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RPG Patreon Active Unknown/Hiatus RPG Maker [SHOEGAZER] Dungeons and Prisoners (RJ113419)

Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I made a short video on the wolf chase actually... I thought it was pretty hilarious to watch
Video is 1MB 0:07 seconds, "Save as" first then watch!

oh and incubus in dreams o_O
Dream rape, that reminds me of a hentai manga I read before...
[SS-BRAIN] ナイトメア・プリンセス

about some women that tries to free her friend from a nightmare, but gets captured and raped in many ways in her dreams... wakes up a sex slave :eek:

What's scary is that I thought I knew exactly the manga you were talking about, then saw that it was actually a different one... Considering that specific plot is uncommon means that I read a ton of them hah
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

In the 1.26 version of the demo I'm unable to resize the window via the config menu of the game - anybody else encountered that issue?

Worked fine in 1.25.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

In the 1.26 version of the demo I'm unable to resize the window via the config menu of the game - anybody else encountered that issue?

Worked fine in 1.25.

Ah your right, it doesn't work for me either, I usually play fullscreen so never noticed ( ゚Д゚)

Oh another question for ill, will the game have a "bad town" or "slum area"? That is always a interesting area to visit in a hentai game, where there are molesters, pick pocket, thieves, gang members, cults and more...! ヽ(´▽`)ノ
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I'm working on Testing scripts and make templeate at this month.
Template is easy to make game creation.

a half of Artworks is already done.
I'll starting create main story at May in my first plan, but I'm face to too many system modifiy and many bugs.
Maybe release date will be late in August.
I'm sorry to all of yours, but I want to made good game.

Take as much time as you need to polish this game. Personally I don't mind waiting months, hell even an extra year if you need it to perfect this game. Your game has so much potential and already is becoming my favorite h game, so there is no need to rush.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

In the 1.26 version of the demo I'm unable to resize the window via the config menu of the game - anybody else encountered that issue?
Worked fine in 1.25.
Ah your right, it doesn't work for me either, I usually play fullscreen so never noticed ( ゚Д゚)
Oh another question for ill, will the game have a "bad town" or "slum area"? That is always a interesting area to visit in a hentai game, where there are molesters, pick pocket, thieves, gang members, cults and more...! ヽ(´▽`)ノ

mmm...it's works fine at my PC. and never changing config scripts 1.25 to 1.26.

Slum area. it's needs for hentai RPG.
Basically, Heaven is located in slum at full version.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Slum area. it's needs for hentai RPG.
You couldn't be more right, every hrpg needs slums/red light district of some kind and have lots of events there.

And yeah, changing resolution also doesn't work for me.

Oh, ILL, my last suggestion- could you make leveling up not automatic? So that people who want to can level up later to, for example, take some feats after getting a particular weapon etc?

And a general request- is anyone good enough at Japanese to translate feats? It's kind of hard to try builds without understanding that they do.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Darn all HRPGs need a slums/red light district? Quick, I have to change my genre for my own idea then...! :p
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I'm confirmed a change resolution doesn't works 1.26.
but my dev virsion never happen this case. maybe it's fixed at next demo. even if I don't touch anything.

You couldn't be more right, every hrpg needs slums/red light district of some kind and have lots of events there.

And yeah, changing resolution also doesn't work for me.

Oh, ILL, my last suggestion- could you make leveling up not automatic? So that people who want to can level up later to, for example, take some feats after getting a particular weapon etc?

And a general request- is anyone good enough at Japanese to translate feats? It's kind of hard to try builds without understanding that they do.
No autoamthic Level-up. I had a this plan. but I think, who doesn't play offen
TRPG like RPG may be a bit confuse to Level-up.
Then I took automathic Level-up.
and, I love Wizardry style Level-up by rest. also I think, it's not fit to this game.

And feats. current get feat / skill is demo version.
you can't get Hunting-Aim without event in full version.
Special weapon, item and event may key to get some feats.

translate feats request. I leave this to somebody else!
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

even for demo / test I am loving this :D huge thank you, Ill!!

please keep the fairies in the final version - I love their 'trick' of giving her a potion that basically defeats herself.

Oh, and somewhere please have where you can actually escape and keep (or just find) the shackles, collar, etc costume from 'bandit heaven' ... when or if you get the chance. I (only once) managed to actually defeat all the ruffians AFTER main character had been captured and lost all items, only to find I could not leave the building because she was naked and I was stuck! :eek: Seems she would want to escape more than being worried about being naked at that point...

Perhaps also the 'waitress' costume the kobolds in the house give you? It also disappears.

Oh, and I did notice a few bugs in the newer demo - all said above except on enemy AI problems don't only affect wolves and ruffians - affects kobolds and even Lynn!

- kobold fight (in house) most of the kobold would 'wander off' or behave erratically instead of fighting or helping those I was fighting.

- bridge fight: Lynn ignored knight to go charging off to fight minor enemies while leaving main character to fight knight, mage and the ruffians that come from behind (which meant immediate loss).

On skills/powers gained; piercing focus I am assuming affects lance and spear - does it also affect archery on JUST lance / spear?
Does Sword Focus affect Bardiche as well as long sword? (since it seems to not belong in any of the other groups) If axes, kama, scythes, etc. might be added either this should be 'Edged Focus' (similar to 'Blunt' and 'Piercing') or should be another for 'Axe Focus' - just a thought
Does Blunt Focus affect empty hand attacks (attacks with no weapon equipped or kicks)?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Darn all HRPGs need a slums/red light district? Quick, I have to change my genre for my own idea then...! :p

Yeah it is kind of sad, some HRPG's don't have that ;/

Then there are some HRPG"s with several slums...!

For example had 2 slums
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Oh, and somewhere please have where you can actually escape and keep (or just find) the shackles, collar, etc costume from 'bandit heaven' ... when or if you get the chance.
Lynn have thorow these abnormal equips from window.
You can hold these items in full version, but Miene can equip these item is judge by her abnormal / masochism.
I (only once) managed to actually defeat all the ruffians AFTER main character had been captured and lost all items, only to find I could not leave the building because she was naked and I was stuck! :eek: Seems she would want to escape more than being worried about being naked at that point...
You can not escape or recall without take her own items back.
get back to prison and pick the chest.
Perhaps also the 'waitress' costume the kobolds in the house give you? It also disappears.
Indeed. However, she lost almost item at main story is beginning.
and Miene doesn't take a slutty costume from lodge.
Ah but, she should take a border panty...
Oh, and I did notice a few bugs in the newer demo - all said above except on enemy AI problems don't only affect wolves and ruffians - affects kobolds and even Lynn!
On skills/powers gained; piercing focus I am assuming affects lance and spear - does it also affect archery on JUST lance / spear?
Does Sword Focus affect Bardiche as well as long sword? (since it seems to not belong in any of the other groups) If axes, kama, scythes, etc. might be added either this should be 'Edged Focus' (similar to 'Blunt' and 'Piercing') or should be another for 'Axe Focus' - just a thought
Does Blunt Focus affect empty hand attacks (attacks with no weapon equipped or kicks)?
All of odd battle AI was fixed. maybe.
-Piercing focus, not affect to Archery.
-Sword Focus, it's affect to Bardiche, Axe, Kama, Scythe, all of Slash weapons. hmm... I should change this skill name to Slashing Forcus.
-Blunt Focus, not affect to Hand-to-Hand.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Will you release more version/fix of the trial/demo or are you now working only on the full game?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Will you release more version/fix of the trial/demo or are you now working only on the full game?

working on final demo. maybe one more beta demo release at...today?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

working on final demo. maybe one more beta demo release at...today?

Debugging is such a pain. That's why you usually get someone to tell you how they produced a bug, then all you have to do is trace it and fix it.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Debugging is such a pain. That's why you usually get someone to tell you how they produced a bug, then all you have to do is trace it and fix it.

Its why I've made videos for some the bugs, it helps show a lot better on what happened to cause an error :p

(Like the awesome wolf chase video I made earlier...! キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I've just one thing to say (okay, two) before I have a couple of drinks later.

The bar fight in the port town (Winston Port) seems like there is no escape (or very little chance of one). I managed to escape after, oh don't know, maybe 8 times being defeated IN A ROW until I finally gave up on beating Joker. Is returning and defeating Joker going to be a later addition to the game or something you must do the first time around?
If it is first time around it is impossible, no matter how you set up your skills, weapons and armour as after you get captured (and you will, Joker's strength is insane) you have no hope of winning.
If if is just an interminable GOR, then at least make it a Game Over Rape. But a Game Over in the Prologue? I don't think it's a good idea.
Okay, you beat four rapists and you can get your gear back. Lose again on the way out and you lose it again. But without the Key To Heaven (your inventory is emptied) you will NEVER have a chance at getting out of there (bondage slave mode). Now, I know the the Bondage Slave Event is meant to meant to be a GO scene, there should be some infinitesimal chance of escape. Right now, it is just impossible. Blinded and bound, she can't hit anything anywhere. But that shouldn't make it impossible. Miene still has her ears, nose and feet unbound.
I don't get why (in this case) turn-based single-tile movement is the only way. This method means you have no hope at all. Escape is thus impossible. I said it shouldn't be easy, just possible. It's only the prologue, and so shouldn't (effectively) end the adventure before it can begin.
(EDIT): I defeated every bandit in the first and and went to rest. Then I returned with Full HP and 30 Lesser Healing Potions only to find that they do not stay dead. I feel like I wasted a half an hour doing nothing productive >.<
I did kill them all, there were zero bandits left on the ground floor (unless the Bunny Girl Dancer just keeps popping them out), they shouldn't be there afterwards - unless it's supposed to be a kind of "You can only stop this by hitting ALT-F4" Game Over scene.

And secondly:
Once an English (I say English, not MoonSpeak) version is released, I will buy this. You already have my money, and I'm throwing it at the screen with my right hand as I type with my left.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Just got done playing demo ... can't wait until July ... Great game ILL
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners


Does the sluttiness of the heroine scale progressively? Or does she become a super slut out of nowhere? Can you finish as a virgin and if so, is there rewards for it?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Hmmm, seems like chaos gate
is promoting this game too.