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Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Cold, hard ground was what she was awoke on. Groaning, she slowly opened her eyes, her short blond hair blocking her view from the right a little. Her view was a bit blurry, but the surroundings were unknown to her, simply a drab concrete box several meters across and high, with a variety of rails and panels seemingly connected to the room. Continuing to shake the daze from her head, she propped herself to her elbows, only to give a swift meep as she realized her clothing was nonexistant on her pale complexion.

Finally, a cold, male voice echoed into the room.

"Hello, and welcome, Subject #04394, to Artech, where we make an art out of science. As you may have noticed, you are currently in one of our safety-procured specimen holding tanks until further processing of your class and characteristics can be done. Please remain calm and answer all questions given by test practitioners truthfully and calmly. Your possessions will be allowed to be kept on your person, sans any weapons, devices, or anything else that could prove 'harmful' to our hard-working staff. These will be sealed in a safety storage container until such time as you are released from this facility. Until processing has finished, please avoid from collecting your belongings however, and please stand up."

"Well that's bloodeh ominous," Sarah muttered, the young woman slowly sliding to her feet. Her hands would wind up covering herself, just in case there was a camera or some kind perving on her.

"Please hold still while our machines take your measurements. To ensure that all of our tests are fully safe for you we must measure your body completely. We apologize for any intrusions."

A sharp grab at her person caused Sarah to give a loud yelp, mechanical limbs seemingly coming from nowhere and gripping to her limbs. After getting her limbs grabbed and spread out by the robot limbs, Sarah quickly glanced around to see that they had entered the room via the various rails installed into the floors, ceilings, and walls, and several other parts were coming towards her. None of them looked too gentle either.

The next few minutes were... unpleasant. Various robotic parts would swing up and poke and prod at Sarah all over, measuring every part and piece from her. A strange would snap over a breast and suck in, causing her to grit her teeth, only to be swiftly followed by probes that stuck up her nose, causing her to try to buck her head away, only for it to run into a device measuring her head circumference. Nothing was sacred or untouched, and by the time the machine was rattling off the calculation for her left foot's big toe she was left sweating and annoyed, glaring dead ahead and muttering darkly.

"External Measurements confirmed, please hold still for internal measurements," came the robotic voice again, still as indifferent as before.

"Wait, internal?!?" Sarah started to object, only to soon give a muffled squeal as a long, thickened probe stuffed into her mouth, leaving her gasping and trying hard to not gag. This task was made even harder as the machine obstinately forced itself further and deeper into Sarah's throat and even further down, causing her neck to stiffen due to the intruder. This meaning she couldn't look down, which was probably a good thing, as she heard yet another torture device slide into place somewhere out of her vision.

It would take a few seconds for the sound to register what it could entail, but the answer became apparent as she felt something cold and hard press against her lower flower, followed by another rubbery thing similar to the one trailing down her gullet pressing at her bum. Her attempts to object led only to muffled whines of protest, as she felt the twin probes begin to stuff themselves into her, first the metallic spike into her nethers, then the other cablelike intruder to her bowels.

Sarah's eyes started to water as the three intruders did their best to slide in and through her body, and she could even feel her body being stretched and expanded slightly as the machine worked it's way around, measuring and pressing ever deeper. After an agonizingly long five minutes, she felt the probe in her pussy smack her back wall of her womb, and could almost swear she heard a click from the two cables that had started from opposite ends connecting. She prayed that this meant the test would be over soon.

"Now testing interior volume capacity. Please stand by, medical associates."

Sarah's eyes bulged, as she felt the objects stuffing her insides to the brim starting to expand, her body slowly being stretched as it tested her limits. This was insane! What sort of madness was this?!? What were they trying to do, kill her?!? Even still, much to her relief and pain, she felt the tubes slowing the expansion in her intestinal track at the very least, though the probe in her belly was still expanding, leaving her looking several months as it finally slowed it's expansion. She closed her eyes and wished for this madness to end.

"Subject is showing unusually high interior capacity for body size. Noted and cataloged. Upon the removal of the probes you will be escorted to your living quarters and asked to relay your name and information of your status. Thank you for patroning with us, Subject #04394."

The probes softened, she heard- and felt- the cable disconnecting, and then almost suddenly the devices slid rapidly from her, leaving her to collapse to the ground weakly, eyes hazy with pain and mixed emotion. "G-gggh..." Sarah whined weakly, before passing out.


When next Sarah woke, she was in a bed in what she assumed was what the voice had meant by 'living quarters', and even more importantly, she had been dressed by someone- now garbed in a light undershirt and panties, it wasn't much but it at least held her modesty. As she slid back up, still wincing at pain where she was sure she wasn't supposed to feel it, a cursory glance revealed she wasn't alone- another person was in the room, garbed in a hazmat suit and seemingly having waited patiently on her to wake.

"Good, you're finally awake, Number 394, unless there's another name you wish to be called? I'm here to get your credentials, any information that will be required of us to know before the tests, and also to ask a few questions before I am allowed to let you rest. I can understand if you would like to take this slow, however. It's not like the Solid Alternative Lab Greeter to be so rough on humanoid subjects... Anyway, shall we get started?"


Yep, I'm trying yet another one of these again.

As you may have guessed in the title, or maybe that overly huge intro that I swear was shorter in my head, this game will feature a sciency theme, with a focus on experimentation, technology, mutation manipulation, lab ratting, stuff like that. It's up to you guys to make sure that Sarah is out of here in one piece, and is further aided by the fact I'm gonna be using my (somewhat WIP) Path of Ashes system in this instead of pulling stuff out of my ass. Toss suggestions, votes, and all that fun stuff as we go along and hopefully I won't crap out halfway into when the story is getting good like usual :S

Oh get ON with it!

Oh, right, this is your section isn't it.

Damn strait! Ok, firstly we need to get some ground rules down first.

Firstly! I'll purposefully ignore any suggestions that seem too far out of wack for the present situation. Randomly stripping down and masturbating during an interview would fall under that, yes. Not saying shit like that won't happen if, say, I'm not in the right state of mind, but still, not generally a smart idea.

Secondly! For those of you who remember the last time I was writing to you, welcome back! Ya already got a basic gist of what I can do! Those that don't, I got a few... gifts I have access to in some specific circumstances. Naturally the serums that I have aren't on my person, but when I do got them onhand I'll be sure to explain the effects. For the most part, they aren't covered in the Path of Ashes rules though, so much of that will probably be ad-libbed over system materials.

Finally! I really hope that moonsuit that we're suddenly trusted into conversation with can give us some answers, or at least a way to measure how my stats are in this...

So, how shall we react to this man?

We can:

A - React as accepting as possible in an attempt to gain some favor for our situation. It does seem he's rather annoyed at the situation earlier as well.

B - Terse but still relay information. I'm not sure there's some secrets I want to share with these people...

C - React hostile, without outright attacking. I'm unarmed, but not quite defenseless, and there's no way after that reception I've calmed down that easily!

So, what will it be?

Stat Block: HIDDEN

Inventory: Empty
Roleplay Items: Empty
Quest Items: Empty
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

B don't give away too much if you can help it, it pays to have secrets that can be kept, but switch to A if it is unavoidable.
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

Fuck that guy man.

Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

A - A lewd spirit descends upon Sarah from beyond!
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

I vote A
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

C - let them hear our rage
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

B, c if they start pushing too much
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

5 for being nice and very truthful
2 for trying to hold back secrets
3 for being an outright tit

"Sarah, actually," she replied to the man, trying to keep as passive as she can. After all, she had no idea what was going on here, and these people were in control. Mainly as she was currently just in the equivalency of undies and had no proper way to defend herself. "And would it be too much to ask just what the nine hells I'm doing here?"

"Ah, right... The records of your belongings did say you were a upfront sort of person... Perhaps I should start with that, and we should go to the questionnaire from there?"

"Quite." Sarah replied, a bit of her terseness coming through and she glared at him. Great, they had her stuff, more then likely including her dairy and her notes on the... infection. Just bloody cheesy.

The hazmated figure gave a sigh. "According to records, you were found in the location of a crash site a short way from a evacuation quarantine zone in relation to the Malton cleanup efforts. The government was afraid of the implications of the crash, and after some discussion we were told to put you into storage for the benefit of the Crown, at least until we were sure you were uninfected. Unfortunately, during the cataloging of the items on your person, someone found a binder detailing some... interesting information, and now we're being told to preform a few tests on you while you're in lockup to ensure that not only are you physically fit, but that the...side effects mentioned in those notes are particularly safe for general population. Part of what I am here for, actually, is to hope that you can elaborate on this..."

It was when the figure held up a back notebook binder bearing a crossed DNA symbol on the cover, that Sarah felt truly afraid. It didn't surprise her, though. Considering the scope if the infection in Malton, the effects that had been taken on her, and the further tampering of her own... curse, meant that binder was the single most deadly thing to her living a natural life again, even if she could. And now a bunch of eggheads from Queen's only knows had got a hold of it, saw her research, and were now holding her here.

She saw enough bad horror movies- and lived through one- to see where this was going.

"Guess on the bright side, you're not cutting me open already, so that's a plus," Sarah stated dryly. "Fine, then, what do you want to know before I'm made to dance like a monkey for these... 'tests'."

The man was quiet for a bit, before speaking again. "I hope you understand, but all of this is very confidential. As far as the rest of the world knows, the crash you were involved in was a complete loss, no survivors. The truth of the matter is, you survived, but the rest of the crew was either too mangled or rose again, leading to the extraction teams having to do cleanup. As you are, essentially, the only survivor of this crash, sans the people who have yet to get revived and treated for the infection, I wanted to know if you had any memory of the crash at all."

Sarah bowed her head a bit, only to give a soft sigh. "Nope. The worse part is, I can't even remember the events leading up to that..."

The man hrmed a bit. "In that case, perhaps you can inform me who you are, and why you were carrying about such complex information," he stated, a hand patting her binder.

Sarah sighed. "Sarah Miranda Quintex, and that binder is partly the last of what I got of my blood relations, unless you somehow manage to locate her in the mix of walking corpses during the cleanup... as for the contents... Now, this is all I know is basicly all I found out with my own work, mind, so it's mostly circumstantial, but as you probably gathered... she did something to me. To partially counteract... whatever was happening. The rest of those shamblers, I'm sure you got the reports and everything. But... there's something different, when I turn."

"I see..." the man stated, leaning forward a bit. "How so?"

"Well for one, I'm, well, normal. Minus the fact that I'm, well, dead, I'm thinking and acting like normal. A few minor... tweaks from the virus, but mostly I'm natural as one does expect when it comes to getting turned into the undead. Add in the fact that I seem to revert to the first time I got mutilated every time, instead of reverting to whatever cut me apart prior. I've assumed it's some form of advanced Stockholm Syndrome, though my reasoning for that I'd like to keep private thank you..."

"Understood... However, your notes mentioned... other tests. Something you referred to as 'The Horror'. Mind explaining that?"

Sarah gritted her teeth and growled. "A secret NecroTech project I ran into. A brother and three sisters, transformed into... strange mutations, giant monsters. The brother was the first I ran into, and that's when I figured out that there was a... connection between my situation and his. Later, I found the sisters, each afflicted by their own variation of the same curse. I was able to fix them, but I kept the information I learned of them secret, adapted it to my own issues."

"Survival of the strongest," the man interjected. "Or perhaps, something else?"

"I was trying to fix myself," Sarah stated icily, staring the man down. "I didn't know what was wrong with me, but I wanted to fix it. Fix everyone... I wanted that nightmare gone..." A tear rolled down her cheek as the emotions started getting to her.

Silently, the man jotted something down on his own notes before bowing his head. "I think that is enough information for now. I thank you for being so open with us. More then likely an associate will want to question you further, but for now I think you need some rest. I'll ensure your belongings are at least partly returned to you. Before I leave, however, I need to give you this."

And with that, the man pulled a device from his satchel, and placed it on the bed next to Sarah. Taking a second to wipe the moisture from her eyes, Sarah picked it up and examined it.

The device was a armlet of some fashion, with what looked to be a flip-open computer installed into it. A simple heading, dictated 'SodLag Databank Reciever' was on one edge of the device, but for the most part it was black and relatively featureless.

"This device will ensure that you can keep up to date with your test process, allows you to check notes about yourself and offers some limited communication around the complex. Should you wish to contact any of the lab staff, or for that matter anyone else you have contact to in the databank, you can access them from there."

Sarah gave the man a sideways look. "Like... a Pip Boy or something like that?"

The man hesitated with the answer. "I guess that's a good enough comparison as any. Anyway, I'll ensure your belongings are sent to you, feel free to get comfortable and relax, I understand your introduction to the facility has been less then optimal, and I apologize for that. I hope the rest of your stay here is much better."

And with that, the man left the room, the door quickly sliding open before sliding shut, with no handle or access window to speak of as it securely clicked behind him.


Rule and stat dump time!

General Stat Blah

With the acquisition of the Personal Data Assistant, Sarah's stats have finally been revealed, at which case I need to explain how these stats go.

There is three 'drainable' stats in a Path of Ashes statsheet: Health, Focus, and Pleasure (shorthanded to HP, FP, and PP). Draining HP causes the character to pass out, draining FP makes the character unable to cast spells and also mentally fatigued (making actions more difficult), and maxing PP results in orgasms, which by itself can cause issues as well.

As well as the draining stats, Sarah has six stats that dictate her physical abilities: Agility, Aim, Body, Brains, Mystic, and Tech. Each stat has an effect against various situations the player can run into, from searching to attempting hacking to combat.

For this 'test', Sarah has been given the template of a Human character, the most basic of basic character sheets, and the class of 'Survivor (Test)', which is basically the first class I created for the Path of Ashes remake. Sarah's special abilities will be featured via special classes, but due to the fact Sarah does not have access to her serums, she will be unable to access these special effects at this time.

Race and Class

For the test, Sarah is acting as the most basic of races for the game, Human with no mutation modifier. As a result, her starting statblock is below.

HP 30 - FP 20 - PP 30
AGI 3 - AIM 2 - BDY 3 - BRN 3 - MYS 2 - TCH 2

POA's starting character stats revolve to 100 drainable stat (dividable to 10) and 15 character stats are spread about. For now, all I got was Human for 'base' race, though I am probably going to insert some fantasy-inspired ones to cover bases.

For class, Sarah is using a test class, Survivor. Classes involve 5 bonus stats and 5 abilities that add to the character's stats. In the case of the test, Sarah's special RP abilities come into play for a tacked-on special ability, 'Sarah's Powers'. For the most part, this is RP driven but I'll try and keep it system-friendly as much as possible so as to not dilute the test of the system. As mentioned before, for the most part her special serums won't be a major factor at least for the start.

The Survivor (Test) Class as a result, adds this:

+1 AIM, +1 AGI, +1 BDY, +1 BRN, +1 TCH

And adds the following bonus abilities:

Enhanced Mentality - Makes actions relating to Brains-based stats easier in difficulty, due to an enriched mind

Escape Artist - This character is adept at getting out of sticky situations, and as a result gets a bonus when trying to escape restraints

Tentacle Pleaser - Due to past experiences that would give a Cryptozoologist a raging boner, or a healthy dose of hentai, this character is experienced at taking pleasure from non-natural sources, and will take reduced PP damage as a result in these cases.

Medic - This skill offers a slight bonus when using health-increasing devices, and doubles the effect of positive buffs when using these devices

Akimbo User - Action movie aficionados or highly-experienced gunmen will receive no penalties for using two firearm weapons in each hand.

And as mentioned before, to deal with Sarah's oddities, a sixth skill has been added:

Sarah's Powers - Still unsure how you have gained this curse, but pretty sure how it works: You are able to rise from the dead after being incapacitated by Fatal damage, temporarily taking on a secondary statsheet (gone over should we need it) and gaining the ability to use your home-brewed serums without any major downsides. As a human, however, you can use the serums, but they will result in unintended side effects that are extremely detrimental.

Finally, upon character creation, 5 more stats are allowed to be added on the character profile. For the test, you guys get to bicker about what's the best allocation of the stats :p I'll repeat this at the bottom, but each stat point results in either +5 to a drainable stat, or +1 to a character stat.

Rolls, and How This Effects the Situation at Hand

For the case of this CYOAS, the Path of Ashes system will be used for basically anything that requires excretion, or for the sake of combat. I'll do some streamlining though, having Sarah act 'on instinct' at times instead of making every single last action done on a vote, and there will be three combat rounds before a request on what to do again in an attempt to keep this going forward.

For the sake of our heroine's predicament, the game period will be separated to four 'sessions' during the day, picked randomly on my end. Each session may be something simple as obstacle courses or basic tests of endurance or abilities, to facing down eldrich abominations or being coerced to battle wills with a bioweapon. Sarah may get mutations, or abilities, and most importantly experience during the course of her adventure, which as usual will be offered to be spent at the situation where it's important.

Oy! Git off my screen with your spoiler boxes!

Apologies, ma'am.


Sarah took a few moments to attach the device onto her arm, before slowly sliding from the bed. Yes, the situation seemed bad, but on the other hand, the man did seem relatively serene from his discussion with her about her bad treatment. Perhaps it was just an AI fluke that she was treated so terribly.

...Heh. That was a good one, she almost genuinely believed herself there.

-Do do do doooh!-
Sarah has acquired the 'SodLag Databank Receiver'. This device is securely bound to her arm, and allows her to look up various details of her stay in this place, as well as contact others in her predicament, as long as they leave a contact channel. It's like a mix of Pip-Boy and Codec.​

Still, she had to admit she was in a relatively comfortable location. Beyond the bed tucked against the wall, there was a fridge, microwave, a long counter, a separate room for what she assumed was toiletries, and a large, round table with a few chairs screwed down next to it.

Still, there wasn't really much to do, so she slid down onto the chair, staring at the binder, which the man had left sitting on the table. All of she owned essentially translated to that binder, and now it had screwed her in a way that made this entire situation worse then all the years she had spent in that hell hole...

Idly she turned the pages through the binder, finding the last entry and passively reading it. She didn't remember writing it, but the optimism inside of it was now too ironic to pass up:

Rescue choppers have been rolling through during the entire day. Many of the survivors have been helping out with keeping the zeds isolated, however I was told by the people involved to keep with parts of the first responders. Apparently because of my age. Even still, finally getting free, out of here... I have to admit, this has got to be the best news I've heard after all these years...

After musing for a few moments, there was a sudden squeak as a loudspeaker came into play. "Miss Quintex? Your items are here. Can you meet me at the door of the chamber, please?"


Well, this is two tits and a gravy worth of trouble. I'm still not sure what's going on, but with the story essentially being down to exposition for now, I'll simply end it here so people may set up the missing stats on my character sheet for now. After that's done I guess we'll see what's been nicked as well as my dignity and research...

-Stat Block-
HP: 30 - FP: 20 - PP: 30
AGI: 4 - AIM: 3 - BDY: 4 - BRN: 4 - MYS: 2 - TCH: 3
Earned Exp: 0
Current Status: Blank

Enhanced Mentality - Escape Artist - Tentacle Pleaser - Medic - Akimbo User - Sarah's Powers

Inventory: Empty
Roleplay Items: Empty
Quest Items: SodLag Databank Reciever

Points equate to +5 per Drainable Stat and +1 to Character Stats​
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

-Stat Block-
HP: 30 - FP: 20 - PP: 30
AGI: 4 - AIM: 3 - BDY: 4 - BRN: 4 - MYS: 2 - TCH: 3
Earned Exp: 0
Current Status: Blank

Points equate to +5 per Drainable Stat and +1 to Character Stats

Hmmmmm... Well points spent as such

+10 to FP
+1 to BDY
+1 to BRN
+1 to TCH

Simply put this should make Sarah able to do more stuff and figure stuff out.

http://ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=17441 - To those who want to know how to spend stats, check out this thread.
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

+10 to FP
+1 to BDY
+1 to BRN
+1 to AGI
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

+10 to FP
+2 to AGI
+1 to BDY
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

+1 to Brain
+2 to SCIENCE!
+1 to Agility
+5 to Flower Points

...Also, I don't know how we're going to come to consensus on this, so I'll just say that I'd like a brainy character.
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

+5 FP
+1 BRN
+1 TCH
+1 Agi
+1 Mystic
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

Not to sound too rude, but if I may direct you to the NEWEST of the PoA Rulethreads, you can find pretty much any information I have neglected to post yet (or was purposefully hiding for now) here, don't worry, I'll ensure that relevant new stuff will be explained like the last post as well.

EDIT: No, nothing is making stuff change in the votes, just informing ya of the new home as I work on it :D
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

Alright, let's see how this works, carry the six...

Adding a singular point into Fatigue Points: IV
Adding double points into Fatigue Points: II
Adding a point to Agility: IV
Adding double points into Agility: I
Adding a point to Body: III
Adding a point to Brains: IV
Adding a point to Mystic: I
Adding a point to Tech: III
Adding double points to Tech: I (I'm assuming that's what Garg means by Science :S)

So going with these calculations, I'm guessing from consensus that adding +5 FP, +1 AGI, +1 BDY, +1 BRN, and +1 TCH will do it nicely enough. Also, remind me not to do that sort of vote again? :S Idunno.


Sarah slid to her feet and went to the door. "Er, that's fine and dandy, but there's no way to o-"

The door slides open as soon as she does so, revealing a labcoated, bespecacled woman behind the door carrying a small box. "I know, but I wanted to ensure you were able to grab it. Unfortunately, they don't want to let too much contact until they're sure the brand of infection you have won't spread. Thus far it seems stable, though I guess it's more of a hypothetical gue-"

"If yer wanting to know if you'll suddenly burst into a flesh-eating corpse in my close proximity," Sarah growled, "Then feel free to note that it wasn't how the virus was spread."

"...Right, sorry. Anyway, here's your belongings, minus a few things. Protocols and all that, can't let specimens have firearms and all that... also, we added a few things, mostly extra supplies to either help keep you comfortable or in case you're injured during the tests or anything."

Sarah grabbed the box with a grunt and hefted it inside, glaring darkly at the lab assistant until she quickly shut the door again. The least they could do was TRY and make her feel normal, she thought, though she found it ironic the woman was so concerned about the virus and yet seemed unprotected when handing her items. Quietly, Sarah lifted the lid off the box and quietly began sorting through the items.

-Do do do doooh!-
Sarah has acquired a crapton of items! One wonders how a small box could carry so much stuff...

First off, her belongings, which for the most part serve only some sentimental values, such has her Shoyru Plush and Gaming Console, both of which are a bit worse for wear after the long years but still functional. The Gaming Console does have a separate use, however, as for the sake of the test, Sarah can access it during one of her daytime breaks for a rest period, recovering from any ordeals she may be suffering from.

In addition, included is a pair of comfortable flats (apparently her boots were deemed too dangerous) and her old Trenchcoat. It's not the best armor due to it's age, but it should help should she get into too much trouble or a scrape of some kind.

Now that her inventory is also getting filled, the NecroTech Binder is also being included! This Quest Item involves many in-detail notes, and like the Gaming Console, can be accessed during daytime breaks to research specific parts of her past, on request.

Naturally, her weapons have been left out of this care package, though for her surprise, her Serum Case is here, and is currently filled with 3 NecroTech Revivification Syringes and 3 Adrenaline Shots. A note has been tucked inside, explaining that should Sarah be required to transform into her necrotic state, she may use her NecroTech serums to revert to normal before the next test.

In addition, Sarah finds a fully stocked Portable Medical Kit, filled with a variety of medical equipment. It is currently fully stocked with 5 Quickheal Bandages, 5 Medkits, 5 Medic Gels, 5 Ambrosia, and 5 Morphine Drafts. A note is included, saying that if she is running low of supplies in the Portable Medical Kit, that she can contact the Medic Wing on her Data Assistant for a restock.

Finally, there is a Small Item Satchel. This satchel, though not as physics-defying as her old carpet bag, does seem pretty roomy, and a note states that she may take items from her room to a test via this bag. It looks like it may have enough room to fit 10 individual items, although it is much too small to fit the Portable Medical Kit.

After finally sorting through her items, Sarah would wrinkle her nose as the speaker squawked to life. "Miss Quintex, please prepare for escort, you have another test waiting," came the robotic voice from her initiation. Great, she had barely gotten settled...

With a resigned sigh, Sarah randomly grabbed a few of the medical supplies and her serum case and roughly stuffed them into the satchel, slid on the shoes she had been given and went near the door, giving an exasperated sigh as she waited. "Come on, let's get this over with..."

As the door slid open again, Sarah was not surprised to see an armed guard as part of the two people waiting. She had to admit to not seeing any armor like his before though, with it's interlocking plates but still plenty of flexability. A hardsuit prototype? Or maybe just an advanced combat suit? Either way, it looked like there'd be no way she'd be able to combat this man, especially as he hefted a shotgun in his grip.

The other person waiting was the other woman from earlier, who again was still out of hazmat. "Ah, good, you're ready then I suppose?"

"Best way to put it..." Sarah said, though just a hair of unease was in her voice as she went in line, following the labtech and uneasily feeling the glare of the guard as it followed her.

As they moved around the relatively drab corridor, Sarah was quick to note various doors similar to hers, every so often with an observation window looking into the room. For the most part, Sarah saw mostly humans, though several of them had various animal features as well, such a tiger tail or claws. One particularly strange one was a dark, carapaced creature, which was hard to see in the darkened, plain room. Even still, she could feel the eyes slowly watching her as they passed, making Sarah shiver a little.

Eventually, they would reach a featureless, large door. "Here we are, don't worry, this is simply an obstacle course. As far as much of the records we have on others in your situation, I am assuming you are skilled in parkour at the very least?"

"Freerunning?" Sarah asked, tilting her head.

"Same thing, different term," the scientist shot back in a matter-of-fact tone. "Anyway, this course will have a few branching paths designed to test how fit and agile you are, as they will determine the last test you have set up for the day, and the last part of your initiation data. Simply get to the end however you manage, and you'll be fine!"

And with that, the door slid open, and the scientist and guard both stared at her pointedly. Sarah, giving a light grimace, slowly entered the room, as the door slammed shut behind her.

"Alright, let's see what I got here..." Sarah muttered, looking about at the room. The room was very similar to the one she had first awoken into, with the various rails and panels in the floor, walls and ceilings, however in this case the rails and panels had opened periodically, revealing a maze of variously-staged platforms and risers, eventually reaching a raised part of the course later on. Sarah couldn't see past the raised part, but she could see at least three distinct paths she could cross in this area of the course, all requiring at least a bit of jumping and maneuvering to cross, but she assumed that at least one of them would be convoluted in order to see how badly she failed at it.


So apparently I'm being made to dance like a monkey already. Alright, if they want a show, how shall we do this?

A - Be aggressive! Go for the hardest challenges! By the looks of it, failure isn't going to hurt too much, at least for this first part...

B - Deal with the basic course. It may not be the most strenuous, but the exercise doesn't hurt.

C - Do the bare minimum. That'll show em for making it an option.

-Stat Block-
HP: 30 - FP: 25 - PP: 30
AGI: 5 - AIM: 3 - BDY: 5 - BRN: 5 - MYS: 2 - TCH: 4
Earned Exp: 0
Current Status: Blank

Enhanced Mentality - Escape Artist - Tentacle Pleaser - Medic - Akimbo Assassin - Sarah's Powers

Inventory: Trenchcoat, Serum Case (3x NecroTech Revivification Syringes, 3 Adrenaline Shots), Portable Medical Kit (4 Quickheal Bandages, 4 Medkits, 4 Medic Gels, 4 Ambrosia, 4 Morphine Drafts)
Roleplay Items: Shoyru Plush, Gaming Console
Quest Items: SodLag Databank Reciever, NecroTech Binder, Small Item Satchel (Serum Case / 1 Quickheal Bandage / 1 Medkit / 1 Medic Gel / 1 Ambrosia / 1 Morphine Draft)​
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

A - There must be something of an award for doing this. If not well then do the bare minimum in the next area. Through that bare minimum might just be a trap.