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TPD Station Brilliance

Re: TPD Station Brilliance

The scientist huffed slightly at the Admiral‘s reprimand, staying silent as him and Draven continued chatting, until the Admiral commented that nobody had thought of the concept yet. “I thought of it, a similar system is currently powering my ship.“ She started slowly. “As I was saying, the latter of your two energy sources sounds remarkably similar to my own research. Would you mind if I looked over the schematics?“
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

The Ingrali nodded.

"Since it doesn't seem that would be breaking any laws, I will agree to it. Seek me out after our meeting has concluded, and I will ensure their delivery to you."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

As Maria exits her old, beaten-up Axe, she'd find a tall and surprisingly hairy man waiting for her, stoically enduring the presence of an overly excited dog-like alien with short, smooth black fur. One of its jaws had been replaced by a prosthetic that Maria's trained eye can immediately identify as low-quality and not fitted to its face.
Fletch's face showed an interesting sequence of emotions as he beheld Maria coming down the walkway. First, a big smile parted his bushy beard. Then, as he noticed her prosthetics, the smile faltered for a moment, only to come back on before being dropped entirely. Awkwardly, he raised one ham-like hand and gestured towards her arms. "Oh hey, you got... They're pretty..." He sighed and shook his head, reaching up to stroke his beard for a moment. "I'm sorry, you probably get this a lot." Fletch had seen prosthetics on soldiers before, men and women alike. But a civilian with such extensive replacements caught him off-guard.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"No worries," she waved off his concern, "But you are a hairy one, aren't you? I bet you get just as many stares as I do!" She grinned, "You want to know how I got th-- Puppy!" she let out a little squeal of delight when she realized what she'd been staring at, "Oh my goodness! Can I pet him? Please tell me I can pet him. And I can fix his jaw better than the quack that did it! Please lemme pet him?"
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Fletch grinned and reached up to run a hand through his shaggy mane. "Yeah, they," he points over to a group of approaching soldiers, "didn't let me grow my hair out when I was still one of them. I'm not anymore though, and I need to show it." Not "intend to" or "want." Need to show it. "And sure you can pet Lemmy. He's harmless unless I tell him not to be." Turning up a dial on his bracer he increased the leash's length, and Lemmy didn't waste any time. With a speed fitting for his race's name, the Garikian Runner charged Maria and almost bowled her over as he rose and put his paws on her shoulder, his stubby tail wagging at the speed of light.

All too soon, however, the squad of shielded soldiers arrived, their leader noisily clearing his throat. "Sir, Ma'am, if you would follow us-" "Holy shit, Jared. Is that you?" Fletch, by the sound of his voice, was anything BUT delighted to see the soldier. "Why, you hawk-nosed son of black hole! Finally got that comfy job you always wanted, huh."
Jared's knuckles tightened around the grip of the rifle he held. His nose was, indeed, large and hook-like like a hawk's beak. "Fletch," the soldier sneered. "The Admiral told me to expect you, but I didn't want to believe you'd ever crawl out of your hiding hole." Fletch grimaced and took a step forward, his hands balling into fists, jaw pushed forth. "You're pretty ballsy, calling me a coward from behind your shield," he growled, his rumbling voice adding an extra layer of menace. "You've come pretty far from shitting your HIT suit when that Wendigo got you by the throat-" He stopped and took a step back, raising his hands."No, fuck that. I'm not going back there. Take me to the man pulling the strings, puppet."
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Maria lavished all of the attention she could muster on the canine like animal. "Who's a good boy? You are, yes you are!" she made some other nonsense noises and snuggled her face into Lemmy's flank. "You're such a good boy for your daddy, aren't you? Oh, who's daddy's precious boy? Do you think Daddy will let Auntie Maria fix your face right? I bet he will," she kept that up, all the while keeping an ear open for the conversation going on around her. When it looked like it might escalate she half rose from her spot with Lemmy and fully stood when Fletch made mention of being taken to see the admiral, "Yes, please. Gentlemen, shall we?" She maneuvered in between them and hooked her arm with Fletch's putting on her best 'I have no idea what's going on' expression.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Caitlin nodded, a small smile crossing her face. "Thank you. I'm Dr. Hall, by the way." She said, extending a hand towards the Ingrali.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

At that moment, the door to the Admiral's office opened and Fletch and Maria entered. "Sorry we're late," the large man grumbled through his bushy beard. "In my defense, that is all Jared's fault." The Admiral couldn't help but roll his eyes as he got up. "Well then, now that we are all here, how about we introduce ourselves?" Standing a bit straighter and raising his head a bit (which got a chuckle out of Fletch) he started with himself. "My name is Gregorius Finster III, Vice Admiral of the Representative Fleet of Terra Prime and head of what has been officially dubbed 'Operation Resurgence.'" The Garik nodded and stepped forward, about to introduce herself when Finster got to it first. "This lady here is Nadia Hrrrthu, Representative of the Garikian Imperium and your Commanding Officer while you are in the field." The Garik shot him a glare behind the ocular modules, but remained quiet, bowing slightly to the gathered crowd. Extending his arm over to the Xyranocapra, Gregorius continued. "And, hailing from Xyran itself is Hiram Breaks-Walls, freelance veteran and Gunnery Sergeant, responsible for Arms Maintenance and Development." Hiram waved him off with an annoyed look, quietly bleating. "Can we get this show on the road yet?"
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Krell leans forward and balances himself back on his feet, tossing the last of the fruit up and catching it in his gob as he does so. When he finished chewing and swallow he grinned and crossed his arms. "Name's Krell, though most know me by my mercenary name, Wrecking Ball." he says, nodding over at Kars, having recognized the mercenary look on him. "Just a mercenary. And one itching to get on the move."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Maria Stocking, at your service, though please call me Maria, everyone. Doctor, proponent of peace, and expert at getting weird looks," she grinned and mock preformed an old Terran curtsy, her pearly white cybernetic arms almost glittering in the lights. "Ready to patch up the rest of these brutes when they get into trouble, sir.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

The Ingrali accepted the handshake before the doors opened again, nodding in turn to each person as they introduced themselves, however he did return the small bow to Nadia. When it came to him, he spoke and kept it short.

"Draven Naros of the Ingrali. Pleasure to meet you all."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Well, looks like the admiral was as much of a tightwad as she suspected. And the rest of her companions so far seemed competent enough. Not really waiting for certain that it was her turn, the salt and pepper haired engineer spoke her piece.

"Annika Forester, civilian engineer at your service. Been working for nearly 20 years and looking to go 20 more"
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Casually waiting for an opening, the shortest in the room speaks his very short piece, "Kars. Freespacer. Merc, pilot, courier, gunman, etc..." he says flatly.


Hearing the name Wrecking Ball however did draw a glance from Kars, recognising the Pan-Kor now. So this was the Pan-Kor he once got a job offer to take out back during that warehouse raid. Just as well that he hadn't taken it then. The whole deal was suspicious and a pretty clear scam anyway. There are only two cases when security companies hire goons to raid their own clients holdings, and one side always gets screwed over. In that particular example it had been the raiders.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Krell grins when the short mercenary shoots him a glance "Kars, eh? Figured you were a bit taller. Looks like the border Terrans weren't joking." he says, laughing as he tilts his head back, the growths on his chin wobbling from the act of his jaw moving. "Fancy meeting someone else who knows the seedy side of the galaxy on a Terran military outpost." he says, reaching behind him and grabbing for a fruit, finding the bowl empty and grumbling rather low in his throat
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Waiting until the end (or near, if my count is off) to speak herself, the scientist repeated herself for the benefit of the group. “Caitlin Hall, research scientist. Doctorates in propulsion theory and biology, and something of an expert on the Ardetzi Fungonoids.“ She said, eyeing Maria some, her prosthetics more than anything else.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Heh, that so? I find that more people tend to underestimate me than the other way around. Which works fine for me." The Kopak replies. "You certainly seem to live up to the description people give. I heard you headbutted a Nnyarthall to death once. Nearly broke it in two?" Saying the last part with a light questioning tone and a sharp toothed grin. He could easily enough imagine the scene, though had heard enough of his own rumours to take anything heard near alcohol with a grain of salt.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"I headbutted him to death, alright, but I stopped after I realized he didn't have a forehead left to headbutt." the Pan Kor says, the left side of his mouth opening in a smirk, perhaps of pride. "But we should trade stories some other time. I'm sure the Admiral's not to pleased to hear some of the things we've done." he says, the smirk fading as he turns his head and stares at the Admiral
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Fletch idled for a bit, checking around who's turn it is to reply before he realized there was nobody else but him left. Clearing his throat, he quickly replies. "Jonas Fletcher, though people call me Fletch. Zero-G repairs, towing, ship maintenance. I guess," he paused for a moment, "I'm good for some good and up-close brawling, doubly so if I wear my HIT suit. I'm leaving the shooting to you guys, though." At that part he looks over to Hiram and Krell. "Got a feeling you've got it covered. I heard about your work on Tertia," Fletch added towards Krell. "Tallin's just a few sun systems over. We'd all have been royally buttfucked if you didn't halt the Bugs there." With a glance towards Maria, he blushed slightly at his choice of words and murmured a "sorry."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"HA! The bugs back home are bigger and angrier. Wasn't all too difficult." Krell says, nodding his head afterwards "Didn't figure anyone worth anything knew about those folks. People tend to forget about the border colonies." he says, shooting a glare at the Admiral before turning his attention back to Fletch. "May wanna get yourself a peashooter or somethin'. I can't be bothered to shoot EVERYTHING." he says, patting the rather large revolver holstered at his right hip with a smirk.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

At the suggestion of picking up a pistol, Fletch swallowed audibly and shook his head. "No, I'm good. I've fired enough guns to last me a lifetime." He looked towards the door for a moment. "Lemme tell ya though, if Jared doesn't treat my Runner right, you're gonna get a demonstration."

An indignant harrumph brought everybody's attention back to Admiral Finster. "Now that we have all been acquainted with each other, how about we get to the reason all of you are here? Besides, naturally, the generous amount of credits that will be transferred to your account." "What, there a-are other reasons?" Ignoring the Xyr, Finster reached out and pressed a button on the screen integrated into his desk. With a quiet whirr, a 3D projector came online, painting the picture of a space station into thin air. Anybody that had been around Terran space would recognize the almost omnipresent "Providence" class, though this particular model seemed to be badly out of shape. The hull was dented in several spots by what could be debris impacts, and at least three levels had half of their hull stripped entirely, most likely for emergency repairs. "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the space station The Dividing Line. It's located near the former Ashotur domain and had a key role during the First Galactic War. Afterwards, it fell out of use. However, as the Nnyarthall are on the march again, its time has come again." He slowly let an extended finger wander over the assembled group. "You are to act as a group to recapture The Dividing Line, activate it and get it back into fighting shape. As we are lacking the personnel to staff it, the station will serve as a base for our... private contractors. As war is brewing and The Dividing Line is near enemy territory, I am sure you will find no shortage of contracts and missions readily available."


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