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Tentacular Threat on Rise

Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

Hmmmm well here is a comparative Bust Chart -

well that gives me the idea to make a mammary chart
for good measurement.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

Beginning Amount:1 g 43 s 78 c
Sell Shells for 20s

Shopping List - Hunting Shop
1 Metal Flask 5s
1 Medium Backpack 5s
1 Local Bestiality 10s
1skinning knife 10s
1 Roll of sharp rope (snares) 10s
5 iron throwing knifes to help us when mana runs out 20s

Total: 143s 78c-70s+20s= 93s 78c

Shopping List -General Shop
1 Fine Silk Shirt for Large Chested Women 20s
1 Wizard Hat (Enchanted) 10s
1 Silk Gloves (Enchanted)5s
5 Food Rations 5s
1 wool support top (white) 10s
2 empty scrolls seeing as our mage can inscribe spells into them at a later date 1s

Total:93s-51s=42s 78c
Offer to Identify the Rings enchantment seeing as we are not buying it (for a long while at least) for a discount on our purchase.
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

Sell Shells for 20 s

Shopping List - Hunting Shop
1 Metal Flask
1 Medium Backpack
1 Local Bestiarity

Shopping List -General Shop
1 Woolen supportive sleeveless top (colors; blue, white, red, grey), adjustable via small threads in backside.
1 Wizard Hat (Enchanted)
1 Silk Gloves (Enchanted)
5 Food Rations

Basically the same as NC's vote, except replacing big-breasted silk shirt with the cheaper adjustable one (so it does't become useless if we do find a way to normalize our breasts again).
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

Sell Shells for 20 s.

- Medium backpack - 5s
- Fine white silk shirt for the large chested women - 20s
- Silk gloves (enchanted, ???) - 5s
- golden ring(enchanted, ???) - 1g
- energy potion - 5s
- mysterious potion -2s
- scary looking black dagger - 25s
- Empty potion bottle -1s

Total : 1g + 63s.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

During her trips at the shop, Linda had sold the clamps and bought all sort of neat stuff. the new backpack sure helped to carry them all aswell!

Linda bought;

1 Local beastiarity 10s
1 medium backpack 5s
1 metal flask 5s

1. Fine silk shirt 20s
1. wizard hat 10s
1. silk gloves enchanted 5s
5 food rations 5s

1 skinning knife 10s

1 wool support shirt sleeves white 10s
1 black dagger 25s

1 energy potion 5s
1 mystery potion 2s
2 rolls of paper 1s

5 iron knives 20s

using a total of
1g 33s

Figuring she really doesn't want to things alone right now and her current shape was bit... over the top so she thought she might aswell spend her day in the inn, to study the new items and read the fine book she bought.

Going in the inn, she decided to rent a room so she could study in peace and dress more appropiatly.

The silk shirt fitted but was bit tight on the chest area still even though it was designed for large busted women. It still covered her chest better than the tunic, even though her nipples still shined through it and the feel of the silk was bit more arouding than the tunic.

She ignored the pleasurable feels though, hoping theyd fade away..

She figured to save the wool top for later, just incase.

Linda began to investigate the enchanted items.

Starting with the wizard hat. Heh, it reminded her of those silly hats the teachers used to wear back in the college. As expected this hat had magic related enchantment;

Mana Cost Reduce; Offense.
Lowers offensive spell costs by 2.

Next she moved to the gloves.
They felt very nice in her hands as she slipped them off and on, while focusing around..

She finally figured the enchantment;

Arousive Touch. Touching causes more pleasure on the target.

"... Well then." Linda rolled her eyes.

Next was the black dagger. The dagger just gave her the chills, though the material was nothing a like she had seen, it was tough and quite sharp but lighter than iron and steel. Investigating, making a few slashes to the air with it..
No matter what she tried, she couldn't figure the enchantment out.
Maybe it needs to draw blood or something?

Linda put the dagger aside. It just creeped her out, she even wondered why she bought it..

Linda just got on the bed and figured she might aswell read the book and then study the scroll to pass time some more before night..

Local beastiary and you,
guide to whats lurking in the forests!

It is no suprise that thise lands are filled with life other than our supreme selves. Some are peaceful and others are savage, deadly, terrifying creatures. In this book we shall discuss about the latter,
well and some other intresting creatures you might find!

Slime creatures.

Slimes are normally small and harmless, but they are highly volative to corruptive effects and have been seen to 'evolve' into plenty of different forms! Being made of near liquid like material, travels should be warned; Attempting to fight a slime can be diffucult via ranged weaponry and stabbing weapons.

One intresting and valuable thing in mind; Always look at the centres of the slimes. Slimes are known to latch many valuable metal items on themselves and somehow preasure them to their centers. Jewelry is very common.


Nagas also known as the snake women are twisted, sentinent, intelligent and can even hold magic!
Nagas are a very greyline and its highly recommend that anyone that comes across them will use their own judgement on what ever they wish to do.

Should ones be warned; Nagas are very powerful as a foe. Should also one be warned again;
Naga in love can be very hard to get rid off and can be indirectly harmfull to their target.


Harpies, the hags of the skies are nasty sentinent creatures that have femine bodies with bird features. Though they are sentinent they are highly savage and agressive to anyone in their territory. Reasoning with harpies is pretty much impossible for their selfishness is in another levels and their motives twisted.

Women be warned; Harpy eggs laid inside a womb of a woman will hatch at incredible speeds compared to those in harpy nests. Harpies can kidnap a careless woman in their area and breed quickly.


Roc birds are large and impressive birds with sharp and deadly claws. They are usualy in high mountain areas and are generally passive, but don't take to any threatening acts lightly.
Roc feathers and talons are valuable however as incrediants when making arrows and bolts.


Orcs are barely sentinent, highly aggressive savage humanoid creatures. They are known to use primitive weaponry and have extreemly high physical strength. Orcs are known to raid and pillage small towns, farms and unprepared setlements. Luckily orcs are un common as their numbers have been cut drasticly by authorities in many areas.

Women beware; Orcs are known to capture women to use them for rough sexual uses. The reason for this behavior is unknown, but there has been no sigthings of female orcs..

Giant insects, anachrids and unusual plants.

Though uncommon there are many unexplainable mutations among natural fauna and flora that makes monstrosious creatures. The most common mutations are;

Giant Spiders.

Giant mutated Wasps

Giant Plants that grow phallic vines.

There are many more weird mutations about however.


Dragons are extreemly rare creatures and any sightings usualy attract adventurers like honey attracts flies. And no wonder; Dragon's scales, bones, hides, teeth, claws.. Everything about dragons is one the most mythical and powerful materials around! Not to mention mounted dragon heads are the most expensive trophies.

Indeed dragons are very rare and formitable trophies. But unfathomatable foes.
One dragon can take down armies, their magical abilities are beoynd imagening and their flames unstoppable.

Should you ever see a dragon in your journies, be very prepared if you wish to take it on.

Devil kind.

Though demons themselves only lie within legends and never seen, they have been connected to what seems to be called Devilkind. Devilkind creatures are highly magical, rare, sentinent and intelligent, twisted, sadistic, unpreditable.

Generally devilkind are not considering beastiarity, but they are to be included here due of them considering US as beasts many times. Connections with Devilkin are considered highly sinful and despised by the highchurch and many other religious and ideal movements. Devilkin are very connected to shadow magics.

Devilkin despise light magic and have a weakness to it.

Devilkin known;


Succubi are a very femine and lustful devilkins. They bring women and men to their knees via easy and gain power through sexual acts. They are powerful casters and hold many seducive, hormone, mind and body altering powers, mostly sexual.

Not much is known about them however, but trusting them can be two edged sword.
In the end, all they want is pleasure.


Physically powerful red coloured muscular and tall humanoid creatures.
Thise creatures are known be ”the muscle” for other devilkin.

Not much is known about them..

There many more devilkin for fact, but they remain unnamed and unknown, shrouded in mysteries.
Only shadow magic beholding and worshipping guilds seem to know more about this..


Lurkers are swamp creatures that are rather humanoid but with long deformed limbs.
They lurk in the waters and capture passer by's for unknown reasons.

Thumb rule is; If you see the lurker first, you have the upper hand.


Medusa are a race relative to that off naga, but they are more savage than nagas. Way more.
Thise snake women have hair that is usualy made of snake like features. Medusas have a gase that pierces to the bone and is paralyzing. Should you ever come across a medusa, prepare yourself for battle, for reasoning will do you no good here.


Jellyfish? Yes jellyfish. Normally jellfish have been living in the seas, small and harmless.
Lately they have adabted. They have grown to giant sizes and have been seen levitating about instead of staying in the water. Truly fasinating.. But dangerous. Do not take them lightly.

There are many more creatures about in the wilds, please do report and tell us what you come across on your adventures!

SafariSano, 1450 CrystalRiver.

As the night started to fall, Linda had already falled a sleep with her head to the scroll of fire magic.

Waking up in the morning, Linda felt her breasts had turned smaller and were less sensitive.
The top fitted now perfectly!
Smiling Linda packed stuff around and headed to the main lobby of the inn, where Viki was eating breakfast.

"Hi there Viki, feeling better?" Linda joined her and ordered the same she was having.

".. Yeah." Viki said with a forced smile.

"So hey, I spend yesterday buying some stuff, I think you might find some of it intresting..;"

Linda gave Viki the skinning knife and lended her the book about the local beasts for a while. She also showed her the black dagger and the flask.

Viki took the knife and looked at the other stuff.

"Well you certainly did keep your eyes open when buying thise things. But that dagger is creepy as all hell." Viki shuddered a bit and gave it back to Linda along with the book and flask.

"I know.. But for some reason I just felt like buying it.."

Viki shrugged a bit and focused back on eating, while the innkeeper brought Linda her meal..

After paying the inn bills the girls went back outside..

A. Investigate the docks and beach
B. Visit chappel
C. Lets go somewhere else.. (where? map)
D. Other?


145/145 mana. 15+ from elven crystal wand. 20+ from silk pants.


Slowfall. 35 mana,
Haste. 45 mana.
Arcane Bolt. 8 mana. (-2 due of item)
Firebolt. 13 mana. (-2 due of item)

-Fire knowledge in studies- Can light things up.

Linda is well rested.
Linda is well fed
Naga spit medium + naga expirement, Linda boobs have grown by a size and her nipples are very sensitive.


Head - Wizard hat (Mana reduce offense)
Top - Fine silk top
Legs - Silk pants (mana plus)
Boots - Simple sandals
Hands - Silk gloves (arouse touch)
Neck - Enchanted necklace (???)
Finger - Lion Signet ring.
Waist - Sharp Iron dagger. Elven crystal wand. 5 iron throwing knives

Backpacks and purses;
medi small purse
medium backpack.

Peasant tunic and pants. Introducion to Fire. 6 food ration.
white sleeveless woolen top. metal flask. 2 rolls of paper. 1 energy potion. 1 mysterious potion.
Local beastiary book
Black dagger (enchanted)
Small leather pouch tied to her waist holding 28 silver 38 copper worth money.


Viki is well rested
Viki is fell fed


Head -
Top - Well stiched leather top
Legs - Well stiched leather pants. Small quiver with 50 copper bolts
Boots -
Hands -
Neck -
Finger - Lion signet ring
Waist - Copper cross bow. Decent iron sword.

Backpacks and purses;
medium backpack.

Peasant tunic. peasant pants. 10 white panties. Slightly used roll of rope
1 skinning knife.
2 food rations. Very crude map.

Hidden money pouch holding, 32 silver, 1 copper worth money.

Note; If a roll ever happens to give a dragon, I'll take my glasses off, look again and say "Bloody hell..."
That's how rare a roll like that would be
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

I was looking at Viki's status and there's nothing about her womb still being corrupted, does the corruption only last for one birthing or is this an oversight?

B. Let's hit up the chapel and dispel lingering corruption if any, maybe we Can get Linda to learn some status effect clearing spells like 'Cleanse Tentacle Taint' or 'Purify Womb' or something.

'Esuna' would be cool too.

Also praying to gods never hurts, especially when you need an extra smiting hand during a tough fight.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

I was looking at Viki's status and there's nothing about her womb still being corrupted, does the corruption only last for one birthing or is this an oversight?

One at a time.
It probably isn't clear but the corrupt doesnt effect the whole mostly just the whole egg thing
and you can only have so many of those
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise


Edit :
Also, touch Viki with your new gloves. For the lulz.
:D ! Agree with that.
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise


Also, touch Viki with your new gloves. For the lulz.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A! Be sneaky and give a light rub to Vikki with the gloves commentating on how good does it feel.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A. And tease Viki with the gloves C:<
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A with some tease.

With the on going issue of the cyan tentacles, docks and the beach would be the most optimal area to investigate.
The way from docks to the town was well isolated with the barbed vires and even a spiked up gate, as the guards kept patrolling around.

"Halt!" Guard stopped Linda and Viki.
"No citizen access from this point"

"We're not "citizens" of this town, we're here to investigate the tentacle threat"

"Regardless, we cannot take risks or responsibility of any kidnapping. No access." The guard seemed stubborn.

Linda flashed the lion signet ring.
"What do you say if we go with our own risk?"
Viki also showed the ring incase it would make a difference.

"..." The guard regonized the signet rings icon.
"Lion army icon, well.. I.. Fine." The guard hesitated
"But at your own risk, is that clear?"

Linda and Viki nodded as the guard let them pass the small gate, still looking after them for a short while from between the barbed wires as Viki and Linda walked down to the docks.
The docks seemed as normal as you'd expect them to be, most of the boats were tied on the docks but they were all abonden it seems. The docks were silent and empty, there wasn't even any seaqulls around.

There were wooden barrels about, one of them had something very sticky and slimy inside of it. Disgusting and icky. It seems there were a few small row boats not very well tied in floating about.

The girls walked down to west towards the beach. Linda was bit behind Viki and noticing Viki's bare backside, got the temptation to try her silky touch on her. She sneakily swiftly swiped her fingers up Viki's back.

"Eeeeeeeh..!" Viki let out muffled moan, with her eye's opening wide with bit teeth gritting about. Viki turned around swiftly in a battle ready pose.

"What was that?!"
"What was what?" Linda acted stupid as if nothing had happened
".. I guess it was nothing" Viki put on a more relaxed posture. Linda noticed Viki's nipples had hardened bit a slightly shined through the leathery top. Guess thise things really work, she laughed in her mind.

The beach was pretty calm, the sand was fine and the waters splashed about slowly on the sands.. It seemed to be pretty much in as perfect shape as possible. You could easily relax in here. Though as they went bit further, there was some tracks on the sand, as if left by a large snake. There was some dried up slime going on about too on the tracks, like a tentacle creature.

Viki looked at the tracks, they seemed to be infact, somewhat old. Not from today, nor yesterday. They seemed to lead to the foresty and grassy hill area behind the beach.

A) Follow the tracks
B) Take a row boat and go to sail the lake.
C) Let's just relax a bit at this nice beach..
D) Other?
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C Continue to tease Viki on the way.
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C. The girls have had a shitty time of it the past few days, let's have them get some R&R, but keep an eye out for anything suspicious

Edit: Forget teasing Viki, others have raised a good point that the beach isn't safe, as it has been cordoned off.
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C don't you guys think viki might succumb to tentacles if we keep teasing her? (if a fight happens)
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C Continue to tease Viki on the way.

This definitely. As for Vikki succumbing? Then both of them are screwed. Still Vikki should catch on before an ambush of that magnitude unless the rolls are that dangerous.