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Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Aurora gave a soft moan as the warrioress continued right on after the dragoness had made one sizable mess already. She looked over her shoulder to give Denna an appreciative look, despite it being tinged with one of pleasure from her working hand. "I am not sure it is really helping. You hand just seems to make it worse." After a moment she stopped Denna's hand with a surprisingly gentle touch. She then slid around in Denna's lap to face the warrior.

"I think it may take something else to break it." Her eyes searched the warrior's face, clearly wondering what she would do. Her fangs nibbled on her bot lip, a small bead of red meeting one fang as she watched the warrior curiously. Having turned around, the dragoness' tone and voluptuous body would be on display to Denna. Small beads of white stood out against her dark skin and seemed to be coming from the dragoness' nipples.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Denna worked, blushing embarrassedly as Aurora looked back at her. At Aurora mentioning it making it worse, Denna raised an eyebrow. "Worse? How on earth would it make it worse? Stupid drugs..."

When Aurora turned around to face her instead, Denna's blush intensified further, her shuddering. "S-something else? L-like what? I told you I'm really new to all this!" IT was really hard to imagine otherwise what was happening with Aurora on her lap and facing her, that she was jerking off a cock equipped dragon woman who wanted even more of... something! She idly noted that Aurora was lactating too.

"Uh... You're losing milk... Are you pregnant too?," asks Denna, momentarily distracted from the situation.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

The goblin was twitching madly as Tasha slowly sped up the movements of her hands. Every second pump of her hand caused Spiffy's shaft to spit out a small glob of pre-cum, as if having a mini-climax from her efforts while he looked strained and suffered. "S-Spiffy can't hold it i-if mistress speeds up!" the goblin cried out. Rolling her tongue along the tip would earn her tongue a coating of his potent devil seed, the taste unmistakable and unique for better or worse. That's when she suddenly felt him spurt one rope of cum into her mouth and onto her tongue. Though nothing followed. It was as if Spiffy started to cum and managed to actually stop himself from continuing to cum. He seemed still tensed, but a lot more relaxed, as if relieved from having released just a little so that he could keep lasting longer.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha blinks as the sudden taste hits her like a squirt of lemon juice. Well, not precisely the same taste, but it almost elicits the same reaction, causing the hairs on her tail to bristle with shock. Okay, she probably deserved that one, but she couldn't help her sadistic urges. Making sure no one's paying attention, she discreetly spits it to the side before continuing to stroke and massage the goblin's cock. She was actually quite impressed with how well he was holding up, given the circumstances. Wiping her mouth with her other hand in a very catlike manner, she smirks at the goblin, before her ears pick up the conversation with Denna and Aurora. Cat eyes gleaming with equal parts mischief and a bit of a predatory sadism, she gets an entertaining thought. Poor girl needed to work off some steam after her drugs. Well, since she wasn't entirely in the mood to mate proper, and poor Spiffy looked desperate to sink his manhood into something aside from her hand, there was only one course to take. Besides, her new boss was looking more and more uncomfortable by the second.

Continuing to stroke his shaft faster, Tasha whispers in the goblin's ear, "Good boy, Spiffy. You may now cum when you wish. As another reward, I have another task for you. You've left me nice and pleased already, but I think Miss Aurora is feeling a bit pent up. Our dear prophet could use a little help easing her pain, I think. Go see if they want help." Besides, her thoughts were on someone a bit bigger who was currently working on her armor. Though, if Krill were to show up, she might take him. And then go after David. The wolf girl needed someone big and strong to truly please her. Someone who could stand on equal footing with her. Looking at Aurora again, however, she feels the dragoness could fit her criteria too. She was certainly strong enough. She'd probably corrupt the poor girl though. The cultists were one thing. They reveled in the corruption, and she was happy to oblige. Newcomers were another thing entirely. She'd gone without really having to force herself on anyone thus far. She remembered the pain, the humiliation, and the undying cold hatred that still lingered with her from her experiences in the Anudor. Sure, she might play rough, tease, and get a little aggressive, but that was as far as she went. After all, rage and lycanthropy were a dangerous combination. Especially since she was among many rapists herself. Many of whom she'd grown fond of after forcing herself to ignore their deeds, blaming them on Kyubi while simultaneously sealing her anger under a small glacier of emotional ice and detachment. She couldn't get angry and hurt her friends so long as that barrier existed. Fearing that the dark thoughts might be written on her face, she shakes them away and concentrates on getting her poor goblin off. After this much torment, he did deserve himself a good orgasm.
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Spiffy nodded when she gave the go ahead, and almost immediately he was releasing all over Tasha in a violent release of his goblin seed, jetting out and getting all over her where it could, drenching everything in it's path as he shot out one long rope of cum with such force that it would have certainly found her womb and then some if he released inside of her.

Spiffy then walked over to Aurora, a bit of a tremble in his step once Tasha let him go. "D... Do you need help... C-can Spiffy help you?" he inquired, looking like Tasha really took a lot out of him. Literally.

Tasha then would see, while looking around, Krill actually coming forward, completely nude and with his cock glistening wet and with Kirin's female scent coming heavily off of him with Kirin's heavy breathing coming from deeper in the house, picked up by her sensitive ears. He smiled at Tasha and the rest when he came out into the back. "Ah, so that's why~" he cooed, possibly wondering what was taking their bath so long. Seeing Tasha on her own (and possibly covered in cum from Spiffy), he'd smile. "You look a bit left out."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha manages to direct Spiffy's release away from her as soon as she felt him start, managing to keep him directed away from her body. She'd just bathed, after all and wasn't in the mood to do it twice so soon. Of course, the appearance of Krill makes her change her mind somewhat as the big man shows up. Upon dismissing Spiffy and seeing one of the people she could call a friend in this village, her mood shifts for the better. Like having a reminder for why she fought hard to keep her emotions sealed. Grinning catlike, she stands up on her clawed tip toes, stretching her arms. "Naw, I was just saving my appetite," she half purrs half growls, cocking her hip and looking Krill up and down, "Seems I made the right choice."

Walking up to him without hesitation, she lightly drags her nails up and down his arm, very close now. She could smell his scent. Masculine. Strong. And lightly accented by his spouse. A worthy mate. Or lover, in this case. Tasha's womb being scarred the way it was, she was unlikely to bear his young. A fact that probably made her a bit less popular in the bedroom at times, but given her pickiness it didn't really come up. Krill didn't seem to care much, from what she could tell. One of the things she liked about the man. No fuss, no hassle.

"The real question is, if you're still hungry," she smiles, her icy blue eyes looking up at him with clear intent. It took her a significant amount of willpower not to just jump him right there, wrap her limbs around him and ride him till she needed another bath.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Auroa shook her head. "No, not pregnant. My body produces healing milk." She shifted in her seat to move away of the warrioress' lap. "I think the drugs are still taking effect over me...." She moved to sit up onto the edge of the tub, her whole body soon being bared to the human. A small blush lighting up her cheeks and face. Her eyes watched the other woman a moment as her tail curled about one of the dragoness' legs nervously.

"Could you use your mouth maybe?" Her blush growing against her dark skin as she clarified what she meant by something else. "I would like the help please...." Her eyes searching the pregnant woman's face. She hoped she wasn't scaring off the woman with her request of her, especially given how nervous the human seemed to be. She turned to the offer and shook her head as she glanced to Spiffy. "I think Denna can help. Thanks though."
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Spiffy walked off. He was sad.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Denna blinks in confusion. "Uh... Healing Milk? What? I guess I'll take your word for it... No offense but dragons are... Odd if that's a thing for them." She frowns in confusion as Aurora got off her lap and climbed onto the rim of the rub, putting herself on display, including her large cock.

It took a moment of staring stunned at the girl cock before the words filtered through into her brain. "M-mouth?" Well she had seen and sorta done oral, though only willingly on girls thus far. Gods that had been embarrassing.

For a moment she thought she was saved when Spiffy came over to offer to help instead, but that was dashed when Aurora turned him down, seeming to only want her. Ah crap. Well, she had done as much for the sukuta in a worse situation. Still, this was... A lot. Of everything.

Denna took a deep breath. "You... Sigh, ya alright but I ain't really done this before. You need the help and well, this is the second time now been having t' help out. Course she was an actual girl girl..." She mumbles a bit, approaching before timidly grasping the dragon's cock again.

She took a breath then took it awkwardly into her mouth, closing her eyes a bit as she tried to not pay attention to the fact it was a girl cock in her mouth, and focused more on sucking on it and trying not to hurt her. She didn't like her position if she accidentally pissed off Aurora.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Aurora gave a soft moan as Denna began to work on her with her mouth. "That is alright...." Despite her draconic appearance, the length of cock Denna was sucking on felt just like any other man's. Though there was a couple differences, one being it felt much warmer then a human's and it' pre was a tad bit spicy rather then salty. Aurora closed her eyes and let the warrioress work in silence, simply enjoying her clumsy attention. Denna could feel the tip twitching with each beat of Aurora's heart.

Not wanting the human to feel a little left out, her hands reached down to gently cup the warrioress' bosom. Her hands kneading the soft flesh and her thumbs lightly rubbing her nipples. Denna could feel something smooth and thick brushing between her thighs, and a glance down would reveal a black scaled tail rubbing her there. Aurora's eyes watched the human woman, as if to ask if it was alright to touch her.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Krill grinned and cocked his head to the side. "I'd normally say I had my meal, but sometimes you smell something so good that you feel compelled to indulge yourself." he replied to Tasha. A few steps forward he'd take, before stealing Tasha's lips, letting her know it's coming before he decides to swoop in to lock lips with her, letting her taste the remains of his wife Kirin's love juices on his tongue. If Tasha didn't refuse him, he'd take one step further and run his hands along her sides, before grasping the rounds of her ass.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha lets out a sultry purr as she locks lips with Krill, Kirin's familiar taste on the big man's tongue. Hers is textured like a cat's with a set of fangs to match. Her tongue dances with his and guides it away from her sharper teeth. Her dental condition had left many hesitant to engage in any sort of oral activity, but she'd become practiced in making sure she never bit anyone accidentally. As Krill's hands wander down to her ass, her tail swishes playfully against his hand. Feeling an excited shiver down her spine, she presses close. Her arms wrap around to him, her claws lightly dragging themselves across his back, more teasing than scratching. Her breasts squish against his chest, the only really soft part of her toned body. Raising one long leg, she curls it around Krill's waist, making herself available and giving herself a better hold of him.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Denna was blushing furiously as she tried to work. That it was human in shape certainly helped, though she did notice the spicyness. Wasn't too fond of it but it wasn't extreme enough to bother her overly.

Her thoughts were jarred though as Aurora grasped her breasts, much smaller than Aurora and Tasha's were. Between the groping and the grinding of a tail between her thighs, it seemed like Aurora wanted to play with her body too. Though given her slow reactions, she guessed Aurora was waiting for permission? She hoped that was it. But she couldn't really respond with her mouth full.

She moved one hand from Aurora's hips that she was using for balance to gently try to move the dragons hands away. Denna wasn't certain if she'd take refusal or not, and wasn't in much position to stop her, but she may as well try it.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Aurora moaned softly as she let the warrioress work, not seeming to mind that she had not wanted the favour to be returned. Instead her hands went to rest gently on Denna's head as she relaxed back and enjoyed the woman's attention and the pleasure coming from her mouth. Her eyes closed as she let out soft moans of delight, pre readily dripping from her already twitching tip. Her hands continuing to rest lightly on her head, not forcing her.

It was not long before she gave a surprised squeak of pleasure and quickly exploded into the woman's mouth. Her slightly odd tasting seed soon filling up her mouth. Breathing heavily she leaned back with a sigh, her eyes looking down at the woman who had just pleasured her. "Sorry about that...... Didn't think I was so close...." She gave the kneeling woman an apologetic look. "Drugs sort of overcame me."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Krill continued kissing Tasha, pressing back against her while taking the leg she wrapped around his waist into one hand, before she felt him press his tip against her folds and promptly penetrate them. His long shaft quickly filled her up. She could feel hardly an inch left inside her body to give to Krill once he was sheathed, as if he was a perfect fit for her cunt. His other hand went to her rump, groping a handful of her alluring ass to both cop a feel and steady her through the rough motions. She could feel his middle finger slip over her rear entry, toying with her anal ring while his long cock slid back and forth, pounding itself steady into her pussy.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Denna worked on the woman's cock, trying to not remember that fact even through the moaning above her. She wasn't sure how she felt about having her hands holding her head like that, even if it wasn't controlling her.

Suddenly her mouth was blasted full of spicy dragon seed, her swallowing and coughing at the sudden spurts from the half reptile. She pulled off and wiped her mouth with her arm, blushing intensely, and looking aside. "It's fine, know how drugs go. You uh... You're alright now, right?"

How much more could the drugs be working on her? Her looking aside put Tasha and Krill into view instead, her blushing there too as she glanced down. Geez. She was going to have to get used to seeing that everywhere she looked though...
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha purrs as she's penetrated, riding Krill just as much as he thrusts into her. Her tail swishes happily from side to side, brushing against Krill's other hand as her clawed toes curl in pleasure. He fit perfectly inside of her, leaving nowhere inside of her untouched as she rode him. She catches the scent of something spicy, and turns momentarily to see Denna coughing up dragon cum. She can't help but chuckle a little at the obviously uncomfortable warrior woman's expense. It'd been a while since she'd been in a similar position, due to the mouthful of sharp teeth she sported. Maybe she'd show her boss how to really get someone off. Turning her attention back to her lover, she grins and hooks her other leg around him, clinging to Krill with her strong legs and arms. Her wings wrap around his shoulders like a shared cloak, wingtips hooking to each other behind his neck. Held up only by her limbs, his arms, and the cock inside of her, Tasha giggles and starts to work herself up and down his shaft, slick inner walls clamping down.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Aurora smiled as she slipped into the pool next to the warrioress. "I think I am better for the moment at least." She gave Denna an appreciative smile. "Thank you." Her hands the reached up to gently wash any traces of her seed that had slipped out of Denna's mouth and made a mess. It was the least she could do for her after what she had done for her. She then relaxed back into the tub once she was finished, content for the moment in the warm water.

"So what else should I expect from those here beside the surprise I already discovered?" Her eyes watching the woman who had just moment before been suckling from her draconic length.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Denna looks back though keeps her gaze above Aurora's face now, coughing a bit embarrassedly when the dragon washed her face. "Yeah, no problem. Nothing much jumps to mind. I mean besides the sleeping with animals and rape stuff, nothing comes immediately as a concern til we get up north. Just try to keep your temper, alright?"

She leaned back in the water with a tired sigh a bit, her fox tail giving a swish. "I'm honestly more worried about how human I'm gonna be by the end, and how much I'll have to endure to get the outcome I want. But I've commited to it now. No point bemoaning it. In the end, long as they are no longer made to act like monsters and everyones safe I'm alright long as I don't just end up the same as the one I'm replacing."

Denna shrugs a moment. "Eh, enough of that though. So, dragon huh. Why the mercenary life? Also aren't you supposed to be like, 50 feet tall with armies of servants and slaves and millions of denarii in runes and relics or something?"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

When Tasha grabbed on, Krill was rather enthralled. He held her by her ass and lifted her up and down while delivering hard thrusts. The sounds of Denna and Aurora speaking to one another were met with the interference of rather loud sounds of flesh slapping against flesh ensuing from the two passionate lovers to the side. And it didn't seem that it would end anytime soon, as despite Kirin having Krill worked up, he apparently already had one load drained from him. So Tasha had to work a bit extracting the next. After a minute or so of constant thrusts, Krill would thrust deep and hold her there, grinding himself around inside Tasha while sneaking a kiss on her lips that carried the flavor of Kirin's pussy, while her own no doubt slightly tasted of goblin cock. Krill didn't seem to notice.

Supporting both their weight eventually got tiring though, so Krill laid down on the ground and let Tasha sit on top of him. Now on top, Tasha was free to control the pace of their sex, while glancing at Denna. "Do you like our new golden tailed friend, Tasha? She is still getting used to our ways, but she is growing used to us quickly." he stated, seeming to be sharing a background thought of affection for the other girl, who was slightly fat with a child.