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Chapter 2: Absolute Power

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Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Jocelyn frowned a bit, but nodded, still thinking they should find a way to get a cart legally first. She followed Vezina up into the loft, pointing out any other petitioners, but not willing to bite them herself.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

The smell of old hay and manure reaches their noses as hey step into the stable. Though dark as pitch the two kindred can see well enough to notice a small cart off in one corner of the barn. Slowly climbing the ladder into the hay loft Vezina notices a stable boy sleeping away the night and creeps to his side. His smell is rather atrocious though Vezina reassures herself that this is necessary to avoid any trouble. She takes only a few drops of blood enough to keep the boy asleep while they carry out their plan while Jocelyn keeps an eye out for any trouble.

With that problem taken care of they turn their attention to the cart and the animals. Vezina has little trouble calming one of the draft horses and hooking it to the cart. Despite taking a bit more time than they had planned a cart has been retrieved without trouble and they soon find themselves approaching the alley where Anabelle stands guarding the creature.

Vezina 12/14 BP, 1 bashing. Jocelyn 14/15 BP, 1 aggravated. Anabelle 14/15 BP, 1 lethal.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina dismounted from the cart after parking it just near the entrance of the alleyway, next to the tallow maker's house. Telling the horse to wait for them, and thus not needing to tie it off, she approached Annabelle.

"No trouble, I presume? We'll place him in the back and cover his body with our cloaks. You and Jocelyn will ride in back and obscure it from any late night travelers or guards. I will take the reins. I suggest we bring the creature directly to Sir Rodger. He will have room enough to store the creature. Agreed?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Aye," Anabelle said gently to the suggestion, and finally sheathed her blade for the moment. Crouching low she grasped the still beast by its shoulders, and looked to Vezina to grab its feet so that they may lift it into the back of the cart. In the few seconds of waiting she turned to regard Jocelyn, trying to ensure the Malkavian was still of sound enough mind to continue... and also that she was alright.

Anabelle could not explain why she felt the degree of protection over the kindred that she did, but there was no use it hiding it or questioning it. It was simply there. Perhaps it was pity.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina gripped the legs of the gargoyle and hoisted it up. It occurred to her that this was drudge work, but only after she was already moving the body into the cart. Her instinct was like it had been when she was a mortal: to simply do the task that needed doing. Besides, this matter of the gargoyle and of the Tremere sorcerer was personal to her. Her clan's blood was usurped and a cultist was attacking the city where she intended to stake a claim. Solving this mystery and seeing this blood sorcerer destroyed was the key to her acceptance as a Scion of value. She must prove herself worthy of her master's gift. She had been raised from serfdom into the majesty of the Tzimisce bloodline - it was a metamorphosis that had always confused her secretly. She had an obligation to justify Gyulu's choice in a bride.

With a final toss, the gargoyle was in the back of the cart. Vezina swept off her cloak and covered the face and upper body of the beast. She cast a gaze over her companions.

Their strange connection did not go unnoticed, but Vezina made no comment. She had expected Annabelle to be the warrior she presented herself as, but the Malkavian's bravery against the gargoyle had been unexpected and appreciated. Certainly, they were both useful companions to have, and despite what Cainites like Sister Pallas might think, Vezina did not see any reason why she should not consort with the Low Clans openly. Gangrel and Tzimisce in her homeland often worked together, and her sire had told her how useful the get of Malkav could be. While Vezina understood that the noble clans were the natural choice as rulers of Cainite society, she could see no reason not to honor the fighters and the scholars. The Tzimisce were taught to excel in those areas as well, were they not?

Vezina climbed onto the driver's seat and took the reins. "Let us be going then. The sooner we reach the court, the better."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Anabelle looked towards the more noble of the trio, before hopping into the back of the cart, adjusting the cloak she had laid over the gargoyle earlier.

"Come on Jocelyn, before the sun finds us," Anabelle said to the third as she settled herself beside the concealed body, hands ready to drive the loosely set wooden stake deeper into its form should it come loose.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

The coteries preparations for the trip northwards to Rodger's mansion on the edge of the moors complete the slow trip begins. Vezina has little trouble guiding the draft horse on their trip through the darkened city. Gliding through the snow and mud as they travel gives them all plenty of time to think over the events of the evening.

The trip is uneventful even as they pick their way across the stinking moors to the crumbling manse. As usual they are greeted by Rodger's servants with their dead eyes and shambling gaits. Lysandra greets them once they have been ushered into the lush comfort of the manor house.

Nodding to the three she smiles pleasantly and asks what brings them back to court so soon.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Bagged us a bit of a prize," Anabelle says to the woman, and pulls back the bundle of cloaks from the gargoyle's face as it lay in the back of the cart. Crouching above it, almost animalistic, hands hovering near the makeshift stake.

"It attacked us, wanted to drag me off and play hocus pocus with my soul. Luckily the end result was not thus," she continued, looking down at the beast.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina nodded at Lysandra and waited for Annabelle to show off the hideous creature.

"We tracked it to the site where it had brought the final death to a Cainite, presumably one of two who had been snooping around the Gilded Merchant Inn earlier. It calls itself Malleus, and it has said its master is one known as Abetorius - a blood sorcerer and usurper of Caine's gift, one of a cult known as the Tremere. I have discovered the journal of this Abetorius and am having it translated by Sister Pallas currently. This murderous beast will be proof for the court of London that this Abetorius must be found and destroyed, and it is my hope that this creature will lead us to him."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Lysandra looks extremely surprised and disgusted at the sight of the creature as it is presented. Her face changes little even as she smiles and says.

"I see. I suppose this is probably the most secure place to bring such a creature, even if Rodger's dungeon is little used. Wouldn't you agree Richard?"

The members of the coterie are likely surprised as the Nosferatu sheriff appears from out of nowhere to examine the creature and speak. Vezina having already met him is slightly less surprised by his appearance though no less disturbed by it. His face would be handsome if it weren't for the curse that inflicts all of his clan. It looked as if half of his face had been boiled and peeled like an overripe tomato perhaps even oozing slightly as he makes little effort to conceal it here.

"He's almost as handsome as myself, I dare say. Most interesting. Though torture isn't quite my forte. I will have to find the scourge!"

Lysandra shudders at the mention of the scourge and commands a few of the servants to carry the creature to the dungeon. After the blank-eyed servants have taken the gargoyle away accompanied by Richard she smiles and says.

"With recent developments I suspect most of the kindred in London will be here tomorrow night. I'm sure I'll see you there. Farewell for now."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina tried to focus on the unspoiled half of Richard's face as he inspected their prize. The Nosferatu truly were supernaturally ugly, for if not, Vezina would have little trouble gazing upon the boiled, oozing flesh. Perhaps it was a reaction tied to the Other inside her. Or maybe the vulgarity of his visage was Richard's Beast displaying itself in permanent challenge to all who regarded him. Whatever the cause, looking directly at the Nosferatu was as difficult as a mortal staring at the sky on a very bright sunny day - there was always an urge to shield your eyes or look away.

Eventually, that is what Vezina did, instead setting her sights on the much more comely Lysandra.

"Yes. Farewell," Vezina said to Toreador as they were dismissed. There was nothing more to say. No accolades should be expected. This was merely an offering, and a show of usefulness to the powers that be. She turned back to Annabelle and Jocelyn.

"The night is late and we must return this cart and be at the inn before the sun arises. Let us not tarry. On the morrow, we shall attend court together, if you both wish."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Anabelle bowed slightly towards Lysandra, hand over her still heart. "Beannachd leibh," she said to the departing Toreador, before finding Vezina's gaze.

"Should we then return the cart and get back to the safety of the inn before the sun rises?" Anabelle suggested, with a look towards the Malkavian in their midst, even as she spoke to Vezina.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Jocelyn doesn't say much even as Richard steps forward with his utter repulsiveness. She does seem quite happy at the thought of returning the cart before the sun comes up. Simply nodding her head in agreement to Vezina's plan even as she swats at her shoulder as though something were whispering in her ear.

No matter where the coterie decides to spend their day they all have little trouble in returning the cart or in finding protection from the burning rays fo the sunrise when it finally begins it's ascent over London.

Lysandra is a Lamia, not a Toreador. So if I said Toreador before my bad. Feel free to heal up and what have you, though if you don't say anything I'll assume you heal up as well as you can.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina ended her night back at her room in her alternative inn, down the road from the Gilded Merchant that had become the center of her investigation. Her bruise from the fight with the gargoyle healed easily, almost a waste of her blood to heal. Had she been mortal still, she would have recovered from it in a day or so, but her body no longer healed itself save what she willed the blood to do.

With her thoughts on the stone-skinned demon, she soon fell to divining a plan for the next eve. She would need to hunt, then show herself at Sir Rodger's estate once again and hope to be privy to any information that spilled from the minion's lips. Abetorius, was lurking somewhere not far from London, perhaps even within it. There would need to be a reckoning with this sorcerer.

Vezina lay herself down with a pouch of her earth on either side of her hips, resting her hands over the precious fundament protectively. Once her investigations were done with and she had proved her place in London as a true scion, she could begin to tend to the matters of her own regality, acquiring a domain, servants, a herd. By the Christian Hell, she would need at least a decent wardrobe if nothing else. A true queen rules not by strength of arms alone. She must prove herself within the politics of this city, not just as a pawn to patrol the alleyways, hunting down monsters.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Dragging Jocelyn with her, Anabelle flipped a few coins to the the inn keep at the Gilded Merchant to pay for a single room. With the Malkavian with her, the kilted Gangrel sat in a corner with her legs crossed, sword resting across her knees, eyes closed.

She willed the blood within her to course through her veins, moving to the wounds she had suffered this knit, reknitting flesh and skin and making her appear relatively healthy for a dead woman. It would not do to meander through looking like she belonged on a surgeon's stretcher. The damage to her clothing however, was a little more annoying. She'd have to find a new kilt at some point, and a tunic as well. The more she could convince people she was not a woman, the easier it would be to deal with the Kine.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

The dreamless rest of the coterie passed without fanfare as the three found their way into consciousness once more. The events of the previous evening were still fresh in their minds as they each made preparations to meet at the chamberlain's mansion to the north. The drudgery of their undead lives must be taken care of then perhaps they would find the answers to their many questions. Even if those answers only lead to more questions it was better than doing nothing.

The city seemed more alive than normal this evening as they started out. Perhaps it was the lack of snow during the day or maybe they had awoken earlier than normal. It seemed almost as if the city reflected their mood of anticipation for the evening. It was also most welcome as it enabled Vezina to feed quickly and with little trouble.

Vezina 13/14, Anabelle 13/15, Jocelyn 13/15.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina did herself up as best she could before setting out that evening. She had little to work with, as her traveling garbs, though well made, showed signs of travel. She left one set of clothes with the innkeeper with orders for it to be washed and delivered back to her room the following night. When she set out, she wore an earth-toned dress, made for traveling and riding, her well-trodden riding boots and her usual grey-green cloak, which had annoyingly picked up a tear on its bottom hem during last night's scrap in the alleyway. She pulled the cowl over her head, so that her face was shadowed from cursory view, her dark hair spilling out the front a bit in wild tangles. She regretted not being able to take a bath, but she didn't have the reserves of coin to be so carefree with spending at the moment.

She took some time to feed before returning to her room and fetching her weapons. Over her cloak she looped her quiver of arrows and her mortal father's hunting bow. Her sheathed dagger hung in her belt. The man she fed from had been a merchant. Not a particularly clean one, but he tasted far better than that filthy stable hand she had been forces to nip from the previous night. Vezina was not as picky as a Ventrue, and could even readily eat from animals if she must, but she certainly had grown accustomed to the finer types of blood to be found in Gyulu's cave dungeon - youths in their flowering years from good upbringing were her particular favorite. Somehow that innocence and naivete clung to the blood, making it sweeter yet in a subtle way like floral notes.

Vezina retrieved her own horse from the stables and rode it to the Gilded Merchant Inn, where she intended to meet up with Annabelle and Jocelyn. They would ride together to Rodger's estate.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

With her preparations for the evening finished Vezina began the short trip to Rodger's mansion amongst the moors. The trip was uneventful allowing her plenty of time to once more ponder over her plans and the events of her eventful first week in London.

Leaving her horse in the stable and having already made her way into the court of Sir Rodger she looked about the main hall. For once there were no refreshments to be had, though she seems to have arrived before a majority of the others. She recognized Ulrich, Lysandra, and Pallas amongst those already gathered in the hall.

Seeing Vezina enter Pallas made her way over and nodded her head slightly as a show of greeting.

"I hear you have been busy, Vezina. We have some time before the others arrival perhaps you would like to hear the fruits of my research.

The rest can join in whenever they get the chance. This mostly a recap scene before we move on.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

As the moon rose, and the darkness of night fell once more over London, Anabelle pulled herself from her room. She left Jocelyn briefly to go out for a quick hunt, stalking the streets and alleys in the waning hours between dusk and true night.

After returning to her room and grasping the Malkavian, the Scot took a horse and rode out to the mansion, through the moor to attend whatever events should happen this evening. Leaving her horse at the stable, recognizing Vezina's lashed within, she once more took Jocelyn's arm and guided her within.

"Com'on, m'eudail. No need to be so damn stubborn," she muttered before entering the main hall.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Jocelyn let's herself be dragged along by her Gangrel companion silently. The occasional swat at something nearby seems to be the only response she is giving for the moment. Once in the main hall she shrinks back into a corner seemingly content to remain away from the others.

Vezina is already there speaking with one of the many Cainite's that Anabelle has yet to meet. Aside from her two coterie mates the only two Anabelle knows at the moment are Lysandra and Jourdain. The former engaged in conversation with a few of the other Cainite's and the latter with his back to the room seemingly studying something hanging on the wall.
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