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ACT [azurezero] Damsel quest (£3.20 on itch.io/cheaper bundled with DQ2)

Re: Damsel quest (working title)

That new picture on your blog is a lot smaller than the other ones.

the game renders them best when they're shrunk to the same size as the screen (640x480) before being loaded...what i did wrong with nun vs tentacles was have them larger so shrinking them made them look weird and choppy...

not making that mistake again

either way it looks fine in the demo (is hoping the demo still works)
Re: Damsel quest (working title)

just to check, do people mind if the gameplay shifts later on? I'm planning on having a scrolling shooter level separate the stealth levels from the fast paced levels (and i'm working on it now)

stretch goal - at 500 sales i'll add a bonus mode for you to play with shooter a bit more :) so far the system has gravity so you have to keep pushing up every now and then to keep yourself from falling off the bottom of the screen and the princess uses a charge shot :)

I can't speak for others, but I love a few game play shifts. It is one of the reasons Air Fortress was one of my favorite games when I was younger.
Re: Damsel quest (working title)

Spent this morning streaming for 4 hours while i worked on the cgs...i got two done, ya can see the

I also edited the second half of the stream into a speedpaint video :) turns out ya can make any drawing look skilful when you speed it up :D

ALSO been thinking of stretch goals

and im thinking

add an unlockable arcade mode for the flying level at 500 sales (endless game hi score variety)
add a jungle girl style mode (complete with asd controls) complete with the princess in either a schoolgirl or maid outfit (poll closer to that number of sales)
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Re: Damsel quest (working title)

i just did the math and the player can take 58 bullets before they can no longer stay airbourne... because i want the level to have a decent length and challenge level, i've given the player 3 lives with which to complete the level and the boss :D

the boss of course will count for 10 or so of those bullets each time they get hit :D

and theres still enemies that will grab and drag her down to hell irrelavent of current lives :D
Re: Damsel quest (working title)

i just did the math and the player can take 58 bullets before they can no longer stay airbourne... because i want the level to have a decent length and challenge level, i've given the player 3 lives with which to complete the level and the boss :D

the boss of course will count for 10 or so of those bullets each time they get hit :D

and theres still enemies that will grab and drag her down to hell irrelavent of current lives :D

Ahaha. Nice. Sounding better every time we talk about it.
Re: Damsel quest (working title)

oooh dlsite announced my game without letting me know first of course it will have censored cgs on there though
and it's gonna be cheaper on my blog, using the demo+ unlock method i'll be selling the game for £4.60 or 7.13 on paypal and a little bit more through gumroad so they both have the same profit margin of £3 for me+my artists 30 percent cut (though i also pay him for his cgs) and the gumroad fees on top of that

*works it out ($4.65/7*10= 70+30%*1.05+$0.25=7.3usd or £4.63)

my margins on dlsite will be a bit less to be fair to the japanese but theyre still paying more...

i need 1300 paypal sales to equal 1 years rent...

OH and the game should be released in no more than 16 days...hopefully less but ii've been fighting art block to continue work

after i get the okay from crecentia i plan to crowdsource my epic rpg idea, more on that in a few weeks
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Re: Damsel quest (working title)

Huh. I entered this thread not expecting to end up wanting the game. Now to save money, because that cg is delicious.
Re: Damsel quest (working title)

So i'm trying out you're demo for the H version of the game and i'm kinda enjoying it but something that's becoming blatantly clear to me is that this game suffers from horrible level design. Sorry, i'm kinda blunt about these types of things and i take them seriously. I can make a long list of things i hate about my favorite games so take this with a grain of salt.

Here's the problem, i'm given a task to reach a door, yet i'm not really told my abilities or my restrictions.
Taking from the book of megaman, one of the ways you teach players is by allowing them to observe.

Think of it this way, you have an enemy above the player and it's going to the player 10 seconds to reach the same height level as that enemy. After 5 seconds have the enemy do his attack which is a boomerang. Now the player has learn what this enemy can do without really fighting him. This allows him to form a plan to jump over the boomerang.

I think you were trying to do that with the first level in a few spots but it doesn't seem to have worked well.

-The tentacles, i have no problems with how they worked.

-first guard, he seems painfully slow and this is more related to the room size then the guard himself. One of the best part of a stealth game is seeing how fast you can get past people and this normally involves doing something interesting. There are times when you do need to slow down and figure things out. Quite frankly, i don't think this teaches the player anything that well. if this was teaching the hide mechanic then i think it has a lions den mentality which i don't think is a good idea.

-second/last level 1 guard, this you seemed to be trying to teach the stone throwing mechanic. This is more of what i'm talking about when citing mega man. Again, something iffy about it to me but the only real complaint i have is that the guard is looking directly at the princess but doesn't react unless you do something really stupid. in fact i think once or twice i jumped over him. I suggest you make him look the opposite direction. also, he in general seems to be buggy. You might want to look into limiting how far the stone/princess can be for him to react to it/them. Talking about the stones, it might be nice to have a indicator of how much power is in the stones. Like maybe having little stars on top of her head and she gets another star for each time she goes through the animation for getting ready. then you just stop giving stars when the animation is done. This last bit is really just a thought.

- the moving back and forth bars.... Did you know you can just stand still and they won't bother you? I didn't until the second level. Forcing the player to stand and not jump over them once, might have giving them player the knowledge they needed.

What i found really annoying is a gap you want me to jump that's about 4 blocks wide. I hadn't been given any real test like that before and i was unsure if i could really make it or if you were trying to get me killed. So i had to test by making my character jump the opposite direction where i knew it was safer. What you could have done is on the first level, make the player platform from one side to another. Each block is 1 block distance more away from the one to it's left. If the player falls that have to walk back. But it should be easy for the player to get a grasp on their jumping ability this way without throwing them to the loins.

This is just general game mechanics that are poorly explained, during the course of the game; but something i think your game needs is a forgiveness system. I get spotted by a guard, what happens? Instant game over. I mean i can totally out run these guys. The guards are to digital about spotting and in some instances that might be great. But when i'm hiding behind a pillar and i by mistake run when a guard is 2 blocks away and not crawl, why can't i rehind behind to pillar. What i suggest is if the guards hear a sound, like from a stone, they'll take 500_milliseconds to have a question mark above their heads unless they visually spot you. Then they'll check behind themselves.
If player touches, jumps or exist behind guard, they are spotted. Then have the guards chase after the player. It will mix things up and not force player to start at the very start because they made a simple slip up. You might even want to make the guards a little bit faster than the player.

Next for the backgrounds; they look.... plain... and lacking. Sorry but i felt like i was looking at wallpaper, not a dungeon. Add a locked door, or some stockades every once in awhile. A busted(broken) up ladder where the player needs to go up.

Now i'm right now just grasping on everything i can to complain but i think the game has promise and i don't think you have time to really do anything with my criticism. but if you do or you make a second game after this, please keep it in mind. Hell, just because i think this has promise, i kinda want to look at your source code and see what i could do with this game. Not saying i could make it better, even with all that complains i've given you but it's a thought.

oh also, on the first hole where you can fall down and lose. I think that the animation for the jump might play to long which forces you to wait right there so that you can jump again.

Mind if i record the demo without any of the H scene? Mind if i post this on to LOK?
Re: Damsel quest (working title)

What had to be said about the game, B-Light's already mentioned it. Game is quite good, only it's a bit hard on the gamers that stumble upon it, since it hardly does teach the mechanics of the game to them, and that really is something of a problem.

But I'll be repeating stuff if I continue with this, I'll talk, however, about the next section of the game. Which plays almost as a traditional shooter.

That's right, a shooter, with a couple of mechanics messed up, or changed, which for the most part, I'd say is a good thing, giving the game flavor to it. It does fall in the same problem that, there's nothing explained about how it's played, leaving the player to drop into the abyss below before he can comprehend he's supposed to do something to stay afloat.

Then comes the enemies, which comes only in 3 flavors. Bullet spamming mooks, instakilling mooks that spawn every so often, and the boss. Not a whole lot of variety out there, but I have to say, they work, for how short and challenging the section is.

There's, however, a couple of issues with this section as well, as said before, there's no explanation as to the controls of the section. I assume the explanation for the change in gameplay style is going to be explained through some kind of cutscenes or something, because otherwise, it's just a jarring transition.

Other thing is, one of the ways you lose the section, let's explain it first, the objective is to avoid falling, that's clearly the objective since the attacks of both kind of mooks are geared to send the character down, so you at least know you are losing if you go down, however, you can also die from going too far up, with no warning that you can. That's in my opinion, more than a bit annoying.

More on the problems, there is hardly any feedback on it right now. You don't know if your attacks are damaging until the mook goes puff, as the bullets go right past them, there's no indication that they are going to attack either, but that's a much more minor problem that many can overcome just by observing the intervals between shots enough. The insta-death enemies have no cue either, leaving you to face randomly spawning instagibbing flying bricks, it's not too bad either, unless you are on the edge of the screen they spawn from, but why would you do that?:rolleyes:

The boss battle is itself fairly easy, adding to that the lack of any instagibbing attack and simple patterns that can be avoided without problem, the boss is a cake walk compared to the onslaught of before. It's challenging, of course, but after the track course from hell that you need to clear before reaching it, it feels much more easier by comparison.

CGs, the main reason many are playing this game to begin with ;)
I can't say nothing bad of the CGs, there's variety as well as a bit of creativity behind a number of the CGs, all of them fitting, colorful, and above all, a treat for the eyes. Makes for a pleasant sight.

The game in its entirety is quite fun, it's only short coming is that it expects the players to know of how it works from the very beginning barring a number of shoddy attempts.
Re: Damsel quest (working title)

thanks for the reviews both of you, i can assure you that there will be at least instructions before the start of that shooter level arma, i've been trying to think how i could clue the player in on not going off screen... but nothing but an explanation screen feels right...i keep imagining those ones on kingdom hearts 2 before a mini game...

also, does anyone fancy commissioning porn from me today? i need a small break and i'd like to earn enough money to buy domino's pizza tommorrow

Prices are going up soon but for now they're as follows
digitally coloured works
£7 per character
£5 per chibi
+£2 for simple backgrounds
+£5 for 18+ stuff
Re: Damsel quest (working title)

I'd support you if I had any disposable income, or was set up to make online transactions. As is I'm a student without any way of getting money across the internet. Double whammy.
Re: Damsel quest (working title)

I'd support you if I had any disposable income, or was set up to make online transactions. As is I'm a student without any way of getting money across the internet. Double whammy.

dayum... this is why paypal is important :)
Re: Damsel quest (working title)

right, i've got the next 3 days to finish the remaining 6 cgs, but i also need a commission in the next 3 days, not for anything important, but i'd like to be able to lend my friends money to get to my cosplay meet on saturday :D

so again, if anyone would like some hentai i draw most things and my prices are fair :)
Re: Damsel quest (working title)

hoping to boss rush the remaining 5 cgs tomorrow, been feeling ill today :)

this will bring the cg count up to 17 (and more if i can think of any great ideas)

after this i just need to
design levels 4,5,8,9
insert the instructions for the shooter stage (and controls from the title menu)
ready the unlock.ini and get the game released
gallery mode(?)

censor images, release on dlsite aswell
Re: Damsel quest (working title)

with the unlock method i'm using patches to the game can be made simply by changing the demo file so i'll be sure to post
Re: Damsel quest (working title)

hmmmmm to futa or not to futa... (nunu the witch) i think if i futa her i could beat this art block but this would meean only one lesbian cg in the entire game...which feels like a travesty...

the plus side is i could probably finish on time...
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Re: Damsel quest (working title)


Re: Damsel quest (working title)

when will it be on sale?
Re: Damsel quest (working title)

when will it be on sale?

at the current rate im working it I should have it up for sale on the 6th...
but at most it will take an extra week on that barring ridiculous circumstances

I have 2 levels and the first half of the final boss to go :)
and 4 cgs still
Re: Damsel quest (working title)

i love the princess's spanked hip:)
i want to torture the princess....
