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Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Halley will play the Shotgun card to roll 3 extra D6.
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Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Shotgun adds one success (rolls: 1, 2, 6)

7/8 successes achieved.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

(I loled.)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

(I don't really understand how guns help with working a lifeboat, but eeeeeehhhhh.......... *shrug*)

Use Reikos Revolver card for 2 additional D6s.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

((First of all, you're not working a lifeboat task, and second of all, it's more an abstraction -- you're guarding against alien intrusion while the others are reviewing the evidence tapes.))

Roll on the revolver is a flop, snake eyes! (1,1) so no successes added!

7/8 successes
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

(Sigh, this is probably going to be overkill)

*Play pulse rifle, too tired to write shit*

Roll 4d6
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Pulse Rifle rolls: 1, 2, 3, 6 (2 successes)

9/8 successes achieved.

Alien player, any response?
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

(Nope, go ahead.)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

The viewing of the holo videos is interrupted frequently by the scuttling sounds of small alien crawlers, scritch scratching their way across the halls. Something was breeding the things in abundance.

Revolver and shotgun blasts echoed down the corridors as individual members of the crew took turns firing at the disturbingly agile creatures. A lot of ammo was spent to kill relatively few enemies, but at least they are dead.

Eventually Mina figures out what wire was mysteriously out of place and powers up the recorder-player device. She fits the tapes into place and presses play.

The first ten or so entries are fairly bland daily reports, but the tone of the eleventh entry of the final month's tapes changes its tone drastically. A tall woman with short blond hair is frantically tapping away at a keyboard, staring desperately at the screen.

"Hello? Is this thing on? This is Dr. Rachel Creed of Outpost 31, New Eden Station. I'm recording this in case... in case we don't make it. 12 of my colleagues are dead or worse, there are only eight of us left. Our excavation team uncovered an alien life form from planet's surface two days ago. It was the find of the millenia, and we didn't want to compile a report until we had fully studied the initial samples. We thought they were frozen in the ice blocks we thawed them out of, certain that they were dead fossils... but they weren't dead, just in stasis. Somehow... they woke up, and they started to infect our crew. From what I can tell from the past..."

She pauses to check the clock on the wall behind her.

"34 hours of fighting for our lives, the creature's true form is malleable. I believe it to be a hive mind organism that exists purely in a white viscous liquid form, with the ability to replicate DNA samples that it has come into contact with. It seems to require a certain degree of intimacy with its victims, needing to almost fully saturate anything it wishes to replicate, but once it has, it can take control of its victim's form, and add to it what appears to be a monstrous visage - possibly its own preferred form, or perhaps some other lost civilization of alien still stored in the creature's DNA memory. We're still searching for a way to neutralize these things. Deep cold can immobilize it, but not kill it. It has an aversion of fire, but unless you're very thorough, we've found that even apparently dead samples may still be alive. Dr. Jenks believes that we might be able to corner the aliens in the outpost into the lower levels. We'll seal them off and then set a charge large enough to breach the lower hull but hopefully leave us safe up here with the stasis chambers. We'll be stranded here, but at least we'll be alive and able to wait out for the next supply ship to rescue us. But if we don't get this thing with the bomb... we may have to take things a step further. We cannot allow a creature this dangerous to infect the next crew that stops by the planet. The outpost needs to be destroyed, and so does the excavation site on New Eden. These aliens need to be destroyed or buried so deep they never find a way to thaw out. Dr. Rachel J. Creed, signing off."

The members of the Muse look around at one another.

"Obviously, Dr. Creed didn't make it," Laura said solemnly. "But at least we know one important thing... we need to make certain we finish the job on New Eden."

Crew succeeds at encounter. Alien Player draws an action card.
Any Tentacle Attacks or discards for the Override the Computer Task?
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

I would like to discard "Unearthly Screeching" for the Override the Computer task.
No tentacle attacks this turn.
You didn't send my action card yet, but it can wait. :p
I'd like all of my draws next turn to be from Deck 2, if you please.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

The Alien's efforts pay off. The card is discarded and a success is added to the Override the Computer task. Action card will be sent along with your next turn's card draws.

All players will draw up to 5 cards from their choice of decks. If you have 5 or more cards, you will not gain any cards. Please send me your choices of deck drawing (1 or 2) if you have not already.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Marlisse clutches her tablet tightly, gritting her teeth ever so slightly upon hearing the disturbing noises in the background. To think that the ship was being infested with these things didn't put her mind at ease, and although she was no stranger to high-pressure environments, this case was somewhat different, seeing that the particular consequences of failure here were dire.

Then, as the holovid finally manages to play, the doctor's attention focuses rather quickly. If anything calmed her down, it was information. The most disturbing part about the whole ordeal was not knowing a damn thing about the alien lifeforms, and stored in Dr. Creed's grim log was some degree of hope, or at least to Dr. Culver.

"Damnit," Marlisse muttered in conclusion. "The body we brought on board... not just the dog, was probably a vector," she added. "Though it's probably a bit late for that... we just need to make sure every last one of those things are dead."

After closely listening to the Captain, she looks to Maria, Mako, and Halley.
"Do you have the livestock counts in the digital inventory? It doesn't matter if it's for research or dietary--I'm betting those damn things are taking the chickens too."
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Laura marched with the rest of her crew behind her, leading them to the Recreation Room.

"I want everyone to stay here. This alien, it doesn't want to show itself. It wants to hide. In us." She glanced meaningfully around the room at each of her crew members. "We're not going to give it another chance to do that."

She paced back and forth and then squared her shoulders having come to a decision. "Myself and a small team will take the lifeboat and use it's impulse engines to take us to the New Eden dig site where Dr. Creed said they'd found this alien source. The lifeboat has two torpedoes on it armed with enough payload to cause a seizmic blast that will destroy or bury anything there. We're going to make sure that the only living aliens are on board the Muse, so they won't have any chance of reinforcements. While we're strafing the planet, the rest of you will stay here in this room. Keep an eye on one another and make sure none of those crawlers get through. This is an order."

Nodding to Marlisse, she wordlessly suggested that Marlisse select the four women who would be accompanying Laura on the strafing run.


The away team, led by Captain Laura, headed towards the lifeboat. "We'll need to make certain we have identified the right dig site. We won't have another shot at this with our current fuel supply and I don't want to leave the others alone too long."

The women started to put on their armored jumpsuits at the airlock. Laura strapping on her chest protector over the skin-tight bodyglove. Suddenly there was a disturbing squelching noise, and everyone raised their weapons, eying the corridors and dark corners. Nothing seemed to be there. But they could have sworn they'd heard something.

Then suddenly...


The group spun to see their captain clutching lewdly at herself, but it soon became apparent that something other than herself was moving beneath that clinging body suit. Writhing squelching tendrils began to tear through bits of the suit, exposing Laura's exquisite body, lustful in spite of itself.

"Get on the ship! Go! They're here!" she screams amidst incoherent moans.

Just then a scuttling of clacking sounds resonates off the steel floors down the corridor to the cargo bay. Amongst them are heavier footfalls... something big... something powerful.

"Don't stay! Go! That's... aahhh.... an order! Eyaaaahhh!"

Hesitating only slightly, the rest of you make a dash for it onto the lifeboat. With a quick tap of the controls, you close and lock the plas-steel door behind you, looking through the window as Laura is assaulted by a unsightly horror...


With her last desperate action, unbeknown to her attackers, Laura pulls the pin on a canister attached to the back of her suit. Her last thought was that she would be taking all of these disgusting things with her.


The entirety of the airlock antechamber is rocked by the power of the concussion grenade, and Laura is spared any further humiliation.

The other members taken on the mission cast about looks of dread before closing the opposite airlock doors and boarding the lifeboat. There was nothing left now but to head to New Eden and do their best to complete Captain Laura's final orders.


No exposure cards played.
Alien player plays:

"This alien doesn't want to show itself. It wants to hide. In us." : Prevent all die rolls on tasks this turn.


Found you. - Kill 1 NPC (Laura)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Standing up, Marlisse listens carefully to the captain's orders before giving her a reassuring nod. If there was anything she could be at this point, it was strong, at least for Laura's sake, who was still with them at this time--one thing the doc could be thankful for. She could only imagine how Mako and Halley were dealing with their respective losses, not that the deaths of Lulu and Riley weren't a loss to her either. But she decided to worry about the problems at hand first, despite the horribly bleak outlook of the situation.


Following just right behind Laura on the away team, Marlisse nodded in agreement. She was tempted to make a poorly-timed sexual joke in response to the quick briefing--as many doctors are known for having unique senses of humor--but decided against it, as she'd always have the chance to during the mission, most likely.

Putting on her own spacesuit casually, she turns to see a horrifying sight, that of the strange bulges squirming beneath her beloved captain's outfit.


Marlisse attempts to rush to her aid, ignoring the danger, but is thrown off-balance, only having her suit half-on. She literally has to be dragged back towards the lifeboat, overcome with a familiar sense of denial--that it's not too late. That the thing can come off, it's just a small one. As a doctor, she'd seen quite a few miraculous recoveries during her time as a resident... surely this was no different, wasn't it?

As the plas-steel door closes, the physician lunges at it, but only hits the hard surface with a thud. Tears well up in her eyes as Marlisse presses up against the gateway tightly to see the horrifying image of her loved one ravaged by these monsters, before being reduced to nothingness. Losing all of her usual composure, she can only let out a blood-curdling scream.


Her fists hammer against the smooth surface of the door, strong enough to cause it to rumble, but as expected, it holds fast. Marlisse pounds on the sturdy material for an unsettlingly long time, until her hands are red and sore from the repeated impacts. Only after Laura is long gone from sight, with only the memory of her panicked face fresh in the doctor's mind, the distraught woman slumps down to her knees, tears streaming from her eyes and nose, and begins to sob uncontrollably.

Encounter Team:

Choosing Maria to discard a card to Bad Blood.
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Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

(Firstly: heheheheheheheheh.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!! >:3)

(Secondly: Really, no counters?)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

My records show that you already have five cards LDF. If so, you draw no new cards.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

(Last turn it was: you draw until you have 5 cards in hand. That's why I played so much in the last two turns: I knew I'd just get it all back.)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Halley stands in shock outside out the plasteel doors as the captain is first horribly violated before she decides to make a last minute self sacrifice and pulls the pin on the canister and shortly after explodes in a huge fiery ball, consuming the room and the monsters therein. At first she merely stands there with her hand over her mouth as tears slowly stream out of her eyes. It takes her several minutes flbut she finally manages to steel her resolve and slowly and gently picking mako up by the scruff of her uniform and slowly turning her away from the site of the devastation, gently prodding her until she manages to recover, "Cmon mako. We can't stay here! The best thing we can do is to move on and either figure out a way to destroy those bastards' ship, escape or take them out with us like Laura. We can't let her sacrifice to go waste. I know I'm just a cook, but we can't sit around mourning, we can do that when and if we get through this hell." she said softly to the doctor waiting for to recuperate, once she did she would hit the first alarm she saw and alert the others trying to get as much as help as she could. They sure as hell needed it now........

play red alert card: -Red Alert : You may exceed the max crew on one encounter by two extra crew.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Red Alert has been played, meaning two additional NPCs can be taken on the main encounter rather than wallowing pointlessly in the Recreation Lounge.