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New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The priestesses reported that Tamara had not shown up that day. It was nothing to be alarmed at, yet. There were any number of reasons her mission could take more than a day.

Afterwards, she arrived back at Claire's home to find her, Jane, and Amy relaxing on a large, new, circular bed that Jane must have finished while Ama was out and about. The two concubines were relaxing, reading their choice of books, while Amy lay in between them, gently suckling from Claire's teat. It seemed she had taken to the girl's milk. Claire simply smiled and idly stroked the demonling's hair, seeming to enjoy the feeling of being fed from. Jane had her arm stretched around both girls' shoulders hugging them towards her almost instinctively as her fingers toyed with Claire's hair. She sat aside her book and waved at Ama when the demon came in, seemingly not speaking so as to not disturb the relaxed mood of the room.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama smiled back and kept silent as well. The setting was just to perfect and for a moment Ama stood and took in the view. After a moment however she decided to cozy up to Jane sense she had stopped reading. It had been fare to long sense she and her first concubine spent some quality time together and it was time to reward her for such. Laying next to her her giving the woman a soft kiss Ama snuggled up to her lover and whispered in her ear. "Tell me Jane what do you want to do. You've been so good to me and the girls."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Jane nuzzled Ama happily as the demon snuggled against her. "I don't want anything mistress, I live to make you happy and protect the others. As long as I can do that, there is nothing else I want." Claire lifted her head a little to smile and wave at Ama without disturbing Amy's nursing.

After a moment, Jane added, "Is there anything you would like to do, mistress? I live to serve after all.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"And your doing a wonderful job." Ama smiled and kissed Jane before snuggling up to the woman. It was nice to just rest and besides she had a feeling that tommrow may turn out to be intresting. Settling in Ama wished her lovers a good night before sleeping herself an event that was rare for her.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Jane returned Ama's kiss happily, though she could tell the woman was tired and in need of a good night's sleep. Since she couldn't reach the demon from where she lay without disrupting Amy, Claire gently took Ama's hand from where she lay and kissed it before whispering good night. On further observation, it seemed that Amy had actually fallen asleep while drinking from Claire's bosom, something the mutated concubine didn't seem to mind at all. Before long, the gentle breathing of the concubines and Amy indicated they had fallen asleep and gently lulled Ama into slumber as well.

The gentle sun shining in the next morning would find Ama awake before the other three, feeling noticeably refreshed after a full night's sleep. Seeing the sun rise gave her the inexplicable feeling that the day would be a good one.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama had a strange energy today and resolved to treat her concubines no her family to something special. Heading downstairs Ama fixed up her hair and looked over the kitchen. It was dirty servent work but Ama had her fair share of experaince doing it. After all one has to weasly their way in to secure places some how. Smiling she took on the form of the she had assumed many years ago. Giggling to herself she went about cooking up some breakfast for her lovlies. Hopefully the smell would bring at lest one of them down before she headed out. After all she had a lunch date today and needed to check in with her servents before she could devote her attention to Lucia.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The smell of good food was like a siren's call, beckoning the sleeping women from their shared bed and into the kitchen. All three were quick to praise their mistress' cooking and give her kisses on the cheek. Before long they had the table set and were tucking into their food with a vengeance.

"Any big plans today, mistress?" Claire smiled up at her as she patted her pregnant stomach appreciatively.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Oh I have a meeting with someone in the afternoon and I should check up on a few things. But other than that no huge plans." Ama caressed the pregnant swells on her concubines lovingly. "How about you girls? Any big plans?" Ama listened as she chatted with her tainted family. If nothing big was going on she would give them all a kiss before heading out ot check in with Lev and her pristesses before meeting up wiht Lucia.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

There wasn't much going on for her close-knit, highly corrupted family than day to day issues of the revamped sex-shop Claire owned. They all eagerly returned her kisses though and waved as she left.

Unfortunately Lev hadn't turned up much since she last checked in, however his spies had heard that there were a lot of outgoing requests for military equipment, indicating the Governor was marshaling her forces for some purpose. That's where Lev's knowledge ended though, he didn't know to what end she was readying her guardsmen.

Nothing much had changed with the priestesses, they were just hanging around, on the lookout for Tamara.

When it was finally time to visit Lucia, the nun spotted her from a distance, waved, and hurried over from her stand. Mary waved happily as well, not minding doing collections on her own while Lucia went to lunch with her rescuer. "Hello again Salina. Where would you like to go to eat? It's my treat." She gave the demon a warm smile, clearly oblivious to the obvious answer as to what the demon would prefer.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama had hoped that she would have some news of Tamara by now but then agian the aliens in numbers where a danger to anyone. For now she would have to wait and see if the Seductive inqusitor made it threw in one peice. The news that the govener was marshling guardsmen could be a blessing in disguise. Clearly she was supecting a foe maybe if she nudge the right people... Leaving that thought aside for now Ama cleared her head and met up with Lucia. "Well..... have you tried some Andorian food? The exotic spices are like a passonate dance on your tongue. There might be some cooks in the refugee district. Want to go see?" Ama purpose in this was two fold one exposing Lucia to others would lossen her up a bit. Expand her horizens as well as make it all the easier for Ama to nudge her closer to her. The secound was to see how or if at all her new relgion was taking hold.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Lucia gave a smile, "The food sounds lovely, it's a shame it could only come here on the tide of refugees. Those poor people, losing everything like they did..." The thought of the war made Lucia sad, but she put a brave smile back on and walked to the district with Ama.

Once in the refugee district, there were indeed signs of Ama's new religion. They were few enough that they were easy to miss if you weren't looking for them, but Ama was able to pick them out. Most people were dressed in ragged clothes, sometimes that meant a refugees clothes would be more revealing than was appropriate, but they had no other clothes to wear. Now though they would sometimes encounter girls who flaunted what their ragged clothes showed, and the patterns of damage to the clothes suggested that some of them had been damaged on purpose to make them more showy. Additionally, Ama saw a handful of instances of public sex. It was discrete, but she and Lucia both saw a twenty something girl eating out another girl her age in an ally. There were also cries to the goddess coming from a tent the passed by, from the squeaking coming from inside it sounded like they were celebrating Ama's faith.

Lucia seemed to perceive a lot of this as well, though she didn't seem to realize it was a new religion. True to her word though, she seemed unfazed and rather accepting of how these people chose to live.

It wasn't long before they found a stand that served Anudorian food. A few coins later and they both had plates of the spicy stuff prepared by an Anudorian refugee who was quite the accomplished chef, it turned out.

"Mmm...you were right, Salina, this food is delicious!"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"I know right. Its not as hearty as some Crolian dishes or as strange as some of the Amazonian ones but it has its moments." Ama licked her lip as some of the sauce had dribbled out. Looking about Ama took in the atmosphere. It was a perfect breedig ground to find new recruits not to mention having the sway of a large population in the city was always good. It would take time but Ama had it for now. "So whats next? Got to head back to the church or do you have free time today?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Lucia was content to enjoy her food as Ama looked around. The demon could tell the nun was a little uncertain of what to make of her considering her demonic heritage, but she seemed to be getting comfortable around her. It probably helped that she had saved the chaste woman from rape twice now.

She shrugged in response to Ama's question. "Well there's always something I could be doing, but there's nothing critical and Mary doesn't mind covering for me like this. So yes I do have some free time. Maybe you would like to use it to tell me a little bit about yourself? The truth preferably."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama smiled at Lucia. "Lets not ruin things just yet with the truth humm." Ama took a sip of her drink. "Though I will say Im not here to harm anyone.. well unless I have to." Ama smiled a moment before speaking agian. "But if I can tell you anything to ease your mind ask away. Who knows I might just answer truthfully."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Lucia huffed and rolled her eyes, seemingly annoyed at the demon's closed off nature. "Fine...how about something simple? What's your real name? Oh, and why do you keep saving me?" After a moment she added, "And how do you know my sister anyway?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama giggled at the first question. "Why so nosey about my name humm? They can be powerful things. Besides its not like your gonna find me in a book of big bad demons. Trust me right now Im just a small fish in a very big pond." Ama knew this would likely annoy Lucia but she couldn't have her link the fact the new goddess moving about the camp was actually her. Anyway while Lucia seemed trusting she was an agent of the church and who knows what she could do if she knew her name. "Any way Selina is a pretty name no? A pretty name for a pretty girl just like yours." Ama looked at Lucia to gage her raction likely her scent had wafted to the nun by now making her feel more intrested in sexual matters. "As for your safty well thats simple. I find you intresting and Im not gonna let someone take that away. So few people with good hearts and the power to back it up. Plenty of people like your friend Mary full of good intentions but at the mercy of powers beyound her ablities." Ama looked over the area again looking for an example to share. "Concerning your sister well.. Ill put it this way. She found me and called me out for what I am. We had a talk and came to an agreement. I didn't know she was your sister untill the inccident."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

At Ama's comment about being nosy, Lucia rolled her eyes good naturedly. "Well it is just common courtesy for us mortals to tell people our real names. When Ama made her comment about her being pretty the nun arched an eyebrow skeptically, though not hostilely. "You'll have to do better than that to get my clothes off 'Salina'." If Lucia's pheromones didn't seem to be affecting her noticeably.

Lucia shrugged at Ama's answers to her other questions. "Interesting, huh? Well, that seems genuine enough, I could believe that. As for my sister, that sounds about right, she always did have a knack for that sort of thing."

After a moment's further thought she asked another question. "Do you know what my sister's gotten herself into? She's kept a pretty tight lip about it, and after what happened with the Inquisitors, I just don't know anymore..."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama leaned on the table her chin resting on her left fist as she looked at Lucia. The game just got more intresting. Her playmate was resistant to her pheromones. "Oh Im sure if I tried hard enough I could get you out of those stuffy robes." Ama grinned for a moment appearing seductive and meancing at the same time. "But I like this game so I won't." Listing out the question about her sister Ama sighed a little. "I don't know much but from what I can tell you its a very dangerous thing. I hope she can handle it. She has power you know but an arrogance that will get her in trouble." Ama leaned back up a moment the flirty mood ruined by the talk of troubles. "Well I suppose we should move on then. It was nice having lunch with you Lucia. Thank you." Getting up Ama walked away a few feet before turning to Lucia. "Maybe next time we'll share what I usually eat." Ama winked at Lucia before turning back around and heading off.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama's response about getting her out of her robes and her seductive and menacing expression elicited a somewhat skeptical look from Lucia. At her answer regarding Tamara, the nun's expression changed to one that seemed somewhat troubled by what she heard. "Well, that doesn't sound good, but thank you for telling me."

When it was at last time for them to part ways, Ama's parting quip caused Lucia to arch an eyebrow with an bemused look on her face. "You'll need more than confidence to make that happen. I'll need a more than a fake name, quite a bit more." She gave the demon a friendly smile and a wave as they split off. It seemed that she truly didn't judge Ama over-much for being a demon or for her promiscuity. The way she looked over her shoulder at Ama as she left suggested she might actually be friendly towards the demon.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama returned the wave before heading out she had things to do after all. Her first stop was a bar near the manor area. This undoubtly would be a favorite stop for soldiers getting off duty. If by chance there was none she would move from bar to bar till she found a lonely soldier in need of company.