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ACT [Kaijo] Nagai Yamiji - NOW ONLY $4.99

Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

Also, I tried pressing some other buttons, and I'm pretty sure I could interrupt the slide by punching, which...seemed weird.

EDIT - Pressing Jump without pulling in the direction you need to go just dropped you like a stone.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

That sounds like the wall breaking glitch dude, are you sure your playing the newest version? I've tried the new version and the wall breaking glitch seems to be no more. I did notice one minor bug barely worth mentioning. One of the tutorial messages pops up even if you have tutorial messages turned off, it also pops up again if you exit the room and then go back to it. It's at the beginning where those three plants are shootin upwards.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

That sounds like the wall breaking glitch dude, are you sure your playing the newest version? I've tried the new version and the wall breaking glitch seems to be no more. I did notice one minor bug barely worth mentioning. One of the tutorial messages pops up even if you have tutorial messages turned off, it also pops up again if you exit the room and then go back to it. It's at the beginning where those three plants are shootin upwards.

Yeah, you need to be playing V0.4.3 or else that walljumping glitch is still in there.

And okay I can fix that no prob
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

Was pretty sure I had the latest version, but it seems to be 4.2.4, so that more or less clears that mystery up. Weirdly, loading it back up to figure out what's going on, the bug isn't present this time anyway. I'm going to take the chance to see a little further while things are playing along I think.

Software is confusing.

(I still dislike Walljumping, but at least it works atm. ;) )
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

Was pretty sure I had the latest version, but it seems to be 4.2.4, so that more or less clears that mystery up. Weirdly, loading it back up to figure out what's going on, the bug isn't present this time anyway. I'm going to take the chance to see a little further while things are playing along I think.

Software is confusing.

(I still dislike Walljumping, but at least it works atm. ;) )

Yeah apparently it was a glitch with the ducking mechanic, so as long as you never press down it'll be fine, haha
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

So has anybody actually been able to get the wyrmstones? I've got to the parts but the lower one seems to be impossible to get out of thanks to wall being slightly too high to wall jump back up (it also sends you down into the laser pit to start it all over again) and the upper one has vines on the walls that make it impossible to wall jump up. I thought that maybe there was a teleporter or something on the upper path but I have no idea how to activate it. I really have no idea why I'm playing at this point. It's not a very good game.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

So has anybody actually been able to get the wyrmstones? I've got to the parts but the lower one seems to be impossible to get out of thanks to wall being slightly too high to wall jump back up (it also sends you down into the laser pit to start it all over again) and the upper one has vines on the walls that make it impossible to wall jump up. I thought that maybe there was a teleporter or something on the upper path but I have no idea how to activate it. I really have no idea why I'm playing at this point. It's not a very good game.

Yes at least a couple people have gotten to the boss, and fark you too, buddy
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

I saw these on Urielmanx7 blog and I instantly thought of this thread haha.
<- satire

If you can't even finish level 1 on SMB that's just wow. Yes, casualization is killing games. It's truly a grim future ahead.

@Stupidface - the longer you hold jump the higher you go and if you hold up while rolling you jump higher (just like Kyrieru's game if you happened to like and played that btw.)

@Yuan-tiki - If he was to make it so that pressing jump on a wall automatically made you wall jump to the other side, then you wouldn't be able to go straight up with a wall jump would you? Which would mean that you couldn't do several platforms in it as it requires you to wall jump straight up.

As for the amount of buttons you have to press to wall jump I'm guessing you never played megaman X series where you have to wall jump and then dash to the other side at times. Not to mention X is a much harder game than this is even with the way I'm playing which is no points in magic and only using fists on Nintendo Hard. Hell even games like mortal kombat makes you push a ton of buttons.

Maybe that's one of the big reasons why I like it so much because it brings back the days where you had to spend time to actually learn, think and adapt to things in the game to really do good at it. Something that's missing in a lot of modern gaming.

If I can stop procrastinating and actually start making some games I wanna do I'll make sure to remember to put a modern gamer mode where every enemy dies in 1 hit and they only do 1 dmg to you or screw that you'll be invincible with the power to walk over hazardous things like pit falls and spikes. Hell maybe I'll go far enough and just show the ending with the gallery unlocked haha.
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Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

I literally can not get out of the starting pit - as in, the pit you fall into right after the game starts. The jump button (no matter how long I hold it down) most of the time only gives me half the height I need while playing on my keyboard. It works fine when I use my gamepad, but on THAT the melee doesn't work, and as far as I know, there is no way to reconfigure the gamepad keys, only the keyboard ones.

I used the latest update. I do have my gamepad always plugged in, so it could be that the two are interfering with each other. I'll try to see what happens if I unplug my gamepad.

EDIT: Yes, it was my gamepad interfering with keyboard controls. Still, I don't want to unplug my gamepad every time I play your game. You may want to look into that.
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Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

So I just beat the demo, it was pretty difficult (I was playing on normal). I didn't really have any problem until two rooms after that wall jumping video you posted. The one with the long conveyor bottom with a lot of wall jumping. This was rather brutal in my opinion. I assumed that there'd be a wall at the end to prevent me from just running through the area and I actually quit playing my first night in this room out of frustration.

My second night playing I managed to get the jumping down to where I could get halfway through with some effort and after falling into it again I just ran to the right to see what was there. After realizing I could just run through it at the cost of some damage that became my preferred strategy. But the little loop to get the first black rune was even more brutal.

Once you get it and go all the way through the loop the fact that if you mess up you drop right back into the loop again is extremely frustrating. Not being so great at the game I had to go through that loop many times before I finally got the hang of getting out of the place. The main problem in my mind is the graphics of it, that ledge is so high it looks like you've missed mid jump even when you didn't, it made me fumble quite a bit thinking I had messed it up.

I think there should be a save room right at the beginning of that jump so you can practice it without having to go through the previous areas or the loop again if you mess up. I'm all for difficulty but after messing it up a few times and having to start a few rooms back I started to feel like the game was just wasting my time by making me run the loop and previous areas over and over again.

As it is now, I'd say your difficulty selection doesn't have much effect on the gameplay. The vast majority of the damage I took in my playthrough came from the wiggling grass stuff that usually accompanies the harder jumping challenges. The enemies being both avoidable and grindable make their damage (whatever it is) a non-issue by the ease of just pumping points into constitution compared to the incidental damage you take by messing up your platforming. If you're struggling with learning the jumps, it doesn't matter how much health you have you're going to die until you get it right and the amount of progress you lose is solely based on the scarcity of the save areas.

That's a much more solid degree of difficulty than damage rates on the various enemies in my mind, and completely overshadows the differences in the current degrees of difficulty you have set. It also discourages playing anything other than a con based character until you have the game's jump challenges mastered. Instead of messing with the damage rates, I'd actually add/remove save points based on difficulty. Maybe even adding an early double jump skill for people playing on easy who just want to play casually and don't have the patience or time to learn how to master the jumping mechanics.

But anyway, despite my criticisms I think you're doing a great job. I'll be happy to buy your game whether any of this changes or doesn't. I had a good bit of fun with your demo and I can tell you've worked hard on it and I have a lot of respect for that. Keep up the good work. :)
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

I previously tried this game and gave up on it after walljump due to three reasons:
-an error that appears whenever you enter the upgrade screen
-walljump being super unreliable, to the point that it was impossible to scale that wall
-when you're jumping into the above area, the transition stops your movement and you immediately fall into the lower area

Now, after giving it a second chance with the newest version (which fixed walljump and the area transition problems) and spending every single point in INT, I actually like it a lot. Thanks for the great work, looking forward to when you're done!

About that upgrade screen error, it's still in the current version, and it seems to be somehow related to upgrading CON? I'm sure I upgraded CON in my the first time playing, and the error also happened in 4.3 after upgrading CON while I was testing how each of the stats affects knockdowns.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

Haha yeah, I might have to add a "Casual" mode or maybe a "Modern Nintendo Easy" mode.

Yes, it was my gamepad interfering with keyboard controls. Still, I don't want to unplug my gamepad every time I play your game. You may want to look into that.
Not sure if I'll be able to do anything about that without making it more convoluted than it needs to be... but I'll see if I can't find a simple solution. I'd rather avoid adding more options like a "Disable gamepad" option... but that might be for the best?

Yeah the difficulty was focused in the platforming rather than the enemies (which I'll probably flip around in my next game and focus on combat more than platforming, see how that works).

There is a save point right after the area with the long conveyor belt, it's the middle pathway (you can see the light glowing from it). So you can grab that before going to collect the wyrmstones. That's why those loops are fairly hard, because they are so close to that save.

Glad you like the game for the most part though :)

About that upgrade screen error, it's still in the current version, and it seems to be somehow related to upgrading CON? I'm sure I upgraded CON in my the first time playing, and the error also happened in 4.3 after upgrading CON while I was testing how each of the stats affects knockdowns.

Glad you've given the game a second chance and are enjoying it more :)

What does the error say? What steps do you take to get it? The more details the better, thanks!
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

I'm sorry if this was already posted, but searching for it didn't yield anything.

You can climb any wall as soon as you get the roll. By holding up, the direction of the wall and pressing the roll button like a maniac, you start climbing on the wall.

Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

Playing with a gamepad, game crashes when I press 'Select'. I had died, and previously I would just press escape to go back to the title screen, but figured I'd see if any of the buttons would do the job. Hit 'Select' and wham, crash!

action number 1
of Key Press Event for <Escape> Key
for object obj_c:

Push :: Execution Error - Variable Get 2.bg_playing(100121, 0)
at gml_Object_obj_c_KeyPress_27 (line -1) - <unknown source line>
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

I'm sorry if this was already posted, but searching for it didn't yield anything.

You can climb any wall as soon as you get the roll. By holding up, the direction of the wall and pressing the roll button like a maniac, you start climbing on the wall.

Heheh, alrighty I think I know how to fix that :p

Playing with a gamepad, game crashes when I press 'Select'. I had died, and previously I would just press escape to go back to the title screen, but figured I'd see if any of the buttons would do the job. Hit 'Select' and wham, crash!

Alrighty I'll look into this one... probably not a hard fix either
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

Going by the thread's tags, there is no vore in this? I'm also avert to h-games that are installers....
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

Does anyone mind sharing their save file? I lost my old one for some reason but i dont wanna start all over again~:p
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

Going by the thread's tags, there is no vore in this? I'm also avert to h-games that are installers....
You can download a stand-alone version. On the download page there's a link to the most recent version's stand-alone.

And I haven't exhausted all the possible tags I could :p Just through some up there

Does anyone mind sharing their save file? I lost my old one for some reason but i dont wanna start all over again~:p

You can edit your own save file to get back to where you were. The very last number in the save file is which save shrine you're at. The fifth row is a "0" or "1" for the three abilities you get, two rows below that is which spells you've gotten, and the other numbers should either be obvious or not needed to edit.

I'll release a full explanation on how to edit save files sometime around the game's release. I'm not doing so yet because I might have to change the save files, you know?
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

For those having trouble with the darkglyph loops; the bottom one is nearly effortless if you make damn sure not to fall down that first hole. Go down the second hole and then once you get the glyph go back up the second hole and exit the loop. The top loop is difficult no matter how you approach it but I find it's easier to exit the loop through the hole closest to the loops entrance.

Now that that's out of the way I have a few nitpicks with the game. I don't expect you to change any of these, I just want to nitpick.

Why don't the checkpoints restore your MP? Seems like they should although I have to admit it was never a problem, just seems odd.

Also on the checkpoints, I feel like the shrine activating animation should happen everytime you enter one and not only the first time. It's just more satisfying that way.

One more nitpick, your melee attack has no range. I know short range is the point but it's too damn short. Your character has a three hit combo ending with a shoryuken but your first two strikes inevitable knock the enemy out of its range, so that's a problem. The shoryuken also has a long animation that locks your movement so I never bother with melee.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

I'm having a similar problem. I've spent 30 mins trying to jump out of this area. When on the highest beam in the subterranean level, jumping up takes me up to the next level, then two things will happen. Either I fall back down at a larger trajectory, missing the below beam, or I land on the beam and can't do a second, higher jump (which I'm guessing is me doing the jump wrong). Q_Q

Also, it doesn't look like there's a save.txt file in the installed folder(?), so I'm unsure of how to move past this area.
Just a thing, in the demo I'm stuck in the subterranean level where you find the "sprint" ability. When I backtrack to the surface, I'm not able to jump out from the pit, since the "level swap" makes nearly impossible to sort out where to land after a jump, so I keep falling down.
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