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Tentacle Souls

Re: Tentacle Souls

Depends on if the plague victims will die by themselves and if they can spread the plague
If they'll die off and can't spread the plague then A1
If they can spread the plague then A2, otherwise our new power centre will resemble DayZ
If they don't die by themselves then A2, mindless zombie husks are impossible to control

Our second action should be B, and let's hope you sentimental fools haven't killed off our workforce by sending Atta back to the Nexus, if the eggs are still active go to the Nexus and bring Atta back here to be our bug queen.

As for the Necrobabe, I think its high time her and the tentacle lord get intimate.

Yup, this is great.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Depends on if the plague victims will die by themselves and if they can spread the plague
If they'll die off and can't spread the plague then A1
If they can spread the plague then A2, otherwise our new power centre will resemble DayZ
If they don't die by themselves then A2, mindless zombie husks are impossible to control

Our second action should be B, and let's hope you sentimental fools haven't killed off our workforce by sending Atta back to the Nexus, if the eggs are still active go to the Nexus and bring Atta back here to be our bug queen.

As for the Necrobabe, I think its high time her and the tentacle lord get intimate.

^ (Especially for about the necrobabe part)
Re: Tentacle Souls

A2 and D win!

By the way, anyone who's placed Dark Souls, I'm aiming for a kind of 'Undead Burg' vibe to the Town. Maybe slightly less overgrown, but heading that way.


You turn to Hu'jet, who's standing with several other servants behind you on the roof. His hands are clasped nervously behind his back and you can see tiny beads of sweat on his brow.
"Hu'jet, form a fighting party. I want them to do a sweep of the town and 'see to' as many Plague Victims as possible. Necromancer, you'll accompany them and see if your magic can bring you any measure of control over the... unfortunate souls." You drop your voice, speaking directly to her. "And when you're back and fully recovered, I guarantee you'll have my undivided attention."
She grins and winks salaciously at you, before giving a mocking courtsey and heading down from the roof, already giving orders to the suited servants that follow her.

You climb down the face of the building and make your way towards the town exit. Squirming along the cobbled ground, no-one gives you any trouble, until you approach the gate out of town. A raiding party of looters comes across you and raise their weapons, but a high level Magic Sting scatters them completely. At the gate you find another of Black's old servants, wearing the same terrible suit as all the rest. You question him briefly, and it turns out he's in charge of looking for incoming threats from the forest. You fire him from this job and very quickly re-hire him as a personal assistant (you'll need him and his big convenient empty sack if you find anything interesting in the forest).

So, with the sun climbing higher in the sky, you and your slightly nervous new assistant set off into the trees.
It's blisteringly warm, and the air is thick and muggy - before long your new assistant is sweating freely, droplets of moisture dripping from under his arms. You idly think that every hungry monster in a mile radius can smell him now, but the thought doesn't bother you unduly. Regardless, whilst out on your travels, you find:
- A clutch of mushrooms, whose spores can induce mad hallucinations or fevered terror.
- A sample of enchanted willow bark that can cure any (mundane) poison you care to name.
- Another Green Archcrystal, that will transport you to the Dimensional Nexus and back to this dimension.
- A set of mysterious pan-pipes - the runes on them suggest they will induce a deep sleep on whoever hears their music.
- A mysterious metal instrument, rather like a harmonica - the runs on it suggest it will induce a powerful lust on whoever hears its music.

With your new assistant groaning and sweating even more, you trudge back out from under the green sky (those trees are dense!) towards the town. You enter once more through the front gate, now being manned by one of Black's old servants (wow, he really did have quite a few). You were out in the jungle longer than you anticipated; the sun is setting once more, its orange glow fading behind the walls of the Town.

You retire back to Black's old mansion, where you find the Necromancer in deep discussion with more suits. "Situation report!" you demand as you arrive. Everyone jumps a little, except the Necromancer, who turns to you and smiles.
"You wouldn't believe this town!" she begins. "But first things first. We found roughly twenty five Plague Victims, all in groups of three or four. I can't control them completely, because they're not truly undead, but I can make them so that they are completely passive towards me, you, and the servants here. And it'd be easy to get them to ignore anyone else you wanted them to. With this fact in mind, I thought it might be best to leave them for now and await your judgement."

You nod, pleased. "Good decision," you say. "I think they add a certain... frisson to the style of the Town.

She nods. "We all ran into one looting party, whom I, um, decimated." She chuckles. "There are more of them, but this town in surprisingly big and they hide pretty well. We'll get them all eventually though."


"Just a couple more things; I sent a runner to the nearest city. He sent a raven back, saying that there is a group of sellswords for hire. Can work as guards or they can do sweeps of the town to root out looters. 10 members, each wants a gold galleon per day as wage. I found 500 galleons in Black's old storerooms. Want to hire them?"

"I'll think about it." You're growing distracted now, and trace one blue tentacle across the floor, trailing it around the Necromancer's foot and tickling her toes.

"Final report," she says, smiling at you. "A Dire Griffin has taken up residence on the roof of the Town Tower. You know them? Bit bigger than your average griffin, black feathers, red eyes, can spew revolting poison? We've erm, left it be for now."

"Good choice!" you say, and finally you can wait no longer; your tentacle shoots up the inside of the Necromancers legs, coiling and stretching around them. She tumbles to the floor, laughing, as you pull yourself over to her, tentacles flying everywhere as you tear at her dress. Black's servants look awkwardly at each other as they turn and leave the room, the Necromancer's screams of delight following them out of the door.

The Necromancer lies back on the floor, scraps of torn cloth surrounding her. Coiling your two blue tentacles around her long, gorgeous legs, you prise them gently but firmly apart, spreading her wide in front of you. She giggles, and you run another tentacle up against her slit, enjoying - nay, savouring - the wet lubrication already flowing there.
Unfortunately you can't control yourself any longer; you dive right in, penetrating as deep as her body will allow, filling her to brim.
A sigh of pleasure escapes her lips as you thrust away, burying yourself in her sweetly-scented folds. She sits up, seizes your length in her hands and yanks you in closer, a look of ecstasy on her face. One... two... ahhh... three...
A blast of spunk rips from the end of your tentacle, spraying her walls with your juice. You pull out, dripping, leaking jizz all over her slit and her legs, pooling it on the floor. She collapses backwards in a pool of semen, giggling to herself.
You crawl over her body and raise a second tentacle above her face. She laughs and opens wide.


Option 1A) Hire the sellswords to come and work in your town.
Option 1B) If you do hire them, do you make the majority work as guards, or patrol the streets to kill looters?
Option 2) Don't hire the sellswords.

Is there anything else you'd like to do? This is quite open-ended now; do you retrieve Atta and ask for her help with the eggs beneath the bath, explore the forest again, explore the town (trust me, there's lots more to find) or something else? All suggestions welcome.

Extra) You can pick three things from the forest, and you'll have retroactively brought them back. What did you choose?

Health: 94/200
Energy: 155/250
Morality: 12/100

Finances: 500 Gold
Hired Groups: None
Town State: Ruins; Looters/Plague Victims/Dire Griffin roam freely

Currently unlocked:
Fire Bolt I
Magic Sting I, II, III
Magic Cannon
Scale Armor I, II
Slime Ooze I (just sticky/slippery, no other effects)
Magic Shield I, II
Aura Detect I, II, 2.55, III
Perception I, II
Teleport I, II, III
Lust I, II, III (Magical Bolt)
Stealth I
Body Shock I
Entrapment I, II
Swim I
Levitate I
Shrink I (You can contract your now large body to 1/4 its size. Helpful for sneaking).
Ovipositor I, II
Invisibility I (You can turn completely invisible for up to a minute at a time. Thanks, Black).
Holy Beam
Holy Belief (if you have allies wielding weapons, this spell imbues them with a holy aura, greatly increasing the damage they do on undead and unholy creatures).
Holy Closure (a fine golden mist that prevents undead from being rewoken)

Still available:
- Thunder Bolt I (Like Fire Bolt, Thunder element).
- Water Bolt I (...ditto).
- Ice Bolt I.
- Dread I (Releases pheromones that make organisms more afraid. The higher the level, the stronger the effect it has, and the better it works on people (lower levels are effective mostly against animals).
- Confusion I (Launch a magical blast that can disrupt the brain-waves of a foe. Useful against well-armored creatures that aren't very vulnerable to normal attacks).

- Levitate II (allows you to hover straight over even wider gaps).
- Firebolt II (Like Magic Sting II, but Fire Element).
- (Lust) Slime Ooze II (your slime induces lust in those that contact it).
- (Sleep) Slime Ooze II (your slime makes those that touch it sleepy. Very... sleepy).
- (Healing) Slime Ooze II (your slime heals those that touch it. Like with all slime effects, it can be turned on and off at will).
- Stealth II (20 energy required. Become even sneakier).
- Swim II (20 energy required. Can you guess what this evolution does?)
- Body Shock II (20 Energy required. A powerful wave of magical energy runs over your skin. Akin to picking up a live electrical wire. Obviously limited to close-range combat, though).
- Tentacle Arts II (20 Energy required. Recover HP through sex).
- Smog II (20 Energy required. Spray a thick, toxic fog over the immediate area, for concealment and poisoning attackers).

- Magic Shield III (30 energy cost. Lasts longer and tougher to break than Level II).
- Entrapment III (30 cost). Small tentacles appear from the ground around your enemy and bind them to it. The tentacles are strong but not unbreakable.
- Re-Skinned Illusion III (30 cost). Use magic to change the outward appearance of a surface. Useful for laying traps, though not much help in the heat of the moment.
- Ovipositor III (30 Cost) Eggs can be laid anywhere in the body, vast amounts can laid, they hatch quickly and are totally autonomous AND loyal to you.
- Minor Telepathy (30 Cost). If you're close enough to another sentient being, you can pick of very faint snatches of their thoughts and emotions. Which of course can be very helpful for a variety of reasons...

- Illusory Duplicate (40 Energy Cost). Creates a magical duplicate of yourself that can slide around causing all sorts of panic, though unfortunately it isn't truly alive and can't perform any magic of its own.
- Aura Detect IV (40 Energy cost. The pinnacle of Aura Detection - see Cursed and Holy objects from far afield, allows you see even the faintest magical trap clearly, and can allow you to perfectly judge the magical aptitude of your foes).

People and Places:
This is to help me keep track. I've been doing everything from memory so far 'cause notes are for wusses.

Dimensional Nexus: An enclosed amphitheater with an abundance of people and Archcrystals to link to other dimensions.

Blue Archcrystal: Water Dimension. Something stirring in the deeps, but you have already released the central mountain from the control of the Necrofish.

Red Archcrystal: Fire Dimension. Vast dry plains overlook an endless sea of lava, with wooden ships improbably lined up against the cliff-face that separates them. Known for its demons and the wyverns that fly through the air.

White Archcrystal: Ice Dimension. Leads to a snow-encrusted mountain. Currently under the control of an army of metal men that you unleashed.

Green Archcrystal: Forest Dimension. Blue had a lair just outside of it, which you ransacked, and the forest holds all sorts of surprises, included a wooden town in a central clearing.

Stone-Grey Archcrystal: Unknown

Pale Blue Archcrystal: Cloud Dimension. A vast, barren, empty waste sandwhiched between two layers of cloud. Structures are few and far between, but there are many openings to different worlds below.

Dirty-Yellow Archcrystal: Sand Dimension.


You are the Tentacle Overlord.

The Necromancer is a close ally of yours. You joined forces with her in Blue's lair, and rescued her from Black's evil clutches.

Succubus: An ally.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Martha: Mermaid ally. Currently holding the Subtle Knife.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Paladin: Somewhat bitter ally. Powerful but unfriendly.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Dragon: A colossal, intelligent red Dragon that you freed (accidentally) from Blue's lair. He feels that he owes you a debt.
Current Location: Unknown.

Atta: An insectile female humanoid, with hard, shiny exoskeleton, lengthy antennae and timid demeanor. Powerful user of magic, but feels a strong connection to her home nest.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Elene: A woman wrapped in a fur coat. She suffered a terrible ordeal in the Ice Dimension, but you rescued her from the metal men and she's currently recovering thanks to the Paladin.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Necrofish: A half Merman, half-Angler fish monstrosity. Resides underwater, last seen when you defeated him in the Water Dimension.
Current Location: Unknown.

Hu'jet: A previous human servant of black, he now serves you, mistakenly believing you are the new embodiment of his old master. You see no need to remove this notion.
Current Location: Jungle Town
Re: Tentacle Souls

1B have them kill/capture looters.

Green arch crystal (most important)
willow bark
and one of the instruments.

Once we have the arch crystal it should be easy to ask Atta to come back and hatch the eggs, and see if any other allies wants to come help out with the town. Then explore the town some more.

Tentacle Arts II
Healing Slime Ooze II
Re: Tentacle Souls

1B - Kill the looters

For our items:
Definatly the green arch crystal, stick it in the court yard of our mansion or something
Scare Shrooms
And Pan Pipes (but how will we play them without lips?)

Edit: Oh yeah, bring Atta back to hatch our work force and then shit out even more workers.
Last edited:
Re: Tentacle Souls

1B. Kill the looters.

Green Archcrystal
Enchanted willow bark.

I'd like Atta to have a personality so I don't want her to become a brood queen.
Let's cuddle with the Necromancer a bit, then maybe go do some more exploring in the forest, maybe go back to the nexus and see if anyone else wants to come along.
Re: Tentacle Souls

1B. Kill the looters.

Green Archcrystal
Enchanted willow bark.

I'd like Atta to have a personality so I don't want her to become a brood queen.
Let's cuddle with the Necromancer a bit, then maybe go do some more exploring in the forest, maybe go back to the nexus and see if anyone else wants to come along.

^ This pretty much... Except we bring Necro Babe with us to meet the rest of the crew... Including the Paladin! *giggles*
Re: Tentacle Souls

1B. Kill the looters.

Green Archcrystal
Enchanted willow bark.

I'd like Atta to have a personality so I don't want her to become a brood queen.
Let's cuddle with the Necromancer a bit, then maybe go do some more exploring in the forest, maybe go back to the nexus and see if anyone else wants to come along.

Re: Tentacle Souls

1B. Kill the looters.

Green Archcrystal
Enchanted willow bark.

I'd like Atta to have a personality so I don't want her to become a brood queen.
Let's cuddle with the Necromancer a bit, then maybe go do some more exploring in the forest, maybe go back to the nexus and see if anyone else wants to come along.

Re: Tentacle Souls

1B. Kill the looters.

Green Archcrystal
Enchanted willow bark.

I'd like Atta to have a personality so I don't want her to become a brood queen.
Let's cuddle with the Necromancer a bit, then maybe go do some more exploring in the forest, maybe go back to the nexus and see if anyone else wants to come along.

^ This pretty much... Except we bring Necro Babe with us to meet the rest of the crew... Including the Paladin! *giggles*

Re: Tentacle Souls

1B (Hire, the Mercenaries, Kill the Looters) and Green Archcrystal, (Lust) Pan-Pipes and Enchanted willow bark recovered from the Forest. Also, time skip ahoy!


You coil up on your throne, deep in thought.

A week has passed since the collapse of the Town; in that time your hired sellswords from the nearest settlement, Stormcrow, arrived, and hunted down and killed all the remaining looters in the Town. What could be restored has been; the library is still just about functional, the church is only missing a small piece of wall, and a few streets didn't completely burn to the ground. All in all, it's been a fairly productive week - but it's time for the next stage. For some growth.

As you slither forward off your throne, you recall fondly how you've remodeled Black's old house in the week that's gone by. It's now more of a fortress, with high walls reinforced with protective spells, guards on every door, and a below-ground complex for... experiments. But the throne-room is your favourite feature. It's actually just the old living quarters done over; cold white marble slabs on the floor, high stone-brick walls, and arched-windows filled with not glass, but completely transparent protective spells.
And whilst your high-backed, flesh-like throne sits at the back of the room, at the center on a raised dais are the three Archcrystals you have in your possession; a leaf-green one that takes you back to the Dimensional Nexus, a pale blue/grey that leads to the cloud dimension, and a sandy yellow Archcrystal, linked to the Desert Dimension. All three are surrounded by a Mournful Orb that, after some tinkering by the Necromancer, only you and she can pass through (a tentacle has to have some security, right?).

It is towards this dais you now slither, passing the Necromancer as she walks by on some other errand. She smiles at you as she passes, pan-pipes glinting from a pouch on her waist. You mentally broadcast a cheerful greeting at her, then carry on, passing straight into the leaf-green Archcrystal.


In no time at all, you're back at the Dimensional Nexus, and it's hardly changed. Still the same old worn-down amphitheater, same scuffed dirt on the ground, same pool of water surrounding the Blue Archcrystal. You look around, spotting the Succubus, Paladin, Martha in her pool, but no Elene. Perhaps she's on adventure somewhere. Ah! There's Atta! You scoot over, and greet her. She stands up as you approach and her antennae flick up attentively; it's hard to be sure, but it seems like she's pleased to see you.
"Atta!" you call. "Good news! The eggs beneath the public baths in the town? They're still alive, but they need your help to hatch. Will you come with me and see to them?"

No clear response beyond rapid antennae flicking, but when you slide away, Atta follows.


Back in the Town, and in the cellar beneath the public baths. You passed a couple of Plague Victims to reach this part of the Town, but they were no match for Atta's magic. And speaking of Atta's magic...

She's standing over the vast clutch of eggs, their green, translucent shells piled almost a meter high against the wall of this dingy underground storeroom. The corpses from your last visit here are still present on the floor, decaying rapidly and producing a truly vile stench.
As you watch, Atta continues her work, waving her staff over the brood and making rapid clicking noises with her mandibles. Her sleek, hard exoskeleton gleams in the wavy light of the room, and you consider lighting a couple more torches so she can see what she's doing better.

But no need. All of a sudden, Atta stands up straight and steps back - as eggs start to hatch before her. Tiny insects emerge from their eggs, biting their way through with some alarmingly sized mouth parts. They begin to fall to the muddy floor, ten, twenty, fifty, swarming randomly. You feel a little uneasy, and slither back; Atta sees this and raises her staff, and any of the newborns that were heading for you divert course immediately. Indeed, most seem to be settling on the putrid corpses that line the floor... and devouring them. Mandibles slice and cut their way through flesh, stripping the bodies down at an alarming rate. Atta turns towards you, clearly looking for appreciation. You thank her for her work, then ascend the ladder, making sure to seal the cellar shut behind you.

Ten minutes later, you're back on your throne, considering the latest developments, when Hu'jet appears before you.
"Greetings, sir," he begins. He glances briefly at the Necromancer, who's sitting cross-legged on the floor to your right, either deep in concentration or idly picking at her fingernails.
"We have accosted these two trespassers inside the town, sir," he continues, and two sellswords walk in, a young man and woman held between them in chains. The Necromancer looks up, suddenly interested.
"They were seen fleeing from the Tower, stolen gold in hand. Further investigation revealed an associate of theirs was slain by the resident Dire Griffin during their escape." At this point the man (20-ish, long brown hair, well-clothed) begins to cry, leaning against the woman (again, 20-ish, long blond locks of hair, tightly woven top and trousers). She looks up at you defiantly.
"They await your mighty judgement, sir."
The Necromancer looks up at you eagerly. "How would you feel about some new undead servants?"


Option 1A) Release the pair of them with naught but a slap on the wrist. Mercy will endear you to any neighboring settlements.
Option 1B) Take them for your own pleasure, then release them afterwards.

Option 2) Feed both of them to the growing insect swarm.

Option 3) Turn both of them over to the Necromancer for her 'experiments'.

Option 4) Other.

Health: 100/200
Energy: 160/250
Morality: 12/100

Finances: 500 Gold - 10 members, 1 gold per day, 7 days = 430 Gold
Hired Groups: Sellswords from StormCrow
Town State: Plague Victims/Dire Griffin roam freely, Sellswords on Patrol, looters extinct

Currently unlocked:
Fire Bolt I
Magic Sting I, II, III
Magic Cannon
Scale Armor I, II
Slime Ooze I (just sticky/slippery, no other effects)
Magic Shield I, II
Aura Detect I, II, 2.55, III
Perception I, II
Teleport I, II, III
Lust I, II, III (Magical Bolt)
Stealth I
Body Shock I
Entrapment I, II
Swim I
Levitate I
Shrink I (You can contract your now large body to 1/4 its size. Helpful for sneaking).
Ovipositor I, II
Invisibility I (You can turn completely invisible for up to a minute at a time. Thanks, Black).
Holy Beam
Holy Belief (if you have allies wielding weapons, this spell imbues them with a holy aura, greatly increasing the damage they do on undead and unholy creatures).
Holy Closure (a fine golden mist that prevents undead from being rewoken)

Still available:
- Thunder Bolt I (Like Fire Bolt, Thunder element).
- Water Bolt I (...ditto).
- Ice Bolt I.
- Dread I (Releases pheromones that make organisms more afraid. The higher the level, the stronger the effect it has, and the better it works on people (lower levels are effective mostly against animals).
- Confusion I (Launch a magical blast that can disrupt the brain-waves of a foe. Useful against well-armored creatures that aren't very vulnerable to normal attacks).

- Levitate II (allows you to hover straight over even wider gaps).
- Firebolt II (Like Magic Sting II, but Fire Element).
- (Lust) Slime Ooze II (your slime induces lust in those that contact it).
- (Sleep) Slime Ooze II (your slime makes those that touch it sleepy. Very... sleepy).
- (Healing) Slime Ooze II (your slime heals those that touch it. Like with all slime effects, it can be turned on and off at will).
- Stealth II (20 energy required. Become even sneakier).
- Swim II (20 energy required. Can you guess what this evolution does?)
- Body Shock II (20 Energy required. A powerful wave of magical energy runs over your skin. Akin to picking up a live electrical wire. Obviously limited to close-range combat, though).
- Tentacle Arts II (20 Energy required. Recover HP through sex).
- Smog II (20 Energy required. Spray a thick, toxic fog over the immediate area, for concealment and poisoning attackers).

- Magic Shield III (30 energy cost. Lasts longer and tougher to break than Level II).
- Entrapment III (30 cost). Small tentacles appear from the ground around your enemy and bind them to it. The tentacles are strong but not unbreakable.
- Re-Skinned Illusion III (30 cost). Use magic to change the outward appearance of a surface. Useful for laying traps, though not much help in the heat of the moment.
- Ovipositor III (30 Cost) Eggs can be laid anywhere in the body, vast amounts can laid, they hatch quickly and are totally autonomous AND loyal to you.
- Minor Telepathy (30 Cost). If you're close enough to another sentient being, you can pick of very faint snatches of their thoughts and emotions. Which of course can be very helpful for a variety of reasons...

- Illusory Duplicate (40 Energy Cost). Creates a magical duplicate of yourself that can slide around causing all sorts of panic, though unfortunately it isn't truly alive and can't perform any magic of its own.
- Aura Detect IV (40 Energy cost. The pinnacle of Aura Detection - see Cursed and Holy objects from far afield, allows you see even the faintest magical trap clearly, and can allow you to perfectly judge the magical aptitude of your foes).

People and Places:
This is to help me keep track. I've been doing everything from memory so far 'cause notes are for wusses.

Dimensional Nexus: An enclosed amphitheater with an abundance of people and Archcrystals to link to other dimensions.

Blue Archcrystal: Water Dimension. Something stirring in the deeps, but you have already released the central mountain from the control of the Necrofish.

Red Archcrystal: Fire Dimension. Vast dry plains overlook an endless sea of lava, with wooden ships improbably lined up against the cliff-face that separates them. Known for its demons and the wyverns that fly through the air.

White Archcrystal: Ice Dimension. Leads to a snow-encrusted mountain. Currently under the control of an army of metal men that you unleashed.

Green Archcrystal: Forest Dimension. Blue had a lair just outside of it, which you ransacked, and the forest holds all sorts of surprises, included a wooden town in a central clearing.

Stone-Grey Archcrystal: Unknown

Pale Blue Archcrystal: Cloud Dimension. A vast, barren, empty waste sandwhiched between two layers of cloud. Structures are few and far between, but there are many openings to different worlds below.

Dirty-Yellow Archcrystal: Sand Dimension.


You are the Tentacle Overlord.

The Necromancer is a close ally of yours. You joined forces with her in Blue's lair, and rescued her from Black's evil clutches.

Succubus: An ally.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Martha: Mermaid ally. Currently holding the Subtle Knife.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Paladin: Somewhat bitter ally. Powerful but unfriendly.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Dragon: A colossal, intelligent red Dragon that you freed (accidentally) from Blue's lair. He feels that he owes you a debt.
Current Location: Unknown.

Atta: An insectile female humanoid, with hard, shiny exoskeleton, lengthy antennae and timid demeanor. Powerful user of magic, but feels a strong connection to her home nest.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Elene: A woman wrapped in a fur coat. She suffered a terrible ordeal in the Ice Dimension, but you rescued her from the metal men and she's currently recovering thanks to the Paladin.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Necrofish: A half Merman, half-Angler fish monstrosity. Resides underwater, last seen when you defeated him in the Water Dimension.
Current Location: Unknown.

Hu'jet: A previous human servant of black, he now serves you, mistakenly believing you are the new embodiment of his old master. You see no need to remove this notion.
Current Location: Jungle Town
Re: Tentacle Souls


  • Evolve Tentacle Arts II
    Then take them for our own pleasure
    Then let the Necromancer have them for her experiment
    Then, if it hasn't worked, give them to insects...
Re: Tentacle Souls

3. The necromancer seems bored and you know what they say about idle hands
Re: Tentacle Souls

1 could go for A or B though. We should do something about the plague victims soon.

Tentacle Arts II
Healing Ooze
Re: Tentacle Souls

1A. But take back our gold. Maybe give them free t-shirts saying: 'I survived the dire griffin!"

Tentacle Arts II
Healing Ooze
Re: Tentacle Souls

I say we kill two birds with two stones. :p
D- 2&3
Throw the guy to the insects and offer up the woman to NB(necrobabe).
Inquire if us using them will affect her experiments any, if not then rape away!

If there is time, see if Pally wants to become like the "Captain of the Guard" for the city to help root out the plague victims, such a righteous cause after all.

Tentacle Arts II
Firebolt II (& III if we get to sex them up)

Firebolt should come in handy for the inevitable encounter with the griffon...
"It's weak to fire!"
"I'll light it's wings ablaze!"
hehe nostalgic

bah I hate posting from my phone, but it's all I got right now and I'm tired missing out on voting.
Re: Tentacle Souls

I would suggest Option 4: Let's separate the two prisoners, then interrogate them (painlessly, at least at first) about where they come from, what they intended to steal, who they are, if anyone sent them, if there are more looters/spies/infiltrators to expect, etc. The interrogation could be in a good cop/bad cop way with us and the necromancer, and/or we could use some Lust spell stimulation on the prisoners to impair their higher reasoning...

Since the young man is apparently rather distraught about the loss of their number 3, we could also try to bargain with him (maybe a bit far-fetched): his full confession/cooperation in exchange for our "priest" (necromancer) bringing back the fallen (if there's anything left of the corpse after the Griffin was done).

Should the prisoners be working for someone else, we could consider releasing one of them (probably the male, unless he is higher-ranked by far) to open up negotiations with our neighbours, while the other (the female, hopefully) stays behind as insurance (and possible target for corruption/subversion/convincing to our noble cause:D)
Re: Tentacle Souls

1A on the stipulation that this is their one trespass against us. We are a saint after all.