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RPG Patreon Active [Paladox] The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss (Version 0.745)

Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P (Updated February 17th, 2014)

I haven't implemented a shovel yet. I used to have one in the tutorial in older versions.

New plants automatically appear in the garden when your skill increases.

That would explain it :p Its great talking with a dev when making a new game :3

I'm one too and this stuff isn't easy to do @_@ so more power to yah
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P (Updated February 17th, 2014)

Thanks. :) RPG maker helps a lot though. I couldn't code my way out of a paper bag. xD
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P (Updated February 17th, 2014)

Thanks. :) RPG maker helps a lot though. I couldn't code my way out of a paper bag. xD

i know you cant do code BUT can you edit code aka use odes that are already built?

why not try

RPG Tankentai SBS 3.4e + ATB 1.2c Kaduki this one better

there's also parallax mapping making too

gimp or Photoshop would do wounder if you got both just use PS :p
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P (Updated February 17th, 2014)

I think I would only consider using a new battle system after I've finished making the game. I tried several battle systems until I found the simplest ones that work practically "right out of the box". A lot of the ones I tried and couldn't figure out had feature upon feature and it was just way too much to learn/process all at once.

The parallax mapping is interesting. It might be something I'd consider for a new project but if I did that now I'd either have to remake every single map in my game or the new map style would clash with what I currently have.

What I'd really like is to know is how to generate an event that can actually interact with another event.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P (Updated February 17th, 2014)

I think I would only consider using a new battle system after I've finished making the game. I tried several battle systems until I found the simplest ones that work practically "right out of the box". A lot of the ones I tried and couldn't figure out had feature upon feature and it was just way too much to learn/process all at once.

The parallax mapping is interesting. It might be something I'd consider for a new project but if I did that now I'd either have to remake every single map in my game or the new map style would clash with what I currently have.

What I'd really like is to know is how to generate an event that can actually interact with another event.

Like randomly characters randomly walking up to each other and interacting with one another? best way to do that is with events. Using set paths and using timers. After so many minutes they do different things. As for randomizing this? scripting would be your best bet.

I wanted to make it so a character would randomly walk up a flight of steps go to another floor of a house then come back down. But if you go to the floor the NPC went on you can see them walking around before going back to the floor they started with? something like that?

OR like have your daughters help take care of child raising while your gone? that would be pretty cool addition to the game. feeding them and keep watch
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P (Updated February 17th, 2014)

No, all that is possible and I'm sure there's several ways they could be done. I mean an event running into another event and it activates it. Completely non-circumstantial, regardless of where the events are.

This way I could have fights involving the player using projectiles against the boss. There's at least 2 boss fights I've had rattling around in my head for a while that would use this.

Take for example the two NPCs you mentioned talking to each other. The method I'm seeking would only have them talk to each other if they 'just happened' to bump into one another.

I made a script request on an RPG maker forum. Hopefully someone can help me out. I did find an example of what I needed but it's a script for RPG Maker VX Ace, which I can't use.

Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P (Updated February 17th, 2014)

No, all that is possible and I'm sure there's several ways they could be done. I mean an event running into another event and it activates it. Completely non-circumstantial, regardless of where the events are.

This way I could have fights involving the player using projectiles against the boss. There's at least 2 boss fights I've had rattling around in my head for a while that would use this.

Take for example the two NPCs you mentioned talking to each other. The method I'm seeking would only have them talk to each other if they 'just happened' to bump into one another.

I made a script request on an RPG maker forum. Hopefully someone can help me out. I did find an example of what I needed but it's a script for RPG Maker VX Ace, which I can't use.

its possible :) you just need someone to show you how which i do not currently know or I would @_@ but i know what your asking for and it easy to do, i just dont know how
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P (Updated February 17th, 2014)

I downloaded and started playing version 1B10P today. I ran into a few errors that the game tells me to report, so here goes. The screenshots are below.

It seems to happen every time I examine the oil bottles if the lantern is already full. I think I noticed it in other places as well, but I forgot to take screenshots. It doesn't seem to affect gameplay at all. I would not have even noticed if not for the error message on the portrait.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P (Updated February 17th, 2014)

Thanks. Someone at hongfire found those too. I fixed them in a slight update, as well as the cloth stitching. Here's the link to that version if you want it.

There's just not much new content in that one so I was too lazy to post it to the OP yet.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P (Updated February 17th, 2014)

Thanks. Someone at hongfire found those too. I fixed them in a slight update, as well as the cloth stitching. Here's the link to that version if you want it.

There's just not much new content in that one so I was too lazy to post it to the OP yet.

*grabs* :3 thank you :3

i gotten the first 3 numbers to the second green dungion's door but ran into a glitch i think

1,9,0 first 3 i found and i put in all numbers on the four role all came back as wrong Oo?
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P (Updated February 17th, 2014)

The 0 goes last.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P (Updated February 17th, 2014)

its possible :) you just need someone to show you how which i do not currently know or I would @_@ but i know what your asking for and it easy to do, i just dont know how

dizzyinc at rpgmakervx.net helped me with the solution.

I can make a common event where:
I can take Bolt's X and Y position, (into variables)
And the Dragon's X and Y position, (2 more variables)
And instantly compare them via two conditions,
And then activate something that shows the Dragon being damaged.

Just a rough example. I likely won't be using a dragon in that type of situation (maybe a wyvern though). :)
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P (Updated February 17th, 2014)

dizzyinc at rpgmakervx.net helped me with the solution.

I can make a common event where:
I can take Bolt's X and Y position, (into variables)
And the Dragon's X and Y position, (2 more variables)
And instantly compare them via two conditions,
And then activate something that shows the Dragon being damaged.

Just a rough example. I likely won't be using a dragon in that type of situation (maybe a wyvern though). :)

thats wounderful you got help with this : ) and that would work : D
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P (Updated February 17th, 2014)

Found a game braking bug D:

'Script Cashe' line 75: TypeError occurred.

connot convert nill into String.

happens when you click on Information > Body > Big Forest
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P (Updated February 17th, 2014)

If you have Sienna take a bath does it still crash?

If you stitch up all her wounds, does it still crash after that?

I'm not sure what the issue could be. I thought I had it fixed right.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P (Updated February 17th, 2014)

If you have Sienna take a bath does it still crash?

If you stitch up all her wounds, does it still crash after that?

I'm not sure what the issue could be. I thought I had it fixed right.

not sure haven't checked it an i got 3 kids so far and just had my forth BUT i don't see her anywhere D: i gotten last two from the gabbling girl *go figure how that happened LMAo*

strange Oo now its working i think its when you have sex with the spiders it does it

how many can you have in your rooms at a time Oo?

are all sprites equipments Oo?
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P (Updated February 17th, 2014)

I checked out the spider's sex event. It was a bit different than the common event I use with most monsters so I copy/pasted the common code and removed most of the spider's sex code.
I tried to figure out what I had done differently but I didn't really locate the problem. I was also wary of the -1 semen whenever Sienna gets pregnant so I removed that as well.
Hopefully these changes will fix the issue in 1B11.

Yes all sprites are equipment. If you keep getting sprites then you might need to change Sienna's diet.

While making the list below I realized I forgot to do away with food variables at the end of each pregnancy, so if you've had Adivia yet then I'm sorry but you can't have any other types of children aside from her and the two types of sprites you're currently getting. That will be fixed next update and your game will auto-correct when you transfer saves to 1B11 and have a child (that one will still be from the Adivia set, but the next one will be different).

Here's a diet of what you should eat to get each child. Keep in mind that the game does keep track of what you eat from the beginning of the game and never forgets. I will try and put in a way to keep track of this at some point.

(Useful tip: Eating bread before another food will give you double credit for that next food you eat. For example if you eat 1 bread and then eat 1 apple then the following list will view that as you eating 2 of apples, carrots, onions, or oranges category)

To have Vallerie you should not eat Apples, Carrots, Onions, or Oranges.
Eat more Grapes, Potatoes, Fish, or Cheeses than you ate of the above.
Eat more Meat, Eggs, Mushrooms, or Nuts than you ate of the above.
(possible by eating only one Meat from the start)

To have Charlene you should not eat Apples, Carrots, Onions, or Oranges.
Eat more Meat, Eggs, Mushrooms, or Nuts than you ate of the above.
Eat more Grapes, Potatoes, Fish, or Cheeses than you ate of the above.
(possible by eating only one Potato from the start)

To have Clarinda you should not eat Meat, Eggs, Mushrooms, or Nuts.
Eat more Apples, Carrots, Onions, or Oranges than you ate of the above.
Eat more or same amount of Grapes, Potatoes, Fish, or Cheeses that you ate of the above.
(possible by eating only one apple and one potato from the start)

I would highly suggest getting the other three children before getting Marissa and Adivia.

To have Marissa you should NOT eat Meat, Eggs, Mushrooms, or Nuts.
You should also NOT eat Grapes, Potatoes, Fish, or Cheese.
Eat more Apples, Carrots, Onions, or Oranges than you ate of the above.
(possible by eating only one apple from the start)

To have Adivia you should excessively eat Apples, Carrots, Onions, and Oranges. Once you have Adivia you can not have other children types until 1B11 is out. You will only have Guardian and Purple sprites.

After you have a child but you have the same food results then you will randomly have one of two types of sprites. These can be fed by using the Nursing item at any time, as often as you wish.
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P (Updated February 17th, 2014)

I checked out the spider's sex event. It was a bit different than the common event I use with most monsters so I copy/pasted the common code and removed most of the spider's sex code.
I tried to figure out what I had done differently but I didn't really locate the problem. I was also wary of the -1 semen whenever Sienna gets pregnant so I removed that as well.
Hopefully these changes will fix the issue in 1B11.

Yes all sprites are equipment. If you keep getting sprites then you might need to change Sienna's diet.

While making the list below I realized I forgot to do away with food variables at the end of each pregnancy, so if you've had Adivia yet then I'm sorry but you can't have any other types of children aside from her and the two types of sprites you're currently getting. That will be fixed next update and your game will auto-correct when you transfer saves to 1B11 and have a child (that one will still be from the Adivia set, but the next one will be different).

Here's a diet of what you should eat to get each child. Keep in mind that the game does keep track of what you eat from the beginning of the game and never forgets. I will try and put in a way to keep track of this at some point.

(Useful tip: Eating bread before another food will give you double credit for that next food you eat. For example if you eat 1 bread and then eat 1 apple then the following list will view that as you eating 2 of apples, carrots, onions, or oranges category)

To have Vallerie you should not eat Apples, Carrots, Onions, or Oranges.
Eat more Grapes, Potatoes, Fish, or Cheeses than you ate of the above.
Eat more Meat, Eggs, Mushrooms, or Nuts than you ate of the above.
(possible by eating only one Meat from the start)

To have Charlene you should not eat Apples, Carrots, Onions, or Oranges.
Eat more Meat, Eggs, Mushrooms, or Nuts than you ate of the above.
Eat more Grapes, Potatoes, Fish, or Cheeses than you ate of the above.
(possible by eating only one Potato from the start)

To have Clarinda you should not eat Meat, Eggs, Mushrooms, or Nuts.
Eat more Apples, Carrots, Onions, or Oranges than you ate of the above.
Eat more or same amount of Grapes, Potatoes, Fish, or Cheeses that you ate of the above.
(possible by eating only one apple and one potato from the start)

I would highly suggest getting the other three children before getting Marissa and Adivia.

To have Marissa you should NOT eat Meat, Eggs, Mushrooms, or Nuts.
You should also NOT eat Grapes, Potatoes, Fish, or Cheese.
Eat more Apples, Carrots, Onions, or Oranges than you ate of the above.
(possible by eating only one apple from the start)

To have Adivia you should excessively eat Apples, Carrots, Onions, and Oranges. Once you have Adivia you can not have other children types until 1B11 is out. You will only have Guardian and Purple sprites.

After you have a child but you have the same food results then you will randomly have one of two types of sprites. These can be fed by using the Nursing item at any time, as often as you wish.

Hopefully this glitch would be fixed :) i love testing this : D

i gotten the little one with the black wings and red eyes :p just cant find any apples =.= i only need 3 D:
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P (Updated February 17th, 2014)

I should probably add some non-respawning cornucopia plants to the vinery. Or I might add an extra mini-area later on with them. I guess I hadn't realized that removing the food items from the Kendra's Palace merchant could cause such a problem with feeding the children.

Maybe I could add a FFVI style auction house. That'd be interesting. :)
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P (Updated February 17th, 2014)

I should probably add some non-respawning cornucopia plants to the vinery. Or I might add an extra mini-area later on with them. I guess I hadn't realized that removing the food items from the Kendra's Palace merchant could cause such a problem with feeding the children.

Maybe I could add a FFVI style auction house. That'd be interesting. :)

that would be ^_^ i just need 3 apples @____@ and my dark fairy well be grown up :p