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DG3 Character Sheets

Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Sierra, the worst character ever.

Name: Sierra
Class: Warrior
Race: Human/Amazon
Sex: Female

Body: 20
Mind: 24
Spirit: 6

Hit Points (HP): 35 +50 (85)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 37 + 60 (97)
Spirit Energy (EP): 28
Speed: 14 -1 (13)
Dodge: 25
Armor: 5
Resistance: 10
Perception: 14
Stealth: 14 -2 (12)
Grapple: 20 +12 +12 + 5 (49)
Spirit Ceiling: 6

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Grapple Expert (+12 Grapple)
Grapple Expert (+12 Grapple)
Unarmed Fighter (+10 dodge bonus when unarmed)
Resilient (+30 HP)
Healthy (+20 HP)
Just a little longer (+20 PP)
Just a little longerer (+20 PP)
Just a little longererer (+20 PP)

Infertile (pregnancy = nope)
Fetish (any non male, non sexual organ)
Hatred (penetration by a male)
Lustful (when not covered by Hatred flaw)


Stunning Blow
Leap Glomp
Superior Grappler (+5 grapple)

Leather Armor (AV = 5, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 3)
Gauntlets (+3 unarmed damage)
Base Damage: 2d4 + 5
Improved Damage: 1d8 + 2 + 10
Foreplay: 2d4 + 5 PP damage
Penetration: 2d8 + 7 PP damage

A former Amazon that was captured by slavers. Simply out gathering she was attacked and captured. After a period of time that she cannot even remember how long it was, she was broken. What became of her was nothing more than a shell of a woman, but a shell that could fight. Her almost feral instincts were kept while everything else was stripped away from her.

What remained was something perverse. After time the fight itself meant nothing to her, she only cared about if she was able to sexually dominate an opponent. It was her refuge from the people who had captured her and ravaged her. This also was what ended up leading to her release from her captors.

Her captors were attacked while they were travelling, and the only thing left was the burnt wreckage of the caravan. The few other survivors ran off in their own directions. This being unfamiliar territory to her, she did not know which way to go.

OOC Stuff: I could change the lore to her being dumped and left for dead/abandoned if it works better. Either way, where she starts could be anywhere.
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Serielle Westhaven, the spoiled former noble...

Name: Serielle Westhaven
Class: Spirit Wielder
Race: Human
Sex: F

Body: 18 (12 from stat points + 6 from Exceptional)
Mind: 18 (12 from stats + 6 from Exceptional)
Spirit: 30 (26 from stats + 4 from Exceptional)

Hit Points (HP): 62 (42 from stats, 20 from Healthy)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 42
Spirit Energy (EP): 78 (48 from stats, 30 from Massive Energy Pool)
Speed: 13 (13.416407865)
Dodge: 33
Armor: 1
Resistance: 15
Perception: 17 (17.3205080757)
Grapple: 6 (18 – 12 from Poor Grappler)
Spirit Ceiling: 13

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Talents: Starseeker (class talent), Massive Energy Pool, Druid, Spirit Warrior, Exceptional (taken twice), Lucky, Psyker, Soul Sense, Healthy (racial talent)

Flaws: Prideful, Poor Grappler, Fertile, Sexual Weakness (racial flaw)

Mutations: None

Wielder Aptitudes: Multifocused: (use Spirit stat instead of Body and Mind when making attacks with Spells, unarmed attacks, or weapons. They also gain a static +4 bonus to attack rolls in general.)

Far-seer: Attacks made with Starblade and Starbeam ignore non-natural AV and Dodge bonuses from shields. The activation costs of Scrying, Void Touch, and Meteor are all decreased by 2. Astrologer's Boon can be used to restore PP or HP in addition to EP. Astral Wings allow flight at three times the character's Speed.

Celestial: Starblade, Astral Wings, Void Touch, Starbeam
Druid: Leaf Walk, Natural Order, Entangling, Wrath of the Elements
Spirit Warrior: Energy Wave, Energy Blast, Explosion, Battle Aura

Inventory: Clothes, Dagger (2d6 + 15), Pack, Staff (2d8 + 20)



Bio: Three years ago, Serielle's life was just about perfect. A nice house, plenty of everything she needed, and her family was (she supposed) well-liked. She'd been just another face in the noble crowd back then- pretty enough so the lower classes openly dreamed of winning her heart and marrying up, but nowhere close enough to be near actual royalty- just the way she liked it. In fact one of her favorite hobbies was to lead a young man on, making him think that he actually had a chance- until she asked him to buy her a gift that he could never hope to afford. Maybe it was a ring worth more than his family spent in a year on food. Maybe it was a trip somewhere far, far away to a place with 'proper' accomodations and 'proper' transportation, something that would take more than he could earn in a decade. Upon being told this, she would openly scorn the young man- though, as her guards noted, there WERE quite a few young women in there, too- and she would order the guards to run him all the way back to his home. The one time she was presented with the jewelry she asked for, she smiled prettily- and then ordered the person to be thrown in jail as a thief, because “there was no possible way that you could have ever afforded this legally. You must have stolen it, so I throw you into the dungeon until we figure out what to do with you.”

The invasion shattered everything. Her people were homeless, they roamed the jungle, and lived even worse than some of the young men and women she'd tormented. Reduced to tribal life, out in the forest, unable to go near her home, Serielle has made no secret of just who she blames for this mess- the same people she used to torment just a few years ago. If they'd fought harder, had actually put up a fight instead of fleeing into the jungle, then maybe she'd still have everything she ever wanted in life. She always assumed that they needed her because she was a Westhaven, and her name still carried weight. She never knew just how hard she was pushing everyone away until... she woke up alone, in the middle of the jungle, the only things left with her being a knife, the clothes on her back, and a walking staff. Someone had liberally dosed her with a sedative the previous night, and her tribe had left her, out in the middle of nowhere.

Now, the only things left to her were her wits, the small amount of things left to her- and her newly-awakened powers, found when she uncorked a rage-filled scream when she found herself alone- and suddenly found her arm encased in a blaze of energy that struck down a nearby tree when she swung at it out of pure frustration. What awaits her out in the forest? What could possibly be worse than this?

The OOC section: Plenty more could go wrong. The way I see it, Serielle's story could go one of many ways- perhaps she stays on her own, avoiding humans for the most part, unless she's forced to deal with them. She could end up redeeming herself and becoming a fighter against invading monster hordes on human tribes, or even ambushing invaders and keeping them from taking new victims. Perhaps she would even reunite with her tribe, having earned their respect and a position of leadership.

Of course... that's just if she finds them again. The Amazon is a big place, and there are things out there who would just as soon foster her hatred of her tribe for abandoning her into hatred of all humans- perhaps to be kept by an arachne mistress, almost as a welcome member of the tribe, until she tries to leave, or takes one step too far in pushing her luck... at which point she learns that you can only tread as far on the web as the arachne wants you to. Maybe she's only around because she's useful- both as relief for an egg-filled gut and because it's fun to toss her to a wild monster and “watch the fun” as the tribe gets past while the monster is busy with her, and then pull her back once the monster's done, or she's killed it in combat.

Or maybe she runs afoul of something much worse- an expedition from a foreign country, looking for specimen to take back and study, or even for slaves. Perhaps she escapes, perhaps she's sold to a circus or show in Acheron where she's forced to fight against all sorts of things for the viewers to bet on and wager- without her powers. It could be interesting watching her run from the guards and her bosses as she tries to get back home after she's forced to use them to avoid certain death.

If you want to expand on those ideas, let me know and we'll talk it out and get something we both enjoy writing.

As far as things I enjoy, there's not really a lot I won't write. I enjoy things like nonconsensual sex, monsters, beasts, pretty much anything as a partner. Humans might be okay as an enemy at first, but she wouldn't allow them near her. A little gore is okay, outright guro not so much. Keep her in one piece, if you can help it. If she dies, and there's no way to write around it or we feel the play has run its course and it would be something to end it on, we can talk about it. Coercion and mind games are always fun, some subtle bondage and slavery- you know, the kind that she won't see herself falling into until it's too late- but if the story calls for it, you can take it harder on both of those.

She's built to be a breeder- being used to bring new life into the world is something she will end up finding very enjoyable. You could even mind-break her into something feral where she believes she's assumed control of a horde of monsters, but they instead just keep her around because she willingly makes more of them... Eggs, seeds, whatever- she could become addicted to being that way.

Something else I will not write is scat. A little watersports is okay, but I don't do scat at all. Hard vore no, but soft vore- perhaps being consumed to dissolve her clothes, or to be transported somewhere, or even ending up submerged in a slime or a slimegirl could be pretty good.

If there's something I left out, please feel free to PM me- or if you have a question or great idea that you think I might like, then let me know and we'll see where it goes!
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Sonja, the second worst character ever. Made for a game with Zilrax, http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showpost.php?p=584755&postcount=165

Name: Sonja
Class: Warrior
Race: Human
Sex: Not enough, female.

Body: 34 (30 +4)
Mind: 14 (10 +4)
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 76 (40 +6 +30)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 56 (30 +6 +20)
Spirit Energy (EP): 34 (30 +4)
Speed: 22 (17 +8 -4 +1)
Dodge: 25
Armor: 24 (12 +8 +2 +2)
Resistance: 23 (15 +8 [+12 situational])
Perception: 18 (17 +1)
Stealth: 9 (17 -8)
Grapple: 34 (30 +4)
Spirit Ceiling: 2 (6 -4)

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Resilient (30 hp get)
Battle Hardened (+8 AV)
Exceptional (8 moar statsseses pointsesses)
Quick (Speed +8)
Resistant (Resistance +8)
Just a Little Longer (+20 PP)
Skill with - 2h blunt

Weakness (Tentacles)
Sensitive (+5 pp damage done to her)
Infertile (not used in consideration to gain extra talent)


Weapon Focus - 2h blunt (+6 to attack)
Weapon Spec - 2h blunt (+4 damage)
Strong Willed (Passive: +12 resistance to control statuses, +2 bonus resisting ep damage)
Sturdy (Passive: +12 resistance to move, stun, prone. +2 AV)
Smith (Passive: +2 AV, can smith own items at half cost)

2H Mace - 2d8 + 5 + 17 +4 (weapon spec)
Breastplate - AV = 12, EV = 4, TP = 50, DU = 4
Necklace - (+10 Fire Resistance - 30 Denarii), Fluff: Stops Fiera from dealing fire damage to Sonja during smuttings
20 denarii

Bio/Description: Given only a two handed mace, armor to cover her breasts, and a short skirt to hide the rest. Sonja is off to explore. Running into a succubus named Fiera along the way they choose to travel together. Sonja the one to smash stuff, and Fiera the one to burn down what Sonja doesnt smash. Sonja does not neccessarily "serve" Fiera, though between the pairing she certainly knows her place between the two. Generally on bottom as Fiera uses Sonja to recharge herself. Wishes to become Fiera's retainer when she is restored to her place as nobility.

At first look, Sonja is a fair compliment to her companion. Sporting a slightly larger chest not very well hidden behind her breastplate armor. She keeps her mace attached to her armor along her back, and as you follow it down you see where her skirt ends just above the knees. Fairly less intricate with the armor designs as her companion. She tends to be the one to let her actions speak for her, and lets Fiera do most all of the talking. Taller than her companion, she is 5'8" with brownish hair that could look darker wtihout any light reflecting upon it.

The OOC section: Made for game with Zilrax.
Initial concept picture
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Rena the Dragonkin
Name: Rena
Class: Spirit Wielder
Race: Dragonkin
Sex: Female

Body: Base 10 +10 Race + 6 Talent =26
Mind: Base 10 + 4 Race =14
Spirit: Base 30 + 10 Race + 10 Talent =50

Hit Points (HP): Base 58 +20(Talents) = 78
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): Base 52
Spirit Energy (EP): Base 70 +30(Talents) = 100
Speed: Base 16 –1(Mutation) = 15
Dodge: Base 45 –10(Flaw) = 35 (45 if unarmed)
Armor: Battlemage's Robes 7 + 5(Talents) +2(Mutation) +2(Dragonblooded) = 16
Resistance: Base 25 + 5 vs. Paralyzed, Stunned, or Weakened statuses
Perception: Base 22 –8(Flaw) = 14
Stealth: Base 16 –8(Flaw) = 8
Grapple: Base 26
Spirit Ceiling: Base 20 +2 Skilled Wielder*2 = 24
Unarmed Damage 1d8+2+ Body/2 (13) +10(Mutation Razor Fingers)
Unarmed Hit d20 + 50 (Multifocused-Spirit) + 4 (Multifocused)
Dragon's Ferocity (1d10+3)*X + Spirit/4 (13)

Battlemage’s Robes
50 denarii


Pain Resistant (Race) +5 AV
DragonFire Adept (Class)
(1) (2) Exceptional *2
(3) Natural Fighter (Unarmed Fighter) better unarmed damage and +10 dodge if unarmed
(4) Holy Mage
(5) Massive Energy Pool +30 EP
(Flaw 1) Skilled Wielder. Multifocused and +2 Spirit Ceiling
(Flaw 2) Skilled Wielder. Dragonborn and +2 Spirit Ceiling
(Flaw 3) Healthy +20 HP

Easy to Hit (Race) –10 Dodge
Obvious (Race) –8 Perception
Open Soul (Race) +5 EP Damage if any taken
Mutated (Race)
Antagonizing (Race)
(1) Infertile: The character cannot, for any reason, become pregnant.
(2) Mutated
(3) Obvious. -8 Stealth

Mutations: 3
Dragonblooded (Race) Ignore first 20 fire damage, +2 AV, +5 Resistance to Paralyzed, Stunned, or Weakened statuses.
Tail (Mutated Flaw-Race) 3 feet long with green scales
Odd Skin (Mutated Flaw-Race*2) Armored Hide –1 Speed +2 Armor
Razor Fingers: (Mutated Flaw*3) The character’s fingers have become long and bladelike, making it so that they can no longer use weapons at all. The bonus to unarmed damage increases to +10

Wielder Aptitudes:
Efficient Wielder (Class) Spirit Power buffs activated by the character cost 3 less EP (minimum 0) to upkeep
Soul's Strength (Class) whenever the character's Powers would increase a Secondary Stat by X multiplied by some amount; increase the value of that amount by 1. If a power would increase a Primary Stat, it instead increases the multiplier by 2.
Multifocused (Talents) The character uses their Spirit stat in place of Body and Mind when making attacks with Spells, unarmed attacks, or weapons. They also gain a static +4 bonus to attack rolls in general.
Dragonborn: Using the Roar power also knocks back targets to the edge of its Area of Effect if they lose a Resistance check against the character, and that power may be used in a Cone that extends out 5X feet from the character in a 90 degree angle. Draconic Transformation and Dragon's Pride can be used when the character is Bound or in a Submission Hold but deal X damage to the character, and Dragon's Pride may additionally be used even when Sealed for an additional cost of 6 EP. Attacks with Dragon's Ferocity can be made to deal an additional 2d8 Fire damage by paying 2 EP when it is activated, and Dragon's Ferocity ignores Fire Immunity and all resistance to fire. The dragons summoned by Summon Dragon gain an additional +10 to all three of their base stats and a +8 bonus to AV if an additional 3 EP is paid at the time of activation.

DragonFire Adept
Black Fire
Dragon's Ferocity
Draconic Transformation
Dragon's Pride

Holy Magic
Lay on Hands

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8+9
Foreplay = 2d4+7

At 4’7” Rena has short brown hair, teal eyes and dark skin other then the green scales covering her arms, legs and her 3’ long reptilian tail.
At an early age Rena learned that growing up in one of the smaller communities in the Amazon was never truly safe. Every month she would hear of a hunter or a guard being lost to the monsters and would tell herself that this would never happen to her. Because of her claw like hands the use of a weapon was out of the question so she learned all she could from a healer that lived close by as her mother trained her in ways to use her heritage to make herself more powerful. Things changed the day when the Aliens attacked. They hit hard and so fast that she almost had no idea what was going on till just before a blast sent her falling in to a dried up well. After she awoke she found a part of a stone pillar wedged above sealing off the top trapping her inside and found it slowly making its way down. While most would feel fear at this Rena only felt anger. Lashing out with her claws only to cause the pillar to fall faster till with a scream of rage it was consumed in black flames. Climbing out of the well and seeing the destruction left behind something in her broke. This came to be because the people she knew were weak, she was weak. Never again would she be weak, never again would she be trapped. She vowed these creatures would pay, but she would need to grow stronger and more importantly gain allies that could help her.

As I didn’t see anything about not being able to I’d like to speed 5 EP on Draconic Transformation and 6 EP on Dragon's Pride just after my character wakes up as long as nothing stops her. This will give both a 0 EP upkeep so I should be able to keep both going all day as long as she doesn’t get knocked out.
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Fiera the silly burny fiend.

Name: Fiera Macheon
Class: Succubus
Race: Part Demon
Sex: Female

Body: 20 (10Ba+4R+6T)
Mind: 40 (30BA+6R+4T)
Spirit: 22 (10Ba+6R+6T)

Hit Points (HP): 51 (20B+20M+11S)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 61 (10B+40M+11S)
Spirit Energy (EP): 52 (10B+20M+22S)
Speed: 14
Dodge: 41
Armor: 7AV (0Ba+7Ar)
Resistance: 20 (Mind cus Succubus)
Perception: 22 (20Mind cus Succubus +2Mu)
Stealth: 4 (14 -8F -2Mu)
Grapple: 20
Spirit Ceiling: 10

Experience: 7 Exp

Cheat Sheet:
When taking HP damage: 7 non-natural Armor reduction from 1 DU, 25 TP Battlemage Robes
When casting a Fire spell: +24 to Casting check, may cast level 1 spells while in a Submission Hold or Bound.
When casting a Fire Damage Spell: +4 damage per spell level, Ignores first 10 AV, if does more than half targets hp, Apply one instance of Weakened.
When casting a Fire Buff Spell: +2 Stat per spell level.
When casting a Fire Summon Spell: +4 Body and +2 AV per spell level
When dealing PP damage: Use Mind instead of Body. Gain 1/2 damage as EP (x2 on Orgasm) and apply PP damage as Penalty to Grapple to enemy. May choose to regain HP instead of EP.
When dealing Melee Damage: Deal 2d6 EP damage and regain the same amount, up to weapon damage dealt.
When receiving Corruption: Multiply Corruption by 1.5
When made Aroused: Make Horny instead.
When taking EP damage: Half base casting penalty
When taking PP damage/Penetration/Orgasming: Takes no penalty to base casting


*Natural Spirit Wielder (*Demonologist)
*Natural Mage (Focus in [Fire])
*Superior Mage (*Specialized Mage[Fire]{Water})
*Erotic Wizard
Succubus Magic
*Erotic Magus

Racial: *Tainted Bloodline
Racial: Mutated
Class: *Lustful (RP)
Fetish (Heat)
Phobia (Blue) (RP)
*Easily Aroused

Racial: Demon
Racial: Naturally Warped
Class Mutation: Soul Eater
Glowing Skin
Odd Hair (Fire Hair)
Odd Skin: (Bright Red Skin)


Base Casting: 24 [20Ba+4T] (+24 Fire)
Favored Elements: Fire
Magic Feats:
Holder of the Secret Fire
Finely Tuned
Spell Control

Wielder Aptitudes:
Hellfire Blast
Summon Demon
Fell Might

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 3d10+28 (22M+6Su)
Foreplay = 3d6+20 (14M+6Su)
Succubus Powers:
Apparent Innocence (Passive) : The character is less likely to be attacked by hostile creatures. If in a group, the character will usually be the last one to be attacked unless they obviously display that they're the thread. If alone, creatures will not (usually) attempt to kill the character, and will instead attempt either to knock the character out or rape them. This has no effect on non-intelligent creatures or on PCs, and characters that display plainly that they are a threat will be treated as such. In addition, the character gains a +8 Resistance bonus when attempting to Charm a target.

Weakening Arousal (Passive) : Creatures dealt pleasure damage by the character take a penalty equal to the damage dealt to all Grapple checks for that round.

Dazzling Beauty (Passive) : The character is perpetually the center of attention, and will always be looked upon with lust. All creatures able to see the character take a -10 penalty to their Perception stat when trying to perceive creatures other than the character, and whenever they deal Pleasure damage to a creature it is increased by +6.

Sexual Healing:

Drain through Pain (Passive) : The character can drain a creature's EP through dealing HP damage. Any time that the character deals melee damage to a creature, they also deal 2d6 + modifiers EP damage, and regain that much EP. Modifiers basically include anything that affects EP damage, like Open Soul or Greater Draining. This power cannot allow a creature to drain more EP than the attack with which it is used deals in HP damage.



One Handed Whip: 1d8+1+10 (+2d6 EP Drain). 1d20+20

Battlemage's Robes: AV = 7, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 1.
(10 denarii)

3 Obedience Collars
30 Denarii Book on Water Magic
30 Denarii Book on Nature Magic
160 Denarii
53 Denarii Gem
10 Manacles
2 Mismatched Leather Armor
Book of Fire Rituals
Sexy Red Silk Clothes

Fiera was born many years before the alien invasion to decadent nobility, hiding their demonic cult activity from the inquisition. While Fiera was kept hidden from the public, she grew up rather quickly and quickly proved to be an unruly child. She would constantly get into things and generally did whatever she pleased. Rather than let her compromise their position, her parents had the youth smuggled out of the city to head out on her own, and maybe try again for a more obedient child later.

Fiera spent her time wandering about, and basically doing whatever came to her mind and mood at the time. She had several close calls with Inquisitors and others who would hunt fiends but managed to wriggle her way out alive each time.

When the alien invasion came and went, Fiera found a world destroyed, one with ruins and spoils to seek, ancient powers reawakening and not so many organised forces to chase her around. A world where she could more easily do whatever her whims dictated.

Fiera is the poster child of ADHD, constantly saying whatever she thinks and doing whatever she likes. She's not nearly as silly as she acts mind, rather she gets a kick out of seeing people's reactions to her actions instead. Any chance to cause reactions, or try something new she tends to jump upon eagerly.

Having spent time acting as a usual succubus and slutting about, Fiera has declared herself a fire demon and instead tries to not be sexual for a change of pace. Of course, this never lasts long before someone is atop her or vise versa as she uses up her energy with her magic.

Fiera intends to gain the power and resources to be nobility again, having enjoyed her brief time as one, but is very bad at long term planning and constantly undermines herself. Still, her boundless enthusiasm doesn't let her failures bother her long.

Fiera is 5' 3" with reddish skin and blue eyes and elf-like ears. She's a B cup with slightly wide hips. Her hair appears to be flame and gives off light as always. It tends to flare up when she get's huffy. She wears reddish robes with a leather chest piece and knee high boots and marital gloves of red with gold filigree. A black leather whip hangs on her side, and she wears an exquisitely shaped steel rose above her left ear, it glowing from her hair's heat.

Exp History
8 Exp- Erotic Magus

The OOC section: Not much to say that I've not before, have no real issues with anything cept usual watersports and gore etc.

Naia Darkstar, a real momma's girl :p

Name: Naia Darkstar
Class: Warrior
Race: Karkastan
Sex: Female

Body: 42 (30Ba+8R+4T)
Mind: 20 (10Ba+8R+2T)
Spirit: 20 (10Ba+8R+2T)

Hit Points (HP): 92 (42B+10M+10S+30T)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 51 (21B+20M+10S)
Spirit Energy (EP): 81 (21B+10M+20S+30T)
Speed: 15 (20Ba-5EV)
Dodge: 57 (41Ba+16Sh)
Armor: 20 (8T+12AV)
Resistance: 21
Perception: 20
Stealth: 10 (20Ba-5x2EV)
Grapple: 42
Spirit Ceiling: 11 (16Ba-5EV)


Cheat Sheet
When taking PP damage, take an extra 5 pp, lose 4 EP and grant 4 EP to opponent, then regain 1/2 PP damage in EP.
When hit 1/2 PP total, become Aroused.
When receiving PP damage from something girly (futa, Female, traps, other at gm discretion) takes +8 pp damage.
When taking damage from magic/spirit sources, reduce damage by 10.
If a pregnancy roll is called for, +1 to the roll.

Battle Hardened
Natural Spirit Wielder: Massive Energy Pool
Skill with Throwing Weapons
Shield Fighter

Racial: Sensitive
Racial: Open Soul
Racial: Mutated
Mutated x3
Fetish: Feminine Things

Racial: Discordant Fertility
Racial: Demon
Racial: Faerie
Racial: Shapeshifter
Racial: Supernatural
Vestigial Wings
--Greater Wings
Giving Soul
Night Eyes
Unhinged Jaw
Odd Skin
Keen Eyes

Shield Cover
Shield Specialisation
Masterful Thrower
Weapon Focus (Throwing Weapons)
Weapon Specialisation (Throwing Weapons)
Spell Resistance
Spirited Warrior

Base Casting:
Favored Elements:
Magic Feats:

Wielder Aptitudes:

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8+14
Foreplay = 2d4+10
Succubus Powers:


Javelins: 1d20+42B+12T+6Sk 4d6+14B+4Sk (Ignores 8 AV, -4 speed on hit)

Darksteel Round Heavy Shield: DB = 10Ba+4Sk+2Ma EV = 2Ba-1Ma
1d20+42B+10Sk 3d6+4+14B+2Sk+4Ma

Breastplate: AV = 12, EV = 4, TP = 50, DU = 4

Bio/Description: Naia is the first child of Neriniel Darkstar and the fae Rhawon. An energetic girl with a big heart, she's long had a love for smaller girly things. So when her mother gave birth to her siblings, it was to great delight she happily dressed them up and hugged and played with them as they grew. In many ways she took it on herself to be their guardian and caretaker while her mother was busy or distracted, tending to their injuries, scolding them when needed, and providing hugs and solace when they needed it.

Childhood was sadly brief though for them, but Naia had little time to dwell on it, as when not taking care of her siblings, or helping or getting close to her mother, she was learning to fight and protect from her father. Naia had the capacity but little knack for magic unlike her mother, but she was greatly skilled in more physical combat, aided by her larger frame.

However, time passed quickly, and their mother eventually felt the need to move on, and Naia's siblings going their own ways. Unwilling to abandon her mother so easily though, Naia decided to tag along and protect her, and the little ooze that's long been a fixture in her life.

Naia has a big heart, but is easily distracted and riled up by cute girly things, whether those were actually female or not. While quite sexual, she's not the type to force another, and is just as happy to hug and dote on the object of her obsession. Still, she has quite a fierce temper, though difficult to provoke, but when it comes forth, she can be very hard to calm down and very destructive. Some sort of great injustice or harm to those she cares about are more likely to bring it forth than anything else.

Naia is 6' 5" with onyx hair and snow white skin, the complete opposite of her mother. From her back strange black and silver wings made of light and shadows emerge, strange designs emerging and churning away at random. Her eyes are of a similar nature, pitch black with silver irises. A long white tail ending in a large hand like appendage grows from her tailbone. She has a more muscular body, with wider hips and a smaller chest than her mother. She usually wears tight leather pants and a soft shirt and leather vest, when not wearing her breastplate. Her ornate dark steel shield was a gift from her father before he left.

The OOC section: Usual things really. No scat, water sports or gore, and we're good.
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Aurora Darkfury

Basic Stats
Class: Warrior
Race: Dragonkin
Sex: Futa

Primary Stats:
Body: 60 30 + 10 + 20
Mind: 10 10
Spirit: 20 10 + 10

Secondary Stats:

Hit Points (HP): 75 60 + 10/2 + 20/2
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 50 60/2 + 10 + 20/2
Spirit Energy (EP): 55 60/2 + 10/2 + 20
Speed: 26 24 - 1 + 3
Dodge: 45 45 + 10 - 10
Armor: 12 5 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1
Resistance: 30
Perception: 24
Stealth: 24
Grapple: 48 60 - 12
Spirit Ceiling: 11

Experience: Starts at 0
Corruption: Also starts at 0

Combat Stats:
Unarmed Single
To hit 77 56 +12 + 6 + 3
Damage 2d12 + 47 56/2 + 8 + 5 + 3 + 3

Unarmed Two attacks
To Hit 73 56 + 12 +6 +3 -4
Damage 2d12 + 47 56/2 +8 +5 +3 + 3

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8 + Body/3
Foreplay = 2d4 + Body/4

Talents, Flaws, Mutations
Pain Resistant: The character has some sort of natural resistance to pain, be it deadened nerves, scars, scales, thick skin or what have you. Increase the character's AV by 5.

Exceptional x2 : 8 stat points

Natural Spirit Weilder Dragon Fire adept

Focus in Fire: The character chooses an Element. This Talent allows the character to cast up to 5th level spells in that Element, and in addition, they gain a +10 bonus to all Casting checks for spells of that Element, all spells of that Element that deal damage deal an additional +2 damage per spell level, Buffs increase the chosen stat by an additional +1 per spell level, and creatures summoned by spells of that Element gain a +2 bonus to their Body stat and a +1 bonus to AV per spell level.

Unarmed Fighter: The character deals Improved Unarmed damage when attacking without a weapon. In addition, the character gets a +10 bonus to Dodge so long as they aren't holding any weapons.

Two Weapon Fighter: Allows the character to fight with a weapon in each hand, attacking once per round with each of them at a -4 penalty to attack and damage rolls with both weapons.

Skilled with Unarmed: The character gets +12 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon

Heavy Hitter: The character deals +8 damage on all melee attacks


Racial Flaws
Open Soul: The character takes an additional 5 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.

Obvious: The character takes a -8 penalty to their Stealth stat.

Easy to Hit: The character takes a -10 penalty to their Dodge stat.

Bloodthirsty (RP) : The character cannot, under any circumstances, back down from a fight. Even if defeat seems certain, and/or engaging in battle endangers their allies, they must fight until they themselves fall, or every enemy has been defeated.

Mutated: Greater Wings, Greater Claw, Futanari


Poor Grappler: The character takes a -12 penalty to their Grapple stat.

Weakness: Cold

Mutated: Natural Attack, Lactation, Healing Milk

Current: 5 Racial, 6 Non-Racial
Dragonblooded: The character has the blood of dragons flowing through their veins. They possess resistance to fire allowing them to ignore the first 20 damage that any attack using fire might deal, are difficult to harm in general giving them 2 natural AV, and are difficult to cripple in battle, giving them a +5 bonus to any Resistance check that would give them the Paralyzed, Stunned, or Weakened statuses.

Warped: The character has started becoming something other than completely human. Characters with this mutation cause any creatures that do not have this mutation to take an amount of corruption equal to 1/2 the pleasure that they deal.

Odd Skin --> Armored Hide: The character's skin has become strong enough to resist attacks. Whether this is through a tough hide, thick scales or skin becoming as hard as steel, the effect is the same. The character takes a -1 penalty to Speed, but they also get a +2 bonus to Armor.

Tail: Has a dragon like tail

Horns: Horns curve back from her forehead

Wings --> Greater Wings: The character's wings have grown enough that they can actually fly with them. The character can fly at twice their Speed.

Claws --> Greater Claws: The character's claws grow even larger and more dangerous. Increase the unarmed damage bonus to +5, but the penalty to attack rolls with Weapons increases to -5.


Natural Attack: The character has some sort of natural attack that allows them to deal a greater amount of unarmed damage than usual. Their unarmed attacks deal 2d12 + Body/3 damage. Characters that possess this mutation and the Unarmed Fighter Talent deal 2d12 + Body/2 damage instead.

Lactation: The character begins to lactate, and any pleasure they take due to their breasts being touched is increased by 2.

Healing Milk: Creatures/people that ingest the characters milk heals 1d6+4HP per turn drinking.

Bladesinger (Passive) - Your character uses their Body stat to determine their attack rolls when attacking with powers. Requires: Any Spirit Talent that gives powers.

Unarmed Weapon Focus (Passive) – The character gets a +6 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type. This can be selected multiple times, but each time it is with a different type of weapon.

Superhuman Toughness (Passive) - The character's natural AV is no longer ignored by attacks that ignore AV, and if the character has natural DR they treat it as one step lower rather than ignoring it completely.

Berserker (Passive) – The character gets a +3 bonus to all attack rolls, and damage for all melee attacks.

Rage – The character gets a +10 bonus to attack rolls, Grapple, and damage, as well as a +4 bonus to AV, but all attacks made against them automatically hit and the character must attack every round. While enraged, they cannot be afflicted with the Horny, Charmed, Dominated or Stunned statuses.

Sturdy (Passive) – The character gets a +12 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to move them, or to give them the Stunned or Prone statuses. They also gain a +2 bonus to AV.

Battlemage (Passive) - Your character uses their Body stat to determine their attack rolls when attacking with spells

Powers and Magic
Base Casting: 30 body/2, the stat used to determine how effect a character is at casting their spells.
Favored Elements: Fire

Dragon's Breath
The devastating fiery breath of a dragon!
-The character pays 1 + X EP.
-Choose one of the following ranges. All creatures caught within that range take (2d6) * X Heat/Fire damage.
1) A 10 foot radius explosion, anywhere within the character's line of sight.
2) A 120 foot long line, originating from the character.
3) A 60 foot long, 90 degree cone originating from the character.

Draconic Transformation
This power transforms the character into an imitation of a dragon, granting the character claws, wings, scales, and all those other wonderful dragon-esque physical features. The actual specifics of how this transformation changes the character’s appearance are up to the player.
-The character spends X EP. They must also pay X - 2 EP every turn in order to upkeep this power.
-The character gets a +3X bonus to melee damage, attack rolls, and Grapple. In addition, they get a +X bonus to Armor.
-The character may pay an additional 2 EP to grant themselves Flight at their Speed for the duration of the power.

Summon Dragon
The character calls upon a true dragon for aid. The called dragon manifests itself nearby, and does as the character asks it so long as it isn't demeaning to the creature. These are only manifestations of whichever dragons you call not their actual bodies, so they aren’t at anywhere near their full strength.
-Costs 14 EP.
-Summons one of the following dragons. A character can conjure only one dragon at a time. Regardless of their stats, all dragons have the following attributes: Melee attack: 2d12 + Body/2, Flight at twice their Speed, the Dragonborn Aptitude, and the Massive Talent. All dragons can use the Dragonfire Adept powers with which they get a +10 bonus to attack rolls. Resistance = 40, Dodge = 40, Armor = 12.
1) Karthus, the Tyrant. Body = 100, Mind = 10, Spirit = 30. Speed = 30. Has a +12 bonus to Armor.
A massive green scaled dragon that takes after the traditional stereotype of his kind, and is so bulky that he can barely fly. That doesn't stop him from smashing anything that gets in his way. On the rare occasions that he takes human form, Karthus generally takes the appearance of a massive, heavily muscled man in dark leather armor.

2) Skytherix, the Blight. Body = 60, Mind = 10, Spirit = 60. Can use all of the Necromancy Powers, has the Focus in Aether Talent and the Reanmator Mage Feat, and the Deathspeaker Aptitude. Speed = 35.
A skeletal black dragon, Skytherix still possesses the ability to fly despite her rotting countenance. She often wanders in the form of a bent, old crone garbed in a simple brown robe that constantly emits a vile smell, and usually hides her haggard face under a hood.

3) Intet, the Dreamer: Body = 30, Mind = 70, Spirit = 30. Can cast all spells as if she had focus and specialization in their element, and can use all of the Shadowmancer Powers. Speed = 40.
A blue dragon with the horns of an elk sprouting from her head, Intet often takes the form of a beautiful night elven woman in order to speak to strangers, whom she tends to treat with a great deal of arrogance.

4) Tarox, the Bladewing: Body = 80, Mind = 10, Spirit = 40. Can use all of the Spirit Warrior Powers. Speed = 60.
A powerful red scaled dragon, and often the fastest of his kind. He tends to take the form of a human blacksmith, and often lives for long periods among mortals.

5) Kokusho, the Night Bringer: Body = 40, Mind = 60, Spirit = 60. Speed = 40. Can use all Demonology and Shadowmancer Powers, and has focus in Aether and Entropy and their respective Magic Feats.
A black dragon with a long, snakelike body who flies without the aid of wings. When in mortal form, he generally appears as a very serious man dressed in simple white robes.

6) Numot, the Devastator: Body = 60, Mind = 60, Spirit = 40. Has Focus in Fire, Evoker and Holder of the Secret Fire. Speed = 40.
A white dragon of immense power, she will appear at times to those who are lost, in great danger, or are beset by demons in order to offer aid. She generally takes the form of an elven woman with white hair, wearing a white dress.

Gaunlets - +3 melee damage
Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2. Special Qualities = +3 speed
50 denarii

Description: Aurora stand 6' 4" tall. Her skin is a dark and rich ebony, nearly black in tone. Her hair falls down to the center of her back as is a dark raven black. Her eyes are a bright gold colour and are slitted like a reptiles. They glow faintly when she gets angry which is often. Black horns of bone sprout from the top of her head and sweep back regally. Pitch black scales cover the bottom of her jaw, and crawl up to sprinkle across her forehead and nose.

Her body is lightly toned and curvaceous. Her body has an hourglass shape with a large bosom, wide hips and small waist. A long and slender tail covered in pitch black scales sprouts from just above her shapely rear. A large pair of draconic wings sprout from her back covered in more black scales. The membrane of her wings a dark almost black purple on the inside. Her hands end in sharp black claws. Pitch black scales cover her back, and crawl down the sides of her arms from her shoulders. Scales travel down from her spine and tail down her hips and to her feet. More scales cover her sides.

Auraro grew up to a single mother in a cave in a mountain range. As she grew up her mother taught her how to hunt and fight. The small dragoness quickly took to her training and was soon helping her mother fending off monsters or hunting large game. It quickly became apparent that the small girl was easily angered and would often enter a rage in a fight.

When Auraro reached adulthood her mother began to teach her the secrets to their draconic heritage and magic. Instructing her in the powers that had laid dormant. After several years of training her mother sent Aurora out into the world to further her training. Though she really hoped such a thing would calm the girl and dull some of her rage.
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets


Name: Geren
Class: Spirit Wielder
Race: Sidhe
Sex: Male

Body: 24 (16B+8R)
Mind: 22 (14B+8R)
Spirit: 36 (20B+8R+8T)

Resistant x2
Massive Energy Pool
Skilled Wielder(Nature's Ally)

Open Soul
Hatred (Crolians)


Special Mutations:
Naturally Supernatural
Selective Fertility

Wielder Aptitudes:
Burning Spirit
Soul's Strength
Nature's Ally

Life Leech
Aspect of Spirit
Natural Order
Leaf Walk


Geren and Jaina were a naive couple. When they left, they spent weeks in exploration, simply visiting the different locations the world had to offer. That ended one day in Crolia, with a club to the back of his head.

When he awoke, he found himself bound in a cage, Jaina in shackles. A brutish man told them that Jaina was going to be the plaything of the group for the rest of her life. Geren was going to be allowed to watch.

It felt like years though it certainly wasn't that long. Geren and Jaina tried to escape many times but the cage and shackles were iron and they were careful with the keys. One day Geren woke up and Jaina was just gone. They ignored his questions and demands. A few days later, Geren heard shouts. His guard was distracted and Geren took his chance. He dealt with the guard and unlocked the cage. He saw that the thugs were being attacked by a group of demons. He managed to escape. He came back later, looking for survivors and found none. He found some paperwork and saw Jaina's name on it but the rest was smeared with blood and dirt and was unreadable. Geren left the camp, a broken sidhe. But he now had a purpose. Death was too good for these Crolians. He was going to do much worse.

At the moment, Geren favors the form of a young, handsome elf with tanned skin and blond hair. His garb is loose to allow sudden changing. Other than that, it is unremarkable, green in color, and includes a cape with a hood.

Pan the Mad Geren's son
Name: Pan
Class: Spirit Wielder
Race: Karkastan
Sex: Male
Backstory Template: Basic
Body = 28 (20 B + 8 R)
Mind = 14 (6 B + 8 R)
Spirit = 40 (24 B + 8 R + 8 T)

Hit Points (HP) = 55
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 68 (48 + 20 T)
Spirit Energy (EP) = 91 (61 + 30 T)
Speed = 39 (30 - 1 A + 10 T)
Dodge = 9d10+4 (9d10+6 - 2 A)
Armor = 6 (0 + 6 A)
Perception = 6d10
Stealth = 6d10
Grapple = 5d10+3
Spirit Ceiling = 17 (18 - 1 A)

Reflexes = 16
Focus = 12
Willpower = 20
Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod =
Bull Rush Mod =
Overrun Mod =
Orgasm Threshold = 9 (1 + 2 SM + 2 M + 1 T + 3 T)
Pleasure Resistance = 20

Class Bonus
Wielder’s Aptitude - The character gets 1 + Spirit/20 Wielder Aptitudes, rounded down.
Mastery of Spirit The character is better able to efficiently channel their power.
They spend 1 less on summon and utility powers compared to non-wielders using powers, to a minimum of 3 EP. Their buffs costs 1 less EP to upkeep and 2 less to activate. Their damage and weapon powers except for Black Dragon are treated as if they had an extra 1 EP put into them for the purpose of how much damage they inflict.

Experience = 6
Corruption =

Soul Sense (Race): The character gets a 3d10 bonus to attack rolls for Powers, as well as a single Aptitude.
Exceptional: The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among stats.
Spunky: The character uses Spirit instead of Body to determine how much PP they deal. The amount of orgasms that they can have before gaining an instance of the Weakened status becomes based on Spirit instead of Body, and increases Orgasm Threshold by 1.
Daemonic Wielder: The character gains 2 + Spirit/20 Powers from the Daemon power list.
Massive Energy Pool: The character gets +30 max EP.
Just a Little Longer: Grants the character an additional 20 max PP. +20 PP, in other words.
Perfect Shapeshifter: The character gains the Perfect Shapeshifter special mutation.
Natural Succubus (Sexual Tyrannosaurus)
Grants the character one Talent that they can only take from the Succubus Talents list. Cannot be chosen by succubi, cannot be the Superior X/Cross-Class Talents, and can be taken an extra time beyond the first for every 30 points in the character’s primary stat.
Sexual Tyrannosaurus (Aphrodisiac Fluids):
Whenever the character causes another creature to orgasm or uses the Deny Release Succubus Power, they gain a +4 bonus to their Resistance checks and a +5 bonus to PP damage dealt until the end of the encounter, or +1 if they are part of group sex but don’t have the highest bonus. Up to 5 instances of this bonus can be stacked at any given time. Their orgasm threshold also increases by 3, and their pleasure resistance by 5. The character may also take a single Succubus Power.

Sensitive: The character takes an additional 5 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
Open Soul: The character takes an additional 5 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
Lustful (RP) - The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies or accept it if it is offered to them, and are also more likely to give in if they are being raped.
Excitable - Whenever the character’s PP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character makes a Willpower check against a DC equal to the pleasure they’ve taken that round. If they fail, the character gains the Aroused status, or the Horny status if they're already Aroused.
Dominant (RP) - The character has a domineering streak, making it difficult for them to take orders from others. Whether they are a natural leader or simply a loner, the character is unable to be happy unless they are the one making all of the decisions.
Mutated (Pheremones, Fangs, Multiorgasmic)
Mutated (Breeder, Potent, Overproductive)
Mutated (Induce Ovulation, Fertility Enhancing Cum, Slick)

Mutations: 9/18
Fangs: The character has a pair of fangs.
Breeder: When the character is pregnant or has impregnated someone else, the gestation period of their offspring is shortened by half.
Multiorgasmic: The character is able to orgasm more rapidly. Whenever they orgasm, their PP rests to ½ of its maximum value (rounded naturally) rather than full. Increase Orgasm Threshold by two.
Pheromones: The character rerolls 9s (progressing as the Obvious Flaw) on Stealth checks relating to scent, and friendly characters are more interested in sex with them. Creatures around them for more than one round gain the Excited status
Potent: The character's orgasms are very messy--time to change the sheets. In addition, the character gets a +1 to impregnation rolls.
Overproductive: Every four hours the character goes without orgasm gives them a cumulative +1 to their next roll to impregnate/be impregnated, this bonus resets upon orgasm (don't ask how this works for female characters, it's all a wizard's doing) and cannot exceed a +3 bonus.
Induce Ovulation
Whenever the character penetrates another creature, their cock is shaped such that it (possibly combined with assorted hormones in their precum or however you want to fluff it) increases fertility in their partners. Their partners get a +3 bonus to all rolls to be impregnated, even from other partners, with an additional +1 for each orgasm the creature with this mutation causes before (or during) their own orgasm, cumulating across the entire sexual encounter. If a character with Selective Fertility makes themselves Infertile, it only counts as a -5 to the pregnancy roll rather than making it impossible to impregnate them. The bonus to rolls to be impregnated caused by this mutation lasts until the end of the day and applies to all pregnancy rolls made by the penetrated creature. Characters with the Infertile Flaw are not affected, this mutation may be selected by male characters or those with the futanari mutation or tentacles special mutation, and any form of condom negates this mutation unless it breaks.
Fertility Enhancing Cum - Requires that the character have or be able to grow a penis. Those exposed to the character’s semen internally increase their fertility, giving them a stacking +1 bonus to rolls to become pregnant. If a character with Aphrodisiac Fluids also has this mutation, increase the amount of Willpower damage dealt per die by it by two.
Slick - The character gets incredibly wet or otherwise produces an unusual amount of lubrication, resulting in a +5 bonus to end penetration or a -5 penalty against maintaining it, but also dealing +4 PP damage during penetrative sex.

Special Mutations
The character can change their physical form at will. At any time, they can change their physiology so that they functionally have any of the normal mutations. If they do not have the Supernatural or Naturally Supernatural Special Mutation, they cannot exceed the number of normal mutations that they already have using shapeshifting. This shapeshifting is limited to the base mutations, they cannot get any of the mutations that have requirements unless they have the base mutations without shifting into them, and only one instance of each mutation can be shifted into. This mutation cannot be used to get or hide other special mutations.
The character is magical in nature. They can no longer take corruption from anything but creatures with Corruptive, and cause any pleasure they deal to other creature to cause an equal amount of corruption. This mutation is acquired as soon as a creature’s mutation counter hits 12, but racial Mutations and other Special Mutations do not count toward the number of mutations needed in order to get this. A supernatural creature is always counted as having at least 12 mutations for the purposes of how many mutations they require in order to reach Corruptive and how much corruption they need to take in order to acquire another mutation unless they already have more. A creature who starts with or gains this mutation increases their Orgasm Threshold by two, and this bonus overrides and replaces the bonus gained from Warped.
Discordant Fertility
This mutation acts like the Fertility Flaw, but any child they give birth to or sire has a 50% chance to be either a half-demon or half-fey (using the half-breed with the Sidhe race) unless the other parent is either a demon or fey, then it produces either another Karkastan or a pureblood of the other race. (So a Full Blood Demon or Fey of whatever type)
Demon: The character is a demon. They gain resistance to Fire and Force, ignoring the first 5 points of damage from sources of either type.
Faerie: The character is one of the fey. They gain resistance to Cold and Electricity, ignoring the first 5 points of damage from sources of either type.
Perfect Shapeshifter - Like the shapeshifter mutation, but without many of the limits. The character may, at any time as a standard action, set their normal mutations to whatever they want them to be, barring any mutations that cannot be taken via shapeshifter. They still cannot affect special mutations.
Corruptive - The character is able to corrupt even Supernatural creatures if they so choose. A character with this is immune to corruption even from other creatures with Corruptive, and cannot have mutations forced upon it by rituals.

Weapon Attack = 5d10 + 8
Power Attack = 11d10
Wielder Aptitudes
Efficient Wielder- Buffs cost less
Spirit Power buffs activated by the character cost 3 less EP (minimum 0) to upkeep. This reduced upkeep may be traded in order to increase the bonus granted to any one stat by an active power by X. In addition, the character may change an active buff power to another one that they know as a free action by paying the activation cost of the new power plus two. This aptitude may be taken up to 3 times, and each time beyond the first reduces the activation cost of switching a power as a free action by one.
True Daemon- The character gains a number of benefits when using Daemon powers.
-The cost of the Call Daemon power is reduced by 2.
-Daemonfire deals damage as if it had had 2 more EP put into the X cost.
-The character may pay an additional 2 EP when using Enhanced Shell (as if increasing the X cost) to increase the bonus multiplier to a chosen stat from 2X to 3X.
-Reflector reflects attacks if the character beats their opponent by 4 or more instead of 8 or more and can be used as a move action for double the EP, and may reflect Black Dragon if they win the check by 20 or more and negate it if they win by 10 or more.
-Regenesis can be used as a prepared action, can be used even when the character is under a Sealing effect, and cannot be countered.
-Soul Rip restores X/3 EP so long as it hits, even if the target wins the Resistance check.
-Warp Shell also allows the character to gain up to DR 1/2 in the following steps: DR 5/6, DR 3/4, DR 1/2, and may be used in combat to enact a 1 round transformation at a cost of 4X EP, but it only lasts until the end of combat.
Burning Spirit- The character's soul is dangerous to those attempting to take it.
Any creatures that drain the character's EP against their will take an amount of damage equal to the EP drained. Damage caused by this aptitude ignores all AV and DR, and causes double damage to creatures that don't have an HP stat. In addition, damage dealing powers cause an additional 2 points of damage per point of X EP input.
Soul's Strength - The character's buff powers are more potent.
Whenever a power would increase a secondary stat by a multiplier based on X
- Increase a single secondary stat's buff multiplier by 1 for free.
- Increase another secondary stat's multiplier by 1 for +1 upkeep. This can be done multiple times.
- Increase a single secondary stat's multiplier by 2 for +2 upkeep. This can only be done once.
For example: X becomes 2X, 3X becomes 4X, etc.

Call Daemon (Summon) - The character calls upon the aid of a daemon, a powerful spirit.
The costs, and the stats of the associated daemon, are up to the GM, but always costs at least 5 EP. Daemons can be met in game or included in a character's backstory, but certain daemons are off limits to backstory inclusions. This power requires a great deal of negotiation between the player and the GM, so communication before its use is generally a good idea. The summoned daemon is under no compulsion to aid the character who summoned it unless such are imposed upon it by abilities outside of the vein of this power.
Daemonfire (Damage) The character conjures daemonic fire, flames that burn both the body and the soul.
-The character pays X + 1 EP.
-The character deals (2d4 + 1) * X damage to HP and X damage to EP to any creatures within a 10 foot radius sphere, within a 120 foot long 5 foot wide line, or within a 40 foot long 90 degree cone.
-The character deals (2d6 + 1) * X damage to HP and 2 * X damage to EP to a single target within line of sight with a +10 bonus to hit.
-The character may, as a free action, empower a melee weapon or bullets with this power. They may enhance up to X bullets, and each bullet deals an additional +4 damage and causes any creature hit by them to also take 4 EP damage. Enhanced bullets remain so until the end of the encounter. A weapon enhanced has a maximum X of 5, with an upkeep of X - 3, and deals an additional Xd10 + X damage and 2X EP damage. This costs an additional 1 EP to activate.
Enhanced Shell (Buff)The character enhances their body, but also damages it.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, the character must pay X - 4 EP and X - 5 HP in upkeep every round.
-The character gains a 2X bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls relying on Body, Bull Rush checks, Overrun checks, Swim checks, and AV, a 5 foot bonus to speed for every 4 EP in X, and two of the following: A 2X bonus to Resistance checks against hostile effects, Dodge, or Grapple, or +2 trade dice in Stealth and Perception for every 5 points of X.
Regenesis (Buff/Utility) The character forces their shell to regenerate at an accelerated rate.
-The character pays X EP.
-The character regains 10X HP, and can pay additional EP in increments of 2 to remove instances of Aroused, Blinded, Deafened, Paralyzed, or Weakened. This HP regeneration does not cause regeneration trauma.
-This power may be maintained by paying X - 1 upkeep, causing its effects upon activation to occur every round so long as it is maintained but reducing the healing to 6X. This upkeep is reduced by 3 for characters with Warp Shell or Enhanced Shell active. If this is active and the character is reduced to 0 HP, keep track of how much less than 0 they would have. Unless their body is completely obliterated or their soul is eaten, the character may keep this active so long as they don’t run out of EP, returning to consciousness if they rise above 0 HP.
-This power can be used while the character is Bound or in a Submission Hold.

Succubus Magic
Attack = 8d10

Succubus Powers:
Aphrodisiac Fluids (Passive):
Creatures who swallow the character's sexual fluids have their Willpower stat take 2d6 damage (+2 due to Fertility Enhancing Cum). Creatures reduced to 0 Willpower by this ability gain the Aroused status and have their Willpower reset, and if their Willpower drops to 0 again they gain the Horny status. If the character with this power has the Enthrall talent and a target with the Horny status as a result of this power has or is made to orgasm this encounter then that target automatically becomes enthralled and the enthralling character gains a +10 bonus against attempts by the target to break free of their control. This Succubus Power can be taken up to 3 times, and the Willpower damage stacks. If a second instance of this exists, the potential targets of this take Willpower damage as if only one instance existed from minor amounts swallowed, taking the damage even in rounds that the creature with this hasn’t orgasmed, or from things like small amounts of saliva or orgasms into orifices other than the mouth. If a third instance exists, topical application deals damage as if there were two instances fewer. A character with this power may reduce or deactivate its effects using Shapeshifting, and is also immune to Willpower damaging aphrodisiacs that would cause less Willpower damage than their own. If a creature would ever be exposed to Aphrodisiac Fluids in such a way that they would take damage, even if they wouldn’t take Willpower damage, they immediately gain the Excited status.

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8+13
Foreplay = 2d4+10

Quarterstaff (2d10 + 2 + 14, two handed)
2 Healing Potions
Energy Potion
Leather Armor AV = 5, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 3.
3 empty bottles
Basic survival gear
24 denarii

Herbalism = 2d10
Medicine = 6d10
Woodcraft/Tracking = 2d10
Lore (Religion) = 4d10
Lore (Daemons) = 3d10
Lore (Demons) = 2d10
Perception = 6d10
Stealth = 6d10

Helltongue = 3d10
Elven = 2d10
Crolian = 5d10

Pan was born of a sidhe, his father Geren, and a demon, one of the succubus whores from a house full of them. His father left before his mother knew she was even pregnant so so much for Geren growing up with any stability. His mother eventually sent him to live with her brothers, who were travellers, going from place to place to seek those vulnerable to corruption. None of that really mattered, though. Pan was going to do his own thing.
The warring energies inside of Pan left his mind a bit muddled and he's often chaotic in his actions. His demon side causes his to be drawn to violence and lust while his fae side causes him to act in occasionally altruistic fashion. In times of lucidity, Pan has fashioned a goal for himself through meetings with daemons: He will gather power and find a way to become a god, one of chaos and lust. But in between his adventuring, there's an awful lot of pretty girls out in the world that could do with being impregnated by a up-and-coming god.

As for his physical description, well, that's a bit hard as he likes to change his form but it's almost always male. His skin is generally tanned, just for aesthetics and toughened by time spent traveling through wilderness. He's a little taller than average, with light, disheveled brown hair. His eyes are generally green but when he feels like messing with someone (which is often), he'll sometimes switch eye colors mid conversation when the other person looks away. He looks young, just into his twenties, though as a Karkastan he's chronologically a bit younger than his appearance would suggest. Not too much younger though, Pan has been travelling for a bit.

The Out of Character Section
So Pan really wants to become a god. Whether that's possible... that's up to you. His closest friend is a Chaos Spirit that he regularly summons, stats will eventually be posted. The Chaos Spawn (Xaos is his name) is the one who pushed Pan to do bigger and better things, instead of wallowing in hedonism as Pan's former backstory had done.

Agency: 4
Lewd: 3
Social: 3
Horror: 4
Rape: 3
Crunch: 4

Current Daemons that can be summoned:
Xaos the Spiny (costs 3 EP):
Xaos More Powah (costs 15 EP):
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Derpgen that may or may not be moved elsewhere unless I'm lazy. Also may contain errors.

Name: Gonzo
Class: Warrior
Race: Human (Healthy Gigantism, 8 Feet)
Sex: Male

Body: 30 + 20 = 50
Mind: 10 + 2 = 12
Spirit: 10 + 2 = 12

Hit Points (HP): 62 + 30 = 92
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 43
Spirit Energy (EP): 43
Speed: 22-3 = 19
Dodge: 37
Armor: 18+6 = 24
Resistance: 25
Perception: 22
Stealth: 22
Grapple: 50
Spirit Ceiling: 9


- Battle Hardened: The character has suffered through numerous battles, developing scarring and mental resistance to pain. The character gains +8 AV.
- Unarmed Fighter: The character deals Improved Unarmed damage when attacking without a weapon. In addition, the character gets a +10 bonus to Dodge so long as they aren't holding any weapons.
- Grapple Expert: The character gets a +12 bonus to their Grapple stat.
- Resilient: Grants the character an additional 30 max hit points. +30 HP, in other words.
- Exceptional(x3): The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among stats.
- Pain Resistant(x2): The character has some sort of natural resistance to pain, be it deadened nerves, scars, scales, thick skin or what have you. Increase the character's AV by 5.

Obvious: The character takes a -8 penalty to their Stealth stat.
Open Soul: The character takes an additional 5 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
Mutated: The character gains 3 mutations of your choice. This Flaw can only be taken up to 4 times.
Fetish: Barmaids ///This was going to be Fetish: Drinking at some point but I couldn't be assed to think up a way to make PP damage for taking shots work without just fluffing things as a braingasm

- Odd Skin(Mutated Flaw): The character has unusual skin in some way, such as a particularly unusual skin color or by having fur or scales.
1) Armored Hide(x3): The character's skin has become strong enough to resist attacks. Whether this is through a tough hide, thick scales or skin becoming as hard as steel, the effect is the same. The character takes a -1 penalty to Speed, but they also get a +2 bonus to Armor. This mutation can be taken up to 3 times.

- Shattering Blow – The character can choose to take a -10 penalty to their attack rolls and damage, and in exchange, any attacks that hit deal double damage. The damage is multiplied after the penalty is subtracted. Requires Unarmed Fighter.
- Superhuman Toughness (Passive) - The character's natural AV is no longer ignored by attacks that ignore AV, and if the character has natural DR they treat it as one step lower rather than ignoring it completely. DR steps start at 1/4 and go lower by increasing both the denominator and the numerator by 2. IE: A character with DR 1/4 would get DR 1/2, a character with DR 1/2 would get DR 3/4, a character with DR 3/4 would get DR 5/6, etc.
- Terrify (Passive) - Whenever the character kills an enemy, all other enemies within 30 feet that have line of sight must make a Resistance check vs a set DC or be unable to attack the character that round. Failing three of these checks in a single combat generally causes a creature to either retreat or surrender. The DC for this check is equal to the damage dealt on the killing blow divided by 10, and then multiplied by the tier of the monster. (Damage/10) * Tier in other words. Characters with the Foul Aura mutation get a +4 bonus to this check, and characters with the Nightmarish Image power active gain the bonus to Resistance provided by that power to this check as well.
- Sturdy (Passive) – The character gets a +12 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to move them, or to give them the Stunned or Prone statuses. They also gain a +2 bonus to AV.
- Pummel - The character can choose to forsake all other actions for their turn. In exchange, unless they acquire some status that prevents them from taking any actions (such as being stunned or put into a submission hold,) they can make 3 attacks with their unarmed attack or a one handed weapon against the creature they are grappling. These attacks use attack rolls rather than grapple checks to determine success, and are treated as if the character was not grappled (causing their target to take a -10 penalty to Dodge due to being grappled.) Requires Grapple Expert.
- Powerful Embrace (Passive) - The character is well versed in the art of the bear-hug. The character automatically deals 2d10 damage that ignores armor per round when in grapples when they're the dominant grappler (i.e. they've won the grapple check that round). Requires Grapple Expert.


Gonzo was a man not born natively in the lands of Badaria, but for whom learned much of it through his travels. From a young age he had belonged to a group of traveling merchants, skilled... but almost criminal in how they all but conned those who bought their supplies, selling them quite high and salivating at the mere mention of a town or village 'desperately' needing any sort of supply they had. His duties were mostly the work of a mere grunt, as he himself had little love to ply their trade. He tried, but found the ins and outs to be a little more frustrating than his brain could handle at the rate they conspired of it. So instead, from childhood to adolescence he earned his coin and his fill among the caravan through hard work. Lifting crates, moving oxen and horse, arranging items as was advised, and watching guard if need be. He was very good at it, and it often left him very hungry after a long day. To which he ate of course.

And he ate. And ate. And as he grew he ate more, and more. And more. And grew more. And more. AND MORE. It was around the time of his early teens that the merchants he was with realized they weren't dealing with just some normal work hand. Gonzo's size had easily dwarfed their own by the time he was first starting to mature, and was still growing. Though he was human, the abnormal size drew many eyes, including those of the Inquisition who, while convinced he were the work of sorcery or wieldery could find no wrong. He was but one hugeass man. He dodged trouble with them, but that didn't stop many others from viewing the giant with their own distrust, making them avoid the merchants he was with when they learned of his presence.

Despite their shady practices the merchants did their best to accommodate the growing man. Going so far to provide extra food and drink, and to hide him as they traveled so as to not scare off their own customers. They may have just been scared of his own growth however, not eager to anger the giant of a man who traveled with them for so long and who had grown not just in size but strength as well. Compared to even exceptional men around him Gonzo showed great prowess. Occasionally taking up the challenge by some (for a small betting of coin) to see who could best who in a battle of grips and fists. Many a simple but effective technique he knew was tempered in those sessions.

On the occasion that their caravan would travel out of Badaria his presence was a much more welcomed sight. At least not causing the same amount of unease that the xenophobic Badarian's held to. He came to like the roudy nature of the tavern folk on the outlaying lands, and spent enough days among them to learn just how much he joyed a good drinking session and joyful laugh of a barmaid or two. It was there, among the boastful voices of those taken to the drink that he heard the only whispers he had of where he might have come from. A long silenced rumor, nearly forgotten of a noble and a tall lass of a maid found but once in a scandalous position and monthly disposition.

Try as he could to follow up the rumor, he never did discover more of it. Would there be a coverup over it, they had certainly done well to keep it out of the air. He relented on it, though he never did stop pondering who the maid might have been as he continued on in his life. Continuing to serve as he had, but gaining more another duty due to his stature. What better ward and solution against potential bandits than a giant of a man? Especially, as Gonzo discovered, one who practically could take a sword slash as if his flesh were the trunk of a tree. The very first time a blade struck him was both one of the most frightening... and jovial moments of his lifetime.

Life continued much as it had before. Not much to ponder the rumors of troubles, it wasn't until the Alien Invasion that things changed forever for the man. Stationed in one of the outer cities of Badaria with the carravan, the man was suddenly subject to the terror the invaders wrought. Which he promptly responded to but pummeling them to pieces where he could. For his efforts there were those who were saved, passing random strangers and villagers. But not those of the merchants he spent nearly his whole life which. The shattered remains of goods galore and broken beasts of burden all that remained. He had always wondered what parting with them would feel like. He wished he hadn't.

There's wasn't the only place where there were crates to lift, goods to arrange, places to guard, or people to fight with. And so Gonzo lent his hand to the very villages they had traveled to where he could. At least the ones that didn't scoff his giant presence. And in this newly changed world he pondered once more of something he had nearly forgotten about. Of a tall maid once in Badaria somewhere.

Gonzo is tanned human male approximately 8 feet tall. With Grey eyes and Black greying hair. And Muscular with a soft layer of fat (Hint of muscles and abs but no like 6 back or whatever.) Although he is a giant, he is surprisingly proportionate in his growth, lacking many of the problems that plague others that are grown through issues such as pituitary disorders. And doesn't suffer from clotting problems that would otherwise effect others of his situation.

The OOC section:

///For random npc giants, an instance of Bleeding flaw might be worth including. I believe historically people effected by gigantism suffered from problems stemming from infections and blood disorders, including a perceptibility to just keep bleeding it they were ever cut. Especially if they were injured in the legs/feet. Several giants have succumbed to infections this way if I recall.
Nelanorah the Faun (o.o )
Name: Nelanorah
Class: Warrior
Race: Faun (Nymph mechanically)
Sex: Female

Body: 30+8 = 48
Mind: 10+4 = 14
Spirit: 10+4 = 20

Hit Points (HP): 65
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 48
Spirit Energy (EP): 51
Speed: 22-4 = 18
Dodge: 41
Armor: 5 + 12(Breastplate) = 17
Resistance: 24
Perception: 22
Stealth: 22-8 = 14
Grapple: 48
Spirit Ceiling: 10-4 = 6


- Heavy Weapons Specialist: A character with this Talent deals an additional +10 damage on every attack so long as they are using a two handed melee weapon.
- Skill with [Two Handed Sword]: The character gets +12 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon. The weapons that can be chosen are: One Handed Swords, Two Handed Swords, Bastard Swords, One Handed Blunt Weapons, Two Handed Blunt Weapons, Polearms, Shortened Polearms, Unarmed, Rifles, Pistols, Crossbows, Primitive Ranged Weapons, or Throwing Weapons.
- Exceptional(x2): The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among stats.
- Natural Spirit Wielder (Spirit Warrior) : Grants the character one Talent that they can only take from the Spirit Talents list. Cannot be chosen by Spirit User, and can only be taken once.
- Pain Resistant: The character has some sort of natural resistance to pain, be it deadened nerves, scars, scales, thick skin or what have you. Increase the character's AV by 5.
- Natural Succubus (Seductive) : Grants the character one Talent that they can only take from the Succubus Talents list. Cannot be chosen by succubi, and can only be take once.
=-Seductive: The character gets a +12 bonus to Resistance checks when using Enthrall, Charm, Siren Song, and Stunning Gaze, and a +12 bonus to attack rolls with all Succubus Powers.
- Skilled: The character can choose an additional 3 Skills.

- (Racial)Fertile: The character is more likely to become pregnant, or to impregnate their partner. Mechanically, rolls of 2 or more now indicate success.
- (Racial)Lustful (RP) : The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies or accept it if it is offered to them, and are also more likely to give in if they are being raped.
- Mutated(x2): The character gains 3 mutations of your choice. This Flaw can only be taken up to 4 times.
- Fetish: Creampie

- Extra Fetish: Beasts +8PP
- Extra Fetish: Futanari +8PP
- Extra Fetish: Milking Cock +8PP ///This is mainly meant for Foreplay milking. Like Reach arounds and stuff. But I guess there is more than one way to milk one (o.o )

- (Racial)Faerie: The character is one of the fey. They gain resistance to Cold and Electricity, ignoring the first 5 points of damage from sources of either type.
- (Racial)Naturally Warped: The character was born with some degree of magic in their blood, but this doesn’t cause them to corrupt others. The character doesn't deal corruption to others unless they also have other mutations that would cause them to deal corruption, but they don’t take corruption from Warped creatures.
- (Racial)Ironbane: The character cannot wield weapons that are made out of iron or steel, but this only actually restricts them from using guns. In addition, they take +8 damage from any weapons made from iron or steel.
- Reverse Jointed Legs: The character's legs are reverse jointed rather than forward jointed.
- Horn: The character gets a horn or horns, usually but not always located somewhere on their head.
- Funny Ears: The character has odd ears.

Charge – The character can move up to three times their Speed this round so long as that movement is in a straight line and ends with them attacking a creature. This attack gets a +4 bonus to attack rolls and damage. The character also takes a -10 penalty to Dodge until their next turn. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist OR Shield Fighter.
Cleave (Passive) – Whenever the character kills an opponent, they automatically take an attack on another nearby enemy, but this attack is at a -10 penalty to attack and damage rolls. Requires Heavy Weapon Specialist.
Crushing Blow - The character may choose to have their attacks deal -20 damage for the round. If they do, any creature struck by them must win a Resistance check against the character or become Stunned and Weakened. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist.
///Pommel Smash? Not a HEMA guy here or anything but that sounds more reasonable than using the flat of the blade. Though I assume that would still hurt QUITE a bit.

Supreme Might – The character can trade points from their attack roll for additional damage. These points are traded at a 1 to 1 rate, and the character cannot trade more than 20 points per round. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist.
Whirlwind - The character attacks all enemies within range of them, but take a -10 penalty to attack rolls, damage, and Dodge until their next turn. They attack with both weapons, if they have two. Requires Two Weapon Fighter OR Heavy Weapon Specialist.

Grandmaster (Passive) - The character gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage, and ignores ½ of the AV granted by their target's worn armor when wielding a weapon that they have Specialized in.
Ranger (Passive) – The character gets a +3 bonus to Perception, and can track creatures so long as they have stayed on the ground. With Skill with Primitive Ranged Weapons or Crossbows then this skill allows for crafting Special Arrows/Bolts at half the listed shop price, and it allows the same for Special Rounds with Skill with Rifles or Pistols.
Weapon Specialization (Two Handed Swords)(Passive) – The character deals an additional +4 damage with the selected weapon type. Requires: Weapon Focus with the selected weapon type.

Base Casting:
Favored Elements:
Magic Feats:

Wielder Aptitudes:

= Spirit Warrior =
Battle Aura
The character begins to glow as power surges through their body, granting them heightened strength and speed temporarily.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 2 EP upkeep every round.
-The character gets a bonus to attack rolls, melee damage, Speed and Dodge equal to 3X, as well as a +X bonus to Resistance.
-In addition, the character cannot attempt to make any Stealth checks so long as this Power is active.

Flight ///I'd probably fluff this more like... deer stampeding. Running real fast by making big leap strides and the like.
The character uses their energy to allow them to fly.
-The character pays 3 EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP upkeep every round.
-The character gains the ability to fly at five times their Speed so long as this power is active.

Instant Transmission
The character can teleport themselves and anyone they are in contact with to any location that they have been previously, or can see from where they are.
-If out of combat, the character pays 6 EP, and teleports to any location that they have previously been to or can see from their current position.
-If in combat, the character pays X EP and teleports to any location up to 15X feet away from where they currently are. The space they enter must be empty and visible to them.

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8 + 16 = 18->32
Foreplay = 2d4 + 12 = 14->20
Succubus Powers:
(Racial)Charm: The character pays 6 EP and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character or gain the Charmed status.
(Racial)Siren Song: The character can, at any time, cause all creatures able to hear them focus solely on them. Each time this is used a Resistance check is made against the character if the affected creatures wish to try to ignore the effect. Each failed check causes affected characters to gain a +4 bonus (cumulative) to the next Resistance check; succeeding resets the bonus but doesn't remove already accumulated effects. If affected characters fail a first check they take a -10 Perception penalty for the purposes of opposing enemy stealth checks made by creatures other than the character using this power. Characters with the -10 Perception penalty who fail another check caused by Siren Song become Stunned. Characters who have been Stunned by Siren Song who fail a check become Charmed. Using this ability takes up the character's turn, and if the character stops using this ability for more than one round then all effects caused by it end. A character may use this ability as a move action, but if they do it cannot cause additional Resistance checks or provide additional penalties beyond maintaining the affected creature's attention on the character.

- Breastplate: (AV = 12, EV = 4, TP = 50, DU = 4.)
- Greatsword: (Two Handed Blade weapon, 2d12 + 1 + Body/2)
• 2d12 + 1 + 24(Body/2) + 10(Heavy Weapons Specialist) + 2(Grandmaster) + 4(Weapon Specialization)
= 2d12 + 41
• Charge: 2d12 + 41 + 4
• Cleave: 2d12 + 41 - 10
- Truncheon: (One Handed Blunt weapon)

Nelanorah stands at around 5'6 with fair Skin with freckles speckled spaceously throughout. Her hair Brown and eyes Hazel, with a pair of of breasts just under C cups, and wide hips and thighs for her figure.

She was born within the wilds of Crolia, sired by members of the Court of Winter and taken in as a member herself when she grew of age. For a time she served as many of her kind do, mere support for the bulkwork of others. Lending aid through diversion, a song to captivate and a look from afar to stop a foe in their tracks, or by helping soothe the aches and pains of those fallen. Most were friends who she graciously snuggled close to and made all their worries vanish, but there were those chance encounters for retribution upon some who were unfortunate enough to find themselves in her grip. Many yet survived, but knew the fury of their trespass against winter in a much different and humiliating way.

For all her service, the faun felt under appreciated for her efforts, and longed to be of more service to the court, and to those who she may yet encounter. To this aim, she began in interest in the art of sword fighting, joining in sparring matches where she could and requesting lessons from those more knowledgeable than she was. Most were receptive, but she found herself extra annoyed by those who did look at the faun and laughed her away. She didn't let her stop her pursuit, nor her failures when she discovered her use of sword and shield lacking. It was a curious old Gruff and Nymph pair that encouraged her to take to two handed swords. And from the moment she first swung one she fell in love with the feel of it. The sheer power it felt to strike at a foe with such a big thing was wonderful! She tried smashing things with two handed blunt as well, but there was nothing like the feel of a swift blade cutting through the air and a target. She quickly picked up many of the lessons the pair taught her, and with dedication she sought more to spar to hone her bladeskill.

She thought her dedication would be fully appreciated by her peers, but once more there were those who saw but a little faun trying to play big. When you stay amongst the court from which fae are known as full of fury and cruelty, it is best not to forget that. A particular suborder of knights, annoyed at what they saw was an upstart, challenged the faun to prove her worth, and in an act of pride she accepted, not wishing to seem a coward in the face of them. The knights mercilessly sparred with the Faun one by one, wearing her out to the point of exhaustion in a show of skill that left her crippled in pain. Ever since she has sworn revenge upon each of the 7 knights, promising to return upon them wherever they may be and leave each of them the same. Even if she has to march straight into the heart of Winter itself to do so.

Short Character Goal: Become the bestest Swordfaun. Help peoples. Find the 7 jerks and apply sword to their bodies. Gain ALL THE HONOR. Inspire other fauns by being awesome. Totally not get breeded by things.

The OOC section:
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Xetal the Slime Queen
Name: Xetal
Class: Succubus
Race: Living Slime
Sex: Female

Body: 22 (10 + 12 Racial)
Mind: 10 (10)
Spirit: 42 (30 + 4 Racial + 8 Talent)

HP: 48 (N/A)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 42
Spirit Energy (EP): 106 (58 EP + 48 HP)
Speed: 15 (15 Body)
Dodge: 37
Resistance: 23 (23 - 8 Flaw + 8 Talent)
Perception: 20
Stealth: 36 (15 + 16 Talent + 5 Talent)
Grapple: 34 (22 Body + 12 Talent)
Spirit Ceiling: 11

Experience: 2

Greater Draining
Sneaky (x2)
Natural Warrior (Stealthy)
Natural Spirit Wielder (Psion)

Grapple Expert


Open Soul
Tainted Bloodline




Malleable Form
Naturally Supernatural
Soul Eater
Damage Reduction 1/2
Physical Damage Reduction 1/2

Mind Cutter
Mind Worm

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8 + 12
Foreplay = 2d4 + 9

Succubus Powers:
Weakening Arousal
Aphrodisiac Fluids

Sharp Knife
50 denarii
50 ft of rope


Xetal was not born like most slimes were. Most slimes were born with the progenitor's mindset, more or less, Xetal was not. She knew what she was 'supposed' to be like and had the memories but for some reason, she was not. She watched her mother leave and looked at the human that had been left behind. The woman was breathing heavily. Thoughts bounced around Xetal's mind. She thought of the human's kingdoms, of the ruler who all must bow down to. And then she thought "That's me." She set out to create a kingdom of slimes. And she will be their ruler, the Queen of Slime Kingdom.

Unlike many slimes, Xetal is gold in color but less translucent than most. Sometimes when she moves, it looks like she is liquid metal. She sometimes changes her shape but most of the time keeps the form of a woman with a long ponytail.

The OOC section:
Perfer Yuri or Futanari, not male
Particuarly like Bondage
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Hello all, newbie here. Kinda. Was a lurker for a bit. We can blame Zil for dragging me into the light, so to speak :p.

Anyways, here's Ceri, the soul eating vixen. Looking to RP with Zilrax

Name: Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail
Class: Succubus
Race: Kitsune
Sex: Female
Body: 10
Mind: 22 (+12 Kitsune)
Spirit: 50 (+8 Exceptional, +12 Kitsune)

Hit Points (HP): 46
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 82(+30 Just Getting Started)
Spirit Energy (EP): 96 (+30 Massive Energy Pool)
Speed: 10
Dodge: 41
Armor: 7
Resistance: 25
Perception: 24(+2 Keen Nose)
Stealth: 8 (-2, Pheromones)
Grapple: 10
Spirit Ceiling: 19



Talents: Fuck Me, Just Getting Started, Greater Draining, Superior Wielder – Massive Energy Pool, Succubus Magic, Kama Sutra, Exceptional, Natural Spirit Wielder - Psion

Flaws: Mutated 4, Fetish Bondage
Racial Flaws: Infertile, Sensitive, Tainted Bloodline, Lustful

Mutations: Fangs + Venomous Attack – Paralysis, Wings 3 (Greater Wings),Vaginal tongue, Soft Skin, Slick, Pheromones, Whip Tongue, Night Eyes, Keen Nose, Supernatural
Racial Mutations: Naturally Warped, Shapeshifting, Kitsune Heritage, Funny Ears, Tail, Soul Eater

Skills: Bite - 2d4+2

Base Casting:
Favored Elements:
Magic Feats:

Wielder Aptitudes:
Powers: Mind Worm, Mind Cutter, Psychic Shield, Telekinesis

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 3d10+49 (+12 Fuck Me, +4 Slick, +2 Vaginal Tongue, +6 Dazzling Beauty)
Foreplay = 3d6+26 (+2 Oral Whip Tongue, +2 Non-Oral Soft Skin, +6 Dazzling Beauty)
Succubus Powers: Charm, Oil Up, Weakening Arousal, Deny Release, Apparent Innocence, Dazzling Beauty

Battlemage Robes – AV 7, EV 0, TP 25, DU 1
Deadly Poison
Energy Potion 2
Wakizashi - +10 to hit - 2d6+5

Bio/Description: Ceri is a pale and lithe kitsune with dark violet eyes and lustrous midnight black hair that runs down to the middle of her back. Temptress by habit, conditioning and nature, she always has a provocative air about her. Being rather petite and lacking much physical strength, Ceri has had to survive based on her wits and magical power in a world that has left its scars on her both physically and emotionally. Her dazzlingly good looks turn heads wherever she goes, though in her life, this “gift” has been more often than not a curse. Having been horribly taken advantage of in the past, her once bright and optimistic personality has been twisted and corroded into the predatory persona she now wears. The years of trickery, enslavement, and abuse by various species have given her a deep contempt for living beings on the whole, men especially. The seductive smile she flashes hides a deep seated hatred that can only be sated by the soul drained, mind wiped husks she leaves in her wake. As the youngest of a litter of nine, Ceri only has one tail at the moment. Something she plans on rectifying one day.

The OOC section: Generally, I enjoy raunchy fun, though most of the time it's a little more on the tame side. Not a big fan of watersports, gore, mutilation, etc. Mind control is acceptable, but brainwashing isn't something I'm really good with roleplaying. Generally, I also don't roleplay as well with futas or male characters, but I can. Much better when paired with a female character. I'm also a little clueless when it comes to interspecies, but I'm adaptable. Very much a fan of bondage, be it rope, leather, or any other strange substances.
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

My character to join Paramort and Zilrax.

Nireniel Darkstar

Name: Nireniel Ras Darkstar
Class: Sorceress (Spirit user)
Race: Full Demon
Sex: Female

Primary Stats
Body: 16 ( 8 + 8 )
Mind: 16 ( 8 + 8 )
Spirit: 50 ( 34 + 8 + 8 )

Secondary Stats
Hit Points (HP): 49 ( 16 + 16/2 + 50/2 )
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 49 ( 16/2 + 16 + 50/2 )
Spirit Energy (EP): 116 ( 16/2 + 16/2 + 50 + 20 + 30 )
Speed: 12
Dodge: 41
Armor: 7
Resistance: 25
Perception: 22
Stealth: 12
Grapple: 16
Spirit Ceiling: 23
Experience: Starts at 0
Corruption: Also starts at 0

Combat Stats
Bow To Hit - 54 ( 50 + 4 )
Bow Damage - 2d8 + 6 + body/3
50 foot range

Whip To Hit - 54 ( 50 + 4 )
Whip Damage -Deal 1d8 + 1 + Body/2 damage

Base Casting: 25 ( 50/2 )
Favored Elements: Arcane

Penetration = 2d8 + 18 ( 24/3 + 4 + 6 )
Foreplay = 2d4 + 12 ( 24/4 + 6 )
Foreplay Using Breasts = 2d4 + 16 ( 24/4 + 6 + 4 )

Talents and Flaws
Greater Energy Pool - +20 EP

Guardian Companion

Exceptional: The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among stats.

Spirit Warrior - The character gains 2 + Spirit/20 Powers from the Spirit Warrior power list.

Necromancer - The character gains 2 + Spirit/20 Powers from the Necromancer power list.

Powers - The character gains 2 Powers from any power list. They must still meet the prerequisites of the list to take powers from it.

Natural Succubus - Succubus Magic

Natural Mage Focus in Arcane - The character chooses an Element. This Talent allows the character to cast up to 5th level spells in that Element, and in addition, they gain a +10 bonus to all Casting checks for spells of that Element, all spells of that Element that deal damage deal an additional +2 damage per spell level, Buffs increase the chosen stat by an additional +1 per spell level, and creatures summoned by spells of that Element gain a +2 bonus to their Body stat and a +1 bonus to AV per spell level.

Massive Energy Pool - The character gets +30 max EP.

Sensitive - The character takes an additional 5 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
Fetish Nursing - Takes an additiona 8 pp damage
Honourable - The character cannot break their word once given. Every contract, agreement and promise is totally binding, and the character must seek to fulfill them even at their own detriment.

Lustful - The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies or accept it if it is offered to them, and are also more likely to give in if they are being raped.

Fetish Fae - The character has a particular kink or preference that sets them off in bed. Whenever treated to their favored fetish, they take +8 PP damage.

Open Soul - The character takes an additional 5 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.

Mutated x3

Mutations 12/12
Supernatural - The character is magical in nature. They can no longer take corruption from anything but creatures with Corruptive, and cause any pleasure they deal to other creature to cause an equal amount of corruption. Racial Mutations and other Special Mutations do not count toward getting this.

Demon - The character is a demon. They gain resistance to Fire and Force, ignoring the first 5 points of damage from sources of either type.

Shapeshifter - The character can change their physical form at will. At any time, they can change their physiology so that they functionally have any of the normal mutations. If they do not have the Supernatural or Naturally Supernatural Special Mutation, they cannot exceed the number of normal mutations that they already have using shapeshifting. This shapeshifting is limited to the base mutations, they cannot get any of the mutations that have requirements unless they have the base mutations without shifting into them, and only one instance of each mutation can be shifted into. This mutation cannot be used to get or hide other special mutations.

Corruptive - The character is able to corrupt even Supernatural creatures if they so choose. A character with this is immune to corruption even from other creatures with Corruptive.

Selective Fertility - The character can choose whether or not they have children. Whenever they could potentially become pregnant or impregnate another, they may apply either the Fertile or Infertile Flaw if they so desire.

Tail - The character grows a tail. It can be of any kind that you like. This mutation can be taken as many times as the character likes.

Dangerous Tail - The character's tail can be used to deal unarmed attacks. If so, it deals an additional +4 damage but takes a -2 penalty to the attack roll. Using your character’s tail to attack is optional.

Venomous Tail - The character can choose to inject venom with one of their unarmed attacks. If so, that attack deals -10 damage but the creature affected must make a Resistance check against the character or gain the status effect of Aroused/Horny

Massive Breasts - The characters breasts increase in size. How much is up to the player, but it has to be a significant change. The character deals +4 PP damage whenever they would tittyfuck anything.

Breeder - When the character is pregnant or has impregnated someone else, the gestation period of their offspring is shortened by half.

Lactation - The character begins to lactate, and any pleasure they take due to their breasts being touched is increased by 2. Can only be taken by female characters.

Healing Milk - Creatures/people that ingest the characters milk heals 1d6+4HP per turn drinking.

Vestigial -> Wings -> Greater Wings - The character can fly at twice their Speed

Keen Nose - The character's sense of smell is exceptional. +2 to perception checks so long as it's relating to something the character can smell or could potentially smell, and the character's ability to pick up faint smells is considered to be increased and they're considered to have an almost hound-like ability to distinguish scents.

Slick - The character gets incredibly wet or otherwise produces an unusual amount of lubrication, resulting in a +6 bonus to end penetration or a -6 penalty against maintaining it, but also gaining +4 PP damage during penetrative sex.


Wielder Aptitudes
Multifocused - The character uses their Spirit stat in place of Body and Mind when making attacks with Spells, unarmed attacks, or weapons. They also gain a static +4 bonus to attack rolls in general.

Harmful Spirit - For any Spirit Powers that deal damage, the damage rolls for those powers have their minimum value set to 1/2 the max roll of the dice.


Fey Servant
Lay on Hands

Aspect of Spirit
Devour Magic
Life Leach

Spirit Warrior
Energy Blast
Energy Wave
Instant Transmission

Aphrodisiac Fluids (Passive): Creatures who swallow the character's sexual fluids have their Resistance stat decreased by 2d6 temporarily. Creatures reduced to 0 Resistance by this ability gain the Aroused status and have their Resistance reset, and if their Resistance drops to 0 again they gain the Horny status. If the character with this power has the Enthrall talent and a target with the Horny status as a result of this power has or is made to orgasm this encounter then that target automatically becomes enthralled and the enthralling character gains a +10 bonus against attempts by the target to break free.

Charm - The character pays 6 EP and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character or gain the Charmed status.

Dazzling Beauty (Passive) - The character is perpetually the center of attention, and will always be looked upon with lust. All creatures able to see the character take a -10 penalty to their Perception stat when trying to perceive creatures other than the character, and whenever they deal Pleasure damage to a creature it is increased by +6.

Battlemage's Robes - AV = 7, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 1.
One handed Whip - Deal 1d8 + 1 + Body/2 damage.
Bow - 2d8 + 6 + Body/3, 50 foot range
20 Barbed arrows - Barbed Arrows - cause an additional 1d10 bleed damage per round to those hit until they receive magical healing or take a round to bandage the wound
2 energy potions - Restores 50 EP each
20 denarii

Nireniel grew up in a small village to a single father. Her father was a small time sorcerer and taught Nireniel his trade. It was quickly apparent Nireniel had an innate knack for the arcane and her own inner powers. As she grew older her father quickly found that he was running out of things to teach her, so he gathered what money he could and booked her passage to a place where she might better hone her skills.

A day later she found herself in a wagon rumbling down a road, shaking hands with a small goblin. Her father having booked passage on a wagon with a dozen other passengers. The goblin introduced herself as Karelia and they began to chat to pass the time as they traveled. Much of the time was uneventful, the days long and boring. So Karelia and Nireniel passed the days with games and acts of a more pleasing nature.

A couple weeks after leaving, their caravan was set upon by a horde of strange creatures with cruel men leading them with magic and whips. Karelia and Nireniel soon found themselves surrounded as battle broke out between the guards and the ambushers. Soon the pair were quickly caught in the fight and found themselves struggling to prevent being captured or worse.

After several minutes of battle Karelia fell to a slime and was soon swallowed up. Nireniel struggled and fought to free her friend, a couple guards helping to pull the exhausted goblin out. The guards seeing that they were swiftly being overwhelmed quickly set to work cutting a path for their passengers. With in moments Karelia and Nireniel were free as Nireniel carried her friend with her into the forest.

For the next several hours Nireniel began a desperate race through the forest. Fighting every time the pursuers caught up, protecting her new friend. As dawn slowly approached she found herself perched upon a cliff surrounded and with no where to run. Realizing she had no choice, she prepared to fight. After a couple of minutes the men soon had her beaten and sprawled acrossed the ground. Her last sight as she lost consciousness was a streak of gold striking a man that had been about to tie her up.

She awoke in a small cave, a soft glowing ball providing light. A golden haired man sat next to her, gently changing bandages on one of her arms. After a few moments of explaining, Nireniel was told that he had saved her from the man and had taken care of her wounds and treated her. Though he gave a slightly sad expression from explaining that he had not been able to save her friend. After she had fallen asleep once again to rest a bit, she awoke to find a goopy purple face hanging above her head. Upon the man's return he explained that Karelia had been converted into a slime during the last struggle on the cliff. Though such a thing seemed not to faze the new slime girl.

Over the next few weeks as the man treated her wounds and cared for her they talked and got to know one another. The man's name was Rhawon and he was a warrior who travelled the land perfecting his art. As the days passed Nireniel spent either her time chatting with Rhawon, or chatting and helping her friend Karelia remember who she had been. Two week later Nireniel left the cave with Rhawon, her wounds healed. The two discussing what was next, though Nireniel found that Rhawon needed to continue on his way.

After a brief talk they they decided to exited the forest together, though they needed to head in separate directions as Nireniel was still heading towards her magic school, the slime girl following the demon who had risked her life trying to save her. A few evenings later they set up camp on the forest edge. That night Nireniel seduced Rhawon and spent the night with him. Paying him back for his kindness with her body. The two soon falling asleep in each other's arms. Nireniel awoke alone in her bed, though her slime friend was still in camp.

It became quickly apparent that day as she travelled that Rhawon had not left her quite alone as she thought. After a couple of days, she gave birth to a mewling little baby girl. Deciding to name her daughter Naia after her own mother. She quickly realized that she wouldn't be able to go to school and raise the child, so she set off in search of a place to call home. Oddly enough she found herself upon the cliff Rhawon had saved her. Using her magic and her power to animate things, she built herself a home out of stone.

Nireniel and Karelia soon made the place their home. The new mother raising her new babe. Over the course of the next few weeks, Nireniel traded for food with travellers and merchants passing by, oft times with her body as it was the only thing she had to trade with. Before Naia was even a couple weeks old she soon had another child on the way. She soon found herself giving birth to her second daughter Hisza much to Naia's delight. Now with two children and a growing home, she happily settled down to raise the two greedy little little milk drinkers. She found that despite their growing sized they enjoyed her milked and happily let them continue to drink from her.

Over the course of the next year she began to instruct her daughters on how to use magic and powers. She even showed them a few moves she had learned in her desperate chase through the woods. Her second child quickly becoming a small troublemaker, using pranks and tricks on family and travellers that visited. During that time Karelia was more then willing to help the budding women learn things of a more intimate nature, much to their mother's amusement. While her children played and explored their little home, she began to use her free time to experiment with her own powers and magic.

Realizing that her daughters were growing so fast she realized that they might need a way to protect themselves. One day she used her magic to summon a person she knew might be able to help, she decided to summon Rhawon and much to her delight, he appeared. After seeing her children and hearing that she wanted them to learn from him he agreed. Though she left out the mention that Naia was his daughter, fearing what his reaction might be, and stopping him from continuing to train her swordsmanship.

Rhawon stayed with Nireniel and her two children, training them in various forms of melee and ranged combat. Naia taking after her father and learning his teachingns quickly, while Hisza learned both magic and martial skills decently. Nireniel happily spent each night with Rhawon in thanks for his lessons. After Rhawon left to continue his travels, Nireniel was once more with a child and a few days later she had a son much to her two daughter's glee, she named him Zerrai. Much like her first child Zerrai grew quickly, though he was meek and much more kind then either of his sisters. Though Zerrai often wound up in a dress, either because of Hisza forcing him into one, or due to Naia giving him more hugs because of his cuteness in one.

Nireniel spent the next year teaching her youngest what she had taught the other two. Her oldest Naia who had taken quite well to matters of martial combat taught him about combat. Though it was quickly apparent he was much too kind hearted to hurt people, though he showed more promise with magic and powers then Nireniel herself did. She elected to stay in their home teaching her three children everything she knew.

A few years later she felt that each of her children had learned enough to survive on their own. She let each of her children finally leave home. Hisza quickly heading off to Acheron, Though Zerrai decided to stay home, gardening and looking after their home in peace. Nireniel and Karelia set off to travel on their own, though they were swiftly joined by her oldest Naia.

Nireniel stants about 5' 6". Her skin is a dark pitch black. Her hair is a snow white and hangs loosely several inches past her shoulders. Her eyes are a striking blue. Her face is soft and possessing an unnatural beauty.

Her body is lithe and curvy. With massive breasts resting upon her chest. A great pair of black wings sprout from her back. A small delicate piece of white bone jutting from the elbow. The membrane on the inside of the wings is a dark nearly black purple, Her tummy is trim and small at the waist. A spaded tipped tail trails down from just above her bum and easily reaches the ground. A retractable needle hides nestled in the tip. Her hip are large and have a motherly quality to them. Her plump rump is a pleasant heart shape.

Karelia the Slime Girl Companion
Name: Karelia
Class: Warrior
Race: Slime Girl
Sex: Female

Primary Stats
Body: 24
Mind: 6
Spirit: 10

Secondary Stats
Hit Points (HP): 0 ( 61 = 24 + 6/2 + 10/2 + 30 )
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 23 ( 24/2 + 6 + 10/2 )
Spirit Energy (EP): 81 ( 24/2 + 6/2 + 10 +61 hp)
Speed: 15 (Square root of 24 * 10)
Dodge: 30 ( (24 + 6 + 10) / 2 + 10)
Armor: 4 ( 2 + 2 )
Resistance: 12 ( 24/2 )
Perception: 15 (Square root of 24 * 10)
Stealth: 15 (Square root of 24 * 10)
Grapple: 24
Spirit Ceiling: 16 ( 81/5 )
Experience: Starts at 0
Corruption: Also starts at 0

Combat stats
Unarmed to Hit = 24
Unarmed Damage = 2d12 + Body/2 damage

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8 + Body/3
Foreplay = 2d4 + Body/4

Unarmed Fighter Talent - The character deals Improved Unarmed damage when attacking without a weapon. In addition, the character gets a +10 bonus to Dodge so long as they aren't holding any weapons.

Resilient - Grants the character an additional 30 max hit points. +30 HP, in other words.

Idealistic (RP) - The character is unfailingly kind no matter the circumstances. They will always try to help others to the best of their ability, even to their own detriment, and even if that help is not asked for or met with hostility. This does not mean, however, mean that they will let things attack them without responding. They’re idealists, not pacifists.

Honorable (RP) - The character cannot break their word once given. Every contract, agreement and promise is totally binding, and the character must seek to fulfill them even at their own detriment.

Mutations 1/12
Natural Attack: The character has some sort of natural attack that allows them to deal a greater amount of unarmed damage than usual. Their unarmed attacks deal 2d12 + Body/3 damage. Characters that possess this mutation and the Unarmed Fighter Talent deal 2d12 + Body/2 damage instead.

Malleable Form: Unlike other races, Slimes do not have an HP stat, nor do they have a maximum EP. Instead, they add whatever their HP would be to their starting EP. This is considered their normal EP, but it can be exceeded by draining. Any damage that the character takes goes to their EP. Any HP they would regain or EP that they would drain causes their EP to increase even if it would exceed their normal maximum EP, but healing HP cannot cause them to go over their normal EP. Once a character with this mutation reaches three times their normal EP, they lose exactly 1/2 of it, gain 8 experience and split in half, producing another living slime with their memories, personality and skill and power set. The two generally diverge from there as they naturally don’t want to stay near each other.

Naturally Supernatural: The character was born supernatural, but don’t cause as much corruption as a demon or similar creatures would. They are immune to corruption as the Supernatural mutation, but only corrupt others as if they had the Warped mutation.

Soul Eater: The character must feed off of the souls of others in order to survive. They cannot regenerate EP beyond 1, and whenever they are at 1 EP they must actively seek to feed regardless of any possible consequences. Whenever they deal pleasure to a creature, they drain 1/2 as much EP from that creature as they cause PP damage. This draining is doubled if the drained creature orgasms. So long as the character is not at 1 EP they can willingly suppress this effect.

Tentacles: The character has a number of tentacles that they can use for a variety of purposes. If used for penetration, the character deals and (optionally) takes pleasure as if they were penetrating their opponent and (optionally) can impregnate as if they had a penis, or they may choose to only deal penetration pleasure to themselves. In addition, group grappling rules no longer apply against the character unless the creatures that they are grappling with also have this Special Mutation. The character can, while in a grapple, attempt to grapple another creature so long as they win their grapple check for that round against all of the creatures that they are grappling, but if they do, they also need to succeed on an attack roll against the targeted creature to bring them into the grapple as they would normally. In addition, the character can attempt an action against all creatures that they are in a grapple with every round at no penalty as if they were grappling each individually.

Damage Reduction 1/2

Physical Damage Reduction 1/2

Sturdy (Passive) – The character gets a +12 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to move them, or to give them the Stunned or Prone statuses. They also gain a +2 bonus to AV.

Teamwork (Passive) - When choosing to defend another (as per the combat rules) the character is given the option boost to boost their ally's attack, resistance, or armor by sacrificing the character's attack at a 2 to 1 ratio (2 attack = 1 bonus.) They also gain +8 armor when intercepting blows for an ally and may Dodge those attacks at a -10 penatly. Finally, they may use their move action to charge at an allied character at 3x their Speed, taking a -10 Dodge penalty when doing so, in order to meet the range requirements for defending another. Requires Idealistic.

Knight (Passive) – The character gets a +2 bonus to AV, Dodge, all attacks rolls, and damage rolls for all melee attacks. Requires: Honorable.

Karelia is unusally small for a slime and stands about 3" 6". Her skin is a dark purple and transluscent. Her body is very womany with a modest chest and hips.
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

My fluffytail:

Name: Nila (Nee-La) Misra
Class: Spirit Wielder
Race: Kitsune
Sex: Female
Backstory Template: Educated (Home-Schooled)

Body = 10 (10)
Mind = 22 (10 + 12R)
Spirit = 50 (30 + 12R + 8T)

Hit Points (HP) = 46 (10 + 22 / 2 + 50 / 2 = 46)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 52 (10 / 2 + 22 + 50 / 2 = 52)
Spirit Energy (EP) = 96 (10 / 2 + 22 / 2 + 50 = 66 + 30T)
Speed = 34 (25 + [flr[10 / 20] * 5] = 25 + 10T – 1EV)
Dodge = 10d10 + 1 ([2 + 10 / 10 + 22 / 10 + 50 / 10]d10 + R / 2 = 10d10 + 1)
Armor = 5 (0 Nat + 5 Worn)
Grapple = 0 ([10 / 10]d10 + R = 1d10 + 0 – 1d10F)
Spirit Ceiling = 20 (96 / 5 = 19 + 2T – 1EV)

Reflexes = 11 (50 / 6 + 10 / 3 = 11)
Focus = 15 (50 / 6 + 22 / 3 = 15)
Willpower = 25 (50 / 2 = 25)

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod = 0
Bull Rush Mod = 0
Overrun Mod = 0
Orgasm Threshold = 1
Pleasure Resistance = 18

Conditional Bonuses/Penalties
+5 to Pregnancy Rolls.
+5 to any PP Damage taken.
+5 to any EP Damage taken.
1.5x Corruption gain.
+8 PP Damage from having her tail played with, or while playing with someone else’s.

Experience = 6
Corruption = 0


Lost 50 denarii to a Troll ;-;
Gained a phobia of bridges and their trolls from the same encounter.
+6 Exp for a fight with fishmen.

(Base) Exceptional: +8 Spirit.
(Base) Spirit Warrior: Gain 2 + Spirit/20 (5) Spirit Warrior powers.
(Base) Alchemist: Gain 2 + Spirit/20 (5) Alchemist powers.
(Base) Skilled Wielder: Gain 2 Wielder Aptitudes and +1 Spirit Ceiling.
(Base) Skilled Wielder: Gain 2 Wielder Aptitudes and +1 Spirit Ceiling.
(Flaws) Massive Energy Pool: +30 EP
(Flaws) Quick: +10 Speed.
(Flaws) Natural Warrior (Duelist): +2d10 Dodge and +2 Damage using a weapon in one hand and nothing in the other.

(Racial) Fertile: +5 to Pregnancy rolls.
(Racial) Sensitive: +5 to any source of PP damage.
(Racial) Tainted Bloodline: 1.5x Corruption gain.
(Base) Poor Grappler: –1d10 Grapple, grapple now advances at a rate of 1d10 per Body/10, and bonuses for remainders are halved.
(Base) Idealistic (RP): Will always try to help people whenever possible, regardless of the circumstances or consequences.
(Base) Open Soul: +5 to any source of EP damage.
(Extra) Fetish (Tail Play): +8 PP damage when someone plays with her tail, or while she is playing with someone else's (Especially the fluffy sort).
(Extra) Phobia (Bridges): Especially ones that might have trolls under them. She will fly over or around any bridge she comes across instead of setting foot on it.

Mutations: 3/18
(Racial) Funny Ears: Silver-furred Fox Ears.
(Racial) Tail: A silver-furred fox tail. Her original tail. Very fluffy.
(Kitsune Heritage) Tail: A white-tipped, golden-furred fox tail.

Special Mutations
(Racial) Naturally Warped: Doesn’t cause Corruption in others, or receive Corruption from Warped creatures. Counts as having at least 3 mutations.
(Racial) Shapeshifter: Can change physical form at will, changing her physiology to gain any of the normal mutations. Cannot exceed the number of normal mutations she already has by shapeshifting. Limited to base mutations plus one step, and mutations with prerequisites can only be taken if the prerequisites are met before shapeshifting.
(Racial) Kitsune Heritage

Weapon Attack = 10d10 + 0 ([50 / 5]d10 + R) | 12d10 + 0 with Weapon Powers.

Power Attack = 10d10 + 0 ([50 / 5]d10 + R)
Wielder Aptitudes
(Base) True Inner Strength: The character gains a number of benefits when using Spirit Warrior powers.
-For 3 additional EP on activation, Battle Aura grants a temporary HP pool of 3X when first activated. A character with this Aptitude becomes immune to sneak attacks while Battle Aura is active.
-Instant Transmission and Flight cost 2 less EP to activate, Instant Transmission may be used as a move action for double the cost, and Flight's upkeep cost is removed.
-Explosion, Energy Blast, Energy Blade, and Energy Wave gain a +10 bonus to Resistance checks made to determine whether or not they would be reflected, avoided, or countered, and are treated as if they did twice as much damage as they actually would do against barriers that would soak their damage.

(Base) Multifocused: The character uses their Spirit stat in place of Body and/or Mind when making attacks using spell attack or weapon attack rolls. They may also pay 2 EP to add Spirit/4 damage to any spell or weapon attack relying on Body, so long as that attack would already deal damage.
(Base) Soul Soldier: The character may use Weapon Spirit Powers twice in one turn and still get their attacks. They get the reduced penalties to fighting with two weapons as if they had the Two Weapon Fighting Talent. Weapon powers are treated as if 3 additional EP was put into X when they were activated, and attacks with weapon powers gain a 2d10 bonus to hit. In addition, the character may make up to three attacks with weapon powers as a standard action, splitting their attack bonus dice between each attack as they see fit while getting the base attack dice and any static bonuses to each attack.
(Skilled Wielder) Soul’s Strength: The character's buff powers are more potent. Whenever a power would increase a secondary stat by a multiplier based on X
- Increase a single secondary stat's buff multiplier by 1 for free.
- Increase another secondary stat's multiplier by 1 for +1 upkeep. This can be done multiple times.
- Increase a single secondary stat's multiplier by 2 for +2 upkeep. This can only be done once.
- For buffs that increase a primary stat increase the multiplier by 2 for +1 upkeep.
For example: X becomes 2X, 3X becomes 4X, etc.

(Skilled Wielder) Efficient Wielder (x3): Spirit Power buffs activated by the character cost 9 less EP (minimum 0) to upkeep. This reduced upkeep may be traded in order to increase the bonus granted to any one stat by an active power by X. In addition, the character may change an active buff power to another one that they know as a free action by paying the activation cost of the new power.

(Alchemist) Analysis
(Alchemist) Bomb
(Alchemist) Reshape
(Alchemist) Seal
(Alchemist) Transformation
(Spirit Warrior) Battle Aura
(Spirit Warrior) Energy Blade
(Spirit Warrior) Explosion
(Spirit Warrior) Flight
(Spirit Warrior) Instant Transmission

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8 + 3
Foreplay = 2d4 + 3


Rapier (2d6 + 5)
Unarmed (2d4 + 3)

Leather Armour (AV=5, EV=1, TP=30, DU=3)

0 Denarii


Acrobatics - 4d10
Alchemy - 5d10
Herbalism - 3d10
Language (Crolian) - 5d10
Lore (History) - 2d10 (2d10B)
Mathematics - 3d10 (3d10B)
Medicine - 3d10
Reading/Writing - 5d10 (3d10B)
Sewing - 2d10

Perception - 5d10
Stealth - 4d10-2 (-2EV)


Reference Image

Perhaps a result of her subconscious affecting her natural shapeshifting abilities while growing up, being the youngest of nine sisters, but Nila has always been on the small side. Rather short, with pale skin and a petite figure, the overall appearance of her natural form manages to fall just a bit short of being considered childish. Along with a pair of vibrant gold eyes, her facial features are soft overall, contributing—along with her small stature—to a rather nonthreatening appearance that leads to her rarely being taken seriously on serious matters, despite all of her attempts to the contrary. Her long, silvery-white hair matches the fur of her fox-like ears and original tail. A second tail sprouts next to her original, this one golden-furred with a white tip, though she wears it not with pride, as one who understands its significance might expect, but with shame. Out of respect for the soul's owner, she refuses to use her shapeshifting abilities to hide it unless she needs to hide her fox-like features altogether, but it is only out of necessity and the wishes of the previous owner that she has not yet released it.

In terms of wardrobe, Nila generally prefers loose, airy clothes, though she has taken to wearing light armour over them recently. She generally wears light colours, white, blue, and purple being her favourites, and thanks to her more recent combat training, emphasizes non-restrictive designs so as to not hamper her mobility any more than the necessity of weighing herself down with armour already does. This has led to her adopting a style of dress which, while far from skimpy or even daring by the standards of much of the world, is considerably less modest than what she was previously used to. Her dislike for overly “tight-fitting” clothing has remained, and in order to cater to both this preference and her desire for more freedom of movement, she has adopted mostly “trimmed down” versions of her more traditional attire.

Despite the nature of her quest, Nila manages to remain an optimistic person for the most part, having retained much of her youthful idealism and always trying to see the best in everything. She will rarely turn down someone who asks for her help, and her relative naivety means that she is also quite gullible. While she generally tries to avoid putting herself in too much danger, she presents a fairly attractive target to the less savoury sorts, between her tendency to take anything she’s told at face value, and her apparent vulnerability. Fortunately for Nila herself, she is not as vulnerable as she might appear, and while she is a very trusting person, once someone has shown themselves to have malicious intent toward herself or others, she won’t hesitate to fight back. To everyone else, she is quite friendly, though perhaps a little too “hands-on” for some (Innocent as her intent usually is), and occasionally too honest for her own good. She understands the need for secrets, and is willing to use her natural shapeshifting ability to disguise herself in places where her kind may not be welcome, but has a tendency to speak her mind without thinking, often inadvertently saying more than she intends to.

The Out of Character Section

Since I was a bit vague regarding exact size when describing her appearance, if you prefer more precise measurements: She is roughly 158cm tall (Or 5’2”), and weighs roughly 49kg (or 108 pounds). She has a petite build overall, and lacks any real muscle definition (Without her powers enhancing her physical abilities, she’s quite weak physically, and it shows).

As the end of her bio kind of implies, she's wandering at this point. She could end up basically anywhere. She probably wouldn't get too involved with the invaders, at least not enough to go to the front lines herself, but she'd probably try to help if she came across an area threatened by them (Gooooo idealistic flaw. She needs no justification for being helpful. She’s less lazy now, but still too nice for her own good). Otherwise, she'd probably avoid Badaria as much as possible, being at least aware of how xenophobic they are there (Although while she dislikes hiding her sister's tail, she'll still be willing to use her shapeshifting powers to disguise herself as human if she needs to). On the other hand, Acheron could be an interesting place for her, and certainly a bit of a culture shock to oh-so-pure Nila (Well, I might not go that far, but she has basically no experience to speak of, and the most she's ever seen firsthand were a few of her sisters' “secret” encounters with Fey). Regardless, I can justify her being basically anywhere right now, unless it's something really outlandish. She just wants to avoid her scary possibly-yandere sister and find someone or something that can help her get stronger.

Since she absorbed the soul of her sister Chika, who was an experienced mage, she also has the potential to use magic in the same way, although Nila herself isn’t fully aware of this fact. It’s an ability she might gain in the future, especially if she finds a teacher to at least show her the basics.

In terms of personal fetishes and such, I'm honestly not too picky. Not a fan of some extremes, such as guro, or basically anything that involves her having to be put back together afterwards. I suppose I have a thing for bondage (And Nila is literally the worst at escaping it), and basically any case where she loses control of the situation in some way (Such as through blackmail, threats, or simple physical force). Basically feel free to do what you want though, I’m pretty okay with most things, this is just the top of the list.

Probably worth noting is that, at least from the start, Nila has no real interest in sex. Anyone wanting to get with her is most likely going to either have a fair bit of work ahead of them unless they choose to try to force her into it (Or mess with her head somehow to make her want it). Also, as stated previously, she has literally zero experience, and with her personality it’s quite possible that any more subtle offers will go right over her head.

Status of the family (Listed oldest to youngest):
> Nalini (Warrior) (The sisters' mother. The first to be absorbed by Lina.)
> Chika (Mage) (Willingly absorbed by Nila after nearly dying getting her away from Lina.)
> Nisha (Warrior) (Absorbed by Lina.)
> Yami (Mage) (Currently with Mana, location unknown. Being hunted by Lina.)
> Eva (Mage) (Absorbed by Lina.)
> Mana (Warrior) (Currently with Yami, location unknown. Being hunted by Lina.)
> Vera (Warrior) (Absorbed by Lina.)
> Kali (Warrior) (Absorbed by Lina.)
> Lina (Mage) (has 6 tails, after absorbing Nalini, Nisha, Eva, Vera, and Kali. Hunting her remaining siblings.)
> Nila (Spirit Wielder) (has 2 tails, after absorbing Chika. Being hunted by Lina.)

Bio was breaking the character limit, so you can see the full sheet here:

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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Here's my werewolf for Bloodthirsty Idealism with Rath and Zil. Apologies in advance for possibly awkward formatting due to having to compensate for werewolfiness.

Name: Tasha Duskprowl
Class: Warrior
Race: Su-Tu-Ka
Sex: Female

*Stats in Werewolf Form

Body: 50 (+8 Werewolf, +8 Exceptional, +6 Su-tu-ka) (*74)
Mind: 12 (+2 Su-Tu-Ka) (*8)
Spirit: 20 (+8 Exceptional) (*8)

Hit Points (HP): 86 (+20 Healthy) (*132, +30 Resilient)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 47 (*49)
Spirit Energy (EP): 51 (*49)
Speed: 29 (+8 Quick, -1 Clawed Feet) (*42 - +8 Quick)
Dodge: 51 (+10 Unarmed Fighter) (*55)
Armor: 24 (+12, Armor, +4 Natural, +8 Battle Hardened) (*36 - +2 Armored Hide, +10 Pain Resistant)
Resistance: 33 (+8 Resistant) (*45)
Perception: 26 (+4 Keen Nose, Eyes) (*42 - +8 Perceptive, +3 Ranger)
Stealth: 16 (-6 EV) (*26 - +5 Stealthy)
Grapple: 50 (*74)
Spirit Ceiling: 7 (-3 EV) (*6)


Talents: Hard Hitter, Natural Spirit User – Spirit Warrior, Exceptional 2, Healthy, Unarmed Fighter, Battle Hardened, Resistant
Racial Talents: Quick.

* Resilient, 2x Pain Resistant, Quick, Perceptive, Stealthy

Flaws: Mutated 3, Infertile, Fetish – Bondage, Fetish - Beasts
Racial Flaws: Fetish Beasts, Mutated, Bloodthirsty

Mutations: Clawed Feet, Keen Nose, Greater Wings, Whip Tongue, Pheromones, Greater Claws, Tail, Odd Skin (Cold and hard), Armored Hide 2 (Smooth but very tough skin)
Racial Mutations: Werecreature, Silverbane, Natural Attack, Claws, Night Eyes, Whip Tongue, Fearsome Maw, Funny Ears

*Mutations: Clawed Feet, Razor Fingers, Fearsome Maw, Funny ears(wolf ears), Natural attack, Odd Hair, Armored Hide(thick fur), Reverse Jointed Legs, Strange Face, Tail.

Skills: Claw Attack +53 (*77) – 2d12 + 25 (*37) + 16 +2(Spike Armor) (+5 Greater Claws, +3 Berserker, +8 Hard Hitter) (*58)
Bite +53 (*77) – 2d12 + 25 (*37) + 15(+4 Fearsome Maw, +8 Hard Hitter, +3 Berserker)

Flurry of Blows – The character can strike repeatedly against the same target. They may take up to 4 additional attacks, but for each attack beyond the first the character takes a -8 penalty to attack rolls and a -5 penalty to damage for all attacks that round. The same penalties apply to each attack. Requires Unarmed Fighter.

Berserker (Passive) – The character gets a +3 bonus to all attack rolls, and damage for all melee attacks. Requires the Bloodthirsty Flaw.

Rage – The character gets a +10 bonus to attack rolls, Grapple, and damage, as well as a +4 bonus to AV, but all attacks made against them automatically hit and the character must attack every round. While enraged, they cannot be afflicted with the Horny, Charmed, Dominated or Stunned statuses. Requires Berserker.

Spell Resistance (Passive) - The character ignores the first 10 points of damage that would be caused by any given Spell or Power even if that spell or power would ignore AV. They may also Dodge spells and powers that would normally automatically hit, though they take a -10 penalty to Dodge against such attacks.

Spirit-Oppressor (Passive) - The character gains +10 to Dodge and Resistance checks against Spirit based attacks, and AoE powers deal 1/8 damage if they miss. Requires Spirit 14+.

Bloodbath - While in a rage, a character can pay 4 EP in order to regain HP on successful attacks for that round. When active, any successful attack for the round heals the character for 2d6 + 6 HP. The +6 modifier is reduced by 2 for every additional attack on a round for all attacks on that round to a minimum of 2d6 + 0. In addition, as a passive effect during rage, if the character is hit by a blow that would knock the character unconscious or kill them, they may make a Resistance check against a DC equal to the damage above their maximum hit points. If they win, their HP becomes 0 and they transfer half of their current EP, rounded up, to their HP, but will automatically fall unconscious when their rage or the encounter ends. EP expended on this skill does not trigger a character's Spirit Ceiling, and this skill can still be used while Sealed or wearing a Sealing collar. Requires Rage.

* Ranger (Passive) – The character gets a +3 bonus to Perception, and can track creatures so long as they have stayed on the ground. With Skill with Primitive Ranged Weapons or Crossbows then this skill allows for crafting Special Arrows/Bolts at half the listed shop price, and it allows the same for Special Rounds with Skill with Rifles or Pistols.

*Strong Willed (Passive) – The character gets a +12 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to control or alter their actions. These include the Dominated, Charmed and Horny statuses. They also gain a +2 bonus to resisting EP damage.

Base Casting:
Favored Elements:
Magic Feats:

Wielder Aptitudes:
Powers: Battle Aura, Instant Transmission, Explosion

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8 + 16 (*24)
Foreplay = 2d4 + 15 (*18)
Succubus Powers:

Elven Warplate: AV = 12, EV = 3, TP = 30, DU = 5 (+1 David modification) +2 Damage Unarmed
2 Healing Potions

Bio/Description: Tasha is a pale beauty with a short jet black bob cut topped by a pair of cat-like ears and icy blue eyes that have small flecks of yellow in them. She has a tall, long legged, and athletic form that barely has any bodyfat, though she manages to stretch a B cup. Despite being a Su-Tu-Ka, her mutations have given her a decidedly wolfish appearance. A pair of black bat wings lie folded against her back, and a fluffy wolf tail swishes behind her as she walks. Her nails have been warped into a set of dangerous looking claws while a set of smaller ones come from her toes, keeping her from being able to wear shoes. She often has a chilly and detached demeanor and is frequently blunt and direct when she speaks. If one sees her smiling, it's usually before a fight. That being said, Tasha doesn't actively seek fights, but is more than happy to solve problems or answer antagonizers with violence. She hadn't joined the beast cult by choice, at first, but thanks to her pragmatic nature, she decided it would be better to go along with joining rather than resist and get brainwashed into joining. After all, she couldn't get impregnated and anyone who knows her for more than five minutes could tell that she had the maternal instincts of a rock. Free company, sex, lodging, and food are what keep her where she is.

The OOC section: Not a big fan of playing guro, or watersports/scat.
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

~ Maya ~

DG3 Character Sheet
Name: Maya
Class: Free Spirit
Race: Daemon Spawn (1/4 Su-Ku-Ta, 1/4 Anudorian, 1/2 Daemon)

Body: 24 (+4 Racial)
Mind: 10
Spirit: 66 (+12 Racial, +16 Exceptional, +8 XP)

Hit Points: 62 [24+5+33]
Pleasure to Orgasm: 55 [12+10+33]
Spirit Energy: 113 [12+5+66] (+30MEP)
Speed: 15
Dodge: 50
Armour: 1
Resistance: 41
Perception: 26
Stealth: 13 (Pheromones -2)
Grapple: 36

Experience: Lots more to learn yet, (30 total) [24 spent]
C͙̗̾̄ͫ̈́̑̐ǒ̧͇̭͙̣͈̖̼̐͒̈̃ͤ̑r̮̼̙̝͉̫͒̔r̵͍̪̫̥̜ͯ̓̏͗ṳ̻̘̳̬̩ͤ̔̄ͅp͐͗ͣ̀t̨̺͕̹͓̠̦̳̓̓̋ĭ̝͊̌̏o̭̺̥͈̲ͮͭ̀ͫ͊ͣͅͅn͔̙̰̓͊̈́̽̿: Took a dip in the bath, (Three mutations + 75 cp)

(Ⓡ = Racial, Ⓕ = Gained via flaw, ⓒ = Class bonus, ⓧ = XP purchased, Ⓣ = Taught via RP)

ⓒ Psychic Spirit Powers
① Spirit Warrior Spirit Powers
② Demonologist Spirit Powers
③ +2 Spirit Powers
④ Massive Energy Pool: Increases EP by 30.
⑤ Resistant: Increase the character's Resistance stat by 8.

Ⓕ (Natural Warrior) Grapple Expert:
Ⓕ Exceptional: +8 to Spirit
Ⓕ Exceptional: +8 to Spirit

Ⓡ Fuck Me: The character deals an additional 12 pleasure per round during sex. (Vaginal or anal.)

ⓧ Necromancer Spirit Powers
ⓧ Natural Succubus: (Succubus Magic: Shapeshifting, Lead from the Bottom, Charm)

Ⓣ Shadowmancer Spirit Powers

Ⓡ Sensitive: Pleasure taken is increased by 5.
Ⓡ Fertile: The character is more likely to become pregnant, or to impregnate their partner. Mechanically, rolls of 2 or more now indicate success.
Ⓡ Open Soul: Whenever anything feeds on the characters spirit energy, it rushes out like a river. +5 to Energy damage.

Open Soul: Whenever anything feeds on the characters spirit energy, it rushes out like a river. +5 to Energy damage.
Open Soul: Whenever anything feeds on the characters spirit energy, it rushes out like a river. +5 to Energy damage.
Fetish (Lovely Plants): Whenever treated to their favored fetish, they take +8 PP damage.
Lustful (RP) : The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies, or accept it if it is offered to them, and are even more likely to give in if they are raped.

Fetish (Draining): Whenever treated to their favored fetish, they take +8 PP damage.
Shapeshifter: The character can change their physical form at will. At any time, they can change their physiology so that they functionally have any of the physical mutations. If they do not have the Supernatural Special Mutation, they cannot exceed the number of mutations that they already have, and cannot replace normal mutations with physical ones. This shapeshifting is limited to the base physical mutations, they cannot get any of the mutations that have requirements even if they have the base mutations. This mutation cannot be used to grant or acquire other special mutations. This can be used to hide the more unsightly greater mutations, however.
Pheromones: The character takes a -2 penalty to Stealth checks and friendly characters are more interested in sex with them.
Giving Soul: The character involuntarily leaks spirit energy, bestowing it upon their partner (if any) whenever they would take PP damage. The character takes 4 EP damage and their partner regains 4 EP.

Spirit Powers:
Spirit Ceiling: 23
Aptitudes: Efficient Wielder, Energy Shaper, Potent Spirit

~Psychic Shield:
~Mind Worm:
~~Mind Cutter:
Spirit Warrior
~Instant Transmission:
~Energy Blast:
~Energy Wave:
~Vampiric Futanari:
~Form of the Swarm:
~Summon Demon:
~Fell Might
~Gorgon's Gaze
~Aspect of Spirit
~Call Spirit
~Devour Magic
~Nightmarish Image
~Patch of Darkness
~Shadows Made Manifest

Succubus Powers:
~Shapeshifting (Passive): The character gains the Shapeshifter Special mutation.
~Charm: The character pays 6 EP and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character or gain the Charmed status.
~Lead from the Bottom (Passive): The character only takes 1d4 damage when resisting pleasure, and gains a +10 bonus to Resistance when determining how much PP damage is negated. In addition, as long as the character isn't unconscious or otherwise helpless they can prevent themselves from receiving pregnancy rolls when a creature penetrating them orgasms.

One birthday suit
Set of Amazonian Clothes
Light Traveler's Cloak

-Small charred and scuffed soft leather backpack:
--Portions of dried food
--Basement foods
--Water Skin
--Bottle of Shorn Mead
--RIVAL bottle of Shorn Mead!?
--Healing Potion
--Vague and Dated World Map
--Felt coin pouch: 31 Denarii
--Bag of 120 dosh
--Spare pair of panties

(No weapon.)

Racial attribute bonuses +4 Body +4 Spirit (included in stats)
+10 existing character coupon.
Unarmed attack (+24) [2d4 + 6] {None}
+12 to energy damage due to open soul.
Critical X = 62.

The daughter of a runaway circus girl and a long imprisoned daemon.
After leaving Artmirst Red continued her travels and left Badaria, aiming to escape the threat of the bounty on her head. Eventually finding a small abandoned homestead surrounded by forest, she was able to evict the plant people squatters who had inhabited the farm, and claimed it as a home. In the midst of hunting, scavenging, learning to tend to her new land and fending off small plant people incursions attempting to reclaim it, she gave birth to her "Demi god" offspring. In a simplistic tip of the hat, she named her Maya.
After the supernaturally short pregnancy, Maya matured at a phenomenal rate. The manner in which Maya learned various simple skills and tasks seemed almost instinctive at times, picking up the basics virtually first time and never looking back. Red taught her all she knew to the best of her ability. Beyond the rudimentary schooling on the typical subjects, she also told about her own story and past, including the details of how she met Naya, and how Maya came to be. Red made all her best efforts to nurture a simple set of honest morals, and a down to earth view of the world as she knew it.
With the powerful daemon blood of her "father" and inheriting the energetic soul of her mother, Maya rapidly developed an impressive spiritual aptitude. Coming naturally and instinctively, she developed powers almost day by day, with a formidable reserve of energy to fuel them. She learnt to move things from afar, to move herself both from place to place in an instant and via levitation, to project forceful and dangerous blasts of energy, and how to look into and even manipulate people’s minds. When a further reaching persistent band of bounty hunters showed up at the secluded homestead, the family of two were quite able at driving the hunters off their land. The area's plant people entertaining the rest as they fled.
Previously Red had been at odds with the native plant folk, with only her blades and own single loyal "plant person" daughter to maintain her territory. In time, Maya changed things. She got along well with the plant people that remained surrounding their home, and a more peaceful truce was established. They ceased to trample the crop patches, and stopped harassing her mother. When an opportunity came to test an idea Red came up with back in Artmirst, the pair introduced a new crop. Whether raw, dried, or baked into sweet blue buns, the residents of the nearest towns paid good money for Red and Maya's "Shorn Syrup" products. The revenue making the winter months much more bearable.
Eventually, Maya decided she wanted to see more of the world beyond just the forest homestead. Driven by a yearning to learn of and experience the world, as well as an unknown and subtle deep instinct to grow in power. One day turning her powers upon seducing her mortal mother, who proved severely incapable of resisting those nostalgic green eyes. As Red lay stunned in orgasmic bliss, Maya whispered her a farewell and promised she would return, leaving the farm for destinations unknown.

Maya’s initial bold venture into the wide world, proved an educational albeit somewhat confusing and overwhelming introduction to a world that had no intention of easing her in. For every valuable lesson learnt, a dozen more questions were raised. By the point she found herself holding two newborn offspring in her arms, she decided it was probably time to head home, recompose herself, and figure out what kind of weekend she had just had.

Explaining things to her mother was not exactly a straightforward discussion, even despite Marissa’s input and attempts trying to clarify things, whilst infants bawled loudly, and scores of curious and nosey Alraune gathered and poked their heads into the small home. Eventually Lily managed to calm and console Red, whilst valiantly managing to keep her from returning to the shorn bottles in response to the events.

Since then, the small homestead that Red initially reclaimed a short way east of the northen Badarian/Amazonian border, has gradually grown into a somewhat respectable farm. The home itself in notably better condition, and expanded to accommodate the additional family members. Shor and Saraeza, and Marissa and her daughter. As well as a degree of integration with the now fairly significant population of Alraune that make their home in the area around the farm. Red, Maya, and the original Alraune Matron, forming an informal triangle of authority for the unorthodox community.

The farms yield also, in both vegetable and ‘special produce’ crops, has swelled dramatically. Whilst the self sustenance vegetable plots seem to slightly begrudge the semi mountainous forest soil, the shorn crops have proven their ability to happily thrive undeterred. The farmstead’s primary status as a supplier of blue syrup seems secured. With Glassmoor serving as the nearest market town and perhaps a rising trading hub, Red has thus far had no issue finding buyers for her sweet produce. The family’s latest accidental discovery however, an alcoholic beverage produced using fermented shorn syrup, or “Shorn Mead” has the potential to considerably improve on the value that regular syrup had thus far been fetching. This is not to say there most certainly haven’t been challenges, difficult days, and some questionable events, but for the most part, life in their relatively isolated stretch of wilderness has been pleasant. If not exactly conventional.

Maya has spent the last two years helping to stabilise the commotion her adventure brought into her family, raising her children, and helping to expand and improve upon their home. Occasional trips to Glassmoor for business and pleasure, have provided her with some insights into the rest of the world. She has also found a new first hand understanding of her mother’s plight whilst looking after infantile Shor, who is now mobile on two feet, at the same time as trying to keep young but fully grown demoness Saraeza under some semblance of control. Marissa having been a vital ally regarding this.

Over time however, Maya has grown steadily more restless with the familiar scenery and (relatively) mundane daily routine, and has found her wanderlust returning. As much as she loves her children and family, and sharing comfortable time with them, she can’t shake an inexplicable feeling of being “small”. Further more, she feels her own youth and remaining inexperience haunting her, finding herself increasingly unable to answer some of her childrens questions. She even occasionally worries (at least a little bit), of what else is out there, and how secure her happiness really is. Her powers had developed well overall, but it seemed like she’d hit a wielder’s block lately, just wasn’t progressing. And last but by no means least, she knows there has got to be far more fun things out there to be doing than just jacking off shorn plants every day.

So after gathering her things, announcing her plans this time, promising to her children she’d be back soon, and giving everyone a farewell kiss, she sets off towards the horizon. Knowledge, power, and fun, were her destinations. She wasn’t remotely sure where to find them exactly, but how hard could it be. Her first stop however would be relatively familiar Glassmoor, to get some supplies, and see which way the wind blew.

Description & Personality:
Hip length dark hair, with occasional subtle tints of green showing when catching the light at the right angle. Extraordinarily vibrant green eyes that seemingly take on a cat like gaze a certain times, before returning to a normal human shape. Bizarrely possesses both typical Human like ears, and Su-ku-ta cat like ears, though the cast back way the upper ears rest and emerge from the hair could potentially be mistaken as part of a quirky hairstyle at a distance. Just as unusual are the sleek twin tails that play in the air behind her. Both black. She has a fairly lithe but curvy figure, with her bosom having filled out a little over the last two years, although still more notable for firm shape than size. Surprisingly flawless skin that retains a softness rare in a rough semi-wilderness lifestyle.

Her favourite expressions include sly, playful and curious, which matches her common mindset. She is typically impulsive and wilful, with a relaxed attitude to potential threats and hardships. Her previous adventures have instilled a small degree of caution and forethought to her actions, although this might almost seem a reluctant trait at times. She knows what she is and enjoys occasional self glorifying moments, yet is quite aware that she's still a small fry when compared to numerous uncertain beings. Intelligent and a quick learner, although actively working on filling some potentially unexpected gaps in her knowledge. Sexually, her "fertility goddess" origins are plenty apparent. Easily roused, affectionate and immediately curious about anything of a sexual nature. Her virginity was a fleeting moment in time, lost at around the same time the tiny family took to farming their new special crop. Her encounters in Argent Vale gifted her with a significant and arguably dangerous fetish for sexual draining of energy, one that she’s plenty aware of. When aroused her spirit swells, and tends to intimately wash over her partner to some degree whether she wishes or not. She blames Lanai for this.

Ref images:
Add some Su-Ku-Ta cat ears and a pair of twin tails poking out a special hole in the dress, and these pics are about right for Maya in her early-er years. She looks a little more mature than these now.

A vibrant green soul perhaps?

Clothes reference

XP Tracking
DG2 Notes
+10 DG1 existing player coupon, spent at character creation.
+2 XP for first encounter in the town.
+10 for fucking around whilst the party do the fighting! :D
-8, spent to take the Demonologist talent. 4XP remaining in the piggy bank.
+2, "Get over here!" for assisting in the slaughter of an unlucky hunter.
+10 for tower top boss fight.
-16 spent to boost spirit by +8, and to gain Natural Succubus (Succubus Powers). 0XP left in bank.

+2 Put down a pair of stubborn corpses.
+4 Couldn't be Axris friend.
Misc changes, Mutations and Notes
DG2 Notes
Changed the described hair colour to the one that I'd actually ended up imagining. Realised where my mind had gotten the mental image of her from, and so added some pics.

Preggers with mystery tentacle spawn. : o
Maya decides that virgins are cute and fun to play with.
Received corruption from combined attentions of wizard tentacle and Phyrra. Took a fetish mutation and reset to 0.
Maya "learns" an unusual trick from Phyrra~
Maya ponders sharp things. Telekienisis doesn't have to be blunt right?
Maya has learnt the pain that fire can bring.
Parenthood can be confusing and unexpected.
Villagers are clearly fickle things. They disappear at random.
People with pointy ears are confusing, scary and upsetting.
Parenthood can be repeatedly unexpected.

Woke up late.

Met a scary person and a dull person. Good luck to the dull one.
Gained 75 CP and Shadowmancer from bath time.

(Location of Reds crib. Don't invite aliens.)
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Euria, Wolf-Nymph Treasure Hunter. (Using DG4 rules)
Name: Euria
Class: Warrior
Race: Wilderhearted Nymph (Canine)
Sex: Female
Background: Member of the Winter Court

Body = 44 (8, 8)
Mind = 10 (4)
Spirit = 20 (4)

Hit Points (HP) = 59
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 42
Spirit Energy (EP) = 47
Speed = 45 (10)
Dodge = 10d10+0 (1d10, -2)
Armor = 2 (2 Worn)
Grapple = 3d10+2
Spirit Ceiling = 9 (-1)

Reflexes = 27 (5)
Focus = 15 (5)
Willpower = 19 (5)

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod = +25
Bull Rush Mod = +5
Overrun Mod = +5
Orgasm Threshold = 4
Pleasure Resistance = 13
Cold Resistance = 30
Fire Resistance = 5
Electricity Resistance = 5

Miscellaneous Bonuses/Penalties
+2 Perception when hearing is involved.
+6 Perception when scent is involved.
+12 Perception to locate treasure.
+5 Dodge (In addition to DB) while using a shield.
+1d10+3 Dodge and +1d10 attack for a round after moving at least 10 feet.
+4d10 to grapple checks made to escape.
+12 to Resistance checks against attempts to control actions or affect the mind.
+4 to Resistance checks made to inflict Weakened or Paralyzed with piercing attacks (From weapon).
+5 to Resistance checks against Spells, Powers, and Succubus Powers (From shield).
+5 Willpower on Charm attempts.

-2 to Resistance checks to avoid being Blinded by bright lights.
-5 to Resistance checks against being Deafened, and against smells, inhaled chemicals, and pollen shots.
+15 to Pregnancy rolls.
+8 PP damage received from animals, bestial creatures, or other people with some bestial features.

Experience = 0
Corruption = 0

Druid - Gain 2+Spirit/20 Druid powers.
Perceptive - Gain +8 Perception.
Quick - Gain +10 Speed.
Natural Spirit Wielder: Rimewielder - Gain 2+Spirit/20 Boreal powers.
Skill with Shortened Polearms - Gain +3d10 Attack with shortened polearms.
Shield Fighter - May attack with both weapon and shield in the same round. Using a shield grants +1d10 Dodge, and an additional +5 if the shield isn’t used to bash. When using Defensive Fighting and making a shield bash attack, take only a -3 Attack penalty for every d10 traded with the shield.
Exceptional - Gain +8 Body
Stealthy - Gain +5 Stealth, and the ability to perform sneak attacks.
Wealthy - Gain 250 Denarii.
Skilled - Gain 3 Skills.
Skilled - Gain 3 Skills.
Resistant - The character gets a +5 bonus to all of their Resistances.
Natural Succubus (Succubus Magic) - The character gets any three succubus powers.

Easily Aroused - Whenever the Aroused status would be gained, gain Horny instead.
Excitable - When PP falls below ½ of max, gain the Aroused Status.
Lustful (RP) - More likely to seek out or accept sex, and more likely to give in if being raped.
Fertile 3 - Receive +15 to Pregnancy rolls.
Tainted Bloodline - Receive 1.5x normal Corruption.
Fetish: Beasts - Receive an additional +8 PP damage from animals, bestial creatures, or other people with some bestial features.
Poor Grappler - Take a -1d10 Grapple penalty, Grapple only increases at 1d10 per 10 Body, and the bonus provided by the remainder is halved.
Weakness: Treasure - 1 in 4 chance of losing a turn in combat when spotting treasure. Shiny things are distracting.
Mutated 9 - Gain 9 mutations.

Mutations 9/18
Natural Attack - Unarmed attacks with natural weapons deal 2d12+Body/3 damage, and no longer benefit from Unarmed Fighter, but may use skills requiring it while unarmed.
Odd Skin - Tribal body markings.
Night Eyes - No penalties to perception in darkness, but -2 to Resistance checks to avoid being Blinded by bright lights.
Funny Ears - Wolf ears.
Tail - Wolf tail.
Fangs - Dog-like extended canines.
Pheromones - Take a -2 Stealth penalty, but friendly characters are more interested in sex.
Whip Tongue - Cause +2 PP damage with oral foreplay.
Soft Skin - Cause +2 PP damage with non-oral foreplay.
Tight - Cause +2 PP damage in penetrative sex.
Keen Ears - Gain +2 to Perception checks where hearing is involved, the ability to hear things at greater distances, and a greater ability to distinguish slight differences in sounds, but take a -5 penalty to Resistance checks to avoid being deafened.
Keen Nose - Gain +2 to Perception checks where scent is involved, and a better ability to pick up faint smells and distinguish scents, but take a -5 penalty to Resistance checks against smells, inhaled chemicals, and pollen shots.
Scent Tracking - Gain the ability to track creatures by scent, +4 to Perception checks relating to smell, and a +1 bonus to trade dice related to tracking.
Breeder - Half length pregnancies.
Chameleon Skin 3
Cloak - Replaces Chameleon Skin. May use the Distortion and Invisibility spells without making casting checks as a move action, but only at half effectiveness.

Special Mutations
Faerie - Gain 5 points of resistance to Cold and Electricity damage.
Ironbane - May not wield weapons made from iron or steel, and receive +8 damage from such weapons. Powers or Spells used may not directly affect iron objects. Contact with iron is painful, and significant contact causes 1-10 points of damage per round, based on the size of the area of contact.
Naturally Supernatural - Cause corruption as a Warped creature, and do not receive corruption from creatures without Corruptive.
Selective Fertility - The character can choose whether or not they have children. Whenever they could potentially become pregnant or impregnate another, they may apply either the Fertile or Infertile Flaws if they so desire, with the Fertile one ranging from 1 to 3 as desired. If set to Fertile, they may choose the number of children they can have if successfully impregnated. If they already have a Fertile Flaw from race or otherwise, they cannot become completely infertile, but they can set their own fertility down to the base of no bonuses or penalties (at least from their Flaws) and force successful impregnation rolls to roll twice, requiring that both results cause a pregnancy in order to succeed.

Weapon Attack = 8d10+4 (11d10+4 with Shortened Polearms, 10d10+4 with Shield Bashes)
Intercepting Strike - May sacrifice an attack with a shield or weapon to make a Feint as a prepared action when an opponent attacks. If the feint succeeds, the attack misses, they lose all other attacks for the round, and take a -10 Dodge penalty until their next turn.
Shield Barrage - Lose the ability to use Defensive Fighting and take a -1d10 penalty to Attack and Dodge for the round to gain a second attack with a shield and +2 Damage to shield bashes for the round.
Shield Specialization (Passive) - Gain +5 Dodge in addition to shield DB while using a shield. Gain +2d10 to attack rolls and +2 damage with shield bashes.
From Behind - May spend a move action and take a -10 Dodge penalty for the round to make a Tumble check against a single creature and any creatures adjacent to it. If successful, move behind the targeted creature, and any attacks made against that creature this turn are sneak attacks. If failed, fall Prone and the targeted creature may start a grapple or attack with a melee weapon as a free action.
Guileful Strike - May trade doubled damage from sneak attacks to force the targeted creature to make a Reflexes check or gain two status effects, chosen when the skill is activated: Blinded, Paralyzed, Prone, Stunned, or Weakened. Knocking the target prone deals 10 additional damage.
Evasion (Passive) - Gain +1d10 Dodge, +10 to Reflexes checks made to Tumble, and take no damage from dodges AoE attacks instead of ¼.
Thief (Passive) - Gain +3 Stealth, +5 to Reflexes checks made to Tumble, and gain +2 Trade dice in Disable Devices and Sleight of Hand.
Escape Artist (Passive) - Gain +4d10 to Grapple checks to escape grapples, submission holds, penetration, and bindings.
Skirmisher (Passive) - Gain +1d10+3 Dodge and +1d10 Attack whenever moving at least 10 feet that round. Gain +5 to Tumble checks and may move at full Speed while using Defensive Fighting or Full Defense.
Nose for Treasure (Passive) - Gain +12 to Perception checks made to locate treasure.
Strong Willed (Passive) - Gain +12 to Resistance checks against attempts to control actions or otherwise affect the mind (Including the Dominated, Charmed, and Horny statuses). Gain a +2 bonus to resisting EP damage.

Power Attack = 4d10+0
Wielder Aptitudes
Nature’s Ally
-Commune with Nature is a free action that costs 1 less EP.
-The range of Leaf Walk is doubled per point of EP both in and out of combat.
-When activating the Wild Shape power, the character may double the activation cost to gain the bonuses of 2 animal forms, with overlapping stats from the chosen forms giving a +5X bonus instead of a second useless +3X bonus.

Commune with Nature
Wild Shape
Leaf Walk
Frost Armor
Ice Lance
Polar Binding

Succubus Power Attack = 8d10+4
Succubus Powers

Charm - Pay 5 EP, choose a target within 30 feet, and one of:
-The targeted creature must win a Willpower check or become Charmed. If used in a grapple, this power may deliver it through a kiss counted as a foreplay attack, which deals normal foreplay PP damage and gives a +4 bonus to the power’s Willpower check. Normally undetectable.
-The targeted creature must win a Willpower check or become Horny for 2 rounds, and directs the affected creature to only desire the power’s user. Lasts an additional round for every 5 points the check is won by. Easily detectable, even if it fails.
Siren Song - The character can, at any time, cause all creatures able to hear them (or see them if fluffed as a dance) focus solely on them. Each time this is used a Resistance vs Willpower check is made against the character if the affected creatures wish to try to ignore the effect. Each failed check causes affected characters to gain a +4 bonus (cumulative) to the next Resistance check; succeeding resets the bonus but doesn't remove already accumulated effects. If affected characters fail a first check they take a -10 Perception penalty for the purposes of opposing enemy stealth checks made by creatures other than the character using this power. Characters with the -10 Perception penalty who fail another check caused by Siren Song become Stunned. Characters who have been Stunned by Siren Song who fail a check become Charmed. Using this ability takes up the character's turn, and if the character stops using this ability for more than one round then all effects caused by it end. A character may use this ability as a move action, but if they do it cannot cause additional Resistance checks or provide additional penalties beyond maintaining the affected creature's attention on the character.
Apparent Innocence (Passive) - The character is less likely to be attacked by hostile creatures. If in a group, the character will usually be the last one to be attacked unless they obviously display that they're the thread. If alone, creatures will not (usually) attempt to kill the character, and will instead attempt either to knock the character out or rape them. This has no effect on non-intelligent creatures or on PCs, and characters that display plainly that they are a threat will be treated as such. In addition, the character gains a +5 Resistance bonus when attempting to Charm a target.
Incredible Stamina (Passive) - The character can have 2 additional orgasms before gaining an instance of the Weakened status because of them, may choose to automatically ignore the first 5 PP damage that they would take every round even if they aren’t resisting pleasure via Willpower, and have the amount of EP that would be drained from them through PP damage that they take reduced by 5.
Selective Fertility - The character gains the Selective Fertility Special Mutation. This power also allows the character to choose to gain or remove the Potent, Breeder, Connection, or Fertile Mouth mutations at any time for 2 EP per mutation per hour. A character must be Warped or above, or have the Demon or Faerie special mutations already in order to select this succubus power.

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8+17 (2)
Foreplay = 2d4+13 (2)


Jade Spear (+3 Attack, +5 Spell/Power Attack, 3d8+26 Damage, +4 to Resistance checks to inflict Weakened/Paralyzed, One Handed.)
Material: Spellforged Jade - Gain +5 to Attack rolls for Spells and Powers as well as the weapon, and deals +5 Damage. If rolling for Sentience, roll again if it did not become sentient.
Tip: Debilitating - Gain +4 to Resistance checks made to inflict Weakened or Paralyzed with a piercing attack with this weapon, but -2 Attack.
Enchanted: Additional Damage Dice - Additional 1d8 Damage dice.

Black Oak Shield (DB = 18, EV = 0, Bash Damage = 3d4+17, +5 Resistance vs. Spells, Powers, and Succubus Powers.)
Material: Black Oak - Gain +2 DB, -1 EV, and +5 to Resistance checks against spells, powers, and succubus powers. If rolling for curses, roll again if the first does not produce a curse.

Chameleonskin Armour (AV = 2, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 2, +8 Stealth)
Material: Chameleon Skin - Gain +8 Stealth, but -4 AV.

2 Bone Javelins (4d6+11 Damage, 25 feet, Thrown Weapon.)

Morning After Potion

15 Denarii

Loot: 9 Old Coins, Green bottle of unknown Violet Liquid, Frost Gem, 3 pieces of Raw Moonstone, Cracked Geode crystal, 2 Darkhearts, oak box covered in rotted velvet, small sack of old coins, tarnished silver chain and white gold pendant set with a carved black onyx, smoked wooden totem of a snarling bear's head, sword with a silver hilt and glowing blade.


Perception - 5d10+8 (8)
Stealth - 5d10+12 (5, 3, -2, 6)

Acrobatics - 5d10
Animal Husbandry - 2d10
Disable Devices - 4d10 (2d10)
Herbalism - 2d10
Language - 5d10
Navigation - 3d10
Reading/Writing - 2d10
Sewing - 2d10
Sleight of Hand - 2d10 (2d10)
Tracking/Woodcraft - 3d10+1 (1)

Character Image

Euria stands at a fairly average height of 160cm (or 5’3”) and possesses a lithe build, with only a hint of defined muscle visible on her body. Between her slim body, ample bosom, and a faintly unearthly beauty characteristic of the fey, she paints an attractive picture, tempered by the more exotic appearance of her more animalistic features. A pair of snow-white furred wolf-like ears poke out atop her head from among her identically-coloured hair, which is usually kept cropped just above her shoulders, and she also possesses a similarly white-furred bushy tail. Her eyes are an unusual pale red, and the final overt sign of her bestial features is a set of elongated canines, a pair of small fangs easily visible when she smiles. Her entire body is adorned in red tattoos, forming tribal markings across her torso, limbs, and even at the edges of her face.

Euria was born to a member of the Winter court, but never truly felt at home among her own people. She spent much of her time simply wandering, exploring, especially among the humans and their settlements. Humans intrigued her, and not only through her more primal desires. Something about the ways they acted and lived, perhaps simply a result of their comparatively short lifespans, managed to catch her interest, and always draw her back to them. After much time spent interacting with humans, she began to pick up some of their habits as well, and eventually developed some of their desires as well.

Most of her interactions were with merchants on the road, or in the markets of towns and cities. Many gave her trinkets as thanks for her aid, or in attempts to woo her, and she soon began to develop a taste for such things. Things only began to spiral further out of control for her as she began to frequent taverns, listening to the tales told by mercenaries and adventurers, of lost treasures, ancient artifacts both beautiful of craftsmanship and immensely powerful. The more she listened, the more she desired to see such treasures for herself.

She had no means to purchase such artifacts from those who possessed them, or to even get a glimpse of them, so her only recourse was to find them for herself, she finally decided. And so she set out alone into the Crolian forests, in search of ruins she’d heard stories of. Inexperienced and underequipped as she was, she never even made it close to the area she planned to search. Between trouble navigating the woods and being ambushed by mutated beasts lurking there, it wasn’t long into her adventure that it was brought to a halt.

It would have been over for her then, whether she was killed or dragged off to some beast’s lair, had a local hunter not stumbled upon her. At first, Euria wasn’t even certain he was human. She was half delirious from her wounds and exhaustion, and the bear of a man who had rescued her looked like almost literally that. It wasn’t until she awoke some time later, in the man’s cabin where he’d taken her to recover, that she realized she hadn’t been entirely wrong in her initial assessment. Aside from his hulking build, he had a number of bear-like features. It was not her first time seeing humans who had been changed in such a way so she thought little of it at the time.

After hearing her story, the hunter took her under his wing for a time, teaching her to hunt, to fight, the skills she would need if she were to continue her search. Euria grew quite fond of the man, despite his relatively quiet personality, but eventually began to grow restless. When she spoke of leaving, however, he had one last offer for her. As he explained it, his physical changes were not simply the result of mutation, but of a ritual that bonded him with a spirit animal. When he offered to do the same for Euria as one last gift to her, she was initially uncertain, taking several days before finally giving her answer. She agreed, and the ritual was performed that evening, a wolf spirit binding itself to Euria and perpetuating similar changes in her own body to that of the hunter’s, if in the style of a different beast.

Her senses became sharper, and most notable of the changes were the tail and ears she grew and the now-permanent markings across her body, but she could feel that there was more to it as well. After a few days becoming accustomed to her altered body, she spent one final night with the hunter before moving on, determined to continue her quest. She met with some limited success in her explorations, managing to outfit herself with masterfully crafted equipment and selling a little on the side, but she had still found nothing that would truly sate her desires. She would not be swayed from her course though. However long it may take, she knew that she would find what she desired eventually, or perhaps even find something else entirely.

The Out of Character Section

Euria has little interest in wealth, she is far more interested in treasures and artifacts themselves, rather than their material value.

Gained 16 experience
Spent 8 exp on the Resistant Talent and 8 exp on the Natural Succubus Talent, taking Succubus Magic (Gaining Apparent Innocence, Incredible Stamina, and Selective Fertility).
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Name: Toel (Pronounced Toll)
Class: Warrior
Race: Human
Sex: Male

Body: 36 (28+8)
Mind: 18 (14+4)
Spirit: 12 (8+4)

Hit Points (HP): 51
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 42
Spirit Energy (EP): 39
Speed:14 (19 - 5 EV)
Dodge: 33
Armor: 13
Resistance: 18
Perception: 11 (19 - 8 [Oblivious])
Stealth: 9 (19 - 10 EV)
Grapple: 36
Spirit Ceiling: 4 (8 - 4 EV)



-Skill with [Two Handed Sword]: *The character gets +12 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon. The weapons that can be chosen are: One Handed Swords, Two Handed Swords, Bastard Swords, One Handed Blunt Weapons, Two Handed Blunt Weapons, Polearms, Shortened Polearms, Unarmed, Rifles, Pistols, Crossbows, Primitive Ranged Weapons, or Throwing Weapons.
-Heavy Hitter: The character deals +8 damage on all melee attacks.
-Exceptional(x2): The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among stats.
-Heavy Weapons Specialist: A character with this Talent deals an additional +10 damage on every attack so long as they are using a two handed melee weapon.
-Wealthy: The character starts the game with an additional 100 denarii, which they may spend immediately.


-Oblivious: The character takes a -8 penalty to their Perception stat.

Mutations: None


-Crushing Blow - The character may choose to have their attacks deal -20 damage for the round. If they do, any creature struck by them must win a Resistance check against the character or become Stunned and Weakened. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist.*
-Guillotine (Passive) - When the character makes an attack against a target with less than 30 HP remaining, makes an attack that brings the target below 30 HP remaining, or deals more than half their target's max HP in damage with an attack, they make a Resistance check against that target. On success, the target dies (or falls unconscious depending on fluff) instantly. Requires Heavy Weapon Specialist.
-Charge – The character can move up to three times their Speed this round so long as that movement is in a straight line and ends with them attacking a creature. This attack gets a +4 bonus to attack rolls and damage. The character also takes a -10 penalty to Dodge until their next turn. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist OR Shield Fighter.
-Challenge - The character chooses a single enemy with 30 feet that they have line of sight to. That enemy becomes unable to attack any creatures other than the character so long as they are within range. The character gets a +4 bonus to attack and damage rolls against creatures they've challenged, but a -8 penalty to Dodge against attacks from all other creatures until their Challenge target is dead. This Skill can only be used when there are at least 3 actors in the combat.


To-Hit: 36
Damage: 2d4 + 17 (9 + 8 Heavy Hitter)

To-Hit: 48 (36 + 12 [Skill with Two Handed Sword])
Damage: 2d12 + 37 (1 + 18 + [10 Heavy Weapons Specialist + 8 Heavy Hitter])

Scale Mail:
AV = 13, EV = 5, TP = 40, DU = 5

2 Healing Potions (50 HP)
Corruption Cure Potion (-50 Corruption)

37 denarii (After shopping for supplies.)


“When the world is at your back, and your heart is at your feet...the best way to go on is to just "be".”

His family relished this saying above all else. They took it to heart since the beginning, and for many generations they taught the next the value of such views. Who can gain success by just waiting for it? Why wait when you can seek such a radiant light in the distance? His childhood was one of sheer delight to most, though for his family all they taught was about how they could come about their own such way of life. They didn't relish reaching the goal of their dreams, but of the journey that could be told across generations. When your dreams are merely a breath of air in your life, you move onto the next one afterwords.

With chocolate brown colored eyes and messy black hair that touches the back of his neck, the lithe Anudorian had hardly reached 23 until his first dream came to him... And in a rather literal sense. An awe taking beauty with long hair that was as dark as the night sky on a new moon, but with contrasting pale white skin that was nearly blinding to gaze upon... She haunted his dreams with her beauty, welcoming her with open arms as if they had known each other since childhood... But each kiss
only woke the poor man each time their lips were about to meet to remind him of their non-existent relationship... But, no longer. They haven't met, they haven't even told each other their names, but it felt like she must be out there, she MUST be!

His restlessness only brought his family's attention, and when he spoke of his plans to venture out to look for this surely real beauty that burned his heart... They cheered for him. They encouraged his plan, for the heart knew what was best for it, and denying it would only lead to a standstill in life. They planned for his departure for quite a bit of time, and with some money saved up they set him upon his way... Though where can he go? And how will he find her...? Feh, no matter... Even if it takes a whole life time, Toel walks on regardless.

The OOC section:

He has had sex quite a few times, though the dreams made him slowly start to lose interest, so he hasn't had it in quite a while.

Not a giant fan of femdom, or pegging, but I still like it. Don't like guro, scat, watersports, or vore.
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Ruven, The Unlucky (paired with Lionfire's character above.)
Name: Ruven Zelphar
Class: Spirit User
Race: High Elf
Sex: Male

Body: 10
Mind: 14
Spirit: 34

Hit Points (HP): 34
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 36
Spirit Energy (EP): 76
Speed: 10
Dodge: 39
Armor: 0 (1)
Resistance: 17
Perception: 26
Stealth: 18
Grapple: 10
Spirit Ceiling: 17


(Free Talent)Psion
Skilled Wielder: Spirit Ceiling+2. One more Wielder Aptitude
Massive Energy Pool: +30 EP
Psyker: When spending EP over the ceiling, refer to psyker table.
Soul Sense: +12 to attack rolls for Powers
Perceptive: +8 Perception
Sneaky: +8 Stealth
Hard to Hit: +10 Dodge

(Racial) Open Soul: The character takes an additional 5 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
Phobia (Darkness): Ruven is under the impression that 'they' lurk in the dark with menacing intent. 'They' hate light, and he suffers from hallucinations of hands reaching out from the darkness to snuff out his light, which keeps him safe from 'them'.
Fragile: Whenever the character’s HP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character gains an instance of the Weakened status.
Unlucky: -3 to all non-damage rolls



Wielder Aptitudes: 3
Efficient Wielder: Spirit Power buffs activated by the character cost 3 less EP (minimum 0) to upkeep, OR provide one additional bonus from the following list: +X Resistance, +X Dodge, +X bonus to attack rolls, +X bonus to melee damage rolls, +X Perception, +X Stealth.
Multifocused: Uses spirit for tohit for Spells, Unarmed attacks, or weapons.
Brainhulk: The character may use 4 extra EP in order to boost their Resistance by 10 when using Mind Worm, Empathy or Telepathy. In addition, the character with Telepathy may pay 1 EP and take an upkeep slot in order to read the surface thoughts of all nearby creatures. Mind Cutter completely ignores AV (but not DR.) The character may use Telekinesis's first option directly against a target creature or character, but must win a Resistance check in order to move them and does not deal damage to them unless they strike something else, and the size limit on the third option is removed (see Engineer.) The character may upkeep Pyrokinesis's X value as a free action following successfully hitting a target in order to deal twice the original X value in damage at the end of the target's round each turn for as long as the character maintains the effect. Psychic Shield can be maintained on an allied target that leaves line of sight.

The character forms a link with another target creature, causing any pain (or pleasure) that either suffers to be reflected upon the other.
-The character selects a single target creature within 50 feet, and does one of the following.
1) The character pays 4 EP. The targeted creature makes a Resistance check against the character (which they may choose to lose) or the creature takes any damage to HP or PP that the character takes. The character also takes any damage to HP or PP that the targeted creature takes. Neither gains any of their own bonuses to armor or damage reduction, instead using whatever resistances to armor that the other gets. Status effects do not transfer over this bond.
2) The character pays 8 EP. The targeted creature makes a Resistance check against the character (which they may choose to lose) or the creature takes any damage to HP or PP that the character takes. The character does not take any damage to HP or PP that the targeted creature takes. Neither gains any of their own bonuses to armor or damage reduction, instead using whatever resistances to armor that the other gets. Status effects do not transfer over this bond.
3) The character pays 6 EP. The character targets two creatures instead of one. Both targeted creatures make a Resistance check against the character (which they may choose to lose) or the creatures take any damage to HP or PP that the other creature takes. Neither gains any of their own bonuses to armor or damage reduction, instead using whatever resistances to armor that the other gets. Status effects do not transfer over this bond. The damage or pleasure taken due to this bond does not transfer back over.
Psychic Shield
The character forms a barrier around their body using their will.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 3 EP upkeep every round.
-The character gets +3X bonus to Dodge, AV, Resistance to resist hostile effects and Grapple. Armor granted by this power cannot be ignored.
-The character can place this effect on any creature within 50 feet, but they must remain within that range and the character’s line of sight or the effect will be lost.
The character moves objects using their mind. This power can be used in a variety of ways, depending on the circumstances.
-The character can use this power to do any of the following:
1) The character pays X EP, and selects an object within 100 feet of them. That object moves up to 10X feet and any creatures that it strikes take 2d4 * X Force damage, but it has to move in a straight line.
2) The character pays 1 + X EP and selects a single creature within 50 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check vs 5X or gain the Bound status. In addition, the bound creature takes 5X damage per round. The character can pay X EP to upkeep this effect every turn, but they lose all other actions.
3) Move an object of a given size. The size limits and costs are equivalent to those in the Reshape Power under Alchemist.
The character can reach out to contact other beings with their mind. This can be as simple as communication, or as invasive as attempting to dominate their will entirely.
-If used for communication, the character pays 2 EP and thinks of on creature whom they are familiar with, or who is within line of sight. The character opens up a telepathic link with that creature across which the two can communicate. Additional creatures can be added to the communication by paying another 1 EP. This connection can be refused.
-If used offensively, the character pays 8 EP and must win a Resistance check against the targeted creature. If the character wins, the targeted creature gains the Dominated status, allowing the character to control their actions as if they were a summoned minion. Forcing the creature to make actions contrary to what it would normally do or that would harm them can cause it to make another Resistance check against the character, and if they win they throw off the effect.

Patch of Darkness
The character chooses a location, and after exerting a small amount of energy and will, a patch of inky darkness appears there. No creatures other than the character and those that they designateusing this power can see within or through it, even with supernatural senses, which can allow the character to escape or attack without being detected. It does not block sound, smell or touch, however.
-The character pays 5 EP.
-The character then chooses an area within 100 feet. This area can be up to a 30x30x30 foot cube, or the area can spread out as the character desires. That area is instantly blacked out, causing any creatures within it to have the Blinded status until they leave its area.
The character hurls shards of shadow at their enemies.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they can pay 1 EP to target one additional creature with this power. This additional cost can be paid as many times as the character likes, but each creature can only be targeted once.
-One target creature within 80 feet of the character takes (1d12 + 2) * X damage.
Shadows Made Manifest
Summons a creature made out of pure shadow to serve the character.
-The character pays 2 + X EP.
-The character summons a creature, choosing the size and shape of it however they can imagine that has the Unarmed Fighter Talent and a Body stat equal to 10X. In addition, the character may pay additional EP to grant the shadow creature any of the following mutations for 1 EP each: Razor Fingers, Tentacled, Spider, Dangerous Tail + Venomous Attack (Paralysis) or Greater Wings.
-Creatures summoned with this power cannot have a Dodge stat greater than 50 or a Resistance stat greater than 40.
The character dematerializes, and moves from shadow to shadow in utter silence.
-The character pays 5 EP.
-The character takes their turn to move from their current position to any other position that is within 100 feet. This movement must begin and end within spots that are not under direct light, and is completely silent, not allowing Perception checks to detect it unless the character appears in plain view of another creature.

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8 + 3
Foreplay = 2d4 + 3

The Book: The cursed book Ruven carries with him. It's purple in color, with a single large letter "M" on the cover. Discarding it is impossible. It eventually ends up near Ruven again.
Clothes: AV=1, EV=0, TP=25, DU=2
Knife 2d6+5 (+34)
40 denarii for travel money


Ruven is a High Elven man with a perhaps surprisingly short height for an elf, standing only five feet tall. He has bright white hair that's been cut short with his bangs forming a pair of arching 'wings' over his forehead, giving him a more youthful appearance. His eyes are green, and his skin tanned as if he spends more time in the sun than he should. He wears very dapper clothing, a plain white undershirt with a black and white checkered vest with black pants. He has bags under his eyes, as if deprived of sleep, and his eyes do not linger in one place for long.

Ruven, born from a more honorable side of High Elven people who respect their culture, came to acknowledge their peaceful and honorable traditions while avoiding his more savage kin. This was unfortunately a very ironic upbringing. His kindness and good will taught to him had him seeking to aid a passing stranger with a pale face but firm chin. He looked human for all intents and purposes, yet he looked very bothered and stressed. He was complaining about a certain woman who was very close to him, someone he felt guilt over when he thought of them.

The stranger asked Ruven for a favor. Ruven was happy to oblige. The stranger said, "Thank you for your time, thank you indeed. If you would be so kind, I left my most precious book behind in an abandoned shack I was staying in to escape the cold. I'm afraid I'm a little too old to be braving this northern chill."

"Could you get this book, and bring it back to me?" he inquired. Ruven was happy to oblige.

He ventured to the shack, finding it in the middle of a loose forest with trees iced over. The air carried an ominous aura, as if Ruven's instincts were warning him. Fearfully, Ruven ventured into the shack, and through all the ruined furniture, he found a rather clean and well-made book. It was ordinary in all ways except for its' purple color and large letter "M" engraved into the cover with ruby. When Ruven grabbed the book, he jumped back as the book swung open, the pages flipping wildly. When the pages settled, Ruven was fooled into thinking it was over. It most certainly was not.

Shadowy hands lunged forth, out from the book's confusing pages. The room went black, and Ruven felt hands grip his throat, strangling him as he began to trip and fumble over loose boards in the darkness. He quickly felt his head pounding in pain as he knew death was coming. But rather than kill him, the hands pulled him. He was dragged back towards the book, and he felt a supernatural chill rush through him that he couldn't explain. All he saw was a tall figure made of shadow with wiry hair and glowing white eyes, glaring at him. He fainted from sheer terror.

When he awoke, he was in the shack, with the book tied to his belt. Odd, considering he didn't recall doing that. In a panick, Ruven ran back to where he met the old man and agreed to meet him to return the book, before finding that the old man was gone. Desperately, Ruven asked around for the old man's whereabouts, and they asked if Ruven knew his name.

Ruven screamed as hindsight made him want to tear his hair out. He didn't ask the damned old man's name! Of all the stupid things he could have done that day! All he had to go on was a hunch, that the old man's name began with "M" as per the letter on the book. With almost no leads, and a cursed book on his side, Ruven went south, looking for him. He wanted solely to return the book as he promised, and be rid of the nightmarish item on his waist. Though it wasn't so simple. Ruven looked all over, venturing into Badaria. Merely reaching the first town, Ruven realized he already lost the old man. He was long gone. Meanwhile, the book continued to drive him insane.

Shadows and darkness brought back memories of the horrifying experience the book gave him. He always carried a torch with him, or some form of light to stave off the darkness. Though such was no sanctuary. 'They' looked at him from the darkness. He could see their eyes. The creatures of the night. The nightmares that were fascinated with his suffering, who wanted to tear him limb from limb and leave nothing behind. Ruven quickly lost patience, throwing the book away and hoping to escape. He later awoke the next morning, with it cuddled up in his arms.

The shadows move, whisper, and stare. Hands reach out from the darkness, to try and snuff out the light he uses to shield himself from them. No one else can see them, only he can. They only want him. If he sleeps, they take the light. They get closer. They crack his mind... They give him powers unimaginable. To manipulate darkness, and move objects with his mind. But all it seems to do is make them that much closer to him.


The OOC section:

I'm okay with pretty much anything as far as fetishes go, not that the list of things you can do to a man is sizable comparable to a girl.

This is intended to play with Lionfire's character, who meets up with Toel with a similar objective of finding someone. So they travel together, hoping to find their mysterious persons.
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets


Name: Alira
Class: Warrior
Race: Night Elf
Sex: Female

Body: 48 (12 Might, 36 Finesse)
Mind: 18
Spirit: 16

Hit Points (HP): 65
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 50
Spirit Energy (EP): 49
Speed: 19 (22 -3 EV)
Dodge: 51,+5 against Succubus Powers
Armor: 11
Resistance: 24, +5 against Succubus Powers
Perception: 30,+12 for treasure
Stealth: 38 (22[Body]+8[Sneaky]+5[Stealthy]+3[Thief]+6 Chameleon Skin[Ench]-6 [EV])
Grapple: 48
Spirit Ceiling: 7 (10-3 EV)

Experience: 4
Corruption: 755


Exceptional X 2: The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among stats (x2 =16).
Sneaky: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Stealth stat.
Stealthy: The character gets a +5 bonus to their Stealth stat. In addition, whenever the character attacks a creature that is unaware of them, they automatically hit (except for ranged attacks which get a +10 bonus to hit) and deal double damage (before armor) on all attacks. If the attack is an attempt to start a grapple rather than an attack that deals damage, the attacker instead gets a free grapple action against their target.
Sniper: The character deals +8 damage on all ranged attacks.
Hard to Hit: Increase the character's Dodge stat by 10.
Skill with [Crossbows]: The character gets +12 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon.
Skill with [One Handed Swords]: The character gets +12 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon.
Skilled: The character can choose an additional 3 Skills.
Natural Succubus: Character can choose a talent from the Succubus list.
Succubus Magic: Character gains access to three Succubus powers.
*Perceptive: +8 to perception

Tainted Bloodline: The character gains corruption 1.5 times as fast as normal.
Excitable: Whenever the character’s PP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character gains the Aroused status or the Horny status if they're already Aroused.
Sensitive: The character takes an additional 5 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
*Open Soul: The character takes an additional 5 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
*Fetish(Demons): +8 PP damage from demons.

Mutations: 1/12
Multi-Orgasmic PP set at 1/2 of total after orgasm.
Whip-Tongue X 1 +2 PP to oral foreplay.
Night Eyes Character doesn't suffer perception penalties in dark conditions.

Shadow Striker (Passive) - Whenever the character replaces their sneak attack doubling of damage, they deal an extra +8 damage on their attack and gain a +8 bonus to the Resistance check. In addition, the character gains a +6 bonus to any applicable resistance check when sneak attacking with a non-stealth skill or a spell that requires one. Requires Stealthy.
Guileful Strike - The character may trade their double damage when making a sneak attack in order to force the creature they're attacking to make a Resistance check against them. If that creature loses this check, the character may instill any two of the following status onto them, choosing when they opt to activate this skill: Blinded, Stunned, Paralyzed, or Weakened. Even creatures normally immune to sneak attacks take this extra damage. Requires Stealthy.
Strike the Weak Spot (Passive) – Whenever the character would make a sneak attack, they may ignore any armor worn by their target. Natural resistances to damage still apply. Requires Stealthy.
Sneak – The character forsakes all other actions for the round. Instead, they may make a Stealth check against all nearby opponents who are aware of them at a -10 penalty. If they win this check, they are no longer detected by any enemy that they beat in the check. Requires Stealthy.
Sudden Shot – The character forsakes all other actions for the round while wielding a ranged weapon. Instead, they automatically attack the first creature to attempt to attack them. They may make a Stealth check against that creature, and if they win, the attack counts as a sneak attack. Requires Stealthy AND Skill with (any ranged weapon.)
Quick Draw (Passive) - The character can draw their weapons without spending an action.
Thief (Passive) – The character gets a +3 bonus to Stealth, and can pick locks and disarm traps.
Nose for Treasure (Passive) - Your character is proficient at finding treasure, gaining a +12 bonus to all Perception checks made to locate treasure.

Succubus Powers:
Apparent Innocence (Passive) : The character is less likely to be attacked by hostile creatures. If in a group, the character will usually be the last one to be attacked unless they obviously display that they're the thread. If alone, creatures will not (usually) attempt to kill the character, and will instead attempt either to knock the character out or rape them. This has no effect on non-intelligent creatures or on PCs, and characters that display plainly that they are a threat will be treated as such. In addition, the character gains a +8 Resistance bonus when attempting to Charm a target.
Charm: The character pays 6 EP and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character or gain the Charmed status.
Dazzling Beauty (Passive) : The character is perpetually the center of attention, and will always be looked upon with lust. All creatures able to see the character take a -10 penalty to their Perception stat when trying to perceive creatures other than the character, and whenever they deal Pleasure damage to a creature it is increased by +6.

Hand Crossbow with Clockwork Mechanism:4d6 + 6+8, +12 to attack,30 foot range, 1 shot, free reload on first 2 shots of combat, 1 round rewind.
Dark Render: longsword: perfectly balanced (+1 attack and damage), Holy Blade (+4 attack and damage vs Undead, Demons, and Daemons)
2 x Dagger: 2d6 + 24, +12 to attack
Giant's Hide Leather Armor: AV = 11, EV = 3, TP = 30, DU = 5
Buckler: DB = 6. EV = 0.
Glas's Green Ring -3 damage from resisting pleasure, +5 Dodge and Resistance against succubus powers
Remote Sight Gloves allows remote sight around an object provided it has been previously touched.
Enchanted Grappling Hook a grappling hook that produces unlimited amounts of strong/unbreakable rope.
1 X Fire Marble
Silver Dust
Crushed Diamond

6 X Healing Potion
1 X Energy Potion
1 X Universal Antidote

35 Denarii
Leather Restraints

Bio/Description & OOC:


Alira grew up as an orphan on the streets of Celesis, learning the painful, often bloody, lessons of survival and stealth. As she matured, her skills grew, and she began to be drawn deeper into the underworld of the Amazonian capital. Her lithe figure aided the would-be thief in many a daring escape, with hapless guards left gasping and staring as her long legs and shapely backside disappeared in the dark. Her elegant beauty, enhanced by her exotic violet skin, also brought many unwanted suitors to her side, but Alira's skill with a dagger served her well in keeping these predators at bay. Those men and occasional women that did find their way into her bed found her to be an insatiable and passionate lover, her body warming quickly to their touch, her small perky breasts heaving with every breath, and lustful moans and cries slipping from her pouty lips. Alira herself had never seriously questioned her carnal nature, taking what pleasure she could find in her rough start in life.

All this was swept away before the might of the Invasion. Alira fled the capital before the onslaught, another frightened refugee among thousands, though her skills had prepared her for survival better than most. In the aftermath, she found herself in Ironrose monastery, a place where one of her talents could find work easily enough.

The OOC section:
I'd like to use Alira as a tomb-raider character of sorts, with her being sent on increasingly hazardous trips to the monster infested jungle and ancient demonic ruins, searching out pieces of lost and dangerous arcana for the monastery or other appropriate employers. If the dice fall her way, she can help the local people hold on to a few bits of their lost culture, and make some nice coin along the way. If she fails however, her lustful nature will begin to come to the fore, as close contact with corrupted beings begins to bring out her own inner demon. Solo missions are fine, though a recurring antagonist or a well matched partner DMPC would be welcome.
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Al-laand the Blood Shark of the Sea.

Name: Al-laand the Blood Shark of the Sea.
Class: Spirit Wielder
Race: Merfolk/Vampire Halfbreed
Sex: Male

Basic stats
Body: 22 (14+8)
Mind: 10
Spirit: 40

Hit Points (HP): 67 (47+20)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 56
Spirit Energy (EP): 56
Speed: 15 (23 in water) (7 On Land)
Dodge: 26 (46 in Water. 26 on Land.)
Armour: 0 (+)
Resistance: 20
Perception: 30 (20+2+2+2+3)
Stealth: 24 (15+8+2)
Grapple: 34 (22+12) (22 On Land)
Spirit Ceiling: 16 (12+2)

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Combat stats
To hit d20+22
Base Unarmed Damage: 2d4 +5 ()
With dagger: 2d6+11
Grapple Bites: 3d10+6 DM. +PP Equal to DM . +HP Equal to DM.
Venom on bites: Gives the Horny/Aroused status. May change to Charmed effect.
Unarmed bite attack: -10 DM but injects venom.
Powers: All damage +12
Potent spirit: All DC Resistant checks while using spirit - +8. Use 5 EP - Extra +5
Burning spirit: Any EP stolen gets equal DM of damage to the thief. Double on foes without a HP stat. +1 DM on all damaging powers with every EP used.
Damage reduction 3/4. Reduces all attack taken by that percentage.
Undead: Immune to poison, damage to their resistant stat, paralysed and weakened statues. As well as a 10 resistance to cold.
Natural super/Warped: Cannot be corrupted but corrupts others by half the PP damage they give.

Foreplay deals 2d4 + 10PP (-4PP Mouth(Fangs), +2 PP Mouth (warped tongue) DM.
Penetrative sex deals 2d8 + 13 PP damage.
Pregnancy: d4 - 1=Failure to impregnate - 2-4 = Success.
Breeder: Gestation time for children is half what it normally is.

Talents, flaws, mutations, and Skills.
Talents: Race/Otherwise.
Psion: The character chooses 2 + Spirit/20 Powers from the Psion list.

Hard to Hit: Increase the character's Dodge stat by 10. (Water only)

Quick: Increase the character's Speed stat by 8. (Water only)

Healthy: Grants the character an additional 20 max hit points. +20 HP, in other words.

Alchemist: The character gains 2 + Spirit/20 Powers from the Alchemist power list.

Skilled Wielder: The character gains a Wielder Aptitude and increases their Spirit Ceiling by 2. x2

Soul Sense: The character gets +12 to attack rolls for Powers.

Sneaky: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Stealth stat.

Natural Warrior (Grapple Expert): The character gets a +12 bonus to their Grapple stat.

Spunky: The character uses Spirit instead of Body to determine how much PP they deal.

Side Skill x1

Exceptional: +8 to Stats.
Fertile: The character is more likely to become pregnant, or to impregnate their partner. Mechanically, rolls of 2 or more now indicate success.

Mutated: The character gains 3 mutations of your choice. This Flaw can only be taken up to 4 times. x2

Easy to Hit: The character takes a -10 penalty to their Dodge stat. (Land only)

Open Soul: The character takes an additional 5 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.

Poor Grappler: The character takes a -12 penalty to their Grapple stat. (Land only)

Sluggish: The character takes a -8 penalty to their Speed stat. (Land Only)

Fetish: Feeding

Phobia: Sunlight, Easily Tired
Funny Ears (Fins): The character has odd ears.

Mermaid's Kiss: The character has the supernatural ability to grant a person the ability to breathe underwater by kissing them. This ability lasts until they break the surface of the water again, and can only be given by a willing merfolk.

Shapeshifter: The character can change their physical form at will. At any time, they can change their physiology so that they functionally have any of the normal mutations. If they do not have the Supernatural or Naturally Supernatural Special Mutation, they cannot exceed the number of normal mutations that they already have using shapeshifting. This shapeshifting is limited to the base mutations, they cannot get any of the mutations that have requirements unless they have the base mutations without shifting into them, and only one instance of each mutation can be shifted into. This mutation cannot be used to get or hide other special mutations.

Aquatic: The character possesses a lower body resembling the tail of a fish (or other aquatic creature.) This allows them to swim as a creature of the sea would and breath underwater. Unlike most Special Mutations, this mutation can be hidden by the Shapeshifter Special Mutation, but cannot be taken unless the character already had this mutation.

Warped: The character has started becoming something other than completely human. Characters with this mutation cause any creatures that do not have this mutation to take an amount of corruption equal to 1/2 the pleasure that they deal. Racial Mutations and other Special Mutations do not count toward getting this.

Whip-Tongue: Your character causes +2 PP damage during oral foreplay.

Vampire: The character can attempt to bite creatures that they are in a grapple with, which deals 3d10 damage that ignores Armor if successful. Any damage done by this attack is recovered as HP by the character. In addition, if they have the Venomous Attack mutation they may also inject venom while feeding, and may choose the Charmed status for their venom effect. This can either be extremely painful or extraordinarily pleasurable to the one being bitten at the player’s choice, and if the player chooses pleasurable the bite deals an amount of PP damage (that ignores Resistance) equal to the amount of HP drained to the creature being bitten. When the character rests, they cannot heal up to greater than 1/2 of their maximum HP.

Undead: The character is undead. They are immune to poison and to damage to their Resistance stat, cannot gained the Paralyzed or Weakened statuses, and gain 10 resistance to cold damage.

Naturally Supernatural: The character was born supernatural, but don’t cause as much corruption as a demon or similar creatures would. They are immune to corruption as the Supernatural mutation, but only corrupt others as if they had the Warped mutation

Damage Reduction 3/4: Whenever the character would take damage, the amount of damage subtracted from their HP is multiplied by X, which will normally be a fraction. Armor and resistances are subtracted before this multiplication, and attacks that ignore all armor also ignore this reduction. A specific type of damage can be placed in front of this mutation, and if so only that type of damage is affected by this mutation.

Fangs: The character has a pair of fangs.
1) Fearsome Maw: The character has a mouth filled with Razor Sharp teeth. They deal -4 PP damage whenever they use their mouth during sex, but whenever they deal unarmed damage to creature that they are in a grapple with, they can choose to bite them. If they do, they deal an additional +6 damage.

Night Eyes – Your character can see very well in the dark. They no longer take penalties to Perception for being in darkened areas.

Venomous Attack (Horny/Aroused, Fangs): The character can choose to inject venom with one of their unarmed attacks. If so, that attack deals -10 damage but the creature affected must make a Resistance check against the character or gain the status effect of Horny/Aroused.

Keen Eyes: The character's eyesight is exceptional. +2 to perception checks so long as it's relating to the character can see or could potentially see (i.e. no bonus if they're, say, making a check to determine what flavor of pie they're smelling) and the character's sight range is generally considered to be increased and they're more capable of noticing small movements or objects than a normal human's eyes.

Breeder: When the character is pregnant or has impregnated someone else, the gestation period of their offspring is shortened by half.

Keen Ears: The character's hearing is exceptional. +2 to perception checks so long as it's relating to something the character can hear or could potentially hear, and the character's hearing range is generally considered to be increased and they're more capable of being able to distinguish slight differences in noises than an average human's ears.

Keen Nose: The character's sense of smell is exceptional. +2 to perception checks so long as it's relating to something the character can smell or could potentially smell, and the character's ability to pick up faint smells is considered to be increased and they're considered to have an almost hound-like ability to distinguish scents.

Shadowy - Your character is naturally one to stay in the dark, making them less visible but also limiting their own vision. The character takes a -2 penalty (Does not thanks to night eye) to Perception, but gets a +2 bonus to Stealth.
Ranger (Passive) – The character gets a +3 bonus to Perception, and can track creatures so long as they have stayed on the ground.

Powers and Magic
Charm: The character pays 6 EP and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character or gain the Charmed status.

Siren Song: The character can, at any time, cause all creatures able to hear them focus solely on them. Each time this is used a Resistance check is made against the character if the affected creatures wish to try to ignore the effect. Each failed check causes affected characters to gain a +4 bonus (cumulative) to the next Resistance check; succeeding resets the bonus but doesn't remove already accumulated effects. If affected characters fail a first check they take a -10 Perception penalty for the purposes of opposing enemy stealth checks made by creatures other than the character using this power. Characters with the -10 Perception penalty who fail another check caused by Siren Song become Stunned. Characters who have been Stunned by Siren Song who fail a check become Charmed. Using this ability takes up the character's turn, and if the character stops using this ability for more than one round then all effects caused by it end. A character may use this ability as a move action, but if they do it cannot cause additional Resistance checks or provide additional penalties beyond maintaining the affected creature's attention on the character.

The character moves objects using their mind.
-The character can use this power to do any of the following:
1) The character pays X EP, and selects an object within 100 feet of them. That object moves up to 10X feet and any creatures that it strikes take 2d4 * X Force damage, but it has to move in a straight line.
2) The character pays 1 + X EP and selects a single creature within 50 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check vs 5X or gain the Bound status. In addition, the bound creature takes 5X damage per round. The character can pay X EP to upkeep this effect every turn, but they lose all other actions.
3) Move an object of a given size. The size limits and costs are equivalent to those in the Reshape Power under Alchemist.

The character can reach out to contact other beings with their mind.
-If used for communication, the character pays 2 EP and thinks of on creature whom they are familiar with, or who is within line of sight. The character opens up a telepathic link with that creature across which the two can communicate. Additional creatures can be added to the communication by paying another 1 EP. This connection can be refused.
-If used offensively, the character pays 8 EP and must win a Resistance check against the targeted creature. If the character wins, the targeted creature gains the Dominated status, allowing the character to control their actions as if they were a summoned minion. Forcing the creature to make actions contrary to what it would normally do or that would harm them can cause it to make another Resistance check against the character, and if they win they throw off the effect.

Mind Worm
The character invades another creature's mind.
-The character chooses one of the following:
1) The character pays 4 + X EP. One target creature within 50 feet of the character must win a Resistance check against DC 5X or be killed instantly. This effect erases their mind completely, turning them into a lifeless vegetable that cannot even feed itself. This damage cannot be repaired in any way, even by the character who used this power.
2) The character pays 8 EP. One target creature within 50 feet can make a Resistance check against the character. If they lose this check or choose not to resist, the character gains information possessed by the creature in the form of memories (this is decided by the GM, but you can suggest what sort of information you're looking for.) If the creature resists they take 20 damage that ignores armor, but if they win the Resistance check the damage is halved and the character doesn't get the information that they want. The character can choose to leave the creature's mind intact or erase the memories that they searched for. Picking out specific memories to delete is not possible with a single use, it's all or nothing. Attempting to erase memories integral to a creature, such as those of loved ones, their personal history, or basic concepts like language or survival needs provide massive bonuses to the save against this power.
3) The character pays 3 EP. The targeted creature gains information from the character's mind of the character's choosing. This information must all be of the same subject: it cannot be used to grant someone else the entirety of the character's memories.

Psychic Shield
The character forms a barrier around their body using their will.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 3 EP upkeep every round.
-The character gets +3X bonus to Dodge, AV, Resistance to resist hostile effects and Grapple. Armor granted by this power cannot be ignored.
-The character can place this effect on any creature within 50 feet, but they must remain within that range and the character’s line of sight or the effect will be lost.

The character is adept at analyzing things!
-The character can spend 3 EP in order to survey a character and if they use an ability that costs EP which the character isn't already able to use within the next round the characters gains access to it and may use it as per normal for double the EP cost for the rest of the encounter. This costs a move action.
-The character can spend 4 EP in order to detect magical effects around them, as per Arcane’s level 2 detect magic spell.
-The character can spend 4 + X EP in order to steal magical effects from a target and take on that magical effect, like an active buff, weapon power, etc; themselves, but must make a Resistance check with a +X bonus against their target, if they fail then they accomplish nothing.

Assemble Contraption
The character creates an animated minion from their surroundings or possessions, or some mix of the two. sexless, and utterly devoted to their creator.
-The character pays 2 + X EP.
-The creature created by this power always appears directly next to the character that summoned it and has the following stats: Body = 8X, Mind = 2X, a Melee Attack that deals 2d6 + Body/2, and a Ranged Attack with a 60 foot range that deals 3d4 + Mind damage and uses Mind or Body to attack, whichever is higher.
-In additional, the character can pay an additional 1 EP for any of these effects as many times as they like.
1) +6 Mind.
2) The contraption can fly at its Speed.
3) Double the range of the creature's ranged attack.
-Creatures summoned with this power cannot have a Dodge stat greater than 50 or a Resistance stat greater than 40.

The character is adept at making things explode.
-In combat, the character may pay 2 + X EP to hurl a grenade, dealing (2d4 + 2) * X damage to all creatures within a 10 foot radius of it.
-Out of combat, the character may lay a mine (or attach it to a willing creature) which will be set off by a hostile creature coming within 5 feet unless the character specifies a different trigger. The character pays X EP, and when tripped the mine deals (3d6 + 1) * X damage to all creatures within a 15 foot radius. The DC to detect a hidden mine is the user's Perception + 10.

The character places a Seal on a single creature that it touches. This Seal effectively traps the target's soul within its body, firstly deactivating any magical or spiritual effects that it has active and secondly preventing it from using any ability that would require that it expend EP.
-The character pays X EP.
-One target creature which must be within touching range has all active effects upon them dispelled and optionally takes X damage. If that creature attempts to activate a Power, cast a Spell, or use any ability that requires EP, no matter what it is, they must win a Resistance check against 3X, or the attempt fails. If the creature that is the target of this power was helpless (has the Bound or Submission Hold status, is unconscious, ect,) when this Power was used on them then the check becomes 4X. This power ends only when the seal is removed by someone other than the targeted creature.

Brainhulk: The character may use 4 extra EP in order to boost their Resistance by 10 when using Mind Worm, Empathy or Telepathy. In addition, the character with Telepathy may pay 1 EP and take an upkeep slot in order to read the surface thoughts of all nearby creatures. Mind Cutter completely ignores AV (but not DR.) The character may use Telekinesis's first option directly against a target creature or character, but must win a Resistance check in order to move them and does not deal damage to them unless they strike something else, and the size limit on the third option is removed (see Engineer.)

Burning Spirit: The character's soul is dangerous to those attempting to take it. Any creatures that drain the character's EP against their will take an amount of damage equal to the EP drained. Damage caused by this aptitude ignores all AV, and causes doubled damage to creatures that don't have an HP stat. In addition, damage dealing powers cause an additional 1 point of damage per point of EP input.

Potent Spirit: Spirit Powers used by the character that require that their target make a Resistance check gain a +8 bonus to their effective Resistance or DC. In addition, they may spend up to 5 additional EP when using a power, increasing this bonus by 2 for each additional EP spent.

Engineer: Analysis has all of its costs reduced by 2. Assembled Contraptions can gain any of the following bonuses at creation time at a cost of 2 EP each: The Pain Resistant, Quick, Hard Hitter, Skill with Contraption Attack, or Sniper Talents, or the Rapid Shot or Flurry of Blows Skills. Chemical Splash ignores non-natural AV and deals damage to armor as if it had a DU of 1. Bomb can be used to cause the targets X damage to Speed or Resistance by paying an additional 3 EP at the time of use, or both for 5 EP. (This occurs BEFORE any Resistance checks that the creature might have to make for this power.) Reshape has its maximum size cap removed (just keep doubling the size and increasing the cost multiplier by 1 to determine EP cost) and can be used in combat as the Animate power, but only using its binding version. Transformation allows the user triple a given stat rather than just double it. Seals automatically hit.

Coral Dagger - 2d8+11
50 denarii within a pouch on his person.
2x week worth of rations.
Belt of four waterproof scaled pouches.
2x Waterskins.
Coral beaded necklace
Coral teardrop earring.

Description: Al is a rather strange creature indeed, a creature that is ten feet long from the tip of its head to the swish of its tail. But the majority of this is taken up by the powerful pale blue aquatic tail that grows down from his hips. A lot less colourful than the darker and brighter shades of colours that the rest of his Merfolk-kin appear to have. Though should he use his kinds natural ability to change forms then he'd be walking on land at a rather normal height of 5'8, nothing to boast about. Unlike his true form.

Add in his rather pale, if not down right white skin and he gives a rather unusually appearance. Making him appear frail and delicate. The rather thin and delicate appearing frame doing little to alter that appearance.

It was only when his lips parted and the fangs peeked from his soft and fine looking lips that his true nature would appear, changing the thoughts of worry to fear. For this Merfolk had somehow become one of the vampric ilk. Though many would just mistake them for longer canines than normal, not something that was that uncommon considering the beast races.

Other details about him that may make people put down there guard is his pale white eyes, almost seeming like pearls in there own right, and giving him the appearance of blindness. But he could see perfectly well, in fact he could see better than most! With the finned lobed eyes, and finally the coral coloured hair that flowed and floated from his scalp he was a very strange creature.

Al-Laand was a hunter, a bit of a lone hunter, not by choice but by nature and feared solitude. Using the skills that his heritage gave him he hunted man and beast alike to feast on their blood and state his lusts.

Personality wise he was deceptive, mostly towards his prey as he lured it towards him with siren song. Before either capturing it and pulling it down the depths of the sea to feast. Or if he was in a rather active mood to state his lusts upon. The first usually never surfaced again, the second getting a kiss from his lips and being left on the ocean bay.

But generally he could by a rather light hearted individual, he was just so used to living alone and without positive contact with people that he knew little of showing anything beside hunger, lust, and fake smiles.
Al-Laand was conceived by the same instinct that drove most of his actions. A vampire having grown hungry and lustfilled after weeks of not being able to feed was lured to a beach by song, slightly dazed by the beauty of it but able to keep his mind in check as he went to investigate. Only to come across the sight of glorious sight washing her strange, flowing blue hair being dragged along her shoulders as her lightly tanned fingers moved over them.

Unknown to him but known to the woman at the sea's edge was that she herself was trying to attract a male to bare a child of her own. Not having found a husband among her kind due to the quick movements of her jealous sisters claiming any man that drew her interest. Leading her to resort to this.

Which unluckily for both of them, lead to the vampire not being able to finish his feeding and remove the memories of his victim, and her baring the child of a creature of the undead. Unknowing of his true nature despite his feeding, simply believing that he was a man with a blood fetish.

This lead to many years of uncertainly and confusion for the mother, worry over her child's paleness and bringing him to the elder but only finding out he was perfectly healthy. Signs of unnatural hunger where he as a babe tore into fish and seems to suckle the blood dry from them. Reminding her much too like the pale white shark with the colouring. With warnings of how dangerous the strange sickness that effected her youths mind by the elder she herself moved out from the main village and taught him all she could. Even taking him on land and teaching him skills that he would of never learnt back in the home town of their species. The people of the sea soon forgot about them, and he too moved on with his life as his mother vanished one day without a trace or a not. Only knowing she left by the water thanks to the tracks he followed that lead there.

Which soon lead him to the life he now lived..
The OOC section:
I'm up for anything. But gore, scat and watersports.
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Narbby, unfortunately named Sidhe Spirit Wielder

Name: Narbflaith (Narbby)
Class: Spirit Wielder
Race: Sidhe
Sex: Female

Body: 2+8 = 10
Mind: 10+8 = 18
Spirit: 53+8 = 62

Hit Points (HP): 50
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 54 +30 =84
Spirit Energy (EP): 76 +50 = 126
Speed: 10
Dodge: 37
Armor: 7
Resistance: 31
Perception: 25
Stealth: 10
Grapple: 10
Spirit Ceiling: 25


Talents: (still have 0 to spend)
*Naturally Supernatural
*Selective Fertility
Natural Succubus (Succubus Magic)
Superior Succubus (Just Getting Started)
Greater Energy Pool
Massive Energy Pool
Holy Mage
Exception x2

Flaws: (still can take 0)
*Open Soul
Fetish (Beasts)


Wielder Aptitudes: 1+2
Brain Hulk
Potent Spirit
Master Blaster

Psion Powers
2 + 62/20 = 5.1 = 5
Mind Cutter
Mind Worm

Holy Mage
Fey Servant
Holy Wall
Lay on Hands

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8+18
Foreplay = 2d4+13.5
Succubus Powers: Apparent Innocence
Lead from the Bottom

Dagger: 2d6 +9
Battlemages Armour TP = 25
50 denarii


Narbflaith (otherwise known as Narbby) lived like most young sidhe born to the mortal realms by her wandering parents. Born near to a village near Lockacre the girl spent most of her early life training her burgeoning holy and psionic powers. The girl taking great entertainment in the latter with its more….interesting powers. Then as she grew a bit older, the sidhe learned of her other, weaker, set of powers. Which quite unfortunately for her brought some unwanted attention by the local fauna. She had been wandering the woods near her home when she had stumbled across a pack of wolves, and when she returned home a few days later the girl had immediately bathed herself to wash off the various fluids. The encounter had also changed her a bit, having robbed the Sidhe of her virginity, and the girl couldn’t help but admit that she had enjoyed the encounter quite a bit.

Finally she started to grow older, and managed to attend a few gatherings. As the Wyldfae began to be scouted for one of the four courts, she decided to to wander the world before she came to a decision about the court she would join. Unfortunately for her, she was not adept at reading maps, and decided to just forgo them entirely. Even though her trip was still young, the sidhe had ended up wandering into one of the most dangerous realms of the world, full of heat, rain, and monsters. She was even more unfortunate to run into one of the local denizens not long after her arrival in the jungle, and found herself desperately trying to fend off the lizard hunter.

That was when her luck finally recovered and the Sidhe was rescued by a female orc, who had been guarding a caravan that had stumbled across her situation. In a bit of an adrenaline rush afterwards, the grateful Sidhe had made a promise to help the orc until the latter died or released her from said contract, and now the Sidhe travelled, following the orc woman around the jungle, helping caravans and adventuring.

The OOC section:
Adventuring, Fighting people, Sex with people, Fighting Monsters, Fighting Monster Hunter Monsters, Monster/Monster Hunter Monster Sex, more adventuring, just about anything really that isn’t torture, gorn, or explicit fatal vore.