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ACT Vore [スタジオ ぽりたんく/ Studio P] 聖魔の迷宮 / Labyrinth of Holyma (RE126415, RJ126415)

Re: [RJ126415|ACT]The Labyrinth of Holy Magic

The game doesn't work for me.
It starts but when I select Start or Load the Runtime window pops up and the game crash...
I tried the Japanese Locale, but the game doesn't work either.

I have a Win7 with Italian Locale...

Does the path name to the game contain any japanese characters? If yes, pls remove them.
Re: [RJ126415|ACT]The Labyrinth of Holy Magic

Does anybody know what the items you can buy do?

The first one replenishes your Health but I dunno what the other two do...
Re: [RJ126415|ACT]The Labyrinth of Holy Magic

Does anybody know what the items you can buy do?

The first one replenishes your Health but I dunno what the other two do...

I generally assumed that A was an attack buff and D was for defense, which I could at least confirm the attack one, you're hard capped on only having 3 of each

Also, using the items has them somehow becoming sentient and having their way with the character before providing whatever it was they're trying to provide.
Re: [RJ126415|ACT]The Labyrinth of Holy Magic

I think the blue item ups your defence for a short time
and the red does the same for your attack
Re: [RJ126415|ACT]The Labyrinth of Holy Magic

Does the path name to the game contain any japanese characters? If yes, pls remove them.

No, the Path is D:\The Labyrinth of Holy Magic\start.exe o game.exe
Re: [RJ126415|ACT]The Labyrinth of Holy Magic

No, the Path is D:\The Labyrinth of Holy Magic\start.exe o game.exe

Maybe try changing the path from D: to C: instead and see if that works.
Re: [RJ126415|ACT]The Labyrinth of Holy Magic

Maybe try changing the path from D: to C: instead and see if that works.

Doesn't matter the hardisk where I put the game: C:, D: or E: is the same...
Re: [RJ126415|ACT]The Labyrinth of Holy Magic

Everybody above is correct. However, I believe you start out only being able to carry 1 at a time. There are two +1 badge-looking upgrades in the game that up this capacity to 3. To recap, A stands for attack, D stands for defense. You are invincible while the items are "taking effect" and they can be stacked with each other (i.e. you can have Attack and Defense on at the same time and heal yourself if needed without dropping any buffs).

In my experience, Defense lasts longer than Attack. I could be wrong about that though.

@|Alien| Try updating codecs, DirectX, and Flash. Also check your graphics card driver. Last but not least, try re-DL but before that, scan your current DL with a virus scanner and inspect all filenames to make sure nothing looks corrupted (if you see a bunch of dots or spaces, or an out-of-place file extension, that's what I'm referring to).
Last edited:
Re: [RJ126415|ACT]The Labyrinth of Holy Magic

No, the Path is D:\The Labyrinth of Holy Magic\start.exe o game.exe

Try renaming the folder back to seima, so that the pathname is D:\seima\start.exe
Re: [RJ126415|ACT]The Labyrinth of Holy Magic

So there was an update,anyone sure what about?
Re: [RJ126415|ACT]The Labyrinth of Holy Magic

So there was an update,anyone sure what about?

Google Translate:
bug: problem enemy there is not registered in the gallery I shoot a shot and then tends to be the three upgrade the shot interval: ■ bug problem to freeze the (str also returns to its original rel equals 2 if it is possible to load this version also data that you have already saved in this state are sorry for the inconvenience apologize.) ■ bug: save after clear. Please rename to save.sav by copying the same folder as the game.exe Sorry save since the last should have been backed up to a bak folder Those who issue that would delete the sav had been (deleted ..) did apologize for trouble, inconvenience and I prepared for those options for a character does not appear: ■ added. You may be able to display characters by pressing the F8 key character who does not come out. However it may be difficult to read edging character is eliminated. ■ Additional: I added a trick to fully open the gallery. Please see the back of the gallery tricks txt release for more information. ending with the fall of the mystery in the room of the last trial version: ■ bug Here's an in Easy mode: Add ■. ■ Add: H text to be displayed when the zoom in the gallery just a little weak first boss: ■ Adjust Added scaffolding because there was a scaffold not reach the sky corridor in some environments: ■ Add
Re: [RJ126415|ACT]The Labyrinth of Holy Magic

He just states these bugs exist, but I'm going to assume he means that they've been fixed.

DLSite said:

-Bug: Certain enemies not being registered in the Gallery
-Bug: The game freezes if you attempt to shoot with REL of 3 or higher. (Loading a save data with REL of 3 or higher in this version will reduce the stat to 2 and restore you original STR)
-Bug: Clearing the game erases your save data. (If this happened, please use the final save in the BAK folder, moving it to the main folder and renaming it to "save.sav")
-Bug: The Trial Version ends at the mysterious drop in the final room.

-Added: In the case in which characters [letters] are not appearing, pressing F8 may make the characters begin to appear. This will also make the bordering on the characters disappear, so it may make it harder to read.
-Added: A cheat to unlock the full gallery. The method is in the ギャラリー解放の裏ワザ.txt file.
-Added: Easy Mode has been added.
-Added: When using the Zoom feature in the gallery, H-Text will now be displayed.
-Added: Added a platform in one section of the environment to allow you to reach the Sky Corridor.

-Adjustment: The first bost was retuned to be a little weaker.

I'd post the info for the full unlock method, but I don't have v1.02, so I don't have the txt to translate it.
Re: [RJ126415|ACT]The Labyrinth of Holy Magic

Is there any CG here or only sprites
Re: [RJ126415|ACT]The Labyrinth of Holy Magic

What enemies perform sex attacks on you in this game?
Re: [RJ126415|ACT]The Labyrinth of Holy Magic


Re: [RJ126415|ACT]The Labyrinth of Holy Magic

Pretty interesting game. Beat the 3rd boss and now in the volcano looking place. Enjoying it so far :) Just wish I knew what all the stuff was on the vendor.
Re: [RJ126415|ACT]The Labyrinth of Holy Magic

Thanks for the 1.02, here's some more translations of stuff.


Ignore the stats, I was playing around with some numbers after I beat the game lol.

1) Easier to break out of grabs
2) Strength of power ups increases (not sure what its referring to here >.> maybe charged shots? If someone figures out I'll update this)
3) Repair kits heal for more
4) Invincibility time after being hit increases
5) ATK and DEF +5
6) Slowly regenerates life over time
7) ATK +8

8) Def +3
9) Increases your damage as your stun meter goes up
10) Repair kits drop more often
11) Bullets pass through enemies
12) Increases the chances of getting cores from enemies
13) Automatically charges your shots when you aren't firing

If there are any skills I missed (which there are), post a picture of their text (or just post the text if you can do that) and I'll translate it for you.

The Shop:
First option is to unlock Skills that you've picked up (the yellow crystals). Costs a number of different coloured cores plus some EN to unlock them. You start with 1 skill slot, but eventually get two more.

Second option is to sell your spare cores.
Reds sell for 200
Blues sell for 500
Greens sell for 1000
Blacks (purple, actually) sell for 1500
Whites sell for 2000

You are capped at 9 of a specific type of core, so it is in your best interest to sell a few if you get that high - you get some bonus EN for picking up cores over your cap, but its not as much as you get from selling them.

Third selection from the shop girl is for Items. The green helmet thing heals you to full, the red one increases your attack for 1 minute, the blue one increases your defense for 1 minute.

To unlock the full gallery,
During the game, hold F9 and press ESC. This is IRREVERSIBLE.

About easy mode:
You can switch the game to easy mode while in a place that has a shop by holding F9 and pressing the Jump key.

Easy mode changes:
1. Platforms that fall when you step on them no longer fall
2. Blocks that blink in and out no longer do so
3. Fixed spikes and lasers do less damage
4. Invincibility time after being hit is increased

The strength and experience given by enemies is unchanged, so you can grind up to your heart's content.