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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha watched Sara enter the tent and disrobe unable to stop herself from watching the young spirit user undress. She had a glorious figure worthy of a nymph even. Sara's request left no doubt of the tension between the two woman. It seemed an eternity before Asha responded a note of hesitation in her voice. "I would like that." She pulled open her bedroll to reveal that she was completely naked. "My bedroll is big enough for both of us." The invitation was made it was up to Sara to see it through.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

As Sara sat waiting, she felt positive Asha would turn her down, and as the wait dragged on she was about to lay down on her own bedroll. The eventual response, hesitant though it was, stayed her. An uncertain smile touched her lips as she nodded. "Thank you. It's cold tonight." She was given pause when Asha revealed her own nudity and was left to wonder if the Nymph had expected this, or if she really did always sleep in the nude. It was a question for another time though, and Sara slid herself into bedroll with Asha.

Unlike the first night, Sara didn't turn away from Asha so she could spoon her, instead she lay down facing the beautiful, supple-bodied Nymph, chest to chest, her hardened nipples poking somewhat noticeably into Asha's flesh. Sara draped an arm over Asha's waist after pulling the bedroll cover over the both of them and smiled somewhat ruefully saying, "Sorry, it's..ah...cold out." While temperature may have played a factor, it certainly wasn't the only reason for the perky state of her nipples, though she refrained from mentioning such.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha was warm to the touch her body having a few minutes to generate some heat under the blankets. Asha smiled and rested her arm on Sara's waist in a similar fashion as the user had done. The Nymph breathed in and out steadily her warm breath smelling of flowers. Being this close to Asha Sara could smell her hair and feel her warmth. Almost unnoticeable Asha moved closer to Sara pressing her body close but refraining from any aggressive intimate contact.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara relaxed considerably when Asha smiled and put an arm over her, seemingly accepting the woman's somewhat awkward advances. As the nymph moved closer, Sara returned in kind, moving herself slightly against her and enjoying the feeling of warmth shared between their two bodies as they pressed together.

Now that they were so close, Sara could smell her breath, it smelled pleasantly of flowers, she couldn't recall smelling it before, but it was certainly apparent now. So nice was the smell that she didn't really notice that her head was drifting closer and closer to Asha's. Her arm that was already on the Nymph gently caressed her waist, enjoying the feel of her warm, soft skin, while her other hand drifted up to her face, rubbing her cheek before moving back to her silky soft hair. It was then that her lips touched Asha's in a light, gentle kiss.

Barring interruption, she held the kiss for a few moments, long enough to get a taste of the nymph before pulling back just far enough so she could look in Asha's eyes, a twinkling look in her own eyes and a happy smile on her face as she remarked only one word, "Flowers?" Despite breaking the kiss, both of her hands remained where they were, one rubbing Asha's waist, the other stroking her hair and massaging her scalp.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Of course what scented water do you wash your mouth out with after eating?" Asha giggled at the question before stroking Sara's back with her free hand. Her leg moving to part Sara's. "Your very pretty Sara and what ever gifts you received from my kind have only made you prettier."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Scented water? Sara had never heard of such a thing before. She gave the Nymph an inquiring look before saying, "I never knew such things existed." The woman gave a soft sigh of pleasure and arched her back, pressing herself more into her partner as she felt Asha's electric touch slide up and down her back.

Her breath caught in her throat as one of Asha's legs began parting her own. She offered no resistance, raising her leg more and allowing it to drape over the intruding leg, curling around it and pulling it further between her legs.

There was a noticeable heat building in her loins now, Asha would almost certainly feel it on the flesh of her leg. Yet Sara did not seek to pleasure herself first. Instead she moved her lower leg into a similar position between the two of Asha's legs, presenting it for the Nymph to use if she so desired.

When Asha commented on Sara's looks and what everyone else had only ever referred to as mutations, a single tear of happiness welled in her eye. In a quiet voice that welled with happiness she replied, "Oh hush, you've already got me undressed and in your bed. But since you bring it up, you are every bit as beautiful as our legends of your race say and then so much more. I don't think I could ever do your beauty justice with words." She removed her hand from Asha's waist and grasped the hand that was lingering on her own waist and brought it up to her chest and pressed it into her breast. "You got a feel earlier, but I thought maybe you'd like a feel without those pesky clothes in the way." As she removed her hand from Asha's she whispered, "Be gentle." And then she started rubbing her hand up and down the Nymph's side, occasionally trailing down far enough for her to gently squeeze the Nymph's shapely rear. Her other hand pulled their bodies close together. Her heart was beating wildly in her chest, and she wondered if Asha could feel it as their warm bodies pressed together.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha smiled at Sara and kissed her gently letting her hands massage the offered breast. Rolling the both of them over so Sara was on her back as brought her left hand up to massage Sara's other breast. Moving to stradle Sara Asha blushed heavily. "Its been a long time sense Ive been with a woman. I fear Im a little rusty." Asha despite her comments still massaged Sara's breasts leaning in to kiss the woman before pulling away to trail kisses down her chest giving each tit a kiss before trailing down the rest of her body. It seemed Asha was taking it slow maybe remembering how or teasing Sara with her light kisses and touches.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara smiled and stroked Asha's thighs as she let the Nymph straddle her. "Oh Asha relax, you're doing fine," she cooed softly. As the Nymph began kissing her way down her body, Sara sighed happily, loving the delicate touch of the soft lips and flower-scented breath on her skin. She caressed Asha's arms as the Nymph went lower, though once the Nymph went out of reach, she would prop herself up on her elbows to watch Asha's downward progress.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara managed to prop herself just in time to see Asha reach her pussy. Looking up at Sara Asha smile before kissing Sara's clitty. Asha continued to suckle on the sensitive organ for awhile before moving to lick Sara's folds sampling the juices with her tongue. Apparently Asha liked what she tasted as her licking became more fevered and intense. One hand held Sara down and limited the jerking her body was doing while the other one played with her own folds leaving Sara's hands free to do as they wished.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara smiled back in anticipation of the coming lustful meeting. As Asha kissed and began suckling her clit, she groaned in pleasure. "Ohhh Asha! Looks like you remembered some of the important bits. Even if it's been awhile." As the Nymph started feasting on her warm, wet pussy, Sara grinned and panted hotly, definitely enjoying her new friend's ministrations.

Despite the pleasure she was in, she frowned when she saw Asha fingering herself, despite how arousing it was to see the Nymph's fair, aroused pussy. In between moans she said, "Now Asha, I have ahhh... One rule when it haaa... comes to sex. My partners never gahhh...pleasure..huuu..themselves!" Despite the hand on her stomach holding her down, she rotated around on the ground, coming to a stop underneath her lover.

"Enough of this silly business, with me around, you don't need to worry about providing for yourself like that." She gently moved the hand Asha had been using to masturbate away and put her face in the Nymph's folds to replace it. Using her hands, she gently opened the labia, exposing Asha's sweet-smelling love tunnel and love-button. She breathed heavily on the exposed pussy, and then went to work. She suckled the little button first as a baby would a bottle, or as she planned to do to Asha's nipples at some point. She kept at this for a minute, or until the woman seemed about to climax, whichever came first. Then she shifted her attentions to the tunnel before her. She kept the aroused labia spread wide with one hand so that she could go deeper,she wrapped the other around Asha's waist in order to push the Nymph down into her face, when she went to work plumbing her depths, eager for a dessert of love honey after their dinner of trail ration-stem.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara completed her maneuver causing Asha some slight surprise but she adapted quickly. Almost in a similar manner as Sara Asha had used both hands to part the woman's sex returning the cunnilings with more gusto than before. However Sara quickly took control of the situation as she brought Asha's sex down to her face causing the nymph to gasp in surprise as her body started to shutter in an orgasm.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara groaned aloud as Asha used her own technique against her. Well, imitation is flattery after all, she thought to herself. Regardless, she felt Asha tense up as her orgasm neared, her sex tightening around her tongue, so she redoubled her efforts to make the sexy nymph cum. At the same time, she felt herself reach the tipping point as well due to Asha's tongue thrusting around inside of her. And then she went over the edge.

She clamped her thighs around Asha's head as she orgasmed, her pussy releasing a sweet reward for the Nymph's efforts, while she buried her face further in her lover's pussy to hamper her own cry. She continued loudly slurping at Asha's pussy, looking to drink her fill of the Nymph's sweet treasure before relinquishing her hold on Asha's waist and sitting up and smiling at her.

When Asha had had her fill of Sara's cum, she slid up along the Nymph's body, the sweat and juices making it easy to slide up to her face. Lingering bare centimeters above Asha's lips, Sara trailed her hands up her partner's sides, cupping the woman's head gently as she whispered, "I think I may have found something better than scented water. Thoughts?" She leaned forward the rest of the way and began to softly make out with Asha, gently swapping their sex fluids orally, while trying to slowly wind down the fires of their passions, out of respect for Asha's mission. Of course, that didn't stop her from greatly enjoying the tender moment they were sharing.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara barely got a word out. As soon as she was face to face with the nymph Asha locked her into a deep kiss and rolled on top of her. She was flush with passion and breathing heavily. "Its been a long time sense another person's made me cum." Asha kissed Sara again before settling next to her and pulled her close buring her head into Sara's neck.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

When Asha started kissing her again, Sara melted into her, offering no resistance as the beautiful woman rolled her over. Indeed, if she had tried to get them going again, she wouldn't have resisted at all.

Fortunately for the both of them, Asha possessed some restraint and held back.

Sara smiled, "Oh you...Now I feel even more blessed." She gratefully accepted another kiss from Asha. When the Nymph settled next to her and buried her head in her neck, she was left to gather her breath, pantin softly as she gently caressed her fey lover's head and stroked her hair, her other hand sliding up and down her back.

She brushed Asha's hair off the side of her face and gently whispered into her ear. "You know...we can't walk all the way to Endus without a rest or two along the way. How about the next time we come upon somewhere renting nice rooms we stop there for a day or two so we won't have to worry about this early start business...and I will show you all the best ways to love a woman. Sound nice? I promise you will enjoy it way more than this."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara could almost hear Asha thinking it over her head before the woman responded. "If we have time.. I would like that."

The heat of the moment slowly faded and with came the feeling of heavy eye lids. Asha slowly got to the side of Sara and draped her arm over the girl after pulling the bedroll back over the both of them. Asha was quickly to sleep the extra activities of the night having wore her out faster than normal. Sara was left a few moments to herself as the nymph slept beside her before she to drifted off to sleep.

The morning came and Sara awoke alone in the bedroll. Looking about Sara saw Asha or at lest who she thought was Asha at the doorway to the tent. She was still naked but her hair had changed to a white color much like fresh snow. Hearing Sara stir the woman turned and placed a single finger to her lips and opened the tent flap a little. Dawn was slowly making its way threw the trees and Sara could see fresh snow had fallen over the night but that was hardly what Asha wanted her to be quiet about. A little further on at the edge of their camp sight a Doe and her Fawn nibbled on small plants that the snow had failed to cover. After watching the two awhile Asha turned to Sara and spoke. "Its an omen and a good one at that to." Her green eyes sparkled Asha was clearly excited about it.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Of course, only if there's time." Sara smiled, no more words were needed tonight. Thought the fires of passion had dimmed down and sleep closed in on her, Sara was still aware enough to enjoy Asha's final actions supremely. She happily snuggled backwards to press as much of herself into Asha as possible, loving the skin to skin contact and the warmth being shared between their bodies. As Asha put her arm over her, Sara brought her own hand up and interlaced her fingers with the nymph's from behind and moved the hand up over her breast, smiling contentedly as she felt her lover's palm on her bare nipple. She fell asleep soon after Asha, dreaming of all the things she would like to teach her partner.

When she awoke next morning, the first thing she did was find her missing lover. Looking around, she did a double take when she noticed Asha's changed hair, not being aware of how it changed with the seasons. She silenced the questions that were forming when Asha put a finger to her lips. She observed the doe, fawn, and the snow. All in all it was a peaceful sight. When Asha spoke to her, she voiced her questions, quietly so as not to disturb the feeding animals outside. "What does the omen mean? And what happened to your hair? Tell me it's because of the snow and not because we had sex last night..." It wouldn't take much to put Sara at ease, and she would help Asha break camp and hit the trail whenever the nymph wanted.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha smiled at Sara before answering. "Well the doe and fawn, mother and child together." Asha looked at Sara as if that explained everything. "As for my hair well all the woman in my family have this trait. Our hair changes with the seasons. When spring comes my hair will turn green and when summer arrives it will be blonde and so on. So no it wasn't caused by sex." Getting up Asha began to get dressed and gather her gear giving Sara a chance to see Asha's bare sex. The gear gathered Asha uncovered the coals and made some oatmeal using fresh snow for the water. It took awhile to make but when it was done they both had a warm bowl of food even if it was a little bland.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara smiled at Asha's explanation of the omen. "I see, that makes sense to me, all the more reason to forge on ahead!" She then gave an audible sigh of relief when she explained how her hair had changed. "Okay good, that's really neat, it's very pretty right now. I hope I get to see it green and blonde too." She slipped that list bit in their innocuously, but she was definitely hoping to spend more time with Asha even if she was centuries older than her, though hopefully they would have found her daughter by the time the seasons were changing.

Taking time to admire the woman's bare sex, it wasn't until the nymph covered it that she began gathering her own gear, thinking all the while about what she would like to do to that pussy if they got their chance to rest for a few days. Meeting Asha outside to enjoy the oatmeal. Sure it was sort of bland, but she appreciated it just for its warmth. With everything packed, Sara figured they were ready to go. "Thanks for the breakfast Asha, I feel ready to go! Shall we?" She leaned down and pecked the nymph on the cheek as she washed her bowl out, ready to hit the trail.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha perception: 50 vs 44, 43, 40, 35, 30, 30, 27, 20: Succes vs all
Sara perception: 41 vs same fail vs two

Sara went down to kiss Asha on the cheek when the Nymph was on her kissing her deeply on the lips. Breaking off Asha explained herself "That was for last night." Gathering her gear she pinched Sara gently on the rump "And thats for later." Giggling she headed off into the woods leaving her boot prints in the snow.

They traveled for some time sheltered from the wind by the trees. However the trees also sheltered them from the sun leaving them to travel in the cold forest for some time till they came to a clearing where the snow had melted leaving a wet and mushy grass area before them. A series of high pitched voices echoed near them. "We've been spotted but they don't know we know. Remain calm and be ready."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Giving no protest, Sara kissed back with passion until Asha broke it off, and giggling, she pinched the nymph on the rear in retaliation as they started off on the trail. "Well I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. Careful what you wish I may just skip out on rations tonight and have you for dinner, sexy lady." She hugged up against Asha briefly before disengaging to resume normal travel. As much as she wanted to flirt and be merry with Asha all the time, this wasn't the time or place for such things.


Upon reaching the clearing and hearing the strange noises, Sara started getting tense, knowing they meant trouble. Still, she followed Asha's directions, saying, ""What are they?" Regardless, she manifested an invisible psychic shield around herself, which would allow her to go on the offensive once things really got going.

Psychic Shield: Spending 6 EP, 4 upkeep.
+18 to dodge, resistance, and grapple. +6 to AV