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Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

"Hmm, there is no escape from my control. Accept your fate, you silly creature." Lieze thought as she pushed her formidable mental fortitude onto the big lizardman, overcoming their defenses after some feeble attempt at resistance against her power. But it was for naught, and the resistance crumpled like a wet paper sheet after a slight push, leaving the Lady in control of what might have been their most dangerous opponent from the bunch. Since pushing creatures into things they would normally not do ran a risk of severing the control, she decided to just tell it to remain where it was for now. There were other targets to deal with, and the domination would not be risked after assuming control of what was the most high-priority target of the bunch.

Turning her attention back to what was happening around her, Lieze found that while Isabell was keeping her safe, the demoness was facing some problems as other hunters tore into her with their claws. The protection that she was providing did not extend to the sides, after all. Already preparing to throw out a few mental cuts at the creatures that were attempting to reach her personal space, the half-demoness got a pleasant surprise in the form of competent servants who basically sweeped the remaining things with their weapons. It was a few less live ones to have, but that didn't matter much to Lieze. "Have to say that I am positively surprised. Can any of you people heal? Isabell might need a bit of assistance here." she remarked at the scene as she patted Isabell on the shoulder, telling the servants to wrap things up so they could get back to the manor sooner than later. Maybe the tree-scaling sniper could get down once Anael's spell left the vines and they stopped moving grappling things.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

With the three lizard creatures completely wrapped up in her vines, Anael smiled, then turned her attention to the larger creature. Just as she was about to raise her hand to conjure a blast of lightning to destroy the offending beast, she noticed something odd about it's behavior. It's earlier attempt at stealth had made it appear cunning, but it now stood there placidly, with a vacant look in it's eyes. When Anael swept her eyes down, she immediately realized what had happened. Lady Liezelotte always had a way of bringing even the most troublesome dog to heel, and this creature was no different.

Satisfied that they had captured all four of the creatures, Anael turned to descend and retake her place at her mistress' side. She stopped, shocked, when she saw the unseen lizards' vicious attacks rending Isabell's form. She gasped at the sight, not even noticing the humans' display of competence, swiftly diving to land next to the wounded succubus. Reaching towards her, Anael gently placed a hand on her wounds, a look of concern clear on the angel's face. "Be calm, your wounds are serious, but I will aid you," she told Isabell before channeling her magic into a wave of healing that passed through her hands and into the succubus' wounded flesh. Once the process was finished, Anael smiled sweetly at Isabell and said, "You did well in your duty, and you should be fine soon."

After a moment, Anael's expression changed, a look of embarrassment crossing her face slightly before she backed away from the succubus and turned towards Liezelotte. Her usual calm and emotionless demeanor returned and she stepped to stand next to the noble demoness before bowing her head slightly. "Forgive me, m'Lady," she said softly, "You asked the humans if they could handle Isabell's wounds. I acted out of turn." Though Lady Liezelotte had proven herself somewhat accepting of her two closest servants speaking and acting independently, Anael knew that any slip-up could mean more punishment. She shivered almost imperceptibly as their recent trip to the dungeon came to mind.

After waiting to hear Lieze's response, Anael calmly motioned back to the four lizards that had been captured. "I believe with the creatures here, we have more than enough food for the... brood," she said, clearing her throat after mouthing the last word with a disgusted curl of her lip. "If the humans are capable of transporting them, I believe we should return to the mansion as quickly as possible before more of the these monstrosities arrive." The superior angel put just as much disgust in the word 'humans' as she had in 'brood'. If the servants did have some way of keeping the captive lizards under control, Anael would release her hold on the magics enchanting the vines, once the alien creatures were suitably restrained.

Maintain Entangling Vines. Cast Healing Grasp. Nature, level 3. Touch, Heal. (2d6 + 8 + 6) * 3

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Damned tunnel vision. The creatures came from the sides, and Isabell cursed herself. It was damned lack of training, it was a faulty in her ability as a guard. There was no such thing as a great sacrifice for her Lady, as threats would simply emerge anew. A sacrifice would merely mean that her mistress had one less defender. It seemed as if these intolerable creatures were going to kill her. It certainly seemed like they nearly did the deed. "Damn it!!!" Isabell cursed aloud. It was a disgrace, and there was little Isabell could think to do to prevent her demise soon to follow. But, she didn't meet her end, and was instead saved by the human filth. A deep disgrace... One that made her feel awful and dishonored, and filled her with the determination to practice and train until she bled in order to try and make up for this disgrace.

Isabell had fallen to one knee from the wounds, and barely was able to hold herself up in that stance. Then, the angel came. "I... I don't need...!" Isabell barely was able to complain before Anael healed her wounds. It was something Isabell wanted to suffer with as punishment for her failure, and this angel robbed her of that. All Isabell could think was that the angel was acting on her memory of who was among those who corrupted her. Isabell being one of the demons who sexually tortured her until she was begging to cum, it was natural for one to seek revenge of any sort. Though, the compliment to follow brushed those thoughts away. "M-my duty!?" Isabell exclaimed, feeling better now rather than worse. She stood up, looking as if she were rather shaken by what Anael said, and she really was. "How can I protect my lady if not myself!? I am still too weak!" Isabell insisted. Though, Anael's sweet smile made the knight tense up and turn her back on the angel. "You're annoying!" Isabell spat. She was blushing a little, a fact she knew and hated. She wanted to be treated sweetly by her mistress, not anyone else. That stupid, meddlesome angel... Doing all the things she wants her mistress to do... 'I'm not happy about it at all.' Isabell announced to herself mentally, as if to state a fact, but in actuality just trying to ignore the fact that Anael did give her a pleasant feeling.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

While it was a thing that had indeed happened, Lieze was not sure why Anael was being so careful about dealing with the fact that she had indeed healed Isabell instead of one of the human servants. It was a little detail that she hardly paid any attention to. "That might be true, but someone got it done and that is what matters most. I forget what capabilities you two have at times." she remarked, taking a mental note to try remembering what her main servant pair actually could do in different situations a little better. Having forgotten about the angel's healing capability had already irked her in a small way.

Since the situation was basically resolved, the Lady commanded her dominated slave creature to follow after them when it was time to go. She also told the servants what was going on, in case they had not figured out that she was controlling the big hunter. And as they had returned to her side, Lieze only saw it fit to grab Anael's leash once more, to keep what they had done earlier still going. Only once the day was through would she allow the leash to go away.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Dominating (Hunter Killer)
Isabell - HP = 10/102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Heavily Injured, Armor TP = 32/60
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 63/90, Status = Flying (Perceptive), Summons (Vines)

Lieze orders others to do the grunt work

Anael casts Healing Grasp (Nature Lv3) on Isabell
--- Casting: Auto-success
--- Damage (Heal): 3*(4 + 1 + 8 + 2) = 45
------ Isabell recovers 45 HP

Isabell is all kinds of tsundere

Grapple struggle: Vines attempt Submission on each hunter, hunters attempt to attack Vines
--- Vine grapple: 44 + 8 = 52
--- vs Hunter1: 44 + 2 = 46 vs 52
------ Hunter1 is now in a Submission Hold
--- vs Hunter4: 44 + 5 = 49 vs 52
------ Hunter4 is now in a Submission Hold
--- Hunter5 attempt: 44 + 8 = 52 vs 52 Tie
------ no change

The three mansion staffers combine their efforts to knock Hunter5 unconscious since he can't prevent it

Continuing on...

Grapple struggle: Vines maintain Submission on each hunter, hunters attempt to escape
--- Vine grapple: 44 + 8 = 52
--- vs Hunter1: 44 + 12 = 56 vs 52
------ Hunter1 is no longer in a Submission Hold
--- vs Hunter4: 44 + 15 = 59 vs 52
------ Hunter4 is no longer in a Submission Hold

Staffers knock out Hunter4

Grapple struggle: Vines attempt Submission, Hunter1 attacks Vines
--- Vines vs Hunter1: 44 + 4 = 48 vs 46 = 2 + 44
------ Hunter1 is back in a Submission Hold

Staffers knock out Hunter1

Before the mansion staff could answer their Mistress's question Anael dove down like an angel of mercy, and for one fleeting moment the fallen returned to her purer roots and eased the pain that Isabell was made to suffer. But that ended soon enough when she apologized for her actions, and the humans didn't seem all that worried by it. "Quite all right, not a one of us knows anything past basic first aid. I think our lonely miss sniper up in the tree has a potion, though." "What?" Said sniper called out when she realized she was being mentioned, and the steward started yelling back. "I said I think you have a potion!" "What about it?" "We may... Nevermind, we'll just grab it. She'll probably need some help down, right?" That question was given to the maid still brandishing her sword, and she let out a small sigh as she answered. "You know how she is..."

With that the two members of the mansion staff left to assist their third wheel, and as they did Anael's vines simply went to work securing their hostages. And they mostly did, though the hunter that was closest to the trio put up enough of a struggle to keep himself from being bound. "That's...a little unsettling..." "We should do something about them now." "Mhm. Hit 'em in the head?" "Hit 'em in the head." "Hit 'em in the head...? Ah!" The two more confident members were already approaching the struggling lizard, and a moment later one hilt smash and one pistol whip had the creature's head reeling. But it wasn't quite out. But the slightly hesitant rifle butt that followed was enough to finish it off, and with the creature completely relaxing the vines set about coiling around their prize once more.

"Lookin' good. Same to the other...oh crap." While they had been dealing with the one creature the other two were making some headway in their efforts to escape. "Go go go!" "Wah!" As a unit they all moved to the next hunter preparing to cut his way free, and as one they gave him a concussion that put him out. The same was quickly done to the third even though the summoned plant life had already reasserted its control, and when they were done they stood side by side and reviewed their handiwork. "Not bad." That seemed to say it all.

"So how do we move them?" That got the three of them to tilt their heads a bit in thought, and after a couple seconds the apparent leader of the bunch, the one with the sword, stepped forward and looked carefully over one of their sleeping beauties. She seemed more concerned with the vines that were coiled around them, and after a couple more seconds she hacked them off. While at first it looked like she was simply letting the thing go she quickly snagged the severed ends and started tying them together, and a moment later she gave them a tug. Nothing much happened, but the hunter's bindings held, and it allowed her to move the creature a couple of inches without letting it loose. "That's how."

In this way the other harnesses were crafted from Anael's vines, and though the central core that controlled them had long been hacked to pieces there was no more need for it. The people found some way to move their prisoners, and Lieze had her dominated alpha dutifully following her back to the house. If the Lady's group opted to wait for the humans they would find that dragging that much dead weight would take a while, especially since the sniper wasn't all that physically gifted, but she managed, and once they'd all arrived they found Gerald waiting for them with a couple extra men at his sides. "Welcome back, my lady, and congratulations on acquiring the live bait. This should be an excellent start. Gentlemen?" At that the two men plucked the vine harnesses from the two women, and after a bit of grumbling from the steward they all vanished to locations yet unknown. "As it stands Mina has laid her clutch, and we're currently waiting for them to properly, er... incubate..." The butler didn't appear to know if that last word was appropriate, but after giving a test drive he found it adequate and continued. "All our other preparations are finished, and we're all currently on stand by. Unless you have any further requests I believe we can simply relax for the time being."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

While the servants did their thing, Lieze followed from the side, not seeing any need to interject herself into the action. She did still remain in a state of readiness in case something went awry, but it appeared to not be needed anyway as the varied grunts did their job even in the face of some adversity that the captured reptilians tried to cause with their resistance. While she saw that there was little need of help, the Lady still had her dominated creature take up on some of the burden of carrying the captives. Maybe the skinny sniper did not have to exhaust herself too much then. Isabell would also have to deal with some of the physical task, for she had performed a little underwhelmingly in Lieze's mind.

Once the group of varied types got back to their place, the butler Gerald was already waiting and gave out a dutiful report of what had happened in their absence. It did appear that things were going smoothly, everything taken into consideration. While she had no other instructions to give, Lieze did tell that the brother of the incubator should be assigned to look after her and get the demoness out from the risk areas after she had done her assigned duty. She would not get out from servitude this easily. Besides this, she had no real instructions to give, and was not sure what she and the primary servants should be doing next.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Isabell's flustered reacton brought a quick smile to Anael's face, though it was more sweet than malicious. Likewise, Liezelotte's dismissal of the angel's indiscretion allowed her to relax visibly as she stood next to her mistress, though it only lasted a moment before she felt a tug on the leash around her neck. Dutifully reigning herself in, Anael resumed her calm and serious demeanor, watching as the humans fumbled about securing the lizards she had captured.

When the clumsy humans first began to hack away at the vines for use as mobile bindings, Anael cringed involuntarily. Having mastered nature magic, the angel had learned to share the senses of the flora and fauna she summoned, and though the plants felt no pain, the sudden cuts were shocking in their own right. Clenching her teeth, Anael did her best to shut the sensations out, and only after the humans had finished her task did she release the magics holding the vines to her will.

The walk back to the mansion was slow, but uneventful. The long trip allowed Anael to walk leisurely next to Liezelotte, rather that be dragged around by the leash, though when they arrived at the mansion and were confronted by Gerald and the other servants, the angel was once again reminded of her nudity. Gritting her teeth she stared ahead at the men, trying to maintain her proud composure. Since there seemed to be no pressing matters at the moment, Anael cleared her throat and then asked Gerald, "Excuse me, but Mina was to tailor a dress for me, since the mansion is under-equipped. Is she well enough to do so after... laying her brood?"

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

The angel's smile added an extra sting, but Isabell didn't focus on it long before she was given the laborous task of aiding with the physical tasks that lay before them. Lifting one of the unconscious bodies, she began marching back to the manor, and delivered the creature proper for it to be devoured by the brood. After that, Isabell simply went back into guard mode. She stayed by Liezelotte's side with a straight posture and remained silent until she seemed at a loss for what to do next. "My lady, shall I prepare tea for you?" Isabell inquired.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

While she was a bit out of ideas about what the group should do next, Isabell was there to remedy that. It was a good suggestion, considering Lieze's liking of teatime and the peaceful atmosphere that usually was there. It was almost as enjoyable as the small acts of mischief or destruction that she was so capable of doing when fancy struck her. "I see no reason as to why not. Teatime is always good." she replied to the bodyguard demoness, ordering the dominated hunter to follow the other servants into the place where the rest of the captives were. Having the creature around was of no interest anymore, so it could go and accept it's fate as spider food.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Isabell would make a bow to her mistress, before marching off to produce some hot tea for her mistress. It was when Isabell hit the kitchen that her magic was put into work. It was no supernatural feat of mystic wonder, oh no. It was downright knowledge. Isabell knew of her Lady's tea to perfection. What temperature to serve it at, and how much sugar to include down to the last gram, not a single more or less. She gave it a wonderful aroma, and a pretty flawless herb would rest at the top of the steaming liquid. It was no mere act of making tea. To Isabell, this was art.

Without flaw nor deviation from the way she always presented her mistress' tea, Isabell returned with the tea, carrying it as if it were a sacred artifact, and proudly presenting it to Liezelotte as if it were such. She took a knee, and held out a wide silver platter with a single small plate and tea cup atop it. "For milady to enjoy." Isabell announced proudly.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Once Isabell got the get-go for teatime, Lieze saw the demoness zoom away to the kitchen, which was some distance away from room where they were at the moment. It took only the expected amount of time for her to come back with the prepared product. The teatime had always been a strong point for the bodyguard, who had managed to bring her ability in the area to an insane degree of skill. All the better for her though, as the Lady would not expect less from such a long-time employee. The presented tea was picked up briefly for a taste test, which was satisfactory. "It is good as usual, Isabell. But I think this place might not be the best to enjoy it in. Let us find a more suitable location." she said, thinking of a common room or similar, where she could lounge and drink the tea in peace on some comfy chair or couch. If Anael got the possibility to seek out her clothing, then she would get the freedom to do so or coming along with the two if not. After all, the smallish part-demoness liked the idea of having a servant next to her chair in a harem-like fashion. She also told Gerald to report if something that required her attention was happening.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Hearing her lady announce that, Isabell detected that it was flaw that she was pointing out in her tea time. "Tea time is unsatisfactory!? I-I shall set fire to this place at once!" Isabell announced, sounding desperate. "It doesn't please my lady, it shall burn!"

She was already getting a torch.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Fine
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine, Armor TP = 32/60
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 63/90, Status = Fine

Probably should have included experience. Gain 4.

And I really need to keep better track of the status bars on this side. Note to self: Start including the entire block in my encounter notes on my computer.

And I'm giving you free reign to design rooms/features for the mansion so you aren't waiting on me for an update.

"The brother of the... incubator..." That word again. The man appeared to have some trouble actually using it even if it was the proper term. "He has already volunteered to do as much. I believe he volunteered to do even more, but they didn't really go into detail, and Mina requested some privacy on his behalf, but she assured me he would take full responsibility for his sister's health and well being."

When Anael spoke up Gerald once again gave her body a rather appreciative glance, but past that one look he kept himself professional and dignified. "There's no need to worry, your dress shall be prepared by tomorrow morning. Mina was rather insistent that I have it ready by then, and while her brood has caused some ruckus the area that will contain should be sealed shortly. Once that's done we can return to our previous duties with minimal need to monitor the hatchlings. Hopefully."

With there being not much else for the man to do at the moment the butler simply lingered in the background. He looked ready to lead Isabell back to the kitchen, but the rather determined look the demon held convinced to stay ready in case Liezelotte had any other needs to be attended. When the bodyguard returned and ceremoniously offered her tea toward her mistress the man actually looked slightly impressed by the small ritual, but when the Lady voiced her desire to find a more appropriate location to sit and relax Gerald seemed to melt back into the foreground. "If you would please follow me." He appeared to completely ignore Isabell's outburst, choosing instead to simply lead the women toward the main entrance, but instead of leading them into the entrance hall he turned toward a flight of stairs brought them to some thick double doors that opened toward a terrace that held a perfect view of not only the mansion's grounds but the lone path that led to the main entrance. "Your father enjoyed sitting here from time to time, especially when a visitor was scheduled to arrive. Is this to your liking, milady?"

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Lieze let the butler explain how thing were, wanting to keep everything in a relatively stable form for now. She could not even have given the instructions and they appeared to be mostly looked after already. It was all good, it looked like.

Isabell's apparent desire to start a pyromania streak was cut short by a bap to the head with the Lady's folded fan. "Calm yourself already, no need to overreact in such an absurd fashion. This place just is not the right spot for tea, no real chairs or nice view. Let's just see what our good butler has to offer, none of us really know this place yet, after all." she told the over-eager bodyguard, telling her to take the tray along for a little while longer. The spot was good, so Lieze did what any decent mansion owner would, namely took a seat on the garden chair that was pretty much calling for her. "Now this is more like it. My tea, please." she asked after taking a seat and casting her gaze down onto the grounds from the seat. From there, it went to a few moments of quiet as she enjoyed the mild yet varied flavor of the tea and looking at the scenery. Even the desire to use Anael as a fashionable accessory was forgotten at the point in time, and the small part-demoness did not mind at all if the two sat down with her on the other chairs. "Hmm, never did imagine that things would end up like this in such a fast manner..." she thought out aloud, going back into pondering about Father and the previous home she had lived in.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Anael accepted Gerald's look with her usual poise and proud demeanor, though her stance shifted slightly, as if to give the man a better view. She nodded at his response, calmly returning, "I see, that is most satisfactory. I am most eager to see the completed dress." With their terse exchange done, the angel returned her attention back to Liezelotte and Isabell. The succubus' suggestion of tea was intriguing to the angel, though she knew the offer was for their mistress, alone. Still, Isabell's determined and speedy preparation brought a crack to the angel's stony visage, her eyes widened at how skilled in non-combat pursuits the succubus knight had proven herself.

With Liezelotte wishing for a more fitting location to enjoy her tea, Anael followed dutifully at her side. Though she was still being led by the leash, the angel was thankful that she was at least able to walk, holding her head proudly as she marched nude to the garden. As they walked out onto the garden balcony, Anael marveled at the stately view. A tug of the leash called the angel back to her duty and she swiftly took her place at her mistress' side. It was only after a moment that she felt a degree of slack enter the chain between herself and Lieze. Anael waited for a moment, then nodded solemnly before moving over to a short couch mere steps away. Sighing softly she sank onto the cushions, sitting back while swinging her legs to rest to her side. It had been some time since she had a chance to relax like this, and she was grateful, though she kept herself attentive in case Liezelotte wanted her, the chain swinging softly between the angel's neck and her mistress' hand. "Your father had excellent taste in scenery, m'Lady," she offered, "I am surprised the two of you did not spend more time in this lovely place."

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

After the initial tea cup, Isabell would move out and come back with a quickly prepared and insignificant cup of tea that looked fit for just about any commoner, and another cup just like it. She approached Liezelotte and Anael who were so casually relaxing in the balcony that overlooked a nice view, and placed one of the two cups on the ground in front of Anael. "That's yours. Of a quality fit for a mere commoner, so it suits you well." Isabell said coldly. Though it's appearance was nothing special, it's taste and aroma carried with it similar care that went into Liezelotte's cup. Easy to say that such a cup of tea was not something a mere commoner would drink. Further observation, if Anael cared at all, would note that there didn't seem much difference between their two cups. It didn't even seem to matter to Isabell which cup Anael took.

Regardless, Isabell would let out a yelp as Lieze would give her a scolding whack, before looking at her mistress with pathetic puppy dog eyes that begged for mercy. With tea in hand, Isabell would sit on the hard floor, and cross her legs, getting as comfortable as she can in her hulky armor. "Y-yes... A great deal of things happened..." Isabell agreed. Indeed, an alien invasion, the death of her mistress' parents, and the discovery of her futanari by her very own mistress. The last was the worst part of it all in Isabell's mind, who feared her mistress would cast her away and accuse her of secretly wishing to defile her royal body. Such a charge... Would be true. Isabell would never have made a goal out of defiling her mistress... But dreams were a special sacred place, where mistresses gave their knights lap pillows... And would pet them... 'Oh, feeling my lady's weight on top of me was a mixture of heaven and hell. And...' Then, suddenly an image of Anael on top of her in the same way Liezelotte was flashed through her mind. '... Where did that come from... Ugh.' Isabell grumbled to herself.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

"No, we did not. In any place really. I was such a homebody until very recently." Lieze admitted her lack of going out until the past weeks, the comfiness of Father's earlier, much more grandiose home having kept her safely within it's confines with all the easy living that could be found there. Just like this comfy chair. And the tea. Maybe it was not all that different after all, just that she had to actually do things and make decisions by herself now, with the management skills of Father not being there anymore to do all of those things. Finishing the tea, the Lady leaned back a bit on her chair, thinking a little further about everything. And a little bit more. Aaaand some more...

Before she could realize it, Lieze had fallen asleep on her chair, leaving the servants in a situation that might confuse them somewhat. The slowly darkening day and the tea had done a small number on her.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Anael stared for a moment when Isabell placed the tea on the ground in font of her. As might be expected, the succubus' intimation of being on par with a mere commoner caused a slight ruffle to pass through the angel's feathers, and her calm expression briefly became marred by one of her eyebrows twitching slightly. Still, after witnessing Isabell's dedication to tea-brewing as well as Liezelotte's appreciation of it, the angel quickly bent to scoop up the cup. Holding the tea up to her face she cast a glowering glance at Isabell before sniffing the brew. Against her expectations, the drink smelled delightful, and her ensuing sip confirmed the same for the taste. Anael eagerly indulged in drinking the tea, even giving an appreciative sigh after finishing. Looking over at Isabell, she made to nod in thanks, though for some reason felt the need to avert her gaze.

Though she had responded to the angel's comments, Lieze seemed to not truly be interested in talking. In fact, the noble demoness drifted off to sleep rather quickly. Anael stared at her for a few moments, transfixed at how peaceful and serene her mistress looked while dozing. At a moment like this, the angel could almost forget just how cruel, sadistic, and impulsive Liezelotte could be. Truthfully, those qualities were part of why the fallen angel enjoyed serving a noble demoness. When they weren't focused on her, of course. Anael smiled at the slumbering young woman for a moment before returning her gaze to the wonderful view before them. She sighed again, this time in relaxed contentment, feeling quite lucky to be able to serve such an interesting young woman.

At peace in their relatively tranquil setting, Anael absentmindedly played with the tea cup in her hand. Finally she looked down at it, closed her eyes and breathed deeply, before setting the cup down and standing up from the couch. Being careful not to disturb Liezelotte, the angel moved smoothly over to the succubus sitting next to their mistress' chair. For a moment, the angel merely stood awkwardly before the succubus, her wings twitching almost imperceptibly and her tail swishing back and forth nervously. After a few moments of this, Anael finally knelt down before the succubus. "Isabell," she said softly, afraid of Lieze hearing her, "I wish to speak with you." The angel waited a moment before continuing, "Earlier, in the dungeon... you said you hated me." Anael turned her gaze to look into Isabell's eyes, a pained expression on her face. "I do not want you to." After saying this, the angel fell silent, her face hanging in embarrassment, wondering how the succubus would react to her words.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Time passed. Birds chirped, and Isabell sat still. It was her duty to remain always on guard for her mistress. Never sleeping, always focused. So there she was, alert, and asleep. It came rather quickly after downing some of that warm tea. In her subconscious she was damning herself for allowing herself to drink some of that delicious liquid that would soothe her to the point of relaxation. Her back was straight, and her hands firm on her knees while her head tilted forward slightly, a slight snore almost too quiet to hear coming from her.

Then, she heard her name being called out. Sounded oddly familiar, so she decided to take a peek through her tired eyes. She caught a mere glimpse of flesh, before shutting her eyes again. Hopefully she wasn't discovered to be awake. It wasn't that she was afraid to show Anael that she was awake at all, it was what the angel said that gave her the sudden need to hide the fact that she was awake and aware. 'What the Hell is she doing!?' Isabell wanted to scream. One thing led to another, and suddenly Anael was acting really sweet. 'Is this a trick!? This must be a trick! I didn't do anything to warrant this kind of behavior! In fact, she hates me without a doubt!' Isabell concluded firmly. 'To hate me this much and go this far... She...' Isabell swallowed a lump in her throat, beads of nervous sweat going down her forehead. 'She must plan to kill me!'

And then she realized she swallowed nervously, pretty much giving her away without a doubt. 'Crap!' Isabell cursed mentally. All she could do was sit there awkwardly while holding her failed guise of pretend sleep, before opening one eye slowly. "H-hi..."


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

In her nervousness over her out of character directness, Anael somehow missed the fact that Isabell was dozing when she first started speaking to the succubus. As such, the demon knight's curious response confused the angel for a moment, and being confused was something Anael disliked. She looked up at her fellow servant with a frustrated furrow to her brow, grunting softly, before reciprocating with a quick, "Hello."

But frustrated grunts was not why Anael had approached Isabell. The angel let out another huff, her dark wings flapping quickly, before she took a deep breath and decided to start again. Regaining a more calm and prideful expression, the angel seemed to drop her awkward but sweet tone, instead speaking in her more usual imperious style. "Isabell, I feel that, as professionals who wish to serve out mistress to our fullest, the two of us have a duty to come to an understanding," she said, holding her back straight as she gazed at the demoness seriously. "You have recently expressed a strong 'dislike' for me. We have our differences, but for either of us to hold resentment for the other does not benefit Lady Liezelotte, especially not in a situation such as this," she continued. "Thus I would like for you to understand that I... do not hate you. And I wish for you to harbor no hatred for me either. For either of us to succumb to such feelings would only prevent us from fulfilling our roles as servants, and possibly endanger our mistress unduly." Having said all of this, the angel fell silent for a moment, pursing her lips and closing her eyes in an effort to maintain her composure.

Despite her best attempt, however, Anael found herself unable to hold her superior attitude for long. Among angels, honesty and humility are thought of as among the most important virtues one can possess, and at this point Anael felt as though she was exhibiting neither trait. Her prideful facade cracked, and her expression took on a measure of regret. "I just... I just don't want you to hate me, Isabell," she said slowly, almost pleadingly. It was obvious the angel was trying to maintain her calm and serious demeanor, but it seemed likely to fail at any moment.