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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh? I thought you might have figured it out on your own by now?" Tanya raised an eyebrow at her but smiled. "I forget you are still so young. I will of course help you with this though I must admit finding them on your own is very rewarding and exciting in its own right." Tanya walked over to a wall and pulled down a small lever which dropped a pannel. "Here take a look." If Sara indulged she would find her self looking threw a pair of eyes a faint fuzzy snout just barley in her sight. "Did you find her yet? If so see how she carries herself? She may act like she hates the cloths but she is actually relishing it! I noticed it when you came into my office the other day. She dressed so modest and conservative. At first I thought she was just uptight but when she saw the summer uniform I knew that lewd clothing would get her going. Your lover probably has a slight exhibitionist fetish. I doubt its very strong but its enough to get her going. Given your time in my office I think she might actually be the submissive partner willing to let someone else make the decisions especially in bed. Of course I don't know that for sure."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Thanks Tanya, you're the best!" Sara gave the succubus a light kiss on the cheek. "I had suspected she had a bit of an exhibitionist streak in her, but I've never really been sure if she was turned on by the exposure, or if she was just turned on from the teasing in general." Thinking for a moment, Sara added, "Hmm...One more thing, would you mind if I brought Asha with me one day, so we could both learn? Maybe you could coach us? Her exhibitionist side might enjoy that..."

Once her questions were answered, Sara would go back downstairs and wait patiently for Asha to go on break before going up to talk to her.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Humm well that is up to Asha now. I won't force anyone anymore it would break the promise I made. It didn't take long for Asha to get her break and Sara was ready for it. Though as the two saw each other Sara knew that Asha was still miffed at her.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Of course, only if she wants to do it."

When Asha got to take her break, Sara smiled apologetically and approached her, trying to draw her off to the side. "I'm sorry, lover...My lesson wasn't quite what I expected and I lost track of time..." If Asha would let her, Sara would take her hands. "I let you down, I told you I'd be out here with you, but I wasn't. I'm sorry. Can I make it up to you?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha humphed again but slowly turned to face her again. "I can't stay mad at you over such a silly thing." Asha paused a moment thinking her eyes downcast "Did you and her.. have... well ... did you do it?" Asha looked to Sara her eyes expecting something. It was up to Sara to tell her the truth or try to hid it.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara guided Asha to a side hallway and sat down on a bench, pulling the nymph into her lap. "No, we didn't. But the lesson...it turns out it wasn't about increasing my spirit wielder abilities. She wanted to help me... be better for you in bed. After last night I realized that I needed to get better at sex if I really wanted to satisfy you, so I couldn't turn down her help. And it wasn't her that I...did it with...it was just another girl in her employ..." Wrapping her arms around Ama, she asked the nymph nervously, "A-are you okay with that? It wasn't my intention to hurt you.."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"It was for me?" Asha didn't sound to sure about that but then again Sara could feel she wanted to believe it. "We have a complicated relationship don't we." Asha hugged Sara and rested her head on her shoulder.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"I think fate has a sense of humor. You seem to love like a human, while I'm some sort of weird lesbian nymph. But then...maybe that's part of why I love you so much..." Sara reached under Asha's tight uniform to squeeze her bare bottom, but not going any further, for the moment at least.

"Yea...and it's going to get more complicated when we have to start...feeding Aya..." Sara rested her chin on Asha's shoulder, letting that sink in for a moment. "I know this is uncomfortable for you Asha, and I feel bad for having to ask after what you told me earlier...but maybe we should both feed her? As a lover team? That might make it less awkward than if just one of us did it..."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara almost felt Asha wince at the mention of feeding the succubus."I'll do it for you..." Sara felt Asha hold her tight a moment before she got up and swigged a strange bubbly drink before setting it down and heading back out to her tables.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Though she didn't know what it did, Sara figured it was some sort of alcohol. Regardless, she grabbed Asha as she tried to go back out to the floor, andremembering how Tanya confirmed the nymph's submissive desires swung her around gently to press her against the wall, outside of sight of the people in the bar, one hand pinning her arms over her head, the other sneaking down to pinch her ass. "Asha, I love you, you love me. We're lovers and lovers do things together. There's no reason for you to have to handle Aya on your own..." She kissed Asha straight on the lips. "Now, I don't know where you think you're going, beautiful, but you've still got a few minutes left on your break. How about we have a little fun before you go?" As she said this, Sara was breathing heavily onto the sensitive flesh of Asha's neck, trying to get the nymph good and aroused as they stood against a wall.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

As Sara quickly spun Asha around and forced her against a wall she saw her love look away for a second before staring at her in the eye and kissing her. Her face was already flush and it seemed the rather risque outfit had worked her over already. "Sara what if someone sees us?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Grinning lewdly and secretly happy Asha was allowing her to do this, hoping it meant she wasn't going to remain upset over her indiscretion for too long, Sara whispered to Asha. "Then they'll see the prettiest woman in the building juicing herself all over my fingers...unless you want something a little bigger, my love."

Licking up Asha's neck, Sara slowly reached up the nymph's skirt and probed her unguarded pussy with her fingers, beginning to move in and out of her slowly. However if Asha wanted a cock, Sara was more than happy to oblige her...
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha's breath quickened and her ears drooped a little. "But I have to get to work.." Despite her words Sara felt Asha push herself closer to her forcing a little extra length of finer into her sex which was already damp.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Grinning, Sara obliged Asha's unspoken request, pressing her finger a little deeper, before sliding back and adding another finger. "What was that? You want me to pick up the pace? Okay, if you insist..." Applying some of what she had learned earlier, Sara put some more energy into her fingering, plundering Asha's treasure box with her fingers. Still, she had some mercy tonight as she had unintentionally hurt her by taking sex lessons, so if it seemed like the nymph was about to make some loud noises and draw attention to themselves Sara would kiss the nymph deeply and seal her mouth with her own.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh~!" Asha bit her lip trying to stay quiet as Sara plundered her depths. While Asha was trying to be a bit more reserved or at lest mentally trying her body on the other hand did its best to swallow Sara's fingers into its warm lush depths. "Closing her eyes and leaning back a little Asha rode out the fingering valiantly but eventually her arms found their way around Sara's neck as she whimpered and moaned lightly giving her self to Sara's fingers. Eventually Asha tensed and Sara was rewarded with a new coating of nymph juice on her hand. Panting Asha stood a moment collecting herself.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

As she pumped into Asha's depths, Sara felt the nymph's pussy begin to tighten around her intruding digits, and knowing that the nymph was close to orgasm, she kissed her, silencing her moans and whimpers so that her partner could just enjoy her orgasm...this time.

After Asha stopped bucking and juicing herself, Sara broke the kiss and moved her hand away from her snatch. She released her hold on the nymph's hands and got to her knees, sticking her head under Asha's skirt to shamelessly lick her pussy and upper thighs clean of her orgasm, regardless of Asha's almost inevitable protests. The scent and taste of Asha's pussy, all confined under her tight outfit, did a good job of turning Sara on, but she restrained herself from teasing the nymph's nethers with her tongue too much.

When she finished, she stood up and offered the hand she had used to get her off to Asha, inviting her to lick it. "You should really try this, it tastes great!"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha panted from her orgasm and Sara's cleaning service. She didn't even protest as Sara brought a hand up for her to lick her own juice with. Her face flush and ears drooping Asha licked the hand offered. "I don't taste as good as my mentor or as you." Smiling the Nymph tried to get herself in order and freshen up to get back to work.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Giggling, Sara responded, "Well that's high praise indeed coming from you, Asha..." She leaned in and kissed the nymph. "But just so you know, this was only a warm up. We are going to be fucking ourselves to sleep tonight..." She reluctantly let Asha go back to work, pinching the nymph's butt as she left.

Once she was alone, Sara walked back up to her room to find Aya, looking to ask the succubus about her apparent disregard for Asha.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha gave her a how dare you look before heading back to the floor leaving Sara to head up to their room. Inside she found Aya had finished her own session and was now just lounging on the couch in a relaxed position. "Hows the sexy nymph?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Finding Aya finished masturbating, though a pleasant odor in the air remained from her work. "Oh she's doing well, Aya. How are you feeling?" Sara lay down on the bed, splayed out tiredly and relaxing, letting Aya answer.

After giving Aya a chance to talk, Sara asked, "So, you seem to take a lot of pleasure in antagonizing Asha. Why is that? I haven't seen her slight you any. At least before you started messing with her, that is.