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The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A! NUKE Everything with a holy beam!
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A, Avenging light on Demon A (if we Holy beam her, we won't have any PM ><)
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A. Avenging light on Demon A
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A. Avenging light on Demon A.
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A holy beam D. Beast A and we have 24 Pw more then enough to spare after 15 Pw holy not to mention that the d. beast still has a nice bit left.

anyways the demon might simply go after Mia seeing as she will be buggered after this round
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A blinding light
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A Holy beam demon A
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A) Holy Beam on Demon A.
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A. Holy beam demoness

Let's face it, Mia is keeping the beast busy for now and attacking a "stunned" foe while there's live ones out there is bad strategy ;P
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A. Avenging light demon A (unless Mia rolls a crit and somehow kills it in which case target the worm-monster thing)
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

(A) - 'Avenging light' on Demon A.

(Enemies aren't affected by stunning from orgasm just so you know. I've got to make it a little harder somehow.)

The demon holding Mia continued thrusting its tentacles in and out of her pussy and ass, forcing muffled moans from the poor young drow. She could feel her pussy throbbing around the amazing tentacle buried within it. Amazingly though she was able to keep her head and fought down the pleasure before it forced her to orgasm. (Demon A rolled a 21 vs 48 to Mia in its pleasure attack, being unable to cause any PP dmg.)

After a few tense moments of thinking if she even wanted to get free, Mia began struggling with all her might to get free. Just barely was Mia able to slip both of the slimy appendages out of her lower holes and spit the one in her mouth out as she writhed around in the tentacles grasp, however she wasn't able to break free of their iron grip on her limbs though. (Mia rolled a 24 vs 22 for Demon A to break free of her penetration, but rolled a 32 vs 44 to break free of the grapple.)

"Elena... help," Mia whimpered out to her friend.

Elena finally decided that she couldn't leave her friend to her fate, and if she could free Mia then she could aid her against the other two of their foes. So she held her staff aloft and pointed at the head of the demon holding Mia. She focused her energy and let loose with her 'Avenging light' spell, which slammed into the demon and freed Mia as it fell to the floor right behind her, dead as the holy energy seared through it like a hot knife through butter. Mia lay on the floor for a few moments recovering from her ordeal. (Elena cast 'Avenging light' and rolled a 28 vs 17 for Demon A, dealing a total of 19 HP dmg to it, which killed it. She also spent 5 Pw.)

The lust demoness giggled again when she saw Elena go to Mia's aid and started towards Elena. When she was about four feet away, Elena turned around to look at her. She saw the demoness smiling at her and thought she was about to try and tackle her. The demoness however did in fact not do this and before Elena could actually see what she was intending on doing, the demoness swung her long tail around where it slammed into Elena's ankles and knocked her legs out from under here where the demoness pounced on top of her where she promptly kissed Elena. (The Lust demoness used her special skill 'Tail sweep' and rolled a 39 vs 19 for Elena. 'Tail sweep' give and auto knockdown and grapple for the lust demoness and gives the grappled person a -4 to escape the grapple until they manage to do so.)

"Now cutie pie, it's time for you to see what my friends over there are all for," the lust demoness giggled in Elena's ear as she held Elena from behind facing the mass of worms.

The mass of worms continued slithering its way towards Elena after that, while Elena was held by the demoness very tightly. The worm mass made it over to her after a few tense moments and once they had gotten to Elena, they began enveloping her feet and started up her legs a bit. The demoness giggled quite a bit as Elena shivered from the worms crawling all over her legs, holding her even tighter. (The Infesting worms rolled a 24 vs 7 to grapple Elena, initiating a dual grapple along with the lust demoness where Elena takes -4 to escape bringing her total penalty to escape rolls to -8 until the grapple with either one is broken.)

"EEEEEWWWW GET THEM OFF GET THEM OFF!" Elena squealed out in terror as the worms began enveloping her, mainly as she wasn't sure what they intended on doing to her.

"Don't worry dear, once they have served their purpose they'll let you go. But I won't tell you what that purpose is until they do it," the demoness said maliciously, that evil giggle of hers coming out afterwards again.

(Elena regained 5 Pw this turn.)

1. Mia
2. Elena
3. Lust demoness
4. Infesting worms

Elena's stuff:
Elena's current stats:
HP: 15/20, Pw/SE: 24/32, PP: 0/21, AC: 1/1, Status: a little hurt but otherwise just fine, also dual grappled by the Lust demoness and Infesting worms with something about to happen, though what she doesn't know yet

Inventory and equipment:
1. 5 food rations
2. Spellbook of 'Firebolt'
3. a wand of magic missile
4. a dark potion

Equipment being worn:
1. Specially designed magic robe(+2 magic to-hit, dmg, & non combat rolls, but gives no AC.)
2. An uncursed +0 Witches hat(+1 AC, +2 to all magic rolls)

Gold pouch: 123 gold pieces

Attributes, XP, and CP:
Strength: 6
Speed: 9
Willpower: 8
Magic: 13 (+2 to all magic rolls)
Health: 6

XP level 3 - 67 points
CP level 0 - 20 points

Elena's skills & powers:
Basic attack with staff: 1d6 + strength modifier

1. Avenging light – deals 1d10 radiant + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 5 Pw to use)
2. Heavens lightning – deals 1d8 lightning + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 5 Pw to use)
3. Blinding light – doesn't deal any dmg, but blinds all enemies in room assuming it hits all of them for 2 turns, being blinded causes -10 to all attack rolls & -5 to evasion rolls. (costs 8 Pw to use)
4. Holy beam – deals 2d8 radiant + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 15 Pw to use)
5. Light heal – casting recovers 1d8 + magic modifier on the one it is cast on. Automatically succeeds on a cast. (costs 8 Pw to use)
6. Firebolt – deals 1d12 fire + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 12 Pw to use)
7. (Passive) Elena's corruption caps at level 15 instead of level 10.

Mia's stuff:
Mia's current stats
HP: 16/16, SE: 16/16, PP: 14/18, AC: 0/3, status: fine, and close to orgasm

Inventory and equipment:
1. 5 food rations

Equipment being worn:
1. (Not currently wearing) Light scale mail (Gives +2 AC to the wearer.)
2. (Not currently wearing) +0 Oilskin cloak(Gives the wearer +1 AC and +2 to evade grabs, increases by +1 to both per enchantment point.
3. a (cursed) slave choker (Gives the wearer -4 to all willpower rolls, and when grappled and or raped they must make a willpower save to see if they give in. The willpower roll will be a d50 and they must roll higher than a 20 to keep from giving in.)

Mia's Attributes, XP, and CP:
Strength: 10(+1 to all strength rolls)
Speed: 12(+2 to all speed rolls)
Willpower: 7
Magic: 6
Health: 6

XP level 3 – 35 points
CP level 0 – 43 points

Mia's skills:
Mia is dual wielding her Elven longsword and the unidentified dagger Elena gave her. Basic attack with her +0 Elven longsword – weapon dmg is 1d8 +2 +str (Mia's weapon cannot be enchanted past a +2), Basic attack with her dagger is 1d4 +0 +str (Currently unidentified so she doesn't know any other properties)

1. Slice and dice – deals 1W + strength & speed modifier dmg. (costs 5 SE to use)
2. Deep cut: deals 1W + strength modifier dmg, and causes 5 ongoing dmg, (costs 10 SE to use)
3. Perfect balance (passive skill): Mia gains +2 evasion and cannot be unbalanced.

Demonic tentacled beast A – HP: 0dead/25, PP: 10/22, status: dead
Demonic tentacled beast B – HP: 0dead/25, PP: 0/22, status: dead and dead
Lust demoness – HP: 31/31, PP: 0/24, status: dual grappling Elena with the Infesting worms, smiling wickedly about what she said to Elena was going to happen to her
Infesting worms – HP: 18/18, status: dual grappling Elena with the Lust demoness


(A) - Escape grapple and attack. (Choose an attack in case she breaks free.)

(B) - Other.
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

Holy beaaaam the lust demon
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A) Bust out the Holy Beam on the worms.

I really hope Mind Flayer hasn't been playing Corruption of Champions... because that's the only place I remember that kind of monster from...
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A. Holy Beam on dem Worms
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A, Avenging light on Lust demoness
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A, Holy Beam on the demoness. Can but hope that Mia will get the worms off first.
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

Can we attack the enemy with our wings? :/ Wings capable of even minor flight should be very powerful indeed ^_^

If so, attack with wings!

If not :( try to escape And holy beam the demoness
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A HOLY BEAM FROM HER WHOLE BODY INTO A DOME OF LIGHT! Aka Holy Beam from her cock into the mass of worms >:p