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Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

A we are a good trained monkey
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

A. I guess, lets see if we can't be their little supersoldier.
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

A. Just to see if our stats are up to par.
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

Well, that was easier then I expected. Counting these would be a bit redundant now, going hard mode seems to have won by a mile.

While here, I may as well explain the point of this test. This will allow you a general idea on how Skill Checks work, as well as to offer a chance to gain some general experience.

Also, because I have thus far not posted what the variety of medical items do, this is a quick crash course (also note, that technically as a Medic, Sarah gets one additional dice per each of the medic item's healing, and doubles the effect time of positive effects):

Adrenaline Shots - A classic drug for bursts of energy, this syringe is optimized for quick injections, and will heal 1d4 HP while also giving the player the Adrenal Rush buff. Adrenal Rush gives a temporary buff to Agility, Body, and physical combat for three turns.

Quickheal Bandages - A simple medical device, but relatively useful for a quick patch job to stem the bleeding. Heals 1d8 HP.

Medkit - Advanced medical supply kit, compact and filled with multiple drugs and bandages to ensure survival. Not reusable due to it's complex casing. Heals 3d10 HP

Medic Gel - A typically sci-fi approach to the medical gear, Medic Gel is a strange jelly that seems to mend skin at a frightening pace. It's not the most ease of application, however, and cannot be used in combat. Medic Gel heals 3d6, and gets double the bonus when used by a Medic.

Ambrosia - A vial filled with a purpulish liquid, said to calm the mind in times of stress. This will allow one to regain 1d4 Sanity should they desperately need it.

Morphing Draft - Morphine is a classic pain-numbing drug, and these drafts, though they don't heal any damage, temporarily give the effect of Deafen Pain for three turns, which makes any gained damage or pleasure halved, however not only will the halved damage hit after the Morphine wears out, as well as subtly drain 1d4 Fatigue during the effect of the Morphine.

With that said, on to the Hard course!


....Right. If they wanted to her perform, it was time to give them a show, then.

Sarah rolled her arms a bit as she walked to what she assumed was the hardest course, a high climb with several vaulting bars interweave into a complex design. However, if she looked right at it, she could see a way to cross it...

Skillcheck: Hard, Agility
Skillcheck passed, Sarah gains 2 EXP and completes the Agility course.

And with that, she was off, jumping onto the platforms in what she was hoping was a good order, moving onward slowly and carefully over the course. Upon reaching one of the vaulting bars, Sarah leaped out to grip it, swinging a bit before vaulting herself over the gap to another platform. A few more platforms and vaults later, and she was finally at the raised platforms, panting a bit from the excretions but otherwise no worse for wear.

Filled with a bit of confidence, Sarah smirked a little to herself. Not the worse challenge ever, she had to admit, at least they made it so it was possible...

Next thing impeding her way was a large, metallic box, which she assumed was a way to keep her from continuing on. Frowning, Sarah looked for a way to go away from it, but there was no way to get past the box. With a shrug, Sarah moved to the side and began to shove.

Skillcheck: Hard, Body
1d10= 8+5-4=9 (just barely....)
Skillcheck passed, Sarah pushes the box and gains 2 EXP.

With a mighty heave, Sarah manages to get the metal container to drag over slightly. It's not much, but it allows her to get access beyond the doorway the box had been covering. Sarah quickly moved onward.

The next room featured a relatively empty room after the drop, which instantly made Sarah feel uncomfortable. If her knowledge of video games had anything to say, this was totally some sort of encounter room. Even still, she had barely little choice, and instead dropped into the empty area, landing gracefully on the floor.

The loudspeaker suddenly piped up again, as SodLag's voice echoed in. "Excellent work thus far. However, in order to ensure peak physical condition, we must now proceed with a mock combat. Prepare for battle."

Several panels on the walls slid open, ejecting various small items that quickly scattered into the room. A larger panel opened shortly after, ejecting a much larger object before swiftly shutting.

The large object would unfold to become a six-legged robot, squat and compact, with a featureless round casing around it's body and limbs. A singular, blue light glowed from it's front, which swiftly turned orange upon focusing on Sarah. Upon spotting it's prey, the back opened up, and a contraption that Sarah quickly guessed was some form of weapon slid into place.


Sarah quickly looked around at the random items that were scattered around, quickly identifying them. Close to her was a small dagger, which seemed to have been given a chainblade to it for extra cutting power. Further on, a much larger sword was sitting, though it'd be dicey if she'd be able to reach it before the robot could use whatever had popped out of it's back. Finally, and much to her delight, she recognized a certain pair of duel pistols - ones that had originally been hers - laying on the ground. Unfortunately, they were right behind the beast, and she'd have no chance of retrieving them before it attacked.

(Hard) Ranged Test Bot has ambushed Sarah!

-Battle points of interest-

Sarah's position - 0 Meters
Chain-Knife - 10 Meters N
Broadsword - 30 Meters E
(Hard) Ranged Test Bot - 40 Meters N
Sarah's Pistols x2 - 50 Meters NW


...How did I guess THIS was going to happen?

First though, I need a weapon. What should I go for?

A - The Chain Knife is a fast weapon, and has some decent bite. In addition, it's the closest weapon option to me, so I can get away with grabbing it as a Free Action.
B - The Broadsword has more heft, but is slower, and probably won't work too well against a robot, but then again it all depends on that outer casing. The robot might be able to attack though.
C - Then again, there's always Old Faithful, the good ol' Duel Pistols approach. However, the distance will be much too far and will much assure she'll be fired at at least once by the mechanical monster. I highly doubt they'd have used live ammo though... right? D:

-Stat Block-
HP: 30 - FP: 25 - PP: 30 - Sanity: 0
AGI: 5 - AIM: 3 - BDY: 5 - BRN: 5 - MYS: 2 - TCH: 4
Earned Exp: 4
Current Status: Blank

Enhanced Mentality - Escape Artist - Tentacle Pleaser - Medic - Akimbo Assassin - Sarah's Powers

Inventory: Trenchcoat, Serum Case (3x NecroTech Revivification Syringes, 3 Adrenaline Shots), Portable Medical Kit (4 Quickheal Bandages, 4 Medkits, 4 Medic Gels, 4 Ambrosia, 4 Morphine Drafts)
Roleplay Items: Shoyru Plush, Gaming Console
Quest Items: SodLag Databank Reciever, NecroTech Binder, Small Item Satchel (Serum Case / 1 Quickheal Bandage / 1 Medkit / 1 Medic Gel / 1 Ambrosia / 1 Morphine Draft)​
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

A eat into it!
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

A. If we can get a good hit on its weapon with the chain-blade we could take out a big chunk of its offensive power and then pick it apart at our leisure.
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

A, then focus on dealing damage until we just happen to be close to the pistols.
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

Arm up with A, then run around to loot our sweetass pistols.

Also, is it too late to suggest we moonwalk through the course?

Alsoalso, while XP is nice, would it be paranoid of me to suggest that we -not- show the spooky Black Mesa people just how good we are at yakkety saxing - especially when I think I recall that our ultimate goal is to yakkety sax out of here.
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

Geeze guys, make it easy for me why don't ya :p

Quick ruledump related to combat in this spoiler:

Combat is split into two types of actions- Free Actions, things that are so simple to do it doesn't take that long, and everything else, which requires the rest of your turn to do. Moving a short distance (Anywhere from 10-20 Meters) counts as a free action, as does reloading with certain weapons and using items, unless otherwise stated.

In just the case of this first turn, Sarah for example would be able to move, grab her weapon of choice, and wield it as a Free Action, but approaching and attacking will take the rest of her turn.


Sarah quickly darts forward, grabbing the strange knifelike weapon and faces the mechanical beastie ahead of her. "GodDAMN robots!"

Sarah temporarily gains the Chainknife!
This light weapon is very similar to the Chainsaw, with it's terrifying teeth edge, however it instead works on a small battery, allowing it to be hand portable.
Chainknife - Slash/Hack Damagetype - One-handed - 2d6 dmg - +2 Initiative
Uses a 20-charge Combat Battery - Has special ability Multi-Hit 2

Initiative Rolls
Sarah: Melee Initiative - 5+2+1d10(2) = 9
(Hard) Ranged Test Drone: Ranged Initiative - 7-2+1d10(6) = 11
Drone -> Sarah

Before Sarah could approach and give the drone a good clobbering, it's weapon gave a swift sizzle, before firing a burst of some form of electrical energy at her!

Drone attacks at range with Nonlethal Jolt!

Enemy Range is now 30 Meters South
1d10(4) + 7 - 2 = 9
Shot barely catches!

Nonlethal Jolt does (2d10(1,4))5 damage, triggers special ability 'Minor Tazer Shock'

Minor Tazer Shock - On a coinflip of Heads, enemies effected by this weapon are Stunned for one turn. If someone touches the victim during this time, they get residual shock of 1d4 damage.

Sarah's HP - 25/30

Sarah yelped in pain as the electrical charge hits her, sending her to her knees. Gritting her teeth, her limbs spasm uncontrollably, unable to drag themselves to push the attack due to them feeling like limp noodles.

Due to being Stunned, Sarah is unable to act for this round. Moving to next round's Initiative

Sarah's Melee - 5+2+1d10(5)=12
Test Drone's Ranged - 7-2+1d10(5)=10

Sarah -> Test Drone

As feeling goes back into Sarah's limbs, she grits her teeth and with a loud yell charges at the mechanical beast, which is still cooling down from it's last shot. Upon reaching it, she grips the knife's handle, causing the chain part of the blade to growl to life, ready to begin tearing into the metal monster.

Attacker 1d10(3) + 5 vs. Defender 1d10(7) + 5

Drone manages to resist cutting. Chainknife drains 1 charge from it's battery source.

As Sarah attacks, the drone shifts back ever so slightly, leaving the smooth, rounded plating of it's frontal limbs in Sarah's grasp. Even though the blade screams angrily as it tries to tear through it, it just doesn't leave a sizeable dent in the casing, and by that time, the robot was able to disengage, it's energy weapon charged and ready to fire again.

Drone attacks at range with Nonlethal Jolt!

Enemy Range is now 0 Meters South
1d10(10+Critical 9) + 7 - 0 = 26
...Come on, die roller, that is just overkill.

Nonlethal Jolt does (2d10(6,4)) 10 damage, triggers special ability 'Minor Tazer Shock'

Sarah's HP - 15/30

The electrical shock was harder this time, causing her to veer back a bit. She could almost see the energy coursing through her arching over her skin as she fell to her knees again. Grunting a little, she'd get back to her feet, though it was a bit shakily.

As this is a two-person combat, and Sarah is shocked anyway, I'll just do the drone's move for simplifying redundant rolls.

Ranged Test Drone attempts restraint with Subduction Wires!

Attacker 1d10(2) + 5 = 7 vs. Defender 1d10(3) + 5 = 8
The wires fail to grab hold of Sarah

Side ports on the drone slid open, and suddenly several black coils of wire shoot out, arching forward towards the still-stunned Sarah. Just as they were about to reach her, however, feeling started to surge into her, and she quickly slid backwards to avoid them. Almost immediately after finding dead air where the target was, the wires snapped back into the port, safely sliding back out of view.


Three rounds have passed, and it's not looking good for our protagonist. Perhaps one of you can toss a suggestion on what she should try now? Also, please tell me if it's been readable and helpful thus far on this situation.

-Stat Block-
HP: 15/30 - FP: 25/25 - PP: 30/30
AGI: 5 - AIM: 3 - BDY: 5 - BRN: 5 - MYS: 2 - TCH: 4
Earned Exp: 4
Current Status: Blank

Enhanced Mentality - Escape Artist - Tentacle Pleaser - Medic - Akimbo Assassin - Sarah's Powers

Inventory: Trenchcoat, Serum Case (3x NecroTech Revivification Syringes, 3 Adrenaline Shots), Portable Medical Kit (4 Quickheal Bandages, 4 Medkits, 4 Medic Gels, 4 Ambrosia, 4 Morphine Drafts)
Roleplay Items: Shoyru Plush, Gaming Console
Quest Items: SodLag Databank Reciever, NecroTech Binder, Small Item Satchel (Serum Case / 1 Quickheal Bandage / 1 Medkit / 1 Medic Gel / 1 Ambrosia / 1 Morphine Draft)

- Weapons -
Chainknife - Slash/Hack Damagetype - One-handed - 2d6 dmg - +2 Initiative
Uses a 20-charge Combat Battery - Has special ability Multi-Hit 2​
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

Run to take the pistols and shoot dat' muthafucka robot
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

Can those quickheal bandages be applied as a free action? also we should probably go for those guns.
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

Go for the gun.
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

Can those quickheal bandages be applied as a free action? also we should probably go for those guns.

The use of items (unless otherwise stated) count as a free action, yes. So Sarah can self-medicate with an item during a turn.
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

Quickheal then pistols!
Re: Sarah Choronicles: Escape from Artech (Path of Ashes 2.0 Test/CYOAS)

I apologize for the absence, I essentially got conscripted into more assisted labor. Anyway...

General consensus seems to be that Sarah immediately goes for the Pistols, as well as buff her health up. We can't stop now and all that!


After a short, quick burst, Sarah rushes past the robot before it can work on charging it's weapons again, quickly spiraling and grabbing her pistols, skidding to a short halt after as she grabs one of the medical devices from her bag. It wasn't much, but with it she'd be able to keep herself going, she reasoned.

-Do do do doooh!-
Sarah has now acquired her Handguns! These twin pistols only have a singular full clip of ammo, so hopefully they'll be useful on taking this robot out. Especially as she's used to duel-wielding them!
Handgun - Piercing Damagetype - One-handed - 2d6 dmg - +1 Initiative
Uses 9mm Clips - Has special ability Precision Weapon and alt function Suppressor
(Note: She picked up two of them for extra Akimboness)

Sarah uses the Quickheal Bandages in her bag, which results in (counting the Medic perk) heals 2d8(3+8(Crit 2) = 13 HP
Sarah is now at 28/30 HP

Iniciative Rolls:
Sarah's Ranged - 5+1+1+1d10(7)=14 (Normally, the initiative for duel-wielding would only count the lowest-buffing weapon (aka only just +1 for one Handgun). Akimbo Assassin allows both to count, as well as remove arbitrary difficulties to shooting.)
Test Drone's Ranged - 7-6+1d10(4)=5

Sarah -> (Hard) Ranged Test Drone

Now armed with much more proper ranged weapons, Sarah raised the twin pistols and began to unload into the robot, aiming nowhere in particular. "Suck lead you metallic freak!!!"

Sarah fires each pistol once, going for the Ranged Test Drone. Akimbo Assassin kicks in and removes penalties for duel Firearms use.

1d10(10+Crit6) + 5 - 0 = 21
1d10(8) + 5 - 0 = 13

Sarah manages to pull off two admirable shots. Bullet damage calculation:

2d6(2,6Crit1) = 9 Damage
2d6(1,6Crit6CRIT3) = 16 Damage

Sarah does 25 damage to the Ranged Test Drone, leaving it at 15 HP

The twin shots ring through the test chamber, making her ears buzz, but both strike true, hitting the unprotected electronics at the base of the robot. It visibly reels from the interference, before straitening itself and inexplicably changing it's weapon end. Sarah's eyes widen as it trades from the strange electrical device to a smooth-bore weapon.

A relatively pissed-off drone fights fire with fire, breaking safety regulations and attacking with an Assault Shotgun!

1d10(10CRIT3) + 7 - 0 = 20 [Apparently it's not just the robot that's pissed.]

Assault Shotgun does 4d10(6,7,10Crit10CRIT2,3) = 38 Damage to Sarah, leaving her at... -15


Guess this is where I explain the concept of getting beaten to a pulp in Path of Ashes leads. In this case, Sarah stayed over the threshold of taking Fatal Damage (aka -20) by a weapon allowed to do it - in the most part, any attack over 20 damage can cause Fatal damage. In Sarah's case, all that would do is a modified form of KO, for most standard PCs however, it'd equate to a -40 in Sanity upon waking up. At the very least. I'm still thinking of major negatives to attach to Fatal damage (beyond non-existance of a character because that's no fun...) Luckily, we didn't suffer that, so we're fine on that front.

Still, being knocked unconscious isn't fun either. Sarah loses 5 Sanity points, forfeits the final test session for the day, and essentially is at the mercy of anyone in the area. Luckily, the lab is relatively secure, so she's safe enough.

As a result of her Sanity loss, however, Sarah gains the Mentally Frail Minor Failure. This means that Sarah will take slightly more damage/pleasure from Brains sources, like Psyonics, until she once again gets above -4 Sanity.

Dangit CYOAS, Y U making me write rules on the fly I wanted to avoid running into ;_;

A huge explosion fills Sarah's vision as the drone fires it's payload, and she feels the buckshot slam into her, sending her flying back and skidding a little from the concussive force. A weak attempt to stand, followed by falling down, overcome by pain, and then blissful unconsciousness again.


Sarah would find herself upon waking in her bed in her given room again. Groaning, she'd slowly get to her feet, clutching at her belly. Still sore, but at least it seems someone bothered and removed the shrapnel and buckshot. Gingerly she'd slide from the bed, groaning and moving to the room proper.

Outside the door, she'd hear two voices, muffled by the metal, talking idly. Slowly moving to the door, she'd press her ear to it and listen.

"...miracle she managed to survive a shot that close. Could the virus have boosted her survivability as well?"

"I doubt it. More then likely all the strenuous exercise she's had for the years since the incident started. Still, that was nowhere near what we wanted to test in this situation."

"Yes. SodLag wasn't even supposed to interfere with that test. Something isn't working right. Still, it'd be for the best that we hold off any physical training tomorrow, to let her recover. She's already been unconscious for the rest of the test period yesterday..."

"You know the rules, no favoritism with any of the test subjects. We have to keep her going. But yes, perhaps we should test her mentality. Perhaps a exposure test to some of the more mindbending of the other specimens?"

"Perhaps. It may be for the best, right?"

...If I wasn't the subject of this, I'd agree, Sarah thought dryly, moving from the door to her seat, grunting a bit as she took stock of her gear, her satchel left on her desk. Surprisingly, her handguns had been left- though emptied- although the chainknife had been removed. The medical device that she had used fruitlessly had not been replaced as well, leaving her frowning as she sorted her satchel.

Sarah takes a moment to revamp her carry-on luggage, and her Small Item Satchel now carries:

2 Quickheal Bandages
1 Medkit
2 Handguns
1 Medical Gel
1 Ambrosia
1 Morphine Draft
1 Syringe Case

Suddenly, Sarah hears a short beeping, leaving her to look around her room for a few moments, before looking to her arm where the small computer had been tied on. Flicking the Data Assistant open, she'd find several menus, with one marked 'Incoming Mail' flashing.

Curious, she'd open the icon, seeing two messages:

To: Subject
From: SodLag Databank Staff
Subject: Daily Test Schedule and Progress, Day 2

We apologize for the unauthorized interruption of a combat drone into the agility course yesterday. We will attempt to try and figure out the reason behind the intrusion. Until then, your testing will be much more low-bare, instead exposing you to some of the other specimens. The scientists feel that this will not only be less strenuous during your recovery, but will perhaps help build up your social skills again.

Social skills my ass, Sarah thought darkly, before idly looking to the next message.

To: Little Morsel
From: An Old Friend
Subject: Why hello there....

So, you got brought into this mess too. I saw ya rolled by after that last test. You looked like crap, much more rougher then last time ya slithered into my den. I asked one of the scientists to write this up for me, because they apparently thought my size was a bit too much for one of those wrist thingys. He kinda seemed confused when I asked him to put my pet name for you up there, but I figured it'd click somehow.

I hope to see you over the course of today, little morsel.

Little Morsel? What the eff?

Sarah scratched her head. What sort of thing would call her that, not to mention know about her? Also... slithered? That's an odd choice of words.

Still, confusion was the last of her concerns, as the door knocked again. "Miss Quintex? Time to go again."

Sarah groaned. "Do I HAVE to?!?"

"I'm afraid so. Don't worry, you're not going to be too stressed today. The techs are crawling into SodLag's head, trying to figure out what's wrong and all that. Easy now..." the female scientist stated, helping Sarah out a bit out the door as it slid open for her.

"Just what the soddin' hell does that computer got against me anyway?" Sarah asked, slowly going down the hall, and already suspicious at the sudden lack of guards this trip.

"No idea. We got some techs going over him now, but hopefully we'll not see another interruption today. I've had specific instructions to try and have you make plenty of social calls today to the other specimens. Perhaps it'll do you good to meet other people, yes?"

"Yer talking to someone that half the time had to combat revive anyone she got close to. Clearly the best plan in the world," Sarah replied, grumbling at the constant pain.

The scientist stayed silent, before continuing to lead Sarah down the hall she had led before. Eventually, though, she would notice them stop next to a darkened room. Sarah felt a slight chill as she remembered the emerald eyes that had followed her yesterday from deep in the interior.

"This one's a bit of a tragic case... you might want to ensure you know the location of the emergency alarm on your device..." the female scientist stated nervously. "Still, we've been trying to at least get her to react to someone, so maybe you could try your luck?"

"She? Doesn't she have a name too?" Sarah shot back, giving a glowering look to the scientist.

The woman seemed taken aback by the remark. "Y-yes. Though we're pretty sure it's not her proper name. The nearest we've ever gotten out of her was she was the sixth one out of the experiments done on her. She's... mentally scarred, to put it bluntly."


"Well... good luck!"

And with that, Sarah was hastily shoved in, with the door slamming shut behind her. She sighed, and very quietly moved into the room, on edge by the darkness of the room.


...I'm starting to think that one half of this facility is about rubbing two things together and seeing what sparks, and the other half is actively trying to kill it's test subjects. Yet out of all of them I still trust the humans over the robots.

Still, now what? I'm in a room with something that I've only been able to identify via it's eyes, it's pitch black and I got nothing onhand in my satchel to make my situation any easier.

-Stat Block-
HP: 30/30 - FP: 25/25 - PP: 30/30
AGI: 5 - AIM: 3 - BDY: 5 - BRN: 5 - MYS: 2 - TCH: 4
Earned Exp: 24
Current Status: Blank
Sanity: -5 (Mentally Frail, +1d4 damage/pleasure from Brains sources)

Enhanced Mentality - Escape Artist - Tentacle Pleaser - Medic - Akimbo Assassin - Sarah's Powers

Inventory: Trenchcoat, Serum Case (3x NecroTech Revivification Syringes, 3 Adrenaline Shots), Portable Medical Kit (2 Quickheal Bandages, 4 Medkits, 4 Medic Gels, 4 Ambrosia, 4 Morphine Drafts)
Roleplay Items: Shoyru Plush, Gaming Console
Quest Items: SodLag Databank Reciever, NecroTech Binder, Small Item Satchel (Serum Case / 2 Quickheal Bandage / 1 Medkit / 1 Medic Gel / 1 Ambrosia / 1 Morphine Draft/ 2 Handguns (Empty/Empty))

- Weapons -
Handgun x2 (Empty) (Empty) - Piercing Damagetype - One-handed - 2d6 dmg - +1 Initiative
Uses 9mm Clips - Has special ability Precision Weapon and alt function Suppressor​
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