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RPG RPG Maker [ker] Harem

Re: Harem [By ker]

Ironically, Qin, I'm an international student here studying Chinese, but my vocab is nowhere near good enough to navigate the page. XD


I will not blame you if you guys want to give up on me. I swear, the government's tracking my comp...... Rapidshare doesn't work either.

Looking through my list of downloads, the last options I have are Depositfiles and Sendspace. If you guys don't want to upload it, I won't blame you. I'll find another way to do it. Nao and Qin, thank you so much for trying to help me, and I'm deeply sorry for frustrating you with my requests.
I got an idea, hang on.

Nevermind. I tried to upload it here in the forum but I got an error after it finally finished uploading.
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Re: Harem [By ker]

I see - wait, why was your post edited by Darkfire?
Re: Harem [By ker]

Sorry Kenji, I honestly tried both 115 and xunlei (Chinese file share) but both doesn't work (I would have give you instruction on how to use them if I get an upload). I think Chinese file share website might somehow block foreign user like youku doesn't allow foreign IP to view their video.

I'll try to see myspace and and depositefiles, if both doesn't work my only suggestion is wait after you finish your study and go back, Harem is only in 0.5.1 build anyways. Sorry I don't know how to use myspace to upload a file, but here's a link to depositfiles.
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Re: Harem [By ker]

*Plays Final Fantasy Fanfare*


Qin, Nao, thank you two so much for being patient with me. Depositfiles works like a charm!
Re: Harem [By ker]

No problem. I aim to please. And to kill. But mostly to please.
Re: Harem [By ker]

Whew. Finished playing all of it.

This is one helluva game. The mines were a tad bit buggy though - sometimes Vanessa shows up in the next room when I haven't cleared it out yet. And MAN those tentacle monsters were annoying to kill!! I liked the part of the trial though, where each girl headed out to convince certain people to change their vote. There was one backstabbing scumbag - I think it was Angelica's guy? - that I REALLY wanted to kill.

My only problem here is Cecilia. The game skipped to the next plot point without allowing me to go back for her! DAMNIT, I WANT ALL OF MY SLAVES.

In case you're wondering, I was the type who treated my slaves nicely. >_> I was never a cruel person and I couldn't make myself do it, even for the extra H-scenes.
Re: Harem [By ker]

I think Ker did mention on Hongfire forum in 0.6 'someone will get it' for that part. There are Light and Dark path exclusive scenes so you still get some 'extra scene' from Light path which you won't be able to see in Dark (And vice versa).

Cecillia plays an extre minor role, at least for now. You don't even get a level up from her join. But if that annoy you so much then just start from begining again. The game so far is really not that long to just start over.
Re: Harem [By ker]

Hey, where does the game stop at? currently I cleared out the mines but am stopped yet again by a magical fire. Where should I go next I was high and barely able to understand that scene.
Re: Harem [By ker]

Hey, where does the game stop at? currently I cleared out the mines but am stopped yet again by a magical fire. Where should I go next I was high and barely able to understand that scene.

Lol. If you have the brothel, put Phoebe in there and then go to the pyramid south of the Cheli village. If not, then just go straight to the pyramid.

Thanks Kenji. 0.5.1 ends without being able to resolve all the plotlines that it introduced. And with the issues going on with Terra, you probably won't be able to resolve them in 0.6 either. But there's a bunch of stories that need to be resolved from 0.5 (Cecilia, Cindy and just about everyone else) that will be addressed eventually.

But you have more important things to worry about at the moment.

I know the mines are a bit buggy. But I'm cautious about going back into them code for them as I could easily turn 'a bit buggy' into 'completely broken'.

Qin and Nao, thanks for the help in getting him the game. But now that he's gotten it, could you remove the links you provided? I do earn a bit with every download from RG or FF and don't want to pull downloads away..

As always, if you can't get either of those to work, let me know and I'll give you a MF link.
Re: Harem [By ker]

Lol. If you have the brothel, put Phoebe in there and then go to the pyramid south of the Cheli village. If not, then just go straight to the pyramid.

Thanks Kenji. 0.5.1 ends without being able to resolve all the plotlines that it introduced. And with the issues going on with Terra, you probably won't be able to resolve them in 0.6 either. But there's a bunch of stories that need to be resolved from 0.5 (Cecilia, Cindy and just about everyone else) that will be addressed eventually.

But you have more important things to worry about at the moment.

I know the mines are a bit buggy. But I'm cautious about going back into them code for them as I could easily turn 'a bit buggy' into 'completely broken'.

Qin and Nao, thanks for the help in getting him the game. But now that he's gotten it, could you remove the links you provided? I do earn a bit with every download from RG or FF and don't want to pull downloads away..

As always, if you can't get either of those to work, let me know and I'll give you a MF link.

Re: Harem [By ker]

Cecillia plays an extre minor role, at least for now. You don't even get a level up from her join. But if that annoy you so much then just start from begining again. The game so far is really not that long to just start over.

Yeah, I just want all my slaves. Sorry for ranting - I'm the 100% completionist kind of guy. I have to do all the side-quests, get all the girls, etc. XDDD

Thanks Kenji. 0.5.1 ends without being able to resolve all the plotlines that it introduced. And with the issues going on with Terra, you probably won't be able to resolve them in 0.6 either. But there's a bunch of stories that need to be resolved from 0.5 (Cecilia, Cindy and just about everyone else) that will be addressed eventually.

But you have more important things to worry about at the moment.

I know the mines are a bit buggy. But I'm cautious about going back into them code for them as I could easily turn 'a bit buggy' into 'completely broken'.

Bleeeeh. I want to resolve them. I want all my girls and I want them happy, like a good harem king should be... T_T

Well, I hate to be a nitpicker, but there's another bug I noticed - namely the Strange Fungus. After I cleared out the first room, the things stopped dropping it, which personally doesn't make sense to me. Unless it was intentional...?

Last thing, i'm trying to buy that inn the innkeeper in Eowen is selling - that's the brothel, right? - but even when I have 10k gold, it won't let me buy it.
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Re: Harem [By ker]

You have to talk to the farmer, between the weapons/armor shop and the pub/inn to unlock the plot of the brothel =p

RPG maker games are the kind of games where if something doesn't work and you are completely lost there is only one solution: Talk to everyone, everywhere =p
Re: Harem [By ker]

Ah, thanks. *Now has Donna, Rhea, Cecilia, and Phoebe at the brothel*

Normally, I use Donna for the job of healer, but then I found out Angelica does almost as good as a healer, and she has more attack and health to boot. Oh, and she has a Revive too and I don't need to worry about mana - very handy.

Out of curiosity, what's your standard party layout? As of right now, I have Ralph (duh), Terra (her Barrier works wonders against a lot of enemies), Sarah (Rhea's too much of a berserker), and Angelica (reasons stated above).
Re: Harem [By ker]

The different between Donna and Angelica is Donna can party heal while Angelica has unlimited cast power, but so far I haven't find any boss that really need party heal to beat yet.

I use pretty similar party as you Kenji, except switch Terra with another DPS sometimes. If Terra's AOE spell can hit harder I might use her more.

So pretty much my party consist of Tank(Ralph), DPS(Sarah is a beast), DPS/Support(Rhea/Samantha/Terra), Healer(Angelica).
Re: Harem [By ker]

I'm the type who loves to buff and debuff - particularly using Terra's Barrier. It's been a lifesaver. I had that lesson pounded into me by Final Fantasy XIII. >_>
Re: Harem [By ker]

I use Sarah, Rhea and Angelica.
Re: Harem [By ker]

so far the bosses from Harem are not that hard in you need a buff/debuff to beat so DPS is more time effecient then having a character that can buff or debuff but has low damage out put. Ker might include some harder battles in later release which means we need to use Terra's barrier more.

But really, so far I mostly stick with Tank, 2 X DPS, and healer.
Re: Harem [By ker]

Combat is still in very early stages. My background is not programming (or writing, game design, artist) and I only have a very shaky grasp of VX combat. It's also something I really don't want to spend much time learning. I'm doing a bit here and there to make it interesting, but for now I'm scaling everything to easy to make sure that I don't make the game unplayable.

Over time it will evolve, but it's never going to be a primary focus of the game.