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Hounds Of The Blade (old)

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Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Kinda wish somebody could mod out the zombies in the fly stage though...they really get in the way of the flies fun a lot. Plus, they already have their own stage...why have them in another?

If I remember correctly, the flies are the cause of the zombies, or something to that effect.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Kinda wish somebody could mod out the zombies in the fly stage though...they really get in the way of the flies fun a lot. Plus, they already have their own stage...why have them in another?

You could just kill the zombies, there are only like ten of them in the stage.
Wish you could do something to make the dog always go anal, instead of it being random which part of her body it attacks.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

You could just kill the zombies, there are only like ten of them in the stage.
Wish you could do something to make the dog always go anal, instead of it being random which part of her body it attacks.

Hrmm...pretty sure that they just keep respawning. Maybe it was changed at one point but I remember killing a few of them back in the day and they just kept coming.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

I prefer dragonflies over just normal flies. Dragonflies have an actual appeal to them. Their colors, their wings and the way they just fly around.
Flies are just gross. I don't find something that's hairy and possibly just got done eating crap getting it on with a girl. Just ew.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Is there a new update? What's this about zombies and flies?
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Looking forward to the Dragonflies already, the site doesn't translate correctly for me thou anyone know if they posted an update, date yet?
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Looking forward to the Dragonflies already, the site doesn't translate correctly for me thou anyone know if they posted an update, date yet?

Just look at the date files of the DL, it tells you when they were released. :p
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Just look at the date files of the DL, it tells you when they were released. :p

He was asking if the author had posted a date for the next release, as I read it.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

I've been gone forever, and I return to a new updated one?

Re: Hounds Of The Blade

I've been gone forever, and I return to a new updated one?


huh? what?

no, the last update was the surrender/gameover screen.

theres some new blog posts but no real updates.

as far as i can tell anyway, moon runes are hard to translate.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

oh man I am dying in anticipation for the next stage or w/e to be posted :( I hope the creator's interest hasn't waned or anything....
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

oh man I am dying in anticipation for the next stage or w/e to be posted :( I hope the creator's interest hasn't waned or anything....

It's definitely possible since they've quit pretty much everything else they're worked on. Sadly enough =/
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Hasn't been much from this game in a while, but from reading his tweats I get the impression that an update might be coming soon.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Hasn't been much from this game in a while, but from reading his tweats I get the impression that an update might be coming soon.

I think you are too optimistic.

The game is anything but "coming soon".
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Eh...he might update it soon but it's been months since he's posted anything of substance on his blog. Not sure about his twitter, I don't do twitter and it can, frankly, go to hell...but his blog nearly makes it look like he quit the whole thing.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

He update hes twitter about every four or so days. Sometimes it about something completely different, but many times he is talking about the game. How he is actively working on it.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

okay, wel I downloaded the game, is it just me, or is there only 1 level, and no way to finish it???

I have no clue what to do, I beat a gazillion of those enemies, didnt do anything.... (once you get raped it wont stop???)
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

okay, wel I downloaded the game, is it just me, or is there only 1 level, and no way to finish it???

I have no clue what to do, I beat a gazillion of those enemies, didnt do anything.... (once you get raped it wont stop???)

That's because it's just a demo, it's not the full game at all. There IS no end to the level, at least not a real one anyway, getting down to 0 health then giving up while being raped( by pressing "e" then selecting "yes") will give you a game over scene
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

new demo released! the link to it doesnt work yet as he had to take it down and fix a bug in it, says he will reupload it soon though. man i cant wait to play it :D
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