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An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Thera attacks spider 73 hit! 34 damage spider is KO

In a flash Thera crossed the cave floor. Leaping her halberd arced thew the air smashing into the spider which gave a squeel before collapsing to the ground. It seemed her first hit dropped the creature and Thera could finish it off if she so chose.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Running like an arrow and striking like a trainwreck, Thera throws her enemy on the ground and jump again to finish it with a last strike. After checking the monsters demise, she will check if Ann is there, or if she is still alive.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

One more final hit and the creature was killed leaving Thera to free Ann who was stuck in a silken cacoon. Once free Ann fell into Thera's arms two nasty bite marks on her leg indicating she was poisoned.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Thera checks Ann's equipment to find any antidote potion she can have, because she don't have one with herself.

"Hey, girl, don't let me down, now!"
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Thera was in luck it seemed Ann had planned for this as she had several potions in her belt. Three where a red color, two more where green, and one was blue. Thera had to make a choice here and quickly her senses tingled telling her they wouldn't be alone for long.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Hey, don't leave me here!" Thera open her way with her hands, choose the red potion and forces Ann to drink it, leaving the other two near and ready to use.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Thera quickly forced a red potion down Ann's throat as the first sounds of distant skittering reached her. Looking down she noted the bite marks had sealed up but Ann was still frozen stiff from the poison.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Never is the red one..." Thera gets the green and makes Ann drink it. The blue one was near her, in case of any unknown monster was waiting to steal the final potion before the girl could be healed.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

This potion seemed to have the desired effect causing Ann to nearly jolt out of Thera's grasp and roll over coughing. It seemed it was just in time too as many glowing red eyes peeked at them from a low wall. Grabbing her blade Thera readied herself as the first set of many eyes revealed themselves to be more spiders.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Hey, are you feeling slightly well? We have company." Thera adjusts her stance to guard Ann and stands against those monsters, preparing an attack to when one of them comes she slice it without thinking again.

Or simply goes after Ann if the little girl finds a way out of that place.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Ann sat coughing still unable to stand or really get a move on. It seemed Thera would have to hold them off till she was ready. As she watched another set of eyes made themselves known as another spider joined the first their many staring eye's looking at Thera. They would attack soon Thera could feel it.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Ann, don't you have anything to replenish your energy?? Those things will beat us if we don't fight back!!" Without waiting for a response, Thera launches herself to a spider, trying to cut it in half with her Halberd. Then, she would come back and repeat the attack with another spider; Ann is her priority, she will defend the girl if any spider get near her.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Thera Attacks! 75 vs 35 HIT! 47 damage after armor
Thera kills a spider.
Second spider attacks Thera! 36 vs 37 MISS

Knowing their situation would become hopeless if she didn't thin down the attackers coming for them Thera launched into action. Moving faster than either spider was prepared for Thera easily ended one of the multi-legged freaks. The second one trying to capitalize on Thera's attack lunged at the warrior with poision dripping fangs only to find her prey had already moved her halberd drawn back to end him as well.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Ann..." Still on the fight, Thera attacks more spiders, going from one to another, till everyone of them was dead.

"Well, let's see, spiders poison cost anything? I don't remember too well, but i maybe know a alchemist who wants spider poison... Or not, i'm probably overthinking it here."
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Thera Attacks 71 vs 35 HIT! 49 Damage after armor. Spider is dead!

Thera brought her blade down once more planting it deep between the ridge of the creatures multiple eyes. All to easy these things where no challenge to her. "Thera there's more!" Looking it seemed Ann had recovered and was drawing blades as three more of the spiders seemed to drop down from the ceiling cutting her off from Ann.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Thera tries to strike down those spiders near Ann, she wanted to fight back-to-back with Ann, then she would get more chances of escaping there. "Ok, back-to-back and don't stop killing those monsters!"
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Thera (HP): 57/59 (PP): 67 (EP): 42 Status = Fine

Thera attacks autohit (attack nearly double dodge) 52 Damage after armor. Spider 1 dead
Ann attacks twice! 84 and 74 vs 35 HIT 74 damage total after armor
Spider 3 dead
Spider 2 attacks Thera 45 vs 37 Thera is HIT 2 damage after armor
Thera Resistance check vs poison.
27 vs 19 success

Thera quickly brought her halberd to bare once more quickly slicing clean threw a spiders head slaying it instantly. However its buddy soon leaped forward and managed to bite Thera threw her armor. It was mostly just a scratch but she felt the wound burn a little but it soon passed. Ann meanwhile brought her shiny blades down on her attacker ending it much as Thera had done for hers. leaving the duo facing only one enemy.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Ouch! Well, no problem here, one to go!"

Thera checks her wound and don't see any poison coming out of there. Then, locking her aim at the last spider, she charges at it, ready to strike and kill.

"We have more to do, today, go back to Spiders Hell!"
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Between the two of them the last spider stood no chance and all that was left for the duo to do was to escape the spider lair before more showed up. Cleaning her blade she felt Ann hug her from behind. "Thera you came for me Im so glad. I was really scared that this was the end. You really are a hero!"
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

She looks at the spider paste at the floor and don't is surprised when Ann hugs her. Well, that was the right thing to do...

"Hey, are you ready? We'll have to flee and jump a few meters to get away from this hole."

Thera looks at the place before/during Ann's answer, looking for probables riches that previous victims left there.

"AND, to punish those three scum who didn't come back, of course!"

Thinking in creating a new character to be the rape bait. Thoughts?