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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Three little doors? How was that helpful? Still Jenny had to try and use one immediately. At first she tried to open one of the mini doors on the run heading for the door to the right.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Lina still chases! Gets a free 26 spaces on Jenny![1 roll :/ ]
Lina is 17 spaces away!
Jenny quickly got to her fete and went for the door on her right. Thankfully the girl still had a clear view of direction leading AWAY from whatever was chasing her.

On her way Jenny inpsected the palm-zied doors, trying to open them up or knock on them not to much effect. What was she to do with these?!

As Jenny ran past the filled body bags, each of the hanged victims silently whispered the cry of it's anguish, giving Jenny a minor memory of a mages being cut apart exactly in this room. Some were sleeping others were much less fortunate.

The heroine quickly turned the knob only to curse out loudly! The door was locked! In the distance she could hear a door being shattered and a wail. The cursed creature was so close now!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny needed time and quickly dropped the mini door she was working on and grabbed one of the balls Ezalor had given her. Thankfully she had always been a good thrower with expert aim. Chucking the sphere at the twisted form of her sister Jenny would pick up the dropped door and head for the left exit.

Dropping the mini door and throwing a sphere at evil Lina
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Lina catches up to Jenny!!!
Jenny preemptive blinds Lina! 2 spheres left
Jennys uses one of the doors! 2 Doors left

Jenny gains 15 spaces from the door skip.
15 spaces to Jenny.

Be it by accident or intention one the miniature doors dropped from the girls grasp, the moment it touched the ground the door quickly extended and slammed open looking down it lead to a different room! One without the risk of being torn apart shortly.

Still Jenny had a plan and the bravery to do. The girl grabbed one of the sphere and after a brief moment just as expected the twisted apparition bursted through the door, only to be met face first by the flash grenade!

Lina roared out loudly covering her eyes as Jenny jumped down the door. It closing right behind her and disappearing!

Jenny landed in new room and looked around, the vails of the blinded creature echoing from behind one of the doors. Seemed the door allowed her to bypass the lock! It was exactly the same room... the filled body bags still there and occasionally twitched whenever Jenny got near them.

3 exit as last time
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Surprised Jenny quickly acted and dropped another door and disappeared threw it before the abominations found her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny uses another door! 1 left
2 light orbs left

Lina shakes off blinded, is blocked by the locked door!
30 spaces to Jenny!

Jenny didn't want to risk whatever might happen if she ran past this room. The twitching body bags and the possibly locked door seemed far too large of a gamble this time around!

The heroine quickly dropped another door only to see it enlarge and open up leading a passage onwards. Before Jenny jumped through she could hear the creature roar out and run towards the locked door. Hopefully it'll buy her some extra time.

Jenny jumped through the magic door and landed in the next room in this chase "STOP HER!" a booming voice echoed out through the area, some debris falling down and off the walls. Leaving some holes, in the already ransacked room.

Dark tentacles quickly slipped in through the cracks blocking Jennys route forward! They didn't seem particulary thick, but were still in the way. The heroine could try to make a break through them, cut them... or perhaps something else. Whatever the case was, for the time being she had made some decent distance from her chaser.

Make a break through = Dodge check
Cut through = lower the living wall hp
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny moved towards the tentacles and threw one of the flash grenades at them hopeing the light would disperse the shadow things. If it was successful she would try the right doorway. If not she would use the last door Riley had gifted her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny uses flash grenade! It's super effective!
1 Flash left
1 Door left

Lina crashed down the door!
43 vs 46

Jenny gets 3 more distance away!
33 spaces advanatage!

Jenny quickly grabbed one of the flash grenades and chucked into the black twitching mass! The globe shined brightly and exploded in brilliant flash, forcing the dark tendrils back into their holes!

With her path clear the heroine quickly proceeded onwards, slamming the door open. This time there was no lock to stop her! Unfortunately seemed the trial wasn't over quite yet as another room rested infront of her. This one was filled with not body, bag but mages their robes soaked in dark red blood and faces hidden under the hooks. The corpses hanged from the ceiling numerous hooks holding them in place.

"HOLD HER!" the booming voice echoed once more, forcing the room to shake violently... and spurring the dead bodies to life! The next door was directly infront of the heroine, but that meant getting past 3 of the undead creatures!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny eyed the horror's briefly before moving past them her blade out to cut past any hands that grabbed at her.

Fighting defensively while moving past the mages aiming for the hands of the first mage to grab at her
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny dashes forward!

Undead attempt grapples!
42 vs 40 CAUGHT!
47 vs 40 CAUGHT!
38 vs 40 MISS!

Jenny is grappled!!!

Jennys does not move this round
Lina advances 28 [wow thank Nurgle for that low roll!]
5 spaces away!

Jenny has no chance to win the grapple check!
Riley uses Jennys flash bomb!
Undead are blinded
Jenny is free!

No bombs left!
1 door remaining.

Jenny gripped at her blade tightly and rushed past the mages towards the door! Ofcourse the creatures obeyed their master and lunged forward to her! Jenny slashed at the first creature to come at her only to note it didn't budge or even react at all catching her by the arm then pulling her in by her beautiful hair!

The creature quickly took a strong hold to her, with another pilling on holding her tightly. The heroine tried to squirm out, but it was absolutely no use!

In the neighbooring room Jenny heard the door crash open as the sound of bare feet running towards her echoed out. The grizzly memory of the creature that was chasing her still fresh in the heroines mind!

Jenny tried to shake off the creatures again, but their hold was final!

Suddenly the creatures stirred lightly as a light shinned out, from nearbby the heroine unable to see it clearly. Jenny felt one of her light orbs inclipped and suddenly a blinding white flash filled the room forcing the undead creatures to release the girl and stagger away in seeming pain.

"Looked like you needed a hand" Riley smirked proudly at her save "Keep moving you're almost out it's reach! Go!" the showgirl pointed her cane to the door and dispersed once more. Jenny was in the clear to dash forward, vails of her chaser seemingly right behind her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny moved to the door and threw it open to see what lay ahead next.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

27 vs 38!
Jenny gets up to 14 spaces away!

With nothing in her path the heroine quickly got to running forward slamming the door open and looking to what lied beyond. She was at the end! The stairway up was right to her right!

"NO!!!" like a shockwave the voice boomed out, tearing the ground asunder and seemingly pulling the floor further away like before! Though this time it wasn't nearly as far away!

Looking back the other rooms were slowly being crushed and shattered by a black mass right behind Linas twisted apparition, who just continued to dash towards Jenny. Her now empty with bloody tear like streams surrounding her face.

From the torn asunder darkness numerous scittering spiderlike creatures started to crawl out going directly for the heroine. She couldn't stand there, nor could she really advance forward by foot the crevice was far too large.

Jenny is facing ~40ft wide crevice of utter darkness with darkling spiders coming out of it. The darkness in the crevice is familiar.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny was out of flash bombs and only had one door left. Well here goes nothing with that Jenny used the last door to clear the crevice and head up the stairs.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

In the clear!

As the world seemingly started collapsing around her Jenny quickly dropped the door down, only moments before it enlarged itself. The heroine casted one final glance back, as Linas appartion cried out to her only to be swallowed by the black mass behind her.

Jenny was about to jump when suddenly she felt someone grab her hand! The heorine quickly looked to whatever it was only to see Riley smile at her moments before forcefully dragging her into the door with it shutting close behind them.

The next moment both girls hit a solid surface, Jenny getting pulled right on top of Riley. The duo rested in a fairly compromising position for a bit before Riley spoke up "No wonder noone comes visit him eh?" she snickered lightly, though didn't move Jenny aside and off her, heck she even got more comfortable.

Perhaps a gesture not fit for their current position at all. There a single light source near the girls and everywhere else complete and utter darkness surrounded them. Absolutely no sounds piercing the silence, besides the duos own.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at Riley and smiled before kissing her deeply. "You really saved my bacon with those doors Riley." Jenny caressed the woman's cheek with her finger. "Ill have to pay you back when this is all over." Jenny got up and offered her hand to Riley smiling a hint of lust on her face. "Sir! where are you?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley eagerly returned the kiss sensually pressing her body against Jennys "Can't wait." she winked slyly and took the offered hand.

"He's not here." Riley fixed her hat "We're not exactly in the physical world. Chances are the poor lil' golem only saw us just suddenly disappear." the showgirls voice echoed out into the distance and seemingly disappeared "We're close to the statue now and to Jack. Let's find the exit" Riley glanced over to the light source "Wanna carry it or shall I do it?" she smiled lightly at the heroine.

The two girls did indeed stand out in this dark and silent place.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny reached up and grabbed the light source. "Which way?" With that Jenny would lead or follow depending on Riley's actions. "He must be a very lonely or twisted man to guard himself with such horrors.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"He's no longer a man." Rileys voice carried a fairly non-chalant and cold wibe to it as she looked around "And which way is a very good question..." her voice echoed to the darkness with no telling signs which way the girls were facing or how to escape it.

"This way maybe?" well guess Riley wasn't as accustomed to this place as Jenny might've suspected. The two would walk through the dark for quite some time, the darkness seemingly not changing one bit.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Not a man humm?" Jenny left it at that hoping Riley would take up the slack but if not they would continue on. After awhile however Jenny would sigh and find the occulus in her pocket maybe it would lead them where she needed to be.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"He's become the avatar of a bloody death. The Invaders had a shock troop of their assasins rush to the dorms. These creatures have little use for males... it was a slaughter." Riley looked down sadly "To survive the harvest hours Jack had to attune himself to one of the buildings. Unfortunately his was filled with death, blood and despair... guess he just broke to it's influence as time went on."

Thankfully this time the oculus didn't melt away. Jenny casually raised the oculus and peered through it. Hundreds upon thousands of lights caught Jennys eye, the darkness was filled with dark pink figures all of them holding their hands as if crying and wandering around. Be it above the girls or below.

Oddly enough seemed they did not dare get near the light, quickly rushing aside if their paths met. Jenny peered to one of the figures who continued walking as if sobbing, it's face covered. When suddenly it stopped!

As if feeling Jennys gaze the creature slowly, moved it's hands down and gaze up her--- "DON'T!" before their eyes could meet Riley quickly pulled away the oculus! "Stare into the void and it will stare back. We don't want to be seen her. Let's just stroll past them nice calmly"
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