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ACT [Kaijo] Nagai Yamiji - NOW ONLY $4.99

Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

For those having trouble with the darkglyph loops; the bottom one is nearly effortless if you make damn sure not to fall down that first hole. Go down the second hole and then once you get the glyph go back up the second hole and exit the loop. The top loop is difficult no matter how you approach it but I find it's easier to exit the loop through the hole closest to the loops entrance.

Now that that's out of the way I have a few nitpicks with the game. I don't expect you to change any of these, I just want to nitpick.

Why don't the checkpoints restore your MP? Seems like they should although I have to admit it was never a problem, just seems odd.

Also on the checkpoints, I feel like the shrine activating animation should happen everytime you enter one and not only the first time. It's just more satisfying that way.

One more nitpick, your melee attack has no range. I know short range is the point but it's too damn short. Your character has a three hit combo ending with a shoryuken but your first two strikes inevitable knock the enemy out of its range, so that's a problem. The shoryuken also has a long animation that locks your movement so I never bother with melee.

The shrines don't restore mp because I think that you'd be able to spam magic too much at that point. This way you have to conserve mp to some degree unless you want to wait it out for your mana to regen.

It does play again if it's not the last shrine you've activated, but I get what you're saying. I can probably add some sort of effect for reactivating (like just a little extra glow effect or something).

The uppercut (or shoryuken, heheh) can hit enemies, but only if you're hitting the melee button somewhat slower than mashing it. It also does more damage, thus the locking animation. You can, however, subsist off solely jabs. Best way to do that would be jab once or twice then jump or dodge out of the way, then repeat.

I'm having a similar problem. I've spent 30 mins trying to jump out of this area. When on the highest beam in the subterranean level, jumping up takes me up to the next level, but it brings me down at a wider trajectory so I can never jump a second time on the highest subterranean beam to be able to make it to the next beam. Q_Q

You are running the most current version correct? It should be V0.4.3
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

You are running the most current version correct? It should be V0.4.3

Yup, just made sure I ran the 0.4.3 installer and whenever I exit my current game it says v0.4.3 in the top left.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Yup, just made sure I ran the 0.4.3 installer and whenever I exit my current game it says v0.4.3 in the top left.

Made a quick little vid showing the transition you're talking about. Not having problems myself, this not how it's looking on your end?

Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Made a quick little vid showing the transition you're talking about. Not having problems myself, this not how it's looking on your end?

Okay, so this must stem from the control bug, cause I cannot jump like that.

I couldn't move using the arrow keys so I changed the movement controls. In order to jump at max height, I have to do this: Hold down direction button, hold down jump button. After a short distance 1st jump is small, 2nd jump is high. If I let go of either the direction button or the jump button, I lose momentum and can only jump the small height again. If I have a high jump, and then push a different direction key, I fall straight down, and can only then do a small jump repeating the steps above.

Standing in place: if I hit the jump button once to jump, then again when I land to jump again, it either doesn't work or it will allow me to jump the small height again. If I hold the jump button, 1st jump is small, 2nd is max height, at this 2nd jump, if i push a direction key, I move just slightly over the direction (like 2 pixels) then fall straight down.

In order to jump up the beams I have to go against the wall, hold direction then hold jump, I do a small jump, land on the same beam, then do a high jump, and land on the next beam.

I thought it was an odd jump mechanic, but after seeing everyone talk about how the jumping is hard, i just assumed that is they way it was. o_O

I'm going to try changing the controls again and see if that helps any.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Okay, so this must stem from the control bug, cause I cannot jump like that.

I couldn't move using the arrow keys so I changed the movement controls. In order to jump at max height, I have to do this: Hold down direction button, hold down jump button. After a short distance 1st jump is small, 2nd jump is high. If I let go of either the direction button or the jump button, I lose momentum and can only jump the small height again. If I have a high jump, and then push a different direction key, I fall straight down, and can only then do a small jump repeating the steps above.

Standing in place: if I hit the jump button once to jump, then again when I land to jump again, it either doesn't work or it will allow me to jump the small height again. If I hold the jump button, 1st jump is small, 2nd is max height, at this 2nd jump, if i push a direction key, I move just slightly over the direction (like 2 pixels) then fall straight down.

In order to jump up the beams I have to go against the wall, hold direction then hold jump, I do a small jump, land on the same beam, then do a high jump, and land on the next beam.

I thought it was an odd jump mechanic, but after seeing everyone talk about how the jumping is hard, i just assumed that is they way it was. o_O

I'm going to try changing the controls again and see if that helps any.

Sounds like you've either got an incompatible keyboard (in which case, just try assigning different controls) or you've got a gamepad plugged in that you're not using. As of this version, if you've got a gamepad plugged in, it'll override the keyboard input. This should be fixed in the next release.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

I released the first little taste of the CGs, if anyone was interested:

Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

Well, this version certainly fixed the wall jumping problem and made it even possible for me to clear the demo. Thanks for the hard work, Kajio. Although the way the "giant flying penis" boss moves is a bit...odd. Especially at the end of the tail. But hey, its a demo.
Keep it up, man. My VISA is waiting for the full game. :D
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

so where is the save stored again??? can't seem to find it..... cheat engine HP locked..... only way I'm getting passed the wall jumping is to edited the save.
I still like your game and art work as well as rooting for you to get it up for sale, even if its to aggravating for me to play. you should make there be a Wall that rapes her now just cause of this.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

The save data is located at username\AppData\Local\Nagai_Yamiji

Well the cg looks good, but her right hand seems a bit small. Also I feel like the top of her left foot would show at least a little with the position it would be in. Something seems a bit weird about the head and neck but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

oh I was so close after editing the save I see what I had to do. and I see what is giving me so much problems with the wall jumping you can't jump off on the same twice.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

Well, this version certainly fixed the wall jumping problem and made it even possible for me to clear the demo. Thanks for the hard work, Kajio. Although the way the "giant flying penis" boss moves is a bit...odd. Especially at the end of the tail. But hey, its a demo.
Keep it up, man. My VISA is waiting for the full game. :D
That seems to be about as good as I can make it look :p Sorry

I'm glad you're interested in buying the full game :)

Well the cg looks good, but her right hand seems a bit small. Also I feel like the top of her left foot would show at least a little with the position it would be in. Something seems a bit weird about the head and neck but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Well I'm glad you like it for the most part. I'm not the best artist, so I know there's plenty I can improve on, especially when it comes to anatomy. That was also my first attempt at using Photoshop, so it might take me a bit to get used to that :p

oh I was so close after editing the save I see what I had to do. and I see what is giving me so much problems with the wall jumping you can't jump off on the same twice.

Yeah the wall jumping isn't quiet Megaman style :p If it was it would ruin a handful of the platforming challenges
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

I rarely post.. Really.. but this game. I must have it. I hope you finish it~ I really enjoyed the demo/beta! The most fun I had in a while though the wall jumping was hard, I managed to master it at the end!
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Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

The game looks very fun, I played around a bit with a previous version. I figured I'd wait afew versions and see if it got implemented naturally, but after a quick test, I guess not, hah.

So, I download the game. I go and remap my controls. Space is jump. (See where I'm going with this?) I get ingame. I hit jump. I fall on my ass. Repeatedly. Multiple times. Eventually I change my keys and realize the space bar is a hidden "fall on your ass and get raped" button. Any chance of this being changeable, or simply put to a different key? Maybe the H key? ;) Unless I'm unaware of some vital platforming segment that requires you to throw yourself on your ass with split second timing, it seems the sacrifice can be made. :p
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

I rarely post.. Really.. but this game. I must have it. I hope you finish it~ I really enjoyed the demo/beta! The most fun I had in a while though the wall jumping was hard, I managed to master it at the end!
Glad you liked it :) And I'll definitely be finished it, don't worry! I'm still steadily working on those CGs, trying to get them done ASAP

The game looks very fun, I played around a bit with a previous version. I figured I'd wait afew versions and see if it got implemented naturally, but after a quick test, I guess not, hah.

So, I download the game. I go and remap my controls. Space is jump. (See where I'm going with this?) I get ingame. I hit jump. I fall on my ass. Repeatedly. Multiple times. Eventually I change my keys and realize the space bar is a hidden "fall on your ass and get raped" button. Any chance of this being changeable, or simply put to a different key? Maybe the H key? ;) Unless I'm unaware of some vital platforming segment that requires you to throw yourself on your ass with split second timing, it seems the sacrifice can be made. :p

Haha yeah that's in there for testing purposes only, that'll be removed in the final version. I'll probably go ahead and remove it for the next release. Glad you enjoyed the game :)
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

Nooo! Don't remove it! Or maybe you could make it a feature that's unlocked after beating the game.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

Haha yeah that's in there for testing purposes only, that'll be removed in the final version. I'll probably go ahead and remove it for the next release. Glad you enjoyed the game :)

Don't remove it. It's such a great tool for when you want to throw yourself on the mercy of whatever new things you encounter instead of waiting to be knocked around and hope you're not knocked out the way of what you want or into something else.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

Nooo! Don't remove it! Or maybe you could make it a feature that's unlocked after beating the game.

Don't remove it. It's such a great tool for when you want to throw yourself on the mercy of whatever new things you encounter instead of waiting to be knocked around and hope you're not knocked out the way of what you want or into something else.

Haha don't you worry, there well be a gallery mode where you can do that :p

Finished put the second set of CGs while at work today. I'm getting 50 hours for this week 0.0 No one ever gets overtime there, so that's pretty crazy! Everyone is on vacation or is calling off this week, haha
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

You may want to take a re-look at the code you are using to end the demo btw Kajui, while changing my checkpoint to skip a little bit, I notice that you don't allow loading past a certain checkpoint, namely the checkpoint after the boss, and I assume that the game stops after the big boss room with the door (not done it legit, your walljumping laser is the bane on my existence -.-).

But I managed to allow progress past that point and beyond until I was stopped by a blue gem encrusted wall which I assume I need something in particular to get past (saw it in demo-legit portion I think and i need to shoot the blue spell at it, never got it in my cheat runs, again I'm lazy).

If you plan to charge for the game or keep the non-demo parts private, should look into this before a release or it will be pirated in 10 minutes.

P.S Crab Claws, just so you know :D
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

So far I've got two sets of CGs with seven pictures each, and a third set of two complete. As of now I plan on making at least 3 more, one for each boss, and one more that features oral sex.

After those few are done, that would make a total of 20 CGs. I think at that point I'll put the final touches on the game and implement the gallery mode, and I'll call 'er done!

You may want to take a re-look at the code you are using to end the demo btw Kajui, while changing my checkpoint to skip a little bit, I notice that you don't allow loading past a certain checkpoint, namely the checkpoint after the boss, and I assume that the game stops after the big boss room with the door (not done it legit, your walljumping laser is the bane on my existence -.-).

But I managed to allow progress past that point and beyond until I was stopped by a blue gem encrusted wall which I assume I need something in particular to get past (saw it in demo-legit portion I think and i need to shoot the blue spell at it, never got it in my cheat runs, again I'm lazy).

If you plan to charge for the game or keep the non-demo parts private, should look into this before a release or it will be pirated in 10 minutes.

P.S Crab Claws, just so you know :D

Well I kinda assumed that the game would end up being pirated. I've got no DRM or anything in place to stop people from doing so.

If you wouldn't mind PMing or emailing me how you got past the end of the demo, then I'll look into patching up that hole, but it's not a huge deal to me.

My only hope is that if people pirate the game and enjoy it they'll consider a donation. My dream would be for these games to earn my living so that I can keep making more without a job holding me back.
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Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Walljumping fixed!)

Alright everyone, the time nears! I've finished all the CGs (7 sets, 24 pics) and all I've got left to do is whip up an intro/outro sequence.

I've set the date for first sales to be Saturday the 27th, so I'll start selling the license and release V1.0 sometime that day, and put the game on DLSite a few days after (to make sure I've caught any last minute bugs).

So rev up those dicks and whip out those wallets! Thanks for all your support so far!