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RPG RPG Maker [ ももしば杏子] イルツォーク・サーガ ~女戦士レンの冒険~ (RJ119355)

Re: RJ119355

I haven't fought her yet, but I guess she would be one of the strongest :D

And I did know about the birth and abort skills, what I meant was, what happened if you gave birth to a monster you already had? Answer: She aborts. Likewise if your party is full.

Also, I noticed that monsters kind of get their unique and ultimate skill at Lv 20, which is kind of cool, but so far I think is better to stick with the later monster because they get much better stats. Still, the Large Rat gets nice skills and the ultimate deals a lot of damage, for example, so maybe some people will prefer those monsters and fill them with stats increase items.

Here I will post every monster skill list until Lv20, not sure if they get more skills after that, but it doesn't look like it. (names of the skills aren't accurate, I'll just write what I think it is based on google translation and what the skill does =P) (I won't describe obvious skills like "Heal" or "Hi-Heal", "Fire", etc, just the target like one enemy, or all enemies)

Monster Skills
[Lv20]Spray of Healing Water: Fully recovers Party HP and for 4 Turns regens TP
Heal, Hi-Heal, Ex?Heal (I think it fully heals, not sure): One party member.
Heal All: Party
Cure: Poison and Paralysis. (One party member)
Hi-Cure: Everything except Downed. (One party member)

Good until you get Jellyfish

[Lv20]Dragon Claw Round Dance?: Attacks twice an enemy ignoring Defense (this one does very good damage :D)
Tackle: One enemy loses balance (stun I guess). Damage depends of Attack and Defense of user
Guard: Protects party member with lowest HP for 1 Turn
Iron Clad Defense: Almost inmune to physical damage for 3 turns (haven't tested how good it is yet)
Flash Ball: Blind all enemies (don't know if 100% success rate)

This dude looks to be really good even though is one of the first ones. Have to wait and see the others, but so far it has the single enemy most damaging skill :O

[Lv20]Breath of Deadly Poison: Deals damage and causes Poison to all enemies (don't know if something else)
Poison Mist?: Poison all enemies
Pollen Mist?: Puts all enemies to sleep
Numbing Breath: Paralyzes all enemies
Song of Temptation: Confuses all enemies

Like most RPGs, states are mostly useless, bottomline: I didn't like this monster at all =/

[Lv20]Deadly Poison Needle: Attacks one enemy for so-so damage, lowers its defense, and probably has a chance to poison and/or kill it.
Goddess Blessing: For 7 Turns gives big physical and magical defense boost to entire party.
Weapon Break, Armor Break: it says little effect, one enemy.
Armor Pierce?: Attacks one enemy ignores defense.
Strong hit: One enemy

Seems like a good fighter but...naaah... =P

[Lv20]Magic Reflect: 1 turn, self?
Dispel: Cancel one enemy boosts
Trip: one enemy loses balance (stun I guess)
Numbing Breath: Paralyze all enemies
Poison Mist: poison all enemies

Don't know why it has MP and the magic skill...never learned one. Besides Dispel, doesn't look good to me. Magic Reflect would be nice if affected entire party.

[Lv20]Magic Barrier: big boost to magic defense for 3 Turns, entire party.
Snowstorm: All enemies. Crappy damage. Never found it useful.

Ice, Hi-Ice: One enemy.
Icewind, Hi-Icewind: all enemies.

You could say it's the Ice mage of the game. Thing is, I don't remember any enemy weak to ice worth noting. Also, I guess Magic Barrier could be helpful, but I prefer the Giant Scorpion skills.

[Lv20]Luminosity of Mana?: Prevents abnormal status to entire party for 5 turns
Breath of Fire: All enemies. Crappy damage. Don't bother, I just found it a little more useful than just attacking with the zombies.
Fire, Hi-Fire: One enemy
Flame Wind, Hi-Flame Wind: All enemies.

The fire mage of the game. Haven't yet finished the game, but I'm thinking his "elite" skill will be useful for later bosses. Also, looks like more monsters are weak to fire :D

[Lv20]Whisper of the Water: Fully heals party HP and for 4 Turns regens party MP
Heal, Heal All, Hi-Heal All
Raise, Hi-Raise: Revives one party member. (Very little HP, and 50%HP I think)

I always like to have a healer besides the heroine in the party, and so far I like this one a lot more than the other choice, the Slime.

[Lv20]Gigas Rampage: Axe attack, all enemies. Based on the TP cost, I assume it should do a lot of damage. Sadly, I can't use it. My guess is you need to equip the orc with an axe, but I can't do that either.
Trip: look spider
Strong Hit: look Hornet
Cleave: physical attack all enemies once.
Berserker Shout: Entire party gets a little boost to attack for 5 turns.

This guy is the standard fighter. Sadly, the heroine does that better. If you could equip the orc with weapons, he probably would rock a lot more.

[Lv20]Nightmare: Puts all enemies to sleep, drastically lowers their magic defense.
Silence: All enemies
Confuse: All enemies
Life Drain: One enemy
Hi-Thunder Wind: All enemies

I like this one a lot. I don't like status change attacks, but it has very good stats, Nightmare looks useful for bosses and their magic defense, and Hi-Thunder Wind hits hard. In fact, I just use that to kill Mountain Bandits to level all the monsters :D
And yep, he's the only one with a Thunder element attack.

[Lv20]Speed Breath: Lower all enemies defense, increases speed of entire party.
Weapon Breath: Increases 1 party member attack
Armor Breath: same, but defense
Slow: all enemies
Armor Down: all enemies

Kind of the buffer. So far, I don't think they are needed. The "elite" skill sounds cool, and the Toxic has nice stats (above average magic def)...but no damaging skills keeps him under the awesome level into the "just good".

Strong Hit.
[Lv20] Holy: 1 enemy
Ice, Water: 1 enemy
Wave, Tornado: All enemies

The sahagin looks interesting. Has different magic elements, some I haven't see in another monster so far. And Holy...come on...those final bosses reek of darkness.

Fire Breath
Poison Mist
Spell Enhance: Greatly increases a single ally magic power

[Lv20]Burst: Magic attack that ignores defense, one enemy.

I knew this one wasn't going to be good. It's elite sucks, so does it's other skills. Except Spell Enhance. I can see how useful it could be paired with the Sahagin and his Holy spell. But why bother?

[Lv.20]Litter Silt?: Greatly increases party defense for 5 turns
Fire Breath
Paralysis Glare: one enemy
Berserker Shout

As with the Cockatrice, I knew it wasn't going to be good, but I hoped one of them would be the "thunder mage". The elite is nice, but there are better, and berserker shout helps getting that load of the heroine buuut...it doesn't have damaging skills nor good stats.

[Lv20] Instant Death: Chance, all enemies.
Strong hit
Ultrasonic: Confuses all enemies

When I got it I thought it would be awesome, but in the end, not so much. It can act twice...some turns...at random. It's skills...are so-so...mostly chance stuff I don't like. It has better than average Attack and Defense, but I prefer a more dependable monster to use.

[Lv20]Absolute Magic Defense: Can't be damaged by magic attacks for 3 Turns
Dragon Claw Round Dance? (yep, it's not even his elite skill :D)
Shadow Legs?: Attacks all enemies ignoring defense. Acts quicker in that turn.
Strong hit

This monster is awesome. Not only it has excellent fighter skills, it has better stats than any monster I've seen so far (except Magic, duh).

[Lv.20] Hide (really): raises user evasion for 5 turns.
Strong hit
Gigas Rampage (can't use it either, can't equip an axe either)
Armor Break: a hit that lowers one enemy defense. Not sure if it does damage, never tried it.

I had high hopes for this one, and they crumbled. It sucks. Really? Hide as his elite skill? REALLY? An OGRE?...Stats are so-so compared with the Dragon, Lesser Demon and even the Werewolf, and no useful skills...

Breath of Recovery: Regen party HP for 4 turns
Arcane Demon: Greatly reduces user MP consumption
Old Dragon Blessing: Greatly increases defense and magic defense for 7 Turns. Entire party.

Hi-Heal All, Hi-Raise
Hi-Fire, Hi-Flamewind
[Lv.20] Nuclear: All enemies, ignores defense. No element I suppose. I think this is the elite skill, I used him to fight the last boss with low level and when I won he gained lots of skills at the same time =P. It's not that great, Hi element all attacks do more damage. Would be useful against hi defense, element resistant enemies...and I don't remember any.

Even though his elite skill sucks, the Dragon "Puppy" is one of the best. Very high stats, lots of helpful techs. The only downside is, you can get it kind of late.

[Lv.20]夢想剣:閃刀: hits one enemy very hard, maybe ignores defense.
袈裟懸け: Slighlty stronger hit than normal attack
烏落とし : normal attack all enemies
瞑想: Heals herself
後の先: Counter stance for 1 turn. No idea how powerful. I rather attack than count on chance =P

Breeze, Tornado.

In terms of stats, I think this one is the best. The skills, are good but not great. I don't know, just a bunch of low cost techs that don't do too much damage, except the elite, but still the dragon nail attack other monsters have is better, just less spammable?. Anyway, a must in your party.

Well, I finished the game, beat the dragon. I just need to level the Cockatrice, Chimera and Ogre, will update later the Dragon and Lesser Devil. I really thought there was one more monster because there is one free spot in the table with the Lesser Devil, which I thought would be the Devil's but it was just a Game Over. Maybe there's something to do with the clear data with the devil's crystal you get at the end, unless you get it just for show, but seeing there's no more room for new CG, you can't use the crystal and there's nothing where the final boss was...I'm guessing that spot is not supposed to fill, is for the heroine or maybe a future update.

Anyways, very fun game, kind of simple but I liked the monster birthing system, loved the art, lots of big boobs, squeezing of said boobs, tentacles, futanari, monsters, big dicks, etc. If I had to complain, I would say that maybe it needed to be a little more..."rough"? You know, lots of ahegao, cum by the buckets, etc. The dragon scene was a bit of a letdown, it's supposed to be HUGE. Still, like I said, I loved the art (did I mention the big boobs? :D), those are just minors gripes. Could someone recommend another game with similar style? Art, etc. :D
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Re: RJ119355

Finished the monster's skills list :D
Quite frankly, few monsters suck but the Lesser Demon and Dragon are so strong that they overshadow the rest. I would go the those two and the Jellyfish as the healer, unless you want the heroine to heal and get another monster, like the Werewolf, maybe try the Sahagin's Holy (it probably does wonders with the last boss) or the Scorpion (Fire is a good element and its elite is useful).

I saw there's a new version, anyone knows what's new?
Re: RJ119355

Kinda stuck here. Killed 3 of the bosses: the Wooden man, the bandits, Orcs in dungeon. What do i do about the desert dungeon with the broken bridge? and where else can i go? Plus, theres that area with the rain that i cant access.
Re: RJ119355

If you mean the bridge inside the dungeon in the desert after the oasis, is not broken, it's submerged. Just outside the dungeon, to the left, there is a spot where the water is going in, just interact with it and she'll put a boulder on it.

When you advance in the story it will stop raining in the other field.
Re: RJ119355

Does this have a translation? Else i was thinking about doing a partial.
Re: RJ119355

And finished!


Click the tutorial in sig on how to apply.
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Re: RJ119355

Hey yugi, two things:

1.) Thanks for making a translation of this game! :D
2.) I think there's a problem with the translation download link. Its been reading temporary error for a while now. :confused:

EDIT: Scratch that, found the problem. ^.^'
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Re: RJ119355

Works fine for me right now when i tried. Might just be Mega's server.

Re-uploaded Partial:
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Re: RJ119355

can this thread get renamed with "[ももしば杏子] イルツォーク・サーガ ~女戦士レンの冒険~" ?
putting only "RJ119355" making this thread hard to get searched ...

Works fine for me right now when i tried. Might just be Mega's server.

Re-uploaded Partial:
I'm using your translation and continuing a bit out of it ...
some change I made ... (all credit still goes to you tough)
1. I edit MAP and show the spot which give you "Give Up" Special Skill (DONE)
(the effect exactly like Poison Herb, BTW, this is VANILLA, the maker already make the spot, just make it totally invisible and unnoticeable)
2. Translate all "item get" from quest, chest, etc ... (DONE)
3. now translating "sign" around the map ... (ongoing)
4. translating Adventure Guild Memo (DONE)
(there are many hint in here, but some is repeatable, thus I leave few of them in RAW condition)
5. Translating Teleport List from "Feather of Angel's" (DONE)

Stopping for a while to watch RAW No Game No Life Ep 06 ... =3= ... now continuing again ...

I notice there's a bug / glitch at "Imp Defeat" script ...
in setting, it should give pregnancy to Imp character ...
but it don't give anything ... I can't fix this tough ...
(probably an older version)
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Re: RJ119355


only a few change I think ...
15 May 2014

Putting Gold Statue spot to mark "Give Up" Skill at "Village in the Forest"
(Top Left at side Weapon Shop, I put an event in it)
Note : I don't think this is a cheat or something since ...
1. originally this game have that skill obtained spot at there
2. in GOR type, this should be given at start of game instead

Translate most "Sign" (if not all, tough maybe I miss few of it)
Translate all "item get" from quest, chest, etc ...
Translating Adventure Guild Memo
Translating Teleport List from "Feather of Angel's"
Translating dialogue a bit here and there, but not all of it ...

also I edit a bit of Face and Sprite for "Children" ...
(you need NG if you want it tough)
Re: RJ119355

Hey thanks to both of you for your translations, but yariel can you try and upload the translation in another server other than deposit?
thanks a lot
Re: RJ119355

So anyone could tell me what latter part of ver1.1 add?

ver1.1 ゲーム内テキスト修正、回想シーンのBGM再生修正、アイテム「エリクサー」効果修正、

ver1.2 回想シーンを1シーン追加(オーガ関連)、アイテム「神々の羽」仕様修正

ver1.3 雪球のイベント修正

ver1.2 roughly add the other ogre scene to scene replay(previously only 1 ogre scene that can be replayed), and ver1.3 just event fix on snowball area

first part of ver1.1 are text fix, BGM when replaying scene fix, elixir fix, and always show birth scene even if you already have the child, but i'm not sure the last one

i use AGTH ATLAS to translate so maybe not everything are correct
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Re: RJ119355

I am working on uncensoring this game basically for my own edification, but I figured I would see if it was something anyone else would be interested in checking out. So far I have all the birthing scenes done, a few(maybe all?) of the battle pics, and the first few misc CGs.

Method for installing is the same as for installing translations and such.

Let me know if this is something you'd like me to keep updating on here, and I may do other games if there is enough interest.

Also, if anyone has version 1.3 of this game, could you be so kind as to share it? I realized I only have 1.1.
Re: RJ119355


no one has the new version?
Re: RJ119355

Ver1.3 - I think.
Re: RJ119355


only a few change I think ...
15 May 2014

Putting Gold Statue spot to mark "Give Up" Skill at "Village in the Forest"
(Top Left at side Weapon Shop, I put an event in it)
Note : I don't think this is a cheat or something since ...
1. originally this game have that skill obtained spot at there
2. in GOR type, this should be given at start of game instead

Translate most "Sign" (if not all, tough maybe I miss few of it)
Translate all "item get" from quest, chest, etc ...
Translating Adventure Guild Memo
Translating Teleport List from "Feather of Angel's"
Translating dialogue a bit here and there, but not all of it ...

also I edit a bit of Face and Sprite for "Children" ...
(you need NG if you want it tough)

The link is dead. Do you still have it?