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Reputation is so stupid...

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Re: Reputation is so stupid...

I am not egotistical at all. But I do not like it when people negatively rep me for some reason. It just doesn't sit well with me.

It's like a way of saying "I hate your post" to me...
Re: Reputation is so stupid...

Damn, this carcass has already been picked clean...

Though to be honest, that guy wasn't even worth the effort whoever put into it to neg-rep.
Re: Reputation is so stupid...

It's almost as if some of you people live for threads like these...

I don't care if this sounds weird, but it honestly does make me feel sick sometimes..

EDIT: W-wait a minute.. *looks around* ...

This is another form of baiting, isn't it?... ... Damn.. It all makes sense now.. I better stop posting on here..

Oh well, at least I can take solice in the fact that I wasn't the only one who got baited.. But apparently I ate the most of it.. :eek:

Another lesson learned.
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Re: Reputation is so stupid...

It's almost as if some of you people live for threads like these...

I don't care if this sounds weird, but it honestly does make me feel sick sometimes..

In this thread, people acting as they're better than us because we have no patience for a self important asshat who got butthurt.
Re: Reputation is so stupid...

maybe I'll find my niche yet ...

Best of luck finding that, a niche is always nice to have. There's some good stuff around these parts, depending on what yer looking for.
Re: Reputation is so stupid...

Please, a moment of silence for Bulmassj4...

Another victim of the rep-system (aka "Big-fish/little-fish system") has been claimed...

... Okay, Maaaayybe he brought it on himself, but still, shame on you for kicking him when he's down...

You wanna know the easiest way to tell who're the rotten apples in a forum?

Throw down a fresh carcass (Bulmassj4) and watch how many vultures come to eagerly pick at it...

It's called schadenfreude. The guy makes an ass out of himself because of his ego and complex, why wouldn't we pick on the idiot? Rep has nothing to do with it. He's new, he's unknown, he has nothing interesting to offer, so when he does something stupid like this, there's nothing that redeems him, so why not cut out the cancer? Rep has nothing to do with it.

Sadly that's true.. It works the other way around..

Getting rep doesn't make people grow a giant ego..

It's having a giant ego which magically accumulates rep to that person..

Just look around at who has rep.. It makes perfect sense.. (With the exception of a few humble members who gained rep from simply being popular.)

If we could all be thick-headed douchebags who pick on anyone we don't like and pretend that our actions are justified and our words be true, when in reality we're just spouting opinions and being picky, we would all have big rep-bars and the forum would unite as a whole, becoming the most harmonious community ever to form on the planet. :D

Oh boy... Yes, overblown ego is the secret to gathering good reputation because everyone here is stupid enough to think that dickheads are people that have to be admired. Is it just me, or did he (unintentionally, I suspect, considering what he wrote in other posts, but who knows...) pretty much insult the collective intelligence of the community?

Are you kidding? I'm told on repeated occasions that I'm an egotistical douchebag.

You're certainly a pain in the ass at times, that's for sure...

This guy gets it..

But yeah, I understand there are people who get rep from actually EARNING it... But from what I've seen... Iunno.. It just seems like the more popular the person is, the more egotistical they are.. I'm not saying that out of spite, that's what I've SEEN from being on here...

There are high-rep people I've seen act more childish than a lurker, and they get away with it because of that rep.. Disagree with me? Then please explain why high-rep people get to act like douchebags, but when a low-rep person/lurker does it, everyone jumps down their neck..

Do you want to know why? Because on every forum, the basic laws of the community is law of the jungle and law of the pack. We can pretend to be civilized and stuff, but people are territorial bastards by nature. People who have been here for a while have already established their position on the forum and generally stand above the newcomers, being able to get away with more shit than newbies. It's not the rep that matters, it's the fact that they've been around for a while and became a part of the pack, so others will stand with them more often than not, unless they do something stupid. Rep has nothing to do with it, and I suspect that in many cases they have such a high rep level because they've been around for so long that even if they got positive rep only once in a while, it still adds up to a high number.

It's almost as if some of you people live for threads like these...

I don't care if this sounds weird, but it honestly does make me feel sick sometimes..

EDIT: W-wait a minute.. *looks around* ...

This is another form of baiting, isn't it?... ... Damn.. It all makes sense now.. I better stop posting on here..

Oh well, at least I can take solice in the fact that I wasn't the only one who got baited.. But apparently I ate the most of it.. :eek:

Another lesson learned.

Forums thrive on drama. Whenever someone starts it, people flock to it out of curiosity, boredom or simply on a whim. Say what you want, it's things out of the norm like this that spice up forum life and make it interesting. As for why you're "eating it", you're making a drama queen out of yourself as well by defending the "poor low rep newbies" from "egotistical high rep bastards", showing how ignorant you are in the process. Nice job, jackass. Oh, and a word of advice. If you're so delicate that you can't stand it, don't read it. You really don't have to.
Re: Reputation is so stupid...

There are high-rep people I've seen act more childish than a lurker, and they get away with it because of that rep.. Disagree with me? Then please explain why high-rep people get to act like douchebags, but when a low-rep person/lurker does it, everyone jumps down their neck..

Overall, think of the forum as your body... Something new must be checked out before hand... What your calling the "High-Rep people" are basicly the forums White Blood Cells... Feeling out the new and trying to weed out the cancerous... And while I don't condone there actions, I will not damn them for it either... There ARE in fact certain people that just can't get along with the concensus... And these people find, mark, and usually eliminate such problems... Elitist sure... But it's how it's worked in internet society for years, Even those "Popular Members" started out as little nothings, they had to make friends first and foremost...

And while you don't exactly see it very commonly, there IS disaplinary action taken against those you seem to have deemed "Doushe Baggy High-Reppers"

And Sponge, I give you a fair warning... Don't let yourself become another NookieNookie just because of a few Negreps... Not worth it...
Re: Reputation is so stupid...

We can pretend to be civilized and stuff, but people are territorial bastards by nature. People who have been here for a while have already established their position on the forum and generally stand above the newcomers, being able to get away with more shit than newbies. It's not the rep that matters, it's the fact that they've been around for a while and became a part of the pack, so others will stand with them more often than not, unless they do something stupid.

I don't think it's that we let them get away with stuff, so much as understanding the person better. Say a stranger walks up to you and punches you in the gut, that guy's horrible and someone you'll hate. Say your somewhat dickish but generally good friend comes up and punches you in the gut, you're not going to think that he's horrible and someone you hate.

Some other stranger watching your friend punch you, now, that person is probably going to think your friend is a horrible, hateable person, and possibly assaulting you.

By watching and interacting with people, you inevitably see facets of their personality that are not immediately apparent. By seeing, say, Oni hate on 8 things that you hate as well, you empathise with him - so that when he hates on something you like, you have a pre-established basis of goodwill - "he might hate X, but hating things is just the way he is, and I usually find it funny/agree" rather than "what is all this hateful garbage about X, really, this person is an asshole and needs to die".
Re: Reputation is so stupid...

All the Qs! I can't see anything but mountains of Qs!
Re: Reputation is so stupid...

Got a point there, Host. Seeing how much you can insult your friend before he takes offense is one way to see how strong your friendship is.
Re: Reputation is so stupid...

Seconding what Grave said, seconding what Host said, and in short summary of the whole thread, seconding what Inc said.


He's not a victim of the rep system. He's a victim of his own messiah complex.
Re: Reputation is so stupid...

I don't think it's that we let them get away with stuff, so much as understanding the person better. Say a stranger walks up to you and punches you in the gut, that guy's horrible and someone you'll hate. Say your somewhat dickish but generally good friend comes up and punches you in the gut, you're not going to think that he's horrible and someone you hate.

Do you want to know why? Because on every forum, the basic laws of the community is law of the jungle and law of the pack. We can pretend to be civilized and stuff, but people are territorial bastards by nature. People who have been here for a while have already established their position on the forum and generally stand above the newcomers, being able to get away with more shit than newbies.

Actually, if my best friend I've known for years decided to punch me anywhere, he probably wouldn't be my friend...

I'm sorry, but I don't think the same way as you people..

A pack mentality on a website is a poor excuse none the less, no matter how much you sugar coat it saying "Oh, we've known them a while, so it's okay"...

No matter how old, mature, or wise I become in my lifetime, I will never condone bad, rude, immoral, or wrong behavior from anyone within my sight..

What it boils down to is that "pack mentality" of yours ends up creating a corrupt hierarchy of "friends" who stick together and pretty much reign over the entire website as a whole.

The only real way to get into that pack is to get into good graces with the people in that circle..

Without any signs of baiting, trolling, or messing around, I can still honestly say I'm fairly disgusted with it, and it's the main reason why newcomers end up being assholes... They get discouraged...

There are simple guidelines every forum has when it comes to behaving and staying in line, but when you throw in the "pack system", these rules get bent constantly, and the next thing you know, you end up with a sort've group-dictatorship...

At this point, I already know I'm wrong.. But why am I wrong?.. We think differently.. Your point of view lies within someone who resides in that circle, and some of your points of views reside within hovering closely to that circle..

But me... I'm far out in space, away from any orbital system at all.. You've seen things I may never see, and I've seen things you may never see..

The only thing I can do is pretend, and act according to how you people see what "Good behavior" is.. But that goes against what I believe, it pains me to do that, which is why I keep slipping up...

If one person gets to be a douche, everyone gets to be a douche..


Nobody gets to be a douche...

Your stupid pack system fucks with this principle, and has turned this forum into something I'm not even sure I want to be a part of...

I will never change who I am... And I'm pretty sure you all feel the same way.. Your not going to change your ways just because some arrogant noob wants to preach about bullshit... So perhaps we can come to an agreement..

You consider my point of view, and I'll consider yours..
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Re: Reputation is so stupid...

I would like to chip in my own two cents. Despite coming into the forum in the absolute worst possible way, making the lowest of all potential impressions, I've become a regular who is for the most part tolerated, despite the fact that I'm known to get on people's nerves.

It's not like you have to be perfect to have people like, or even respect you within the forum, you just have to have some redeeming qualities to make up for your flaws. And even then there will be at least one or two people out to discourage your presence.

I don't think the social circle in ULMF is anything special persay, but it's far better than some other examples of forum discussion you might see in other places. For a start, we have tentacles.
Re: Reputation is so stupid...

You're only tolerated because there's no other option, since the admins very rarely ban anyone.
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