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Tentacular Threat on Rise

Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B. With make haste

Linda was bit unsure about their encounter, she was wondering if the book could have something on ghosts.. But really, this isn't the time to start reading.

"Viki, you keep the thing busy close a head, while I blast it with Arcane bolts, okay plan?"
"Good enough." Viki unshead the new steel sword and prepared the steel mace on her other hand.
Linda casted Haste on Viki. (-45 mana)

Before Viki or Linda could do another move, the ghost had inhaled air or so it seemed like. It let out a breath that send out something that looked like a frosted cloud moving at high speed towards the girls.

Viki under effects of haste was able to easy move aside as Linda jumped away in time aswell. The impact of the cloud bursted in a frosty explosion, freezing the water right solid on the spot it hit. That could've ended badly!

Viki used the haste advantage to rush at the ghost at high speed and pummeled at the ghost with a brutal strike hitting with both of her weapons overhead.
There was a spark and clash, as for Vikis shock, her speedy attack was stopped dead cold by the ghost's saber. This thing has some reflexes thats for sure!

The ghost retaliated near immidiatly and showed great strength as it throwed Viki away. Luckily for Viki, she was not hit, merely just tossed aside, she landed on her butt at the watery floor.

Linda took aim and attempted to fire an Arcane bolt towards the ghost. The bolt hit the ghost and slammed it backwards as small sparks went though its body. (-10 mana)

"ha ha ha haaaa.."

The ghost did not fall though, it was still on its feet!

Viki's face started to turn more towards angry as she rushed at the ghost once again. She flinged her sword and mace right afterwards.. It was more closer to flailing about really, rage sure blinded her. The ghost just laughed and attempted to slice at Viki again. Viki came to her senses and dodged right away as the saber arched just above her horns.

The ghosts eye's blinked with a light a bit, as it started to laugh lauder.
It had glenced its fist which glowed and suddenly thrusted it towards Linda as it blasted and icy beam.
"Eeeek!" Linda was rather scared that blast looks seriously hurtful as she just ducked down covering her head.
Swoom! It went right past her. Dodged a bullet there.

The ghosts laughter stopped for a moment. It really wasn't amused anymore.
Viki tried to attack once again with a quick swipe from the sword. The ghost dodged it easily.
Linda casted another arcane bolt (-10 mana)
The bolt hit the ghosts leg as it shrieked a bit and well on its knees for a short while as it sparked a bit. The ghost got back up shortly with no trouble however.

"..Your friend. Sucks." The ghost suddenly said.
Both of the girls were dumbfolded for a bit.

"This fight is going nowhere, this is not laughing matter at all anymore. Leave now or we might have to fight like this forever"

A) We're just getting warmed up! (Continue fighting, you know the deal, etc)
B) We're not leaving till we get what ever is inside that chest.
C) Lets just leave..
if leaving
1. Go to town afterwards
2. Go to the clear spot
3. Go to eastern side of lake


Level 7.

Stamina 8

Willpower 11
Magic 15
Agility 10
Strength 7
25/145 mana. 15+ from elven crystal wand. 20+ from silk pants.


Slowfall. 35 mana,
Haste. 45 mana.
Arcane Bolt. 8 mana. (-2 due of item)
Firebolt. 13 mana. (-2 due of item)

-Fire knowledge in studies- Can light things up.

Linda is energized
Linda is not hungry
Naga spit medium + naga expirement, Linda boobs have grown by a size and her nipples are very sensitive.
Tiny unbalance


Head - Wizard hat (Mana reduce offense)
Top - Fine silk top
Legs - Silk pants (mana plus)
Boots - Simple sandals
Hands - Silk gloves (arouse touch)
Neck - Enchanted necklace (???)
Finger - Lion Signet ring.
Waist - Sharp Iron dagger. Elven crystal wand. 5 iron throwing knives
Back - medium backpack. Excellent full Steel Halberd

Backpacks and purses;
medi small purse
medium backpack.

Peasant tunic and pants. Introducion to Fire. 6 food ration.
white sleeveless woolen top. metal flask. 2 rolls of paper. 1 energy potion. 1 mysterious potion.
Local beastiary book
Black dagger (enchanted) Cyan Orb (???)
Small leather pouch tied to her waist holding 28 silver 38 copper worth money.


Level 7.

Stamina 12
Willpower 9
Magic 2
Agility 15

Strength 12
Viki is energized
Viki is not hungry


Head -
Top - Well stiched leather top
Legs - Well stiched leather pants, White panties underwear. Small quiver with 50 copper bolts
Boots -
Hands -
Neck -
Finger - Lion signet ring
Waist - Copper cross bow. Fine Steel sword. Fine Steel mace
Back - medium backpack.

Backpacks and purses;
medium backpack.

Peasant tunic. peasant pants. 9 white panties. Slightly used roll of rope
1 skinning knife.
2 food rations. Very crude map.
Captains log (1435). Compass, golden pencil, mystery vial.
Decent iron sword.

Hidden money pouch holding, 32 silver, 1 copper worth money.

Laughing Jack sneak vs Viki and Linda, cast Cryoblast
60 - 69

Viki vs Laughing jack
47 - 88
Jack counter attack!
92 - 91

Linda vs Jack arcane bolt
(44+10) 54 - 12
19 dmg

viki vs ghost
8 - 14
Jack counter attack
53 - 73

Jack vs Linda, cast beam of frost
37 - 58

Viki vs Jack.
5 - 40

Linda vs jack arcane bolt
72 - 53

(crit) 24 damage

poor viki never ranging ever
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A and B. Viki tries to catch the key while she is covered by Linda (arcane bolt).
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise


If the ghost won't just let us in the chest, however, cut it a deal.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise


"We're here after whatever is inside that chest, and we're not leaving without it."

"You greedy mortals.."

The ghost walked to the chest, and slashed the top part with the lock and everything right open.
"You want it? Right? here have it."

The ghost threw everything that was inside the chest right at Viki as she was still closer to the ghost of the two.
All sort of papers, little things began to flew by. But mostly papers really. As also a necklace and two rings that was in the middle of them.
Whatever was in the papers was ruined as they touched the watery floor. Ink flowed by in the water..
Viki however salvaged the necklace and the rings.

Ghost walked to the hull wall and slashed it right up to break it making a easy passage way.
"Now get out."

Without hesitation the girls quietly walked by the hole the ghost had made.
Jumping down they found themselves right near their row boat in the rocks.
Mist gathered and went thicker as slight laughter was to be heard from the ship once again..

As they went back to the row boat, Viki gave the amulet and the rings for Linda to look though em
"So are thise what you senses the magic from? They seem to feel bit magical if you ask me"
"Well yeah they are. The feel isn't as strong though.. Maybe those papers had a spell or something. Oh well.." Linda shrugged a bit.

Jewelry is usualy suprisingly easy to identify enchantments from as gold, silver and other valuable metals and gems just radiate their enchantments.

The necklace was.. Gold necklace of stamina.
Silver ring was.. Ring of Brutal strike (5 charges).
The gold ring however, had an enchantment that was questionable in nature. It wasn't identifable, but it would have an effect if wear'd.

Viki however decided to wear the two other without a question! Though Linda eye'd the stamina necklace a bit too.

A) Row to the eastern side of the lake
B) Go check the clear spot in the lake from before
C) Go back to town
D) Other?


1. Have one of the girls wear the gold ring (which one?)
2. Do not wear it.

Y) Leave the stamina neck to Viki
X) Change amulets with Linda.


Level 7.

Stamina 8

Willpower 11
Magic 15
Agility 10
Strength 7
25/145 mana. 15+ from elven crystal wand. 20+ from silk pants.


Slowfall. 35 mana,
Haste. 45 mana.
Arcane Bolt. 8 mana. (-2 due of item)
Firebolt. 13 mana. (-2 due of item)

-Fire knowledge in studies- Can light things up.

Linda is energized
Linda is not hungry
Naga spit medium + naga expirement, Linda boobs have grown by a size and her nipples are very sensitive.
Tiny unbalance


Head - Wizard hat (Mana reduce offense)
Top - Fine silk top
Legs - Silk pants (mana plus)
Boots - Simple sandals
Hands - Silk gloves (arouse touch)
Neck - Enchanted necklace (???)
Finger - Lion Signet ring.
Waist - Sharp Iron dagger. Elven crystal wand. 5 iron throwing knives
Back - medium backpack. Excellent full Steel Halberd

Backpacks and purses;
medi small purse
medium backpack.

Peasant tunic and pants. Introducion to Fire. 6 food ration.
white sleeveless woolen top. metal flask. 2 rolls of paper. 1 energy potion. 1 mysterious potion.
Local beastiary book
Black dagger (enchanted) Cyan Orb (???)
Small leather pouch tied to her waist holding 28 silver 38 copper worth money.


Level 7.

Stamina 13 (+1 from item)
Willpower 9
Magic 2
Agility 15

Strength 12
Viki is energized
Viki is not hungry


Head -
Top - Well stiched leather top
Legs - Well stiched leather pants, White panties underwear. Small quiver with 50 copper bolts
Boots -
Hands -
Neck - Gold Amulet of Stamina.
Finger - Lion signet ring. Silver ring of Brutal Strikes (5 charges)
Waist - Copper cross bow. Fine Steel sword. Fine Steel mace
Back - medium backpack.

Backpacks and purses;
medium backpack.

Peasant tunic. peasant pants. 9 white panties. Slightly used roll of rope
1 skinning knife.
2 food rations. Very crude map.
Captains log (1435). Compass, golden pencil, mystery vial. Gold ring (???)
Decent iron sword.

Hidden money pouch holding, 32 silver, 1 copper worth money.

Laughing Jack
level 20 undead

Was a small boss encounter
But it was special in a way that it had "amusement" factor.
Which dropped too low due of all the dodging.

Ring of Brutal strikes allows to double the strength bonus on attacks once per charge.
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B. 1 & Y
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

Agreed, B, 1, Y.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B, 1 (Linda) ,Y.