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Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

A 12 vs 6
There's a smell of burning clothes and the ropes collapse, apparently lifeless.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

She pants and shakes her head before picking up the ropes and taking them with her...rope could be handy after all. Soon, there's that trunk ahead...and any more of the displacer beasts? She watches for possible threats.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

It doesn't take Arrenhan long to arrive at the trunk. It seems to be very slippery and it might even slide off the path and fall all the way down.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

But here's where the ropes come into play. She ties knots around he her waist and under her arms, then around a tree at her side, before carefully inching her way across. If she succeeds, she'll untie herself, and tie it on another tree, so there's a rope handrail to help guide across.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

Arrenhan is already past halfway to across when her foot slips and she falls off, her arms slipping from the slippery wood too quickly for her to gain a hold. The fox girl hits the hard rock surface feet first and manages to not hurt herself. The surface is slippery and she can feel the tree bending slightly from her weight. Perhaps fortunately, the rope around her springs alive, pulling her upwards.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

She gasps at the fall, then at the pain of landing on her feet, hard, but nothing is broken, this time at least. As the ropes come to life, she stiffens, but then it seems only that they are pulling her up. "Good," she says, stroking the rope. "Why couldn't you have just done this to start with?"
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

The ropes bring her under the trunk and hanging from the other side and onto the path...then suddenly pull her legs and hang her upside down. Another coil carefully pulls her clothes off, despite any resistance, and forms a harness around her, pulling a rather tight rope under her crotch.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

Naked now, she yelps and struggles, until the harness flows around her and tugw between her legs, making her gasps bit and go still. "Fine, fine...can...can I get my clothes back on now?" Naked, nipples getting erect from the cold, dizzy now from being upside down..and getting a little wet from the rope's rubbing.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

The ropes graciously turn her around and put her clothes back on before letting her feet back on the ground. The extra rope coils around her waist.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

"Look. You're hidden now....you can stay with me if that's what you want. I really don't want to have to keep fighting you..." Still, she smiles and pats the rope before continuing the walk to the mine.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

This time there's no-one outside the mine. As she gets closer, she can see that there's a lamp lit at the entrance and sounds of metal hitting stone echo from the mine occasionally.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

She walks in, unafraid, looking about, trying to follow the path that she was shown yesterday, rather than getting turned about by echoes. Of course, if she sees miners, she will wave to them cheerfully. As it gets darker within, though, she concentrates to summon a small ball of light, feeding it with a trickle of magic so that she cna see, tracing her way back to the crystal grotto.
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Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

The lamp showing the way, Arrenhan makes her way into the mine. The different turns are confusing, but finding the way out wouldn't be too difficult, since each tunnel leading out is larger than the tunnels leading to it. Arrenhan sees some light in the distance, but it might have reflected from far away via the crystals. Finally she makes her way to the tunnel where they escaped from the lustful attacks of the crystalline creature.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

She hesitates at the tunnel mouth, then goes into the grotto. It should still work. Before she gets to the main chamber, she looks at the diagrams to see what sorts of crystals are needed so that she knows which ones to get. Then she talks to the rope-demon. "Look...could you put a loop around a rock here? I might need you to pull me out. Please? I'd appreciate it."
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

The rope unwounds from around her and knots itself around a stalactite.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

She pats it and smiles before taking a deep breath and going into the final chamber to search for the desired crystals.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

Right away she sees the pick that was left there yesterday.The crystals glitter from lamplight, and she can't tell which crystal is the one she was supposed to take. There are many that look almost the same. There is no immediate attack of lustful thoughts.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

She gets the pick and hefts it, before sending out a pulse of magic, to see if she can pick the one with the affinity for holding magic. If an attack of lust comes, she tries to track the emanations to their source.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

The fox girl detects the crystal she is looking for, but she also detects another crystal coming alive and she can already almost feel the lust coming. The location of both crystals is obvious enough.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

She goes for the non-sentient crystal first, taking care not to damage it (taking the 3 rounds if needed), in order to use it against the living crystal afterwards.

(Get the crystal, and once done, use a basic magic attack focused through the crystal against the lust-crystal.)