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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny picked up Sir and comforted him as one would a scared lamb or child gently pulling bits of cotton off his head. "Sir I would like you to meet Riley." Jenny present Sir to Riley. "Riley I would like you to meet Sir my backup in this place. Despite his appearance he really is brave." With the introductions out of the way Jenny and Riley where free to proceeded where they would.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley waved gently waved to the little golem a warm smile on her face, who waved back just as happily to, hopefully, their new ally "Aw~ he's adorable" the showgirl giggled lightly, before proceeding with the briefing "Well~ if we're going to find your sister, our best bet would be to ask the Grand Master." the girl picked up her cane and confidently struted around the stage "And from what I gathered, he's not in his room. Which means our goal is..." Riley spun her cane and threw it up only for some books to land on her palm "The library." she winked slyly and threw the illusionary books behind her.

"Unfortunately the library is off-limits for everyone except the academy students. Meaning to enter you need to honor the 4 dieties of the academy." the girl pointed her cane to Sir, wait when did she get it back? "The Warrior" suddenly Servo had a beard attached to him, a toy sword and shield! "The Shephard." in a poof the get-up disappeared only for the little golem to curiously look over the scythe he had in his hand, as Riley walked circles around him "The Trickster" the scytche would disappear only to be replaced by a curly black moustache "And the Star God..." Servo looked over himself, but thankfully Riley was done using him as a visual cue.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I figured as much I already completed the Stargod and Im not sure if the warrior is counted for. After all its been borrowed but I did preform a ritual before its usual resting place." Jenny shrugged she wasn't sure if it counted or not though Riley probably new for sure,
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley glanced away uncomfortably "Perhaps we'll worry about the warrior last. Which means you need the Trickster and the Shepherd. In other words... we'll need to visit Jack and Alice." the showgirls spirit clearly dimmed as she casted a unsure look at Jenny "They don't appreciate company though... not even me."

"Still if we're getting you an audience with the Grand Master, you'll need all of the statues. It's your journey, where shall we go?" it was time to choose a path, but on the brigthside if the 'we' hinted at anything, the heroine would have the showgirls support throughout.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Lets deal with the Shepard first.. I would rather get any messiness done with as soon as possible." Jenny frowned the Shepard was the keeper of death no doubt things would be grim. It wasn't like Jenny had never seen a dead body and she had add a few of her own to the pile. She didn't like it and no doubt it would wear on her but she was willing to sacrifice much to rescue her sister and well she had already sacrificed her humanity her sister was probably the only thing left that grounded her kept her from embracing her lustful dark nature. She had to save her it was really the only way to save herself.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley slices the puppet apart:
39 damage done
Riley smiled at the burning determination in the heroines eyes "Alrighty, off to the boys dorm then." she winked slyly at Jenny and with that would slowly lead the group out of the stage and to the exit "Oh! Before we leave, let me check on something." a blink later Riley was gone.

Losing a ally in such a place just due to impatience seemed fairly foolish, thus Jenny patiently waited out wandering to look over the seat and stage during the brief pause.

Even in disarray the stage and the hall never failed to make Jenny wonder, what kind of shows took place here all those years ago. The heroine looked over the stage when some movement caught her eye on the catwalks and the ceiling, the shadows seemingly moved and creeped around in huge mass. Jenny leaned closer and narrowed her eyes trying to make out what it was--- "Ready to go." Jenny almsot yelped out as Riley appeared from behind her "Come on, we better reach the dorms before harvest hours."

Riley almost pushed Jenny out of the hall, looking to the creeping shadows in a frightful fashion.

Even if Jenny tried to subtly open the doors, Riley would open them as confidently as ever the fresh air once more gracing both of the girls. Fresh air that was soon fouled by one of the meat puppets that forced Jenny inside!

Before the heroine even drew her blade, the creature was absolutely shreded to tiny bits right infront of her by invisible strings or a blade, turning it into a black ooze mass in a matter of moments. Riley looked back to Jenny, smirking confidently "After you." the showgirl wasn't all show at all...

Riley directs to the right building.
There are ~ 15 meat puppets in their way
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Thankfully most of the meat puppets where far to dumb to look up and with a smile Jenny picked Riley up and spread her wings. "Okay Sir stay close!" With that said Jenny took to the air staying about eight feet off the ground. With the speed her wings allowed and the relative safety of flying above the reach of the puppets they would soon be at the boys dorm. On the way though Jenny had a few questions for the showgirl. "Riley what do you mean by harvest time? Was that the giant Reaper I saw? Can you tell me what happened to all the students?" Jenny wanted to know if they had managed to be safe or if they had all been taken by the aliens.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys greater wings were more than up to snuff and with Servo floating rigth alongside her the heroine easily picked up Riley, accidentally misplacing her hands on the initial grab... and took to the air, the showgirl holding on to her top hat during lift-off. Even if the creatures down below saw them with how slow they were the girls were safe.

"You've seen the harvest hours in the cafereria., it's when..." Riley paused briefly "It's when the academy loops 'the incident' once more. The reaper you saw is one of the five harvesters." though the question about the students remained unanswered, clearly it wasn't a topic the showgirl wanted to be reminded off or talk about.

Thankfully the entrance to the men dorms wasn't crawling with any creatures... or well to be more precise the puppets were a safe distance away for the girls to enter.

The building had a almost burnt down and ruined feel to it. All the windows were bolted up or blocked out otherwise. The trio landed at the entrance the entrance. It used to be a double door with a watchers office on the left, but the doors and even the watcher office walls had been torn down. An unnatural darkness starting mere feet into the dorm.

Servo tried to shine his light inside only for it to be completely enveloped by the dark. Whatever lied inside would not be pleasant "The statue is on the second floor." Riley looked to the heroine "Jenny remember. Whatever you see inside from here on out is NOT real. Don't let Jack get to you. Your sister needs you 'kay?" the showgirl looked to Jenny with surprising seriousness.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Okay Ill do my best Riley. I take it your not going with me?" It was a fear Jenny had of facing such a daunting task alone but she had been brave so far she couldn't let this place get to her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny HP: 70/70 Ep: 35/35 PP: 35/35
31 vs ?? fail

42 vs ?? win
Riley smiled weakly "I'll do my best, but this is Jacks domain. Though I'll be at the statue when you arrive. Promise." the showgirl offered her hand to the heroine, as Servo bumped into her leg aswell. His little light looking all over in a clearly anxious manner.

Whatever the case Jenny took a deep breath and entered the building the unnatural darkness surrounding her "Here he comes... Ja--" a piercing ringing noises struck Jennys ears making her doozy for a brief moment, Servo and Riley were gone.

The heroine looked forward, the darkness was gone... though she wished it hadn't. The dorms were now illuminated by a faint light, Jenny stood on black cut stone and infront of her the hallway continued 6 doors in total and at the end some stairs up. The true horror though was all the blood here... it seemingly seeped from in between the rocks through the hall pulsing out numerous small streams which continueing to coat a most of the floor infront. The ceiling was covered in complete darkness and shimmered lightly.

Suddenly silent dripping of blood was interupted by a booming voice "What do you know of Death?!" the question seemed more rethorical than anything else.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny didn't move forward only slightly squeamish about all the blood after all it wasn't real. "Death can be sad and it can be sudden and more importantly all mortals will eventually die its a part of life even if its the end of it." Sure the question was rhetorical but Jenny couldn't let it stand.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys is grappled!!

42 vs 40 win!

Jenny is freed!

Jenny didn't fear the blood not the voice and proclaimed her answer firmly, her stride ufnalterting... until she stepped into the blood.

The moment Jenny lowered her foot into the puddle atleast 3 pairs of bloody hands reached out and grabbed her ankle! Their pull absolutely impossible to break as soon her other foot was dragged closer to the pool and grabbed aswell!

It was not a slow and agonizing pull it was a greedy, primal and forceful! The heroines feet were quickly submerged and her whole body dragged deeper tens of blood hands pulling her in, even by the hair! The blood was scalding hot and instantly destroyed most senses in whatever part the girl was submerged in!

There was hardly even enough time to cry out as her seeming death had already arrived! "Jenny!" Fortunately though a certain cane quickly caught Jenny by the waist and pulled her out. The heroines lower body, thankfully still there. A barely visible aparition of Riley looking over Jenny "If your mind dies so do you! Be careful!" with that the image dispersed.

Jenny looked over the hallway once more, while there was a small bath of black stone, any slip ups there and who knows what might happen. The path did spread out to quite a few rooms, but was she really looking to explore such a place.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

That was scary thankfully Riley had saved her just in time. Collecting herself Jenny looked down the hallway. All in her mind humm well then. Jenny focused a moment trying to bring up an image or conjure an object. If this place was all mind games then she needed a weapon that suited her she needed frost!.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny focused and imagined her brilliant weapon! The heroine opened her eyes to reveal nothing had changed, not weapon or the like appeared. Thinking back Riley said 'if her mind dies', this wasn't in her head.

Some chains could heard from one of the room followed by some weeping. If Jenny had to take a guess it was the first door on the right.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny sighed her plan didn't work. Still she had to move on though the noise of the chains caused her pause. It was hard to determine a course of action. Was each room a trap or a challenge? The only way to find out was to encounter one. Taking a deep breath Jenny moved to the door making sure to step on the stones and not the blood. Reaching it Jenny slowly opened the door to peak inside.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny carefully approached the door avoiding any and all contact with the cursed blood. Though the heroine only wanted a peek inside, the door would slam open at the mere touch. A yelp rang out as the heavy door shattered to piece. The room was circular with drains surrounding the main area, in the middle of the room a ragged black haired girl was restrained mid air, tight chains holding each of her limbs firmly "W-who are you? Please I just want to go home!" the girl sobbed in a very weak voice... the chilling realisation that this was Lina, hit Jenny soon after "Please no more... just kill me."
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley's warning still wrung in her head. "Remember nothing in their is real." This wasn't Lina though her appearance and the thought that something was hurting her did get Jenny upset but not with despair but with anger. With one hand Jenny grabbed her occulus and brought it to her eye to see the scene.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny grabbed the oculus only for it to melt away in her hands. What was the girl expecting?

The heroine cursed silently, only to catch the strung up girls attention "J-Jenny? Sister is that you?" hope ignited in Linas eyes as she looked to Jenny.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well that was discouraging frowning slightly Jenny looked up at Lina. "Lina where are we how did you get here." It was probably a trap and undoubtedly a very dangerous one after all she doubted her quest would end this soon.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Lina eyed Jenny in disbelief "WHAT?! Free me, you idiot!" the girl was beaten, tired and strung up in the air by chains. Guess the heroines offer on simple chit-chat at this moment didn't go over so well.

Suddenly in the distance some chains rang out "No! NO! HURRY! JENNY PLEASE! AH!!" Lina cried out in agony as the chain started pulling at her brutally!