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AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
Reputation score
(Alternate Title: Another futile attempt by RK to raise his activity on ULMF)

Short explanation: I am making a CYOAS. Think of it as a trainwreck in slowmotion. There'll be a 'Wizard' protagonist that'll mostly sit around doing nothing but researching spells(unless I make something vaguely more interesting about that), and a 'Hero' protagonist whom we'll be following and deciding orders for the most.

This CYOAS will be based on "Return of the Lizards" for Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic, wether this is a good or poor choice to make a CYOAS upon I dont know, but I'm gonna try anyways.

Short story: The Draconian and Lizardfolk, among other races, have been enslaved by a Nomad(Desert barbarian) empire, now holing up in murky swamps as their last refuge, hoping for 'the chosen one' to come and bust em out with sorcerous magics so they can not only regain true freedom, but also enslave both the Nomads and other slave races if they're feeling greedy. Or free them, but that'd be a waste of good slaves.

1) Follow original story: A Foreign King/Queen who got his/her kingdom sacked by an enemy king and is now on the run for greener pastures. (Races 1 to 5)
2) A rising ruler of draco-/lizardkin, fed up with procastrinating and wants to get shit done. (Races 6+)


1) Male
2) Female
3) Herm

1) Human
2) Tigran
3) Elf
4) Orc
5) Nomad

6) Draconian
a) Plain(Humanoid dragon, wings)
b) Crusher(Big wingless brute)

7) Lizardfolk
a) Plain(Human sized)
b) Dinosaur(Large sized, also specify kind)

8) Naga
9) Hydra
10) Frog
11) Other form of reptile/amphibian/serpent/dragonoid

-Spheres of Magic(Optional)-
Pick out 2-3 spheres of magic for the wizard, mostly this will determine what fun, fuckable, summons we can bring into play, wooh!
Life (Fairies, Unicorns, Angel)
Death (Spider, Dark Angel)
Fire (Hellhound, Efreet, Fire Elemental)
Water (Lurker(frog), Water Dancer(frog-like), Water Elemental)
Earth (Minotaur, Basilisk, Earth Elemental)
Air (Giant Eagle, Ball of Light, Air Elemental)


1) Male
2) Female
3) Herm

1) Draconian
a) Plain(Humanoid dragon, wings)Crusher
b) Crusher(Big wingless brute)

2) Lizardfolk
a) Plain(Human sized)
b) Dinosaur(Large sized, also specify kind)

3) Naga
4) Hydra
5) Frog
6) Other form of reptile/amphibian/serpent/dragonoid

1) Warrior
2) Shaman
3) Hunter

1) Offense
2) Defense
3) Leadership
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Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS


Who is the wizard?
2) Rising Ruler of Draco/Lizardfolk kind.

Draconian, human sized with wings.
Earth, for sheer strength of assistants.
Air, for rapid transport.

The Hero:
Female or Male, not too bothered. (Really helpful.)
Human sized Lizardfolk.
Hunter with Leadership - I think that makes sense, if he/she is acting for the wizard as the physical force behind the rise of the Lizardfolk, self-sufficient Icon?
Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS

Story: 1!

@Wizard: Female human, using water and life.

@Hero: Male normal lizardfolk, a warrior specialized for leadership.
Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS

Story 1

Wizard protagonist
Water and life earth sounds good

Primary Hero
Plain lizard folk
Hunter Leadership.
Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS

Story 2.

Wizard: Herm, Naga. Death/Life/Earth.

Hero: Herm, Lamia. Hunter with Leadership.
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Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS

Awsm huh.

This is the first game, right? I only had Age of Wonders 2. It ran pretty bad too, so I never actually got to play it... :\

Wizzad: Who 2, Sex 3, Race 8, Life Death, maybe Air also. Have either angels or dark angels immediately defect upon summoning. Fun times.

Hero: Hmm...
Sex 1, Race 2a (as fun as a ballista-shooting dinosaur would be I'm going to assume that's not allowed), Class 3, Spec 3.
Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS


Water and Life

Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS

My votes, despite not having a clue what Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic is. :D

Who is the wizard?
1) Follow original story: A Foreign King/Queen who got his/her kingdom sacked by an enemy king and is now on the run for greener pastures. (Races 1 to 5)

Wizard protagonist

2) Female
1) Human
3) Elf

Spheres of Magic
Life (Fairies, Unicorns, Angel)
Death (Spider, Dark Angel)
Earth (Minotaur, Basilisk, Earth Elemental)

Primary Hero

1) Male
2) Female

1) Draconian
a) Plain(Humanoid dragon, wings)Crusher

1) Warrior

2) Defense
Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS

This is the first game, right? I only had Age of Wonders 2. It ran pretty bad too, so I never actually got to play it... :\

The third game, actually; AOW: Shadow Magic. Not as good as 1, better than 2.

(as fun as a ballista-shooting dinosaur would be I'm going to assume that's not allowed)

Not to worry, I'm sure you'll see some before too long.




Water and Fire, just because it fits the story of the map. Or, water and earth, for the mino as much as because earth is the OPest-as-shit sphere of magic in SM.

2a lizardperson



I almost want defensives specialty simply because defence is about as OP as the earth sphere of magic, but we might as well play more to the plot side of things. It's probably going to get us killed really horribly, really quickly, but it should still be fun while it lasts.

Just a general note RK missed pointing out; he’s running several mods to the game – mainly the “Unofficial 1.4 patch”, and I believe also a mod of his own creation, as well as a few custom heroes.
Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS


2) Female

10) frog or other amphibian

-Spheres of Magic(Optional)-
Pick out 2-3 spheres of magic for the wizard, mostly this will determine what fun, fuckable, summons we can bring into play, wooh!
Earth (Minotaur, Basilisk, Earth Elemental)


1) Male

1) Draconian
a) Plain(Humanoid dragon, wings)

3) Hunter

1) Offense
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Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS


2) Female


-Spheres of Magic(Optional)-
1: Water
2: Earth
3: Life



-Sex- 1)

-Race- 6)

-Class- 2)

-Specialty- 1)
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Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS

Wizard is a Female Naga, who researches most in the Life and Fire Domains. Chain-binding Genies FTW!

Hero is a Hermaphrodite Naga, a Warrior with great Leadership.
Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS

2) Female
3) Elf
-Spheres of Magic

3) Herm
1) Draconian
a) Plain(Humanoid dragon, wings)
3) Hunter
1) Offense
Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS

Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS

The votes have been collected, I have made some heavy decisions, and the final summary is...



And now... Voting round two! We need to set up the traits of the Wizard, something I completely forgot about in the original voting. '-' And I guess the non-human 'types' that'll appearify.

1) Anthro/Furry
2) Monstergirl/Boy
3) Beast/Animal

These votes will determine the appearance ratio of above types. If 7 people vote for monstergirl/boy approach and 3 vote for the anthro/furry approach, it'll be... more likely that monstergirl/boy critters pop up. Depending on my mood. Or what people vote for if its something of note. Basicly, this vote ain't gonna set something in stone, but can work as general guideline what I'm gonna have show up in the CYOAS.
We start with 2pts, we can take 1 penalty(bottom 3 options). Optional vote, if few people vote for any particular setup or people cant decide on something in particular, I'll fix this myself)

Explorer(4pts, Increases movement speed for all units)
Summoner(3pts, Increased chance to research Summons, summons have reduced upkeep)
Enchanter(2pts, Increased chance to research Enchantments)
Conqueror(2pts, Increased XP gain from kills)
Survivalist(2pts, Reduced upkeep for units)
War Mage(2pts, Increased damage with damaging spells, Heroes benefit too)
Channeler(1pts, All spells costs a little less to cast)

Anarchist(+2pts, Non-Draconian/Lizardfolk races dislike us, can thus cause trouble in groups)
Bureaucrat(+4pts, Income reduced by 1/4th)
Technophobe(+6pts, Increased construction and recruitment time)
For years, reptilekind have suffered at the hands of the Nomad Empire. For years, they have had their mates and hatchlings, warriors and shamans taken from them, to turn into slaves and forced to serve the desert people. Other races have fallen under this empire aswell, but now the time have come, a spark of hope shining from within a half-ruined tower that once belonged to a wizard in times past. A Shamaness, while young and yet to be tempered by age and hardships, have managed to unearth the ancient magics held within the tower. As hope rises among the dragonfolk and lizardkin, theres still much to do, for the Shamaness have only begun to absorb the arcane knowledge within ancient texts, mystic scrolls and dusty tomes stored within her new abode.

The Shamaness have already taken a liking to the resulting devotion of her kin and near-kin, many whom worship her as a young goddess, while others respect the power she have come to wield. While some others feel contempt or jealousy towards her, as she have yet to prove herself capable of using such powers, even less deserving them. Cheysa, as the Shamaness is named, is thrilled over the possibilities the untapped powers she possess, too eager to learn more to care, or even notice, what people think of her. She certainly enjoys the attention, and rarely thinks twice about accepting gifts or 'services' from those willing to please her. While she is aware of the needs of her people, and is keen to walk the path of war towards the nomad empire... She will do so from the safety of the wizard tower, to instead assist her chosen champion. Yereth, a lizardman of some renown. Not for his strength as a warrior, or power as a shaman, but for being a young, brave male eager to fight for, and lead, his kin and near-kin to victory against the wicked empire that have taken his family from him.

But today was a new day. And the first day the struggle of reptilekind would begin in earnest. Yereth was walking up the old, moss covered stairs leading up into the tower. He was ready to serve his kin, but he had to consult Cheysa before setting out. It would likely be a long journey, and they might very well not get to see each other for a long time. Or he wont see her at least, as Cheysa's conscience, awareness could stretch out vast distances to locate those in need of her aid. It was a taxing experience, from what he had understood. He wasn't one for the voodoo or magics that the various shamans of reptilekind practiced, he was a hunter and warrior. If mostly the former, and he knew his ways around the swamps his kin had been forced to live in the past few years. He figured he'd have to head out with a small force, as there wasn't exactly armies standing ready to serve at his beck and call. All the same, his kin trusted him, and he would do all he could to restore the honor and dignity of his people. Not to mention freedom.

At the end of the spiraling stairs, he finally came to the doorway leading into Cheysa's private chambers, the door long since rotten away. Stepping inside the still dustfilled chamber, Yereth had to restrain himself from sneezing, prefering not to whirl up a dustcloud to further irritate his senses. Burrowed among ancient tomes and scrolls he found the person he sought. Cheysa was laying ontop of old and torn pillows, old loot from raids upon nomad outposts, a few which Yereth himself had taken part in. Nothing but the flicking of ancient parchment, and the calm breaths of the lizardman and the naga shamaness sounded through the chamber, the latter not yet aware of the formers pressence.

-Appearances & Stuff-
Yereth: (Rightmost one)

Yereth is the older of the two, roughly equivalent of a 30-ish year old human, with Cheysa being the equivalent of 20-ish years old.

What is the relation of our two protagonists?
1) Lovers, eager and willing to indulge themselves with each other when possible
2) Close Friends, they may have indulged themselves a few times, but they've settled for friendship
3) Associates, they work together for reptilekind, and anything beyond that is undecided
4) Uncertainty, Yereth is not convinced Cheysa will be able to bring reptilekind victory, and is even more skeptical given her reckless behavior, but is willing to cooperate for the greater good
5) Other

a) Neither is particularly dominant
b) Cheysa is the dominant one
c) Yereth is the dominant one
d) Other
Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS

Non-humans: 1!
Wizard traits: War Mage, Survivalist, Anarchist.
Relationship: 1a!
Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS


Monster girls/boys


Anarchist, Bureaucrat, Summoner, Channeler, Conqueror, Survivalist


4) Uncertainty, Yereth is not convinced Cheysa will be able to bring reptilekind victory, and is even more skeptical given her reckless behavior, but is willing to cooperate for the greater good

c) Yereth is the dominant one
(If it's more appropriate I can choose a) instead)
Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS


2) Monstergirl/Boy
3) Beast/Animal

Wizard Traits:
Survivalist(2pts, Reduced upkeep for units)
War Mage(2pts, Increased damage with damaging spells, Heroes benefit too)
Bureaucrat(+4pts, Income reduced by 1/4th)
Channeler(1pts, All spells costs a little less to cast)

That leaves one point unassigned. If that's allowed, then stick with that. If we have to assign all points, swap Channeler for Conqueror.

Conqueror(2pts, Increased XP gain from kills)

1) Lovers, eager and willing to indulge themselves with each other when possible
a) Neither is particularly dominant
Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS

1-3-2, preference in order.
Currently in the swamp, so the population would logically be anthro, with beastly creatures scurrying around.

*Points to Cappy's post.* :3
Makes sense methinks, Lizardfolk were typically known for their less then friendly, survivalist outlook on life.


Given Yereth is the older one more experienced in worldly affairs, he might not have the same kind of faith in magic as he does in more practical means, and given how eager Cheysa is, more reason for his skeptical outlook towards her, but realistically he knows she is well known and liked, and does show promise, so support from a Sorceress is helpful, the PR boost doesn't hurt.

They don't know each-other too well beyond reputation, and given this is the start of the adventure, leaves much room for change between them, whether they grow closer and such is for the future.
Re: AoWSM: Return of the Lizards CYOAS

All, no bias towards or against any.

Wizard Skills:
Survivalist, Anarchist, Enchanter.

4 b.