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Chapter 2: Absolute Power

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Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"We are not alone... I can sense four beasts that hunger like Caine, yet we are three," Vezina said, looking all about her, yet unable to see the unknown watcher. From out of her cloak, Vezina pulled her sharpened dagger, gripping the handle tightly as she struggled to find the danger.

She turned to Anabelle and Jocelyn, wondering if it were possible that they had sensed something she had missed.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Jocelyn's gaze was fixed on the imp, terror stricken and perfectly still, like a rabbit hoping a predator hadn't seen it. She saw Vezina turning to look at her, and forced herself to raise an arm to point at the monstrosity. "It's a demon..." She whispered, barely loud enough for the other two to hear. "We need to hide, or run away, or something..." She told them, looking like she might turn and bolt at any moment.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Anabelle's eyes closed for just a moment, and when they opened they glowed red, peeling back the veil of darkness the draped over the alley. She felt like a fight would soon be upon them, and drew her sword free of its scabbard. She looked towards the body, trying to discover whatever she could, until Jocelyn spoke, scarcely audible even in the stillness of the alley.

Turning on her heel Anabelle noticed the woman pointing upwards, and slowly raised her gaze to see what she would.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

The darkness of the alley fades away as Anabelle calls upon the aid of her own beast to see. Despite the lifting of the darkness she can make out little more than the details she has already seen. Looking up to where Jocelyn points she can see the same stone gargoyle that Vezina had noticed jutting from the eave.

Jocelyn stands almost petrified by the horrific demon on the roof. Uttering her warning the voices seem to add their own to the thoughts in her head.

"get us out of here it's a demon.
it's already been frozen in stone by the magic of him.
then how did it kill the one who's been here to long.
another demon, there are many of them, or it's only trying to deceive us.
no, we're too smart to deceive, it's a demon."

The odious creature simply continues to stare down at Jocelyn and her companions. It's stone talons sunk solidly into the eave of the roof as though some magician had frozen it there.

Vezina turns without thinking and as she looks up at the stone gargoyle she realizes why the Malkavians are treated as madmen. Being frightened of such a thing is ridiculous she thinks, before her master's words creep in from her lessons. It's almost as if he's reminding her of some bit of lore from across the distances between them.

"There is often a method to their madness, Vezina. More often than not it seems to be nothing but insane rambling till after the fact but on occasion it will come with perfect timing. That is why we suffer the madness of Malkav's childer in our lands."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Yeah, we need to go... This is not going to end well for us if we stay..." Jocelyn said, her gaze never leaving the gargoyle above them as she started to back off slowly, going back the way they had came, her feet almost matching her footprints in reverse as she walked backwards.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"It's just a..." Vezina began, but stopped herself. On the one hand, she knew there was nothing to fear from a stone piece of architecture, but on the other, she heard her master's lesson in her mind as if he were speaking it again to her now.

"I grant you, we will away from this place," Vezina said, turning her gaze down to the dead kindred who was decaying beneath the stone grotesquerie. She inspected his body intently with her gaze. Had he been carrying anything? How had he been struck down? Did he seem to have defended himself? Was there any telltale mark about him?

When she had seen all that she could see, she would nod and back away from the end of the alley, wary still, but understanding that perhaps for one reason or another, she should listen to the child of Malkav's blood.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Seeing the still stone Gargoyle, Anabelle tries not to let out an audible sigh, but instead looks down at the Malkavian.

"Listen, it's staying up there, I won't let it hurt you, and we'll be gone soon. Alright?" she told Jocelyn carefully, looking her in the eyes for a moment, before turning to Vezina.

"Can you find anything?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Jocelyn's gaze that met Anabelle's held real fear, and the woman grabbed the gangrel's arm. "I mean it. It killed the other petitioner, and now it's glaring at us. Dropped him from all the way up there, look how the body lies." She spoke quickly, pulling on the arm slowly once Anabelle looked over, though not hard enough to be anything more than a suggestion.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Before Vezina can even draw in the details of the scene, much less respond to Anabelle. A gravelly voice floats from the roof of the building where the gargoyle sits. The creature seems to pull itself free of the stone as though brought to some semblance of life and immediately swoops down directly at Anabelle on it's stony wings.

"New specimens for Lord Abetorius. Must bring to master. Destroy the other specimen. Is useless to master. Like the others."

The name Abetorius rings in Vezina's ears as the creature swoops down to attack. Could this creature be a servant or perhaps even a childe of the Tremere journals author.

The voices seem to scream in unison to Jocelyn that it's too late to escape. Though they differ on what to do, one begging to escape while the other says to send the creature back where it came from.

Anabelle can do little but steady herself for the blow as she sees it coming. The creature's fist clips her as it swoops past staggering her from the strength of the blow, though little damage is done. The momentum of the creatures glide brings it to rest between the three of them as it hideous face turns to bear on Jocelyn seemingly ready to attack.

Initiative: gargoyle, Vezina, Jocelyn, Anabelle.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Make me a liar will you, you bastard," Anabelle growls furiously, stumbling from the blow. She's not sure what kind of damage her sword will do to the monster, but she moves to put herself between it and Jocelyn, hoping to protect the girl, and slashing at it, hoping to divert its attention.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Jocelyn froze again when the demon focused in her direction, but only for a second. "Anabelle, it's after you, we're just distractions. Run!" She called out, glancing this way and that to try and find a place to hide.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Abetorius..." The Other within Vezina barked out a challenge, and the noble Tzimisce training concurred. She would not be prey for this creature. "Servant of a blood usurper... foul abomination!"

Vezina knew that the creature would be strong, just by its outward appearance. She must draw upon her own blood to contend with it. As she positioned herself to flank the creature while it was looking at Annabelle, the Tzimisce strengthened herself, preparing for an inevitable conflict.

Spend 2 Blood to raise Strength by 2 for the scene.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Even as Vezina spat her vituperations towards the loathsome creature before them she could feel her muscles tightening. The powers of her blood quickly worked their wonders lending strength and power beyond their normal limits. Once the transformation is complete she quickly takes up a defensive stance in preparation for whatever the gargoyle may do next.

The dark alley offers several hiding places by which Jocelyn might hide from the hideous demonic creature if it could be distracted enough to allow her to do so. A distraction which is provided perfectly by Anabelle as she leaps between Jocelyn and the demon to attack. Jocelyn moves to hide as soon as she sees her opportunity and waits while the darkness seems to wrap itself around her hiding her from sight of the others.

The creature's head snaps backwards as Anabelle leaps in front of the creature. Her blade just barely missing the monster's neck as it continues it's path downwards and slashes across the stony looking hide of it's chest. The creature let's out a guttural howl as it is hurt even as the wound quickly fades to little more than a thin slice. Still Anabelle sees that the creature can be hurt and if it can be hurt it can be killed.

"Incapacitate specimen. Master punishes if killed. Makes new companion for Malleus."

As the creature growls in it's gravelly voice it leaps high into the air with the aid of it's stony wings before pouncing back down onto Anabelle. The claws on the creatures feet rake across the flesh of her legs even as it tries to grapple her with it's upper arms.

G, V, J, A. Anabelle takes 1 pt of lethal damage from the claw rake, Vezina spends 2 BP, and Jocelyn is hidden.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina watched as the stony creature moved with a speed that belied its form. Stone moving and rippling as though it were muscle. As Vezina moved, she spent more precious vitae and increased her body's reflexes. She knew she was burning through blood at a rapacious rate, but with a stone demon in front of her, she could afford no hesitation. She must use every advantage the blood of Caine would grant her.

She moved to leap upon the winged creature's back while he was engaged with Annabelle. Her dagger flashed in the moonlight as she sought to embed it deep within the gargoyle's neck. She was prepared to drive her spike of sharpened steel into it again and again, if necessary, and hoping that the Gangrel would continue use her sword to good effect.

"It is your master who will be punished..." Vezina growled, her fangs visible, her eyes dark pools filled with the majesty and righteousness of undeath.

Spending two more BP to up Dexterity, then launching into an attack from behind with her dagger.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"AH! Rach thu agus a' sgaoil am leathar de bhur paithar," Anabelle yelled at the Gargoyle as its claws tore into the flesh of her legs, opening large cuts in her kilt and spilling blood down her limbs.

Then her glowing eyes spotted Vezina, coming up behind with dagger raised. Perhaps then this monstrosity could be slain. As Vezina went for the Gargoyle's neck, Anabelle grasped her sword, and slashed downwards towards its stomach and thighs.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Jocelyn looked on from her hiding place. The others weren‘t running, they were trying to slay the demon. She should help, but she didn‘t know how much help she‘d be. She‘d probably just get in the way... Maybe she could try to get in the demon‘s way, instead. Slow it down, or... something.

Her mind made uo, Jocelyn jumped forwards, trying to wrap around the creature‘s legs and keep it from tearing at Anabelle more. Not really having any other weapons, she simply tried to clamp down on the thing‘s thighs with her teeth, not trying to draw blood from the demon, just trying to hurt it.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina feels the blood quicken her reflexes even as she leaps onto the creatures back with her dagger held high to strike. The creature seems to make no effort to avoid the blow as her dagger buries into the greyish flesh between it's neck and shoulder. The wound seems to heal quickly but judging from the screech of the creature she has managed to cause some damage.

Jocelyn seems to appear from nowhere as she rushes to leap at the demons legs. Her aim is only slightly off as she manages to latch onto one of the demons clawed feet. The sudden added weight of two new adversaries pulls the creature down to earth and gives Jocelyn just enough purchase to sink her fangs into an ankle causing another screech.

Anabelle's sword slashes downwards just as the others leap to their attacks their weight pulling the creature off balance enough that it can't avoid the deadly blade. Any mortal would have been gutted by Anabelle's swing but the creature merely grunts as the wound heals to a lesser degree than her first slash.

The creature growls wildly under the onslaught of the coterie and desperately flaps it's wings hard as it pushes itself back to escape from it's current predicament. Vezina feels her grip loosen with the creature's powerful lift and flies backwards to smack against a wall of the alleyway. Leaving Jocelyn desperately clinging to it's leg as the creature lands back between her fellow Cainite's.

G,V, J, A. Vezina 4 BP spent, 1 bashing damage. Annabelle 1 lethal damage.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Jocelyn let out a bit of a screech as the thing lifted off momentarily, still clinging to it's leg. She took the first opportunity to try and bit down again, grasping for it's other leg to try and tie it up more.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

The bite of her dagger into the creature's grey flesh was satisfying, but Vezina had no chance to savor it, as the stone wings flexed backwards in time with a tremendous bucking motion that pried Vezina's grip away, sending her hurtling back into the wall of the alley. Her head slammed painfully against the stone. Had she still been mortal, it may have seriously injured her, perhaps knocking her out. But with her immortal stamina, it wouldn't even slow her down.

She hissed as she re-gripped her dagger and crouched low, eyeing her target as it struggled to dislodge the Malkavian. That was surprising in itself. When had Jocelyn come out of the shadows? She'd not even noticed her. It must have been the noted power of obfuscation that Gyulu had told her about. A handy ability, but was it bravery or was it madness that had Jocelyn clinging so tightly to the demon?

"No matter," Vezina said as she lunged from her crouch back towards the creature, seeking to plunge the steel talon deep into the creature's body, until she had bled the monstrosity dry.


Strike with dagger again.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina leaps into the melee once more before the gargoyle can pry itself loose from Jocelyn. Her dagger shines in the moonlight as it flies unerringly to it's target with the aid of her blood. Biting squarely into the creatures back a pained screech meets her ears signalling a successful strike.

Jocelyn can do little as the creature struggles to free itself from her pesky grip. The creature's supernatural strength keeps her from bettering the precarious grapple. Her fangs however find their mark perfectly as she bites into the creatures leg filling her mouth with a foul tasting vitae, which she quickly spits out.

Anabelle recovers quickly from being pushed off of and lunges forward, her sword gleaming as it slashes in the opposite direction. Another slash appearing across the creatures stomach and upper thigh.

"Master punish if captured." The creature whines pitifully as it suddenly flies into the air with a flap of it's stony wings. It makes a desperate attempt to flee the coterie for it's former perch even as Jocelyn clings to one of it's legs. The added weight combined with the creature's wounds slow it down enough for at least one more attack from the coterie members.

G,V,J,A. Vezina 10/14 BP, 1 bashing. Jocelyn 14/15 BP, 1 aggravated. Anabelle 14/15 BP, 1 lethal. Almost forgot that aggravated from earlier.
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