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The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

(C) Rest and check the chest. (6 votes for 1 will, 2 magic, and remove curse to win the voting for that.)

While they sat there recovering from the fight, Mia continued panting softly, almost as if she wasn't able to catch her breath at all. Elena started becoming slightly concerned for her friend and leaned a little closer to try and calm her down by stroking her hair and holding her close. However when Elena did this, Mia stayed there with her head against Elena's breast for only a few seconds before tilting her head back to look up at Elena.

Mia... what is it? Are you okay... HMMPH!” was all Elena was able to say before she let out a muffled scream when Mia launched herself up and slammed her lips against Elena's in a hot and passionate kiss.

Elena tried to pull away from Mia, but Mia's lips were locked to her own and she didn't seem to be about to let go of her, so after a few tense seconds of trying to free herself, Elena felt Mia's tongue slip between her lips as the kiss persisted and gave a weak muffled moan in response. When Mia finally broke their kiss and pulled away Elena saw there was a strand of saliva connecting the two together. Before Elena could even attempt to stop Mia before she did anything further, Mia was pulling and tugging at the tie for her robe.

"M-Mia wait... what are you doing? Mia snap out of it... oh gods Mia that feels good," Elena said as one of Mia's hands slipped inside her robe and she ran her fingers up Elena's length, bringing a soft moan of pleasure from Elena as the young angel tried to stop Mia by pushing her.

Mia however apparently had different thoughts in mind and it didn't take her long to undress Elena, who though she tried to stop Mia wasn't able to as Mia was much stronger physically than Elena. Once she had Elena undressed, Mia stared at Elena's body with lust filled eyes, her gaze coming to rest on Elena's quickly hardening cock. Mia then gently pushed Elena down onto the floor and lay down on top of her, her hands roaming across Elena's body and with one of them coming to rest on her member to caress it.

"N-No Mia... stop this... this isn't you... w-what if someone or something comes in? Ahhh that... really feels so good," Elena panted in between her soft moans as Mia's gentle caresses brought her to full readiness.

"I-I'm sorry Elena... but I need this... I-I'm burning up down here... pleassssse," Mia whined to Elena, still panting softly and giving Elena a pitiful look.

At that, Elena couldn't say no to such a pitiful face and stopped trying to get Mia to stop, merely nodding her head to give Mia the go ahead, with Mia breathing out a thank you to Elena as she kissed her again. After Mia had Elena as warmed up as she felt like getting her, she positioned herself over Elena's cock and lowered herself down onto it, and didn't stop until she had every inch of Elena inside of her. As soon as the tip of her member touched Mia, a sharp intake of breath could be heard from Elena, which dissolved into a lewd moan that filled the entire room as she hilted inside of Mia.

Mia quickly started rocking and bouncing her hips, impaling herself upon Elena's hot hard dick and filling the room with their moans and the wet sounds of their copulation. Elena's hands began roaming across Mia's body now as she started giving in to the pleasure and after a couple of minutes in to their fun, Elena could hold herself back no longer and raised up where she grabbed Mia, then flipped her over so she was on top of Mia now. Now on top, Elena started thrusting into Mia at a feverish pace, not caring any longer if anyone or anything saw them going at it so hot and passionately.

"Oh Mia... I... I c-can't hold it a-any longer..." Elena moaned out to her partner, her whole body trembling as her climax got closer and closer.

"Me... either Elena... come on... fuck me... fuck me silly," Mia moaned back at Elena, wrapping her legs around Elena's waist as her climax approached as well, not caring what happened as long as she got her release.

Soon enough Elena bottomed out inside of Mia and thrust as deep into her one last time before throwing her head back and screaming her pleasure out as Mia did the same, her wings unfurling as far as Elena could get them as she spurted her seed with no control into Mia's tight pussy, which was hungrily squeezing and milking out of Elena. She spurted her seed into Mia for nearly a whole minute, with all the excess splattering out around her member as it plugged Mia's now well used pussy as soon as she could take no more inside. (Drumrolls now to see if Mia gets knocked up by Elena...................................................... Mia did not get pregnant by Elena. I do opposed Health checks for pregnancy rolls. The one on the receiving end must make a d50 +health modifier roll higher than the one on the giving end to keep from getting pregnant, in this case it was Elena rolling a 39 and Mia rolling a 40 and since neither of them have any health modifiers Mia won it and kept from getting knocked up. Elena also drained 4 CP points from Mia.)

When her orgasm finally subsided, Elena collapsed over onto Mia, burying herself within her as they lay there. Mia made no move to get Elena off of her though, seeming not to mind too much apparently. They lay there together for nearly ten minutes as they recovered their strength, just cuddling and staring at each other.

"Hey Elena," Mia whispered after a few minutes of silent cuddles, nuzzling against Elena's neck.

"What is it Mia?" Elena replied as Mia nuzzled against her neck.

"I think I like you being like this Elena... you know with this," Mia said to Elena, squeezing her legs together a bit which squeezed Elena's member inside of her. A moment after squeezing Elena, Mia let out a content sigh and finally unwrapped her legs from around Elena.

Elena let out a content sigh after Mia did, but didn't say anything about what Mia just said to her. She was still unsure whether or not having her new penis was a good thing or a bad thing. What she did know for sure as that what her and Mia just did felt amazing and she would love to maybe do it again sometime, but for the moment they had more pressing concerns.

After dislodging herself from Mia, Elena saw her seed slowly dribbling out of Mia's slit and for some reason she felt a slight stir in her loins again at the sight of it. She was in the process of sliding her length back into Mia when she caught herself and asked herself what she was doing as she pulled back out. Once she had pulled herself loose from Mia, Elena got a rag out of her pack and wiped herself clean and then helped Mia do the same.

Once they were clean, Elena helped Mia to her feet and then they both got dressed, and Elena helped Mia back into her armor as well. After they got dressed, they started over to check the treasure chest. Upon opening the chest, they saw two different items. one another scroll, and the other was another amulet. Elena looked at the scroll and the amulet closely and didn't feel any curses on them, though she wasn't about to think that they couldn't be hidden from her like the amulet Mia put on earlier was.

"Well what do you want to do now Elena? Should we head on back and check that other room that arachne mentioned? Or head on back and take her up on that offer of resting in her web? Either way I don't mind as long as we're together," Mia asked, looking quite satisfied and as if she was back to normal again.

What should they do now?

(Elena and Mia both regain 71% of max Pw, and 48% of max HP.)

Elena's stuff:
Elena's current stats:
HP: 23/23, Pw/SE: 38/39, PP: 0/25, AC: 1/1, Status: fine

Inventory and equipment:
1. 5 food rations
2. Spellbook of 'Firebolt'
3. a wand of magic missile
4. a dark potion
5. a scroll labeled Read Me
6. a jeweled amulet

Equipment being worn:
1. Specially designed magic robe(+2 magic to-hit, dmg, & non combat rolls, but gives no AC.)
2. An uncursed +0 Witches hat(+1 AC, +2 to all magic rolls)

Gold pouch: 123 gold pieces

Attributes, XP, and CP:
Strength: 6
Speed: 9
Willpower: 9
Magic: 15 (+3 to all magic rolls)
Health: 6

XP level 4 - 12 points
CP level 0 - 20 points

Elena's skills & powers:
Basic attack with staff: 1d6 + strength modifier

1. Avenging light – deals 1d10 radiant + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 5 Pw to use)
2. Heavens lightning – deals 1d8 lightning + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 5 Pw to use)
3. Blinding light – doesn't deal any dmg, but blinds all enemies in room assuming it hits all of them for 2 turns, being blinded causes -10 to all attack rolls & -5 to evasion rolls. (costs 8 Pw to use)
4. Holy beam – deals 2d8 radiant + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 15 Pw to use)
5. Light heal – casting recovers 1d8 + magic modifier on the one it is cast on. Automatically succeeds on a cast. (costs 8 Pw to use)
6. Firebolt – deals 1d12 fire + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 12 Pw to use)
7. Remove curse – Does what the name implies, however Elena must make a roll of 35 or higher to get it to work and if it fails, Elena must wait 5 turns before attempting the spell again. Can only remove the curse from one item at a time. Costs 15 Pw to use.
8. (Passive) Elena's corruption caps at level 15 instead of level 10.

Mia's stuff:
Mia's current stats
HP: 16/16, SE: 16/16, PP: 0/18, AC: 3/3, status: fine

Inventory and equipment:
1. 5 food rations

Equipment being worn:
1. Light scale mail (Gives +2 AC to the wearer.)
2. +0 Oilskin cloak(Gives the wearer +1 AC and +2 to evade grabs, increases by +1 to both per enchantment point.
3. a (cursed) slave choker (Gives the wearer -4 to all willpower rolls, and when grappled and or raped they must make a willpower save to see if they give in. The willpower roll will be a d50 and they must roll higher than a 20 to keep from giving in.)

Mia's Attributes, XP, and CP:
Strength: 10(+1 to all strength rolls)
Speed: 12(+2 to all speed rolls)
Willpower: 7
Magic: 6
Health: 6

XP level 3 – 80 points
CP level 0 – 54 points

Mia's skills:
Mia is dual wielding her Elven longsword and the unidentified dagger Elena gave her. Basic attack with her +0 Elven longsword – weapon dmg is 1d8 +2 +str (Mia's weapon cannot be enchanted past a +2), Basic attack with her dagger is 1d4 +0 +str (Currently unidentified so she doesn't know any other properties)

1. Slice and dice – deals 1W + strength & speed modifier dmg. (costs 5 SE to use)
2. Deep cut: deals 1W + strength modifier dmg, and causes 5 ongoing dmg, (costs 10 SE to use)
3. Perfect balance (passive skill): Mia gains +2 evasion and cannot be unbalanced.


(A) - Move on back to the room with the steps leading down that the arachne was in.

(B) - Move on and explore the dead end room the arachne mentioned earlier.

(C) - Rest some more.

(D) - Other.

(The reason I gave some smut was because I made a willpower roll for Mia just screwing around while doing this and rolled a 1 for her twice in a row, so I figured I'd just roll with it and the smut scene is what came from that.)
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

D then B read the read me scroll and lets remove that collar then lets go for 100% explored

YES THANK GOD we finally started sweet Elena down the path of sex *dances* and with Mia no less if it wasn't for the collar effecting every rape attempt I'd keep the damned thing. I could care less that it was on a whim but finally >.< god I thought she would never get around to doing that
P.S. I know that I am evil
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

B, but before that, D in removing the curse on Mia and reading the scroll.
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A. Gottam gottam.

Might aswell use the scroll and wear the amulet on Elena first.
+ uncurse Mia.

I'd say uncurse herself but does it even count as a curse
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

Nah Elena isn't actually cursed, but if they find another amulet of change, then she can put it on and if it's blessed or uncursed then she'll turn back into a normal girl. If it's cursed though she gets testicles to add to her new cock.

Edit: Also Bloodshifter they could keep the collar if they wanted to after removing it. It would just be an uncursed one that they could put on and take off at will.
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

D then B read the read me scroll and lets remove that collar then lets go for 100% explored

YES THANK GOD we finally started sweet Elena down the path of sex *dances* and with Mia no less if it wasn't for the collar effecting every rape attempt I'd keep the damned thing. I could care less that it was on a whim but finally >.< god I thought she would never get around to doing that
P.S. I know that I am evil

Going with this
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

D. Uncurse the slave collar thing on Mia, read scroll, then B

And so the fun times begin!
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

Edit: Also Bloodshifter they could keep the collar if they wanted to after removing it. It would just be an uncursed one that they could put on and take off at will.

You seem to have misunderstood me the reason smut happened was the curse of the collar right? so I was happy that it happened and was wanting to keep the curse on it so Mia would sex us up again at some random point. Unless the "curse" is only not being able to take it off either way I say we place it into our bag as a memento no reason in which to accidentally leave it on and get crappy save throws.

Also a Dark Elf/Angel kid now that is a scary thought can you imagine white wings, dark skin, and pointy ears? Also how would we handle something like a kid in the dungeon...
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

D : read the scroll and we try the amulet on us (Mia has already too much).

Then, B.
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

Nah Elena isn't actually cursed, but if they find another amulet of change, then she can put it on and if it's blessed or uncursed then she'll turn back into a normal girl. If it's cursed though she gets testicles to add to her new cock.

Edit: Also Bloodshifter they could keep the collar if they wanted to after removing it. It would just be an uncursed one that they could put on and take off at will.

If Elena doesn't have testicles why were you rolling for pregnancy?

D. Decurse Mia.
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

I've actually thought of that Bloodshifter, if Elena gets Mia knocked up, or possibly if Elena gets another ally knocked up later on then I've got a plan for that, but it'd spoil it if I told you now, but I don't mind telling if you all want me to (i.e. I'd PM it to anyone who really wanted to know). There were a couple reasons the smut happened though, the collar was one, while her willpower rolls I made were another factor in that, and another reason I suppose was I just wanted to write a smut scene for Elena and Mia (hope it was okay by the way.). But yeah the curse really only means that they can't take it off so that the bad effects persist, though with weapons they'll take a penalty to hit and to dmg rolls, and with armor they'll take negatives to AC so they can actually have an AC of -2/3. They can keep the collar for later if they want though so they can put it into one of their packs if they want.

@ Zephyrion - They can still impregnate without the testicles, with them though they get a +5 to impregnate on their rolls, and with them they can take an extra 4 PP dmg with every pleasure attack from certain enemies. So if Elena had them then Mia would be pregnant.

(Also folks I should have wrote it in the choices that Elena could decurse Mia and then they both move on but I was derping around when I finished the options part of the update, so go ahead and vote to attempt to remove the curse and move on with D if you want.)
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

D. Remove the curse of Mia's necklace, read the scroll and Elena tries the amulet. After that B.
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

D Remove the curse on Mia's collar, take it off and let her try the new amulet. Lovely little guinea pig we have. B might as well finish exploring before moving on.
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

B, with a touch of uncursing on Mia and amulet wearing on Elena first.

EDIT: I should read all the posts before adding my $0.02. I guess this is a D, then :p
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

I've actually thought of that Bloodshifter, if Elena gets Mia knocked up, or possibly if Elena gets another ally knocked up later on then I've got a plan for that, but it'd spoil it if I told you now, but I don't mind telling if you all want me to (i.e. I'd PM it to anyone who really wanted to know). There were a couple reasons the smut happened though, the collar was one, while her willpower rolls I made were another factor in that, and another reason I suppose was I just wanted to write a smut scene for Elena and Mia (hope it was okay by the way.). But yeah the curse really only means that they can't take it off so that the bad effects persist, though with weapons they'll take a penalty to hit and to dmg rolls, and with armor they'll take negatives to AC so they can actually have an AC of -2/3. They can keep the collar for later if they want though so they can put it into one of their packs if they want.

I'd hate to ruin a surprise and we can likely use the collar on some poor shmuck later when they are not looking >.> <.< *click* O.O
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

(D) uncurse Mia's collar and take it off, then move on to explore the dead end room after reading the scroll and putting the new amulet on Elena. (I think I'm reading the votes all right enough to say that's what should happen at least. If not then I hope you're all okay with this.)

"Hey Mia, com here for a minute. I wanna try something I read in one of the spellbooks up in Celestia while I was in training," Elena said to her friend, gesturing for Mia to sit back over in the corner they had been in.

"What are you going to try and do Elena?" Mia asked, looking curious.

"Well sweetie I'm going to try a curse removal spell on that collar on your neck, I've never tried it before though so I don't know if it'll work at all. But I'm still going to try okay," Elena replied to Mia's question.

Mia nodded her head and did as Elena had asked, sitting down in the corner of the room. Elena closed her eyes as she got down on her knees in front of Mia and she began muttering something under her breath. Elena felt her magical energy building up, but just as she was about to release her spell at the collar, it faltered and she lost her concentration. (Elena rolled a 17 to remove the curse, failing to do so. She must wait 5 turns for the spell cooldown before attempting it again. Also Elena spent 8 Pw for missing her roll.)

"Hah... hah... sorry Mia... I couldn't do it... It's a hard spell to manage even at the best of times, but I was hoping it would work and get that vile thing off of your pretty neck," Elena said to her friend, looking quite down about her spell not working.

"It's okay Elena, just knowing you care about me that much is enough for me, I'll manage somehow with it on until you can get your spell to work. Or we could try this, who knows it may help us out some," Mia said to Elena, leaning over to hug her friend or lover now rather to let her know she wasn't mad about the spell not working. Mia then reached into Elena's pack and grabbed the scroll they'd just stuffed in there, where she took it out then read it, muttering the words on it.

When Mia finished speaking the words on the scroll, she was taken by surprise as the collar on her neck crumbled to dust from around her neck and fell to the floor. (The scroll was a scroll of crumbling: Reading one of these scrolls will destroy one random item or armor you are wearing at the time of reading it. If you only have one item or armor on at that time, then it is auto destroyed. Note: Weapons don't count for these scrolls.)

"W-Wow, see Elena I told you that the scroll might help us and look. It did," Mia said to Elena, throwing her arms back around Elena and hugging her again after watching the collar crumble away, then before Elena could do anything else, Mia pressed her lips to Elena's and kissed her. Elena's wings fluttered softly when Mia kissed her, the feathers tickling Mia's arms slightly as they smooched.

A minute later after they finally broke their kiss, Elena felt a bit lucky and decided to push their luck a little further and took the amulet they'd just found and placed it around her neck. It did nothing noticeable to her as she sat there, making her wonder just what it was going to do to her. However she felt nothing strange so she decided to just move on with it on, thinking maybe it would reveal what it was capable of later.

"Well then Mia, let's head on out. We might as well check that other room even if it is a dead end, you never know what might be over there," Elena said to Mia as they both got up and ready to leave.

"Sure, might as well. Like you said we never know what we'll find," Mia agreed with Elena, following her lead.

They headed on out of the room they were in and back into the previous one where they saw the one succubus still out cold on the floor as they passed through. They didn't run into anything as they made their way back through, but when they arrived in the dead end room they saw one lust another crazed human futanari girl and another woman. The other woman was very beautiful and had curves in all of the right places, as well as quite large breasts that were nearly as large as Elena's. Elena felt a stir in her loins just from looking at the beautiful woman and was about to just walk right over to her and kiss her before Mia stopped her.

"Hey Elena stop, that's a nymph," Mia said to Elena as the nymph looked at them, winking at the two while the futanari girl came over to stand beside the nymph, though neither of them advanced at Elena and Mia yet, giving the two an opportunity to leave if they wished.

"Hello there beauties, why don't you come over and play with use. I promise I'll make it worth your while," the nymph said, beckoning the two over to her. Elena and Mia could both smell a sweet pleasant smell in the room that was calming their nerves and slowing their reflexes and Elena quickly figured out that it was the nymph that was causing this. (Elena and Mia are both affected by the nymph's lust essence which they all emit, it causes them both to take a -4 to all attack rolls against the nymph, -4 to all willpower rolls against her, and they take -4 to all attacks against her.)

(Elena regains 3 Pw this turn.)

1. Elena
2. Nymph
3. Human futanari
4. Mia

Elena's stuff:
Elena's current stats:
HP: 23/23, Pw/SE: 33/39, PP: 0/25, AC: 1/1, Status: fine and affected by the nymph's essence

Inventory and equipment:
1. 5 food rations
2. Spellbook of 'Firebolt'
3. a wand of magic missile
4. a dark potion

Equipment being worn:
1. Specially designed magic robe(+2 magic to-hit, dmg, & non combat rolls, but gives no AC.)
2. An uncursed +0 Witches hat(+1 AC, +2 to all magic rolls)
3. a jeweled amulet (currently unidentified, so she doesn't know what it's actually doing for her.)

Gold pouch: 123 gold pieces

Attributes, XP, and CP:
Strength: 6
Speed: 9
Willpower: 9
Magic: 15 (+3 to all magic rolls)
Health: 6

XP level 4 - 12 points
CP level 0 - 20 points

Elena's skills & powers:
Basic attack with staff: 1d6 + strength modifier

1. Avenging light – deals 1d10 radiant + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 5 Pw to use)
2. Heavens lightning – deals 1d8 lightning + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 5 Pw to use)
3. Blinding light – doesn't deal any dmg, but blinds all enemies in room assuming it hits all of them for 2 turns, being blinded causes -10 to all attack rolls & -5 to evasion rolls. (costs 8 Pw to use)
4. Holy beam – deals 2d8 radiant + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 15 Pw to use)
5. Light heal – casting recovers 1d8 + magic modifier on the one it is cast on. Automatically succeeds on a cast. (costs 8 Pw to use)
6. Firebolt – deals 1d12 fire + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 12 Pw to use)
7. Remove curse – Does what the name implies, however Elena must make a roll of 35 or higher to get it to work and if it fails, Elena must wait 5 turns before attempting the spell again. Can only remove the curse from one item at a time. Costs 15 Pw to use.
8. (Passive) Elena's corruption caps at level 15 instead of level 10.

Mia's stuff:
Mia's current stats
HP: 16/16, SE: 16/16, PP: 0/18, AC: 3/3, status: fine and affected by the nymph's essence

Inventory and equipment:
1. 5 food rations

Equipment being worn:
1. Light scale mail (Gives +2 AC to the wearer.)
2. +0 Oilskin cloak(Gives the wearer +1 AC and +2 to evade grabs, increases by +1 to both per enchantment point.

Mia's Attributes, XP, and CP:
Strength: 10(+1 to all strength rolls)
Speed: 12(+2 to all speed rolls)
Willpower: 7
Magic: 6
Health: 6

XP level 3 – 80 points
CP level 0 – 54 points

Mia's skills:
Mia is dual wielding her Elven longsword and the unidentified dagger Elena gave her. Basic attack with her +0 Elven longsword – weapon dmg is 1d8 +2 +str (Mia's weapon cannot be enchanted past a +2), Basic attack with her dagger is 1d4 +0 +str (Currently unidentified so she doesn't know any other properties)

1. Slice and dice – deals 1W + strength & speed modifier dmg. (costs 5 SE to use)
2. Deep cut: deals 1W + strength modifier dmg, and causes 5 ongoing dmg, (costs 10 SE to use)
3. Perfect balance (passive skill): Mia gains +2 evasion and cannot be unbalanced.

lvl 3 human futanari – HP: 18/18, PP: 0/14, status: fine and looking lustily at Elena and Mia both
lvl 6 Nymph – HP: 32/32, PP: 0/26, status: fine and winking at Elena and Mia while beckoning to them both to come over


(A) - Attack.

(B) - Attempt to resist the nymph's beauty and leave the room.

(C) - Other.
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

B. Move along, nothing to see here.
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A Attack Futa With FireBolt
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

C Ask her why she is sending out the pollen and comment about it. If she keeps up the pollen even after them asking her to stop, Elena uses a firebolt and aim it right at the nymphs cunt and give her an 'everlasting burn' to sate her needs and leave her in her sufffering. Do not finish her off.
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

B. Not worth it.