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[DMM] Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Well you ask generosity from people that are closing the game, letting down any player, even the payers....

For the CGs, there's always a chance they would be leaked somehow.
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

With some help from marcus I've downloaded an extra 500 cards so far, with at least 200 CG's included.
I'll likely replace my old gallery with a new grouping scheme.

I feel like I'm missing a number of cards, based on the "skill cut-in" set that I've downloaded. I'm definitely missing a few monsters.
Will have to generate a mapping file to determine which ones I'm missing.

Definitely missing these

If anyone has these in their collection let me know what the URL's are for the card images.
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Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

If anyone has these in their collection let me know what the URL's are for the card images.

To fully help the cause I pulled some tickets I've been storing here is the R you wanted.
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad


You found a pattern that I didn't have, which led to 5 new character groups (however they're all just monsters, no girls)

After matching each character with each ID, these are the girls that are currently missing:

Take note of the "second version". These refer to the card rarity: I don't know what the rarity is, but it should be at least R or above.
Different characters have the same skill cut-in image, but have different cards and scenes.

So, there's about 30 characters missing, but fortunately over 130 have been found.

Since I've already got them numbered properly, I will upload whatever I've found so far. Maybe some people will be more motivated after seeing it almost complete.
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Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

I have a few of those cards but I haven't evolved most of them this is what you needed right? also I believe the second version you are referring to is the kira versions of the cards they just have the same scene with a holographic backround and higher stats than the normal version so I think u can skip kira versions

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Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Great, this takes care of about half of them.

But I see what's going on. A lot of those cards start with MM. This does not conform to the standard where you have 3 letters, which is used as the character ID, and so I never bothered trying to perform searches on it.

I wonder if there's something special about them, like maybe they don't have any other rarity versions?

For the cards with the glitter, ya I just noticed them. Was wondering why their backgrounds were so sparkly.
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Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

I believe is the only card with no evolutions and I think the wiki said it came from something special that happened before I started playing so I dont have it, but I'm guessing it can be stripped at least.
is the rest I dont have I dont think anyone in my friend list currently uses those cards either and I think all those cards with MM might of came from the same event if I'm remembering correctly
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Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Should be the last of the current characters available.

Here's 149



For 150, these are the CG's:
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Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Thanks for sharing the pics

It was a good game, but the last events were not worth of the time that we spend in it. And now that it will be closed soon, is time to move to another game.

Looking forward for the Asagi game and trying a bit more Dungeons and Princess at this moment.

See you at there people.
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

It would be interesting if we could host the game ourselves.
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

thanks alot for this finale wed be totally screwed without you here
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

hi finale thanks for the hard work. Was wondering if you managed to pull more cards other than the ones in your newer gallery or if you needed more url to find more patterns. I might have a girl or two you may not have or could unlock if that is the case.
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

If you've found some cards that aren't there, just post the URL's up and I'll run a search for others.

Are these from the new event?
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Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Found this card...not sure if there's more.
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Found this card...not sure if there's more.

I dont have its final form

Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

I've updated the gallery with the H-scenes
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Here are links. Sorry for delay, just didn't find time. I was going to give you links for that girl and another. I'll post them in case they can help with salvaging more you may have missed.

and the other character you don't have (I have lots of urls of the same image in different urls and dimensions. i'll just post them):

Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Thanks, I have a couple of her cards but it looks like I only got a third of them.

I ran some searches but I didn't get anything else...so maybe that's it.
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Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Less than a week left I guess.
Anything new?