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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Almost yeah I don't know why I tried this is so much better." She stroked her belly lovingly again. "Im carrying the masters baby it feels so good so right. I can still feel his hot juices inside of me why was I even trying to run. Oh this is making me horny Rikke could you please blow me?" Indeed DeGravels cock was hard and oozing pre. "Come on Rikke one bitch to another can you please ease my tension?" DeGravel moved to the cage wall they shared her cock passing between the bars. Up close Rikke could see the glazed look in DeGravels eyes maybe she wasn't broken yet just high on some crazy aphrodisiac.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke didn't say no... perhaps this did indeed say something about the girls coping mechanisms... or her succubus side being very active. "Umm..." the girl eyed the cock, for some reason it did indeed seem very tempting... her eyes never did change back to their icy blue hue... "DeGravil, did the master mention me? Perhaps my friends?" maybe the demon was feeling talky and wanted to brag about his plan or how he fooled Rikke to his fucktoy. It was worth a shot.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"He said you where the tightest fuck he every had even that redhead bitch was no match to your tightness. Ohh thats making me jealous can I see how tight you are Rikke. I need to release all this pent up energy." DeGravel made humping motions on the bars.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Wow... Reginald sure pumped the girl full of a whatever drug he used. Still there was one way to make DeGravil focus... Rikke quickly grabbed the cock firmly and eyed DeGravil carefully "Focus. Did he mention anything about a collar or a lie he told me. Forget whatever he said about fucking me..." though a certain sense of pride did appear in the corrupt heroine. Demons, knew their pussy... Incidently with that thought Rikke subconciously stroke the cock gently in hand, shaking her head briefly to keep HERSELF focused....
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ahhh ahhh" DeGravel cried at Rikke's touch delighting in her strokes. "No he didn't say anything about that just how much he was going to enjoy fucking you again." DeGravel suddenly tensed up and shot a load of cum onto Rikke's bare skin it looked like what ever drug she was on made her hyper sensitive as well.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well that was unfortunate... both the fact that Rikke didn't get the answers she was hopeful for and DeGravil exploding from the girls mere touch. Still it was obvious she left quite the impression, the lightly bit down on her lip just thinking of what tommorow will bring. For some reason, sex with the powerful demon sounded even better than escaping right now.

"I'll make sure all this flattery earns him something..." she smirked, seemingly oblivious that the demon killed so many of her friends and tortured or turned so many innocent girls "So how did you pull it off? Your escape?" if the cock remained hard Rikke would keep slowly and delicately jerking it off, while listening.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ss ss s secrete escape route out of th tttt th cells." DeGravel tensed again shooting another load of spunk on the heroine. Looking up Rikke could see DeGravels tongue lolling out of her mouth and right before her very eyes began to grow and stretch. Rikke watched either in awe or fright as two little horns slowly pushed their way out of DeGravels head curling slightly back. Her ears became a little pointed and her eyes turned a shiny yellow color.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly stepped back in shock at the sight, DeGravil was changing right infront of her! It wasn't because she was helping her... 'relax' was it?! "D-DeGravil? What happened to you? You're still DeGravil right?..." she cautiously eyed the newly formed warped girl.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Why why you did you stop?" No further changes seemed to be taking place but DeGravel still looked needy. "I promise to make you feel good to like a good little bitch I aim to please." DeGravel's eyes where still glazed over so it was unlikely the girl was in the right state of mind anyway. Rikke recalled what Reginald had said earlier about see what dark gifts DeGravel would get and it seemed she had gained quiet a few.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Umm... I'm fine DeGravil. Really..." she smiled innocently, still seemed relaxing her wasn't helping fighting back the drug. Perhaps even causing more damage... still Rikke couldn't exactly take a nap with her neighbour being like this.

"Your horns, your eyes? How did this happen to you?" the heroine once more approached the warped girl. Was it the mere contact with the demon... or something else? "How did he change you so much DeGravil?" still if the girl had only one thing on her mind Rikke would delicately take the cock in hand once more... actually she was starting to get some rather perverse ideas how to really relax DeGravil.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

DeGravel reached up and touched her horns a grin enveloping her face. "These must be the dark gifts the master was talking about." DeGravel felt her horns and smiled more. "They must be beautiful want to touch them RIkke." It seemed the girl was to far gone at the moment to answering much of anything though once Rikke took her cock in hand she moaned a little. "Please Im so horny can you help?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke didn't particullary cherish the thought, but so long as DeGravil remained as pent as she was there would be no sleeping or resting... "I may have help you out... so where exactly is this secret escape route? M~?" the rogue smirked lightly as she slowly got to her knees. Even if it did have the tingling feeling it was wrong, Rikke finally shunned it away. A shame to let such a hardon go to waste...

"I'm listening..." Rikke would only tease and lick along the shaft until she got the information need. If DeGravil spilled the beans... well she'd get her reward.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"In the corner under the hay. But why would you want to leave its so nice here the master makes us feel so good." DeGravel once more spent a load onto the ground having barely missed Rikke though it looked as if he was still as hard as ever.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"While it's true Regi has the cock and body to be a fine fuck...but he lacks skill... and I have friends outside looking and waiting for me." the rogue smiled lewdly as she stroked the cock infront of her "And~ how did you get out of the cell then?" the rogue looked up and listened to the answer.

Still with her backup escape route sorted, the girl could get to work on relieving DeGravil. Afterall sleep is so much sweeter after sex... not to mention calmer without Degravil humping the cell bars.

The perverted heroine gave the cock a small kiss, before enveloping it with her soft lips. The cock was smeared with cum from it's previous outlets, but the rogue was more than happy to suck it clean. Rikke didn't even notice when she slipped her hand down to finger herself while bobbing her head up and down the staff. For the time being the heroine once more allowed her perversion to run free.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

none consensual sex

Rikke's lips soon brought DeGravel to another peak shooting another load into the girls mouth and yet the cock wasn't even soft yet. "YESS!" DeGravel was clearly enjoying herself and Rikke could feel the woman twitch with every stroke and lick.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Just how much was DeGravil packing! Even after so many orgasms the cock refused to soften! Rikke was actually starting to get very impressed... and worried, this was rather unnatural, DeGravils body may have a serious backlash from this.

Still Rikke had to help DeGravil with his predicament or neither of them will have any time to rest up, atleast that was her original trail of thought. Swallowing the spunk, the perverted heroine shivered with pleasure lightly and continued to work on the shaft, feeling out every ridge and bump... intensifying her masturbation aswell. The girls fingers were getting more and more soaked...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It took a few more orgasms and one where Rikke creamed herself from her own masturbation but DeGravel finally slide to the ground exhausted. Rikke noted however she was still rock hard. She was covered in cum but she had learned that DeGravel had picked the lock on her cell and now that her hands where free she could do the same if she so desired.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smirked lewdly as DeGravil finally collapsed, well that was an oddly pleasureable distraction... but now she needed to clean herself up. Withotu any chains to hold her it would be all too easy for the rogue to break or lockpick the lock on the cell.

Escaping was still out of the question, she flatout couldn't... and well... another fuck with Regi, actually sounded too good to pass up. A thought that only lit up Rikkes eyes even more. Still if all goes to plan Rikke would take a quick trip to the baths she was cleaned earlier or if that was out of the question the bedrooms near hers should have so sheets and a comfy bed... nevertheless first things first - getting out of this cell.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Picking herself up from the ground Rikke was soon at the lock picking and prodding. It took a moment but a satisfying click was heard as the doors let loose with a small creak. She was free once more though obviously Reginald would be none to pleased with her antics. She wondered what sort of punishment would occur. Reginald was a cruel man maybe it would involve whips or chains. Still she had plenty of time to daydream about her punishment later for now she wanted to get cleaned up and maybe... maybe suck a cock. Wait thats not what she wanted to do at all but it was there in her mind obviously spending to much time here was not good for the heroine.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke paused a moment upon exiting her cell. Was it really worth risking the sadistic demons ire... though a little kinky bondage sex did sound alluring, but Reginald didn't know the sanctity of a safe word. Besides she doubted he'll want a fuck with her being dirty again, he did clean her up good last time.

The rogue smirked to herself and honestly he's likely aching to fuck her silly once more. Oddly enough Rikke couldn't wait. Well she did atleast test the waters, the moment she even has a hint of a chance to escape it would be all too easy.

Closing the cell door once more Rikke decided to just sleep. She'll be a perfectly good slut for now. Hopefully 'now' won't last too long...

Lock the cell and take a nap.