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Sign-up and OOC

Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Yeah spontaneously disappearing characters is not good for the game, but the fight would be rather boring at least for me if I'm running everyone but Ryu and Tass's characters. I'll think on it. It's not really neccesary for you to capture or defeat Irontusk anyways. In case you guy's didn't catch on to that, he's already done the bit I had set up for him plus you put the kibosh on the chase scene I had planned.

I have a person to play a healer, but we also apparently need an arcanist of some sort now. So if you guys can think of someone who's up for it try and recruit, I'll do the same.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

*holds up sign* LFAoE. Bonuses include: surly dwarf and burly fighter. Loot negotiable.

Can't think of anyone off the top of my head, sorry. If push comes to shove, I can make a secondary charrie. I'm used to running two at a time.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

I put up a thread to look for a replacement. In the meantime we can finish up the fight we are currently on. If it looks like the group is having a hard time finishing the fight off. Copper's character can happen by to help out since she's finished with her part of the search.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Here is the sheet I made up. I am presuming that I should be at level one.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Okay, looks good. Probably introduce you when they get back to the inn to regroup, and when the others disappear. The same goes for Gremlin's character. If you guy's want to you can also post your character sheets on the character sheet/campaign info thread. Any questions or anything just ask.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Whoops. Didn't see the suggestion to come help until later tonight. If you still want me to drop into the fight, I'll do it, but from the look of things, the guys have things under control. If you'd like, Ronny, and it won't be too confusing, I can meet the newer charries at the inn, so perhaps they might have an in?
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Yeah wasn't neccessary. I was just going to use it if it turned out harder, but they were getting good rolls. That will probably work to introduce the new guy's by meeting you first at the bar, before the other's arrive.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

i thought i was supposed to be a secret, all hush hush and everything =P
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Yeah, but more people dropped out and introducing two charries in that fashion would be stretching it. So just put your sheet up and when they finish with the current scene you and Phoenix will be introduced to Copper's character at the inn. Huzzah.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

I have begun to exist again - getting used to college life, schedule is settling down again. If you want to continue this, I'll actually be playing. ^^''
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Hmm, why did I figure you would suddenly show up right at the perfect time. I was just about ready to hide your character till you came back. Anyways glad to have you back. The fight at Barge End is over and they're trying to get Irontusk to talk. So if Melissa has anything to say go ahead.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

I do - I remember the name Maursebane...

I am sorry for my absence. Christmas + college and all that knocked me through a loop. ^^''
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

How about refreshing for the rest of the class? *chuckles* Well, I'll be chilling at the inn for the time being, having the breakfast that I missed. Not going to post and interrupt, but if Ronny wants to set a scene in the middle of the post-fight inquisition, feel free, heheheh.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

I'll probably do the introduction scene after I finish the post-fight stuff. As to the refresher here's a quick synopsis for everyone.

The group stopped two thieves from robbing the shop of of Theldrat a locksmith. The thieves were taken a way by a guard captain identifying himself as Sir Greydan Mauresbane, apparently either a priest or paladin of Heironeus. They were hired by Theldrat to find out what happened to a key that was missing from his shop and also learned that a book was stolen from the Greyhawk library by a priest of Boccob. At this point the party split up ith Krys (Copper) going to investigate the book and the temple of Boccob. The rest of the party went to find Irontusk, a half-orc who was supposedly working with the Green Daggers, a band of rogues affiliated with the Greyhawk thieves guild. They fought with him and are currently finishing up with the questioning. Krys found a few tidbits of information which should point the group in the right direction when they rejoin and figure out what to do.

Any questions about what's happened so far just ask.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Wow, it must be the fact that he's a member of law enforcement. That's twice I forgot his name. *laughs*
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

I guess this isn't a good time to mention I'm studying for a law-enforcement job then. I'm also worried she won't remember what she learned on her own now.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

I'm talking from my character's point of view. And that's what saved PMs are for. Though it has been a while...
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Oh yeah, I guess you are a rogue aren't you. If you need a refresher, I can summarize what you learned in a PM. Instead of trying to read all the way through them to remember the important points.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

That would be helpful, thank you. I remember the general gist of it, but I would have to skim through for the important details.

(Quick, someone make a Knowledge Religion check! Seems the most likely be that to me, since deities are in the PHB.
I swear, if the maimed one is Vecna...)

Well, he does only have one hand and one eye...and no head, but that's a cruel but funny DM joke...
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Re: Sign-up and OOC

Alright I'll work on sending it to you, then.

Don't forget he's also missing a foot, a few more fingers, and I belive his heart. Of course not all the Vecnan body parts are real, some are just fakes as far as I know. Besides if I had called him the Archlich I thought it would have been to easy for you guy's.