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Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Hrmm... well, I suppose I could have her work part time on the weekends. But it seems such a shame that I can't train my mamono at the same time as giving her a job. Maybe there's something else that I can do to pick up some spending money?" Locke thought to himself. He had enough land to work with, and Celes was here to help him as well. Maybe they could start to grow some of their own vegetables and consider getting a few small farm animals to provide a small side income. Just enough to keep everyone fed and happy until Marla was strong enough to earn a profit.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Don't overwork your mamono now," a voice suddenly cautioned Locke. "That training's meant to push your mamono to the limit. They may be strong, but even their kind have their limits. Let them have that weekend for some well needed rest." he was advised.

And when Locke would turn around, he would see a girl with rabbit ears and white hair, dressed in a foreign outfit approaching from the opposite way that the delivery man came.

Her hands at her sides, the bunny girl stood firm, and gave Locke a polite, yet very formal bow. "I apologize for intruding, my name is Fio, and I am a Rank B Rancher. I am here because I am under obligation as your neighbor to be of assistance to you in the hopes that we can have peaceful relations." She told Locke with a very stern tone. There was no doubt in the way she spoke that this bunny girl, Fio, was of a very no-nonsense personality. Perhaps even militant.

"And on that note," she continued, "You should be wary of an armored group in the area. They are angry, and they are searching for a mamono that fits your partner's description. They would not tell me why, so I assumed them to be of untrustworthy intent. You should be careful." she announced, before giving Locke a bow.

"That is all. Thank you for your time." she said respectfully to Locke, awaiting his farewell as well before she would turn, or even staying if he had more to ask. She didn't seem willing to leave unless they had a proper farewell.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Ah, w-wait. Don't run off so fast," Locke held up his hand up in appeal as Fio indicated with her words that she meant to leave as swiftly as she had appeared, even if she hadn't physically started away before hearing him speak. "It's nice to meet you Fio. I'm Locke. I haven't had time yet to meet any of the neighbors but I'm glad you stopped by. I really could use some veteran advice, since I don't want to do wrong by Marla or any other mamono I manage to train. It's just that I'm worried about keeping up all these expenses. The Ranch needs an income to sustain itself, but Marla's only just got her first week of training under her metaphorical belt. I'm not sure if she can earn enough in a week to pay for her food, not to mention Celes' and my own."

He paused as if considering, and then asked slowly. "I don't suppose there might be some extra work I could do someplace while Celes takes Marla to training down in the city? Is there maybe something I could give you a hand with? I'd really appreciate the opportunity."

Locke didn't know exactly what a guy like him would be best at in this strange land, but he figured that he was handy with tools and had good experience as a farm hand, so maybe someone like Fio who was already on her feet as a level B rancher could afford to hire him for some spare work. He looked at Fio hopefully.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Fio folded her arms and looked at Locke with an unwavering expression. Once he made his request and expressed his hardships, she nodded, and began to answer them, one at a time. "... It's proper to state both your name and rank when speaking in a polite conversation, but I suppose you wouldn't know of such things." she stated, letting out a dismissing sigh to casually roll over what seemed to annoy her slightly. "Don't worry about your expenses. Even if you're truly desperate, work can indeed be found by the more successful Ranchers. Otherwise, simply competing in tournaments is enough for your mamono to earn a wealthy upkeep. Even the lowest ranked tournaments will yield a five-hundred cash reward. Rise in rank through battle and you could earn triple that. The best way to earn money is to fight, although your partner could get injured during such battles. Think of it as a risk versus reward ordeal. However, right now, Marla seems quite capable enough to handle herself in a tournament. The Rank E division isn't outstandingly good anyway." she stated firmly, as if there was no lie in what she said.

"However, if you still want to find work, I do have a few tedious tasks I could use a male for. Some of the said things I need done could be considered prostitution, and it's hard to find men willing because normal men as a majority are infuriated with our kind's assertive nature. I'm willing to pay quite well if you're willing to entertain the more lonely of my Ranch, although I could find something more... Basic for you as well, if such a task is preferred, such as cleaning."

(Fio offers Locke 1000G to entertain her mamono, and 200G to clean the Ranch. Both cannot be done in the same week.)
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Ah, I'm new to the island, I didn't know rank was a customary declaration. But given I'm brand new, it'll come as no surprise to you that I'm a Rank E." Locke smirked and scratched the back of his head. "Not for long though, I hope."

When he listened to the possible earnings for tournament fighting, Locke's eyes widened. "I had no idea mamono fighting paid so well. Though I'll be honest with you Fio, I don't like the idea of simply urging my mamono into bloodsport just for some crowd's entertainment. I'll only let Marla compete if she really wants to. Same goes for any other mamono I come across. I believe in a ranch where mamono can become part of a viable business."

He folded his arms, resolute in his philosophy. He hated the idea of Marla or anyone else in his care coming to harm. But then again, Marla's aggressive personality did seem suited to it. He'd have to ask her about it later on when he got another moment alone with her.

Fio's explanation of what sort of jobs she had in mind for him at her ranch caught him a little off guard, but his defense mechanism was to simply grin ruefully and shake his head.

"Haha. That's a laugh. Me? A prostitute for mamono? I guess I should be flattered you think they'd go for me." Locke had never been that confident in his appearance, even though Celes had assured him he was quite nice looking for a guy of his build. "And it's not a bad price that you're offering either, but I'd prefer more honest work. Let me talk things over with Marla about entering a tournament, and then I'll visit you and let you know whether to expect me or not. And thanks for the offer. I hope we'll be good neighbors, and I appreciate you stopping by."

Locked extended his hand to shake Fio's, before seeing her off.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Fio cocked an eyebrow at Locke. "Entertainment? Most mamono in tournaments are there because they want to be. The trainers are simply that, just trainers. We are not masters over them." Fio said strictly. "If you asked your Marla to go into a tournament, it'd be her final decision to say yes or no. Besides... Mamono love to fight." she replied, before cocking her head to the side when he laughed off a mamono even desiring him at all.

"Do not presume that you are undesirable, Locke. In a dangerous place, a wild mamono would quickly make off with you without a second thought." she warned him.

When he thanked her and bid her farewell, Fio gave a bow, and shook his hand. "I too hope for a friendly future for us both. If you change your mind about the first offer, I'd be more than happy to show you the extent of your appeal." she informed him, before making her way back to her Ranch... Which, from the little Locke could see off in the distance, looked more like a foreign village from Zipangu than a Ranch.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"They... 'love' to fight?" This violent nature seemed to be bizarre to the mild-mannered Locke, but thinking back on Marla's aggressive personality, it seemed to make a certain amount of sense.

"I guess I'll take it up with Marla. If she wants to fight, I'll give her the best leg up I can."

When Fio mentioned his desirability, Locke looked away, fidgeting with his hat and wiping his brow with his gloved hands.

"Eh, yeah, well, thanks for the offer. I'll keep it mind," Locke fibbed. He couldn't imagine himself having sex without care for the feelings of his partner, and didn't want to cheapen the act of sex. He liked Marla, certainly, and she'd made it clear that she thought of sex with him as a suitable reward for the hard work she was doing in training. It was something that he could give her to keep her happy, because the harpy was partially his responsibility. But accepting money for that sort of thing - it just didn't make Locke feel good. Certainly Celes wouldn't think highly of him for doing it. Then again, he'd probably cop a lecture about being a pervert for having tussled around with Marla.

After seeing Fio off, Locke went in search of the harpy, hoping to have a word with her about entering into a fight for cash. He hoped to show her the benefits that dueling would bring to the ranch. He just hoped that she would be okay with it. He also wondered about what sort of medical support could be prepared for mamono after the fights. He knew that some mamono were quite fearsome, being monsters, and he didn't want to expose Marla to that sort of danger. She was after all a part of his ranch, and having lain with her, she had taken a part of his affection into her. Locke didn't want to see harm come anyone for whom he kept fondness in his heart.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Fights? Yeah, I heard all about the arena thing long before you came along." Marla replied to Locke raising the topic of the arena, and participating in it in general as Locke found her lazing about in her nest Locke made, apparently enjoying it quite well. Coming down to him, it seemed she was to join him on the ground, until her talons found his shoulders, and she stole him up to join her in the nest as if she were a professional kidnapper. Once he was in the nest, she laid him with his back against the side of the nest and straddled herself on top of him in a sexual manner. Wrapping her wings around him, she simply laid against him in a loving gesture, even though the manner she mounted him might have been quite arousing. "To be honest, I wouldn't mind! It might be fun!" she announced, actually confirming what Fio said.

"Besides, I could use a little training to get myself stronger, and there's no better training than the real deal! And most importantly..." she giggled, touching her nose against his. "After fighting, like I did with those Magi punks... I get kinda aroused... I hope you don't mind~" she giggled intently.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Huh? Ahh...." Locke found himself being plucked up into the air and dropped safely into the nest and quickly mounted in an all too familiar method, bringing back memories of when he and Marla had first shared carnal relations. The memory made him harden involuntarily, which he quickly fought against, not wanting to become too distracted.

"Well, I will admit, the prize money Fio mentioned would really go a long way to keeping food on the table for all of us, and it'd let me get better things for you and anyone else on the ranch. But, I guess I'm just worried about your health. I wouldn't forgive myself if a mamono I trained got hurt. But if you want to try it, I'll help you be the best you can be."

After hearing the way fighting turned her on, Locke swallowed and looked away, though a grin came to his face slowly. "Ah well, I suppose we could always celebrate your victories like that. Heh."


Meanwhile, Celes was sitting at a desk inside the ranch house, looking at her mamonodex. "So many entries still to be uploaded..." she mused. "Still, this one looks good. A Holstaurus. They're pretty smart, super cute, and have top marks for loyalty. Sounds like if we got one, I could have a really good friend in addition to a productive member of the ranch. And she would produce milk! That'd be perfect."

Celes decided to go see about getting a Holstaurus for the ranch.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Celes makes her way to the town in a quick trip to see about getting a Holstaurus. Walking into Venice's IMA building, and making an inquiry, Venice nods to her. "We provide Rank E mamono to aspiring trainers for 5000G per individual. The price may be steep, but we guarantee that with proper care, they will more than make up their cost. The price helps pay for the proper care of the growing mamono already being taken care of, so I hope that knowing all of the hungry mamono you'll be feeding will relieve the outrage most Rank E Ranchers express upon learning of our prices." Venice said.


"Besides!" Marla suddenly announced, pushing her forehead against his. "All of the rewards you get will also be the rewards I get, because this is a partnership. Better housing, food, and everything!" she rose her wings in cheer. "So it's just as much for me as it is for you! I don't mind getting a few scrapes and bruises!"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"As long as you're happy, Marla. Okay, let's go sign you up for a match."

Locke felt much better about all of this after hearing Marla being so enthusiastic about fighting. Maybe the harpy could really be a good fighter too.

"Wanna help me down to the ground and then we can go to the city?"


Celes' jaw fell at the mention of the price. "So much? But... but I don't have that kind of cash. Our start up funds are so small and after getting food for Locke's first Mamono, there's hardly anything left for me. But I want to help out on the ranch as well... and get practice for ranching for when I do get my license... isn't there something you can do? Or maybe I can do? I'm a good worker! I'll work part time for you!"

Celes' eyes were big and wide and watery as she clutched the mamonodex to her chest.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Sure! Let's go!" Marla announced, grabbing Locke by the shoulders, and flying him down to the ground before they made their way to the same building Celes was in, to sign up for a tournament.


Venice winced at Celes' offer. "Ehhh... I... Highly suggest you think twice before asking for a job in this kind of business. When it's mamono related, it's almost always sexual. I can give you a job, of course, but... Do you mind carrying mamono children, being sexually humiliated, being invaded by another mamono, or being impregnated by eggs? Because... Those positions are certainly available... With good reason." Venice told her, before turning her eyes to look at Locke and Marla coming in.

"Ah, Locke. Welcome," Venice greeted.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Celes went a little green in the face at all the suggestions that Venice mentioned, though by the end her cheeks were red as well. Impregnated by a mamono? "But... aren't mamono all female?"

Her head swiveled to see Locke and Marla enter. "Oh Locke! You're here! I wanted to buy a Holstaurus for our ranch, but they're soooo expensive!"

"Oh? Well, money is always an issue. Marla and I were just talking about that. And..."
he turned to Venice. "We'd like to enter Marla in a tournament. She wants to fight. What sort of competitions can we enter her in and what's the prize money?"

"Ooh! Can I get paid to help train fighting mamono? I'm sure I could run some drills with them couldn't I?" Celes said, hopefully. "That wouldn't result in me being impregnated, right?"

Locke raised an eyebrow at that comment. "What?!"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Venice closed her eyes, and let out a sigh, before looking back up to them suddenly, a smile on her face. "For now, unfortunately, I can do nothing for you in the ways of a 'normal' job, unless you're willing to make a lifetime commitment, and with our health benefits including blood donations from mermaids, the lifetime commitment will last for about a thousand years. But for your problem... I think I have a solution." she announced.

"Instead of signing your friend here up for a tournament, why not take a trip to the Order Plains? You're sure to find a wild Holstaurus roaming about, and you can work on your negotiation skills as you try to befriend her. Granted it is fairly dangerous" she explained to the trio. "You require no permission to do so, unlike the errantries that ward Ranchers off from areas inhabited by very strong mamono. So I'd highly reccomend going out there and giving it your best if you're willing to hustle for what you want, but beware..."

Venice leaned towards them to caution them. "If you find yourself captured by the wild monsters out there... You will be at their mercy until a rescue party comes looking for you. Thankfully, my supposed invasions of privacy that many people complain about save more lives than they harm."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Celes looked happier about this.

"Oh great! Yeah! Let's go search the Order Plains for a wild Holstaurus!"

Locke however, didn't look as thrilled about this prospect.

"We're running low on our budget as it is, Celes, we really need to enter Marla in a tourney to get her battle hardened - and more importantly, to start earning some food money."

Celes crossed her arms. "Fine, you and Marla can go have fun with your tournament. I'm gonna go find a mamono!"

"Don't be careless, Celes! If you go out there by yourself, you'll just be putting yourself in danger! Look... if it really means that much to you, Marla and I will go with you, okay?"

"Oh Locke! Yes! Thank you! I just want to do something for the Ranch too. Don't worry, you and Marla will be in those tournaments in no time!"


Having decided upon their course of action, the trio set off for the Order Plains, on the look out for Celes' desired wild mamono.

"Try not to get your hopes up too high, Celes." Locke warned. "There's no guarantee that we'll even see a Holstaurus."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Traveling out of the city, Locke, Celes, and Marla go about searching through the forests. They're mostly peaceful, and from what information they gathered, it would take about a week before they might come across a Holstaurus or any monster for that matter, since the woods aren't warded off from travelers, and as such are deemed mostly safe. But after two days of travel through the scenic forests, Locke suddenly hears the sounds of armor clanking, before the familiar face of Alexis is looking upon him as a group of Magi comes round a hill.

"Our search has paid off," she announced. "Right after we bumped into you, we did an inquiry on you, and found that you are a Rancher with no mamono to his name," she said, stating fairly much that she had outdated information. "Your lies are catching up to you now, and I plan to punish all three of you for it," she said with extreme hostility, before grinning at Locke. "The mamono blood in my veins is boiling the more angry I get at you... Have you ever been raped, boy?" she asks with a chuckle, before making a gesture.

"Raven, take him." she said, before, from the back of the Magi soldiers, the black harpy Raven appeared, and swooped in towards Locke!


But just as quickly, Marla appeared, and protected Locke from being kidnapped. "I don't think so! I'm his proud and loud, official parter!" Marla boasted. "Locke!" she announced, looking back at him, "Encourage me, okay? I'm gonna pay this hawk back for tearing my feathers!"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Hey, you've got my full and official support, Marla. I know you're gonna kick butt." Locke said, with a smirk. Meanwhile Celes flashed a grin and made a rude gesture to to Alexis from Locke's side.

"Guess again, bitch! We're completely legit now, and you're gonna be in huuuge trouble when we report you for this!"

Locke gulped. "Easy now, Celes, we're not out of the hot water yet... C'mon Marla, show her what you've got!"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Marla took a battle stance in front of the black feathered Raven. "C'mon! Let's do this!" she taunted.

(This is the start of the battle. Both participants begin with 0 Guts, which after receiving an order to use a skill, they will build up before commencing an attack. The more guts a mamono builds up, the more powerful skills they can use.)

(Guts builds up overtime, and as each mamono builds up the will to make an attack, time passes. In certain situations, you may be pressed for time to finish a battle quickly. For every second that passes, any mamono will gain 5 guts, or a higher or lower amount depending on any various factors.)

(When you reach a pause like this in the fight, that's your queue to give your mamono direction. Tell them what skill to use, and maybe tell them how to fight as well, to give them a different strategy to follow depending on the flow of the battle. Sometimes, as an example, when you see the enemy building up a lot of Guts, it might be a good idea to defend.)

Marla: 102 / 102
Guts: 0
Raven: 108 / 108
Guts: 0

(These tell you how much life your mamono and the enemy has remaining, as well as their respective guts.)

Choose a Skill for Marla to use:

High Kick
Pow 17

Feather Dagger
Pow 17

Encouragement: (Choose a kind of encouragement to give your mamono.
Giving encouragement does not mean she cannot use a skill unless otherwise noted. Be careful with trying to encourage your mamono, since if she is not loyal to you as the other mamono is to their trainer, then it may backfire, and doom your mamono to lose the fight.)

Go all out! (Increase to hit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Forsake using a skill, increase defense and dodge)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Show off that high kick, Marla! Go all out!" Locke said encouragingly, willing the first strike to land and show these thugs that they shouldn't be so confident.

Celes cheered as well. "You're the best Marla. Show'em not to mess with the L&C Ranch!"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

The fight begins, the two of them only stare down each other for a moment, before Raven makes the first move!

Raven uses Swift Strike! Raven darts at Marla, and tears at her with her talons! Marla receives 27 damage!

"Ow! More of my feathers! I'll beat the crap out of you for that!" Marla growls, and charges at Raven with a High Kick! But Raven swiftly moves out of the way...

"Am I still not good enough...?" Marla asks herself, "So... Damn fast..." Marla curses, feeling Timid!

(Marla is in danger. The first exchange went horribly against her, she could neither dodge nor land a blow, and she's worried that she's going to lose again. It's Locke's job to encourage her to fight, before she's defeated.)

Marla: 75 / 102
Guts: 0
Raven: 108 / 108
Guts: 9

Choose a Skill for Marla to use:

High Kick
Pow 17

Feather Dagger
Pow 17

Encouragement: (Choose a kind of encouragement to give your mamono.

Go all out! (Increase to hit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Forsake using a skill, increase defense and dodge)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)