin. The creature much taller than Mithral looked down at the mage and smiled with a toothy grin. "Top of the morning capn. I hears we gonna smash us some baddies." The tall green man was dressed in shiny mail and had a silver bastard sword in one hand. He looked fierce but Mithril felt oddly safe with him around. A couple small reptillian looking creatures in leather armor peaked around the massive mans legs. Each had coppery tinted scales and a crossbow. "Oh don't mind these two. Nic and Nac please introduces yourselves you clods." The littled kobolds said nothing but looked at Mithral with wide eyes. Four satyrs also where in the party but they where busy prepping gear and discussing tactics.
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Re: A Place to Rest (lurker) GMed by ranger

The mass of what Mithral assumed was one of the trolls caught the dragonkin by surprise, and and she almost fell backwards, only to catch herself before she fell over. "R-right..." she responded, bowing her head a bit at the creature's response. "Wait, captain? I barely know enough to keep myself out of trouble..." she reasoned, more to herself, while also thinking of what spells she can try to use still.
Re: A Place to Rest (lurker) GMed by ranger

"Okay boys da capn is here!" The four satyrs raised an eyebrow before heading over to join the group. "Now whad I hear is we is gonna smash da filthy alien scum as a diversion for da main force. Now Nic and Nac being our youngest boys are gonna stick with me and da capn. Da capn is supposed to be our artillery draw out da scum so shes da boss got it." The four satyrs nodded at the troll unwilling to argue with the heavily armed creature. "Now I want you boys to take some sniping positions on the buildings to knock down any flyers and to keep any of da scum from escaping threw side streets got me." The satyrs nodded again. "Alright capn unless you got anything to add we should get into position." The troll looked at Mithral and waited for her response.

If the troll's way of speaking is to annoying Ill stop just let me know.
Re: A Place to Rest (lurker) GMed by ranger

If the troll's way of speaking is to annoying Ill stop just let me know.

Trust me, the troll is the best part :p It's fine Rangerz

For being the captain, Mithral sure felt like the backseat role, which admittedly was a good thing considering her concerns. Even still, a part of her was getting optimistic, and quietly she plotted her plan of attack, hoping what she had in mind would work. "I-I think I know what I'm doing, yes..." she replied, her ears twitching a bit in agitation and thought.
Re: A Place to Rest (lurker) GMed by ranger

"Good, good lets get moving boys da scum won't kill themselfs" The unnamed troll lead her mismatched band threw some very deserted side streets and many of the windows Mithral looked in still had the signs of recent activity food on plates or toys on the ground even wash in baskets on the line. It appeared the the town was completely caught off guard when the invaders attacked. Still after a short while the Satyrs broke off disappearing down different side streets likely getting into position. Meanwhile Nic and Nac just looked at Mithral with wide eyed wonder before the troll stopped behind a building and crouched down. "Okay capn da target is just around da corner. You ready?"
Re: A Place to Rest (lurker) GMed by ranger

With a determined look, Mithral nodded, gripping her staff and prepping her mind for the assault. "As I'll ever be," she stated, feeling her magic start to pool, but not quite ready to release it yet.
Re: A Place to Rest (lurker) GMed by ranger

The troll nodded at Mithral and pulled a strange object from one of his pockets. "Okay capn get ready on my count of 3." Nic and Nac readied there bows loading bolts and standing at the ready. "One" the troll put a finger threw a metal ring at the top of the strange sphere in his hand. "Two" Mithral waited her nerves on edge her magics at the ready. "Three!" the troll whipped around the corner pulling the pin on the object and tossing it towards the building. A second later a large boom that shook the ground rattled Mithral and crew and a loud hiss and the sound of many feet began to echo from ahead. "Here they come capn boy are they pissed!" Indeed two balls of grey flesh rounded a corner just as the troll drew his blade given Mithral the first shot.
Re: A Place to Rest (lurker) GMed by ranger

The blast made her ears lower a bit at the noise. Such a monsterous explosion disturbed her, but she had a job to do, and as the creature charged around the corner, she was ready and struck, a burst of icy energy leaving from her hand as the enemy closes, aiming for the leading of the two grey blobs.

Mithral casts Ice Slick!
{C} Ice Slick (Ball) [This spell deals damage as a spell one level lower, but creatures affected by this spell and any who enter its area of effect up to 3 rounds later must win a Resistance check against the character or be knocked Prone.]
Re: A Place to Rest (lurker) GMed by ranger

Mithral cast Ice slick bc auto pass damage 39 (3+1+3+6) dc 16 of fall prone
Mithral kills both grabbers instantly
Grabber 3 and 4 show up resistance to fall 34,34 vs 16 pass
Nic and Nac fire auto hit 21 and 17 damage gabber 3 dies
Troll kills number 4 outright

Mithral conjured up an icy sphere and let it loose into the midst of the grabbers where it exploded with icy force. At first it seemed that nothing happened until the two invader spawn slid into the wall cracking open. Nic and Nac cheered just as two more of the nasty critters rounded the corner easily navigating the icy slick Mithral's spell had left in its wake. The two kobold however both unloaded their rifles (my mistake they have bolt action rifles instead of crossbows) into the one causing twin fountains of gore to spew forth dropping the creature while the troll heaved his hefty blade and sliced the other clean in two. "Get ready capn more are commin!" Indeed mithral could hear more foot falls and hear the twang of arrows seemed like they had just poked a bee hive and where about to get stung.
Re: A Place to Rest (lurker) GMed by ranger

Mithral winced a bit at the sudden sound of a LOT of enemies. "Well we were hunting trouble, I guess we found its..." she remarked, and very swiftly focused again, hoping the ice would at least slow some of them up, and quickly summoned her energies, shooting for the same trick she had tried earlier... with a twist.

Elemental tiem!
Call Ice Elemental (Summon) [This creature gets the Hard Hitter, Exceptional and 2x the Pain Resistant Talents.]
Re: A Place to Rest (lurker) GMed by ranger

Status (sorry I forgot to post it last time)
Mithral: 47/47hp 46/52ep 49/49pp
Nic: Max
Nac: Max
Troll: Max

Mithral trys to summon an elemental bc auto pass
Ice elemental body 28 av 12 +28 att and 2d12+9 damage
Grabber spawn 5-7 attempt resist falling prone 31,34,18 vs 16 success!
Adult grabber attempts resist falling prone auto success
Nic fires at enemies Hit grabber 5 18 damage
Nac fires at enemies Hit grabber 5 25 damage grabber 5 dies
Troll attacks Hit grabber 6 65 damage grabber 6 dies
Grabber 7 attacks troll 38 vs 45 miss
Adult grabber attacks troll 43 vs 45 miss

Mithral felt her energies flow and coalesce into the icy form of an elemental. It was a shimmering thing made of ice which sparkled in the sun. However Mithral's attention was diverted to the battle at hand as 4 more grabbers rounded the corner one far bigger than the rest. The group easily passed the ice slick and launched their attack only to have two of their number cut down by Nic, Nac, and the troll. The survivors launched their slimy tendrils at the troll who easily dodged out of the way. Things where going well but the foot falls of even more enemies where headed their way.
Re: A Place to Rest (lurker) GMed by ranger

Mithral was now entirely focused on the task at hand, between watching her allies and preparing her own combat magics. As the next squad comes across her line of sight, she very swiftly moved her hands, enacting two spells at the incoming horde before much more could be done to her allies.

Mith activates the feat 'Quicken Spell' and casts Ice Ray at the Adult Grabber, with Freeze aimed at one of the smaller ones

Quicken Spell Pay 4 EP and take -10 penalty to casting to cast an additional spell per round. Other activated metamagic feats cannot be used in the same turn as this metamagic feat.
[Lvl1] {C} Freeze (Ball) [Creatures hit by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or become Weakened. The caster takes a -8 penalty to this check.]
[Lvl2] {C} Ice Ray (Line) [None]
Re: A Place to Rest (lurker) GMed by ranger

*reality alters slightly as the GM realized he oopsed some stuff


Mithral: 47/47hp 40/52ep 49/49pp
Nic: Max
Nac: Max
Troll: Max

Mithral casts two spells at -10 both succeed
Enemy reinforcements arrive resistance vs ice slick :23,21,21,26 vs 21,31,29,22 two fail and are knocked prone
Mithral ice ball 56 vs 40 HIT! 10 damage
Reinforcements resistance vs weakened: 40,27,38,28 vs 27,16,30,21 all succeed
Mithral lights up the reinforcements 44 vs 40 HIT! 36 damage vs two killing them both
Troll attacks AG1 HIT and kills
Nic and Nac attack GS7 HIT and kills
Ice elemental moves forward and attacks AG 4 56 vs 40 hit! 30damage kills AG 4
AG 5 gets up from prone

AG 5 30/40hp

So far Mithrils plan was going well and it was hard to imagine her Fae allies being worried about this assault. Having a much higher confidence Mithral timed her next attack right as a group of the large tentacle beast rounded the corner. Thankfully her slick had enough oomph left in it to send two of the things skidding into a wall. However Mithral wouldn't enjoy the humorous sight for long as she let loose an icy ball catching the reinforcements dead on. This was paired with an razor sharp icy blade that she sent hurtling in the direction of her foes. Unfortunately the position of her allies limited her targets for this attack but it still proved fatal for two of the invaders. Meanawhile Nic and Nac helped the troll with one of his tentacle monsters quickly blasting it to bits while the troll smashed the other to goo which was quickly followed by her ice elemental killing one more with its icy fists.

Yes things where going really well and maybe the dragon was all to pleased but some heavy foot falls soon brought her back to task. Something big was coming.
Re: A Place to Rest (lurker) GMed by ranger

With one foe left standing, Mithral frowned at the footfalls, and instead of attacking steeled herself, trusting either the construct or her allies to finish it off. "This isn't right... this is way too easy," she retorted, frowning deeply.

Pass on combat roll, between Nick, Nack, the Troll and the Ice Elemental the survivor will get destroyed, more then likely. It's the footfalls that's best to save strength.
Re: A Place to Rest (lurker) GMed by ranger

Mithral waited for her new foe to approach while her allies quickly dispatched the remaining foe. She didn't have to wait for long though as one of the two story buildings where smashed apart by some massive grey fleshed 6 eyed monstrosity. Sadly the thing was hardly alone as more of the large tentacle beasts had followed behind it. The troll looked up at the monster with equal parts fear and excitement. "Well shite Capn looks liked dem invaders brought the da big guns to play." The creature bellowed a challenge out to the little assault group who simply readied their weapons.
Re: A Place to Rest (lurker) GMed by ranger

Mithral paled at the gigantic creature that just barreled through one of the earlier houses. "By the goddess..." she muttered, open-mouthed, before closing her trap and getting a look of determination. She wasn't done yet, it was time to fight again. Charging an attack, released a powerful burst of magic at the oversized foe!

Mithral uses Empowered Cone of Cold! It can be super effective plox?
Lvl 4 - {C} Cone of Cold (Cone) [Creatures affected by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or become Weakened.]
Primary target is oversized alien D:
Empower Spell - May pay 8 EP to make chosen spell effect +3 Levels
Re: A Place to Rest (lurker) GMed by ranger

Mithral casts empowered cone of cold -14ep: BC auto success Mithral spent 4 ep more than her spirit ceiling and take 4hp and 4ep damage as a result
Attack 54 hits all dodges: 224 damage..... (gm /quites)
Mithral killed them all and I mean all
Mithral: 43/47hp 20/52ep 49/49pp -8to bc due to taking damage this round
Nic: Max wet their pants
Nac: Max wet their pants
Troll: Max wet their pants
Bad: dead

Mithral looked on the horror and before it even batted an eye she unleashed her power. Frozen death spewed from her hands causing nearby windows to shatter from the sudden cold contraction. The smaller grabbers quickly froze and shattered like fragil icicles. The larger grabbers soon followed suit as their flailing tentacles broke off as they froze. The menacing juggernaut before Mithral raised its massive arm to shield itself from the blast but it couldn't save itself and the massive behemoth fell backwards crushing another building and shattering into large froze alien chunks.

Mithral breathed hard the effort of channeling that much power had taken a bit off umph out of her and her energy reserves where already waning but she had done it. She had bested the massive beast and it would threaten them no more. However a high pitched scream that hurt her ears echoed around them. It looked like she had pissed something off. "Uh capn don't forget da plan. Now might be a good time to fall back."
Re: A Place to Rest (lurker) GMed by ranger

...Right. No more using Empowered on level 2-5 spells for around 500 exp gain D:

Having focused so much on what was sure to be the last spell she ever cast, Mithral was surprised to find herself not only relatively unharmed, but still conscious. The amount of energy drained from her definitely was felt, though, and she slowly got herself up, only to stare in shock at the damage.

"D-did I-?!?"

The awe that companions may have been showing her was further reflected in her own eyes, having never pulled off a spell of that magnitude before. Even still, the troll was right. "Y-yes, we need to retreat... I think that more then anything will get their attention," she stated shakily, ready to follow the other three in a hasty retreat.