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Hounds Of The Blade (old)

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Re: Hounds Of The Blade

I have deployed quite a few W8.1 update 1 computers and after the the users get past that start menu, it's just W7 but faster, more efficient use of system resources, better manager tweaks, a lot better SSD use etc. Even on the same computers that used to run W7, start times and ram usage has both been cut down, which receives praise.

I prefer deploying W8.1 systems these days because it'll make W10 deployment faster when I can just do a straight upgrade without the users asking me why their programs are missing.

Younger and older users than my generation actually prefer simplicity and not getting bombarded with information, I guess that's what makes IOS so popular.
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Re: Hounds Of The Blade

When i moved from XP to windows 7 i was so fucking pissed that the image viewer wouldn't play animated gifs, to this day i still find it an idiotic change, and i hated it just for that, and a few other minor things, still 7 is the most stable system i ever used.

People just don't like changes, but whatever you can run on W8 you can do on W7, it's just a relatively minor efficiency uppgrade for the average consumer which is not a good reason to spend money.

To be fair the real reason most people hate W8 is the dickish way Microsoft went on about it, same as the whole Xbone mess.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

The interesting discussion of windows makes me always sad cause i was hoping for an upadate snif...

Well, i never tried Windows 8 i was scared about it's capacity to run games cause i use the pc a lot to play (like total war games and other stuff) i hope by your posts that windows 10 is more like W7 cause it sounds like cra... ejem, like its bad :D
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

I was one of those "XP users till the end" kinda people but once they cut the service, I had to decided between Win7 and Win8.

I picked Win7. I did my homework and everyone was saying about how they fucked up so many things in Win8. I also recalled so many people HERE saying how they had problems with this very game and I also went farther and looked into compatibility issues with Win8 and found it was really unfriendly with legacy software.

Now a lot of people were saying that Win8 was designed for portable devices and desktops were more of an afterthought, so maybe it works better if you have a laptop/tablet. But my PC is a desktop and I heard so many good things about Win7 and so many bad things about Win8.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

I have deployed quite a few W8.1 update 1 computers and after the the users get past that start menu, it's just W7 but faster, more efficient use of system resources, better manager tweaks, a lot better SSD use etc. Even on the same computers that used to run W7, start times and ram usage has both been cut down, which receives praise.

I prefer deploying W8.1 systems these days because it'll make W10 deployment faster when I can just do a straight upgrade without the users asking me why their programs are missing.

Younger and older users than my generation actually prefer simplicity and not getting bombarded with information, I guess that's what makes IOS so popular.
The only reason win8 boots faster is because of hiber-boot.

There's one massive problem with this at 'enterprise' level: the computer never shuts down fully unless the user manually restarts or they have a forced full shut down due to a Win Update, which means you're looking at a cold start only every other month.

Why is this bad?
Two words: Group Policy
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

[...] People just don't like changes [...]

No, people don't like having their capabilities revoked. For an experienced computer user, Windows 8 simply lets you do fewer things. If I click the weather app, and it needs to update, it literally blurs out the screen and says "You need to update." There is no close button, and you can't click anything on the screen except "Update Now." Wow, so simple and intuitive. Not like that scary interface with buttons like 'MORE INFO' that I might accidentally click on before shitting myself. Thanks Microsoft! Without knowing how to swap focus using keyboard, open task manager using keyboard, or having a second monitor (most people don't know or have those things), I guess there's literally no choice but to update the app (which I believe requires you have a Microsoft account).

It's shit like that. Imagine you're in a zombie apocalypse, and someone takes your gun from you because it's ugh, so confusing, then gives you a knife because it's oh man, so clean and simple. No, fuck you, this new thing you gave me is worse. I don't care if Jimmy the 11 year old can't figure out the gun. Tell all the retards to print out some "IMPORTANT SHORTCUTS FOR WINDOWS USERS" blogr post and stick it to the wall behind their computer monitors.

Sure, stupid/young/old people are afraid of fucking shit up with powerful software tools, and Microsoft makes more money by catering to them (because hardcore users still have to buy the new generation of shit, regardless of whether they like it). But REMOVING THE TOOLS is a pyrrhic solution for which we as a society eat shit in the long run so that Microsoft/the tech industry at large can gain some unneeded cash in the short run.
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Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Funny thing is, its the technophobes I've found that hate win8 the most.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Funny thing is, its the technophobes I've found that hate win8 the most.

That's because there's a SMALL startup cost for those people. They know a handful of reference points, and generally try to learn about computers from there. Take the reference points away, and they get annoyed and discouraged.

Power users, however, possess a vast array of reference points. Even if you take half of them away, we are still confident we can learn new ones because we've already created so many.

Grandpa is pissed that what little he did know, became obsolete; nerds are merely annoyed. However, it's the nerds who were actually far more damaged by Windows 8 (really, by the whole tech/business culture movement toward accessibility).
Re: Hounds Of The Blade


In fact in my tech firm the general consensus is "Win8 isn't thaaaatt bad, I'm deploying it to all my schools", Me: "But the start menu and metro apps are still shit", them: "Oh yeah, I just use keyboard short cuts and pinned shortcuts.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade


In fact in my tech firm the general consensus is "Win8 isn't thaaaatt bad, I'm deploying it to all my schools", Me: "But the start menu and metro apps are still shit", them: "Oh yeah, I just use keyboard short cuts and pinned shortcuts.

One thing the Windows 8 has is that it uses a lot less resources than 7 does. It uses less ram and it uses less CPU. I also like the minimalist look it has to it, but that's subjective.

I have a good desktop, but also a few slower machines that I couldn't stand to use because of how fast everything is at the desktop by comparison, so I'd just throw Linux on them. Linux is still a lot faster than Windows 8.1 on them, of course, but Windows 8.1 is usable. Windows 7 and Vista weren't.

My metro interface is pretty much just the desktop button and I avoid all the metro apps like the plague, but still... The gains everywhere else compensate for this inconvenience.

After seeing a few of the nice things done in Linux, I also couldn't stand the Start menu, so no hurt seeing that one go. Windows button calls up metro and you can just type the name of the application you want. Sucks that thing is slow, though, they could have it just search whatever is in the All Applications list, but it actually scours Downloads folder and everything. If it was using a smaller list it'd be instant, as it was supposed to be.

All in all, I think the performance benefits far outweight all the problems it has. Hopefully, next version will keep these benefits and remove all these annoyances.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

When i moved from XP to windows 7 i was so fucking pissed that the image viewer wouldn't play animated gifs, to this day i still find it an idiotic change, and i hated it just for that, and a few other minor things, still 7 is the most stable system i ever used.

People just don't like changes, but whatever you can run on W8 you can do on W7, it's just a relatively minor efficiency uppgrade for the average consumer which is not a good reason to spend money.

To be fair the real reason most people hate W8 is the dickish way Microsoft went on about it, same as the whole Xbone mess.
just install irfanview for animated gifs on windows 7.

also past all of this. did this game have a update?
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Can anyone tell me what the latest major update was? Net has been down a while and all I can find is post about crash reports.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

When i moved from XP to windows 7 i was so fucking pissed that the image viewer wouldn't play animated gifs, to this day i still find it an idiotic change, and i hated it just for that, and a few other minor things, still 7 is the most stable system i ever used.

People just don't like changes, but whatever you can run on W8 you can do on W7, it's just a relatively minor efficiency uppgrade for the average consumer which is not a good reason to spend money.

To be fair the real reason most people hate W8 is the dickish way Microsoft went on about it, same as the whole Xbone mess.

But you can just use any web browser, it ain't that much of an annoyance. It's probably to do with the fact as well GIF images have grown bigger since the XP days now a lot can be around the 10MB mark. The image viewer struggles with shit over 3MB.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Last major update was the cockroaches I think.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

just install irfanview for animated gifs on windows 7.

also past all of this. did this game have a update?

I don't remember what it was at the moment (it was a while ago), but there was something Infranview couldn't do which XnView could. So now I prefer that over Infranview. It had something to do with GIFs though. Probably something to do with a shortcut that stopped working or memory settings or something else that was non-existant in Infran. Oddly fitting for the discussion at hand, but it was also something that went along with my Win7 install (which I think I did a year ago).
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

But you can just use any web browser, it ain't that much of an annoyance. It's probably to do with the fact as well GIF images have grown bigger since the XP days now a lot can be around the 10MB mark. The image viewer struggles with shit over 3MB.

It's annoying because opening gifs in the brower is a chore, opening 100-150 gifs in a browser is unreasonable, while you could simply follow the slide show before, and i've seen my fair share of idiotic 15mb PNG images to know weight is not a problem unless you're just plain lazy.

Besides third party image viewers play animated gifs, so there's no reason vanilla shouldn't be able to.
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Re: Hounds Of The Blade

It's annoying because opening gifs in the brower is a chore, opening 100-150 gifs in a browser is unreasonable, while you could simply follow the slide show before, and i've seen my fair share of idiotic 15mb PNG images to know weight is not a problem unless you're just plain lazy.

Besides third party image viewers play animated gifs, so there's no reason vanilla shouldn't be able to.

The reason for that if i recall correctly is microsoft having lost a law suit on the issue on the xp version.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Win 7 image viewer also struggles with BMP files over 3MB.
I take pictures of odd occurences while playing FO3, and can't view them because they're too f***ing big.
I could go and get Irfan, I guess.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

lol someone gave me negrep for decrying Windows 8

If it makes you feel any better, I gave you positive rep.

I've been using Windows since 3.1 and realized pretty quick that it is best to always skip over one OS. For example, 98 is better than 95, and XP blows Millennium out of the water, while 7 demolishes Vista. Based on my experience, if things continue to play out that way, whatever MS releases next will make Windows 8 look like a place holder. I'm not saying Windows 8 is trash, I'm just saying that MS has a rep of going good.. bad.. good.. bad.. good.
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