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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Clever I will let it go this time thankfully the horses stand no chance against Sara as far as a resitance check is concerned.

It didn't take long for Aya to get the attention of the men her succubus powers easily getting them to focus on her. Of course she didn't really need to use her powers after all every move of her body caught the attention of the eye to the point that Sara almost found it distracting. Thankfully though she was able to stay on task and move the bag off the horse and then cause them both to start stamping about the mental images Sara flooding them with causing the duo of horses to get nervous. With a finally over dose of a particularly nasty monster from a ghost story she had heard the horse took off running causing the sheriff and deputy to chase after them.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Laughing after the men ran past, Sara picked up the pack and handed it to Aya. "Got what you need, Aya? We're going to go check on some loggers now, see if they survived the blizzard, or got killed by the ice witch..."

Once Aya got a chance to gear up, Sara would motion for them to head out towards where the loggers were supposed to be.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Grinning Aya took the bag and fished out some rather skimpy leather armor and a set of nasty looking knives. Stealing a moment in the house Aya soon reappeared dressed in some not so innocent purple leather armor with the knives now hooked in little sheaths. "The pig took all my money probably spent it all on whores and beer." Her frowning over Aya looked down the road a ways Are you sure we can make it to the camp and back before your shifts start at the bar?
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Wow...that's armor? I could swear I saw that exact piece in a roleplay store..." Sara laughed, trying to use the opportunity to banter with the succubus, working to build a sense of camaraderie.

Looking down the road towards the logging area and trying to get a sense of how long they had, Sara muttered, "Good question..."

She remembered she had an appointment with Tanya an hour early, so that cut into her time as well. If she judged that they had time to head to the logging area then she would motion they head that way. Otherwise they would head on back to town so she could get ready to meet with their succubus benefactor.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh well leather armor is hardly the sturdiest thing around so I had this specially made to draw attention to my figure. You would be surprised how many men and women will spare someone if they look like a good fuck." Aya looked at Sara and winked clearly hitting on her. Asha scoweled and muttered something under her breath. It sounded like "Posia Shysi" any way Asha looked out over the road and frowned remembering that they had been on the road on foot walking most the day and had to spend the night in the abandoned shed. "If we had horses maybe but I don't think we would be able to make it there and back in the same day on foot."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara seemed to give Aya's words a good deal of thought before nodding, though she chose to not acknowledge the wink. "I suppose you're right. There is merit to that strategy. Asha and I just like to win our fights instead. Less hassle that way. And it leaves more time for sexy rumpus with someone I like rather than some stupid goblin or bandit." Quickly sidling up to Asha, Sara kissed her on the cheek cutely before flashing her a cheesy smile, trying to break Asha out of her Aya-induced grumpiness. She didn't know what 'posia shysi' meant, but it didn't sound like a compliment.

With the news that they couldn't make it in a day without horses, that left only the option to return to town and go to her meeting with Tanya.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

There mission mostly a success the trio went back to Tanya's. They still had some time to themselves if they so desired but with Aya pretty much stuck in the room there was little all three of them could do at the moment. Still their was a gambling hall attached to the bar not to mention they could look around town more.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Since they still had some time to kill, Sara decided to take Asha on a walk around town to see what else there might be of interest. Though in reality it was more an excuse to talk to her one on one.

Once the two of them were on their own, she would speak to her nymph lover. "So, posia shysi...I'm guessing you weren't complementing her hair, were you?" After letting Asha explain that bit, Sara continued, "It's not just the way Aya treats you that bugs you, is it? I...I've noticed her flirting with me seems to bother you more than anything..." She let the statement trail off, wordlessly inviting Asha to talk about her feelings, letting the nymph control the conversation as she deemed fit.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha nodded at the phrase "It means dirty whore." As the conversation moved on she could feel Asha tense a little. "Oh don't be silly..." It was an attempt to dodge the question that Sara easily saw threw. Still their walk continued the town looking far more lively than when they had first arrived. After a moment Asha sighed..... "Yes it dose bother me... shes.. a succubus Sara..... and well.. she is dangerous."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Finding somewhere secluded to sit down, Sara gently took Asha's hand, looking to keep eye contact with the nymph and not let her dodge questions. "I'm familiar with what succubi are capable of doing It also occurs to me that since we're going to be doing a good deal of travelling with her, it may fall to us to relieve her hunger from time to time, awkward and dangerous as that may be." She took Asha's hand into her lap before continuing, voicing her next question nervously. "But most people I know don't call someone a 'dirty whore' because they think they're dangerous, or even insulting. Are you sure it isn't the fact...the fact that that she's hitting on me that's upsetting you? Sara looked into Asha's eyes, trying to discern if she was getting the full story on her companion and lover's feelings.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha's eyes didn't lie to Sara and nether did Asha though she couldn't answer the question. To her credit she tried several times but nothing would come of it. Sara had hit the root of the issue on the first go it seemed Asha had fallen for Sara and fallen hard.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Asha..." Sara cupped the nymph's cheek in her free hand. "I...I don't know what to say...I-I mean we've been...umm...having sex for awhile, but I..." Though her high libido may have given her a leg up on Asha in the bedroom, her inexperience in these sorts of conversations left her on the same level as Asha here.

"I didn't realize you actually had serious feeling for me..." A number of events swirled through her mind, such as the recent revelation of Nyeri's feelings for her as well as her own fond memories of her time with the nymph, learning a great deal about sex in the process. Also among the events was her time with Spring, the nymph druid and healer that she had summoned and subsequently had sex with twice, one such time being after Asha was wounded by goblins. And of course there were the nights of passionate love making the two had engaged in so readily since they had teamed up. All of it combined in her head, leaving her very confused by her own actions and feelings.

"I guess I don't exactly understand, Asha...A nymph lover of mine, the one who made me like this, sort of explained nymph relationships. But I still feel in the dark...I was under the impression your people actually preferred to have multiple lovers...I sort of assumed I was just a passing interest to you, one of many, and...and I don't know what else! Help me understand you Asha! Please!"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha brought her hand up to Sara's face. "Not all of us are like that maybe its because I've been so alone or that I'm an oddity of my race I don't know. I just know I care for you Sara. Maybe my heart will open up to others but for now its only yours." Asha moved to kiss her the nymphs warm inviting lips rapidly approaching her own.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Unable to say anything in the face of Asha's confession, Sara met the nymph's kiss. She put a hand to Asha's cheek as well, cupping her face and holding the kiss for as long as the nymph wanted. Dimly, she was aware that this would potentially result in a love triangle between Asha, Nyeri, and herself. Though her understanding of Nyeri's mentality was somewhat lacking, so she didn't know how she would respond to this. Certainly, however this would make the inevitable 'feeding' of their succubus companion a bit more awkward.

Regardless, these concerns were pushed to the back of Sara's mind as she kissed her nymph lover.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The lovers kissed a few moments as such before their lips parted. One happy and smiling the other happy and rather confused. Aya's needs would be a problem though and for the remainder of their walk it was at the forefront of Sara's thoughts. One thought occurred to her to let Aya join in on their fun in the guise of teaching Asha the intricacies of a three-way. However the competitive nature of the two would make it hard to convince both to join. By the same turn that same nature could lead to the best fuck Sara had yet. Her thoughts her own she found herself in front of Tanya's one more.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Continuing the walk hand in hand, Sara mulled over how to warm Asha up to a more...open form of relationship. The irony that her nymph lover preferred a single partner, while Sara was feeling more open about bringing others into their relationship was not lost on her. She bounced around a couple of thoughts on how to get Asha to...open her heart, as the nymph had put it herself. Still, she arrived back at Tanya's before she had settled her mind, though she did resolve to give it more thought later.

Giving Asha's hand a squeeze and kissing her cheek before letting go, Sara said, "Hey, Tanya wants to give me some lessons to help me develop my powers. I figured I'd take her up on that and see what I can learn. I'll meet you in our room when it's time for our shift...place nice with our new friend, okay my lover?" She gave Asha another gentle parting kiss before heading to Tanya's office for her lesson.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"I promise!" Asha kissed Sara as they parted company again. Heading to Tanya's office she saw Rose once more at the bar slinging drinks to customers. Passing by her she found Tanya's office rather dark a very red and candle aglow in the office with a sensual smell to it. "Sara?" Tanya peaked around the corner in see threw underwear. Her illusions where off and Sara could take in the entirety of her form. Nothing was hidden by the woman and Sara could see every curve from her astonishing mounds to her ample hips. Smiling Tanya sat at her desk. "Right on time if only my girls where as punctual as you. Shall we get started?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Making her way into Tanya's office and shutting the door behind her, Sara was surprised by the dark, unexpectedly sensual atmosphere, the only light coming from the dark red candle. Seeing Tanya in her true beauty...true form, she mentally corrected herself, was a bit disconcerting, especially given that she was wearing see-through underwear that hardly counted as clothing.

Sara took a moment to...take stock of Tanya's considerable beauty before nodding. "Err...I believe I'm ready, yes. Did I catch you in the middle of changing, I can wait outside if I did." Even as she said it, she knew Tanya probably wanted Sara to see her like this and wondered if this wasn't some strange part of the training. Readying herself, Sara wondered if her own clothes would be coming off soon. Probably, she thought to herself with a mental shrug.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Tanya smiled "Nope just setting up the first exercise. Tell me Sara what do you expect to learn from our lessons here?" It sounded like an honest question and as Tanya waited Sara to answer her one of her hands moved to caress one of her nipples.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Momentarily distracted as she watched the succubus caress a nipple, Sara thought for a moment before replying, "Well...I had initially assumed it would have something to do with my spirit powers. Though I have made incorrect assumptions before..." She gave a short, somewhat nervous giggle. "Regardless, I am looking forward to our lesson, and as I said earlier, it would be an honor to learn from you. I am most curious to see what the first lesson is that could involve such...revealing underwear."