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Chapter 2: Absolute Power

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Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza scowled as she was leaving the main hall. Hearing the laughter all around her, her cheeks would have burned bright red if they could. Instead, she took one last look to glare around the room. Eliza remembered every face that laughed or giggled, each one burning into her memory. She made a mental note to one day make each and every one of them writhe in agony as she stormed out into the hallway. Eliza was tempted to drown them all in Nocturne as she left but knew it would not be appreciated. She still laughed darkly to herself at the thought of the looks on their faces.

Her eyes darkened, cloak flapping against her from how fast she was walking. She was getting ready to barge through the front door when suddenly she saw Genevieve. Eliza quickly stopped, shadows dissipating around her. Her expression was relieved. "Oh Genevieve thank God. Your arrival could not be more timely and is most welcome!" Eliza stopped for a moment, glaring back from whence she came before smiling at Genevieve. "Please, will you come with me? I want to be rid of this hellish court. I have much to tell you."

Yeah I know it uses BP but thanks because I actually didn't know how much BP she had. I still like to do it for RP value. Oh also can you give me a list of the gigglers please. :)
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Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

While she acknowledged that dueling was a legitimate form of settling a dispute, her own lack of skill with a blade made her frown upon such a prospect. Better, she thought, to be more clever about arranging an end for rivals, and not letting them know it was you who had brought about their ruin until it was all too late to react.

However, Vezina did not understand the desire of the elders to let immortal hatreds fester and boil - such as the Voivodate leaving her sire to exile. The practical hunter in her told her to see such deeds done cleanly - to be able to say that you have seen your enemy turn to ash. She supposed that there must be some greater fatalism at work, some ennui of the blood that suggested to the elders that they could simply treat the young bloods as unruly pets and that they would not get bitten by them for their ill-treatment.

"Well, let us hope that Sir Rodger gets his announcements underway before too many other little grudges can be formed this night."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Anabelle watched Eliza stomp away, and cocked her head to the side. She noticed Jourdain's movements, but when no more came of it she slid off the wall. "Well, I think I may go an' take a walk," she said simply, and pulled her own hood up as she moved out to follow the younger Lasombra.

"Don't hold up tha council either," she called briefly over her shoulder to Jourdain, more as a parting than any real relay of information. Slipping out from the main hall, she quickly ran into Eliza and Genevieve.

"A good reminder tha' I never was a fan of politic's," Anabelle said simply to Eliza.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Genevieve simply smiles with a cock of her head as she glances back towards the main hall. Her mood hardly seems spoiled by Eliza's own anger at whatever must have occurred. "I am always glad to see you Eliza and would love to leave, but I was told there was very important news to discuss. I couldn't have been that late to the gathering, could I."

She seems almost confused by Eliza's anger and wanting to her leave before she has even arrived.

You can always ask if you aren't sure on your BP. All of the NPC's save Pallas and Jourdain, though you didn't see all of them.

As if echoing Vezina's own thoughts Pallas adds. "Of course I avoid dueling myself, I am ill-trained for most such occurrences. Of course a smarter Cainite will goad someone into making a challenge so that they may choose the method and means of victory.

I fondly remember the look on Guy's face as he was soundly thrashed by Ulric in a game of chess after making such a challenge."

Jourdain relaxes as soon as Eliza stalks from the room, he doesn't seem all that shocked by the laughter though he doesn't partake. He began to walk towards the door as though nothing had happened just as Anabelle slipped from the wall. He simply nods at Anabelle's parting and heads out the door after Eliza hoping to catch her before she leaves.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina just nodded in agreement with Pallas. Chess might be a good recourse for her should she ever be challenged, and she resolved to avoid challenging anyone directly. It didn't appear worth it, and she did not wish to become a laughing stock in the eyes of the court.

"It must have been quite a sight. Still, challenges like that must be over trivial things. Have there been any serious disagreements that have been settled recently outside of court?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza looked momentarily surprised that Anabelle followed her but then nodded. "Filthy ingrates the lot of them." She agreed darkly as she fixed a couple wrinkles in her cloak.

"Important news? Hmmm.. I was not told of anything." She frowned considerably, and when she glanced back toward the hall, the paranoia was obvious on her face. When she replied, her voice was low like a whisper, glancing around at the walls. "I cannot go back in there after being laughed out of the court..." The Lasombra looked very uncomfortable before continuing. "The disgusting old Toreador primogen had the nerve to try to use her presence powers on me and then denied it when she learned I was too powerful for her pitiful attempts!" She held up her hands and made a mockery of a British accent, even using air quotations. "Begone before I seek recompense..."

"putain visqueuse..."
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Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Pallas nods her head in agreement as she answers Vezina's question. "No, more serious matters are usually solved in a much more permanent manner than simple dueling. It seems to be more prevalent among the younger Cainites, especially those such as Guy for whom honor is very important. Ah here is Aethelwulf."

Aethelwulf strides into the room only briefly stopping to quickly sniff the air like some wild animal. A rather plain looking man of at least 50 years, his long hair was kept pulled back in a pony tail. The battle axe hanging at his hip and the mail hauberk he wore clearly indicated his profession. He did exhibit an air of command about himself as he eventually made his way over to Rodger.

Aubrey and Jocelyn pass the others in the hallway without being noticed and soon find their way up to the library. Aubrey looks around the room before turning and asking. "Is there anything in particular you wanted to look for?"

The shelves were lined with books as far as the eye could see and you could almost see what had been perused lately by the amount of dust on each shelf. For some reason the voices hadn't offered any displeasure this evening an occurrence for which Jocelyn was grateful.

Genevieve and Anabelle have little time to answer Eliza before Jourdain appears and says. "I have some important private business to discuss with Eliza. If the two of you wouldn't mind giving us some time alone. Aethelwulf has just arrived and they will probably be discussing things soon if you would be so kind as to pay attention in my absence, Genevieve."

Genevieve casts a quick glance at Eliza before nodding and continuing on to the main hall. Leaving Jourdain alone with Eliza and Anabelle, who soon continues on with her walk.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Well, if my fellow Gangrel is 'ere, I should go an' introduce myself," Anabelle said, glancing between the two Lasombra, turning around once more and making her way to the hall.

It did not take her long to guess which one was Aethelwulf, and the Scot smirked as she spotted him, starting to stroll across the hall towards him casually.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza sighed when the two others left and turned to face Jourdain. Anticipating that she wasn't going to like what he had to say, she focused her emotions into the darkness within her and appeared nonchalant.

"Yes Jourdain? Is this place sufficiently private?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Jocylyn stopped at the entrance again, staring at the dusty shelves with a look somewhere between reverant and excited. “Oh; sooo much.“ she said quietly. “Anything i can find about the puzzle box or the kind of puzzle on it, a map of this area, and a copy of the bible, just to start.“

Setting off with a grin, she started at one end of the place and started skimming shelves, taking her time and relishing the silence in the room. Even her constant companions seemed to respect the aura of the place, which was nice.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Ah, the warmaster arrives," Vezina said as she appraised the Gangrel from across the room. "Recovered from his brush with blood poisoning? Or is he bearing with it to make this important appearance?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Pallas shrugs as she says, "It's difficult to say. Though I personally doubt if Aethelwulf was in any real danger from a mere poison. For being of the low clans I must admit to feeling a healthy level of respect for our war-master. You can feel the aura of command that comes from a true scion when you look at him."

Aethelwulf stands speaking with Rodger as Anabelle reenters the room, even the chamberlain bows his head with an air of respect for the elder Gangrel as they finish. He sniffs the air after his conversation and turns as soon as Anabelle has drawn closer. A perpetual snarl like that of some wild animal seems to crease his features as he looks at her with interest before he simply asks. "How many moons has this one been amongst us, now?"

"Private enough for my purposes, Eliza." Jourdain says before stepping closer. "I see you've learned to handle embarrassment better than the last time I saw you. I'm sure your quick mind is already devising some appropriate revenge for our sires past compatriots, they certainly deserve it.

It will have to wait however, you have eternity to gain your revenge and you will have to learn to deal with the court even when they laugh at you. Especially the other primogen, like yourself!"


Aubrey nods and says, "Lysandra would be better at finding the right books but I know where a map is. I'll be back soon, Jocelyn."

He strides off to the other side of the massive library while Jocelyn begins looking through the books on her side. The books all seem to have a rather morbid bent to them, the room seems to contain every thing ever written about death and dying within. Eventually she comes to another section with more of the same and another. She forgets entirely how long she has been in the room when her eyes stop on a set of books with a strange three-eyed symbol on the binding.

The first book is written in Latin with French notes in the margin. She gets excited as she reads the name of the author, Samiel the archangel. It seems to be a history of battles against the demonic Baali. Not quite what she was looking for so she slides it back and looks at the others sensing that for some reason she's on the right track. Eventually she finds one that seems to talk about the fabled lands of Cathay by someone named Zao Lat. An odd name she thought with even stranger symbols beside it, almost as if it had been translated from the symbols.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"You are damn right they deserve it..."

Eliza was about ready to complain at the need to exact revenge for such awful transgressions sooner when she stopped in her tracks, lips parted half way when Jourdain finished his sentence.

"I am not sure if I heard you correctly brother. Did you just say I am primogen? I thought you were manning that post?"

This was very interesting news indeed!
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"In London, no' even a full moon yet," Anabelle said, she did not use any titles, or other words of respect, but she did bow her head towards the man, a fist placed over her heart as she did so.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Aethelwulf sniffs the air once more almost as if he could smell any possible deceit that might lie in some one's words on the very air before nodding. His unblinking eyes and permanent snarl seem almost natural on this aged Cainite as he says. "I see and how many moons have you spent amongst the Gangrel."

Jourdain smirks as he answers her. "You heard perfectly well, Eliza. I am appointing you as primogen of the clan in London. You will fit in amongst the other primogen much better than I, even if I am still the eldest. Of course you'll have to find a way to build up your status here at court and walking out on the other primogen won't help in that matter."

Jourdain offers his arm and points back to the main hall. "Think of it as your first test, sister."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza smiled widely at the unexpected news. Her surprise was so genuine that her smile did not even appear fake or devilish like it usually did. The Lasombra quickly toned down the expression when she realized it but the happiness still lingered in her kiwi eyes, happiness combined with rapid conniving of course. The possibilities were endless!

"Well yes... of course that is perfectly sound reasoning. It will allow you greater freedom to work in the shadows as well." Eliza linked arms with Jourdain and smiled, already operating with an air of confidence. "It would have been nice to know before I met that bitch Isleena, but alas there is never a poor time for good news. I wish you to announce my position to the court if it would not be offensive to the Chamberlain and such."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"One hundred an' thirty-two moons. Not very long," Anabelle admitted, she did not bother talking about her time spent up in Scotland, or the journey she had had to take from the beaches of North Africa and across Europe to get home, only to find her village burned away and overgrown.

"But I'm here now."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"My clan has always held respect for the Gangrel. They are strong and usually straightforward. Long have they stood beside us in defense of the homeland. I have enjoyed having one by my side when we brought down the monstrosity last night - ah, and here she is now. Annabelle, the Scot."

Vezina watched and listened as Annabelle introduced herself to Aethulwulf.

"I take your meaning," she said to Pallas. "He wears the mantle of authority like a suit of armor."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"I've had little opportunity to work with the Gangrel. They certainly have their uses like any other clan though it is not typically that of a leader. Aethelwulf is a welcome exception to the rule and is in fact almost a paragon of our chosen path. Lord Mithras is the only Cainite I have ever met to exude such an air of command." Pallas responds as she also watches the scene.

"You certainly have an eclectic mix of followers, Vezina. I assume they are all as useful as the Gangrel?"

"I will gladly paint the target on your back as soon as our main order of business has been taken care of." Jourdain smirks as he leads Eliza back to the main hall.

"It will give you an opportunity to observe the other primogen from afar before trying to deal with them as equals. Of course you've met Isleena and Donegal, Sister Pallas of the Ventrue, and Vezina are the other primogen. Rodger isn't the primogen of his clan though he is chamberlain so you will often deal with him as well. Any last requests before we head in, dear sister."

Aethelwul actually seems to smile as he nods and says. "Hopefully you will survive for many more, I look forward to hearing of more worthy accomplishments by our clan. Especially by a fellow warrior such as yourself.

A parting word of advice from one who has seen so many moons he can no longer count. Be careful where you hunt within the city it can turn out to be more dangerous than even the most primeval forest."

Jocelyn takes the book thinking it might have something about puzzle boxes within. The name Zao Lat does sound rather like that of Saulot, who she remembers Rodger mentioning as having traveled in Cathay. Aubrey is already looking for a map so now she just needed a copy of the bible.

She turns down another row of books to find an unusual sight. A rather old manuscript sits by itself on a pedestal, the book reminds her very much of the bible that sat in the library of the nunnery she had been sent to by her father. Of course that must be what she's looking for since no other book could be as important.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza rolled her eyes a bit but nodded. "Ah yes, a most sensible plan. Well then, let us go find out what this meeting is all about." The Lasombra said simply as she walked with Jourdain, maintaining a regal posture regardless of the reception from her return to court. She knew who she was and where she came from, and that's all that mattered.
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