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New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Don't worry about it, you can take some clothes with you when you leave, for your work tomorrow." Claire winked at her. "Just remember, the less fabric, the better..." The shift passed fairly uneventfully, no new tidbits to be had.

At the safehouse, her priestess friends were making out with a slightly older nun, the woman taking her first steps on the path that would end with her legs spread wide for Ama.

The meeting with Lev didn't produce much, the goblins hadn't learned anything new yet, though they did mention that there was seemed to be an aura of 'wrongness' about the factory. It just didn't feel right, they would be trying to get closer that night.

On her way back to Jane's house, a woman who man who was unmistakably an inquisitor made himself known to Ama, flashing his badge before handing her a missive. It identified three young women in the refugee quarter they wanted brought to the place where Ama had first made her deal with the shady group. The letter emphasized discretion and that light force or coercion might be necessary as the girls likely wouldn't want to come willingly.

After she was finished with her encounters, she was finally able to make it back to Jane's the woman opening the door and greeting her with a firm swat and grab to the rear to usher the half elf inside.
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Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Telling Lev to be careful she then inquired as to the status of his wife and if any of his tribe needed to be disciplined. Ama looked at the missive and to the inquisitor. "When?"


As Ama made her way to Jane's and knocked on the door she was greeted with a very energetic slap on the tush that made her gasp a little. "Someone's in a good mood. Have a good day at work?" Ama smiled and moved to kiss Jane. Tonight tonight she would bring her to her to parity with Claire maybe even exceeding her corruption.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Wife's a good little slut, just like she could be. Discipline is still high, nobody wants to step out of line after seeing what you can do." Lev laughed, things were going quite well for him.

The inquisitor told her they needed the girls sometime in the next three days.

Jane laughed, "You bet! Got paid and bought some sexy clothes for you, baby!" The worker disappeared for a moment, only to return wearing a very skimpy bedroom dress that showed off both her ass and pussy that were clothed in a g-string that looked like it had come from Claire's shop. She made sure to bend over to her toes, shaking her hips at Ama when she turned around. "You like? I got these from that girl I told you about. It seems she had bought the clothes for the purpose of impressing Ama, rather than for the purpose of Ama impressing her. It was likely Jane was seeking her approval as the corruption slowly bound her to her demon master.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama did like moving up she caressed Jane's impressive chest. "Oh this dose wonders for you lover." Ama kissed Jane grabbing her tush in return. "Thank the goddess I got you Jane." Ama kissed her again pulling in tight. "Your so warm." Ama let her hands wander up and down Jane's body feeling every curve with light sensual touches.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Smiling, Jane slowly turned around against Ama, rolling her hips against her and pressing her firm ass cheeks into her pelvis, grinding against her pleasurably. It seemed as though the factory worked had decided on a change of pace for once, going for the gentle lover tact and trying to seduce the demon for a change. Maybe this was something that had rubbed off on her from Claire. While the two hadn't shared any physical corruption, their mentalities and personalities had had at least a little bit of an affect on each other. "Goddess Amasael be praised indeed, my lover."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Taking it slow might be nice after all Ama had some dirty work to do in the coming days. The fact that she had to kidnap three woman did little to comfort her after all she was just as interested in the towns woman as the inquisition it seemed. "Leaning up Ama kissed Jane on the lips and quickly jumped into her arms wrapping her legs around Jane's waist. "Ohh I think its been far to long sense we had our fun."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Giggling, Jane easily supported Ama's weight as she hoisted her off to the bedroom where she unveiled a large, fleshy dildo that was placed in a strapon. Picking up the device, she offered it first to Ama. "Would you like to do the honors tonight, Salina?Or would you rather I wear the dildo?" As she held the dildo, she lewdly licked up and down its length, lubing it up for whichever of them would be receiving it.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama smiled "You first Jane." While Jane got ready Ama removed her cloths giving the woman a little show. Heading over she once again wrapped herself around the woman only this time she impaled herself on the false cock. "Uh ooh~ is this a new one?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Jane grinned and bucked her hip slightly, pressing the large, girthy dildo in a little farther. "Hehe, you know it. It's got a little hollow inside with a tube running to the tip, it squirts out scented lube as you squeeze it. Makes you feel like you're getting a nice thick dick off." She thrust into Ama a few more times, pressing her against the wall for leverage. Sure enough, the demon could feel a warm fluid leaking into her pussy. "How's that feel gorgeous? It's got a backwards extension that will push into me the more you thrust back. Can't let you have all the fun!" With that, she started humping away at Ama, pressing her into the wall and planting her face in her half-elf bosom, working to get Ama to orgasm.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama gasped as each thrust caused her to thump against the wall. Grabbing onto Jane with all her might Ama began to meet Jane's thrust as best she could from her position. The dull thump of flesh on would punctured by Ama's squeals undoubtedly drew attention from any passerby's but fuck him this was her and Jane's night if they wanted to keep the neighbors up then they would.

Ama clawed at Jane's back trying to get purchase as their bodies began to sweat making her hold tenuous at best. Pushing herself off the wall Ama hopped they would end up on the bed but instead she found her self pushed back against the wall with a loud thump as a nearby picture fell to the ground. Finally Jane slowed as Ama hit her first of what would hopefully be many more orgasms of the evening. "Damn.. Jane...... did you miss me?" Smiling and breathing heavily Ama pulled the girl to the bed as she recovered.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Corruption: +75

A grinning Jane took a nipple into her mouth as she continued thrusting, the thumping sounds caused by their love making echoing through the house. She released the nipple as Ama tried to push off the wall and was forced back by Jane's persistent thrusts. The worker groaned loudly as Ama orgasmed and the reverse side of the dildo was forced deeper into her, finally giving her some real satisfaction as well.

Letting Ama off the wall, she fell onto the bed with her lover, giggling tiredly. "Mhmm...Was I that obvious?" She ran a hand over Ama's hip. "Care for another round? You can wear the dick if you want. Otherwise I'll just fuck you silly instead...lover."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Rolling over on Jane Ama reached down and started to removed the dildo. "My turn." Of course Ama didn't need such toys but no need for Jane to know that yet. Guiding her lover around so she faced away from her Ama grew her own shaft and stroked it a few times. Easing it in Ama held onto Jane's waist for support and to prevent the woman from running. Once she was in Ama moaned before starting her thrusts occasionally smacking Jane's ass to urg her on. She would use the same technique she had used on Claire but this time being more careful after all her final mutation would be granted by the goddess.

Ama is using Rhythm and deny release on Jane till she is on the cusp of supernatural.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Doggystyle? Ohh yes...take me like an animal then!" Jane let out a pleased groan as Ama slid into her wet cunt, non the wiser to the switch from a fake dick to Ama's very real one. Almost immediately, she felt the effects of the demon's powers, driving her pleasure to the heights she had come to expect from her lover. However Ama changed the pace a little, blocking her slut in training's ability to orgasm. As the fucking drew on and Ama's corruptive fluids and essence filled Jane's pussy, her backwards thrusts became less coordinated and more frantic. Her moans and groans of pleasure became screams of frantic lust.

Time wore on, and Jane's pussy was filled to overflowing with demonic spunk. She continued frantically humping Ama and screaming lustily and until her voice gave out and she could only pant. Next to go was her muscle control. She slumped onto the bed, no longer able to move. Her eyes were a broken haze of lust and desire, well and truly fucked into unconsciousness, her body unable to handle the stress of being denied orgasm for so long. When Ama sensed that her corruption had finally reached the same level as Claire's and allowed her subject to orgasm, she wasn't even able to cry out. Instead, her body shook violently, almost as though she were having a seizure. Afterwards she passed out, a fucked silly look on her face, a mess of drool and cum all over the bed.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

With Jane out for the count Ama sat back and relaxed taking in the smell of sex and corruption. After awhile of this she moved next to Jane and began to alter her memories again delving in and letting her know that her changes where gifts from the goddess. With that Ama sat back and diddled herself watching Jane's body take shape. When all the changes had finished she would lay beside her concubine and cuddle and drift into sleep herself.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

This time, Jane didn't even shift as Ama altered the factory worker's perception of her. While the demon masturbated herself, she watched a number of changes take place for the woman. A sweet scent began to permeate the room, though this wasn't like Claire's pheromones. The smell seemed to be her milk, something about it had definitely changed, certainly smelling better, though a taste test would be needed to determine more. As her tongue was already lolled out, Ama had a fine view of it extending in length, tapering to a bit of a point. It might take some getting used to on Jane's part, but the longer tongue would certainly be better for giving blowjobs and eating women out. The last observable change was the trickle of milk coming from her Jane's breasts, and the flow of cum draining from her cunt slowly took on a slight glow, nothing terribly noticeable in the light, but it would certainly stand out in the dark, as the fluids were now glowing a light green.

Cuddling beside the exhausted, cum-drenched concubine, Ama would almost certainly wake up first the next day.

Mutations gained: Tight, healing milk, long tongue, and glowing fluids (milk and sexual fluids)
Also, I think corruptive characters like Ama can corrupt characters up to 18 mutations, but I'll double check.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama smiled and cuddled up to Jane quickly falling asleep. Sadly she woke first but maybe that was for the best after all she had to head off to work today. Getting cleaned up Ama got dressed in the new sluttier uniform that Claire had provided before heading off to the shop. Changing her form to that of Amy she quickly approached the door and knocked getting ready for a new day. She had other things to do as well she needed to scope out the refugees for her "friends" Using her gifts should prove simple enough but one never knew.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama's work day passed fairly normally, though the new norm involved a high degree of flirting and inappropriate touching coming from Claire. Certainly more than there had been before she was so heavily corrupted. What's more, far more women coming to the store would openly ogle Ama and Claire, both the women seemingly developing a number of admirers.

Once she finished at the store, however, her day took a turn for the less-normal. She spotted Lev once she entered the lower-class area, frantically signalling her from a storm drain. He appeared extremely agitated, fearful, and generally upset.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Frowning she gestured him to a nearby alleyway choosing not to talk to a storm drain. After Lev met up with her again she would listen to his report clearly something had gotten him agitated.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"The warehouse! Gods damn it, we tried to get in last night...and...and..." Lev took a minute to get his rapid, nervous breathing under control. Whatever had happened had left him extremely rattled.

"It was dark when we approached, got to a low window we did...lights out, nobody home. First two went in, poked around for a minute, gave us the all clear. It seemed like nobody was there, completely silent, very dark. We split up to search through the crates, but then the screams...oh god...the screams... I can still here them, I can!" Lev panted rapidly, hyperventilating for a minute, it took him a few more to calm back down to the point where he could continue.

"We had split into groups of three, the wife stayed home, and when we heard the first group start screaming, and the sounds of flesh and bone being torn apart we just ran, ran for the window. Didn't even know what it was, just that there was no way in hell we'd want any part of it. We reached the window, and my group had made it through when they caught up. There were two of 'em, aliens! Fucking aliens! In the middle of the goddam city! They were those camouflaged lizard bastards! The ones with the wicked claws! At that point, we were helping the other three up, they fell on the back one, he never had a chance...I got my guy up, and we were pulling up the middle guy and...and...we only got his arm...the aliens got the rest... We booked it out of there after that, hit the storm drains, knew them lizards was too big to follow. Don't know if they ever left the building to follow us though, but we sure as hell weren't looking back." Lev slumped against a wall, head in his hands. "Five of us lost... Half the group that was...damned aliens..."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Damn it..... Aliens in the city.... a cult no doubt. "Lev listen to me you have done good by your mistress. I want you to lay low and build up your numbers understood. I will call for you if I need you again." Well this was rather dangerous and disappointing news. Still she had to figure something out but first she needed to remove her people from the not so safe safe house. In fact she headed their right now.