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ACT [Cosmeticlab] モンスターアイランド / Monster Island (RJ117559)

Re: Monster Island [Cosmeticlab]

It's out on imperia-of-hentai.
Unfortunately, it's premium only. Yeah, again.
But usually they do not have fake links.
So if anyone has a desire to download it from there,
www imperia-of-hentai ru/flash/331151-monster-island.html
Re: Monster Island [Cosmeticlab]

It's out on imperia-of-hentai.
Unfortunately, it's premium only. Yeah, again.
But usually they do not have fake links.
So if anyone has a desire to download it from there,
www imperia-of-hentai ru/flash/331151-monster-island.html

well don't know if fake or not. but plz don't post link that are not very helpful.
Re: Monster Island [Cosmeticlab]

Imperia of hentai dont give fake links ;) But more premiums links
Re: Monster Island [Cosmeticlab]

well don't know if fake or not. but plz don't post link that are not very helpful.

How are they not helpful? just because you don't have an account doesn't mean that someone else can't get it. I used to use imperia all the time but for some reason they block u.s. now. Trust me there not fake.
Re: Monster Island [Cosmeticlab]

Imperia HAD some bad uploads in the past so thats not really a valid argument.. but still, since they no longer provide non premium downloads, noone cares, really..
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Re: Monster Island [Cosmeticlab]

well don't know if fake or not. but plz don't post link that are not very helpful.

Just buy a premium account then. At least they've got a link, whereas you have none.
Or buy the product at full price.
Or whine forever.

Pretty easy choices.
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Re: Monster Island [Cosmeticlab]

can someone pass me a download in PM?
Re: Monster Island [Cosmeticlab]

Aaaww Yeah!!:D:D
Some sites got already got this game. Try google-chan guys.

Edit:Well... that was quite short....
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Re: Monster Island [Cosmeticlab]

See? The best way to get people to stop posting PM requests and actually discuss about the game is to openly give a download link. I suggest you don't delete the post under loli terms if you don't want the thread to drown under even more PM requests.
Re: Monster Island [Cosmeticlab]

*saves link since it will likely be deleted as soon as a mod realizes its loli*
Re: Monster Island [Cosmeticlab]

See? The best way to get people to stop posting PM requests and actually discuss about the game is to openly give a download link. I suggest you don't delete the post under loli terms if you don't want the thread to drown under even more PM requests.

The loli thing is supposedly to avoid this entire forum being shut down. Making people find a game themselves via 10 seconds in google vs never being able to download or discuss H games in the future here? Hmm, I wonder which they'd choose?
Re: Monster Island [Cosmeticlab]

The loli thing is supposedly to avoid this entire forum being shut down. Making people find a game themselves via 10 seconds in google vs never being able to download or discuss H games in the future here? Hmm, I wonder which they'd choose?

but what if it takes far longer than "10 seconds" to find it? :rolleyes:
Re: Monster Island [Cosmeticlab]

but what if it takes far longer than "10 seconds" to find it? :rolleyes:

Then it isn't out yet, or you're stupid. I tried to give some people here a chance on this one because searching just the title leads to a lot of random shit, but you can still search the DLsite number.
Re: Monster Island [Cosmeticlab]

try Here hxxp://ultramegabit.com/file/details/fnTYeyFm-gg

By the way, after you knock down the "Monster" and make her
come, the game end.. with her returning to the ocean..

so, what are the differences with the demo version? only the special weapon?
it that the game is not worth...
Re: Monster Island [Cosmeticlab]

The loli thing is supposedly to avoid this entire forum being shut down. Making people find a game themselves via 10 seconds in google vs never being able to download or discuss H games in the future here? Hmm, I wonder which they'd choose?

I'm thinking its possibly something else. There hasn't readily been a trial for someone being arrested for "anime depicted loli" in the US for many years.

In fact there has only been ... 3 cases in the US since the 2003 protect act, to today 2013.

one person downloading loli at a public location (Virginia Employment Commission computers)
another having loli mangas mailed to him
third person , it doesn't really say

since the third person is a school teacher, its possible he was downloading at school, as it seems to follow the other 2 in "public" places being caught.

I'm pretty sure, loli hentai is a lot more prevalent on the internet then that. my own previous website host did not care about loli (located in california) and my current one (located in texas) does not care either.

If anything, its possibility is that the host for ULMF outlines no loli allowed, not ULMF itself, as there are some hosts that do not allow loli.
Re: Monster Island [Cosmeticlab]

Got a hold of the full version; full game is indeed barely more than the demo. The special weapons make virtually no difference to the game. No additional levels, costumes, sex; absolutely nothing to keep you playing longer than the 5 minutes to takes to beat it once. It's a neat idea, but this is essentially a proof of concept demo being sold as a full game. Stuff like this is why I pretty much stopped buying anything from DLsite unless I try the full version out first and see if it's actually worth supporting. This one is not.
Re: Monster Island [Cosmeticlab]

Well it may seem a bit overpriced for what it's offering but it's definitely an innovative H-game, don't you guys think? This developer definitely shows some promise. Other than that, any way to uncensor this?
Re: Monster Island [Cosmeticlab]

Well if you fight her a second time, she loses her bandaid censors. When you knock her down, you can shoot her in certain areas to make her change positions. I agree though, the demo is about 75% of the game which is just bad form. I think he should have tried to add at least another girl (Having a whole roster of monster girls of course preferred).

It is a really unique game and I enjoyed it, but it's hard to recommend it because of its length. 12 bucks for a 5-10 minute game.