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Moonshine in this eternal light

Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

A get help then burniate them. Make sure to roast them properly so you have a good source of meat.
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

A and before blasting it to high hell see if it is hostile. If it is, throw a Firewave to blind it
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Set the woods on fire.
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

You approach calmly, ready to fight anyone or anything who could try to attack you. When you arrive to almost a hundreds of meters, you feel the magic. It is people and there is a mage. Things are settled: you will kill them quickly and steal their stuff. You just hope that the sorcerer has not perceived your magic.

When you are close enough to begin to throw your flames, you see a real camp with almost twenty persons. The strange problem is that they are almost naked and some have handcuffs and chains while two are giving them food.

Then, you hear a loud shout, a female voice, coming from deeper in the camp: “Hey! You! Come here, me dove! We have food and water!” All the men – because they are all and only men – turn their head to you, while you see some weapons near. Chaos and destruction can wait: it should be better to roll a dice and to see if they are nice to you, after that, you shall put fire everywhere.

You continue toward the camp fire and the person who is behind, with her sweet and poetic voice. You look at the men, the bound ones and the free ones: whatever it is, there is a spell or some kind of enchantment because they are not normal. None would like to be bound and naked – even if they have a piece of cloth to hide their manhood – while they are all here, willingly. The bound ones are in chariots, they sit and they wait one of free man who will feed them with soup. And they sit and they wait, because they are all watching, curious.

You say no word because you do not know if they are enemies or not. They have to eat and to drink, that is all you know. “There is something strange and peaceful, down here”, you think. “I even have not anymore lust for murders.” One of the men comes closer and gives you his dirty blanket.

Shake it or wash it, beggar! It’s filthy!” cries out the woman. You turn your head back to from the sound came and then you see her, the mage, the slaver. She sits on a kind of throne, on an empty chariot. She is tall, raven-haired, dressed in black and has two huge balloons. When she sees you, she stands up and says, a tender smile on her lips: “Dear stranger. Come, come besides me, sits and eat and drink. You are surely hungry and thirsty to walk in this old place where none dares to go.

I am thankful, me lady, I have not eat very well, this last two days, nor I have sleep well.

Lady?” She laughs. “You are kind to me.” She barks again at one of her servants: “Get two clean blankets, you idiot!” One arrives, running and kneels in front of the woman, giving her the blankets. She orders him to put them on the ground, near of the fire and to prepare a bowl. Then, she invites you again to sit comfortably and asks if there is anything you would like. As you do not answer, she begins to talk:

My name is Athenry, I am a priestess of Edamiel, a Beryl, the Spirit of the Void. She is a sweet master. She does not order anything and she hates restrictions, just like me.

Why are these men your slaves, then? And why are they naked?

Are you afraid of nudity?” she asks, amused. You nod. “They are my slaves because it is my mission: humans have too many restrictions and they forget what is really important. Edamiel demands to her servants to let their carnal desires take the lead. If my mind has asked me to kiss you, I would have tried without hesitation; and if you think that you should kiss me back, you should do it. That is what Edamiel teach.” She shows with her hand her “people”. “They are not mine, they are not my slaves. They just wished to learn to live as they should. Edamiel said to me that I should help them and that is what I am trying to do. When they will be on the right path, I will free them.

One of them brings you a bowl full of soup, he smiles to you to show you that what she have said is right.

You are a mage, sweetheart, right?

Yes”, you answer.

Which path leads you?

I can burn everything. I had a master who tried to teach me how to use that ability. What about you?

The path of the Darkness is the only one I follow. I like to be able to sleep well. And I had many years, many decades to learn how to use this skill. Magic is a great gift, just like knowledge or love. Do you know them all?

I know magic, as I am able to use it, to see it. For knowledge, I was just a commoner before I begun to put flames in the house and on my family. My master tried to teach me how to read or write, but I still have problems to read and I still cannot write. For love, I tried once … He burnt.

What is your goal in life, then?

As you enjoy the hot soup, you try to find you are you looking for. You do not know what you could answer. You do only two things currently: searching who is Eriol and trying to put fire to things sometimes.

Eriol. Is this name known where you are from?

He is. But actually, I have no country: I am from everywhere! But I know Eriol. He is a Shajad, the opposite of the Beryls. Some call him the ‘angel of the Chaos’.” It appears to you she looks sad, suddenly. “Please, do not tell me that you have anything to deal with Eriol?”

I love him and he loves me.

How do you know that? Why are so sure?

He spoke to me once, in my dreams. He just needs proof!

Who art thou, strange girl? Who are thou, who look like a lost flame in this endless night?” You do not say anything else, you dislike talking too much. “I like you, me fiery light. But you need to learn some things about your lover, I hope that they will help and that you will join me, not as a slave but as a friend; we could travel together.” She adds, while she bites her lip, showing to you that you are a kind of taste she likes, and touching her breast. You hide your disgust. “When I will have finished, you will have a choice to make: will you try to kill me or will you join me.

Your blood is already ready, warmer than ever, but you have not finished yet your meal and you would like one more. And, it could be really useful to know more about Eriol, the one you love. She can say everything she wants, there is no escape to her fate, it is just a question of time.

A. Do you cast a spell to kill her instantly?
B. Do you wait to hear her story and then, kill her?

Huma's stats:

Create fire: Create one “charge”1 of fire. Until the spell is ended, the flame will continue to be, even if there is nothing to burn, if the flame is able to feed from a support – like wood –, she will continue to burn after the end of the spell. Cost: 30. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/10(3) Daily.

Move objects: This spell moves inorganic objects without contact. Maximal weight is 20kg. Cost: 30. Plus: +10kg. Maintain: 1/10(3).

Reduce fire: Reduce of one “charge” a flame or the heat. Some sources – like a volcano, the magma or a big fire need to be eradicate with only one spell, else they will burn still. You cast this one on some creatures made by fire, then, they will take 5 damages if they fail a roll. Cost: 30. Plus: -1 charge.

Slow fall: Erase effects of a fall from heights. In game, it decreases impact from maximum 50m – if you fall from less, no damages are done, and else, damages will be reduced. It can touché few persons if their “Presence” is not above 60. Cost: 40. Plus: +10m, +10 presence. Maintain: 1/10(4).

Fire immunity: This spell allows the caster or someone else to be immune to 5 “charges”. By such, if the target is hit by an attack based on fire damages, for each charge, he will take 5 damages less and will be granted of +5 to resistance as a bonus. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/20(3) Daily.

Feel the fire: Detect the localization of every source of heat in a radius of 25m. This spell does not give any information about the nature of the source but allows outlining the “charge” and the height. It is even possible to detect the heat of bodies but not of those who do not live – like undeads or golems. If someone wants to avoid to be detected, he will need a roll. Cost: 60. Plus: +10m. Maintain: 1/10(6).

Create sound: Create sounds in a place, less than 50m away from the caster. Cost: 40. Plus: +25m. Maintain: 1/10(4).

Fireball: This spell throws a fire attack of 50 damages, which explodes on a zone of 5m. Cost: 60. Plus: +5m, +5 damages.

Enchant: Give to a place or an object with less than 50 Presence an unnatural nature – a wall will not allow anymore the ghosts to pass through and a normal weapon will be able to hurt them. Cost: 50. Plus: +10 presence. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Fire control: Allows controlling the shape or the growth of a fire which is less than 5 “charges”. The mage can modify some aspects of the flames, such as their color, their form or their smoke’s color. If the spell is cast on a creature made by fire, he can control her but needs a roll. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Firewall: Casting creates a powerful wall of fire. Everybody who tries to pass through the flames needs a roll; else he will take 80 fire damages. Taking damages does not forbid getting through. The wall cannot go beyond 2m of both height and length. The mage can use it as a magic shield to block attacks based only on fire, water or ice. He has 300HP. Cost: 50. Plus: +5 damages, +1m, +50HP. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Magic lock: Close a door or a normal lock and increase difficulty to open it. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 difficulty.

Burning weapon: This spell cover a weapon, which allows her attacking with bonuses as fire damages and +10 damages. Cost: 50. Plus: +5 damages. Maintain: 1/10(5)

Magic shield: Create a shield which protects the caster against every kind of attacks, even unnatural. It has 300HP. Cost: 60. Plus: +50HP. Maintain: 1/10(6).

Firewave: Throw a wave of heat which can flame anything. It does 50 fire damages. As the waves are not visible for human eyes, the attacked one need to see magic, to possess a thermic vision or win a roll to not have the malus of “Blindness”. Cost: 60. Plus: +5 damages.

See in ash: Move the mage’s spirit to the past, to see what the cause of the fire is. The caster needs to be inside the ash and he does not have any consciousness for what is around him during the cast. The spell allows to come back maximum hour before. Cost: 60. Plus: +1h.

Arcanebolt: Create a bolt of pure magic which does 40 energy damages. Cost: 60. Plus: +5 damages.

Increase temperature: Increase of 5°C, the temperature in a radius of 1km. Cost: 60. Plus: +1°, +500m. Maintain: 1/5(12)

Feel the sentiments: Detect a settled feeling in another character who is less than 50m away from the caster. This one needs to choose the feeling he wants to see. Cost: 60. Plus: +10m, less difficulty. Maintain: 1/20(3)

Firemine: Create a mine of fire which explodes when the caster wants in a radius of 10m. It does 80 fire damages. The mine can stay anywhere. Cost: 80. Plus: +5 damages, +10m. Maintain: 1/5(16).

Huma's equipment:
Red dress => immuned to fire damages and gives Huma 2AP against fire damages.
1 ration (food and water)

As you read it, there's only two choices... You can choose the spell you will try to cast after saying' "B" or "A". But cannot choose the light path "yeah, I join you" => Huma is crazy and Eriol is "her lover", someone insulted him, she wants to kill that person.

However, is the way I post the dialogs fine?
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

A firewave from point blank range.
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

A firewave from point blank range.

Good point: I forgot to tell ya that you can be hurt by explosions! Mine and Fireball are the ones I'm talking about ... They are good indeed but not with enemies who are close to ya - like 2m, in the case of Athenry.

Just so you know: she can tell you some tips for the next of the adventure, like how to gain experience and "reputation". You are able to gain these points without trying to, which is surely better as you will gain more. At first, I wanted to write anyways the discusion but it seemed to me that it could be funny to let you decide whether you want or not ^_^ !

Edit @Zephyr: she'll surely be able to take food if she wins.
Last edited:
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

B. Firewave, couldn't hurt to get some more food.
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

(As you can see it, Athenry has only one turn: the second, she hides herself, wounded and is loading to use better spells, so, I don't talk about her as the character cannot see her)

There is only one way to end this blasphemy: to kill her, to burn her; she has to beg for forgiveness!

You immediately throw on her the bowl and the hot soup but she anticipates your action and creates a magic shield and your food is blocked and falls on the ground. While the black shield starts to fade, you cast a spell your master used to call “Firewave” on her and, when you say the words and your hands move, a wave of high heat pass through the shield of darkness – which tries to block again your attack despite it fails – and burns her soft skin. She cries, heavily wounded and crawls on the ground while darkness rise around you, like if the camp fire, which is just behind you, was not there. You cannot see her anymore but you hear a cry of despair and you just avoid someone who tried to hit you with his fists.

It was really hard to see them but they surely had the same difficulty to see you. You hear movement and you jump back, in time to hear the whistle of a blade, cutting the air before you. However, a hand grabs your left shoulder and while you try to struggle and to claw the other one grabs your neck and you feel your enemy on your back. Hopefully, you are still able to cast spells as this idiot does not know that you need to speak. Anyway, you have to attack and quickly.

A. Attack with a spell (only the guy 2)
B. Attack with the dagger (only the guy 1 who has grabbed you).
C. Other.

Huma's stats:
HP:25 / Zeon:350 / PP:40 / Fatigue:2 / Status: grappled.

Create fire: Create one “charge”1 of fire. Until the spell is ended, the flame will continue to be, even if there is nothing to burn, if the flame is able to feed from a support – like wood –, she will continue to burn after the end of the spell. Cost: 30. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/10(3) Daily.

Move objects: This spell moves inorganic objects without contact. Maximal weight is 20kg. Cost: 30. Plus: +10kg. Maintain: 1/10(3).

Reduce fire: Reduce of one “charge” a flame or the heat. Some sources – like a volcano, the magma or a big fire need to be eradicate with only one spell, else they will burn still. You cast this one on some creatures made by fire, then, they will take 5 damages if they fail a roll. Cost: 30. Plus: -1 charge.

Slow fall: Erase effects of a fall from heights. In game, it decreases impact from maximum 50m – if you fall from less, no damages are done, and else, damages will be reduced. It can touché few persons if their “Presence” is not above 60. Cost: 40. Plus: +10m, +10 presence. Maintain: 1/10(4).

Fire immunity: This spell allows the caster or someone else to be immune to 5 “charges”. By such, if the target is hit by an attack based on fire damages, for each charge, he will take 5 damages less and will be granted of +5 to resistance as a bonus. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/20(3) Daily.

Feel the fire: Detect the localization of every source of heat in a radius of 25m. This spell does not give any information about the nature of the source but allows outlining the “charge” and the height. It is even possible to detect the heat of bodies but not of those who do not live – like undeads or golems. If someone wants to avoid to be detected, he will need a roll. Cost: 60. Plus: +10m. Maintain: 1/10(6).

Create sound: Create sounds in a place, less than 50m away from the caster. Cost: 40. Plus: +25m. Maintain: 1/10(4).

Fireball: This spell throws a fire attack of 50 damages, which explodes on a zone of 5m. Cost: 60. Plus: +5m, +5 damages.

Enchant: Give to a place or an object with less than 50 Presence an unnatural nature – a wall will not allow anymore the ghosts to pass through and a normal weapon will be able to hurt them. Cost: 50. Plus: +10 presence. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Fire control: Allows controlling the shape or the growth of a fire which is less than 5 “charges”. The mage can modify some aspects of the flames, such as their color, their form or their smoke’s color. If the spell is cast on a creature made by fire, he can control her but needs a roll. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Firewall: Casting creates a powerful wall of fire. Everybody who tries to pass through the flames needs a roll; else he will take 80 fire damages. Taking damages does not forbid getting through. The wall cannot go beyond 2m of both height and length. The mage can use it as a magic shield to block attacks based only on fire, water or ice. He has 300HP. Cost: 50. Plus: +5 damages, +1m, +50HP. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Magic lock: Close a door or a normal lock and increase difficulty to open it. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 difficulty.

Burning weapon: This spell cover a weapon, which allows her attacking with bonuses as fire damages and +10 damages. Cost: 50. Plus: +5 damages. Maintain: 1/10(5)

Magic shield: Create a shield which protects the caster against every kind of attacks, even unnatural. It has 300HP. Cost: 60. Plus: +50HP. Maintain: 1/10(6).

Firewave: Throw a wave of heat which can flame anything. It does 50 fire damages. As the waves are not visible for human eyes, the attacked one need to see magic, to possess a thermic vision or win a roll to not have the malus of “Blindness”. Cost: 60. Plus: +5 damages.

See in ash: Move the mage’s spirit to the past, to see what the cause of the fire is. The caster needs to be inside the ash and he does not have any consciousness for what is around him during the cast. The spell allows to come back maximum hour before. Cost: 60. Plus: +1h.

Arcanebolt: Create a bolt of pure magic which does 40 energy damages. Cost: 60. Plus: +5 damages.

Increase temperature: Increase of 5°C, the temperature in a radius of 1km. Cost: 60. Plus: +1°, +500m. Maintain: 1/5(12)

Feel the sentiments: Detect a settled feeling in another character who is less than 50m away from the caster. This one needs to choose the feeling he wants to see. Cost: 60. Plus: +10m, less difficulty. Maintain: 1/20(3)

Firemine: Create a mine of fire which explodes when the caster wants in a radius of 10m. It does 80 fire damages. The mine can stay anywhere. Cost: 80. Plus: +5 damages, +10m. Maintain: 1/5(16).

Huma's equipment:
Red dress => immuned to fire damages and gives Huma 2AP against fire damages.
1 ration (food and water)

P.-S. : I still need your feelings about that. Do you think I show you the rolls? In a spoiler or just like Mind Flayer?
Should I make a spoiler for the enemies, too?
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

B. whether or not you show the rolls doesn't really matter to me.
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

B get them off of you.

Yes please. Through it will either make it easier for the voters to pick actions that will best allow them to win.
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

B show the rolls its fun to blame the RNG when things go wrong
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

B and it doesn't matter to me if you do yours like I do mine Minerve. It's up to you.
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

B. I'd like to see the both our rolls and the enimies in spoilers.
FYI, your writing style is good for someone who isn't that good at english.
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

You do not know how or why yet but suddenly, the dark cloud which was surrounding you and your fiends fades and you can now see them all very well just like they can see you. (Athenry does not maintain Create obscurity)

As you try to catch your dagger, in its sheath at your belt, you see the mage, this whore, running towards yourself. “Damn!” you think. “I am done this time. We shall see.” Away, you hear strange cries of agony and shouts and battle hum but you focus on your direct foes, for now.

You see the ebony-haired bitch throwing at you dark magic ropes although you are more powerful and more determined that she could ever be and the ropes break and disappear before they catch you. (Athenry launched Advanced Dark ropes, which cost her 100 Zeon instead of 60 with a 126 roll while Huma blocked with 144)

The one who had caught you before holds you now tighter, in spite of your efforts to struggle and reach your weapon with your almost free left arm. (Man1 immobilized with a 11 and Huma did not struggle hard enough to break free with a 4 [‘Tis a test roll, so, I add the stat – here the Strength, 5 for the Man and 2 for Huma with a D10])

The second man, with his saber, instead of open your womb, sheathes it and punch you before he begins to lift your dress up. (Man2 attacks, rolling 25 while Huma rolls a -3)

You begin to cry and to insult them, while you try to break free, at least, you could try to take your dagger. Although you make great efforts, they are both stronger than you and all you do is making them laugh. (Huma struggles, rolled a 5 but the Man1 rolled a 12)

This time, Athenry, instead of trying to kill you, runs toward her buddies, hit the second to push him out of her way and as a punishment, she kisses you and begins to tease you, pinching your left nipple. Actually, you did not think about that before but she kisses very well. As a mage, even if she looks like thirty-five, she could have more than two hundred years old. How many years of experience in sex had she? “She is a whore, a slut”, you just had the time to think, “but damn! She is great!” (Athenry deals 10PP damages with a roll of 124 even if Huma rolled 100)

The second man takes suddenly Athenry’s staff. You are still resisting but as the first had grappled your arms and the mage stands just before you, holding you tight too, you cannot move well your legs, even to hit them. You can see behind the mage’s head the man asking what he will do with the weapon, during this short lap of time, you stare at the staff’s head: it is a strange weapon, you suspect some naughty mind as a Edamiel’s priestess to have built it. At its top, there are six balls, like a dildo which can be used as a weapon. He has none idea except to rub both of your pussies with it, sliding it between your legs. You try to resist but the priestess does not and you hear her moaning lightly, as your lips are close. (Man2 deals auto 5PP damages to you and 10 to Athenry)

Some people would like to let her human being win and surely “fuck” with this whore, your fiend, but you do not like sex, actually, as you burn everything when you orgasm. And, by such, even if she is really good, even if you would like to kiss her, to let your carnal desires lead, as she said; in spite of all your desires and your lust, you resist, because someone deserves you more than them, because you have to wait for him, because they did not respect Him. And you resist, and you move, and you hit and claw as much as you can but you cannot do that much. (She rolled 1 to free herself as her enemies rolled 8)

It is then; then that you see where came from the strange cries, the battle noises: a giant spider-like, with the top of a beautiful woman; a kind of centaur with the body of a spider, instead of a horse. She comes, hurriedly, frightening, and she hits the man who held the staff with her claws, with her big, long, sharp claws. He does not stands anymore now as they transpierced his body. The woman laughs as the corpse falls and she is ready for another round. (Spiderwoman get a 340 and the Man2 only -85, and she dealt 260 – it ain’t good to get her angry)

A. Do whatever you want (just precise what you want to do if you can get free, except fighting with fucking them, or submitting to them)
B. Let the things happening as they’re doing and we shall see (I will choose the more appropriate things to do, if she can do anything).

Next turn:
1. Spider
2. Athenry
3. Man3
4. Man1
5. Huma

Huma's stats:
HP:25 / Zeon:350 / PP:40 / Fatigue:2 / Status: Held (-80 to all rolls, -100 for attacks, -3 to struggle).

Create fire: Create one “charge”1 of fire. Until the spell is ended, the flame will continue to be, even if there is nothing to burn, if the flame is able to feed from a support – like wood –, she will continue to burn after the end of the spell. Cost: 30. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/10(3) Daily.

Move objects: This spell moves inorganic objects without contact. Maximal weight is 20kg. Cost: 30. Plus: +10kg. Maintain: 1/10(3).

Reduce fire: Reduce of one “charge” a flame or the heat. Some sources – like a volcano, the magma or a big fire need to be eradicate with only one spell, else they will burn still. You cast this one on some creatures made by fire, then, they will take 5 damages if they fail a roll. Cost: 30. Plus: -1 charge.

Slow fall: Erase effects of a fall from heights. In game, it decreases impact from maximum 50m – if you fall from less, no damages are done, and else, damages will be reduced. It can touché few persons if their “Presence” is not above 60. Cost: 40. Plus: +10m, +10 presence. Maintain: 1/10(4).

Fire immunity: This spell allows the caster or someone else to be immune to 5 “charges”. By such, if the target is hit by an attack based on fire damages, for each charge, he will take 5 damages less and will be granted of +5 to resistance as a bonus. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/20(3) Daily.

Feel the fire: Detect the localization of every source of heat in a radius of 25m. This spell does not give any information about the nature of the source but allows outlining the “charge” and the height. It is even possible to detect the heat of bodies but not of those who do not live – like undeads or golems. If someone wants to avoid to be detected, he will need a roll. Cost: 60. Plus: +10m. Maintain: 1/10(6).

Create sound: Create sounds in a place, less than 50m away from the caster. Cost: 40. Plus: +25m. Maintain: 1/10(4).

Fireball: This spell throws a fire attack of 50 damages, which explodes on a zone of 5m. Cost: 60. Plus: +5m, +5 damages.

Enchant: Give to a place or an object with less than 50 Presence an unnatural nature – a wall will not allow anymore the ghosts to pass through and a normal weapon will be able to hurt them. Cost: 50. Plus: +10 presence. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Fire control: Allows controlling the shape or the growth of a fire which is less than 5 “charges”. The mage can modify some aspects of the flames, such as their color, their form or their smoke’s color. If the spell is cast on a creature made by fire, he can control her but needs a roll. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Firewall: Casting creates a powerful wall of fire. Everybody who tries to pass through the flames needs a roll; else he will take 80 fire damages. Taking damages does not forbid getting through. The wall cannot go beyond 2m of both height and length. The mage can use it as a magic shield to block attacks based only on fire, water or ice. He has 300HP. Cost: 50. Plus: +5 damages, +1m, +50HP. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Magic lock: Close a door or a normal lock and increase difficulty to open it. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 difficulty.

Burning weapon: This spell cover a weapon, which allows her attacking with bonuses as fire damages and +10 damages. Cost: 50. Plus: +5 damages. Maintain: 1/10(5)

Magic shield: Create a shield which protects the caster against every kind of attacks, even unnatural. It has 300HP. Cost: 60. Plus: +50HP. Maintain: 1/10(6).

Firewave: Throw a wave of heat which can flame anything. It does 50 fire damages. As the waves are not visible for human eyes, the attacked one need to see magic, to possess a thermic vision or win a roll to not have the malus of “Blindness”. Cost: 60. Plus: +5 damages.

See in ash: Move the mage’s spirit to the past, to see what the cause of the fire is. The caster needs to be inside the ash and he does not have any consciousness for what is around him during the cast. The spell allows to come back maximum hour before. Cost: 60. Plus: +1h.

Arcanebolt: Create a bolt of pure magic which does 40 energy damages. Cost: 60. Plus: +5 damages.

Increase temperature: Increase of 5°C, the temperature in a radius of 1km. Cost: 60. Plus: +1°, +500m. Maintain: 1/5(12)

Feel the sentiments: Detect a settled feeling in another character who is less than 50m away from the caster. This one needs to choose the feeling he wants to see. Cost: 60. Plus: +10m, less difficulty. Maintain: 1/20(3)

Firemine: Create a mine of fire which explodes when the caster wants in a radius of 10m. It does 80 fire damages. The mine can stay anywhere. Cost: 80. Plus: +5 damages, +10m. Maintain: 1/5(16).

Huma's equipment:
Red dress => immuned to fire damages and gives Huma 2AP against fire damages.
1 ration (food and water)

HP:45 / Zeon:350 / PP:100 / Fatigue:3 / Status: Kissing you, surprised by the new foes.

HP:70 / PP:80 / Fatigue:5 / Status: Holding you

HP:0/ PP:80 / Fatigue:5 / Status: Dead.

HP:100 / PP:50 / Fatigue:5 / Status: Amused

P.-S. : Just so you understand. Yes, Man1 didn't attack because his arms weren't free (he had to hold Huma either she could try to obliterate everything). Yes, there will be a Man3 with a knife. Yes, Spiderwomen will be enemies for now (Huma loves to play with hazard and luck, such as Eriol).
P.P.-S. : Is that ok like that?
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

A strugle free while burning everything but the spider woman. She hasn't attacked us yet, so she might not be a long term enemy, but be wary of her none the less.
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

A. THis may hurt but try to release a close firewave from all around her body in a short range burst, no larger then 5 feet around her... Through the burning bodies may hurt her as well as the transfering heat.
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

A. THis may hurt but try to release a close firewave from all around her body in a short range burst, no larger then 5 feet around her... Through the burning bodies may hurt her as well as the transfering heat.

Yeah: she's got a good resistance to the flames but she can die if she passes through.

Anyway, I'll need another votes 'cause there, there's a vote lock ^^