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Tentacle Souls

Re: Tentacle Souls

Eh... C, 3, I guess.

I also agree with MrMe's "*IF* the supping gives us full energy now would be a good time to quickly evolve Scale Armor AND Tentacle Ooze".
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Re: Tentacle Souls


*IF* the supping gives us full energy now would be a good time to quickly evolve Scale Armor AND Tentacle Ooze (the crunchy slippery worm doesn't get eaten by the bird-man)
Re: Tentacle Souls


*IF* the supping gives us full energy now would be a good time to quickly evolve Scale Armor AND Tentacle Ooze (the crunchy slippery worm doesn't get eaten by the bird-man)


*edits vote*
Re: Tentacle Souls


*IF* the supping gives us full energy now would be a good time to quickly evolve Scale Armor AND Tentacle Ooze (the crunchy slippery worm doesn't get eaten by the bird-man)

Aye this other wise

Prepare Magic shield "LEROY JENKINSSS"
Re: Tentacle Souls


*IF* the supping gives us full energy now would be a good time to quickly evolve Scale Armor AND Tentacle Ooze (the crunchy slippery worm doesn't get eaten by the bird-man)

Sounds like the best plan.
Re: Tentacle Souls


*IF* the supping gives us full energy now would be a good time to quickly evolve Scale Armor AND Tentacle Ooze (the crunchy slippery worm doesn't get eaten by the bird-man)

I see your post and raise you a bandwagon
Re: Tentacle Souls

Everyone needs to stop agreeing with me all the time.

My headphones are starting to feel tight
Re: Tentacle Souls

My first vote is to scream reeeeeeally loud and call that Barioth over here. I don't know what he's fuckin' around outside for or the terms of their agreement, but he'd be reeeeally useful right now.

My second vote is to eat dat pendant, get eaten, and use the fuck out of Body Shock. And/or Firebolt.
Re: Tentacle Souls

My first vote is to scream reeeeeeally loud and call that Barioth over here. I don't know what he's fuckin' around outside for or the terms of their agreement, but he'd be reeeeally useful right now.

My second vote is to eat dat pendant, get eaten, and use the fuck out of Body Shock. And/or Firebolt.

That's actually a brilliant idea!
What giant bird could resist such a tasty looking giant worm such as ourselves...and birds dont chew so we got that going for us i suppose, still could get cut up a bit from the talons or beak though...
Heck lets go with it!

C3 Evolve Body Shock II, It's time for some intestinal distress...or ya know like a heart attack or something...

Oh! just thought about it. Can we infest from the stomach? If so i say we double invest in Infest II and III and take control of him and hopefully all the harpies will obey us then!
Re: Tentacle Souls

C3 wins. Plus I like how no-one noticed I misspelled 'cock' as 'clock' in my Harpy King description last post. Or at least was too polite to bring it up. ;)


OK. Things aren't looking good. The village has been decimated and the Harpy King is flying in front of you, trying not to look too damn pleased with himself. There's got to be a way out, though. There's always a way out...

"Wait!", you call out, just as Meera opens her mouth to answer the Harpy King. You scuttle over the snow towards her, and telepathically mutter in her ear: "Let me deal with this. I'll challenge him to a duel; if I win he and his birds have to leave the rest of you alone."
"Oh, wonderful," Meera hisses. "Of course, you'd have to actually beat him for that to work! The Harpy King is ancient! It's completely impossible!"
"Ah, no," you reply. "It's almost completely impossible." If you had lips, you'd be smiling. It's not much of a plan you're forming in your mind, but it's better than nothing.
You cough awkwardly. "I am going to require a bit of a refreshing sup on your energy pendant first, though."
Meera glances over at the Harpy King, who's been hovering in the air and watching this discussion with a worrying glint in his eye, and turns back to you. She looks a little disgusted.
"Fine," she mutters. "Not like it's going to be any good to me when I'm dead."

She snaps the pendant off the chain around her neck, and lowers it down to you. You strike forward and snatch it from her hand, drawing the nourishing energy into yourself as quickly as possible. It spreads like wildfire, inflaming you in the nicest possible way, and you soon feel revitalised. Just as quickly you convert that energy into new features; you focus on Scale Armor I and Slime Ooze I. You writhe in the snow as you change, and it melts around your heated body, turning to steam.

The Harpy King watches the sight and laughs, his voice booming around the mountainside.
"What is your little worm doing?" he chuckles.

The evolution finishes and you rise from your pool of melted snow. You've improved; thick, rough purple scales cover your entire body. They're hard and inflexible themselves, but small enough that you can still move as freely as you did before. From the tiny gaps in-between them you secrete a small amount of slime; at the moment it's smooth and frictionless, but you know you can make it congealed and sticky at a moment's notice if you need to. You can also pump out vast amounts of the stuff.
"Nothing," you call out to the Harpy King, amplifying your voice telepathically. "Just preparing to take you down! A one-to-one duel, right here! You and me. What do you say?"

He pauses for a moment, before bursting into gales of laughter. It's so loud you hear snow go tumbling down the adjacent side of the mountain. Above his Harpies screech with mirth.

"Why, what a brave little worm," he says when his laughter eventually recedes. "I do believe... I accept." He twists his foot, and his huge broadsword whistles through the air menacingly.

"There are rules!" you shout out at him. "If I win, you must agree to let me and all the people here go free!"
"Done," he replies, that ominous glint back in his pitch-black eyes. Even his words sound dangerous.
"And if I win, all your delicious friends here are mine... to do with as I please." It should be impossible with a eagle-beak like his, but you can tell he's smiling.

"Agreed!" you call back, trying to sound a lot more confident than you feel.

He laughs again - he seems fond of laughing, to a rather sinister degree - and without warning he swoops forward, driving a powerful vertical stroke at you with his sword. Meera and the remaining villagers leap out the way, and you also avoid it, rolling over on the snow. Whilst he tugs his sword back out of the ground, his huge black wings beating furiously at the air, you seize your chance and launch a Magic Sting II at him. It's a bit wayward and strikes the King on the stomach; he doesn't even wince, however, and only chuckles to himself.
Pulling his greatsword (almost a claymore, really) back out of the snow, he wheels it around his talons, and flies up above. This time it's a diagonal sweep of the metal towards you, much harder to avoid. You try to squirm out of the way, but it's not enough; the blade makes contact, but is partially stopped by your new scales. Without them it would have sliced your lower half clean off; as it is you just have a nasty gash oozing blood and slime down there.

Again he beats his wings and scoots backwards, and you send a Fireblast I after him, which by some divine miracle catches him full in the face.

All laughter stops, and he descends, a furious look in his eyes. A flurry of blows comes from his blade - a vertical chop, a stab, a slice. They're brutally fast, a whir of steel, and though you avoid the first one, the stab strikes you in the chest, damn near cutting you in half, and the slice takes one of your pair of heads clean off.

You watch as it goes flying away to land in the snow, and in that instant you know you're hopelessly outmatched. He's just too fast, too strong, too good with that sword. You send a final Fireblast up, more out of spite than anything, and laugh as it hits him straight in the cock, burning it unpleasantly. He screams in pain and lashes out blindly with his sword, a vicious Z shaped sweep that slices you into thirds.

Even as your essence leaks into the surrounding snow, and your vision fades, you see a wall of snow explode in front of you. Impossible... you think. Just for a second it looked like the Barioth - that snow dragon, so powerful and noble, completely forgotten about - had burst out from a snow bank, catching the writhing Harpy King completely unaware. Indeed, it almost looked like it leapt through the air and landed on his back. It gripped its legs around him and slashed once, twice, with its sabre fangs, cutting deep into the Harpy King's throat. Blood arced through the air and landed in the snow around them, staining it. The Harpy King collapsed to the ground... but wasn't finished. He rolled, the Barioth still gripping him tight, stabbing him with his fangs... and together they rolled off the mountain edge and into the abyss below.

Then you died, and saw no more.


When you wake up, you're by the White Archcrystal again, just inside the mountain. No sign of any Blangos... nor any sound coming from the village. There isn't even any snow blowing in from the opening that leads to the plateau.



Option 1) Go back outside to the village - or what remains - and see what's what.

Option 2) Give up. Instead, go exploring deeper in these icy caves, there's bound to be treasure of some sort.

Health: 30/30
Energy: 80/80
Morality: 10/100 (Hero)

- Thunder Bolt I (^, but Thunder element).
- Water Bolt I (...ditto).
- Ovipositor I (Allows you to lay eggs within the orifice of a host. At low levels, these eggs are weak and may not hatch properly. Further upgrades reduces this risk. Each egg costs 10 energy to plant, but the hatched tentacle is autonomous and commanded by you).
- Dread I (Releases pheromones that make organisms more afraid. The higher the level, the stronger the effect it has, and the better it works on people (lower levels are effective mostly against animals).
- Teleport I (allows you transport small, inanimate things back to the Dimensional Nexus, or wherever you set up a lair in the future. Further upgrades allow you to move bigger, and eventually alive things. NOTE: This spell will never be usable on yourself).
- Confusion I (Launch a magical blast that can disrupt the brain-waves of a foe. Useful against well-armored creatures that aren't very vulnerable to normal attacks).

- Firebolt II (Like Magic Sting II, but Fire Element).
- Scale Armor II (tougher scales, reduce damage taken).
- (Lust) Slime Ooze II (your slime induces lust in those that contact it).
- (Sleep) Slime Ooze II (you sleep makes those that touch it sleepy. Very... sleepy).
- Perception II (20 Energy. Use body language and other subtle, chemical clues to put together a general hint of what someone is feeling at any given time. Is that a molecule of sweat? They're nervous. Are their fingers tapping? Clearly impatient.)
- Aura Detect 2.55 (20 energy. Your sense of auras is refined, and you can see them from a great distance and judge their power levels more accurately. Also allows you to faintly detect Cursed auras).
- Stealth II (20 energy required. Become even sneakier).
- Swim II (20 energy required. Can you guess what this evolution does?)
- Body Shock II (20 Energy required. A powerful wave of magical energy runs over your skin. Akin to picking up a live electrical wire. Obviously limited to close-range combat, though).
- Tentacle Arts II (20 Energy required. Recover HP through sex).
- Infest II (allows you take over more advanced hosts, and survive in them for longer).

- Growth III (30 energy required. Grow to a chunky, 6-foot long python, complete with split heads.)
- Magic Shield III (30 energy cost. Lasts longer and tougher to break than Level II).
- Magic Sting III (30 Energy required. Costs 5 energy to use, but a direct hit will send most foes flying off their feet).
- Arouse III (Induces great lust in your target. Most people/creatures will be stopped dead and driven to masturbation, you, or another target).
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Re: Tentacle Souls

Well....... That went more or less as expected..... Anyways, 1.) We might have gotten lucky and the woman with the oendant and nevermelt ice may at least still be around. Or if not we can try to pry both from her cold dead hands- so to speak.
Re: Tentacle Souls

I vote we acquire Confus I, Ovipositor I and eye the fuck outta sleep goo. Then go see what happened.
Re: Tentacle Souls

1. Harpies probably welched on their deal seeing as technically it was a 2 on 1... but hey, may as well see if theres anything worth looting.

Also evolve Arouse (remember how good that was in the last CYOA?) and Firebolt II, and thunderbolt and waterbolt
Re: Tentacle Souls

Well I wanted to go home since we got the NeverIce and the Pendant already

Arouse III