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Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

Quite a bit later, the professor came down with the crystal and went over the circle Arrenhar had drawn, pointing out mistakes - which there weren't many - and things that could have been done differently. He then helped Arrenhar draw the inner circle."That's it. We'll perform the experiment after sunset. You've had an eventful day, so get some rest."
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

"All right, thank you. I'll be back down here right after supper." With that she goes back to her room and curls up to rest, after first sending just a small tendril of magic into the good crystal she kept, then she goes to sleep.

(Continue plot, or break a moment back to the real world?)
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

When Arrenhan and the professor came from the dinner, the sun had set and there were clouds with promises of rain in the sky. "I want you to charge the crystal again. This time, do it slowly. I've already filled it mostly as well as reinforced it, somewhat, so it shouldn't be as draining as it was last time." As the professor turned the only gas lamp off, the cellar felt small and oppressive in the darkness.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

Arrenhan nods. Then she assesses the crystal, then starts to charge it, slowly and deliberately, hoping that there won't be a lightning strike to throw things off. Power wells and flows steadily, entering the crystal and mixing with the energy already there, building up. Pressing steadily now as she seeks to charge it more. Watching the hypnotic glow. "L-last time I did this, when it was in the formation, that's when it got triggered."
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

The electricity starts arching between the two rods again, and it's as if the soft glow from the crystal moves to between them. Everything seems to be going like it did last time, but this time there's no explosion. Instead, the glow spreads to the entire room, showing shadowy figures moving around the room and through the walls. Then the crystal explodes, the professor's shielding stopping the shards from hitting either of them.

When the professor turns on the gas lamp, he seems shocked. "Well. We now have evidence that the current theories of magic are flawed. Hmm. I'll have to think about this."
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

"Well, sir, there has never been much systematic study done of the laws that magic operates under...of course, there hadn't been much in the way of study of physical laws until a century ago. Is there anything you want me to do in the meantime? Study the other crystal here? Go out to the country and find things?"
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

The professor yawns. "Well, Arrenhan, I think you should record what you've seen and then do whatever you want for the rest of the evening. If I haven't come up with anything by the morning and there's no storm, you could head back to the mine to study the...strange phenomena you noticed earlier, unless there's something else you want to study instead."
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

"All right, I'll do that. And, sir? If the laws of magic were what we thought they were...you wouldn't have the opportunity to learn what they really are and promote that discovery." She smiles and goes back to her room where she records everything fit for...public consumption in a journal. Lab notes are necessary and useful, after all. And then, in her own diary she makes notes for her own use: what happened at the mine, the second roper working with her, the crystal she has and it's properties....Tomorrow, a return to the mine!
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

Arrenhan wakes up refreshed, and meets the professor already inside the laboratory. "Good morning. I want you to go back to the mine. I'm going to need a second crystal like the ones you brought to me, and several different crystals. Here are diagrams of them. I believe we will be able to prevent further explosions by having more focal points over a large area and thus we can study the phenomena for a longer duration."
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

"Very well. I'll go out right away, and eat as I go. I should be back by dinnertime, though I'll probably need to rest tonight. COuld get things set up tomorrow and re-run experiments tomorrow night?" She gives a smile, "Of course, if you need me tonight, I'll help however I can." A smile, then she heads out after getting food from the kitchens, heading along the eastern branch of the northern path out of town.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

It had rained during the night making the mountain path slippery, and the sun was still hidden behind the clouds. Rope demons seem to be very common in the area, as yet another is waiting for her, blocking the road little more than a mile from the town.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

The foxgirl walks up to the demon. "You're helping me again? Why? Am I doing something important to you?" Assuming it is friendly, she would let it harness her again.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

The rope demon seems slightly confused and tries to remove her pants.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

"Hey! What are you doing! THe one yesterday didn't need to!" She tries to break free of it and get back, reassessing what's going on.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

R 8 vs 15
Arrenhan 5/5 MP 2/2
The rope demon seems annoyed at being denied, and sends a whiplash towards Arrenhan, which she dodges easily.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

She shakes her head, baring her teeth and sends surges of magic back at it.

(Regular magic attacks until it pulls back in defeat, unless it binds me up or I get down to 2hp.)
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

A 12 vs 21
R 2 vs 3
A 19 vs 18 5/6
R 8 vs 12
A 13 vs 7 4/6
R 3 vs 15
A 17 vs 18
R 13 vs 7 4/5, -1 to attacks
A 3 vs 2 3/6
R 13 vs 14
A 11 vs 4 2/6
R 20 vs 2 critical 2/5, -2 to attacks
Arrenhan 2/5 MP 2/2, -2 to attacks
Rope Demon 2/6
The exchange goes on for a while with neither gaining much of an advantage. The rope demon looks frayed, but some of the coils are already around Arrenhan.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

If only she'd taken a crystal with her! She shudders, then taps into her inner magic a twin bolt racing at the ropy creature. (spending 1mp)
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

A 7 vs 1 | 7 vs 9
R 6 vs 14

Arrenhan 2/5 MP 2/2, -2 to attacks
Rope Demon 1/6
The first bolt strikes true, but the ropes tug at her sending the second on clear to the sky. Another rope slashes towards her, but the for girl sees it coming and dodges easily.
Re: Under a strange light(Alexandra/Alkalannar)

She shakes her head, but doesn't want to use up the last of her reserves, simpy attacking it again. "Get away!" (She should be at MP 1/2)