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RPG [M.W.O.史書編纂所] Muddled World Orchestra Fragment 1, 2, and 3 (RJ128435, RJ142767, RJ162080)

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Re: Muddled World Orchestra

Some can help me with something?

Every time when a slime use his ability on my i get an audio error.

Someone know how to fix it?
Re: Muddled World Orchestra

Some can help me with something?

Every time when a slime use his ability on my i get an audio error.

Someone know how to fix it?

If you're playing on Windows 7, you have to change the region language to Japanese.
Re: Muddled World Orchestra

I just defeated the sole female boss in the game, the hardest in the whole game. Apparently she's an angel, and after defeating her you'll receive the strongest weapon in the game. Not that you'll actually need it anyway if you're able to survive her, unless you're planning on new game plus.
Re: Muddled World Orchestra

Sorry if I'm necro-ing, but I've searched everywhere and it was still a no go.
Can anyone post a save file of MWO II? Thanks in advance~
Re: Muddled World Orchestra

/C /X3 /V /P

Will be verbose. Deselect undesired threads if using Chiitrans and may want to inject AGTH after launch. Threads seem to change with each play.

Ninja'd! Actually, using his info on Chiitrans2, I now get better results and think it will be repeatable. /C switch is not retained but it still works using "/X3 /HA@0000FDE9 MultiByteToWideChar"

Hey, sorry to ask (I tried to look but...), I can't make Muddled World Orchestra Fragment I work in ChiiTrans2. Could you please explain me how to do so?
I don't understand the things I quoted in this post. What's a /C switch?

Re: Muddled World Orchestra

Hey, sorry to ask (I tried to look but...), I can't make Muddled World Orchestra Fragment I work in ChiiTrans2. Could you please explain me how to do so?
I don't understand the things I quoted in this post. What's a /C switch?


I actually don't know what each switch does. Simply copied from others.

  1. Start game by clicking game.exe.
  2. Start Chiitrans2. In first selection box, browse to game.exe for the Fragment.
  3. Next box, enter "/X3 /HA@0000FDE9 MultiByteToWideChar". (Don't know what X3 switch does. HA@0000FDE9 searches that memory block for the threads. MultiByteToWideChar converts some characters to different format - I think.)
  4. Final box, select Inject AGTH into running process. If you try to Run Game through AGTH it will probably crash.
  5. Once you start to get text, click binocular icon. A new window will appear listing threads that it has found. Select each thread to see what is being read. Click selection box for threads you want to see, deselect what you don't want to see.
  6. Play with it. Experiment with settings.
Re: Muddled World Orchestra

Is a there a some kind of guide or translation patch for the items, abilities, and equipment in this game (fragment 3, mostly)? I can wing it pretty successfully with the help of the checklists and and walkthroughs on this forum, but being unable to see what stuff does is really slowing me down in the gameplay, especially with the accessories.

And, before anyone suggests it - no, ATLAS and such are simply not an option for me. I have never been able to get those things to work.
Re: Muddled World Orchestra

And, before anyone suggests it - no, ATLAS and such are simply not an option for me. I have never been able to get those things to work.

Then there are none.

Well. You could decrypt the games files, open it up on RPG Maker and translate it yourself using other translation tools or something. There are a bunch of threads in this sub-forum explaining how to decrypt, and RPG Maker should be self-explanatory after that.
Re: Muddled World Orchestra

Then there are none.

Well. You could decrypt the games files, open it up on RPG Maker and translate it yourself using other translation tools or something. There are a bunch of threads in this sub-forum explaining how to decrypt, and RPG Maker should be self-explanatory after that.

I don't actually have RPG Maker - I just got the RTP files so I can play games made using it.
Re: Muddled World Orchestra

And, before anyone suggests it - no, ATLAS and such are simply not an option for me. I have never been able to get those things to work.

Quit being a pussy, and learn how to use ATLAS, like everyone else. You might not like to hear it, but it's the best advice one could give in your situation.
Re: Muddled World Orchestra

Hi all, can someone plz tell me where i can get all 3 games and the audio files, i've tried the owners website and no luck on my part and the links on the first page don't work for me, a torrent perhaps or can someone pm the inks, thank you
Re: Muddled World Orchestra

Early October? o_O So pretty much within a week huh.

(The demo is just a prologue + a section of the playing as the princess)
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Re: Muddled World Orchestra

This also means that the author will probably start working on re-making Fragment III soon.
Oh joy!
Re: Muddled World Orchestra

Hi all, can someone plz tell me where i can get all 3 games and the audio files, i've tried the owners website and no luck on my part and the links on the first page don't work for me, a torrent perhaps or can someone pm the inks, thank you
The author took down the games when they started working on the remake -
they got concerned that leaving the free games up would take away sales from the eventual dlsite release.

Though to be fair - the first game had some touched-up CGs and combat mechanics, for the second it looks like they actually reworked the game itself a bit.

So you're probably stuck waiting until the games are re-released on dlsite again, or digging up some old copy someone has around somewhere.
Pretty sure all he original download links have since been disabled by the developer.
Re: Muddled World Orchestra

The author took down the games when they started working on the remake -
they got concerned that leaving the free games up would take away sales from the eventual dlsite release.

Though to be fair - the first game had some touched-up CGs and combat mechanics, for the second it looks like they actually reworked the game itself a bit.

So you're probably stuck waiting until the games are re-released on dlsite again, or digging up some old copy someone has around somewhere.
Pretty sure all he original download links have since been disabled by the developer.

Or, and this might sound crazy, he can read through the thread. Specifically page 10.
Re: Muddled World Orchestra

It was released guys, just so ya kniow. It's like $3, just buy it!
Re: Muddled World Orchestra

hi all, i've managed to find muddled world orchestra fragment 1 and 2 on nyaa torrents, can anyone plz upload audio files, thanks.
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