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TPD Station Brilliance

Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Maria winked at Fletch, ubperturbed by his language. "Looks like we have a lot if work ahead of us. When do we get started?"
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Draven carefully looked over the projection, recognition dawning on his face, quickly replaced with a serious tone.

"Repairs to some of those sections could take a fair amount of time. It will require substantial resources as well. What exactly is the station's hull made from? Simple metallic alloy, or something more ... durable?"
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Caitlin leaned forward slightly, examining the image of the station slowly revolving in the air. “So, just to be clear. The contract with you is to take the station, then we‘re expected to remain afterwards? If that‘s true, is there some kind of time-based additional fee you‘ll be paying us to do so? Also, who are we recapturing this station -from-, might I ask?“
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Bugs, who else?" Krell says as he leans forward and examines the space station, humming low in his throat. "I'm not one to get picky about my pay, but I'm wondering the same as the little lady." he says, directing what could be construed as his thumb at Dr. Hall
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Fletch shook his head at Draven's question. "Nah, Providence stations are covered in good old-fashioned heavy metal," he rumbled, extending his trigger and pinkie finger for a short moment.
The Admiral nodded at Caitlin's questions. "Correct, you will receive further monthly payments for as long as you choose to remain stationed on The Dividing Line, independently from the rewards you may get from fulfilling contracts. As far as opposition goes..." He swiped his hand over the monitor and conjured up several small red dots swarming around the station. "One of our recon drones recently did a routine sweep of the border and found this. We are not entirely sure who is currently using the station, but the fact is that they are trespassing, and they are to be removed. It could be space pirates," he said with a quick look over to Nadia, skillfully hiding his sneer with a pretend cough. "It could be the B- Nnyarthall. Or..." Another swipe brought up a different picture, one of an unknown organism with a long, sack-like body and a number of tentacles floating behind it. Caitlin would recognize it as an Ardez. "We have reports of A.F.O. activity within the former Ashotur domain. As it's largely uninhabited these days, except for the Ittaax and Pan Kor territories, they may have spread there without anybody noticing. If that's the case, we'll have to mount an offense."
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Looks like a nice playground." Kars comments whilst looking over the image and blueprints of the station. Old shot up hulks were his favourite places to fight and hideout in. If it wasn't so far out in the stix, he would have likely moved in a while ago. "So we evict the squatters, build a little fort for ourselves, and go on nature hikes with the surrounding wildlife. Sounds simple enough."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Sounds like a lovely vacation home," Maria raised her eyebrows, her voice loaded with sarcasm. If Fletch were paying attention, he could tell she stepped a little closer to him and that her body trembled, though her voice held firm. "I can pick up medical supplies and perhaps an intern from medbay while I'm here? I can't do it all alone and that station is bound to be frightfully outdated."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"It's unlikely it's inhabited by an AFO." Caitlin said, reaching out to flick the hologram back t the scan of the station with the indicated hostiles. "Those would be feeder limbs if it were, but your scouts should have found the main organism attached to the side of the station. I suppose it could be several smaller organisms working their way around the interior, but it's unlikely to see so many converged like that." She explained, swivelling the image of the station around as she spoke, looking at it from different angles.

She turned to Maria when the woman spoke, asking for supplies and aid. "I have some medical experience, I doubt I'll be taking part int he fighting myself either. My ship has some supplies stockpiled, but I'm sure anything they can provide us would be fresher and higher quality." She said casually, turning back to the admiral.
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Draven half nodded.

"That being the case, if it's needed, I know a system nearby the station that should have plenty of spare materials. As for opposition ... if it's pirates we should have enough between all of us to handle it. If it's Nnyarthall things could be trickier, and I doubt they'll be happy to see an Ingrali ship again. These other creatures though, I'd like any and all materials you have on them please, it will make pinpointing a weakness easier in theory. Might I add, they don't look pleasant either."

The Ingrali sent a short look over to Maria, a small frown forming on his features. A mission like this wouldn't sit well with a Pacifist, which he was getting that vibe off of her. Not to mention potentially dangerous under the right circumstances. Still, it wasn't his call to make here, and it was her decision. His gaze turned to the others one by one. The lot of them seemed competent enough, and having the Pan Kor along would give them some added muscle if it came down to a melee scrum. Caitlin he wasn't sure about in a scrum, but her knowledge and the fact she apparently had her own theoretical proto-type to something his own species had long ago mastered undeniably put her value to the expedition near the top. Her seeming recognition of the last potential uninvited guest clinched it for him, her input would prove invaluable. Finally he turned back to the Admiral.

"One final question, just to get it out of the way so there isn't any question over it when we arrive. Who's directly in charge of this once we're on scene, who do we answer or report to?"
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

The Admiral furrowed his brow for a moment and took another few swipes, bringing up a list of medical personnel and supply. "Medical personnel shouldn't be a problem. While our military forces are stretched thin, many civilians are willing to do their part." A red line among all the green ones stood out, turning his furrowed brow into a full-on frown. "Strange. There is a Garikian doctor on the station, listed for a questionable past." His eyes dart over to Nadia. "Says here he was part of the Black Suns, but has cut ties. Has some experience as a combat medic." Nadia hissed underneath her veil. "If he patched up those bastards..." She shook her head and faced Maria directly. "The Black Suns are a fascist organization and insurgents. As your future Commanding Officer," she said, answering Draven's question, "I'd rather not have one of them on board, reformed or not, but ultimately the choice is up to you. Other combat medics could be hard to come by."

Once more, Finster drew their attention. "This is all the time we have for now. Lady Hrrrthu can answer all other questions you may have. So!" He stood straighter, looking everybody in the eyes one after the other. "You have an idea what you're up against. You know the dangers, and you know that wealth lies in your future if you choose to face them. If you want to back out, do so now. Otherwise, please plant your hand here," he motions towards the screen on his desk, "and state your name to sign the contract." This was the decisive moment. If they signed up, they would be in for the long run.
After a moment of hesitation, Fletch was the first to step up. Laying down his massive paw onto the screen, he said "Jonas Fletcher" and turned, leaving the office to wait outside for Maria. The characteristic, drawn-out bark of Lemmy greeted him, followed shortly by the bulk of the runner as he rubbed against his legs. "'s Alright, boy. Jared didn't do anything stupid, did he," he asked loudly, glaring at the hook-nosed soldier, receiving nothing but a glare in return.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Maria frowned, "Harder to find another combat medic? Experience under pressure is a useful skill, I'll take him. Besides, I have this lot of great big brutes to subdue him if he causes trouble." She swallowed hard, nerved herself and stepped forward to place her hand on the pad and stated her name. With a sigh of relief at the nervous part over with, she headed out the door, "Send him my way with supplies he thinks we'll need out there. Ideal situation, preferably. I'd hate to be caught flat on my back with no way to take care of one of these men or women," then she turned and stepped through the threshold, immediately going and patting Lemmy's head.
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

The Hrrshak wagged his tail happily as Maria petted him, drawing a chuckle from Fletch. "Always the ladies' man," he rumbled and scratched his beard. "I'd say we head to the hangar, and I'll get my tools to check out your ship. I figure we'll start in a few hours, and I'd rather not drag your Axe through subspace." Whistling to gain Lemmy's attention and to pull him away from Maria's petting hand - Lucky son of a Garikian bitch - Fletch slowly walks towards the hangar, turning his head to check if Maria followed. "So what're you thinking about our CO-to-be? I'm finding Garik hard to read... obviously. We'll have to see how she does."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Krell steps forward and opens his right hand as best he can, pressing it against the pad. "Wyr Krell." he says flatly, removing the hand shortly afterward and flexing the fingers, growling as he turns and walks for the door, despising the fact that he had to say his clan name. Open reaching the door, a repeat of his entry, except in reverse, occurs, with him stumbling and almost falling over when he finally pops free of the door. "Damn Terran doors." he says with a growl, rolling his shoulders and leaning against the wall outside the Admiral's office, hoping to catch one of the other members of the group and snag himself a free ride.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Draven nodded respectfully towards Nadia. He wasn't quite sure what to make of her, but she seemed competent enough and understood what she was getting into from all appearances. Above all, now that he knew the chain of command, he'd see to it that it was followed. He did however pause slightly at her last words, turning to face her one final time when the decision was made to bring this person on board.

"Then he bears watching until we're sure he truly has severed all ties and is trustworthy. If he causes problems ... I'm sure Krell or I can convince him to reconsider."

He waited his turn, then walked up to the pad, frowning slightly as his hand was a bit too big for it, then shrugged and fit as much onto it as he could.

"Draven Naros."

He then turned, pausing long enough to ask, "Caitlin, what ship is yours?"

When she replied, he'd confirm he'd visit her there shortly. Then he made his way out, pausing when he saw Krell leaning there as Fletch and Maria made their way slowly away, the guard still glaring at them. Raising a hairless brow, he said to Krell, "problems?"
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"All you lucky bastards have ships, that's my problem." Krell says, turning his head to look at Draven. "I'm too poor to afford my own ship, so I've been hitch-hiking my way across the galaxy. Figured I'd talk to one of our Terran friends about passage to the Dividing Line." he says, shifting his right shoulder uncomfortably.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Draven nodded. He'd been there before long ago, having to hitchhike til he could get close enough to home to send a message when his ship had inexplicably decided to go into a complete cascade failure, resulting in it blowing up on the surface of a planet.

"Well ... my ship can handle another person if you want to tag along on board. Saves you the trouble of having to stick around asking, unless you had someone in mind of course. And it is designed to accomodate folks of our size, whereas some of these Terran ships I think you'll have problems getting through the hatch inside. My ship was designed to carry mid sized cargo in the rear if need be, plus it's size was needed for the hyper-drive system."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Heh. If you've got the room, then I'll come along. Of course, I have to go see Security about getting one of my weapons back. Something about being careless and explosive weapons being dangerous. Damned if I can understand Terran laws." he says, standing off the wall and flexing his fingers. "Which ship is yours?" he asks, his left eye looking the alien over as he waits for a response.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Draven half shrugged.

"Some of them perplex me as well but, some of them I can understand where they are coming from given their inability to harness certain objects successfully, and when you can't, that makes them dangerous to mess with. Ah, my ship is The Deadly Mist, you seriously can't miss her. She's almost 40 Meters in length, and the engine array is probably the most prominent of any ship in here right now, at least as of when I arrived."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

'Legal stuff and written contracts... Woohoo...' Kars thinks to himself watching dull eyed as everyone signs the contract. Not that a breach of contract offence would break his mules back anyway, but it didn't mean he had to like them. Hopping from his chair and reaching forward, he palms the pad and states, "Kars... Rebek Tiivon Aetol Cete Guhnar Sard"

And with that done he throws another generic and casual salute of some kind to the Admiral and the new boss lady, adding, "Don't worry sir, we'll get the job done. Your galaxy is in good hands." and proceeds to stroll out of the room.

Passing Krell and Draven on the way out and picking up a bit of the conversation he casually chimes in also. "If you got a good radiation shielded vac-suit your welcome ride along with me. You look like you have a strong grip..." The small alien jests walking on.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Caitlin nodded to the Ingrali as he passed, waiting for some room to clear before signing her name herself. “It‘s ‘The Concordance‘, floating off a few miles away on the other side of the station, they wanted her under the main guns, just in case. You‘ll know why, when you see her.“ the scientist said with a smirk. “I‘m using an older model shuttle to dock. It doesnt have a name, but i‘ll leave the personnel ramp open, that should set it apart well enough.“

Once the larger mercenaries had filtered out, she moved forward herself, placing her bare hand on the scanner and speaking her name, slowly and clearly. “Doctor Caitlin Hall.“ Her gaze passed to the Garik, nodding slightly. “A hardened combat medic would certainly be a benefit, if this one is truly reformed. Since you‘ll be the one giving the orders, i think your opinion would matter the most. If you don‘t think your orders will be followed, there isnt much point in bringing them, is there?“

Once her contract was confirmed, she left herself, pausing as she found the largest pair of the group just outsideoutside. “Ah, sticking around a bit, are we?“ She commented idly, noticing Jared standing nearby as well, and turning her chair to put her back to him, facing the larger pair more squarely.