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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Your words are always welcome Celine, of course than your beauty surpass mine. The Alpha answer with a warm smile and polite vow to show her loyalty to the elf before add; Its an honor receive such kind words, as the Alpha i can only mate with our male, certainly if i werent be for sure than i would love to share many nights with you. Her words of course dont interrupt her care with her childrens and the howls and roars continued behind the strong iron door at the other side of the Alpha's chambers.


Meanwhile her words were welcome for the wolf girls, for what it looks Noom would be the most opened for any kind of sex request. Of course Qamra dont talk more of the topic about the humans and theirs guardians, maybe she suppose than say about how these dark creatures could mind control any demon or beast girl would be against the wish of Vanessa and Celine.

It was up for the elf inform them or not about what they could find in the human's lands, Qamra just started her talk about the monsters than they could or not face if the goddess words were true they would have a peaceful travel.

The time passed faster with the wolf girls leaving the elven do their soft approach to them, only Noom move her tail in joy by the scratch behind her ears and Moonlight leave for a moment to get all what she needs for the travel after heard the few tips given by the experiment wolf girl, Ramza made the same later and for what theirs armors show, they were sure than dodge and speed was better than a heavy armor against monsters than could melt any kind of cloth, so leather armor was what they decide to wear until a better choice could come.

The portal appear later and only Noom looks to be fully focus in range weapons, Qamra of course can wear a bow or a sword, yet her natural claws and fangs could work too. At the other side Yumi was waiting for them, at her side there was an opened chest wit mostly Celine's weapon and skimpy armor, the healer succubi was there too and wave to them, her eyes explore them for minutes and certainly she was not just looking for wounds as she focus mostly on Celine which body could recover alone.

There were two succubi than Celine could remember from the archer succubi group. The portal room was in calm yet a huge disscussion between a lot of succubi was happening in the next room.

Welcome back, Celine. Im glad than you succeed~ Yumi said smiling and without care the noise.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Aw please, with this current body of mine, I'm not that beautiful surely. And how come you can only mate with your males? You are the alpha after all, so surely you could mate with anyone you please," Celine said with a smirk,


Celine didn't tell the wolf girls how they should arm or armor themselves, letting them all decide on their own. She was glad that they all decided on lighter armor though, as it improved mobility and would keep them from getting hit in the first place.

After making their way back through to portal once it was back up and the wolf girls were all prepared to leave, Celine smiled at Yumi when she greeted them. "Aye, thanks for your support Yumi. And whenever the rest of the girls are ready to go then we can set out. Because we're ready to go whenever and everything," Celine replied, giving Yumi a little hug and pinching her on the butt and giving her a kiss on the cheek as she did.

She then collected her things, slipped into her armor that was prepared for her, and buckled her sword belt around before leading everyone out when they were all ready to go. She would lead them back towards the mountain the humans were holed up in, making her way up to the camp that Vanessa's forces had just outside of it, and keeping a close eye out for trouble along the way as well.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Of course you are beautiful, i can sense your precious being and the scent of many than share their love in that body. The Alpha said taking a moment for certainly use her many senses to fully identify the elf in front of her and then she proceed in her words. My title also come with the responsability to protect our lineage, so my duty now is take care of that imprisoned male and have a few more litters this year... i placed upon myself the rule than as long i were the Alpha i could only change of mate if a better wolf take his place... Of course this can be forgotten if a bigger authority decide it.

The hand of the delicious wolf woman made a small move to make Celine turn to the strong reinforced iron gate at the other side of the chambers, no doubt the source from where the roars and menacing animal sounds had come out the whole time Celine was in the Alpha's chamber. Her last words show than not only Qamra hold herself with rules, but at least the Alpha give hints in how Celine could take her without damage the wolf woman honor.


With the whole wolf pack at her orders, Celine return to the castle using the temporal portal made just for this moment. Her welcome and lusty touch on Yumi not only cause the many succubi there increase theirs efforts in the future to take the elf to the bed soon when she had returned from her mission. With a focus on Yumi, the high succubi take this chance to have Celine close her, the whole back of the elf was filled in a huge pleasure when both succubi hands roam until get over the dollperfect rear , such soft press made her whole body squirm in delight for a minute, the one than Yumi take to bite the elven's neck what bring just more pleasure at celine and placing a mark than soon would dissapear thanks to her magic, the elf at least suppose. Oh. You know how to thank me, once your mission end~ Yumi answer after the elven's words, her right hand moving up to where the gold collar rest on Celine, certainly to remember her what kind of fantasy she want to create with the greatest slave.

The great succubu's hullabaloo in the next room maybe was what caused the blush on the wolf girls, but at least Celine was very focused and distant to heard something, yet certainly the many succubi were talking about Celine or a topic related, but Yumi and the others close looks to dont care and in change help the elf and her group to use a mirror so they avoid any conflict.

Wish you a safe and soon return, Celine. Yumi end to said as she let the rest get close the castle gates.

Dont worry, we will take care of our slave, teacher. One of the archer succubi said as the two wave. As they get close the entrance, the dawn start to appear in the distant mountains and Aisha stay waiting for them in the huge shadow created by the gate, no doubt she tried her best to avoid any confrontation with her sisters.

Some words before start our mission? Qamra said to the elf, the others wolf girls were already paying attention to Qamra, all ready to get any order. It would be more safe use the plains than the forest, no matter our choice the scent of our group will bring creatures to us... but doubt than they will have the courage to attack us if we remain alert and close.

Before Celine could leave, she was suddenly pushed by a force inside her to turn back. Her eyes instantly aim to Cutie who was helping an still tired Triny to get to the door to meet Celine a last time, Sakura was maybe in the same over fuck state, but the bunnygirl looks to be still ready for more and strong enough to be her the one to help to carry Fate who still remain sleep. The elf could just wave to them or take a last moment before their next mission.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Wait... you imprison the men then to breed? And I would just need to prove myself and show that I'm stronger than Qamra and I could have her then?" Celine asked curiously.


As Yumi's hands traveled down her back to her ass, Celine cooed softly and nuzzled against the succubus and let her leave the hickey on her neck. "Y-Yeah, I remember," Celine whimpered softly, wanting so badly to do what Yumi and the other succubi wanted of her, but wanting to finish this mission first.

"Thank you everyone. And don't worry, we'll be alright," Celine told Yumi as they readied to set off.

"Alright Qamra, across the plains it is. It'll give us a good all around view of any incoming enemies. Just remember to stick together, and nobody gets left behind," Celine replied to Qamra so the others could hear her.

Just before they were about to leave, Celine heard Cutey clear her throat to get her attention where she stopped and turned to look back. When she saw Triny and Sakura, the latter carrying Faith. "Hey sweetie, and you too little one," Celine said, leaning over to kiss Triny on the cheek before leaning down to kiss Faith on the cheek too. "I'll be back as soon as I can, and hopefully by the time I return, Vanessa will have returned with my real body," Celine then whispered to Triny, smiling softly and wanting so much to hold Triny, but refraining from it to keep from making her so aroused she could barely think straight.

Once she had said her goodbyes, Celine led her group off towards the mountain, heading across the plains to keep the monsters off of them as much as possible, since they could see them coming for a ways off.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Its for ours visitor's safety, thanks to the blessings placed on us, ours males tend to be controlled by theirs instincs. Said the Alpha in calm tone, as if that was some basic in their adapted race, for what it looks she was more interested in answer the next question given by Celine as she nod when she was asked about Qamra. A duel is much more than show your power, it would show to Qamra your love and need for her.... As also respect to her honor and believes. Beside if Qamra already have someone then you must show yours fightings skills against that person.

The baby wolf girls were one by one falling sleep cuddling close her mother or theirs sisters at the crib at a side, the hair on them was of many colors but mostly they have a green hair of different tones.


Celine could be very sure than Yumi will have not pity on the elf once they mate again, the lust on her eyes almost shine with the deamdreams of what she have in mind. The others succubi wink and giggle as they wave in theirs flattering to the herm, saying how much they will enjoy their time with Celine or how delicious the slave looks.

Once at the door, Qamra was already talking with the others wolf girls what give time to Celine to turn back and move to talk with her family. The kiss placed on the cheek of the little Fate caused a small reaction on the baby, but not the enough to get out of a little mumbling as she sleep. Triny of course was waiting more than a kiss in her cheek but it anyway make her happy for have a touch of her lover before this depart. Please return soon. She begs and her words give time to Celine to notice a little quick pouting at Cutei, certainly not for the words from the elf about the temporal body.

Better focus fully in what you will find there and not focus on return soon, thsi mission is not some kind of vacations or a quick chat. The little mistress manage to say before Celine start to move away... then suddenly in that instant Triny in her weak state rush and hold herself at the back of the slimy elf doll, pressing and nuzzling her cheek on her lover not caring what could happen.

You must come soon...because, i will love your help to name our new or news babies. She wishper at the elf slowly releasing her from that sudden hug than certainly wet all her front and make her maybe need to endure the sudden lust from that magic substance.


The group after some minutes depart and follow the orders from Qamra and Celine, of course their travel was not safe of troubles, there were some mindless creatures trying to attack them, nothing than the succubi or wolf girls could defeat in a blink, mostly the biggest problem was some of the winged girls arguin between them of Yumi's lack of focus on provide them horses or a vehicle... portal. Qamra of course point than it was better in that way so they dont need to divide their group inorder to protect the animals and this helps to explore the area better.

Once in the small area of forest close the entrance the group easily noticed the welcome placed for them or maybe an ambush. There were two dark creatures inside the entrance looking around, some nude women or with skimpy rag clothes were collecting plants not so far of the cave, Vanessa's remain army placed there was not in the area in the moment, so it was up to Celine decide her move.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Ah, I see. Well, I'm not controlled solely by my instincts, so you would have no worries there, hmhm," Celine said, ending with a giggle as she listened to how she could claim Qamra as her mate. "And that sounds very much like the wolf kin in my homeland. All of the tribes do that very thing too. So would I have to best Qamra herself if she has no mate? Or just do something to prove myself enough to her for it?" she went onto say.


"I will Triny, don't worry," Celine replied to Triny, giving her a kiss on the lips, but a quick one to keep the secretions from her body from arousing her beloved. "And I know Cutey, I'll be back soon," she then told Cutey, hugging her and kissing her on the cheek too.

Just as Celine stood back up, she saw Triny rush at her and throw her arms around her. "Oh Triny, I love you so much. I promise you that I'll be back as soon as I can," Celine assured Triny, holding her close despite knowing what would happen. "Now I'm going to have to give you some relief real quick sweetie. But it's okay because we're still waiting on a couple of the succubi to get here anyway. Everyone, I'll be right back," Celine then said, taking Triny's hand and into an adjacent room.

Celine quickly pulled Triny's panties off if she had any on to begin with, where she would bend her over and make her butt stick out while she pressed Triny against the wall. "I love you so much Triny, and I'll always make you feel good when you need it and I'm able to," Celine whispered in Triny's ear.

Celine thrust into Triny, not even bothering to shut the door as she thrust into her beloved repeatedly, going fast as she sought to pleasure them both as much and fast as possible. With Triny, Vanessa, and Prisca, Celine didn't try and hold her seed back and simply let herself cum whenever she neared climax, not bother to stop thrusting as she dragged a powerful climax out of Triny as well. Celine still wouldn't stop though and kept going until she felt Triny cumming a second time, cumming four times in all inside of Triny in the meantime, pulling out to watch her seed leak heavily from Triny's used folds as she let her go so that her aphrodisiac secretions wouldn't arouse her again.

"Triny, I love you so much. And when I get back, and get my real body back, then I'll make love to you so sweet that we'll both faint in each others arms," Celine cooed to Triny, smiling softly and kissing her on the cheek as well.


After she managed to finish up with Triny and everyone got moving out, sticking to the open plains as much as possible for the purpose of seeing anything coming from a ways off to give them time to prepare. Here and there were a few mindless creatures that decided to attack, but with the wolf girls and succubi they made short work of them. "Girls it's alright, and Qamra's right. The day is beautiful, and we're exploring and making it safe for other travelers too, no matter who they are," Celine told the succubi kindly, smiling at them to try and make them calm down about not being able to go to the mountain faster.

As they neared the cave entrance, Celine saw the dark creatures and some of the women and futanari from inside the mountain around, some gathering plants and whatnot, while some watched over them. Celine waved to them as they got within sight of the group at the cave entrance. "Hello there, it's me, Celine. We're here finally. It took us some time to decide on who to bring with me," Celine told them as she got closer to them. "But I would trust all of these ladies with my life, so you shouldn't have to worry about them. The wolf girls are here as our protectors, and these lovely succubi came with me to help with what I promised that we would do our best to help you with, in healing those of your people that were raped by the creatures inside the caverns here," Celine went on to say to them, bowing politely and gesturing for the ones with her to do so as well.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Hmhm, then there shoudnt be problems for someone so honorable as the Great Mistress's personal slave. The Alpha answer with a chuckle when Celine said than she know others communities with similar mate rituals, of course there werent too much males in the lair, actually out of the one sealed there was not clue of another male wolfkind. Its unknown if Qamra will be pleased with just a duel, not all of our kind like me enjoy follow ours traditions and could be than she already have a lover, in any case as her friend you will find it soon if you talk with her.


The kiss and hug melt away the bad mood in Cutey and some of her clothes too, yet they remain in place. Sakura after see what were the intentions of the elven with the human was close to follow them and join them, but the young mistress stop the lustful bunnygirl. Triny meanwhile was not expecting have a second round with her mate, maybe just some hugs and sweet words were her idea, but the elven's passion was pretty much better than her most wild dreams. I love you even more, so much than is hard to let you go alone... Triny answer back holding closer as they share their love in front of them until Celine drag her to a small storage room at a side, easily opening the wooden door as the almost nude human was placed in position.

With just a little move Celine remove her under armor and so her big tool was ready to work. Triny's clothes werent a task to move aside, the tiny rags already were close to melt after the slimy hug and so just touching the small fabric over her rear made the small piece fall, making her lower body be fully exposed for the passion to come.

Celine and Triny shared theirs love words and eternal promises between moans and passionate sex, the breeder changes on the human at least allowed for Triny to endure and enjoy such threatment, bucking her body in each thrust what later follow to huge loads from the blonde herm than her hungry cunt devour in need.

I...i wish than that day come soon... Triny just managed to answer back after the quick orgasms placed on both of them, her hands trying their best to hang in the wall as she almost was in acalm climax state, some tears falling of her almost gazed eyes for the joy and passion on the moment. Leaving that small room, Celine noticed than her little mating take the attention of many in the area, mostly succubi for sure, her team remain in place or at least the wolf girls and Aisha, this last just for being a full monster lover.


The travel to the cave was out of problems, maybe from time to time the succubi tried to tempt the wolf girls, but Qamra was there to take care and the group remain focused, maybe just the succubi were aroused after see how Celine take the human, certainly soon or later one will jump at the elf when they get in a safe place.

With the group reaching the entrance, many if not almost all turn to each other as if asking who could be this Celine what show than they werent there exactly to wait for them. Then some of the dark creatures react with some sounds what made Qamra and her girls get close to get in guard, in exchange some human women turn to see the creatures and giving nods they calm the enough to get a little more closer. Ah, you must be that strange woman than had sex with some of us some days ago. One of them said pointing to Celine as some nod to afirm.

Even if we believe in all of you... we cant take all of you in a large group, it will not be safe for us... Maybe if the guardians place their scent on some of you and we take all inside in groups of four or three we could have a safe pass. One of them said, armed and dressed this woman looks to be one of the onea leading this small group of females.

Ohh... im not interested in share their scent if for have it we must do what i have in mind. The small Ramza said in disgust, Moonlight was also a little upset, but there was Qamra to force them is needed unless Celine do her best to solve this in another way.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I'll have to talk to her then. Thank you lady alpha," Celine said about Qamra, deciding to try talking to her about things before she did anything else.


"It will Triny, don't you worry," Celine assured Triny, kissing her one last time as they finished up.

Celine noticed the succubi all watching them go at it, but didn't care, and in fact she reveled in it. She loved for others to watch her make love to the ones she loved so much. It let them know just how good a lover she could be and might make them want to have some fun too, something she couldn't help but grin about.


Celine knew the succubi there would be wanting to jump her bones soon enough, once they were in a safe place of course. She had expected this and was well prepared for it, as her cock ached for them. After arriving at the cave and calling out to the humans there, Celine nodded when the one girl replied and asked if she were Celine.

"Yes I am Celine. I am here at the behest of both my mistress and your goddess to try and help bring an alliance to both our peoples," Celine said, before one of the other women spoke up. "Why can't we all just go in together? I mean, we are taking a very big risk by coming here and all and we're placing our safety in your hands. Besides, you already have several of our people being held hostage, so we certainly wouldn't risk doing anything that could make you hurt them. And the wolf girls here have a strong sense of smell, so placing another scent on them is going to really mess with their minds and their ability to determine friend from foe. In good faith, I'm willing to surrender my own weapons until we get to the town, but I would like them back once we're there please, because they mean a lot to me," Celine went then asked the humans.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Sharing her thoughts with the humans made these last react in soft distress and confusion. The questions between them trying to find out if was true than their "peaceful" town have in custody strange humanoids at them fly around for a while until a few of the soldiers agreed to talk.

If you talk about the beast woman than we have few days ago, i must inform yu than we lost them when that large cat and some monsters attack us. If they still remain in the cave are now under the power of the monsters in the lowers levels and these are actually sealed. Said in part trying to endure being accused by have hostages. It was just some information earned a while ago, but Celine could remember read than the leader of the nekos was who caused the attack and this increased the enmity between them and the cave human girls.

Anyway, is too risky for us use our passage with many non humans, the creatures will follow the scent to our town and that is something than we want to avoid, that is why we must hide your scent and reduce your number. One continue, slighty more calmed than the first.

As the talk continue Aisha decided to get closer, looking to dont care about the dark creatures guardians. Why dont let all the succubi share some time with these beauties? Then you could divide our group in two mixiing our kind with the wolf girls, i feel pity for them and their choicee to avoid this unusual oportunity.....

Beside... im so tired of walk and this Sun, lets get inside the cave and share ours cultures~ The special succubi tone show than she was the most exhausted after the travel, her delicated and seductive body adapted to live in monster lairs was not suited for walk in normal land and certainly she wanted to taste the rod flesh of these populars dark guardians.

The sight of the others succubi show than they were more interested to fuck with these new futas and Celine, but they could sacrifice themselves a little with these strange creatures as later they would be in Futa Heaven when they get to the human town.

Uhm... if that is the plan then just do it fast at this place or the first chambers of the cave, we could call the attention of a few monsters around here, but we can take of it

Yes, just let us away of all that...thing than call fun First said Qamra before being interrupted by Ramza... then Noomnoom tried to walk between the succubi to try to hide of the others and get inside the group than will have sex. Celine could stay with the three remain wolf girls or enjoy some fun with the guardians and succubi inside the entrance of the cave.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Well, I was more meaning the few girls like Lina and whatnot that you had when your goddess was using them and kind of stealing their energy to regenerate herself. I remember being told that the catgirls had found a way out and all," Celine replied to the humans, before another one spoke up. "Just so long as the wolf girls here don't have to have their scents muddled up, because it really throws their senses off when they can't smell each other properly," she went on to say, not worried about the scents being on herself and the succubi, since the succubi didn't mind either.

Once they had figured everything out for how to proceed, Celine would do whatever was needed to do so and would follow the humans, hoping to keep from having sex until they had made it to the town in the mountain. She wasn't against having sex before they got there however.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Just this time i will pass by halt your accusation to our Goddess. We dont know anything related to girls like the ones following you being hostage in our town or temple, it would better than you ask our leaders once we get to our town. The blonde warrior said, holding away any anger than she could have by heard words against her goddess, the others of course stay quiet to dont heard more of the issue what could end in a dispute.

Uhm... i can sense how ours troops were here a time ago. Any of you know where are they now? Qamra ask to the humans and these mantain their distance as they answer. It was troublesome have their kind so close of the mountain, the beasts living in the tunnels were getting more violent and gathering in biggers groups. I could suppose than their camp must be at a mile or less inside the forest or the mountains

If they are so close then there will be not problem. Moonlight, get inside with Celine and inform us of any monster attack, Ramza stay with me to make a guard outside. The Wolf girl leader said in authoritary tone, Ramza of course give a little cheerful jump by have a time alone with Qamra and be pretty far of the group of noisy succubi. Of course the quiet and smart Moonlight remain ausent of any word against this terrible fate.

Before follow the others, Celine noticed how Qamra move some steps away to a clear in the woods and after some small growls to clean her throat she rise up her tail and ears, being pretty focused in the surroundings at her. As also Ramza who remain closer to the cave was with her ears and tail up, Celine could suppose than Qamra was trying to comunicate with others wolf girls using sounds than only the wolf girl race and few others could reach to heard

The silver haired young wolf girl follow the elven to the entrance of the cave, some of the succubi and dark creatures move faster and were already rubbing each other what points than they would have some intimacy. It was then than Celine noticed a soft delicate hand holding her shoulder from behind before get inside the cave.

All my sisters could be against what i will say, but as the healer of the group is my responsability. The red head healer succubi said after a small sigh. The delicious slime washing all your body every second would avoid any attempt to pass your succubi magic scent unnoticied. I recomend just watch us or join us if you cant endure yourself. Now, if you want to hide your scent, then just take a bath and try to remember how to control your slime to get out, but we dont know how long the path to their village is, you could be in danger to lost your sanity if is prolongued the hold of the slime out of your limit.

Said this, the healer succubi continued to undress herself and look for any unnocupied guardian and futa girls than she could use to sattled her heat in the process of also hide her scent.

Qamra and Ramza will come soon after get some information, i could share it with you in a private place. Also you could be sure than it will be an honor help you wash yourself if you choice to do it. The clever Moonlight said in almost a whisper tone to Celine, sure than the elven's ears were better than the human ones, but not sure about the Guardians, maybe at least the growing moans of the succubi and NoomNomm are helping them to hide her words this time.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Ignoring the anger the blonde human was expressing at her words against their goddess, Celine just waited for everyone to get ready to head on in. When the others all began doing what was needed to be able to move inside, Celine looked over at Moonlight and nodded. "Alright Moonlight, that sounds good to me. And I would be happy if you helped me," Celine replied to Moonlight with a smile while everyone else was getting ready to go on in.

Celine was worried that the goddess hadn't spoken to her people any at all about everything that was discussed at the meeting they'd had. It would mean that they would have to speak to her directly about getting their people released from captivity. There was still the thing about Cassie being missing too that they had to figure out. Where had she gone? Who or what had taken her? The only thing Celine could figure was Cassie was kidnapped during the fighting in the palace the other day. Regardless of what had happened to Cassie, once everyone was ready to head on in, she would follow along for now.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The first chamber inside the cave looks to has been cleaned, the many rust and useless weapons/armors remains werent there, maybe Vanessa's army clean the area before leave. The place was a huge hall, dry in part as a bone, but in some corners Celine could notice some leaks coming from the all the underwater rivers deep inside the cave. As you order, leader. Give me just a moment to talk with the locals. Moonlight said trying to act as the soldier than she is and then went to the few humans not having fun with the Guardians.

As the wolf petite wolf girl get closer, the humans looks to still have some fear to be damaged, after all most of them were just townpeople and the damage placed in theirs ancestors by the monster girls from the past has leave a deep wound in their culture. Of course than the wolf girls have the same problems with the humans, but the loyalty to the Great Mistress made Moonlight give the first step in their conversation, she asked politely and holding her distance to the humans, asking for a safe place to wash Celine's body, they of course accept to inform about a close and possible safe place a little deep inside the cave, it was just separated of this chamber by the only passage inside the cave and this hall, a small room at the right.

Being Celine so important for the Goddess, the humans accept to bring a guardian with them, something than Moonlight asked in order to avoid being suddenly assaulted by more beasts than they could handle. Escolting Celine to the place, Moonlight let the elf strip herself if she need it, but the wolf girl remain dressing her armor what could get damaged if she helps Celine to wash herself and this dont inform Moonlight of the doll slime.

For what i managed to heard, the Great Mistress's army camp is not so far from here, Qamra inform them of our arrival and deny than some of the soldiers come here to aid us, mostly because we would need to make more groups to get to the human's town. If you have something against it or a different plan i could inform Qamra in the act.

Also, there were few conflicts between ours forces and the ones living here, so the one in charge the army decide to move a little away to calm the locals.

Celine could still manage to heard in this hidden room the endless moans given by the succubi and NoomNoom the only wolf girl than accepted to hide her scent. Her few moments in the Entrance hall with the rest made her see how the dark creatures have the advantage over most of the succubi, their adapted body to made the monstergirl being unable to use theirs skills and powers has made the succubi group be less more than just fuck holes for them. Of course Aisha was different from the others and was the only of them having so much fun, dominating the two Guardians who were fucking both of her skilled holes.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Okay Moonlight, take your time, but try and not take too long," Celine said softly to the wolf girl.

"Thank you ladies, and I apologize if I sounded rude before. But my friend Lina was being held in a chamber next to your goddess the first time I met her. And Lina was being drained of her energies to allow your goddess to revive or whatever she was doing," Celine told the humans as her and Moonlight got prepared.

After she and Moonlight had a bit of privacy, Celine listened to the wolf girl talking while she washed herself off, informing Moonlight about the slime on her body. When she was done washing off her scent as best she could, Celine came back out to see the succubi being quite dominated for the most part save Aisha. "What's going on here? You've turned them into nothing but your pets practically," Celine asked, demanding an answer and looking a bit cross that the succubi have mostly had their free will taken away from them, turning them into nothing but fuck dolls.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Interesting. I started to ponder the qualities and what could be this slime from your arrival at our lair. But we will accept your decision of when share any other information, as you are The honorable Personal Great Mistress Slave. Moonlight answer between her careful help to wash Celine's body, so focused in her task than still dressed her armor remain out of damage and her arousal only raise softly.

When they return, the sudden question made the few humans not having sex turn to her clueless, they were close to answer when Aisha was softly placed in her feet by the two Dark Guardians. Hmhm, it was mostly my idea, Celine~

Not so often you can learn more about new creatures and show yours skills in the process.
Aisha said as she move to the closest succubi, lifting her as a fuck doll and pitching hard the almost broken succubi's nipple before let the poor girl with the back on the floor and legs spread where the high amounts of cum slowly drench the cave floor.

Very well girls, i won the little bet between us, so all must just ignore anything than we by mistake could say about your Goddess. Aisha the only succubi in her senses said to the humans who were amazed than Aisha has endured all, the enough to nod and agreed without say anything more.

At the moment Qamra and Ramza get inside the cave and noticed the scene. In the name of the Great Mistress, what is happening here? Ramza said before be scold by Qamra who also looks to get some answer. Moonlight then sight and shrug her self as she rise her arms softly. Just Succubi games, some of them are very extreme.

It couldnt surprise me some friendly duels, but this is just too much, now we would need to wait for them to get fine. Qamra sigh slighty dissapointed.

We cant do that, The Personal Great Mistress Slave needs to reach the town as fast as possible. Moonlight inform softly worried after know than what Celine was doing to restain the slime inside her body could break her mind and soul.

I see, then we will split in two groups and we will carry them... great NoomNoom made it again... Qamra add at the end when she turn and notice the pink haired wolf girl practicaly turned into a temporal pet for the creatures.

Oh, no problem. I can carry easily three of them without problem after this charming mating. Aisha said very proud of her, so just a moment later Qamra decided who will be in which team.

The number of humans and soldiers were divided in half, Qamra decide to carry NoomNoom and Moonlight would be with her. Meanwhile Ramza and all the succubi would be with Celine and the rest of Guardians/Humans.
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Qamra's right, we'll need to wait for them to snap out of it now. And we should have just went on in instead of wasting time here. The quicker we got through the better. I don't like splitting the group either, but I actually don't have a choice, because of my circumstances," Celine said looking disappointed that they'd have to split her party here, because splitting up was always a bad idea in her opinion.

"I'll trust in your choices Qamra, just be careful okay. We've come too far for anyone to get lost now. So be careful everyone... okay," Celine told her group, looking around at everyone that wasn't fucked silly before they set out to the town.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Once Celine ended to say her point of view, Qamra get close and pat her back softly. Neither i want to divide our team, but my experience here show than as more of ours more are the monsters than we will face.

Be sure than i will be fine and i trust enough at Moonlight and Ramza to believe than you will be fine too.
Qamra said with a soft smirk before go and store all the clothes and equipment from the succubi and the lusty wolf girl, then prepare all to lift NoomNoom.

The humans also help with the bags than the succubi bring to this mission, as the Dark Guardians could destroy any material dont made here they decide to just focus on defend the groups.

Hmm... so if all except us two and Qamra have our scent intact... then we will have the worse problems. The young Ramza said pondering in soft worries before Moonlight give her opinion

You can still do the same as Celine or the rest, i recomend a shower or roll in the mud. The silver haired wolf girl said showing with her cold tone, than she will not carry Ramza if she gets temporaly broken as the pink haired wolf girl.

Nah... we will be fine like this, if we hide too much our scent then Qamra will have problems to detect us too. Celine, can you allow us to talk to you by just your name, right? Say your title would be a problem in a battle... Anyway just stay in the middle of our group.

Indeed, we are yours guards, so your safety is first. The two wolf girls looks to be decided to place their safety in game if is needed to defend the Personal Great Mistress Slave. The elf have some moments to talk but once they depart, all the humans recomend remain in silence.

Narrow passages, underground lakes and rivers... all was like Celine remember. Wolf girls and Dark Guardians have their sharp claws and weapons in hand ready to attack what get in their path, but Celine know than most of the monsters could destroy most of the materials used normaly in armors and weapons. Only Qamra of the wolf kind know about this danger and maybe the Wolf leader forget to say this.

As they get more deep inside the roars and moans in far distance could reach to Celine ears and the wolf girls could detect them too, but only Aisha looks to be waiting to face the cave creatures.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Hmm, alright Qamra, I'll trust your judgement about splitting up," Celine said, patting the wolf girl on the shoulder before they set out, moving with everyone else as best she could and trying to keep her body from being overwhelmed by the lust that threatened to overpower her mind.

When Ramza asked if she could simply call Celine by her name, Celine nodded. "Of course you can. I don't mind if you just call me Celine," Celine told her happily.

Silently they moved, with Celine keeping a wary eye for any danger approaching them, ready to fight if need be. As they walked, Celine motioned for the other wolf girls to come close, where she whispered to them and explained about the creatures being able to damage their armor and weapons easily. She hoped that this would prepare them enough to fight any of the strange creatures around here so they could make it through. After making it so far inside, Celine heard the roars and moans in the distance and knew that had to be some of the creatures in there.

"We should keep moving, best not to waste time," Celine whispered to the humans, unless the recommended staying put.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine could notice than slowly her gently touch and words to the wolf girls could made them slowly accept her more as one of them instead a Servant of their Mistress, Ramza the most young of them smile by heard her answer about the elven's name. Heh, thanks Celine. I already heard a lot of good things about you by Qamra, she cant hide anything to me...you know we are very close~ The green haired young wolf girl whisper before leave the entrance hall, just for Celine to heard in the last part, but of course than Moonlight at least heard this, by how she frown softly after so close way to talk at so important figure than was Celine.


Once the elf manage to explain in whispers how dangerous were the cave monsters, Ramza and Moonlight looks to be just amazed yet certainly look to have a side plan to defend themselves, placing theirs close combat weapons in theirs sheath and maybe aim for a more range tactic.

The female moans and monster roars remain without get closer by themselves, theere were areas where they needed to remain completely in silence and invite the wolf girls to get in middle of a circle of the Dark Guardians to be sure to hide as much as possible the scent of the duo. It take a while, but the door of the elevator was found in the deep darkness of the underground, Celine could be sure than this was a completely different of the one taken the first time, but could be wrong as her head was already so covered of take just a woman of the group, as the group reach lowers floors only her willpower managed in part resist the lustful madness taking steps inside her.

When the elevator doors opened again, Celine's balls were close to explode by all the sperm created by the slime inside her body, she could sense how the liquid move with each step as if she were a walking glass of water half filled. We are still in a dangerous area? Sorry to ask, but The Great... Celine couldnt resist to endure her scent. Moonlight whisper to the humans, but her tone sound some worries, certainly Celine's non intencional expresions of her body the whole time were an open book for the two beast girls.

We are close to our town, maybe two or three passages more and we will not need to worry for any monster. A blonde human warrior answer, they were ready to move when Celine tried to give her first step and this was slowly turning into a torture, her walk was very slow and with just a few she almost fall, but Ramza hold her hand.

Are you fine, Celine? Maybe we need to rest some... Ramza said clueless of what was affecting the elf, but looking to be worried. It was then when Moonlight get at the front of Celine and made a nod, her position made Qamra and Celine understand than she wanted to carry the elf the rest of the path. Her armor press soon at Celine's front, the futa's cock already leaving flow drops of slime and pre cum from her point. From there Moonlight as to increase the speed, they move as fast as they could what for Celine's mind was not enough, she already was rubbing her body at the young Silver haired beastgirl who remain cold all the time no matter the torture than the elf could place for the next minutes.

It was maybe hard but they succeed at time, the humns point than they were safe now, so Celine could stop her spell when Moonlight drop her, if the elf let her do it. As others options out of the wolf duo to sattle her needs were Aisha who was very bored of not be allowed to enjoy a cave monsters and the humans or dark guards too, also she could just try to endure herself a little more but her mind was close to get in a lust frenzy if the arousal rise more than this.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine couldn't help but feel like reaching over and scratching Ramza behind her ears as she smiled. Celine was starting to feel really attracted to all of the wolf girls with her, and her cock was hard to show this as Ramza helped her prepare. "Say Ramza, can I ask you something? Do um... do you girls, y-you know. Have anyone special that you like? Just curious is all," Celine asked Ramza curiously, glancing over at the wolf girl to see her reaction to the question as she continued scratching her ears, and doing the same to Moonlight too if she had the chance.


The moans and groans of pleasure from the women and the dark creatures were arousing Celine more and more, coupled with her own magics that were preventing her slime from leaking out any more. She could feel the lust building rapidly within her, and her body was close to giving in by the time they reached the bottom of the elevator down. Looking down as the elevator doors opened up, Celine saw her balls were so engorged that she couldn't help but feel them jiggle and slosh with her pent up cum.

Panting heavily from the lust, it was obvious that Celine was in dire need of relief, but she was trying to put on a brave face for the sake of everyone else to get there faster. The torture was slowly getting to her with every step, her cum sloshing around so heavily that it felt like a couple of grapefruit sized water balloons. Collapsing to her knees, Celine couldn't stand any longer, her hand held Ramza's, but she couldn't stand back up no matter how much she tried. When Moonlight lifted her up and carried her, Celine whimpered softly.

"It... it's so hard... and aching so much. But I... I have to be s-strong... for everyone," Celine panted softly, trying to endure as Moonlight carried her.

Even when the human futa girl told them they were safe now, Celine didn't drop her spell and wrapped an arm around both Ramza'a and Moonlight's necks and stumbled a bit, but forced herself to walk into the town proper before she dropped her spell. Her mind began losing itself to the lust however before they could really get in, where Celine looked for the nearest quiet area and pulled both Ramza and Moonlight with her, and pulled them both up against her, kissing Ramza and then Moonlight on the lips and apologizing over and over as she lifted Moonlight up by her hips and began pulling her armor off before impaling the wolf girl's pussy on her cock as she dropped her spell and let her slime coat herself and the wolf girls.

Celine turned Moonlight around and took her doggystyle, impaling her pussy repeatedly and not stopping her thrusting even when she came, and not pulling out either as she went straight for her next orgasm. "Oh goddess yes... f-fuck yes girls, I'm... s-so sorry, but I c-can't stop myself. I need you both, and... Q-Qamra too. I want all of you so badly. Q-QAMRA PLEASE COME HERE, I NEED YOU AND THE OTHER WOLF GIRLS!" Celine said, calling out for the other wolf girls to come to her and pulling Qamra over into a deep passionate kiss when she got close enough, because her body knew instinctively that she wanted the wolf girls... badly. Her mind and body both instinctively wanted to breed them, and she had so much cum built up from the spell that she couldn't stop herself from doing so.