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The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.



Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

I like the E option floating around. If we can't do that, then I vote B (for "i'll B back!")


Grim Reaper
Jan 23, 2012
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

B - let's explore the rest of this floor then return. Phat Lewtz await.

EDIT: With the post below in mind, I shall sponsor the mysterious option E
Last edited:
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

Actually that was the last room on that floor Dracador. I forgot about that until just now. So when they leave out I'll just have it be them heading straight on down to the 4th floor, going past the arachne that submitted to them in the room with the steps that led down.

I'll have to get to it tomorrow or much later today though, as I've had about 4 hours of sleep and have been going for 24+ hours straight.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

(B) Leave Mia behind for now, so the baby don't get hurt. (I'm assuming those of you saying (E) meant for Mia and Julie to both go out with her after the babies were born. But then who'd stay and take care of the babies with Brandi? That's what I thought at least, so (B) it is.)

(@ Zephyrion - She has been knocked up some, just didn't feel the need to go into great detail about it since it was mostly monsters in the dungeon that did it, while the others that weren't actual monsters took their children with them after she gave birth and pretty much just left here where she lay.)

(@ Minerve - They can be harder now, as Elena can run into an enemy that is lvl 7 now too, rather than at most lvl 6 like when she was with Mia.)

"I know you can still fight well enough Mia, but I don't want to risk the baby okay. Please, will you stay here?" Elena told Mia, giving her a worried, yet loving look.

"But Elena, what if you run into something out there and need help because you can't handle it alone? You'll need some help out there," Mia replied, not wanting Elena to go by herself back out into the dungeon.

"Mia dear... I think Elena has the right of it for now at least, we should remain here while she goes to ensure the safety of our children," Julie said to Mia, siding with Elena about this.

"But what if she gets hurt or something down there and can't make it back up here?" Mia asked Julie, not willing to budge on the matter.

"Well... I might be able to help with that dear," Julie said then walked off out of the kitchen area. A couple of minutes later the nymph came back with an orb in her hand that looked much like a crystal ball, as soon as she reentered the room she explained what she was carrying and why she'd gotten it, "This dear is what I was looking for, I didn't think I'd find it there for a minute because I haven't used it in a while. I found this little gem here when I found this place. It comes with a twin just like it, which is set up in the foyer like hall of this hideout. if you invoke the power within this orb here, it'll teleport you back to the one in the foyer. Then you can invoke the power in the one in the foyer to go back to the last place this one was at when it was used. Here go ahead and take it with you Elena dear, and be careful out there."

"So... Elena will be able to get back here whenever she wants then?" Mia asked Julie, looking at the orb as she handed it to Elena.

"Yes dear, and if she needs help, we can use the one in the foyer to go to her aid, as it'll teleport us to the room that orb there is in," Julie replied, giving a rather smug look that she came up with such a plan.

"Okay then, I'll stay here if that's what you want Elena, but I'd still rather go with you," Mia said, looking worried about Elena going alone.

"This thing will really come in handy Julie, thanks. And don't worry about me Mia, I made it just fine by myself up until I met you in here, so I think I'll be just fine," Elena thanked Julie as she placed the orb into her pack, while trying to soothe Mia's worries.

"Well I think this will make a better thanks than words dear," Julie said, leaving Elena to wonder for only a split second what she meant before the nymph pressed her lips to Elena's, who gave out a little muffled moan as she went limp in Julie's arms, wings and all.

"H-Hey," Mia said, then pulled Elena away from Julie and did the same to Elena, who remained limp as Mia pulled her over into her arms.

"Oh jealous little drow, don't worry, Elena here is our lover so I'll never try and steal her away from you like that, because I don't have to," Julie said, giggling mirthfully at Mia's little display of jealousy, with Mia blushing as Julie said she was jealous, though she didn't deny it.

After they got through kissing Elena and she recovered from her limpness, she blushed for a moment as she walked on out of the kitchen when Julie led her to the foyer hall. Once there, Elena hugged the two again and after they both told her to be careful, she waved bye to them as she headed out back into the dungeon.

When she was back out into the dungeon, Elena was back out in the room they had met Julie in the night before. She saw nothing different in the room, so she decided to head on to the room that Gina the arachne was in so she could head on back down. (Rolled good on the encounter rolls, so no random encounters along the way.)

"Well hello there Elena, you and Mia were gone an awful long time, I was starting to get worried. Wait... where is Mia?" Gina asked when she noticed Elena coming into the room.

"Hey there Gina, she's in one of the other rooms, we ran into a nymph named Julie and Mia is staying there with her for now in Julie's hideout," Elena replied.

"Oh... well I take it you're going downstairs. Just be careful down there okay. And my offer of keeping a watch for you while you get some rest still stands," Gina said.

"Actually Gina, if you're still serious about turning over a new leaf, then you could head back to the dead end room you told us about and protect it for me, because that's where the hideout is. If you do that and keep anything out of there, then I'll consider your debt paid," Elena told Gina.

Gina perked up at Elena's words and nodded her head, saying, "O-Of course Elena, if it'll help you out then I'll do it. You spared my life, so I'll do what you ask... and thank you again."

After that was done and decided, Elena waved bye to Gina as the arachne headed off back to the room Elena told her to go to. When she was gone, Elena went over to the steps and headed on down the steps. When she reached the bottom, Elena saw a strange looking creature kind of just hovering in the middle of the room. ( , except without the wings) Other than the creature she saw only one direction she could go other than back up and that was to the west.

At first when Elena saw the strange looking creature, she wasn't sure what if it was even real, as it wasn't moving an inch. But as soon as she started for the western door, it began moving towards her, just floating through the air. She saw many tentacles with the ends shaped suspiciously like cock heads and she was pretty sure what those were for as she prepared to fight. She saw one of its many tentacles opened up at the end of it kind of like a strange mouth, though she wasn't sure what it was for exactly, but if she didn't manage to take it out she was sure she'd find out.

What should Elena do?

Elena's stuff:
Elena's current stats:
HP: 23/23, Pw/SE: 39/39, PP: 0/25, AC: 1/1, Status: fine

Inventory and equipment:
1. 4 food rations
2. Spellbook of 'Firebolt'
3. a wand of magic missile
4. a dark potion

Equipment being worn:
1. Specially designed magic robe(+2 magic to-hit, dmg, & non combat rolls, but gives no AC.)
2. An uncursed +0 Witches hat(+1 AC, +2 to all magic rolls)
3. a jeweled amulet (currently unidentified, so she doesn't know what it's actually doing for her.)

Gold pouch: 123 gold pieces

Attributes, XP, and CP:
Strength: 6
Speed: 9
Willpower: 9
Magic: 15 (+3 to all magic rolls)
Health: 6

XP level 4 - 12 points
CP level 0 - 45 points

Elena's skills & powers:
Basic attack with staff: 1d6 + strength modifier

1. Avenging light – deals 1d10 radiant + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 5 Pw to use)
2. Heavens lightning – deals 1d8 lightning + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 5 Pw to use)
3. Blinding light – doesn't deal any dmg, but blinds all enemies in room assuming it hits all of them for 2 turns, being blinded causes -10 to all attack rolls & -5 to evasion rolls. (costs 8 Pw to use)
4. Holy beam – deals 2d8 radiant + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 15 Pw to use)
5. Light heal – casting recovers 1d8 + magic modifier on the one it is cast on. Automatically succeeds on a cast. (costs 8 Pw to use)
6. Firebolt – deals 1d12 fire + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 12 Pw to use)
7. Remove curse – Does what the name implies, however Elena must make a roll of 35 or higher to get it to work and if it fails, Elena must wait 5 turns before attempting the spell again. Can only remove the curse from one item at a time. Costs 15 Pw to use.
8. (Passive) Elena's corruption caps at level 15 instead of level 10.

lvl 6 Mind sucker – HP: 25/25, PP: 0/18, status: fine and waving its tentacles dangerously at Elena


(A) - Attack.

(B) - Run. (Choose direction.)

(C) - Other.

(Also depending on how long Elena is out, the two may have already had the babies by the time she gets back. And I told you all I had a plan. Hope you all like the hideout and the teleportation orb.)


Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A. Blinding Light

Also, could Elena try to make it back for the births? Does she have any idea how long they have? If not, no biggie, just floating the idea. And of course assuming we don't get raped into eternity by the floating tentacle ball thing of doom.


Tentacle God
Jan 10, 2012
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A. Blinding Light

Also, could Elena try to make it back for the births? Does she have any idea how long they have? If not, no biggie, just floating the idea. And of course assuming we don't get raped into eternity by the floating tentacle ball thing of doom.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jan 31, 2012
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A. Holy beam. Since the creature have no eye I assume that Blinding Light won't work.


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A. Holy beam. Since the creature have no eye I assume that Blinding Light won't work.
Maybe it has light sensor tentacles? Prolly not. It could probably sense by motion?


Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A. Blinding Light

Also, could Elena try to make it back for the births? Does she have any idea how long they have? If not, no biggie, just floating the idea. And of course assuming we don't get raped into eternity by the floating tentacle ball thing of doom.


Grim Reaper
Jan 23, 2012
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A, of course, with a Holy Beam. XPmunchies
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

(A) 'Holy Beam'

(And yeah this is the first and one of the only enemies that 'Blinding Light' won't work on.)

W-What the... what is that thing?” Elena stuttered as the strange floating creature floated towards her.

The creature of course didn't answer her as it continued towards her, but then again she didn't really care what it was as long as it kept all of those slimy tentacles away from her. She raised her staff to get ready to fight when it got within ten feet or so.

As the creature closed the distance between them, Elena gathered her energy and aimed her staff at the beast, then when she had enough energy gathered up, she unleashed her “Holy beam' at the thing. The strange creature was quicker on its feet... well quicker on the uptake than she gave it credit for considering her slow it had been moving the whole time up until now. (Elena rolled a 9 vs 24 for the Mind Sucker, missing it, though she only spent 8 Pw for missing instead of the full 15.)

Damn... I can't believe I missed that. Shit I shouldn't be saying that... oh no stop fucking cursing Elena... no this stupid corruption is affecting me more than I thought it was, Pelor please forgive me for cursing like that,” Elena muttered to herself angrily, then asked her patron for forgiveness.

While Elena berated herself for cursing like she had, the strange creature managed to slip in close and before she could react to jump back or anything, the thing had already sent out all of its tentacles and wrapped one around each of her limbs, where it began pulling her over. (The Mind Sucker rolled a 36 vs 24 for Elena, grappling her)

Eeek, let me go!” Elena cried out as she began struggling around in the thing's tentacled grip.

As the thing brought her closer and slipped a couple of its smaller tentacles into her robe where they began tickling her breasts before starting to pull and tug on her robe to pop it open, Elena managed to break her leg free enough to kick the thing right in the side of the mass the tentacles grew out from, knocking it away from her as it dropped her to the dungeon floor, where she landed flat on her perfectly heart shaped angel butt, with Elena letting out an 'Oof!" as she landed. (The Mind Sucker rolled a 12 vs crit 42 for Elena to strip her, with Elena countering its attempt and breaking free, dealing 1 HP dmg with her kick.)

(Elena recovers 3 Pw this turn.)

1. Elena
2. Mind Sucker

Elena's stuff:
Elena's current stats:
HP: 23/23, Pw/SE: 34/39, PP: 0/25, AC: 1/1, Status: fine

Inventory and equipment:
1. 4 food rations
2. Spellbook of 'Firebolt'
3. a wand of magic missile
4. a dark potion

Equipment being worn:
1. Specially designed magic robe(+2 magic to-hit, dmg, & non combat rolls, but gives no AC.)
2. An uncursed +0 Witches hat(+1 AC, +2 to all magic rolls)
3. a jeweled amulet (currently unidentified, so she doesn't know what it's actually doing for her.)

Gold pouch: 123 gold pieces

Attributes, XP, and CP:
Strength: 6
Speed: 9
Willpower: 9
Magic: 15 (+3 to all magic rolls)
Health: 6

XP level 4 - 12 points
CP level 0 - 45 points

Elena's skills & powers:
Basic attack with staff: 1d6 + strength modifier

1. Avenging light – deals 1d10 radiant + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 5 Pw to use)
2. Heavens lightning – deals 1d8 lightning + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 5 Pw to use)
3. Blinding light – doesn't deal any dmg, but blinds all enemies in room assuming it hits all of them for 2 turns, being blinded causes -10 to all attack rolls & -5 to evasion rolls. (costs 8 Pw to use)
4. Holy beam – deals 2d8 radiant + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 15 Pw to use)
5. Light heal – casting recovers 1d8 + magic modifier on the one it is cast on. Automatically succeeds on a cast. (costs 8 Pw to use)
6. Firebolt – deals 1d12 fire + magic modifier dmg on hit. (costs 12 Pw to use)
7. Remove curse – Does what the name implies, however Elena must make a roll of 35 or higher to get it to work and if it fails, Elena must wait 5 turns before attempting the spell again. Can only remove the curse from one item at a time. Costs 15 Pw to use.
8. (Passive) Elena's corruption caps at level 15 instead of level 10.

lvl 6 Mind sucker – HP: 24/25, PP: 0/18, status: still pretty fine and still waving its tentacles dangerously at Elena


(A) - Attack.

(B) - Retreat.

(C) - Give in and let it do what it wants with you.

(D) - Other.

(I know, it's a short post. But I've not had a whole lot of time to devote to this over the last week or so. Hopefully I shall be able to pick up the pace more now.)


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 7, 2012
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

OK so now Elena has been corrupted so far that we have option C but I'm still not gonna go with it so.... A it is and try again with the holy beam


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

D - Fake C, but charge up a holy beam as it gets closer and blast the mothafucker from point blank range and then kicks its corpse and scream in feminine fury at its perversity!


The user formerly known as MoT
Nov 16, 2008
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A. Holy beaaaaam


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jan 31, 2012
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A. Holy Beam.


Mystic Girl
Dec 14, 2010
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

D - Fake C, but charge up a holy beam as it gets closer and blast the mothafucker from point blank range and then kicks its corpse and scream in feminine fury at its perversity!
Seconded, the motion carries!